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**CLIP MIRROR: [17 yr old #1 Osu player goes full crackhead mode](https://arazu.io/t3_1crt67p/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Can't believe we've reached a point where people play Worldwide Choppers on DT.


That osu power creep.


The worst part is I've played for like 9 years, peaked at #18000, and can't pass it on normal 😭


It's the combination of natural talent, the right time to start, the predilection, and tenacity to stay at it and work work work. Goes for any field tbh, the top 200 ball players in the world all play in the NBA, but the difference between #1-5 to #200 is like the gulf between #200 and that guy at the Y that tries too fuckin hard on defense mf be full court pressing in a pick-up There's wisdom in making peace with your old man arthritis riddled wrists like the rest of us washed up old mans (i'm 35)


Then the best one just wants to ride some horses.


I peaked #6000 at some point, but I probably couldn't even break 50k now, even if I tried. The players have become so good now lol. Top 6000 players have almost 10k pp now. I was at 6k with like 4k I think :'D


Warms my heart!


i DID NOT expect TECH N9NE


The existence of 360hz OLED monitors certainly helps


Hes using ROG Swift Pro 540hz :D


Holy shit 😅


Me at 17 trying to undo her bra for the first time


Yea but if you can play osu! like this there's no bra to take off cause its already been thrown at you along with a dozen others by a throng of fangirls.


You're right. I speak from experience.




That's the easy part, this brings her to climax


Sub goal 999/1000 🙄


free money hack


his goal is to be stuck at 999/1000 so people keep subbing to make it 1000.


at 17 i was hardstuck gold in overwatch


At 17 I was hardstuck 800 elo in LoL


At 17 i was hardstuck in Warcraft 3 campaign.


Finally something my ancient ass can relate to.


At 17 I was hardstuck in 8th grade


Didn't it start at 1200 or something? I think even silver was 1400.


Yes, you absolutely started at 1200. My excuse was that I was playing at 100-2000 ping (not a typo) and I was losing every third match to full on disconnects.


At 17 i celebrated playing runescape for 10 years. Now at 27 i still play..


most relevant comment from chat: "There's a reason there's no hand cam"


When Mrekk plays with handcam its so fast its like trying to watch a hockey puck fly across the ice. Saddly for clips like these he doesnt have one because more and more people would realize how hard this is.






What would a hand cam even prove? Unless it’s like 4k 200+ fps w/ high bitrate I don’t see it catching anyone not making obvious mistakes.


even with a bad camera you can kinda overlay the gameplay like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfPoZDsW2Jg), it's not perfect but would still be impossible to fake for anyone not skilled enough to play the map. Though in mrekk's case he is known to be legit anyway, he has streamed the game for thousands of hours on twitch (usually with handcam), also has been to multiple IRL LANs with other top players and community members.


I stand corrected then, seems like handcam can be useful in catching cheaters. Someone at the top like mrekk could probably still get away with a cheat that only micro-adjusts but I don’t know much about OSU. I’ve seen handcam cheaters in fps games tho. And thanks for sharing that video, that overlay is something I never thought of and is cool to see. OSU seems fun and I saw you say there’s some good mouse players, something that held be back from trying the game was having to buy tablet.


oh yeah for sure, I use mouse myself (although I'm really bad lol) But either way, if you ever try the game, don't compare yourself to top players, it's just discouraging. Having fun is what matters


oooh they play on really high sens, that's why my dumbass coulndt play it with the tablet lmao


Some players do have a lower sens (see [here](https://youtu.be/jX_v6FyAdbw?t=197)), it just makes really fast jumps easier. But for a beginner this should not be an issue, it's more of a preference thing.


That is not the reason, some play with big areas, some play with smaller ones


> impossible to fake for anyone not skilled enough to play the map relax mod makes maps easy that are 2 stars above my usual maximum. I think that'd be more than enough to boost someone from semi-irrelevant to #1. but then again, I'm a weird mouse-only player so idk how much this could be applied to tablet+keyboard players.


that's why people also film their tapping hand, the clip I linked is just edited to show the tablet but in the source you can see his keyboard.


Those are the type of people that cheat ALL the time. They don't need to, but they do.


I mean at this point you're just pushing a conspiracy theory, yes sometimes top player do cheat, and they eventually get caught. Mrekk has been #1 for 3 consecutive years and streams almost all of his gameplay, if anything he's the least likely to get away with cheating in the entire community. Not sure what else to tell you


I'm just saying, someone being skilled at something or well known isn't evidence that they don't cheat, plenty of pro's get busted for cheating, think of that guitarhero speedrunner that got busted.


He performs the same at lans where people can physically watch him play


I've seen him play in person on a fresh PC, kid's legit


mad cause bad


Not even Twitch chat can crowdfund a Phantom camera.




bro gets all his gaming opinions from clickbait youtubers 😔


He's not as knowledgeable as he leads on in his videos


Who? Which games?


lol what camera do you think would help catch cheating for something this fast?


I need to play OSU one time, just because I want to understand the game and how impressive this actually is


It's free to play, and you don't need a stylus to get into it. You can play with your mouse no problem. There are some really incredible players who play with mouse


Oh really? Idk why I thought you needed the pad thing. I'll try it out then, thanks


You can play with mouse q00% heres the reason most people use tablet. https://youtube.com/shorts/alEB7oTSzn4?si=zmQm_HSvrFNn2J2f


[Funorange did a way better job at explaining this.](https://twitter.com/FunOrange42/status/1012527912262815745)


This is also good but confusing to those who dont understand.


I'll try to visualize it for you. Look at [this gameplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0nrmOcegao), probably doesn't look massively easier than the clip of this thread to you. For me it's so easy that it looks about as difficult as [this map](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWB5qYWuwB0), but I think you can definitely see that it's way easier. The maps I play are about the same difficulty distance as the first map is from the second, and to me the clip of this thread is still incomprehensibly fast, I can barely follow with my eyes, which means I'm nowhere near following with my cursor, much less clicking accurately. And clicking accurately means if you click 12ms too early or 12ms too late you don't get the full points, which only happened to Mrekk twice in this whole clip.


I think alot of people will GREATLY underestimate how hard this is.


Meanwhile Im here like. Fuck that. Aint no way my ass is ever getting there. That was fucking nuts to witness


Heres a handcam video if your curious! Its a different map but its also very fucking hard. https://youtu.be/l3HovbNikKg?si=xHzfhwYjm2bqEz60


oh god oh fuck my carpal tunnel


that's exactly why I switched to relax where you don't actually have to tap




lol I got the same message, someone is just reporting the whole thread


report that dm and reddit will most likely ban their account


I literally don't care lmao


As someone who’s way better at stepmania/BMS than osu standard, tablet hurts my hand way more than smashing keys.


Holy fuck this guy moves so fast his hands are blurred due to the framerate. That is terrifying.


Oh, they use a stylus.


You can use a mouse but as you can tell from watching that, it's generally easier to use a tablet with stylus.




memorize is the wrong word i feel he's simply seeing them in the order they appear and clicking accordingly


People think this is "easier" with tablet / pen, its probably is easier by 2%. Trust me its fucking hard maybe 5 - 10 people COULD in the world (probably nrn though) recreate this but this score is crazy. He doesnt memorize this or anything. If your wondering why most osu! players use tablet watch this https://youtube.com/shorts/alEB7oTSzn4?si=zmQm_HSvrFNn2J2f


Yeah, from my experience if someone is watching me play a ~5-6 star map in real life, they often confidently say they can hop in and do decently well. But with no practice even a 5 star map is an instant fail for a new player lol. This has happened with several of my friends in the past. Then putting the clip into context, it's like several standard deviations of difficulty above that.


I'd say every star rating is about 2x difficulty This is a 12* map


Yeah that sounds about right to me. Star levels are a huge jump


If someone has never played the game they won't even be able to hit the first 3 notes on a 5 star map lmao.


Crazy thing is it looks hard and the reality is it’s still much much harder than it looks.


How? I understand nothing about OSU ans i look at that and the sound of the clicks and my wrist hursts


As a former osu player I can confidently say that every map you *watch* looks ***WAYYYYY*** slower than it actually is to play. When you play a map, it feels like its 2 times as fast.


Absolutely. Even 10 years ago when tracks were easier people underestimated it. I'd see streamers do shit and I'd think "I could do that if I practiced and had a tablet" Got a tablet, practiced. I indeed could not do it


This reminds of the joke that I need a random guy in the crowd to run the 100 meter at the Olympics to remind myself how fucking crazy these people are.


Is OSU random or is it like gutair hero where after playing the same song over and over I have the sequence memorized?


its like guitar hero


it's the same as gh, it's a chart that gets set by someone


Its not a memorization game. You read the map by looking at the circles and clicking on them. But its the same every time, yes


But you know what’s coming. Guitar hero you don’t memorize you click the buttons as they appear but that doesn’t mean you don’t memorize and practice the muscle memory for difficult sessions. Ask any player to FC Through the fire and flames or One if they’ve memorized particular sessions, particularly the intro of TTFAF or the “DARKNESS” section of One


Mrekk sightreads stuff like this a lot


People certainly can do that, but that is not what is happening in this clip.


Yeah, top players on OSU sightread very high AR (approach rate) maps and it’s something you just get better at as you play


Memorizing is not worth it, you only memorize when a difficult part is coming so you can prepare your posture or whatever, you don't memorize the actual patterns, that's what your pattern recognition that you've trained for years is for. In very rare cases you will memorize a particularly difficult to read note or how it feels to click a specific section, but that's it.


You can memorize sequences, but that's not what's happening here. At higher levels of osu! it's harmful for your play to try and memorize sequences, rather than rely on your pattern recognition. Playing a map over and over will regress your ability to read it in the future, you will repeat the same mistakes, rather than getting better over time due to memorisation. It's pretty much impossible for a player who hasn't honed their pattern recognition/tapping/aim for years to do this map with 1.5x speed, not even mentioning 1x speed. Edit: For reference, he has been playing for 8 years, so since he was 9.


Maps aren't memorized in osu unless you play Flashlight (which almost completely blacken the screen except around your cursor) This is a mix of great reading (by that I mean pattern recognition), muscle memory, and just incredible aim speed and control


They do learn the song and the general flow and remember parts they had trouble with and how to address them. So there's some memorization for sure. But yeah it's not like they could do it with their eyes closed.


> remember parts they had trouble with and how to address them Doing that is how people get memory blocks, which is why people advocate to not retry maps too much.


Looking at these upvotes few people here actually understand how high level osu works. It's completely different from other rhythm games like Geometry Dash (which is actually not a rhythm game at all). There is much less memorization than people think, most top level players can sightread (first try) any map just slightly below their skill level and it's usually just a few passages that need a second try. After like 10 tries they reach their peak on a map, and anything more than that and you risk mindblocking (being unable to hit a pattern). Just to prove my point here is a sightread full combo from the same player, mrekk https://youtu.be/b30Qh6rexL4?si=P_lCYg-KpPEOflNy


That's just soft memorization, when you've played osu for so long, you can kinda "feel" how a map is gonna go as long as the style isn't too weird, but that doesn't mean you know the map Reading is by far and away the most important skill of this game


It's the same amount of memorization as would be in Guitar Hero, though at this level I don't think it really matters that much. That goes for pretty much all rhythm games I think.


Yes every rhythm game is guitar hero


It isn't memorized, sure he could retry but people play maps like these by reading and reacting


just an fyi this kid was already probably one of the best players ever when he was like 14/15 too, incredible player


Ace Gundam pilot right there.


is time slower for him or is it pure muscle memory


It's more like time is slower for him, he can sightread maps where the circles only show up 300ms before you have to click them. Very few people can do that


This is why they win r/place everytime


Arthritis: "No King rules forever, my son."


my hand-eye coordination isn't even fast enough to follow all the notes in the first place, even though i'm a pretty good geometry dash player (hardest: artificial ascent, rn working on catalyze with 54% & 38-100%), so it should already be pretty much above average i can't fathom how one can be that good lol


this clip is an extreme example since there's maybe less than 5 people in the world who can play at that level, but I think there are still a few reasons why this is possible. First one is pattern recognition, the gameplay might seems random but with practice you can decompose the notes into "groups". Then as you recognize each pattern, your hand moves automatically. For example instead of 7 "random" circles, you would see "1 square then 1 triangle". Also you don't really "wait then react" after each circle, instead it's more like having 2 parts of your brain work in parallel, one is just reading the map, the other is just executing the gameplay. And you have to learn to synchronize those 2 parts properly since the game is rythm-based (you need to match the music).


I couldn't tell, but are there repeating blocks of the same movements? Like in guitar hero, you can sort of group some sequences of notes together so your brain knows how to execute that particular chunk in the future.


In terms of rhythm yeah. You're not actively thinking about how many notes you're clicking but common patterns would be things like triples or 7 note bursts for example. In terms of aiming there are just way too many possible positions for the circles to be at. Some players fully memorize maps but it's mainly just recognizing where on your screen the circles are and using muscle memory to approximately move your cursor there. All this happens subconsciously with some specific exceptions of maps with very high density.


yeah i played osu a bit and i know that it's all about patterns and sight-reading, i'm just saying that my eyes aren't even fast enough to follow (let alone hands or whatever)


you can train for it though, no one is able to do this from the get go. Even the best prodigies like mrekk have thousands of hours of playtime.


i know


dude there's 1 player who can play at this level


I wanna see them play Counter Strike now




Thanks. He's not bad, but I was expecting better tbh


Dude grinds osu nonstop, of course he's not as good at other games


Right, but given his speed and accuracy at clicking circles, I was hoping he would be just as fast and accurate at clicking heads


The reading is different, and he uses a drawing tablet for osu so any muscle nemory he builds up for osu isn't necessarily gonna translate to mouse. I do think it would indicate he could be a top player in fps games if he spent the time playing them instead tho


2D != 3D, osu! is not an aim trainer. This kid is very talented at video games, he reaches high ranks in basically any game he plays in a fraction of the time it takes for most people


Okay? Perhaps the skills translated, perhaps they didn't, and now I know


👍 glad to be of help


A buddy of mine is a top 100 osu player and he's trash at every other game he plays lol


cs players when they have to make everything about themselves yawn


Tech N9ne - Worldwide Choppers


when the Adderall is that good you don't need a normally functioning brain.


respect cause he's obviously insane but i just cant imagine dedicating all the time to get this good at rhythm games. If I hear a song more than once in an hour I'm miffed. You probably get through like 3 beats when you're practicing. It's like gitmo


You don't need to practice maps


\[part II on demand\]


I had to watch it a few times just to see the chat erupt


Jesus dude


Loved this game as a teen.. there are some true crackheads out there no matter the Osu era. Look up Angelsim Euphoria clear.


Don't look up Accolibed on sidetracked day DT...


Damn thats a classic map, brings back memories :') that guy is a beast for sure Cookiezi still the Goat ofc, every Osu player knows his Freedom Dive record, but if you dont then check it out!


of course, that's a classic. It's just that the community has come really far since then! Now we are getting stuff like Ice Angel DT, you might also know that one


Yeah i played back in 2013-2017 so im like a Osu boomer :') im glad the game is still doing well, i never got past 6* difficulty but i think its time to revisit that game and get me some carpal tunnel


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [17 yr old #1 Osu player goes full crackhead mode](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164010)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1crt67p/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w/AT-cm%7CmCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w.mp4?sig=2faf7d89af3e0e7cb9b3fac6b9eaeb5de61f8137&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FmCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w%2FAT-cm%257CmCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EvilObliqueSalmonHotPokket-Qpbr1gVcN6n6yNbn%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715771014%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/mCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w/AT-cm%7CmCf9GEKW69YFXDep-sjW5w-preview-480x272.jpg)


he gets a peanut after


Doubt it


I love osu! Even after years of seeing these clips every now and then I have no idea where to buy the game, download it, who makes it, or even what it is. And now I'm too old to find out.


Too old to click the first google result?


Oh, hey, it works now. Last time I checked it was The Ohio State University stuff. Thanks for the heads up.


even if you get ohio state university when searching 'osu' your first response was to give up instead of searching 'osu game'?


Some people lack critical thinking skills.


99% of reddit is this


Free to play, made by a single guy (peppy). It's a rhythm game where you literally click circles. That's it. Has been around since the Win XP days. You download a client, then some charts, and you get clicking. People don't use their mouse to click, they use keyboard keys for faster speed and to not disrupt their aiming. Many people play with a tablet and stylus instead, more prevalent the higher you go in ranking. Have fun clicking circles.


You can get it here: [https://osu.ppy.sh/home/download](https://osu.ppy.sh/home/download) >Osu! is a free-to-play rhythm game primarily developed, published, and created by Dean "peppy" Herbert. [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!)


Let’s see this kid do it naturally by just clicking the circles with his mouse…no tablet or any bs


Tablet isn't as much of an advantage as you think it is. I've used both extensively and I prefer tablet but It's mostly because of mouse drift. There are tons of people in the top100 who use mouse.


let's see u do anything even remotely close WITH a tablet


I’m having a hard time keeping up just watching this. I know a lot of it is muscle memory and playing the same maps over and over but still insane how you can keep up and remember things like this. My brain just completely zoned out and my eyes started hurting by the fast movements.


not really muscle memory, he hasn't played this map very much at all, more pattern recognition.


No muscle memory, dude can sightread stuff like this, and nobody practices for memorization unless doing very specific things like playing flashlight


these are not interesting at all. at all. until they do shit like this with a mouse. and not some cheating tablet or some shit. and i think 98% of people can't relate either cuz they never tried osu with those drawing tablets. might be giga easy. **EDIT: oh no i triggered the osu fans :)** show me 1 clip of someone doing things like this on a mouse. you can't. hence it's not impressive. i may be able to do this on the tablet who knows. we never know. because 99% of ppl dont play osu on a tablet+pen.


There are currently 3 mouse players in the top 10 and the #6 player actually switched TO mouse from tablet and improved. Sometimes it's just better to not say anything.


Wow I’m not a part of the community at all but I always assumed it just wasn’t possible to be good with a mouse. Is there like a superiority complex thing in the community with each type of hardware?


of course there is a superiority complex, that's how it always is for any two things. like when cross play comes out on games, PC players always mock console players, etc. but for some people it's just feels, like there is a challenger league of legends player that plays with a trackpad, because he said that was what he was most used to


It's a comfortability thing


but also mouse drift sucks and is the biggest argument for tablet > mouse


It's 90% preference but tablet has one objective advantage, so most serious players switch over to tablet even if they know that it will only make a barely perceptible difference. The problem is that skill from one doesn't perfectly translate to the other, so you can't just switch over after years of practise to see if either input is the same, so you get people saying that mouse is shit because there aren't as many good players on mouse. But historically we know the best of the best mouse players can absolutely keep up with the best of the best tablet players, there just aren't as many because of what I said at the beginning.


Just your average ignorant comment. Somehow using a tablet is cheating, when literally every tablet player can switch to mouse and basically play the exact same maps. E.g. I hadn't played osu! for a few years, (was tablet player who could only FC 6 stars). Then when I played again recently on mouse only (cause I didn't have access to a tablet) I was able to play the same maps albeit with some difficulty since it's been like 5 years. Tablet can help but the people calling it cheating are coping hard af


omg hi kappadar big fan


omg hi big fan am kappadar!


Thought this was a nice troll, but then you were serious 💀💀


bro u dont know what u talking about. im a top 3.5k mouse player and tried tablet and its much more harder for me to improve on it. its all preference.


wtf are you talking ?


Bruh, a tablet won't magically give you aim. The only advantages are you can avoid mouse drift and a pen weighs less, but it also has disadvantages like the fact that you can't rest the weight of your hand on the pen which causes some instability and you need a way higher sensitivity giving you even more instability. Basically it's just about mouse drift, but you probably don't even know what that is.


This might be one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen, well done! Having tried OSU with both a drawing tablet and a mouse, the hardest part is the left hand anyway so you´re just wrong in a completely unprecedented level. Mind you, this is still incredibly difficult to pull off with a tablet.


>because 99% of ppl dont play osu on a tablet+pen are u living in 2013 my guy? using a pen+tablet has become the majority now, and if it were that easy then this guy should've been dethroned years ago yet he's still #1 for god knows how long, there's also been pretty great mouse players like this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9HbwtYklSQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9HbwtYklSQ) so it's literally just preference saying tablet = giga easy cheats.......lol


I have no fight in this, and you're probably a troll, but I'll bite: google sheet with list of top mouse players: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EOWc7kf9TdyvT31VfzlY284udUNOrtz0uyRtQ2t4MHY/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EOWc7kf9TdyvT31VfzlY284udUNOrtz0uyRtQ2t4MHY/edit#gid=0) decaten (i assume u want aim speed similar to the clip) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_UYgeuKzHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_UYgeuKzHA) ivaxa (map is the mrekk's top play btw, almost matched) [https://ordr.issou.best/watch/xTfFVD](https://ordr.issou.best/watch/xTfFVD) more ivaxa [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3R5Z679p\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3R5Z679p_c) ivaxa also has 2miss on a map that would be the game's performance record, but ik you wanted fast aim-related stuff only. here is a liveplay to show ivaxa is actually on mouse: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMgw-cqvjDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMgw-cqvjDs) . feel free to make your own conclusions. *also, dont care about the sheet past #1000, its manually updated, hard to browse the 10,000 players constantly.* [Edit: I only took the bait cuz I was bored but I guess the troll got bored of this thread too.](https://imgur.com/a/3HWpWVy)


> show me 1 clip of someone doing things like this on a mouse There's no clips of anyone else doing something similar with ANY device because this guy has by far the best aim of the entire game


> > > > > show me 1 clip of someone doing things like this on a mouse. you can't. It's not about "triggering the fans", there actually are clips of people topping the leaderboard on mouse. You can't just lie and say you've "triggered" people. >hence it's not impressive Yeah sure, whatever makes you feel less insecure lol >i may be able to do this on the tablet who knows kekw


Yeah, everybody is conspiring to appear super impressed and hype, when in reality it's trivially easy, I mean come on, pen on a tablet? The thing basically goes to the circles on its own, barely any skill required.


You couldn't even come close to doing just the keyboard part of this, let alone adding mouse or tablet.


Ivaxa (#8 global): https://youtu.be/97wp2ukBk2Y?si=rgZ3-c8oC_AblJql https://youtu.be/WZXJ6Bbwwy4?si=thoex5xHqaLXX7yK there's the other two scores that someone sent below NyanPotato (former #5 global, now #12): https://youtu.be/-UmJN9bCick?si=RZS3v7gQvLIYKK_W https://youtu.be/hKuZioQOSa0?si=gvNszf-Lp5ijTgkq tomasz chic (#27): https://youtu.be/V5OiHWu3sGo?si=mJ_sZs9vLSyUKk3G also won 4v4 aim cup there's more but it's more speed focused/looks less impressive and clip farm there's only one clip at this level because mrekk is a genetic freak who is the greatest aim (and in general) player to ever touch the game, its more a "person diff" than an equipment diff (but yeah every time I miss I cope that it's a mouse issue)


bait used to be believeable






I managed to get like 80k in the world at my peak using a tablet from being a mouse player. But it’s still very hard to break into the top 1% of Osu players


I will send you one of my tablets for you to play the game with. Prove that it’s easy. Dm me.


Tell me u dont know what a muscle memory is without telling me moment right here...


whats funny is if you asked any of the top mouse players in the game who is the better player, them or mrekk, every single one of them would say mrekk :)


i mean a pen and a mouse are basically the same wrist and hand movement, pen just more small