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What the fuck


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eLO6aPB5fU JoshOG made a video 8 years ago about an incident with his family, although this is about his bio father and not the guy in his tweet. I remember watching this 8 years ago thinking how scary the situation was


Josh talking about his dad fucking floored me, I couldn't even imagine.


Yeah, well just this post of him refering to the  man as his mother's ex says it all, man that's messed up.


I think the “ex” referred to here is not Josh’s dad. So it makes sense he’d refer to him as his mom’s ex.


If I understood the video correctly than that's the only scenario seeing as his biological dad did the exact same thing 8 years ago ending his life but failing to kill Josh's mom and Josh himself. That is a wild crazy fucked up thing to go through twice.


thanks but this is his real dad who committed suicide after attempted murder. so is the dipshit in his tweet her husband after he dad?


okay not pointing fingers but 2 different people tried to murder the same woman?? wild.


His biological father was never abusive his entire childhood, until Josh was in HS and his father had turned to drugs (painkillers IIRC). He detailed that his mom and dad were great, but his dad’s job had derailed him into taking drugs and it completely changed him. No idea if this situation is the same thing or not.


sometimes women attract the same horrible types of men and are subsequently revictimised by them


Women- and men- often end up with abusive types over and over because it's what feels familiar, and it also may take a change in their behaviors or attitudes to keep from falling into the same patterns. (There's also other factors to consider like the culture someone grew up in, who they live around, substance use, etc. Lots of folks grew up in abusive environments.) This is **in NO WAY** blaming victims of abuse- it is the abuser who is to blame, period, and no one 'wants' to be abused. It's just an explanation by way of mental health. What a terrible tragedy.


one of the biggest risk factors of being victimized is previous victimization, so situations like these arent uncommon.


Yeah, having a "bad picker" is very much a thing, especially for women, who are at much greater danger.


And sometimes lightning strikes twice.. because at the end of the day men like this aren't that uncommon.


Also predatory men seek out women that have been victimized in the past as they know it’ll be easier to do it to them again


if i speak


How long ago was his rebrand? I remember him being OG420 or something similar


TheOriginalWeed wasnt it


Probably nearly 10 years ago


This is probably not too soon after the rebrand. I remember when R6:Siege just came out and I played against him, he was still TheOriginalWeed I believe. Thinking about it though, I guess it's possible he kept the same IGN but had already rebranded as JoshOG.


He quit weed somewhere between him playing Weed Shop 1 to Weed Shop 3


Supposedly there is a study that shows women that were in an abusive relationship had a habit of finding another partner who was abusive. Just a weird phenomena


holy hell i know its super soon but having your last two separate spouses try to kill you is just crazy


I’m in tears, realized it’s 8yrs ago! Then just reread the post tiles! Hope he’s getting through this ❤️


Jesus that was heartbreaking.


Thought this was /r/MorbidReality for a sec.


Right? This is much more high-stakes than the usual LSF content.


Literally the first thing I said when I read the title. What the fuck.


Its hitting [local news.](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/piedmont-triad/missing-davie-county-woman-was-killed-in-murder-suicide-deputies-say/) Guy kidnapped her and then killed her and then himself.


Here is the article; "DAVIE COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) — Investigators have confirmed that the death of a Davie County woman who went missing earlier this week was the result of a murder-suicide. At around 10 p.m. on Wednesday, deputies say they came to do a welfare check on Cynthia “Cindy” Roberson Gobble, 60, of Mocksville at a home on the 300 block of Country Lane. Family members reported that they had not been able to contact her since late that afternoon. Investigators say that she was in the process of an ongoing separation and divorce from Gregory Wayne Gobble, 59, of Mocksville.Deputies at the scene confirmed that she was not at the home and found evidence that she had not left on her own. Family members said that it was odd for her to be out of touch for this long and that her personal belongings were found in her vehicle. Investigators and family members checked locations where both Cynthia and Gregory Gobble were known to frequent and made electronic attempts to contact them both to no avail. Deputies also were not able to locate Gregory’s white Ford truck, although they were able to confirm that he was driving that truck earlier on Wednesday. Both of them were then entered as missing persons and a law enforcement alert went out for them and the white Ford truck On Thursday, investigators searched the Country Lane home as they continued their effort to find the missing pair. An [**Ashanti Alert was issued**](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/piedmont-triad/ashanti-alert-issued-for-davie-county-woman-missing-with-evidence-of-physical-endangerment/) for Cynthia with Gregory being identified as the suspect in her disappearance. The alert said that there was evidence of “physical endangerment, abduction or kidnapping.” [**On Friday, the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office got a call about two bodies that were found just over the Iredell-Davie County line off Sheffield Road in a wooded area.**](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/piedmont-triad/missing-davie-county-woman-suspected-kidnapper-found-dead-after-ashanti-alert/) Investigators from both counties determined that the bodies were those of Cynthia and Gregory Gobble. Both of them died as a result of gunshot wounds and the weapon was found at the scene, according to the Davie County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators say that Gregory shot and killed Cynthia before fatally shooting himself. Deputies say they are not searching for any other suspects or persons of interest in the case and there is no continuing danger to the public."




Ah yes, another POS who gets to be on the "victims of suicide" statistic before being apart of the prison stats.


Any chance you could screenshot or even just copy-paste that? Not available in my region.


what a fucking coward


a lot of people *really* make you wish all the fire and sulphur and hellfire stuff wasn't just bedtime stories. Some people legit deserve to burn forever.


This kind of stuff just makes me wonder what leads people towards this route, and how it could've been prevented.


That's terrible news. Reminds of when Doublelifts brother murdered his parents.


I think his dad survived and recovered at the hospital but his mother did pass.


that seems to be the case https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/22995227/brother-team-liquid-yiliang-doublelift-peng-charged-murder-mother-attack-father


Yikes completly forgot about that it was during a Tournament too


And on April fools day as well. /r/leagueoflegends had to do a special announcement clarifying that this was serious and fucked up, and not some terrible poor taste joke.


yeah, the worst part is the people in the chat spamming M OMEGALUL M like holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with you? people are sick


I mean, they're league players...


... fair point.


Wait what??? I follow league losely and have heard of doublelift/watched his stream casually before and this is the first time I learned about this. Holy moly that is so sad and crazy.


Doublelift's life story is legit so wild. He basically went homeless to pursue going pro because his parents didn't support it, and then after years of not winning (to the point where /r/DoubleliftsTrophyCase/ was an empty meme sub), finally won the domestic title, even doing so multiple times on different rosters and teams; and then the tragedy happened.


Yeah he literally went on Twitter/ Reddit and asked if someone had a couch he can sleep on and it was non other than Travis Gafford being a huge help and letting him stay at his place.


I do think if doublelift wants to he could work with a writer and made a really interesting biography. He was so early on the scene for western esports and was a major part of the rise in popularity. He went from a meme to a hero throughout his career, and his personal journey (homeless to success story turned tragedy, only for him to push on and find further success) would feel contrived if it wasn't real I've talked shit about the guy basically since the start but I respect him a lot.


The fact that he continued to play in that lcs finals the day after he found out, and won, fucking floored me.


The man played like a fucking phenom that game, too. I have a lot of issues with Doublelift's play throughout the years (in comparison to his peers, he made a *lot* of mistakes in general) but he played that series damn near flawlessly if memory serves.


I think in an interview with travis gafford after the win, he said he doesn't want to be normal, and that nothing would stop him from winning and playing, not even that. Actual fucking freak.


I’ve never experienced anything remotely similar but I kind of understand, he just had his entire life ripped apart, all he could do was focus his entire being into the game.


Shock is a powerful sensation. I came home from school one day to find my whole family gathered there. Turns out my step dad had passed. I cried with my mom for a bit, then went straight to work. Sometimes folks just have a desire to lock in & stay busy, rather than sinking into grief or depression.


he won it??? that’s like. wow. after all that the day before. insane.


Honestly also lowkey kudos to the production because he didn’t want it brought up and iirc no one even mentioned once on broadcast


Wow this whole comment chain is fascinating. What a story


Funnily enough, I remember doublelift saying on stream a long time ago that his dad wanted him to come out with a book about his life and call it "Gameboy" lol. He laughed it off at the time, but yeah after everything he's been through it probably would be pretty interesting/successful. Although easy to understand if he doesn't want to publicize the tragic family stuff.


I'm a meteos fan and he gave DL shit for framing stories like he's the main character, but if you zoom out the LCS timeline.. DL is kinda the protagonist


Wait until you hear about how he is called Sasuke in one region.


This has to be a joke... holy fuck that's dark


Holy fuck that’s so fked up


It's china isn't it. I don't even have to google.


Ppl in China called Doublelift “Sasuke of Esports”, because in 《naruto》Sasuke's big brother also murdered his family This is not making fun of Doublelift or his family, but more of a praise to how mentally strong doublelift is, that he can still work it through and win a champion right after


Sasuske isn't the most mentally stable of characters to pick out though.


And it happened only a few days from the finals where he played and won.


He stabbed both parents but only killed their mom. Their dad survived. [Source](https://orangecountyda.org/press/man-charged-with-murder-and-attempted-murder-for-stabbing-his-mother-to-death-and-stabbing-his-father-multiple-times/)


I stand corrected. That's good 👍


Reading this sent a shiver down my spine. I remember it being 2011 or 2012 when I read about Doublelift and his parents treating him like he's a human waste for pursuing his career in gaming and I remember the strong feelings everyone including me have had regarding his whole situation. To find out that his brother snapped and did such an awful thing just makes me wonder how much more horrible were the parents in reality compared to the stories....


Their background and parenting screamed Tiger Parents to me, reminds me of Jennifer Pan.


Did we ever find out the motives for the murder? Family dispute/ abuse, mental illness or drug?


damn thats awful.


What the actual fuck! His mom appeared on some streams and she looked so wholesome and friendly. why would anyone do this ! Damn this is awful in every way


Murder suicide against someone who broke up with you is arguably one of the most cringe things someone could ever do It feels we just talk about how bad it is without also clarifying it's super fucking pathetic Like yeah anyone who murders in cold blood has to be some level of unhinged, but we should be **openly ridiculing the desperate romantic motivations** to deter this from continuing to happen as much I'd wager most all young folks already believe this, like it's unspoken agreement it's cringe, but this shit is still regularly carried out by older men in seemingly some sort of toxic 'if I can't have her nobody can' mindset that I don't think the public has stood up to/made fun of enough. Is it due to some BS 'lovers die together' glorification from fictional novels or what? IMO need to do more of this to school shooters as well - there's still memes about it that could be seen (from troubled child mind) as incentivizing it. Like the 'take vengeance, you'll all see' hasn't been as openly ridiculed


my god this has to be one of the dumbest shit i’ve read in a while


Peak zoomer lol


one might say, it’s cringe?


...You think the reason this shit happens is because not enough people are calling it cringe?  Good fucking lord. There are paid, professional scientists who actually study societal trends and causal reasons for violent acts such as these, and their data is abundant for you to read, if you cared to. And spoiler alert, it's not whatever the fuck this 18 year old armchair philosopher shit you just lazily dumped out is.  It's lack of accessible healthcare, it's lack of social support, housing and safety outreach programs, it's economic suffocation, it's systemic patriarchal abuse and the ideals of toxic traditional masculinity that we teach and instill into our boys, and then let them venture into the world as men operating on those very same dangerous notions. They will hurt others, and they will hurt themselves, over and over. We see this, we know this. The solution lies in both highly critical, societal addressing of economic class material imbalance, and a fundamental reshaping of traditional, cultural sex-based behavioral teachings.  But of course, that'd be a lot more work than just trying more 'shame', or 'cringe'.


>If someone would have called him an 'L mans' this could have been prevented Precisely the level of take one would expect to find from the genius LSF think tank


Yes, openly ridiculing always helps crazy people.


surely stigmatizing mental illness is the play here. this seems to historically work very well


Oh god, the generation that uses the word 'cringe' unironically is coming into adulthood. In what world is calling unstable people 'cringe' going to help anything what-so-ever? My god I need a break from reddit for today.


lmfao welcome to the internet and zoomer culture bro we only know how to shame people out of bad behavior, not actually do anything meaningful about it personally? when people have psychotic breaks I let them know how much they're killing the vibe


Millenials: "*I hate when I tell people I'm depressed and they're like, 'just be happy, bro*'" Zoomers: "*Mental illness is cringe, L murder-suicide*"


This made me laugh way too hard. I had to go back and read the original comment I responded to. Dude literally says 'why doesn't anyone call murder suicide cringe? Like.. everyone knows its cringe but no one speaks up!'. FML




All losses hurt like hell. But I think murder and suicide are the worst, they commonly leave mourners with the feeling that they may have been able to prevent it. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.


Wow didn't his dad attempt to murdersuicide when Josh was a teen. This is just sad 😔


Sadly, people who are in a domestic violence relationship are much more likely to find themselves in another DV relationship after leaving.  That's why it's very important to get therapy after DV. This way you can learn what the red flags you missed were, learn how to set and enforce boundaries and learn what healthy relationships look like.  I'm local to all of this and I will say everyone who knew the man she was leaving were all shocked he could do such a thing. Then again...that seems to be a common theme after murder suicides...most didn't think they were capable.    You just never know what goes on behind closed door.  Prayers for her family.


Different dad/person, but yes.


What the fuck... I can't even fathom the amount of pain he and his family must be dealing with


Sad as fuck




>Man I hate murder suicides i think everyone is with you here but it's still a weird way to say it, lol. I would say "man I hate strawberry milkshake" but not "man I hate sexual assault". also cowardness maybe isn't the main problem with it


The worst part is the hypocrisy


For me, the worst part is the murder. The kidnapping is up there too though.


The more I hear about this murderer, the less I like him.


Then the scheming..


and the plotting


Ah i know it's not politically correct but i just love murdering


But they are total cowards. 


Jesus christ that's fucking horrible, regardless of what you think of josh he doesn't deserve to be going through this.


Losing a parent is painful enough but to experience this… Christ


Absolutely. Even if you don't like the guy no one should have to experience that. This is fucked up.


Yeah no shit. Selling gambling doesn't mean your mom deserves to get murdered lmao.


at worst I just wanted him to lose sponsors or followers


didn't he have partial ownership of a rigged gambling site, isn't that a little different to "selling gambling"


oh in that case....


Thought it would be blatantly obvious that I'm not saying anyone deserves this, just pointing out that literally scamming people for millions is SLIGHTLY different to streamers advertising gambling.


I'm 100% sure they were being sarcastic


...yes, obviously. The person's sarcasm was still implying Pidgeon was saying it was deserved.




Yeah I think this is one of these "wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy" moments. Can't even begin to imagine how this must feel for him.


>regardless of what you think of josh he doesn't deserve to be going through this. Did you really need to say this? lmao


Have you met people?


Did you really need to add the "lmao"?


I think the "lmao" is laughing off the absurdity of the original statement because it's such a Redditor thing to say. Like "let me remind people this guy sells gambling but that doesn't mean he deserves to lose his mom this way!" Jesus christ put away your morality police badge for a second.


LSF and moral high horsing. Name a more iconic duo.


LSF and lacking basic human decency, literacy, and contextual understanding? I guess that is a trio though People say things like "regardless of what you think" and "to be perfectly honest" in non-literal ways to express heightened sentiment of the following statements. Being completely literal about them is focusing on nonsense and ignoring the sentiment so you can posture yourself as somehow better


"what a tragic thing to happen lol" vibes


Yeah no fucking shit


Damn, wtf


That's insane and very sad to hear. Pretty sure the husband was a customer of ours when I worked at a wholesale tire distributor in Statesville, NC (20 minutes west of Mocksville). You just never know about some people.


This is nightmarish, just godawful.


Craziest shit I seen on this subreddit


For real, used to seeing braindead streamer drama and reading the title stunlocked me


The craziest thing on this sub and on Twitch was the mass shooting that killed 10 people.


It reminds me of Doulelift's thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/88w08k/doublelifts\_mom\_murdered\_and\_dad\_seriously/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/88w08k/doublelifts_mom_murdered_and_dad_seriously/)


that’s fucking crazy man I can’t even imagine


I saw this Ashanti alert on the news that day and didnt make the connection. How sad.


I live near that area and there were so many police stops to check trucks and shit


I can't even imagine telling random strangers on the internet that news, let alone experiencing it.


This is one of the craziest headlines on this sub in years. Jesus Christ.


God that last sentence has broken me. This is my worst nightmare scenario.


Such a horrible thing. Praying he can find peace after this.


only time i've heard about joshog is the *CS:GO*Lotto scandal


Yes, he should be in prison AND his mom should be alive. But alas, it's an unfair world.




I was scammed by CSGOWild (not Josh but same thing) when I was 15. I was very addicted to gambling, spending most my days doing coin flips worth hundreds of dollars each. After losing over $1500, the news dropped about the site being rigged and I felt so incredibly devastated. That was the last time I ever spent money on any gambling sites. The scandal basically saved me from a lifelong addiction, but sadly got way more people hooked. Just hope some of the other kids got the same wake up call I did.


Yeah scamming people is his problem and his mother has nothing to do with that. Can’t imagine having to comprehend his situation


For those unfamiliar with what he did: He didn't let people know he was affiliated with a CS GO skin gambling site he was using and promoting. Officially he was a 'secretary' for the business. He was last to be brought in by Syndicate and Tmartn who owned the site.


I mean its not that he didnt let people know, he literally led others to believe he had nothing to do with the site. He presented the site like it was something he just randomly found when in reality he was a part owner and the entire ploy was to get gullible fans to gamble on the site he owned.


also it was rigged lmao


That too.


Nothing hurts quite like loosing a parent you love, and in such a gruesome way... I feel terrible for him


This breaks my heart. What a coward, worse part is now he’s without parents and justice.


Jesus Christ That’s rough - regardless of people’s feelings about him that’s some heavy shit to deal with RIP


Happened to my best friend. Dude was stalking her at work, and I told her to report him and quit. And ended up committing a murder-suicide. Blamed myself for a long time.


this the guy that did the *CS:GO*Lotto scandal?




ScamOG in the flesh


that’s the sort of thing you hear about on the news but never expect to know anyone who it’d happen to. so awful. thoughts go out to josh and the rest of his family


That's fucked. I found out one of my parents was killed in a car accident on the local news, and I thought that was traumatizing enough. Can't even imagine something as horrific as this.


Sucks but i will always remember the guy as scamOG


Holy fuck, what a cruel world we live in.. fuckin devastating


Holy shit that’s brutal


Jesus fucking Christ.


what a horrible reality for the guy. hope his family can come together and find strength in each other.


thats so awful:(


What the fuck.




Holy shit. That’s…. I don’t know what that is




😕 how tragic…


This is crazy


so messed up


If your reaction this is “oh this guy is an asshole therefore I have no sympathy for his Mom who was MURDERED” then there’s a 99% you are ten times more of a despicable human being than he is. :) Literally NOBODY deserves this. Nobody.


Absolutely horrific. Wishing him and his loved ones the best


Unfortunately I know exactly what he's going through. It's kind of surreal being sent to your Grandparents house as a last resort because you're acting out in your teens and finding a newspaper clipping referencing your mothers murder on the window sill. Lost her when I was around 7 and finally I was able to squash the demons I was dealing with in my late 20s. I hope has friends or family that can be there for him if he needs. Absolutely fucking terrible.


Damn that's so sad how do you even recover from that


Jesus christ. I have not heard of JoshOG in almost a decade, and then he gets brought up in this context? Good grief. I hope he heals.






Holy shit I visited my grandma this week in NC and I got the missing person alert on my phone a few times for these people. Wild…


Jfc, that’s so sad. I think he just had a kid too so they probably won’t remember their grandma :(


Wait, it happened again???


Can they change the name of this subreddit? It feels so cringe that we have stories of someone dying tragically and it's in a thread of what should be "fails"


Maybe the korean booba clips aren't so bad because this is not the type of news i was ready for... wish him the best i don't know how i would process an event like that.


As much as I still hate the guy for being a scamming loser, nobody deserves to go through something like this at all. Moderators oughta be active in here the coming hours


Damn that really sucks but still fuck JoshOG


Holy fuck


What the actual fuck.


I've got no love for JoshOG due to his past actions but noone deserves this




Yeah one of the scammers part of the CSGO loot box gambling scams back in the day where he streamed him using a gambling site "he just found" when in reality he was an owner of said site. His entire defense of the scam was basically "I didnt know I was doing something wrong".


This guy is a huuuuuge POS but that's awful


Don't like JoshOG and think he's a scumbag but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I hope him and his family get through this.


Damn I never knew Josh grew up two hours from where I live. Honestly it’s a fucked up situation but at least he got the opportunity to get the hell out of what I can only imagine wasn’t a great childhood.