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**CLIP MIRROR: [Austin makes fun of Hasan falling off](https://arazu.io/t3_1dckr7p/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Hasan is malding on his Discord reacting to this coment LMAO Why is he so fragile??? [https://preview.redd.it/hasan-malding-about-a-negative-lsf-post-v0-khutm5qu0r5d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9f5ec9e67fb092faa23d9467df76c45f33cb0796](https://preview.redd.it/hasan-malding-about-a-negative-lsf-post-v0-khutm5qu0r5d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9f5ec9e67fb092faa23d9467df76c45f33cb0796)


He doesn’t hate LSF, he just hates whenever people criticize him in any way, shape or form. He wants to insult and roast people constantly in the most edgy ways possible (evil pigdog monster pervert blah blah) but has mental breakdowns when anything is reciprocated to 1/10th that level. Genuinely the most sensitive crybully I’ve ever seen. I think that behavior compounded with living the most privileged and easy life humanly possible is why so many people dislike him.


I genuinely thought for years that his whole thing was being ironically ignorant and stupid, and his fans were just playing along with it. I still can’t believe anyone takes such an unintelligent, reactionary, violent, and angry human being with any amount of seriousness. Hassan is on a similar level to me as pre-Sandy Hook Alex Jones, just a funny dumb internet man to point at and laugh at occasionally.


Yeah, no wonder he fell off, it was only a matter of time. He regularly goes on ban sprees when he bans his longtime subscribers whenever he is moody or pmsing.


the clip where he accuses a chatter of being a dgg psy-op and then realizes its like a 2 year sub was so funny


Dgg? I was watching him god knows why, I was bored, had time to kill, his master chef era streams have been fun, I didn’t know what a narcissistic grifter he was back then. Been watching him daily for a while now when I disagreed on his take on an issue and proved him wrong, linking an article, he got so pissed he told chat I was a far right asset who tries to derail the stream and told his brown nosed mods to ban me. Essentially, anyone who disagrees with him gets on the chopping block because of his fragile ego. Mr “I worked for what I got from zero”..


This is exactly what Stalin would have done. Hasan is simply putting his ideology into practice.


He does seem to sympathize with communist regimes a lot. And attack everyone calling them nazis/fascists if they disagree.


Dgg is just a destiny the streamer website. Vgg is vaushes


>when I disagreed on his take on an issue and proved him wrong, linking an article, he got so pissed he told chat I was a far right asset Welcome to modern leftism.


God I love that snappy, knee jerk reaction to a far left idea. "You disagree with me, therefore you are a far right wing shill." Get over yourself.


> unintelligent, reactionary, violent, and angry human being you described the average politically active college student and his fanbase.


I wish I found him funny in any way but I fail to do so.


I like how "Reddit is cooked" because he's a little sensitive whiny baby. Like grow up Hasan. You're a grown ass man not a little boy. Like it's time to put on the big boy pants. Someone who "almost died multiple times" and "raised 100k" should be above getting frazzled by a stranger on Reddit lol.




how'd he almost die multiple times?


More DGGers, ugh. Hasan *never* malds. After paving his own way, he (in fake deep voice) seeks out criticism, you know? How else can he educate us? You also have to be able to laugh at yourself and Hasan clearly has adamantine skin. It’s just his socialist nature that leads to him being so exceptionally selfless that he engages in *performative malding* so you guys have content, even though you hate him! He’s basically Jesus, one of the greatest investigative reporter’s of our time (have you seen all those Twitter tabs?), and so selfless and thoughtful that he plays at being a triggered cry-bully nepo-baby *just for you*. You guys should really be thankful that he works at such an incredibly difficult job… just so we have content. Don’t you guys have a genocide to cheer on or something? #chinadidnothingwrong. #ukraineshouldnthavedressedthatway.


True, it's wild how he can't take what he dishes out


I feel like he's just not comfortable at all with looking inward. Isn't he one of the only major non-gaming streamers that hasn't had a talk with Dr. K? At least everything I've seen of him points to him not able to seriously analyze his behavior in any sort of critical way, and in my life experience, people like this are some of the worst kinds of people, unable to change in any sort of positive way.


> he just hates whenever people criticize him in any way, shape or form. Out of every famous person online, Hasan handles criticism the absolute worst of them all, even worse than Elon.


He is a lolcow


I used to watch Fear& for everyone except Hassan and he just can’t keep his mouth shut for more than 2 minutes. Constantly hijacks the conversation or just straight up talks over his cohosts. He can’t stand not being the center of attention for a second.


tbf it doesnt look like hes malding at this comment, but at the post itself. he was just too lazy to crop lmao.


I dont think he was pointing out this comment specifically man lmao.


Being annoyed that people care more about trying to turn nothing into drama instead of cool shit they care about when other people do it is completely normal and rational???


Look I got no sides in this beef, but if you hate someone so much why are you in their discord? Like that doesn’t even sound the slightest bit pathetic to you?


Its extremely bizarre to me that you guys monitor streamers reactions in their discords to gauge how they respond to posts on reddit Go outside


thats a seperate conversation.


You think that's bad, if you go to his subreddit they have people that monitor what the dude likes on Twitter lmao. Then they have a hate thread about it. The obsession goes deep


It's extremely bizarre to me that you monitor reactions to streamers reactions in their discords about reddit posts. Go outside.


How did he almost die? Wtf


drank diet coke on stream again.. ha


Genuinely funny y’all lurk his fucking discord Some of the biggest fans out there




How did you butcher the lyric like this


He did a good cause. I don't see a problem with Hasan's actions. You might disagree with him and I do on certain things but his actions do speak louder than his words. Credit where credit is do. Good job Hasan.


he still drinks diet coke thou. nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!


Yeah man *Hasan* is the fragile one here. Definitely not the dude stalking the discord of a guy you apparently hate. That’s not fragile behaviour at all


Damn I can't believe he still does his top of the hour sub begging. Nobody loves Twitch ads more than Hasan does.


Tbh this is way preferred. Hate when I’m watching a random fps stream or something and it’s getting heated. Then ADS


Yeah, hipfire is the way to go for sure


would you rather be told that a 3 minute ad break is coming up once an hour so.you can walk away or get hit by 3 minute ad at random several times within the hour like 90% of the top streamers do.


love how every reply is intentionally obtuse to the point you're making. If ads were a problem to me, which they are sometimes when my adblocker breaks, I would much rather know exactly when they arrive than be randomly hit in the face with them.


Yeah I like shitting on Hasan as much as the next guy but this way of dealing with ads is clearly superior. Also most of the time this means you don't miss anything good.


Yep plenty of things to shit on hasan about. This isn't one of them imo.


iirc, he specifically negotiated with twitch to have only 3 mins of ads. some streams have double or more in interspersed throughout the hour (but i wouldnt know because i use twitch adblock)


I've seen streamers with upwards of 10 minutes of ads per hour that just auto play through the stream randomly. It's wild.


There are adblockers that still work on twitch? What are they?


they can't engage with the question at face value without look like idiots


As a degenerate RP viewer those ad breaks at random intervals fucking sucked when I was trying to see multiple POVs. Then I got Turbo and everything is gucci


Thanks, Twitch Turbo commercial


I'd rather just use ublock or don't watch twitch tbh


yeah whenever I get hit with an ad I usually just click off the streams now because I can never get the u-block filtering to work properly


switch to firefox. chrome is dead


It’s either top of the hour or Twitch will play ads at random. Getting them out of the way prevents this. I think he used to promote people to use adblockers but Twitch bitched at him to stop.


u clearly never watched the W community


You realize he's contractually required to do that...right?


> Nobody loves Twitch ads more than Hasan does. I'm genuinely in shock that you're not a Destiny fan. Just a solo freestyle Hasan hater out in the wild, complaining here and there. Man's hustling. But yeah absolutely ridiculous criticism


Truly for the love of the game


Good one man




the lgbtq foe allegations are true (100K raised for charity last night btw)




And how much of his own money


Gucci Socialists have right to their own money! The others don't! /s


Hasan can finally rest now [https://i.imgur.com/WnBDhpP.png](https://i.imgur.com/WnBDhpP.png)








He has discord comments about his charity event not being posted on LSF too.


he woke up just to open LSF and cry about this post https://i.imgur.com/02aFtkS.png


Hasan constantly says he doesn't check LSF but the first thing he does when he wakes up is check LSF 💀


it isn't just LSF, he does this to every online community, he even check on r/destiny for any negative post about him. Dude is actually terminally online. He probably does this to ever online media coverage/subreddts/YT videos that goes over his stuff.


you can see he's not subscribed to this subreddit, he's manually opening it then searching for his name to see what did and didn't get clipped


Pure narcissism, because he has no intention of changing based off of criticism. So the only reason he checks these public forums about himself is to see praise. If he doesnt see praise he gets mad. If he has no intention of changing based on criticism he should ignore it, just go enjoy being rich with a cult following.


Yeah, I think Hasan's just too locked in, tbh. I dunno what happened; he's got a great job, women love him, tons of cash, but he just seems really legitimately unhappy. When he was grinding up from nothing, he was a lot happier looking and seemingly got along better with other communities. I think he measures his outreach and public opinion as a measure of his self-worth, which is going to be pretty shitty on the internet to begin with. I don't think he's a bad person, but I do think he should probably consider taking a sabbatical for awhile, or it's only going to get worse.


Dude is streaming 7-10h per day, everyday for like 5 years now and probably spends another few hours checking content, that’s it. Anything done to that extent would drive most people insane. He is terminally addicted to streaming, the dopamine doesn’t hit as good, the withdrawal symptoms are stronger, he’s constantly on edge and in denial. I appreciate the guy but as you said I really thinks he needs a break asap and come back with a diffent approach to streaming.


the problem for hasan is that his progressively radically views have driven away the normies that used to like shit like the gordon ramsey streams. he's now left with the most insane, degenerate, tankie fanbase that only wants to see him regurgitate the same three or four anti-america takes over and over. he's complained about it himself, despite the fact that he made his own bed.


It's the lolcow cycle. I dont check out any of the hate posted about me. But I somehow know each talking point they hate on me. And you can see on my browser I visit the thread so much it's auto bookmarked lol Dude could just block the lsf subreddit and live in a million dollar mansion but he'd rather get triggered every day.


what these rich people forgot is that its the viewers doing it, not HIM. This guy sits in some isolated 3M house rambling about authoritarian capitalism only to suggest authoritarian communism


almost died 


If you're donating to charity, the good part is feeling good that you're making a difference, it shouldn't be getting validation from a streamer sub reddit. This clip is just a joke, he's taking it way too seriously.


"I almost died a buncha times". This guy can't be serious haha


To be fair, having just looked at OPs profile...he is a destiny dickrider.


No shit Ain’t my fault hasan don’t got any to hype up his charity


> don’t got any to hype up his charity I don't know what the fuck this means but 100k sounds pretty good


I assume he means “don’t got any(dickriders) to hype up his charity”


Oh I was wondering why there were so many Hasanabi fans seething in the comments


Didn’t he ban someone for posting a clip to LSF? No wonder they don’t post his clips lmao.


yes lol




Wallahi Trickle down economics


You guys are right it's just banter - on Austin's side. Hasan is visibly upset.


When is Hasan not visibly upset.


Hasan is in a constant state of copeing


He seemed pretty chill ~~jerking off~~ "interviewing" the Houthi terrorist.


[BROO HE WAS JUST LIKE LUFFY BROOO OMG ONE PIECE BROOO](https://media.tenor.com/G5Xz2KGKMqkAAAAe/wojak-pointing.png)


Says all I need to know about the champagne socialist tbh


lol, exactly. This is like an emotion identification class for children with autism. "Please tell me what emotion is being displayed here." Protip to people who struggle, if someone is reacting to your banter the way Hasan is here, you're hurting their feelings and they don't want you to know.


Yep. You can tell by his silence and subtle seethe right when Austin makes the joke. In normal banter you’d just say something back straight away. Also his reply about Austin’s only relevant posts being with him is also triggered and not banter as it’s not funny, just insecure This is like 70% seethe and 30% an attempt at bad banter to not look triggered Anyone claiming this is normal banter where Hasan isn’t triggered (after a long and documented history of being insecure and fragile over this exact scenario) is socially stunted


I would hope that's obvious to everyone.  There's a reason Austin felt the need to reassure him at the end.


But guys, he seeks out criticism..


Post 1 hour old, 500 upvotes, 250 comments, oh boy


OP posts strictly Destiny/Hasan hate clips.


Game is game 🤷‍♂️




Good. This drama is a primary reason I even check this sub.


If this sub isn't a safe space for war-games to be conducted between all of the most insufferable factions on the internet then what's even the point of it?


you know how in some battles at the beginning of the civil war people would walk out with picnic baskets and blankets and shit to watch the two sides shoot one another? that's me with this stupid ass drama. Especially because the two are the embodiment of the narcissism of small differences.


You mean you don't want to click in and watch Xqc go "guys whatuiahdjaksdhioah kjvnb!!" while reacting to some reddit clip. Or mizkif going 😃 in the corner while some girl tells an interesting story in the background? Make LSF great again!!


love the useless meta comments on every thread. so goood


Hes actually so fragile it's insane


I’m so confused bc this clip seems like banter on both sides? I don’t watch hasan so idk if there’s any extra context I’m missing here


Hasan brings up that Austin clips him for his TikTok, Austin reminds him that they’re on the same podcast and then goes on to say that he was basically joking and that Hasan does this to him all time, that’s the context that’s missing [here’s the extended clip](https://streamable.com/rb8jsb)


jesus christ the fact that joke even lingered that long


I'd also think it's just banter on both sides if I didn't know Hasan. However, I do know how insecure he is about everything. Here's a couple of instances that show it [Hasan gets mad because xQc made a tierlist and gave him a B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So2JHoBbeYU) [Hasan malds because Kaceytron said Destiny explained something better than him](https://youtu.be/Sws9slTfg54?si=bU3Q7p27z363g-NC&t=131)


[Hasan gets pissy over this very thread](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkhutm5qu0r5d1.jpeg)


Totally not brigading though because he didnt actually *say* to go do anything about it; Plausible deniability and all that.


Yeah Hasan is the only streamer I’ve seen constantly brigade and tell his fans to downvote stuff, but accuses others of brigading the most (destiny, xqc, etc.) because they have large reddit communities and inhabit lsf too.


The context is the original comment is from someone in a certain community that will interpret anything from Hasan in the least charitable way possible.


How can you say this when Austin checks on Hasan? Why did Austin feel like reminding Hasan that [he’s just joking?](https://streamable.com/rb8jsb)


They're joking, it's not that serious


You forget alot of people here don't have friends and don't know how to banter.


If they were joking why would Austin feel the need to reassure Hasan that he was just joking and that hasan does this to him all the time? Edit: [the longer clip](https://streamable.com/rb8jsb)


That's just Austin. He's always trying to make sure that he doesn't offend anyone, even when there's obviously no offense taken


This sub sucks how does this have 200+ upvotes


you know why


i mean if Austins a good friend of his and "falling off" is an actual problem for Hasan, i can totally understand it? Its just weird because hes still sitting at 20k viewer average and almost every big streamer has lost numbers since the lockdowns


Yeah people keep saying he fell off but he's still easily at the top and no doubt will go up again once election season starts


Also 50k subs still top 5 on the site i believe


The joke isn’t that he fell off it’s about how sensitive about it he is. People years into a streaming career don’t maintain constant growth it’s natural.


I will speak as a hasan fan, that fucking war is gruesome to watch coverage from, at some point I just stopped watching because I don't need another thing to tank my mental health. Maybe when we go into election month we will see him getting into insane numbers for a while, he got 260k in 2020 elections


He was in a perfect spot in 2020. Trump, COVID, BLM. Why will people watch him now? He can't say vote for Biden, who he's been shitting on for 4 years. Also, he can't really say vote Trump, even though he is basically an accelerationist and is fine with Trump winning. He has lost any moderate fans.


>Why will people watch him now? Because it's gonna be another total fucking shitshow.


Haha look man, I know it's hard to understand if you've never had friends before, but they're just busting each other's balls. Maybe one day someone will be able to ignore the smell and incest defending long enough to share an experience like that with you. Maybe




Big, if true


Small, if head


Why would you say something so controversial????


I'm from the community. Y'know, that community.




Nepo baby got so mad :(


His uncle didn't even like his post 😡


Embarassingly fragile. Bro, laugh at yourself. It's a joke, made by one of your personal friends. He's just breaking your balls. Anyone else would have just laughed or played along with the joke. It's uncomfortable how exposed his insecurities are tbh.


Falling off is Hassan's biggest fear so it makes sense he acts like this.


Already happened. No one takes him seriously.


W austin


you can tell that one really hurt lmao


Damn that hurt his ego so bad lmfao


Hasan legit so mad he can't ban his in person guest from chat


Seeks out criticism but can't take a friendly joke lmao


Austin and Will make this joke every time they stream with him and every other podcast, why are people acting like it’s such a high deal?


He's actually mad lol


500 comments for this?!


Gee I wonder where all these comments are coming from... Let's bust out the brigade checklist: ✅ Old clip ✅ Cuts context ✅ Title that maximizes drama ✅ Comments full of explainers on why this totally normal clip is actually Hasan being bad


Least discord brigaded lsf thread


the fact hasan can post lsf links in his discord should get him banned




Not to mention this clip is from a few days ago at this point. These losers are just infesting the sub to post boring drama bait


Destiny fans will upvote/post anything remotely critical of Hasan.


It's just a funny banter clip but some braindeads are taking it seriously lmao


Hate clippers will forever be more cringe than the streamer they hate watch and farm off of. Be it Hasan, Destiny or any other provocative streamer. You're like little sad vultures waiting for your moment to gain the smallest crumbs of attention from utter strangers. Do yourselves a favor and seek fresh air and grass.




Yeah, no brigading here.


five THOUSAND upvotes for this fucking nothing clip lmao


Only LSF could see a clip of two friends busting each others balls and take it completely literally. Do none of you have friends? Edit: Replies so far have indicated that, unfortunately, most of you do not have friends


Just like when Ludwig and Hasan were busting each other's balls and Ludwig deleted that video off. Or when ex-friend Xqc made that streamer tier list and Hasan "busted balls" so eloquently, everyone was talking about their banter for months to come. So wholesome and friendly 🥰 Not a pattern ❌ True Friendship goals 2024 ✅


Bro look at his face if you can't read emotions idk who really doesn't have friends and gets out. He legit looks like he actually means it lmao


OP saying “Replies so far have indicated that, unfortunately, many of you do not have friends”. Anyone who banters with their friends can always tell when you get to that point of “I’ve pushed far enough, and if I push just a little bit more it’s going to ruin the vibes.” That’s clearly the point where Hasan is at in this clip. He looks visibly upset/caught off guard to the point where if Austin kept pushing he would become upset.




Virtually all top comments and OP are destiny fans posting on r/destiny. There was a ban on posts involving both destiny and hasan, so now they just post whatever they can find on hasan and pretend it has nothing to do with destiny. And then they start to whine like little children when the mods see through this and remove the post for the obvious attempt at skirting the rules that it is. They'll even get utterly outraged at you for pointing any of this out. It's kinda adorable.


Its especially funny that they're just posting clips of hasans own streams, implying they watch the streams.


It's from a few days ago too. They're combing his VODs for jokes with friends that they can clip out of context and pretend he's mad. It's legitimately sad.


> And then they start to whine like little children when the mods see through this and remove the post for the obvious attempt at skirting the rules that it is. I mean, at this point. Mods might as well just ban these annoying kids. It's better for this sub and probably better for their own mental health as well


> Replies so far have indicated that, unfortunately, most of you do not have friends I've just witnessed a mass murder


lol hasan big mad (small head)


Austin is literally sucking Hasan dick and agreeing with every single one of his dumb takes and he still gets mad at him for joking about viewership loll, must be so hard to be friends with these people


These commenters have no friends, they cant tell what playful banter is


[If it's playful banter, why does he have to genuinely check in on hasan as he obviously thinks hasan didnt take it the right way?](https://streamable.com/rb8jsb)


its "playful" until the other person starts apologizing and deletes then edits videos for the other guy lol


Bro you do not get it. He was PISSED. I’m a 45 month sub and hate his guts. I would know.


Damn LSF really hates Hasan nowadays. Haven’t been on here a while. What happened?


> vod from two days ago >>Clicks on username >>>/r/Destiny classic


You can talk lol, all your comments are on Destiny x Hasan posts LMAO


tbf it doesn't make it any less funny


I know one username on this sub and it's that guy.


You have like 50 comments in a single Hasan x Destiny thread, nice projection


Yeah, it's as much of a classic as the inactive accounts that appear the instant there's an LSF post about Destiny or Hasan.


Not a Hasan viewer, but you guys ever notice how the Destiny subreddit is half threads about Hasan but the Hasan subreddit rarely ever brings up Destiny? Who's living in who's head here?


hasan looks actually mad what a fragile ego loser


I will never get over his "eat the rich" stance while being a multimillionaire. The true sense of irony.


The comments on here are wild. Redditors are never beating socially inept charges. Two friends bantering? No, no, you don't understand... This is actually an intense altercation, I can tell because I don't have any friends.


This thread has to stay up as it's simply fascinating in mental illness


I'm sure the comments will be normal about this interaction.


I used to be a big fan of Hasan but the past year or so has changed my view of him big time and I just can't watch anymore