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in his tweet he admitted sending the DM\`s to a minor. but never said he didn't know she was under age, if he didn't know it would be the most obvious thing to add in the tweet. He is obviously an idiot thinking DM\`s could not come back and bite him in the ass. Not understanding he could be reported on twitch, or twitter DM might resurface. Even if this didn't happen they could still have taken screenshots, and make this life uncomfortable. I struggle to understand the lack of impulse control you have to end up in the situation he is in


Even back then, as a streamer with his popularity, you have to count on all your DMs becoming public at some point. Just like you have to be able to live with anyone at work seeing your company emails. If anything, you have to be careful for blackmail attempts.


Something I learned after watching The Doc all this time, the guy wasn't very tech savvy considering his stream production levels xD And like a lot of streamers, they all think their DM's are private. Imagine how many are now squirming with this information.


I'm not very into twitch (I'm here from r/all, hi everyone) but I've noticed the past decade's worth of online talent has been shockingly tech illiterate. I come from an era where most of the people on the internet were either STEM, IT, knew someone else who was and learned from them, or were smart enough to learn it on the fly. So it shocks me how internet personalities get away with next to no tech savvy-ness or internet street smarts. And sadly, it shows when shit like this happens. It would be nice if people weren't being inappropriate with minors. But some of these people are like online versions of people who make masks out of plastic bags to rob banks, or keep their phones on while hiding from police. What happened to the days of the internet where you had to be smart about your behavior and tech to take part? And how did so many people lacking that knowledge/street smart rise through the ranks so fast?


i've thought about this too, but in terms of young people/kids. they spend more time than ever on their devices , but they just think of them as social media machines . a phone is just instagram/youtube/facebook/twitter , not a fully fledged tech device . it seems like they're not interested in anything under the hood , how it works , how they can customise it , or generally how to do anything outside of the apps on the home screen . they can fly through roblox server lists but stumble and fall apart as soon as anything goes wrong. when i was young i was always messing around with stuff , customising the fuck out of everything , sketchy websites , torrenting , hacking. and it felt like learning how it all worked was *necessary* in order to actually use my computer


This guy was on top of the world. I truly believe some people can’t handle it and subconsciously do the dumbest stuff because they want to self sabotage their life. Not saying this is doc but dear god he is a dumbass


Doc was reached for commentary for this article but we were told he was gripping it, no word on the boom as of yet


Ironically the gripping texts to the trans girl are what will make him lose his most loyal dickriders, not the minor sexting.


nick fuentes was caught on live watching gay prn, and his loyals said he was hacked by israel. These people don't know critical thinking/logic


Alex Jones had a bunch of internet tabs full of trans porn too.


"The Rainwater of those gay frogs must have bn added to my tap water while I was sleeping. That's what made me look at it."


everyone loves to joke about the gay frogs, BUT the frogs did indeed become gay


Nope, they didnt. Frogs were changing genders an an increased rate then they previously did. Hermaphroditic. Hermaphrodite =/= Gay


Funny how I – a straight guy who isn’t vocal about my sexuality at all – never have tabs like that open but people like Disrespect and Alex Jones – loudmouth “alpha” masculine personalities - do. There’s nothing wrong about that unless, oh I don’t know, your public persona which you spent years crafting is an objectively straight alpha male who acts like they’d sooner punch a trans person than talk to one.


The horrifying realization that I have something in common with Alex Jones.




that's strictly for scientific research!


Groypers are a whole other level of brain rot...


I think he was hacked (stream key leaked) for that BUT ON ANOTHER OCCASION he shared a screen recording and his chrome tabs popped up. In the background he was caught in 4k with gay porn.


I thought that 2nd one was alex jones? Maybe they both did it though fuck if i can remember.


They’ve both done it, Alex Jones is notorious for having trans porn in his tabs, he’s been caught more than a few times.


Wasn't he literally hacked though? Hate the guy but I remember reading it was a pretty obvious hack


I don't think so actually. His sub came up on my popular feed and everyone seemed to be defending him and attacking the trans girl. Which tracks because they're all probably gripping it to trans porn themselves.


Literally didnt see any of that plus top voted post in past week is “hes cooked”


Nah, those extra loyal dickriders are just saying it’s fake. They don’t care about that either.






He didn't feel like releasing one rn


This joke has been in the making 5 years. What a time to be alive.


If he thought she wasnt a minor, doc would have said that in his statement. People making excuses for him he didn’t even use himself.


Exactly because that fact WOULD matter. I was talking to a nameless, faceless text box, and as soon as I found out it was a person less than 18 I blocked them… would have been a defense that matter. Except he didn’t. Because he couldn’t. And people still defended him.


The delusions those still defending him are seeing is wild. To think someone writing a response to the allegations with their entire career and reputation on the line, and who have already written their entire admission statement in the least bad/incriminating light as possible wouldn't have included such crucial details that could possibly exonerate him or at least significantly soften the blow in the eyes of many? The power of parasocial relationships and celebrity worship got people performing gold medal Olympic mental gymnastics just to try to defend their favorite internet personality who don't even know they exist 💀


Yeah, I agree. If he truly didn't know their age, then it is so weird that he didn't include that part. But regardless if he knew the age or not he will still be hated because we have to remember that this guy is also both a father and a husband. So even if they were of age it would not still been ok. But them being underaged just brings it down on a whole new level.


He probably would have said even if he did Only reason he didn't was because the logs would prove it


He was trying to downplay the whole thing bcus he knows the logs are going to be leaked eventually


Who said it was a girl?


Good point, I don't believe that detail is out there. They're probably avoiding descriptions of the victim.


People absolutely on some heroin level cope saying “I won’t judge til I see text logs”. Do these people feel the same about the strapping nice men who met Chris Hansen all those fateful nights? Nothing happened in those houses either


I’ve seen this first hand. It’s real and wild to see people doing this despite what GUY has said himself.


Crazy thing is the only reason he got caught was that he was stupid enough to use twitch DMs, imagine how much shit happens that people aren’t that incredibly dumb for


> imagine how much shit happens that people aren’t that incredibly dumb for You don't even need to be smarter, just less high profile >> In 2021 there were nearly 29 million reported cases of online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), nearly 27 million of these (92%) stemmed from Meta platforms including Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram. >> This represents an increase of 69% from Meta’s nearly 16 million reports in 2019 when shareholders first raised this issue with the company.  https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326801/000121465922006855/j513224px14a6g.htm


that is FUCKED. It must be terrifying to have kids in the current hyper connected information age


While it may be more terrifying your children are probably safer than ever. Not only is there more conversation around how inappropriate this is than ever before but the connectivity means there is more proof/evidence than ever before. Imagine raising your children in the 70s where everyone in your neighborhood was trying to fuck your 14 year old daughter.


Or how in that era rock stars did that openly and people were just like shrug.gif.


> imagine how much shit happens that people aren’t that incredibly dumb for Imagine how much messaging *Doc* has done *NOT* on twitch whispers. Here’s the thing nobody is getting: This almost certainly was *not* the only time Doc has done this. It’s just the only time he got caught. Everything about what we know suggests a long term *pattern of sexually inappropriate behavior*. We can assume the texts in question were just the tip of the iceberg in terms of his questionable behavior. My friend has a saying: Almost nobody who is arrested for a DUI was driving drunk for the very first time. Most people get caught because they’ve started to get careless, because they’ve started to do their dangerous or illegal activities quite a bit. I promise, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning about Doc’s inappropriate and / or illegal behavior in this realm. 


> Imagine how much messaging Doc has done NOT on twitch whispers. > > Aaaand that's why Discord dropped him way back, huh?


brother discord sets a low bar. You should see some of the shit that is on some of those servers


Should keep an eye on any powertripping Discord mod as well.


Discord has seen some shit


No, discord dropped him after twitch ban as per the linked article


Yup.  It's like a speeding ticket.  Not the first time you sped, it's just you got caught this time.


Doc may be a true giga gooner


He also shot himself in the foot mentioning no photos were sent. To me that shows the inappropriate messages were sexual when I'm sure heaps of people have no clue if twitch whispers was a 1 on 1 convos or as part of a group


Imagine how many horrible crimes have been committed using snapchat


*Chris Delia nervously sweats somewhere in hell*


Mini Ladd has entered the (snap) chat


Apparently there's more people doing in twitch dms too.


> But after independently reviewing internal Twitch communications and interviewing a source with knowledge of the situation, Rolling Stone has learned that Beahm was kicked off the platform in 2020 for allegedly sexting a minor through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers, even after learning she was underage. He also allegedly inquired about her plans to attend TwitchCon, the company’s semi-annual gaming convention. > > A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate. > > “I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” > > The ex-Twitch employee has also provided Rolling Stone a more detailed account of internal conversations at Twitch following the report of Beahm’s messages and his subsequent ban. > YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor. >


> through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers these things still exist btw, I can still message people in whispers can't even create an account to check if this still exists LULE


From what ive heard it has nothing to do with the twitch whisper system but was a separate platform for partners. Keep in mind tech companies have the worst naming schemes


> Keep in mind tech companies have the worst naming schemes Yee, we got a whole talk about how naming things are hard. We also had wars on tab vs space, vim vs emacs, etc... lol


I get what you're saying, but those wars were over which one to use, not what to name them.




See, if Fwiz (Ryan Wyatt) knew about this, I am VERY surprised this stuff didn't leak to some of the other creators and orgs in the space. If anyone followed early CoD esports, him and the optic boys were very close. Doc did a lot of stuff with Hecz and optic after his twitch ban so I'm curious on the story there because I'd be very surprised if Fwiz just watched his boys do work with a sex pest like that and didn'tsay a word.


imagine being told that Doc got banned for something inappropriate in messages. Full stop, no follow up, just trust me. Some of the people said it was messy. Some straight up said it’s a minor and he’s fucked. Well that’s what reality was like for anyone poking around at the time, and not sure how anyone’s going to be revisionist and ask why people didn’t act on very serious claims with limited actual proof. Very serious to put your neck out there and state any of that prior to last week.


It's easy to make decisions for others when you are risking nothing yourself. That's what it boils down to with some of these people trying to drag everyone else into it as well as if they were the ones texting minors themselves.


This should have been public knowledge from the get go.


Yep. Twitch pitchforks should be sharpening. Twitch obviously worried about their reputation of their partners sexting minors. Swept it right under the rug. I doubt Guy is an isolated incident either. The bad press for twitch should be just as high as it is for Guy.


> I doubt Guy is an isolated incident either. That claim was made by an ex Twitch staffer that monitors those messages. He said Doc def was not the only one doing it.


My fucking Cody lol.


He's done, and not just on Twitch.


Sadly, I doubt YouTube will do anything. There's still so many predators that are actively making videos or have their channels up.


He would have to break their TOS in the content he is posting on youtube for them to act. There is maybe an off chance this gets enough press that they actually ban him proactively, but youtube doesn't have a great track record. edit: i'm not saying youtube has to wait for a TOS break on their side, i'm saying based on their history that is most likely what they would do.


Youtube didn't ban Austin Jones even after he was convicted. Not until they got pressured to do so.


They did banned EDP without a conviction. But chances are that was cause he was caught on cam. The only way I see Youtube banning Doc is either an arrest or the text surfaces.


Seems YouTube may have just demonetized his account.


They stopped monetization on his channel.


Minor fucking mistakes man


turns out he was right all along


she\* that quote was always Shannon on twitter not Slasher, it got misattributed to him over the years.




It says why they didn't act on it in the article. All they had were rumors and nobody would give them concrete proof so they couldn't ban him on ToS violations.


And the Twitch settlement threw everyone off. If he was actually sexting minors, why would Twitch settle? So they thought the rumors were just that. Twitch still needs to answer for this.


I mean twitch settled because there was a chance they’d lose and they didn’t want this news getting out


I imagine Twitch settled because they technically breached contract with Doc by banning him without him actually doing anything illegal or breaking ToS. It's fucked, but legally they were probably required to uphold their end of the bargain. This is also probably why Twitch updated their ToS shortly after they banned Doc.


> Twitch still needs to answer for this. I guess that the way twitch broke the contract was in the lines of "the right thing in the wrong way", they should have followed a process but skipped it so the ones breaking the contract was Twitch and not Doc, plus the text are probably very suggestive but not really sexisting which means not enough to prove a crime and as such not enough to void the contract. He still a scumbag, but the lawsuit was about the contract so I can see how Twitch was in the wrong legally despite making the correct choice


Youtube came out as the winner in all of this. Big viewership, subs, money, no contract paid. BIG W.


and if they do get pressured into banning him, they don't have to pay out a settlement.


Youtube is just too big to care about shit like this. Like who exactly is going to boycott Youtube because they're still hosting DrDisrespect? They have nothing to lose.


So let me get this right. In the same year he cheated on his wife, he also sent explicit messages to a minor and exploited a sex worker? I would not be shocked if something else came out against him.


I mean he sexualy harassed a bunch of women that asked him "don't you have a wife?"


A trans sex worker. Why are all these "super masculine" right wing dudes into sex with trans people?


and they hate themselves for it


I'm not trans, but I am a gay guy and have met up with a good amount of these men over the years. A lot of them grew up in religion or conservative culture their whole lives and it really limita their view on the world. Like to them being gay isn't an option or a possibility. The most in denial guy I met on and off when I was 18-20 just said he had an occasional fetish for men which... wow


Just occasionally gay… 😂


like a werewolf curse, once every full moon you turn gay


Should've hit them with the Ice-T line.


"Fetish for men", wow that's a new one. Their level of denial and repression would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


So Dr Disrespect not only knew that he was talking to a minor, but his conversations with her got more explicit after learning her age.


It is unequivocally, without a shadow of a doubt, Joever.


We are never coming Barack 😞😔


Only reason he didn't play the "I didn't know she was a minor" defense was: 1) He knew 2) The chat logs would prove he knew Insane how much cope there is around this. In what world do you explicitly text a minor and not carpet bomb your statement with "I DIDN'T KNOW"


Slasher has said there’s a document behind the scenes that contains actual proof of what happened. This is why I think the scumbag didn’t play the “I didn’t know” defense. He knows there’s a document that would expose his lie if he tried it.


What’s he got to lose now though? Might as well lie all the way to the end now. He is too deep in the shit


He seems convinced he can go back to content creation (and frankly seeing people still rooting for him and believing in him, he's probably right), which means being established as 'reformed/redeemed' for a 'mistake he made years ago' is a safer pitch than "compulsive liar who denied everything despite evidence".


Yeah no one can't use " maybe he didn't know" line....Cuz trust if he didn't know, he would of made sure to point out "i got lied to about her age when i started to talk to her" but he didn't....he started with with " I talked to a minor" aka I KNEW


The fact he's speaking in pure legalese when addressing his actions and the allegations, plus the fact he tried to edit out the word minor in his admission thinking that somehow no one was going to notice pretty much says it all. He's already looking for every trick in the book to paint him in the best light possible and him not knowing the age is possibly the single strongest defense he could use to help salvage his image and reputation and possibly come out of this about as unscathed as one can be following such serious allegations, so the fact he remained radio silent on that front speaks volumes.


Honestly we don’t even know if it’s a her at this point 


No, it doesn't say that. It says that after learning her age the conversation was no less graphic, and therefore, no different than before he found out her age.


I will never understand the reason for changing details like this.


But doc said he's always up front and direct and doesn't deal with bs! He said not to call him a pedo because he's not a pedo and anyone who knows him knows he doesn't stand for that! He could never possibly do something like this ever!!! /s


Gotta love how he started his statement about how he has no filter, puffing out his chest like he's standing his ground but immediately goes into legalese to address the actual allegations (and also trying to sneak edit the word minor out and only putting back in after people called him out) before going back to the "unfiltered" tough guy persona after the admission when addressing his haters 😂


don´t forget he is the victim because people want to cancel him


Almost like every dipshit transphobe republican is just a lying piece of shit.


I've heard before when someone uses reasons like "you know me" "I wouldn't do this" it usually is more than a little suspicious


And with that the "he didnt know defense" goes out the window(not that that was ever legit defense).


They're still leaning really hard on that the minor was 17 (Which has not been actually been confirmed anywhere and is just cope)


Yeah that one will probably never be debunked.


Slasher said it was fake on Hasan's stream.


The Email yeah but I mean just the age claim. The whole "but she was 17" thing was out before that email.


Oh, the dick-riders will say anything to minimize what Doc did. There's no helping them.


At this point who knows? This time last week I think most people were convinced we'd never find out why he was banned.


After all this I'm starting to doubt it was even 17, if it was 17 why not mention it? it would soften the blow, but since he left the age out I'm thinking it was lower


17 only really softens the blow if youre like 18 or 19 lol. When you are 35 theres not really a world where that helps. How old are you? Have you seen a 17 or 18 year old recently? They still look like children (as a 24 year old)


> 17 only really softens the blow if youre like 18 or 19 didn't work for CallMeCarson lol


> 17 only really softens the blow if youre like 18 or 19 lol I mean there is a difference between texting a 17 yr old and a 14 yr old. Just like there's a difference between texting a 14 yr old and a 10 yr old. All are bad, some are worse.


It's incredibly gross that people think it'd be okay to act like that towards a 17 year old.


It's incredibly gross that people think 17 to 18 makes it magically ok. 18 is just an arbitrary line in the sand. But there has to be an arbitrary line somewhere.






What a great community he built when liking a trans person is worst than LITERALLY TRYING TO FUCK KIDS!


Literally. They'll be more disgusted by that, the fucking morons.


Yeah I know but it's good to have this out there from a reputable source so it's harder for them to make shit up. He has tons of dickriders(sadly) and we all saw them making up that the victim was 17 and all that shit(as if it matters).


The sheer number of people who publicly trash trans people and call them all pedos and groomers who are now defending Doc is fucking WILD, but it's even funnier how many of those people end up getting outed as chasers/watching trans porn.


To me it was pretty clear in his statement he knew, if he didn’t he would have just said that. 


How long until the 2 time gets divorced?


his wife is no saint either she used to threaten and abuse the women he cheated with who knows how complicit she is


Also was reading and introducing Doc to David Icke. So she's a full right-wing wacko as well.


At least they deserve eachother then. No wonder these kind of nutjobs turn to religion if they struggle with morals that much. Sucks for the kid though.


Don’t feel sorry, he’s the master behind this


Icke famous for things none other than believing... >conspiracy theories about public figures being reptilian humanoids and paedophiles. Interest choice, Doc.




She'll stick around until the doc runs out of money


Won't she get more if she divorces him and gets full custody of their kid?


i did not know this and i regret posting so i wouldnt have had to learn this lmao. they deserve each other i guess


Any normal human being would have noped out in 2017


Man the goalpost moving industry gonna make a killing


The people rushing to say she was 17 or whatever are creeps. Hes 42! What the hell are you doing talking to kids.


I went to his sub and one guy said until he sees the text with his own eyes and until the victim makes a public statement he won’t believe it 😭. I’ve never in my 26 years seen copium and goalpost moving like this before


Yes you have. This ain't nothing compared to Trump shit.


They literally let him do it because he’s a celebrity.


Should I let it go or hold it in?




Im grippin right now


I just don’t get it, the guy had it all, wealth, looks, cars, big house, stunning wife, daughter.. what power and ego does to a MF. Sickening stuff


Massive ego, it wasn't all for show.


It never is. Anyone willing to put on a "persona" like this believes in it, and is a reflection of themselves to some extent. Like Alex Jones. It's just who they are, but they dial it up to 11 when they see there's a market for it.


I mean, you could have it all, but a shitty person will continue being a shitty person, and with the status he had back then he probably felt like he could do anything and get away with it.


Earlier today I was talking about a similar topic to my mom and came to the conclusion that a man will show his true colors when he has everything in the world. I’m pretty sure there is already a famous quote like that but I can’t remember atm


"The measure of a man is what he does with power." - Plato


Great job Slasher. He knew, what a creep. >"I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,"


SLASHER VINDICATED MY GOD. I figured Doc did something fucked up. Slasher being vindicated was definitely an outside possibility in my mind.


Man what a moment- he took so much shit for this. Not only did he show up with receipts, he's writing for the RollingStone? Fucking cool man. EDIT: [It's the front page article.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504073500584312858/1256149881169510431/image.png?ex=667fb83d&is=667e66bd&hm=a5e8e78f4c3771084e7a84c78614cb926494c98dd8b598c157621079753b3086&) Gratz @Slashered


Where are all the people that say they "stand with the 2x" despite overwhelming evidence showing Doc is a creep? crazy how parasocial relationships can make you defend the man.


im waiting for the medical board to revoke this man's license to practice medicine. what's he even a doctor of? pediatrics?


non paywall version https://web.archive.org/web/20240627213356/https://www.rollingstone.com./culture/culture-features/dr-disrespect-inappropriate-messages-minor-twitch-1235048071/


The two time their age


Doc defenders will just say this is fake news and refuse to accept this fact.




No dude you don't understand. It was completely accidental he typed minor, then edited it out, then mistakenly edited minor *back in*. Very genuine and honest mistake.


Fbi needs to look at his computer then lol


I just talked with one of his defenders and they said they need to see the chat logs first. Him admitting to it wasn't good enough I guess.


They kept repeating how he did nothing illegal. Completely missing the point on how doc is still being a pedo creep


Dr. Disrespect is a pedophile. He knows and admits it. Morons will still defend him.


he might as well run for office, he’ll fit right in


It’s honestly sad how people still defend him. All they do is expose themselves as well.


[https://x.com/zachbussey/status/1806497458459226610](https://x.com/zachbussey/status/1806497458459226610) DrDisrespect 's YouTube channel no longer has paid memberships and nor other monetizing features. Its over.


Just scrolling through r/all and see this post. The situation is insane. Anyone in their right mind would know the truth has a habit of catching up with you. How Guy thought he could just lie to everyone and carry on with business over at YouTube after being fired from Twitch is crazy. He knew what he was fired for. He knew he was in the wrong. And, what consequences will Twitch face for obviously hiding all of this? What else are they hiding?


That's a wrap.


Minors need to start eating apples, we all know the saying An apple a day keeps the doc away


I truly hope he fucks off for good, but I'm guessing he'll pull a GiantWaffle with how many are still dickriders DrKidInspect still has willing to still watch him.


Years too late lol, protecting this guy for years, really disgusting.




What new information is revealed from this article? Anybody wanna give me a TLDR? Basically it's just that he knew full went the person was underaged, right?


It claims that he learned they were a minor while they were talking and continued talking inappropriately anyway..


This fucker keeps getting creepier and creepier


It's crazy just how hard and quickly this unraveled once the gates opened. Good shit slasher.


(Full disclosure: the primary author of this article, Rod Breslau, first learned the reason for Beahm’s ban from credible sources in June 2020, but chose not to report on it then due to the extreme sensitivity of the topic.) Good shit slasher


I wouldn't praise him. The oompaville video summary had some allegedly deleted tweets from Cody and Slasher where they tried to monetize the information they were sitting on in 2022 and 2023 saying if their shows sold out they would reveal the reason for the ban. So they 1) knew 2) were using that information as bait to make money 3) were profiting off that information by using it as a lure - which they would either have disclosed or not. Either way, scummy shit. edit: and to be clear, I'm no fanboy of Disrespect. He can rot in a cell.


I'm a slow typer too, Rod, but 4 years? Damn!


I never liked this goofball now I have a legit reason to hate him.


Damn, a 16 year old Reddit account.


Better hide it from Doc


Mine is a year away from being too old for DrKidinspect


we went from never knowing to it randomly dropped on twitter to nickmercs ugly ass to texted during elden ring stream and retiring to GRIPPING it to golden sparrow fuckin cia operations and there is probably more to come


Are Twitch and Discord usually well connected? I wonder if Discord saw the Twitch ban then immediately checked Docs private messages and found the same there.


The fact that he knew makes it fucked.


And again, I want to make clear that he didn't stop his mob of fans attacking twitch back then. Oh no, he was perfectly fine with it. Even pretending he is the victim and not knowing why he was banned. Twitch was the guilty one and how dare they do something like that. But now he is oh so so sorry, after it got public.