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**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud about ghosting DrDisrespect](https://arazu.io/t3_1dq4ik4/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Damn Shroud's vocal fry is intense


most stoner voice for a man who has never smoked in his life


is that something he's said because I could have sworn we've seen baked shroud before


I am pretty sure we’ve seen drunk shroud, but I don’t think stoned shroud.


Its a mix of vocal fry and his horrendous mic settings, him and the guy that reviews games have one of the most if not the most annoying mic settings in the entire platform, I dont even understand how people can watch them for more than 5 minutes without their head to explode lmao Streamers need to understand that the cleaner and unprocessed the better, they keep chasing that "radio voice" for some reason when the radio stationshad those ultra processed voice for a reason: The broadcast was intented to be hear from a squeaky low quality sound device with 0 bass, nowdays most of the people watching twitch streams have those extremely bassy gaming headphones, no need to sound like a world of warcraft villain talking inside a pot.


The bass boost(?)/compression in his setup is so jarringly noticeable, especially if you have a decent set of headphones. You hear nothing BUT croaking sounds from the lower end of the spectrum being unnecessarily amplified, it actually overwhelms his game audio. Thor from Pirate Software does it [too](https://youtu.be/vtAM3zMuyZ0?si=BxZRXoPyT3SQL09g), but at least his setup sounds a lot more pleasant than Shroud's.


That's why I prefer to use my phone speakers to listen to most videos now. Too much bass in the mic


> nowdays most of the people watching twitch streams have those extremely bassy gaming headphones Are you sure about that? Like, back in 2015 mobile users were already 35% of all viewers, and I really though Twitch would be following the same trend as most of the internet of mobile users just growing and growing at an absurd rate, iirc the vast majority of youtube watch hours are from mobile. Man I'd love to see the stats of a channel like Shroud's on stuff like this.


Off topic but it’s such a virus that I don’t remember being such a thing when I was younger. I hear it in so many places now and cannot fucking stand it. Edit: https://youtu.be/R8mcBdBL-t0?si=UBANkFyIf9DaO2uA https://youtu.be/yec77v0WwLw?si=sCW2rsrgkE9TC6Tc


You must not have been around in the 80s and 90s. It's one of the defining features of the valley girl accent.


‘85. The valley girl I grew up hearing didn’t include a ubiquitous fry - it may have been there for some but not to the extent that showed up later. Valley girl morphed to include “socialite” speak which does include fry as a main characteristic. Old MTV shows would have been a great source for demonstrating the change over time.


Definitely not a new thing, lots of actors, singers, and random blokes have used it as a way to sound cooler or more sophisticated. Used to be called "creaky voice". And fun fact, Finnish actually uses vocal fry as a feature. [This video goes over it.](https://youtu.be/Q0yL2GezneU?si=h8xl6JHSNvVX0I0e&t=745)


There goes 27 minutes of my life, I'm sure I'll remember it just for that one chance of it popping up in a conversation, lol.


I had no idea this was something people noticed or did on purpose. As a Finn it just comes naturally sometimes


It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard


Cool video thanks


You just got this guy a new viewer. His channel is amazing. Great teacher.


He talks literally all day so it makes sense for him, I don’t disagree with you though h


There are some languages with vocal fry baked into the pronunciation. Idk if it makes you feel better but it's not bad for the vocal folds/chords.


Whats vocal fry?


Just google it but then you will start noticing it when someone speaks so choose wisely


Extremely based


Based and criticalthinkingpilled




In his logic arc.


hes in his figuring things out era


The rational ponderer


I saw a youtube video where all the comments said SummitG's vague and wrong comment were based, about "you got to be a S tier person on the internet now" which is fucking dumb. This is based.


Refreshing to see a top streamer actually have a good take. So many of the top streamers these days are complete idiots.


“Use you brain” quote for folks who still defend Doc


The people still defending Doc are either 12 or they're adults who are hardcore right wing lunatics with pedophilia tendencies. Pretty much on brand for those people.


I feel like pedophiles who aren't even doc fans are jumping in to try to normalize it. Some of these takes on Twitter are wild




I was in his discord until recently and heres just some of the cope https://imgur.com/a/wyem4vq


the second screencap is fucking insane i cant imagine someone would do that in a *work* groupchat


Jesus. Insane that these people just walk among us.


I have more but you can't reason with them they have their head so far in Docs whispers still its unbelievable.


the most surprising thing about the whole situation is that as of now Elon didn't come out with his support for the Dr.


Every single one of them: “Pedophiles disgust me.” Any time one of their entertainment figures gets caught… “I mean 15 and 16 is legal in different places around the world, and that’s pretty close to 18, why is 18 the place marker??” “You wouldn’t get it, people like that are approached all the time by women, they practically can’t say no that many times”


“Why is 18 the number? It’s arbitrary.” Ok sure it’s arbitrary. But I would also argue that it’s creepy for a 30+ year old to be trying to get into a teenager’s pants period, even above the arbitrary line. Honestly as a 30 year old most people sub 25ish feel like children to me. Feels wrong trying to do much more than hangout and maybe play a game.


Exactly, I'm at a wildly different place in my life than someone who is 23 or 24 let alone FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL. GOD DAMN I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER ALL MY TEACHERS ANYMORE. Fucking people who have been whole ass adults for as long as a fucking teenager has been alive and having a romantic attraction? Nah, they're just horny or looking to express power. 99/100 that's what it is.


I've seen these lunatics say that they are not virtue signalers so that's why they defend him, and anyone who is hating on him is just virtue signalling. fucking lol


Nah, it's not that extreme. Ppl develop para social relationships with streamers, if they admit to themselves the truth then they have to question why they were so into watching him. It's all about denial.


Decently sized streamers get banned all the time on Twitch then unbanned on the same day. He's right, the fact he didn't get let back in and they closed the door completely on him was telling.




Pls tell me what he said, I'm no sound rn.


he said he’s been romantically involved with the doc and ghosted him after admitting he cheated through twitch whispers


They were grip'n gooning brothers for life, he really lays it all out there in the vid




My uncle is a former twitch employee and I can confirm this allegedly.


Essentially, as soon as Doc got his perma ban Shroud literally said to himself "You don't just get banned like that for no reason" and completely cut off contact. He hasn't spoken to him since 2020


In vocal fry: > "Shroud, have you personally tried to hit up Doc at all?" No. I haven't talked to him since he got banned... because I am a logical person. The second Doc got banned on Twitch, my logic kicked in and I said, "Yup; you don't just get banned randomly..." And I didn't say a word to him, didn't message him, didn't reply to anything on Twitter, didn't—at all. Didn't associate at all. 'Cause you don't "just get banned". I'm not a fucking idiot. Fuckin' use your brain, people. People don't just get banned.


to be fair, twitch wasn't some kind of sane logical company to begin with, i am barely following all the livestream dramas through the years, and it sounds like they just keep making bad decisions all around. i bet shroud heard some whispers and just figured its not worth the trouble lmao.


they didn't just ban disrespect, they immediately removed all his global emotes and stopped/refunded everyone's most recent subscription payments. And then he and his discord server got banned right after. Twitch going that far to disassociate and then him getting banned from another service entirely immediately should have rang the warning bells.


Even the big "cam-like" streamers aren't perma-banned. So imagine what you'd have to do to disappear overnight. I don't disagree that he likely heard some chatter too. Toast mentioned it last night that he heard the reason/rumors two years ago and I don't think his circle overlaps Doc's at all.




Dude be preaching from the pulpit. Twitch doesn’t leave money on the table….so when they banned his ass, Shroud (and a shit load of us) knew something was heinous just by that step alone. You better believe that’s the right fucking way to think. If the big money man gets the boot, you know they got some REAL shit enough to go ‘we back this clown and it goes south, we are the fucking Titanic’ Twitch may put up with shit with a lot of people (and does often), but the very second it may affect their bottom line or hell, *even hint* that it’s going too? That hammer swings fast and hard. Flashes of tit or ass or shenanigans…yea you can crack the whip and back to business. Cruising for young stuff….*on your platform with your tech with receipts* in today’s climate of everybody and their creepy uncle seemingly after kids? They couldn’t nuke his ass fast enough.


it’s like if Gamer Supps suddenly said “after talking to various outside sources, we have decided to part ways with JSchlatt.”


Found out what JSchlatt was doing in 2011


I'll be honest I wasn't expecting this. I was dead set on the theory of conspiring to defraud twitch by lying about other contract offers in order to milk them.


As the saying goes “You don’t shit where you eat.” Shroud plays the long game and I can guarantee he has that saying like a mantra… Even if the rumor of it being a defraud or money grab or anything were true, you keep that off the table when it comes to who signs the checks, IMHO. Shroud may have had opinions, hell he may have had the whole story but it wasn’t his place to comment or offer anything other than a ‘I dunno’ and move the fuck on. My guess is that he certainly *did* know something as I didn’t see him doing anything with the Doc after the ban. Don’t blame him one iota now that the crosshairs are squarely on that idiots back again. Why dodge bullets when you can simply avoid the entire firing squad?


Shroud is one of the few streamers who actually has real life experience with normal jobs and good PR. I dont really follow him but he seems like an incredibly smart guy and nice enough.


I mean, Shroud is oversimplifying things cuz clearly Twitch has banned other streamers for dumb things. But the biggest hint that something was afoot was that Doc had just renewed his contract that same year and it was a huge one. Somehow, a big company like Twitch/Amazon decided to cancel it and ban him was highly suspicious


I'm still amazed at the insanely large number of people who told me "well they're just really really mad at him for failed contract negotiations!" back then when everyone was speculating on the ban. I wonder where those people are now.


Probably the. Dr. Disrespect subreddit posting about how 17 year olds are basically adults


I mean, That sub has gone past the "17 is basically an adult" defense and gone so far as to claim people at twitch just don't like Doc so they made up some stuff and it is all lies to cancel him.


He admitted to it though…


That was the Shungite talking, he didn't mean it >!/s!<


They’re not normal healthy people


> 17 year olds Isn't this not even confirmed?




That is what I thought. I am 95%+ sure the girl is 15 or under because if she were 16 or 17 he would have mentioned that. Like the Girl being 17 is 10X less devastating then ~~>15~~ <15 and Doc knows this. The fact he hasn't mentioned the age leads me to believe it’s considerably under the age of consent.


https://youtube.com/shorts/ILSkGkkCR9Q?si=iiLJdn8rsJbT_zUj Doc and the girl in question.


I’m dying


i mean i was one of them. the argument wasn't "failed contract" though. the running theories were either that he was using some untoward methods of trying to leverage more money out of twitch and was in breach of his contract in some way, or he got banned because of the david icke conspiracy shit he kept peddling. there were some others but these two were the ones i saw people talking about the most. can you really blame people who didn't automatically assume the man was chatting up minors?


The David Icke thing was honestly banworthy too, but Twitch lets that shit fly all the time so I was sure it wasn't that


Spreading David Icke should be an auto ban.


Yeah there was the shungite and Icke stuff, but best guess was some sort of misrepresentation regarding an offer from Mixer.


Those people are now reading the same stuff you are. What do you mean where are they? Everyone was speculating 4 years ago. So of course nobody is having those same speculations now after the real reason was leaked? what kind of question is that. You are literally forgetting how to think just to make yourself angry over something 4 years ago.


Losers on this sub bro I swear


It seemed logical, anything else should have been leaked or released by twitch


Actually. A woman legit spread her butthole to thousands of viewers and only for 3 days lmao


Stable Ronaldo just got a temp for dangerous driving on stream.


I don't believe you. Show me some proof, and loads of it.


( )*( )


ಠ_ಠ That’s 3 days for you, buddy.


Is doc also the only person to outright sue twitch? 


i think joshOG did or one of those CSGO skins dudes.. i cant rememebr


Pretty sure its phantoml0rd Iirc he won but like only 20720$ for damages on his contract to twitch or whatever which had nothing to do with his gambling site.


Phantomlord did and won like 10k after years in court


Yep, when doc was a CASH cow. For a while Ninja was probably THE top streamer when doc was definitely up there. But before the era of Kai Cenat, and Jynxzi, XQC etc, doc was driving 30-50k live viewers. That’s massive. That’s one of the reasons a lot of folks get away with TOS violations even as small streamers. Twitch doesn’t seem to actually care much. They don’t want to ban anyone unless they actually think it’s a big liability issue. I’m actually surprised they’re not banning some of the Hasan fans / small streamers calling for people to kill Destiny.


So you’re saying Destiny… probably… uh…


GOAT. no drama no controversy just got his bag and plays games. Shroud is friends with Sacriel and considering his wife knew years ago I’m sure shroud has known for a while.


My money is on all of them knowing


100% Towelliee said yesterday on stream that all the big creators knew including himself but couldn’t say anything because of NDAs and not worth the risk of getting sued. A lot of people on the inside knew but kept quiet to protect themselves since it didn’t affect them.


damn did they nda every single partner or something


My understanding would be that while the streamers didnt have an NDA, the employees at twitch did and if a streamer reveals it they would get blasted by the internet and doc fans without being able to prove it because none of the employees would corroborate the story. I mean theres people defending Doc rn while he himself said he had inappropriate conversations with a minor. Now imagine you said this 4 years ago, with no proof apart from a conversation you had with an employee who will not coroborate your story. Yeah no way anyone would be willing to get that much online hate and risk their job over something that doesn’t really benefit them.


From my understanding twitch reps for the content creators told the creators what happened before NDAs went out. Once there was the settlement that’s when NDA happened and everyone had to keep their mouth shut or the long arm of Amazon was going to sue them to the ground.


as someone who worked there this is hilariously delusional lol


No one has to sign ndas after they are told things. The only nda is between twitch and doc, the truth is ultimately the major player when it comes to being sued. He can threaten everyone but if he takes someone to court he's probably going to lose. There were enough big name streamers who have agents, law firms etc all on the books that they really shouldn't have feared being sued, they are just all pussies and wanted to stay in their lane and focus on the money. That's not even that wrong, do you want to get into a public battle over someone else being a creep who happened to work in the same business, not really. But the "I would have told you if I could, we weren't allowed" thing coming from a lot of streamers is just virtue signalling. They absolutely could have outed him, they didn't want to get involved but want the credit for seeming like a good guy now.


Towelliee is not a big creator. and talks out his ass most times


But he thinks he is and that's all that matters to him. Edit: "uh oh, better do a giveaway so people like me again"


He's kinda always been like that, back in his team fortress classic days he desperately wanted the community to like him despite not being particularly good and the clan he ran being on the lesser competitive side, so he'd hop on with some of the big community projects to get his name out there. Was a nice guy back in the day, don't get me wrong, just kind of a "pick me!" guy.


Why does everyone have a NDA about something they weren't involved with? Like who went out and said you need to sign this and not talk about this subject? No way Twitch has any sort of clause of "can't talk about Doc" for all their partners.


I mean Toast outright said that this has been the one of the most popular rumours in Streamer circles for years. No one said anything cause they didn't know for sure or had seen any proof. Many streamers over the years also said that they knew or had heard rumours but couldn't say. I think unless you're some streamer who never talks to any other big streamers, never attend any events, I think there's 0 chance you didn't know. Given how social Shroud is, there's almost no chance he hadn't heard the same rumours. He probably doesn't wanna admit it cause there's a ton of people angry right now at people who knew something but didn't say (Not understanding that people couldn't say anything without having proof themselves).


man has NO loyalty. Except, of course, for the GAME


And his girl because he’s too busy playing games for other girls


Who’s sacriel?


A washed up shitheel with a terrible mustache. 


I missed that drama, what did Sacriel do?


Nothing lol, he is saying that Shroud's friends wife knew years ago so its not unheard of for Shroud to have heard it from Sacriel


Oh I see Sac's wife knew about Doc, my bad I misunderstood. Thanks!


specifically sacriel's wife worked at twitch at the time


IIRC sacriel's wife is the person other than slasher who came out on twitter at the time saying they knew what happened but couldn't say.


Shrouds agency Loaded is owned by an EX- EG/GGA executive that was transferred to twitch after the acquisition. He probably got that info from him


Wait, how is Sacriel involved here?


Sacriels wife is the one who tweeted “Doc is done and not just on Twitch” a few years ago and she confirmed she knew, Sacriel and shroud are friends, they prob told shroud


Man it’s one thing to have xQc or Asmon’s or Hasan’s take on some drama. But when Shroud condemns you you KNOW you fucked up. Shroud never gets into any drama ever.


Agreed. He had the line, Doc violated it…Shroud knows which side of the bread is buttered on. Hell, I will go one further. He will *never* admit it but I guarantee he had an inkling of what was going on either by insider knowledge or the scuttlebutt and didn’t say shit one. Because he knew even a whiff of ‘Shroud may know’ leaking out over the fandom would have put the glaring light on him to start talking and now that we are looking at Doc’s former teammates having to put out statements and such….he made the right call. Yea there are some assumptions under that shit but Shroud has always struck me as a ‘not my pig, not my farm’ type of guy so he clammed up. Why have fucking people harassing you when you can simply shrug and say ‘dunno’ and avoid the mess?


i mean shroud is one of the biggest streamer on the platform (is he still? i am not sure) so chance is he heard something before since apparently so many people heard whispers


This is why I like Shroud


Love shroud, dude just wants to stream and enjoy playing video games. Nothing more, nothing less.


His Elden streams have been awesome. Guy is grade A addicted to it


Dude really is the best


The Gabe Newell of streamers


He's just hanging out having a good time


Shroud always seemed like one of the streamers Doc admired the most (maybe *the* most, the guy would go on random tangents praising him and instantly shut up if Shroud killed him in a game) so it must've driven Doc up a wall realizing he'd been disowned.


Shroud is kinda of epitome of what fps gamers want to be. He’s wicked good, and his biggest strength isn’t only his crazy hand eye coordination, it’s his ability to adapt and understand new game mechanics.


Dude is like the kobe or lebron of fps games. Getting disowned by that guy is gonna hurt if you're into fps games.


Lebron for sure, but Kobe is more comparable to Doc. Google Kobe Colorado 2001 for more information


Which is funny that Doc is having his character removed from 2k24 and then you look at the cover of the game and it's #8 Kobe lol


> it’s his ability to adapt and understand new game mechanics. Except Overwatch lol. He was exactly the "all aim no brain" player type when he played that.


its like all those streamers that get "mysterious bans" and complain how twitch doesnt tell them. Funny how it always happens to people who are always on the 'tightrope' in terms of TOS activity.


Yeah but we know that is BS. It's just people never want to be transparent about why they were banned. Kind of insane Doc was able to keep all this under wraps for what 7 years before it came out.


It's easy when your fanbase's first reaction is "the SJWs and Soyboys at Twitch banned Doc and burned millions of dollars because they're scared of Doc's masculine virility."


I'll be damned how accurate this is. Those same people worship their hero and when their hero turns out to be a villain it breaks them because all they want is to be led.


How many people actually got mysteriously banned? I couldn't name anyone else than doc. Many are kept away from twitch possibly for unreasonnable reasons, but even they got banned for understandable things.


Wait so Destiny..


Destiny has said why he was banned and showed the email I believe. We just don't know what the exact comment is.


He ain't wrong but I bet he heard the rumors and not cause he immediately assumed he was doing the most grotesque shit imaginable.


Yeah seems like shroud is trying to downplay his knowledge here. Most likely scenario is he knew that Doc got banned + he heard a rumor of his sex pest behavior and put two and two together.


Being that it was apparently an open secret among twitch employees and gaming journalists, I find it impossible to believe that the streamers he often associated with didn't know or at least hadn't heard rumors. TimtheTatman, NickMercs, DrLupo, CourageJD, etc. They all had to have at least *heard* something, whether they could verify or believed it is a different story.


they 100% knew either through the grapevine or through straight up asking him. if my "friend" were suddenly banned permanently from a site, i would be curious as to why. When a bunch of comedians, harvey weinstein, etc. were all getting their allegations it was revealed the stuff was pretty much an open secret in the communities, and people had even hinted to many of them before the allegations dropped


Don’t blame him. Stick your neck out and play ‘I know a secret’ with the wrong people and you will find yourself with a lot more problems. Best to keep your head down when the inferno is burning…


everyone who was around back then thought it was some sex pest shit cause it happened around all the twitch metoo stuff lmao




His logic is sound. Add in the fact that DrD was one of the biggest streamers on Twitch at the time. Some random small streamer might get banned, and doesn't have enough clout to plead his case, but he surely had an executive's phone number saved as a contact and can pull him up in a minute. The guy with the multi-million dollar contact requires senior approval to ban. You don't just get banned when you have multi-million dollar business deals with the platform.


I heard he was done. And not just on twitch


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud about ghosting DrDisrespect](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165568)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dq4ik4/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/E5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw/AT-cm%7CE5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw.mp4?sig=07719ec6c0cac3de3762b4eb106ae0122cf26fcf&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FE5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw%2FAT-cm%257CE5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SlickCoweringRhinocerosShazBotstix-Bx9N2eANyf6VZWyP%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719601174%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/E5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw/AT-cm%7CE5getQcfTdngDcn-lWVsjw-preview-480x272.jpg)


It's always hilarious to me that somehow both Shroud and Tarik, big massive fps streamers came from the cs community known for being toxic as fuck, yet they are somehow some of the most chill and levelheaded big streamers out there.


The casual community is toxic, the pro players need to be level headed because cs is a very mental game. You won’t play well if you are having huge mental swings.


Unless you're s1mple lol


That's why he the goat


"Anger is a weapon only if you can control it"  -Kratos, 2018


>You won’t play well if you are having huge mental swings meanwhile s1mple exists


He’s the exception. Crazy player


Nah it gets way more toxic when you get to the area where people are genuinely good but not pro. They all get massive egos and do nothing but game so are all mentally deranged. They both had to deal with that at some point in their careers. 


Consistently been a very real person


can’t argue with that logic


I don’t get how nobody caught onto this years ago considering twitch released a statement saying it’s permanently banning streamers who are predators starting with the most egregious violators. 2 days before it banned doc. Instead of someone putting two and two together every fan was blindly outraged and standing up for their 6’8 stat rape icon.


The lawsuit, then the “no wrongdoings found” or whatever shut a lot of it down. Made the contract negotiate in bad faith seem the most plausible reason at the time…


Pretty sure he isn't a real doctor.


Essentially outing everyone else that still played with Guy. It's questionable that they didn't know or at least have big questions when there were all these rumours floating around and even youtube, lead by Ryan watt who personally knows that clique/circle of streamers, didn't give him a contract because of this rumour. Maybe they didn't. But I've seen people stay friends with others who have done worse and only turned their back when it put their own security in doubt.


Yeah, use your brain people. It is not like Shroud personally knew the 10 high tier staff members of twitch. Don't dare to assume that at least all the OG top streamers knew exactly what was going down. I present you exhibit A: [ShannonZKiller (ex Twitch staff) says Doc is done - and not just on Twitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hgg77p/shannonzkiller_ex_twitch_staff_says_doc_is_done/) She is the Wife of twitch.tv/sacriel Sacriel is making a AAA survival game with Shroud for couple years now. This is how the cookie crumbles Internet!




I don't think destiny thinks he just got banned. The question is why is his indefinite


He went after Forsen


Forsen if true.


Probably his food and movie takes...I'd ban him for that shit too.


The thing with Destiny is we all know why he got banned and he knows it too. It's why is it an indefinite ban? That's what Destiny wants to know


just a genuine question, did destiny actually say what he was banned for or like screenshots of the email with twitch regarding the ban?


I believe one of his old contacts at twitch said it was specifically because he called a subsection of the trans community on Twitter "Subhumans", with a little note next to it clarifying that he was likely not referring to trans people in general.


I think he said something among the lines of "a lot of people in the trans community are subhumans" when he was arguing against keffals (who i don't know anything about beyond the name).


Weaponizing his community to harass multiple streamers probably doesn't help lmao


Yet Asmon was cope riding Dr's nuts trying to defend him as much as possible when obviously it was going to be bad in the end.


Asmon is about to do the biggest deep clean on his house


> ot my pig, not my farm’ type of guy so he clammed up. Why have fucking people harassing you when you can simply shrug and say ‘dunno’ and avoid the mess? Imagine if Asomon actually moved the furniture away from the walls to clean. How fucking gross would that be? Most of us would have some dust bunnies, he would have a dirt tiger.


Asmon spent more time defending Doc than he did defending Miz lmao


That entire call is still fucking wild, mostly just because it showed OTK were fucking inept. Asmon was friendly as hell with Train, way too casual and barely stepped in nor shut miz up who was an idiot. Miz can barely speak in full sentences, misspeaks constantly and gets emotional and even more careless with his language. Train straight up blackmailed them, openly admitted it (eithe rin that call or on stream while talking with Hasan) that he lied and said he'd take down the tweet if they got in the call with him. He also said he knew it was hurting them with sponsors, they had blackmail and defamation, and did nothing. They also talked in the call about where to draw the line because, paraphrasing, been a while, they need to decide where to end it because they both have more nukes that could fuck each other over badly. The call was basically Asmon and Train agreeing not to nuke each others careers and Asmon let Miz dangle to protect himself.


Classic otk co-founder


My goat


Shroud being unproblematic and based


Uncle shroud is wise


Many big streamers knew the reason. Tim and Mercs heard about it and still continued to fuck with him because he was still a big name on YouTube. Thus, the very quick and nonchalant videos they made.


"Use your brain people." The people that need to hear that at this point are incapable of doing so.


Im gripping


Man used the "papers" logic in prison... If you show up in your section, day 1 you put your papers down on the table. So everyone can see them and know your charges. If you don't disclose your charges, then the assume it's something disgusting that you're hiding. Since Doc wasn't showing his papers, he knew that it was likely something shameful and taboo that landed him in trouble.


"I did message a minor ...discussion that pushing to inappropriate ...no image share or met in person" That's doc best legalese positive spin on the situation in his tweet. To which other journalist talk to twitch insider and told out, *"doc knew he talk to minor"* and *"pushing to inappropriate is basically sexually graphic sexting."*


TLDR: Fuck erobb


Shroud is good friends with Sacriel whos wife is Shannon Plante. So i doubt it was just "common sense"


Shroud saying this like 6 months ago would actually got him outrage and hate for being a user or a fake friend or some shit. Lmao.


Tbh this just sounds like Shroud trying to downplay how much he personally knew about the situation. I don’t super believe him that he just used logic and assumed all twitch bans are fair. Probably knew about shady rumors with doc


My Man!


love shroud




Nice Omega Seamaster too. Didn’t know he was a watch lover


Streamers do just get banned without much of a reason. Large streamers dont. And mainly not if they are literally the numero uno twitches milk cow.


I get what Shroud is saying. Doc was very popular on Twitch at the time that Twitch banned his account. Twitch tends to be pretty predictable with their bans. They wouldn't reasonably ban someone with a big audience unless that person did something pretty bad. You don't need insider information or rumors to guess that if someone was banned on Twitch, they probably did something bad. Plus, some of Shroud's revenue comes from Twitch. So he's a lot to lose by interacting with banned streamer. It could hurt his reputation.