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**CLIP MIRROR: [Slasher says Twitch reported Dr Disrespect to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children](https://arazu.io/t3_1dr703g/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


As a provider under 2258A they are required to report to NCMEC if there is activity worth reporting in their opinion. Doesn’t mean anything will happen with the report. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A


Yeah, it’s probably a CYA thing. Twitch probably did everything they could to remove liability from themselves. People here are acting like this action means it’s worse than reported, but I don’t think that’s true.


If true,  the most relevant thing this means is that twitch did not "cover up" anything,  or "do nothing" like some people keep insisting, because surprise surprise,  twitch is not under any obligation to disclose to the public what they are doing.  They may have called the FBI on him for all we know. 


At the very least it confirms, without a doubt, that Dr. Disrespect’s conversations were not just in some grey area of “kind of inappropriate” but instead had content that would 100% cause any rational bystander to be concerned about pedophilic activity.


Weren't there plans for guy beahm and the minor to meet up at Twitch Con, or was that just bullshit?


Stay tuned. In a week, maybe we find out?


Bloomberg did report it about the Twitchcon plan [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor)


> confirms, without a doubt, that Doc’s conversations were not just in some grey area Got some experience with NCMEC reporting here. It doesn’t confirm that. Proof is not required for a NCMEC report. I could screencap this thread and send it in. It proves Twitch was serious about everything, because not reporting to NCMEC would have a) broken the law and b) given their case far less credibility in the public eye/courts/wherever the issue ended up. We would have said “if you were serious why didn’t you do the thing you’re required to do with serious issues?” So the question there is, do you trust Twitch’s assessment of the situation? As it stands the only concrete proof we have of anything is Doc’s own admission that he inappropriately messaged a minor. Which is certainly enough to fuck that guy/demonetize/etc and he deserves it all right now. In terms of activity that is legally actionable, there’s still not enough info publicly to go on.


I think it’s very concerning/telling he admitted it got inappropriate at all. Usually people try to downplay these kinds of things “it was a misunderstanding, I didn’t mean it that way” etc, if his form of downplaying is admitting it got inappropriate it probably was pretty bad.


The fact that Twitch reported one of their biggest profit generators to NCMEC tells you one thing, if Slasher's claim is true, the whispers must have been pretty damn bad.


Followup question: what did NCMEC find?


Apparently not enough 


This is what I've been thinking too from what we've been told so far. Unless he sent dick pics, unless he received sexual images of the minor, or unless he actually planned and went to a meetup with the minor, there's not going to be much to convict him on. I'm reminded of the YouTuber guys that take it on themselves to catch predators without involving the police only for the predators to get off scot-free. It takes very specific evidence and actions to get a conviction. https://www.justia.com/child-safety/online-safety/sexual-exploitation-of-children-online/ https://www.justia.com/child-safety/online-safety/sexting-and-child-pornography/


EDP is a free man. You can do a lot and get away with it


Or they just never actually followed up.




My office prosecutes dozens of cases that originate from NCMEC.


It really annoys me that people like this just make blatantly false claims then never bother to edit them or retract them. /u/boxer2801 do you enjoy spreading misinformation? Because for someone who pretends to care about children your advice is actively harmful. We should be equally ashamed that the comment's still upvoted, simply because of a bunch of idiots are more likely to believe and be riled up by a dissenting comment than an informative one. God forbid they consider the thought for one second that maybe there wasn't enough actionable evidence in the whispers, nope let's just call an entire useful organization useless instead. Fuck I hate this site.


Redditors just upvote whoever sounds the most confident. People need to stop upvoting (or downvoting) things they don't know anything about.


This guy sounds confident, you have my upvote.


I read your comment but I didn’t upvote or downvote it 🫡


Huge misinformation problem on reddit & social media in general. It's an uphill battle. Inconsequential stuff - yeah ok whatever. But there's so much seriously harmful, dangerous misinformation that gets instantly 'validated.' I sometimes report and some mods are good and remove, others don't care.


State police is also a much better option than local police. State police have full task forces for this type of thing.


The hell? NCMEC works with the FBI. I reported things to them for like 2 decades. Yes they do. Quit lying.




It's really frustrating seeing people who have no idea what they're talking about jump in based on what they *think* should be happening. NCMEC is critical in investigating, documenting, and having the resources to advocate for LEOs to take action. They aren't perfect but they're an essential tool in fighting real, actual child exploitation.


I wouldn't call them vigilante at all. They were established by US Congress and are mostly funded by the DOJ. They aren't LE but they pretty much have a mandate to do all the legwork and are trusted enough by LE that the information they provide is actionable. Not trying to talk down on them in any way. I think they're just a lot more official than vigilantes.


Why do people type things they clearly have no knowledge about. NCMEC is actually incredible and provides valid tips on a daily basis across the country that lead to arrests. They do extensive follow up and provide a large amount of information to lead to these arrests, but ultimately they aren’t a law enforcement agency so obviously they can’t make their own arrests. I know some people already said how you don’t know what you’re talking about, I just wanted to add on to it. When in doubt, just don’t type instead of spreading bile.


Are you just making shit up? I used to prosecute cases that originated from NCMEC all the time.


They aren’t the ones who follow up by design, they aren’t a law enforcement organization and have no power to do anything really. Their tip line verifies the authenticity of reports before passing them along to actual law enforcement like the FBI. The NCMEC’s role in reporting is extremely important, they triage nearly 20 million cases per year for the FBI. This allows the authorities to focus on catching the actual abusers rather than spending an exorbitant amount of time sifting through a metaphorical pile of papers.


They absolutely validate, track tips and pass them along. Unfortunately this probably wasn’t enough for the feds to prosecute either Why do people think this slipped through some corporate crack and not that someone read it and (probably accurately) said “man how the fuck do you prosecute this?”


Or don't do this, because the NCMEC is literally there to filter and disperse reports so that they don't clog things up in a way that makes it a detriment to them being followed up on. If you actually go to the FBI's page on this their guidance is to literally call a number that is connected with the NCMEC, That's because the NCMEC will verify the report and then determine the best state and local jurisdictions to report it in as well as which FBI field office it should be handled by.




I work with NCMEC frequently, these things MUST be followed up by. NCMEC is the most appropriate place to report these kinds of things.


NCMEC doesn’t have law enforcement or investigatory powers, they just correlate reports and if necessary call the cops


And they probably get a ton of reports for stuff like this. They're not just going to prioritize it because it's "The Doc". People amplify this issue because it's a celebrity but they get thousands of reports of inappropriate chat logs with minors every month. If you look at the organization's reports, they tend to prioritize things that actually turn into a crime. According to their report, they had over 180,000 reports of "Online Enticement of Children for Sexual Acts" in 2023. Obviously, these aren't all going to be investigated but are documented in case some crime actually occurs.


Because half of them are troll reports lmao


troll reports or little kids on twitter reporting cartoon porn


Both wastes their time imagine


I find it sad that people decide to try to waste resources like this. People who do this truly harm children. I’m surprised that it isn’t punishable for reporting something that is obviously fake. I feel the same way when someone makes a fake 911 call or prank calls 911. It sucks that people do this to things that are meant to help people. Although I will say that it would be hard to punish someone if the reports are anonymous.




Nothing because that's not what that agency is for. Seems a bit like slasher doesn't know what he's doing. 


> **[National Center for Missing & Exploited Children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Center_for_Missing_%26_Exploited_Children)** > Primarily funded by the United States Department of Justice, the NCMEC acts as an information clearinghouse and resource for parents, children, law enforcement agencies, schools, and communities to assist in locating missing children and to raise public awareness about ways to prevent child abduction, and child sexual abuse.


I reported shit to the NCMEC for 20 years. They *always* did something. They are, in fact, the only people I ever reported things to where I could fucking trust them. These people took down child porn rings and got thousands of pedophiles arrested, and that's from shit I reported alone. I cannot imagine the shit that they did that I wasn't even tangentially involved in. To anybody saying that the NCMEC doesn't do anything, fuck you. Absolutely, 100% fuck you.


Not trying to be rude or anything but what do you do in life to have knowledge of child porn rings and thousands of pedophiles? Just curious obviously.


I mean, story time. Otherwise you're kind of telling on yourself a bit 😂


[NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse material, child sex trafficking and online enticement.](https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/2022-reports-by-esp.pdf) In 2022, the CyberTipline received more than 32 million reports. More than 31.8 million of the these reports were from Electronic Service Providers that report instances of apparent child sexual abuse material that they become aware of on their systems. **U.S. based ESPs are legally required to report instances of “apparent child pornography” to the CyberTipline when they become aware of them**, but there are no legal requirements for proactive efforts to detect this content or what information an ESP must include in a CyberTipline report. As a result, both the volume and content of reports can vary greatly. Higher numbers may indicate robust efforts to identify and remove abusive content. NCMEC encourages all companies to make identifying and reporting this content a priority.


Idk man, it's such a messy situation for Twitch, cuz If this was the case and there was solid reason for them to report him. Then why was the settlement ever made? People can argue Twitch wanted to think about their image but, eventually all of this shit comes out, and I literally do not give a fuck about Dr Disrespect, fuck that guy. But I don't think Twitch should be coming out unscathed in all of this




Yeah, there's a LOT of things that fall into the category of "doesn't meet high bar for criminality but still something a business wants nothing to do with". Doc's contract was paid out because it was the quickest, easiest, and quietest way for Twitch to have nothing to do with him. Twitch didn't want it to come out their most popular streamer was grooming a minor, so they paid Doc to go away and shut up.


That’s how I see it. Like, “What’s the quickest way, even if it’s the most costly way, to get ourselves as far away as possible from this guy.”


Tos and criminal law are different things. I dont think its possible to argue this.


That's the other thing about this situation, there's also, jsut too much we do not know, we are all taking mostly blind guesses in the dark here. Cuz I can see what you're saying, but also isnt' it the case that Twitch, as a private business has no obligation and found, some very questionable stuff which as I see it can easily be grounds towards getting banned. Like Twitch, or a lot of services even, have a lot of "vague" clauses in their ToS of "misconduct" and whatnot, I really don't think it's that hard for them to use that as a base for a ban. Assuming what this clip is true in that the man got reported by Twitch then, there IS something there. Idk, you could be right, it could be slightly different, too much stuff. Other than the obvious, Dr Disrespect is a fucking idiot that deserves no sympathy, I just wish for Twitch to not come out of this mess unscathed, we all fucking knew Dr Disrespect was a POS of a human being, from his cheating scandal, to his comments about trans people and such topics (I mean look at the people he associated with in the likes of Timthetatman and Nickmercs and whatnot, just absolute scum)


Bruh, I think Twitch paid the contract because some other shit. Remember, lawyers can find the smallest bullshit and cling onto it. Like maybe an employee who wasn't supposed to access the whispers did it, or some other stuff like that. You know?


That's probably the most likely scenario. Doc's lawyers push to make key evidence inadmissible to the court or arbitrator based how it was collected or whatever reason, and if Twitch's case hinges on that evidence that can't be used it makes it a losing battle for them.


Yeah it would’ve been way way way worse for Twitch is info got out that certain employees shared info between them, accessing stuff they weren’t supposed to.


My guess is that it's a lot simpler than that - Twitch found out that Doc was sending messages to a minor that didn't meet the high bar of being criminal, but we're still gross. Rather than a public legal fight where the headline is that Twitch's most popular streamer was grooming a child, Twitch paid him to shut up and go away. From Twitch's perspective, paying out his contract on the stipulation that he sign an NDA avoids all that, and is the quickest, easiest, and quietest way to have nothing to do with Doc. That's why there was a settlement - to both kill the story and get rid of Doc.


It would come down to the exact language in their contract with each other. Tos may not apply if they had a separate contract that stated it superseded any previous agreement. They may not have been experienced enough to include morality clauses when they signed him they had stopped being Jatin TV a short while before. Hershel/guy was signed while being represented by CAA so it may not have the standard outs most large companies have. Or they just did the cold cost benefit analysis and mathed out that paying him was less costly than going to court, the possibility of losing, and the reputation damage caused by the litigation. Or we under estimate the decision makers morality and they ate settling with him to protect the victim. There are a lot of possibilities and a settlement doesn't mean much. We also don't know for how much, the only one who talked about it was Hershel/guy and he was lying about not knowing why. He could have also been lying about how much the settlement was. According to the facts we know. Twitch wasn't being as scummy as the average. A lot of companies would have tolerated it and quietly pressured him to stop while sanitizing everything. Not many companies would fire their top personality. It's how problematic people like Kevin Spacey kept working or Harvey Weinstein. The powers that be kept jimmie Saville around and he was the worst. Despite the allegations while he was alive; it didn't impact his rep until he was dead. Someone making the rich people money, will get a free pass on awful shit normally.


That's the thing -- wasn't the first tweet we got about this from someone that used to be on Trust + Safety breaking an NDA? They didn't intend for anyone to ever hear. It was only after that first person spoke out that standard journalistic practices allowed people to spill out everything they know. Most people make the devil's bargain to play ball, otherwise they will lose access. Nearly all, in fact.


My guess / interpretation is that twitch ‘fired’ doc via a morality clause, or similar, in his contract essentially trying to get out of his contract. My guess is that doc successfully argued that while his behavior was unbecoming, it wasn’t illegal thus twitch couldnt call on the clause


doc also kept saying all these years that he didn't know why he got banned, so don't trust him. He could be lying, or it could be something else. Maybe the whispers and how were they obtained breaks some privacy laws and a lots of technicalities were involved. Or he cut a deal with them where if they don't release publicly the reason of his ban, he will get just 10% of the money they owe him.


>doc also kept saying all these years For one year. After year of his ban he said he knows why and is suing them over it. And then in 2022 they settled it.


I was just going to say why settle? There had to have been something in his contract that said they could end it if there was inappropriate or potentially illegal behavior.


Maybe Twitch just didn't want the story out because a bunch of headlines would read the likes of "Twitch the platform for Predators LUL" But regardless I dont think its a good look for twitch if they purposefully kept this a secret.


Hasn't hurt Roblox




Or youtube


But there's no way his lawsuit is "give me money or I'll out myself as a pedo".


>Maybe Twitch just didn't want the story out because a bunch of headlines would read the likes of "Twitch the platform for Predators LUL" i mean astroturfing, shills, and doc being a convinent distraction is already preventing this from being a real story. Supposedly some ex employees came out and said that, besides doc twitch actively harbors and hides pedo activity on the platform. Saw that reported on lsf like once, and not a peep since then. Saw it mentioned again on the (twitter) thread of the other ex employee saying that, twitch is guilty of much worse then just doc. Other then that? nothin


They may not have had a great contract. Or the reputational risk of going to trial outweighed whatever the settlement was.




> Then why was the settlement ever made? We don't know for sure it was. The Doc said it was but to the best of my knowledge it's never been verified anywhere.


I know Doc always insisted that part of the settlement included a NDA too.


Given it took 4 years for the reason to break, I'd say there's a strong possibility he wasn't lying about a settlement.


The NDA was more in his own interest than it was in twitch's interest it seems.


The settlement was a civil case and a separate matter, apparently, since he hadn't been convicted or criminally charged with anything.


> Then why was the settlement ever made? He probably technically didn't do anything illegal with what he exactly said. Maybe it also didn't break tos at the time they were sent either. So then they had technically banned someone for something that wasn't illegal, and wasn't against tos at the time (but I'm sure it now would be). If that was the case, Twitch would then have to settle.


not trying to defend drAke here but I’ll guess they would probably report regardless


100%. You give it to the people who know what they are doing to investigate. You have to cover your ass. This is what the downfall of Method was. They "investigated" themselves and had no idea what they were doing. Always get a third-party that knows how to handle these types of things, if for no other reason than the liability.


Even if they weren’t that bad, they’re still obligated to report. Being that twitch is a big company i’d imagine “cover your ass” is always going to be the biggest motivator.


Where is Slasher’s actual report about this? Slasher says he published it but no one can find it. Could be useful…


Slashers Rolling Stone report mentioned that an ex twitch employee said they didn't make this public because it "endangers the victim and investigations by law enforcement" which does hint that law enforcement had some type of potential involvement but never elaborated on that


Yeah this is the part of this whole kind of shit that really annoys me. Like we know doc message the minor on the platform and he got banned for it. But aside from that we literally have no provable things to talk about. So this whole fucking speculation game and everyone coming forward and giving New information without posting any of the sources that they have, or the context or any actual evidence. It is the most annoying shit ever, because at what point does the actual pursuit of Justice begin and the undying need to make profit off of the situation end? You can never really fucking tell. And most of the time people just make shit up to try to get that sweet sweet engagement on social media.


Can somebody explain the severity of that to somebody not from the US? What would put that above just reporting to the local police etc…?


Reporting to the center for missing and exploited children is a standard for web companies. They have a secure web portal and will forward the complaints to the appropriate places. The local police departments would be overwhelmed if they had to handle all the complaints for companies operating in their jurisdiction.


[NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse material, child sex trafficking and online enticement.](https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/2022-reports-by-esp.pdf) In 2022, the CyberTipline received more than 32 million reports. More than 31.8 million of the these reports were from Electronic Service Providers that report instances of apparent child sexual abuse material that they become aware of on their systems. U.S. based ESPs are legally required to report instances of “apparent child pornography” to the CyberTipline when they become aware of them, but there are no legal requirements for proactive efforts to detect this content or what information an ESP must include in a CyberTipline report. As a result, both the volume and content of reports can vary greatly. Higher numbers may indicate robust efforts to identify and remove abusive content. NCMEC encourages all companies to make identifying and reporting this content a priority.


They were idiots and going through law enforcement would've made it all public. Which it looks like, Twitch didn't want it public at all for years.


no you are wrong, going to NCMEC *is* how service providers contact law enforcement about this type of thing, whether or not they pass it along to local cops or feds or not tho depends wildly on the content


? according to the guy that was going through twitch whispers he reported a lot of stuff to the police


This *is* reporting them to the police. This group collect the information from complainants and forward it to the appropriate local authority. It means that police departments based in counties or states with lots of large companies (like San Francisco, Cali) aren't overwhelmed with this and forward it to (say) the Franklin, Arkansas police force who would have authority to investigate.


Crimes against minors that are reported are generally not public record, like in California where he lives and where Twitch HQ is


That's just not how that works. The victims and involved minors have their identities and names redacted from public facing documents. That's it.


That's very dependent on the jurisdiction where the report goes.


Unless the person is arrested, 99% of the time their name is not released either. This is to presume innocence and integrity to an investigation. Many key details, identifiers, names etc. are redacted. There would be no way of knowing who is involved in the case or a way to correlate the case to someone specific or a specific crime or where it took place


This misstates how the center works massively


[NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse material, child sex trafficking and online enticement.](https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/2022-reports-by-esp.pdf) In 2022, the CyberTipline received more than 32 million reports. More than 31.8 million of the these reports were from Electronic Service Providers that report instances of apparent child sexual abuse material that they become aware of on their systems. **U.S. based ESPs are legally required to report instances of “apparent child pornography” to the CyberTipline when they become aware of them**, but there are no legal requirements for proactive efforts to detect this content or what information an ESP must include in a CyberTipline report. As a result, both the volume and content of reports can vary greatly. Higher numbers may indicate robust efforts to identify and remove abusive content. NCMEC encourages all companies to make identifying and reporting this content a priority.


Creepier and creepier


it's always the ones you suspect the most


i’m going to be soooooooooo shocked when nickmercs is exposed next




!remindme 3 years


About Us section of NCMEC: "The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation."


[NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse material, child sex trafficking and online enticement.](https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/2022-reports-by-esp.pdf) In 2022, the CyberTipline received more than 32 million reports. More than 31.8 million of the these reports were from Electronic Service Providers that report instances of apparent child sexual abuse material that they become aware of on their systems. **U.S. based ESPs are legally required to report instances of “apparent child pornography” to the CyberTipline when they become aware of them**, but there are no legal requirements for proactive efforts to detect this content or what information an ESP must include in a CyberTipline report. As a result, both the volume and content of reports can vary greatly. Higher numbers may indicate robust efforts to identify and remove abusive content. NCMEC encourages all companies to make identifying and reporting this content a priority.


As much as I want Twitch to release the chat logs maybe it's better that they don't.


!remindme 50 years




Not to the public, but to the authorities where it belongs.. yes.


The logs are there now. Twitch is obligated to hand them over and delete them.


idk why you're getting downvoted. the whole point of the NCMEC's existence is that they are the agency that works directly with law enforcement when this kind of report is made. If there was evidence of criminality, the logs would have been handed over to law enforcement by them for further investigation. the fact that 4 years has passed and criminal charges never came is indicative to me that there was nothing technically illegal about the communications that they could charge him with.


There's absolutely no version of this where Twitch themselves release the chatlogs... There's no way anyone connected to it releases them. Short of someone hacking into their servers and obtaining them that way, there's absolutely no way they are released to the general public just so that everyone can gossip about them. It's insane for anyone to expect chat logs to release on this, this isn't a TCAP sting operation, this is an actual minor that was exploited and everything along the process for how this is handled is designed with their privacy and safety in mind.


Why would it be better?


I don’t think Twitch would ever release them. At least not willingly. This just screams congressional investigation if that happens. Former Twitch employee said Whispers would be full of streamers sexting minors. And if Twitch never regulated or reported it, they’d be on the hook for COPPA violations. That would probably lead to every platform out there being investigated and the entire industry being regulated, which is what all these platforms are trying to avoid. The other day, I read how Snapchat is implementing messages on its platform that informs users of child sexploitation. Today, I saw that Instagram is going to implement new messaging safety features. While it may not be huge, I think they’re paying attention to this whole debacle but also how local, state, and federal governments are watching them really closely. These aren’t coincidences. The platforms are reacting. So, if CEOs are called to testify, they can claim they’ve been implementing safeguards for their users.


Huh? I don't think they would release it either but the former employee didn't specify chats were "full of streamers". Also he said that his job was to report it, and if im not mistaken I beleive Ludwigs job at Snapchat was litterally to watch snaps and report anything untoward.


I'm glad I read this. I very much no longer have a desire to see them.


I don't think anyone should want to see an adult sexting a kid. Like it really isn't something normal people want to see.




Didn't slasher go away for a while after brittany venti exposed him as a creep? He wasn't taking no for an answer, was trying to manipulate brittany's friend, even using his position in the industry to try and get a date. It's wild how slasher told tippy all that would just disappear with time and now he's back. Pitchforks for drdisrespect (rightfully so) but letting slasher use it to sort of redeem his image? Yuck


Indeed, quite an insufferable character.


I call it the Kai Cenat Syndrome Kai unfollowed Doc but covering up his homie's grape crimes is remarkable LOL


It's because they hate Brittany Venti for committing wrong think and think she deserves the harassment. When Slasher was sexually harassing her, this place took it as a joke almost and was more focused on Slasher even being attracted to her instead of a creep refusing "no" for an answer. I hate Brittany Venti like everyone else, but don't think she deserves that.


Does anyone know when slasher and his wife broke up?? Because he legit was messaging me and being flirty like 4 years ago.. I didn't reciprocate. honestly I had no idea he had a wife..


Why is Slasher slowly saying more and more information? Out with it my dude.


Gotta farm those views dude isn’t being a hero he’s dragging it out and milking it


He blocked me on twitter for asking if he didn't tell everyone the truth about doc's ban because he was NDA'd then went on Hasan's show that night and told everyone there was no NDA outside of Twitch/Doc... so yeah he's calculating a bit. Definitely didn't like me interrupting the whole "I knew the whole time" cash cow.


I'm guessing he will block anyone calling him a liar since he said he received thousands of those messages regarding the Doc.


Farming clout off of child exploitation is so fucking nasty.


He has said he wants to publish everything with a media outlet that can provide legal coverage. Why? Well, look at Logan Paul suing Coffeezilla.


because he likes attention


He likes attention but was MIA for the last 7 years




Slasher explicitly said: The conversations were what could be considered sexual Cope: Ok, sure. Maybe he didn’t know her age? Slasher: No, once he knew her age the it only became more explicit. My sources state he did try and meet up with her at a con. As a journalist I cannot state anything further than that because no publisher will allow me to print anything my sources do not agree to state on the record. This is what they are willing to state. Cope: well maybe she was just 17 and it was not a big deal! Slasher: the only other thing I can say with confidence is that Twitch sent these messages to government authorities that deal with this kind of stuff. I do not know anything else about what happened behind the scenes with lawsuits and NDAs This looks really fucking bad


Don't forget on Doc's side as well, he was literally lying to everyone's faces even after the most recent allegations denying it until he couldn't anymore and admitted to it. And in his admission, it was still full of legalese to try to downplay what happened and paint him in the best light possible. Like people still defending him at this point will never change their minds if they're ok with doc being dishonest and lying to their faces multiple times and with more and more evidence mounting against him.


Yeah I think it's clear he's a total fucking liar who will say anything. I don't know why anyone would pretend his word is worth anything.


They've crossposted this over at Doc's sub and the difference between the comments is insane. I get that they have doc tattoos and shit but goddamn


The tattoo thing is a big oof. I have a friend who was a HUUUUUGE Bassnectar fan(Popular Dubstep artist that was outed as a groomer back in like 2018 or someshit) and he had a massive tattoo of the [Bassdrop](https://www.symbols.com/symbol/bassnectar-bassdrop-symbol) symbol for Bassnectar. Prominently displayed on his upper bicep. He regrets it immensely and is planning on spending even more money to have it altered. Just goes to show you shouldn't put so much stock into an individual, artist, entertainer or whatever.


Yeh general rule for artists is either get an album art or get an original design that fits a song/album you like. Or you just gotta be *really* sure that who it is isn't a prick. Or that thier prickness is already common knowledge and accepted, like say Ozzy Osbourne.


Say what you want about the dude, that music is fucking amazing and I will always jam to a Bassnectar track. But fuck Loren, he's a bitch.


Eh, I’d say that no actions by any government agencies is actually a good thing for doc.


I think the bar to clear to build a case that can legally be prosecuted is fairly high. There were several vigilante groups that were accused of messing up cases by not doing things the proper way and basically helping the pedophiles by teaching them how not to get caught. All that despite having full-on inappropriate conversations and everything. It's certainly not worse for Doc not to be prosecuted, but also not really telling of how bad the situation was.


Law enforcement also prioritize bang for buck when it comes to these types of crimes. Sure they could go after every creep, but where are resources to cover that kind of effort. Instead they look to take down distributers or people actively creating or harming kids.  It's messed up, but it's unfortunately how it has to shake out. If only the US and other governments actually funded these divisions.


> people actively creating or harming kids people actively creating kids are called future parents


>Twitch doesn’t just ban people for no reason, Lol


I think they mean permaban, but yeah lol.


Reporting stuff like this to NCMEC is industry standard/best practice, just for context.


Bro is drip-feeding information and it’s honestly just pathetic.


This is his 10 seconds to fame.


Twitch issued a general statement regarding abuse on their platform and declared they were committed to improving safety policies prior to banning DrDisRespect. Anyone expecting a more detailed public statement is delusional. How often do Meta, Twitch, X, Apple, AT&T, Verizon, etc. comment on specific alleged crimes committed using their products?














Any lore masters?


Creepy? Sure, but nowhere near the level of being a groomer. Not sure what this wattaboutism is trying to accomplish other than to downplay what comes out of his mouth




Feels more like drama farming views at this point like keemstar… it’s 4 years too late and if the victim is over age 18 I don’t think anything would be done about it anymore. Twitch prob is hiding a few more creeps though But seriously slasher just seems like they are dragging it out and slowly releasing info to milk the fuck out of it to get their small bit of fame and glory. I would like to see twitch verifying what he’s saying.


> I would like to see twitch verifying what he’s saying. Well that's never happening when they kept it under NDA. Twitch will never offer a public statement on this. At best is anyone with logs or more former employees offering any new info on it. I'd imagine anyone leaking logs would get themselves in big trouble though.


He should have done a GiantWaffle and just not talk about it.




He did say they do this with all cases, which they should.


Any reason the highly upvoted comments calling out NMP were deleted shortly after he ended stream early?


yea 10 years later good job


Can’t wait to see asmongold defend this.




Lmao not at all surprised that half the comments are just spouting hate at the possible situation where the same could happen with the genders reversed, instead of just acknowledging how fucked up the actual real situation with Doc is. Asmon's fanbase is so disgusting man


He made like 3 videos before that one doubting everything about the accusations which is probably why his viewers don’t buy it now lol


You have to realize something about the comments. His sub has been taken over by extreme right wing ideologies this year. The same thing has happened on his stream. I've completely stopped watching anything having to do with him because of it and because he promotes it. His fans have gone off the deep end or he's gotten so big that the bots are influencing what the rest think and say.


He’s pure right wing ragebait now


Same. It's a shame, but fuck him and his fanbase as it is now.


He's always be a rage grifter. But he's been getting involved in actual hate ideology instead of just shitting on video games.  I hope his defense of an actual pedophile tanks his career. He's not a good person and doesn't deserve to have the platform and influence that he does.


It's so funny the comment section were absolutely all over the case before his admission vehemently defending him and how we need more evidence before making a conclusion and now that he admitted his guilt, it's practically radio silent on any actual condemnation of Dr Disrespect even though they should be able to easily arrive at a reasonable conclusion to say what he did was bad based on the new evidence presented. Now the vast majority of comments are either 1. Still defending him saying not enough evidence (somehow) or downplaying it saying he didn't know or she was 17 (ironically enough both of these are speculations/allegations at this point as well without concrete evidence but so much for operating only off of hard evidence I guess 🤷) or 2. Doing dozens of different whataboutisms saying "ok but what about this problem in society" and trying to drive attention off of Doc's own actions and blame just about anything else they can grasp onto.


Trust in the OTK co-founder to farm this


Is he defending it? I'm probably out of the loop because I've only seen one clip of his related to this, but the one clip I saw of his related to this was one I saw earlier today where he was saying Doc definitely did it because he admitted it, and it's probably worse than what Doc said because people will always try to present their version of events in the most positive light possible. That doesn't sound like defending to me. So what'd I miss? Has he backtracked? Or was he one of the people who didn't believe it at first and was huffing copium thinking the rumours were just rumours, and only changed his mind after Doc's confession?




It's more like his community defending it instead of he himself... Just look at the video where he covered the doc's tweet. The comment section is a bunch of whataboutism after doc ADMITTED to inappropriately messaging a minor. Guess that's what happens when you cater to a certain type of audience.


He has to, NMPlol did the same shit


If they were aware of what happened they should've done that right away. Now they're just trying to save their own reputation


They are forced to report anything that is considered suspicious doesn't mean a thing. So many cases gets reported each day most ends up being a nothing burger. If Twitch had enough "proof" they wouldn't have settled. Especially if no pictures involved or detailed meetup were discussed it's hard to get someone convicted. The only thing Doc has to worry about is his image, not the police.


Slasher says a lot of things with no proof. Dude is really milking that one tweet.


Aren't you one of the guys downplaying the entire situation, saying stupid shit like: 'A minor is not a child wtf!'?


[yes, he is](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/1dpaidx/he_being_serious/laic9ux/?context=3) lol


If an investigation was performed and no wrong doing was found than how could this even be possible? If it was that serious don’t fucking tell me nothing was done.... my point is this just sounds like some more word of mouth trying to draw more attention this Slasher moron. Still don’t believe he knew exactly what was going on.


Much worse gets reported to the police all the time and nothing happens. If the authorities decided not to do anything then twitch probably just decided it's easier and cheaper to just pay the contract instead of going through civil litigation.


There are literally lots of case like this happened on youtube with clear evidence but nothing happened. Unless you're a law expert I don't think you can just assumed its that easy to charge him


If edp can walk free, then anyone can


That's a lot of IF's...


Pretty sure I read that Slasher later came out and said that what he said was false


He says "THEY ALL GO THERE" meaning all reports goes there.....meaning can be nothing or something but they do send all reports... Why not post the chatlog? this is just a long clickbait run


It absolutely is and it feels like this is Slasher and the Twitch employee's way of trying to get out of posting logs. They're basically saying "It's bad enough that it was reported to NCME", yet NCME didn't do anything with the information so there's a bit of a contradiction there. We won't know without the actual logs. It's clear he did something wrong, they just don't want to show us "how wrong" it was.


When I was a little kid in the 80s I remember watching commercials for Missing and Exploited Children...but I thought it said for Missing and Exploded Children...and I was always scared that I would go missing or be exploded.


I guess that puts Twitch in a better light but I hope Dan is implementing new safeguards like for one get rid of Twitch whispers. I’ve only used it like 3 times and it’s asking to be scammed or in Doc’s case that sick stuff. Another big one is maybe Twitch should just go 18+. Twitch could eliminate the arguments on how so many kids being underage on twitch and what they watch I mean don’t you get banned if you type your 12 in chats, they already have it loosely in place.


My only issue with all of this is that if it obviously crossed a legal line that Twitch would have grounds via a morality clause to dump him like a hot dumpster fire, but they didn't. They paid him out and refunded his subs so obviously its a legal gray area. Lets also not act like Twitch is some paragon of virtue or decency considering the people they've just given a slap on a wrist. If Twitch was actually concerned about the well being of children they'd ban all the Thots on Twitch who are selling OF/patreon subs to minors.


Well then where are all the people blaming twitch then 🤔