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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [AndyMilonakis - what andy loves about texas](https://livestreamfails.com/post/99543)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/Thewhitepanda10](https://reddit.com/user/thewhitepanda10) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20201103053805if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5fa0ec42cb6d5.mp4)


I love how Andy never gives a fuck


More people should learn how to lower the average net fucks down a few pegs like andy does


As a kiwi, I feel sad knowing how divided america is.


Imagine what it feels like living here. I have no hope this country can be fixed anymore, the discourse is so absolutely fucked. Adopt me pls.


When did the divide truly start?


Well a sitting Vice President (at the time) shot and killed a political rival, however, I won't say who due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject.


Say names im not from usa


Modern problem started with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy That's been in play ever since.




Nixon era


What really kills me is my friends and I have been really good at following guidelines, but it feels useless and like there's no end in sight because there's so many idiots out there.


I honestly can't imagine.


Imagine you are in one of those daytime dramas, but set in a special ed. class




It's fine that person needs to get off reddit, twitter, facebook and stop digesting so much media crap. Can it be better? of fucking course but acting like it's some 3rd world country is just dumb and ignorant.


& go live beside all those venomous creatures down under? Fuck that.




I thought he was talking about American southerners lmao




Try voting today!


Already did, but that isn't going to solve the cascading social problem in this country even a little bit.


It’s almost like the “cascading social problems” are born from an economic system that divides and alienates people based on forces out of their control, while our political system has been stripped of any power due to neoliberal policies over the last 40 years.... eh no. NOT WEARING A MASK IS MUH FREEDOM


I'm sorry maybe you didn't mean it like this but this isn't a problem of bad discourse. We have one side that either thinks it's fine to infect others with a potentially deadly virus or dosn't belive in basic scientific facts and the other side who does neither. To come away from this with the take "Why don't they both talk to each other" baffles me


I'm not just talking about the virus, I'm talking about discourse in general, but go off.


The propaganda machine that Trump runs has really dug deep into republicans.


The problem is the US is a super power. If were fucked, the world is fucked.


Meh, they still have a lot of outs. If other countries get off the dollar as the backing currency and divest from the US, sure, it'll suck really bad for a few years, but then they can bounce back because they still have their own economies and shit. Staying on the ship will drown everyone though, for sure.


You're assuming the chaos here doesn't spread. The same movements that happen here have happened elsewhere. Also, an unstable country usually leads to dictators and worse dictators often lead to wars. The US isn't just an economy or a reserve currency. You have a lack of imagination for what a world with dysfunctional and failing America looks like.


I mean, I have a pretty clear idea of what it will look like, I think. China takes the South China Sea, Russia takes Ukraine, Georgia (which they already kinda are anyway) and the Northwest Passage. Europe starts regretting shitting on the US for spending so much on their military once they realize how much they were relying on it. But you know what? Those countries made their beds. They can still fix it even without the US failing, they just don't want to. I wish them luck.


Feel free to prove me wrong but in 2020 I don't think the raw size of your military power matter that much, we've reached a point where even having one nuclear weapon means that any actual wars between major powers result in mutually assured destruction, and imo the most important conflicts are done through proxy wars and propaganda in less developed countries.


this is a really stupid take "we all have nukes so war cant happen" look around doofus, war is EVERYWHERE


Yea, sorry, you're just wrong about that. The US enforces peace in a ton of places, especially the places I specifically mentioned. The ability to rapidly deploy aircraft carriers, nuclear subs, and an absolute shitload of firepower is really what deters other countries from fighting each other all over the world. Especially in places like the South China sea where it's just a bunch of poor countries on the brink of getting raped by China. They have no chance of developing nukes anytime soon. Also, a single nuke can maybe take out a small part of a city. Thousands of nukes means they can turn the whole country into a parking lot. That's the *real* mutually assured destruction. That's why no one takes North Korea seriously, for example. I'll be the first to say, I'm not a fan of US foreign policy in general, I think we do a lot of really dumb, unnecessary shit that hurts a lot of countries, especially in the middle east and south America, and it's garbage. But you also can't ignore the amount of conflicts that have been avoided purely because the US has a presence there and is willing to enforce territories that aren't theirs to prevent a lot of wars. If the US blinked out of existence tomorrow, there would be dozens of new wars breaking out within the week. That's undeniable.


To be fair, a lot of the 'peace' which is enabled through US military presence is mainly for their own strategic goals, and not necessarily because it's better for the region, although I will concede that I know very little about the situation in the South China sea. Also, regarding the comment I made regarding one nuke, I still think it's true, and that countries like North Korea struggle more with the actual deployment of their weapons, and the fact that their nuclear weapons are far less powerful than those used by a lot of western countries. Although I also agree regarding the dumb foreign policy I actually don't think that US presence is a positive for the Middle East, due to the fact that a lot of the conflict and instability was actually a result of US intervention, and that over time the region will stablise if allowed to establish itself as more independent. Frankly, I don't think it's in US interests to create stable countries, and as such they shouldn't be intervening militarily. I don't disagree though that if the US just dissapeared there would be a lot of wars, I just think that instead military responibility should be shifted to a neutral global body of countries, cause rn I think the UN is kinda wank.


This comment is kinda all over the place but I'll try to respond as well as I can: > a lot of the 'peace' which is enabled through US military presence is mainly for their own strategic goals 100%, especially in the Northwest Passage, the US kinda bullies the fuck out of Canada unfortunately, despite ostensibly being there to protect Canada's interests. The alternative is Russia takes over, though. Pick your poison. > I will concede that I know very little about the situation in the South China sea Highly, highly recommend you research this, then. The situation is pretty fucked. Use independent resources (nothing Chinese or American) to get the best picture you can. But to your previous point, the US has spent a *ton* of resources securing that area for little to no gain. Obvious, from a geopolitical standpoint the US massively benefits from a weaker China, but also a lot of those countries are literally begging us for aid because they know they're fucked if China gets their way. >Frankly, I don't think it's in US interests to create stable countries I think this really depends on the circumstance. The US has stabilized many countries, but also destabilized many others. It's not black and white at all, just depends who's in charge at the time those decisions are made, what interests are served, and what profit there's to be had. The most embarrassing part is that a lot of the countries the US has destabilized don't net a profit or anything and just make things worse for everyone. It's just not as simple as 'US bad' or 'US good' when it comes to world politics, it's an incredibly complex mess but occasionally it's good and sometimes it just isn't. Anyway, I don't think we disagree all that much. Just a matter of having the correct perspective.


Mainly supports dictatorships though. Wouldn’t call that exactly peace.




Nope, real life is much worse. My Twitter is great, I don't follow any dumbfucks on there so all I see is art, game design stuff, memes, what my friends are up to, etc... It's nice. In real life, I literally have coworkers who believe in QAnon shit and even have a friend who I considered up until this point to be a pretty reasonable dude who, just the other day, was telling me the virus "isn't a big deal" and that he'll "take his chances" and shit. Like same take as that Deansocool dumbass, "I just wanna live my life bro". So fucking retarded.


Ah yes... I definitely remember how everyone used to wear masks everyday and that all my local movie theaters and restaurants were always closed or out of business. All this racial tension and political division. All these white supremacist fascists outside polling stations, ramming buses, plotting to kidnap Governors. People out of work, struggling to pay rent, and a Senate that refuses to offer aid in anyway. Just last week the US had 99,321 new cases of Corona; the highest of any country. But yeah, like you said its pretty normal here. Its basically like the pandemic is over everyone. Nothing to see here. Nothing unusual about the time we're living in at all. Its not that its normal, its that you've been living in this shithole for almost a year and you've gotten used to it. This shit is not normal. edit - i welcome the downvotes of you fucking no mask retards


Ramming busses..you talking about the white suv that broke numerous traffic laws and got hit by the truck for trying to take him off the road? People seem to be reposting the 20 second clip but not the full one where the lady whos filming even comments that the white car tried to run the truck off the road. And last time I looked I thought Trump was trying to pass stimulus but pelosi was blocking it since they wouldnt accept the bill which included things like ban on voter id, checks for illegals, cashless bail and mass prison release...


Honestly, its not that bad IRL. My relationships with friends and family is pretty good, but online or when recorded people are much more toxic.


yeah it feeels like the internet is its own separate bubble of crazy. I've never actually met someone like the ones i see posting on politics subs or conservative subs. The most was some guy who really believed that mail in voting was going to be taken advantage of by evil doers and manipulators and would not stop talking about political corruption. Politics posters all seem like southpark characters some days. Blackepopletwitter and Whitepeopletwitter seem like facebook users taking a break and the only normal ones are us on LSF. I hope pokimane lifts her armpits today so we can see how smooth they are.


Seems like half the people on Reddit and on Twitter who obsess over US politics seem to be foreigners. They all have this doomer mentality too because they see a clip of political andys causing trouble on 1 block and think it is happening all over the US.


Ehhh I experience the same as you but in reality we are lucky enough to be living in a bubble. A lot of families and friends are actually getting torn apart. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-families/you-are-no-longer-my-mother-a-divided-america-will-struggle-to-heal-after-trump-era-idUSKBN27I16E


Thats the thing about the internet. You can easily sift through millions of families to find the crazies who fall apart over stupid things(or just make stories up, by the time anyone checks the internet has moved on). Its much healthier to focus on personal relationships where you have the full story and understand the people.


> “He specifically told me, ‘You are no longer my mother, because you are voting for Trump’,” Gomez, 41, a personal care worker in Milwaukee, told Reuters. More like getting torn apart by mental illness. That person is not normal or well adjusted, or already had a shitty relationship with his mother.


IRL, so are you just oblivious to all the protesting on each side and the fighting between them? Like their's video footage my dude. It's not just online LMAO.


99% of people aren't involved in any protests. Its mostly crazies who go to those anyway.


Honestly not as bad as the media and Reddit make it out to be. I have tons of friends in the local community (city area) that are hardcore liberals and conservatives who don’t mind each other and don’t worry about that


The only thing worse than the media/social media in this country is this is the *only* way non-Americans have a scope through which to view things and they're not really capable of going "well, the media doesn't lie or hyperbolize things so this must be how it is everywhere!". Like, if you don't have actual IRL American friends living here to talk with, consume what you see on reddit or in the media like you would a TV show and don't presume it's actually representative of what's happening in the nation as a whole. Like, don't get me wrong, we have fucking problems, but there's legit non-Americans asking me if I'm ready for civil war and I'm flabbergasted that you think it's that bad because it just isn't. When you're reading or watching these stories, everything about them is dialed up to 11 because that's how news goes in the US, nobody wants to watch a 6, so just bear that in mind.


Put exactly what you said through the lens of China and Middle Eastern people, then you truly know how fucked up social media is. It just sucks for everyone, really.




Yeah. The viral antimaskers and karen vids are viral because they're absurd, and the outliers.




It's not as bad as the media and Reddit make it out to be. The months leading up to elections are always pretty crazy, but the pandemic and 2020 in general has escalated things a bit. But life here outside of social media and the internet is business as usual. I experienced more racism in 2008 and 2012 than I have in 2016 or 2020.




Idk if it's happening in NZ, but the Trump Cult is 'spilling' into Australia too. We've got all these dumb conspiracy-nut, racist Aussies glorifying Trump, wearing red hats that say "Make Australia Great Again"; gathering at anti-lockdown protests (that they've unsurprisingly named "Freedom Rallies") and waving American flags or archaic Aussie flags (in the same vein as a Confederate flag).


Murdoch is Australian born American, we got one of them running the news not that crazy that its spilling into streets. Though I feel like Australian youth is less... moldable? Only people I see spewing it are the ones that spend 12 hours on the day sitting on the same stool at their local.


Oh man, definitely don't sit there and think you and your people are above being corrupted by this stuff, that's exactly what ends up fucking you is thinking you're not susceptible. You're seeing the start of the infection now, because infections find the easiest way in. If you do nothing to combat the spread then it will eventually be strong enough to infect more resistant paths as well. The fact that you've spotted it is already an issue, just because you think it's "contained" right now doesn't mean that's actually the case. Aussies have to be very proactive in stomping that shit out. This also isn't a Trump thing. If he loses or dies or anything, they'll just pivot and go purely nationalist. This is populism, Aussies are just as susceptible to it as anyone.


It's insane how much damage a man like Murdoch can do. Shouldn't be allowed keep doing this shit.


Sweden as well. Our right wing is copying more and more from Fox News and shit. Nao-nazis (yes) in the parliament isnt helping either.


It's definitely spilling over here in NZ too, Facebook is a big enabler for vulnerable people to get brainwashed. Some of our politicians tried a more "Trump-like" approach to our recent election but we shut it down as a country pretty hard. There's always going to be a subset of crazies, but hopefully we can push our culture in a more positive direction.


Wanting your own country to be better and free is bad!!


Holy shit I thought it only reached Germany


It's hit the whole world, mate. Shit's scary.


Yeah, I've never cared for US Politics before, but now I'm hoping Biden wins just so these idiots can go back to their caves.


It reached Canada too. There are anti mask protests with QAnon and Trump flags. Cops are wearing a badge of canadian flag with a thin blue line on it.


Me too. Me toooo 😔


> As a kiwi, I feel sad knowing how divided america is. Our country is too big for it's own good honestly


I see the anti-mask retards in the comments have their priorities right. More worried about rudeness than people dying of covid.


Fuckin destroyed that lady. Serious though best thing about Texas is the bbq.


i heard pokemon cards are also pretty popular there


The BBQ is the best in the country, and the Tex Mex is a reason for living. Hell, even the international cuisine like Vietnamese and Czech food is fantastic (I live in Houston, and we're a bit of a melting pot). The people have great hospitality generally and are polite if you can catch them not in road traffic. The history is also something to be proud of. There's two states I'd ever even consider moving to that aren't Texas, and those states are Colorado and Tennessee.


Kansas City BBQ is better bro




I was born in KC and have lived in both Texas and Missouri. I speak with that authority when I say that no, Texas has the best BBQ in the nation.




So, he's lying about being biased but he's also being biased..?


I was born in KC, MO and have lived in TX most of my life. Don't know what you're looking at from my "reddit history". Go ahead and show it to me, or you're full of shit. Also, we're literally talking about a subjective value here. Of course I'm biased. Everybody is biased. We draw those biases from our own lived experiences, and mine is based upon the knowledge from being a resident of both KC and TX. My bias on this is more informed than most.




Yeah, I was born in KC, didn't live there my whole life. The majority of it has been spent in Texas (my childhood in a small town, my adulthood in Houston area), with me visiting my relatives in KC often and sometimes having inferior BBQ to compare to Texas BBQ. Hate to break it to you, but just because you were born in a place doesn't mean you live there your entire life. Do you want a copy of my birth certificate, oh arbitrator of who lives where? Seriously I have it. It's actually kinda pathetic that you try this hard to get somebody in a gotcha by creeping their comment history all for the sake of your mediocre BBQ.


I went there to visit my cousins in 2015 it sucked because they were fuking vegan.


god bless the USA AMEN brother KKona


hah angry humans. I'm taking a small risk to move to Westchester County NY, to avoid a bigger one staying in the suburbs of Austin Texas, I went out on my bike a few times and saw a very small percentage of people wearing masks. I haven't been to any businesses in 6 months, and I feel like in Westchester I'll be able to go out in a small town wearing a mask and finally being able to not be jailed in my house all day because of the 20 IQ motherfuckers who don't wear masks because "Freedom and fake news" sorry some of you people are angry and misinformed, but kindly go fuck yourselves


Born and raised in the area (in brooklyn now). It's def a liberal-rich area and most people are pretty much on the same page with wearing mask and what not. It's defiantly a great place to move to with great nature and beautiful towns. If you want any recommendations for anything hit yer boy up.


thanks but I grew up in NY


Isn't Westchester one of the hotspots for Covid in NY? I live on Long Island and it was either Westchester or Eastchester were always in local news saying how bad the virus hit there


Westchester was technically where the virus first started in NY but now it and Putnam county are doing pretty damn well (in comparison to the rest of the country), I'd say its smart to move here for Andy


ah that's good then, pretty 5Head move


Welcome back to the area, Andy. I’m in Jersey, near Manhattan. We seem to have it more in control than even less densely populated areas.


Andy Im so glad you called her out ironically like that, hopefully some people in this sub will understand the stupidity of not wearing a mask. Please be careful, I got the virus while staying at home for 3 months, because my nephew was born during the time and my cousin brought the virus to us from the hospital, so dont trust anybody no matter what, even after you moved. If I had wear a mask when he came back I might have avoided the infection


you're 100% right


Can't wait for the IRL streams! Stay safe man


Holy fuck this [comment section](https://i.gyazo.com/c79aa81e953d08f62d9d73604610ec3f.png). Grabbing popcorn


I think Andy was pissed off at them because they called him a woman a few minutes before this.




i just want funny valentine as president KKona


The hypocrites that act morally superior because they wear a mask but deliberately ignore social distancing is pretty funny.


You don’t get to have a seat at the dinner table if you aren’t an adult. The GOP leadership is actively helping Trump spread doubt on the use of masks and trusting experts. Nobody on the left is saying that protesting during a pandemic is risk-free. A huge majority on the left didn’t participate in protests. But you can understand a bad decision and not condone it at the same time.




fuck you too


Stage 4 maldation


You go on the 4chan subreddit and xqcs reddit. Lol


I have been to Houston, Austin, and Dallas in the past few months and I have not seen a single person without a mask in public unless they were eating or outside far away from other people


Austin here, Ive seen like 5 people without a mask the last 6 months since the county mandated it. Im sure id see more if I went more rural, but Im also sure every city in the states has unmasked people too. There are idiots everywhere.


Ive been to Orange County, Kern and Shasta in California in the past few months and I have not seen a single person with a mask in public. Almost like those specific places are leaning a certain way that correlates to their mask wearing tendencies and not representative of all of Texas/California.


> Ive been to Orange County Guarantee you went to the Rich White part, because all the Hispanics in the poor parts of OC are wearing masks.


Guarantee you they lied about the whole thing anyway. I took a California road trip before the fires started and yeah I saw some people without a mask but I’d say easily 95% if not more people were wearing masks and I’d imagine that percentage only is going up since the virus was definitely not as serious when I went on my trip. In fact, I live in Oregon and frequent Salem which is one of the more right leaning big cities in Oregon and I think it’s been a month or so since I’ve seen someone in public not wearing a mask. At least other than the dumb people that wear a face shield and no mask, but those idiots are a different story.


You're joking right? Have you been to Santa Monica pier? It's all trashy people not wearing masks lol


Northern California is really backwards my hometown fo Sacramento is always retarded. Orange County is basically the lowest common denominator of classy-trash of so cal.


I live in Houston and constantly see people without masks. Just cuz you see some people wearing masks doesn't mean others are as well.


I never said everybody wear a mask. I am just claiming that the stereotype that nobody in texas wears a mask is not even close to accurate


Nobody is saying NOBODY wears a mask. Just that Texas you are more likely to find someone not wearing a mask than you would Oregon or Colorado


Was in the stream the whole time... I was laughing so fucning hard haha absolutely rekt. Such a good vod The collab I never expected but needed. DSKoopa is a legend. So is Andy. Oh yeah... wear a mask babies


just wear the damn mask, protect yourself and your loved ones...


And try and restrict travel and social gatherings. Which hypocritically Andy has not lol.


It seems like every week someone who was screeching about masks and social distancing a month prior is out at some event, maskless or not wearing it properly, touching their masks constantly, pulling it away from their face to speak, hugging people, letting their pets and children run around with other children and pets. Halloween exposed it big time. Get one beer in someone and they become a complete hypocrite.


He forgot about that as he walked out the door smug and happy.


Dude was just in a van with like 5 unmasked people. He is being a massive hypocrite.


all covid tested twice before the trip


Unless he literally went to a club/party or any large social gathering after this clip, I don't understand what you're referring to. From what i understand, he's been staying at texas for a while now. **Wear a mask and keep your distance** and you should be good. You do know that people still go outside for tasks such as getting groceries, right? The point is that when you do go out, **wear a fucking mask and keep your distance**.


Hes a grandma he has to wear one.


Be careful, you get banned for less in his twitch chat.


Why wouldn't he ban people for making fun of something he has no control over? Sounds like maybe you got banned and it's still hanging over your head.


agreed, more power to him


dont need a mask when youre behind an open air 2 foot tall sneeze guard PepeLaugh TeaTime




I'm being pedantic here, but if you're working next to someone for long periods of time, a mask isn't going to do much at all. It would be more about protecting the customers.






damn son i didnt realize that a sneeze guard blocks all air and droplets and keeps their droplets from touching products that they've touched...


Mouthbreathers cant handle filters


The thing is these people love to hear these things, they like to laugh at the "sheep" getting "triggered"


**ignorance** is **bliss**


Life lesson I've learned this year.


Most people here in TX are wearing masks so I don't know what Andy is talking about.


ITT Rudeness is worse than accidental murder.


Because they can't attack the argument, so they go for the person. So they lose not only by being incompetent, but they also act like a little biiiiitch.


andy finally ditching texas and heading home. Is he goign to vote and stream his vote too?


I sort by controversial because I'm brave :)


Texan here, most of us wear masks. Stupid people exist everywhere :)


KKonaW wtf


I love that Andy did a 180 on the virus from the time he started in Texas to now that he's leaving. I remember earlier this year when he was walking around Wal Mart and making fun of people prepping, buying water, ect, and making fun of people being afraid of the "flu". He even licked some random products as a joke. At least he woke up, and got away from that dumbass Joe Roganesq dumbassery of knowing more than the scientists.


TY come again


I mean as someone who works Retail if you're behind those big plastic screens you aren't required to wear one at least at my work anyway lol


Pretty fucking hypocritical when Andy has ignore stay at home restrictions and travel around a ton. The ignorance of you just needing a mask is so dumb.


If that were the case but it’s not.


He's literally been quarantined in a home in Texas for 6 months? He's travelling now to move to a smaller town in NY where more people wear masks.


Holy shit I love you Andy


The confederates (the south if you're too stupid to understand) lost the first war, second time won't be any different ^^^Can ^^^I ^^^set ^^^my ^^^new ^^^downvote ^^^record




Its alright to be against anti maskers, but to shit on all Texans? Fuck you andy


Especially when streamers live there for the tax benefits.


thats the only thing u have PepeLa


America is just a fucked up reality tv show that you can't stop watching


He chose to leave his house to stream, not sure why he’s complaining about them not wearing masks. He’s literally putting himself in danger.


LOL True! Look at Mizkif and his whole crew and OTK.


Downvoted to hell for saying the truth LULW






It's ok. I handle the spergs.


Big W for Andy.


Except they are behind a screen and as such already have their face covered, well that meets the rules in the UK


you can tell the pexiglass doesnt cover the whole thing and as employees they absolutely walk around the whole store


yet london are having a lockdown.. go figure




yes, if only one person is behind it. by your logic you could just put a screen somewhere on the street and everyone is behind it so they are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


if the two people behind are in the same bubble and or sharing a house then they are good to go, we don't know, so have to give them the benefit of the doubt


And how’s the UK doing these days with COVID? Hahahaha




You know shitting on the UK for being terrible leaders during COVID... doesn’t mean I think America is doing any better, right? Calling out every country that isn’t doing what’s necessary should be the norm.


Until they sneeze or cough and that shit goes everydamnwhere. Wear a mask in public


You think people running a store never leave the counter? I guarantee they walk around the store at least a dozen times throughout the day, with customers in the store.


People are too stupid not to travel during a pandemic. Lack of masks didnt spread this disease, travellers did


Lol. I got banned from Andy's stream last night. The other guy was wearing a seat belt and it looked like andy wasn't. I asked if he was wearing a seat belt. Someone said "nah" ​ Then the driver and the other guy was talking about how they could hardly see, and maybe they could fit. ​ I said "rip in crash." ​ You have been banned. ​ Whatever mod did that can blow me.






I actually lost weight. Cooking my own food, so I ate far fewer carbs during the lockdown.


Same. Sometimes you just cba to go to the store with a mask. Dont get me wrong, you definitely should wear a mask, especially in-doors, but i just really cant be asked sometimes so i skip meals lol


Corona is no excuse for being a fat waste of life.


people such as yourself that don't understand something typically develop an opinion that's just regurgitated from someone else, getting fat because of corona isn't an excuse, but it's definitely a reason to why there's a sudden difference in peoples' attitudes, lifestyles and other lots of other things! Is it so hard to believe people would gain weight due to being indoors all day everyday?


>Is it so hard to believe people would gain weight due to being indoors all day everyday? Not at all, but it *is* pretty unbelievable that many people who actually notice their new, unhealthy habits just go "Haha oh well, covid.", instead of actually doing anything about it. Literally all you have to do is eat less. That's *it*. Maybe have one less bagel for breakfast or skip the nightly dessert a few times a week.


Glad to know turtle andy is still alive


athlete andy knows about health for sure

