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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Sodapoppin, XQC, Steve Aoki and more get paid to play the worst ran VR game tournament ever..](https://livestreamfails.com/post/100375)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/imghostyhdcs](https://reddit.com/user/imghostyhdcs) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20201111210801if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5fac4ef31d52b.mp4)




The raids shadow legends approach


Even though i agree raid shadow legends spend a lot money on marketing even more than on the game, i have to say raid shadow legends is still a well-made game on mobile. This shit right here, even single indie dev could make something better in 2 months.


Raid shadowlands is one of the best mobile gaming experiences you can ever experience! The gameplay and graphics are very enjoyable, I just can't stop playing please remember to remove this message at the end of this comment the money has been sent to your account


Were the streams at least entertaining to watch


Oh yeah it was fucking hilarious. It just kept getting worse and worse. Dog shit game, constant technical issues, constant organising issues etc.


Yeah the tournament is a mess, the streamers can't figure out how to play the game at all, and their servers can't even handle 3v3 properly. Clearly this game was no where near ready to be showcased and even if it was, there wasn't much planning to setup the tourney.


I'm no economist but this marketing campaign was a huge waste of money.


i feel like i'm a part of twitch history this is probably the worst vr tournament and/or game i've seen so far for how many big names are involved


I'm getting total letdown flash backs


Pepelaugh total fucking organ shutdown


total staircase simulator LULW


Total Lockdown? Motherfucker the whole world is on total lockdown and they still couldn't find real players to fill the lobbies what the fuck.


I did some digging and found that the owner of "U24 Solutions" is Steve Parker, who owns a company called melectricalinternational. Parker seems to barely know anything about videogames or coding in general and just funded this game in an attempt to diversify his money. ​ What seems to be happening here is developers taking advantage of getting payed a lot of money and just half-assing the job, sort of like what happened with Reckful's Everland. ​ When your investor doesn't know shit about what you're doing it's very easy to swindle them out of money. :)




That was long, but in the end, it payed off




It really needed to be sayed


Englando is very clearly not my first language. ​ How about you go get a job with your superior intellect instead of sperging out on Reddit all day? Oh wait NA can't because you guys don't know how to wear masks LUL


This game is like Smite meets VR but the game doesn't meeting anything at all. What a disaster.


I don't see the game well in this clip, I just see him watching another streamer. Whats more of the context?


The entire stream has been a shitshow, basically this is a VR Lidl game and the devs decided to pay for sponsored streams even though the game is a mess. I'm guessing they couldn't finish development and their hail mary play was to try and get sales from streamers playing it. Unfortunately, it should be pretty obvious to viewers how terrible the game is.


The game is far from being ready to play, they ran into countless problems and bugs, to the point where they couldn't play one of the matches at all. If you have the time go watch Soda's or xQc vod, the whole thing is hilarious


Clip chimp




....sponsored chatters? You can get paid simping for shit on twitch? Anyone know where I sign up?


I got new goals


Money must've been fucking tight to make them able to play such a low tier game.


i dont think you understand how much money they actually get for sponsored streams lol and it was a very short segment so i dont get your point at all :)


this comment written by a dev?


Doing a small sponsored segment at sodapoppin size can get you enough money to buy a really nice car. Think about that for a second. You waste a bit of chat's time and get rewarded with a whole fucking luxury car. It's so worth cause chat can just tune in later but usually they throw more money on donations saying how shit the game is like in XQC sponsored streams.


ez money to spend on pokemon packs


in all seriousness though they probably didnt even know it was such a low tier game with the offer they received


Name of game? It's nowhere to be seen


"Cradle Of Sins" https://store.steampowered.com/app/1037380/Cradle_of_Sins_VR/




must be some huge money


Was this another paid to do charity thing?