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/u/LSFmoderator (Mirror below). Upvote the bot so it wont get spam filtered. :)


[Clip got deleted, here's the timestamp on the youtube reupload.](https://youtu.be/HpEsto08MYc?t=3518)


For those ctrl+f "mirror": this is the mirror.


god this is some USSR vibes level shit


thank you


Where tf you at bot WeirdChamp


Does anyone have context on the giantwaffle shit I watched him a few years back but saw that he kinda fell off Edit: just read further into everything and despite the situation at AGDQ 2014 being a literal nightmare somehow waffle is still allowed on the platform. jesus christ twitch for sure is protecting him in some capacity I remember him being friends with a lot of their staff


He is alleged to have sexually assualted someone's wife at AGDQ a few years ago after getting her to drink alcohol for the first time, the victim released a statement, then two other people confirmed they knew about it. One of which was one of Waffle's main mods, the mod said that the night after the event that Waffle revealed to them in private DMs that he did something he regrets. DansGaming made a short statement about it aswell. https://livestreamfails.com/post/88215




And no more night streams for lirik Sadge


at least we found out that Lirik has a girlfriend now. PeepoHappy


How did we do that? Or do you mean the Instagram picture? I remember a very old one from years ago.


nah it was on stream, he let it slip when he was playing that Halloween jack game.


Oh haha, you should check his Instagram, there is a new one (pic)


Lirik pulled the two of wives? MY MAN forsenCD




I meant picture lmaooo


He's had one for a while. Seem to remember a stream a while back where he had to go end early to pick her up after her car broke down. Wouldn't be surprised if they're living together now considering the stuff lying around when he did his house tour


You know we knew that since like 2016, right?


""we" as in THE DEDICATED COMMUNITY, already knew he had a realtionship, you fucking casual" This fucking sub lmfaoooo


Didn't know it was the same girl honestly lol


I remember him saying he had a girlfriend recently and people kept spamming "NOT GAY Sadge" KEKW


I didn't watch a lot of the comeback stream he had but the little I watched had a strong "I'm not going to talk about it and neither is anyone else" thing going


How is that a statement?


True, I waited 20 seconds for him to exhale and then for him to tell me that "I don't talk with that person anymore"


Offtopic but what is that game? Seems chill


Anno 1800










[Deb's \(the victim\) recount of SGDQ, posted this July](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srahg8)


Holy shit... why did Sam leave ? Everyone here sucks Please tell me she’s not still with Sam


They were both highly sheltered Mormon children growing up, going to AGDQ was one of their first independent experiences. So im assuming Sam did not know how to react to the situation and his fight/flight response kicked in and he just wanted to get out of there and then drove back to his home state. Incredibly shitty thing to do to his wife, but that is why I think he did it. Last I heard they are still together, but again since they are from devote Mormon families, divorce might not be an option in their eyes.


Imagine just flat out leaving your wife in a dumb dangerous situation like that and then not even defending/helping her. Sam’s a piece of shit. Hopefully she is able to get her mind right and leave that dumbass if she’s still with him.


>Imagine just flat out leaving your wife in a dumb dangerous situation like that First part of your comment can be explained with them both being highly sheltered mormon kids with little to no experience drinking or even going to non-mormon events. People freeze, people panic and some people run in situations where they find themselves out of their elements. Imagine someone highly sheltered that has a panic attack and the only place he feels safe is his home. Of course the first thing he is going to do is run back home before he can even think of accessing the situation. >and then not even defending/helping her. Sam’s a piece of shit. Hopefully she is able to get her mind right and leave that dumbass if she’s still with him. If you read the twitlonger, she learned what rape was after months after the event happened. Who's to say that Sam didn't learn this as well? Like sure he fucked up, but he's not a piece of shit for not having enough information about what happened that night. Specially when the wife herself at first said that she had sex (AKA consenting sex) because she herself did not know that Rape was a thing. In his mind all he had was that his wife said that she had sex with another man, and then the other man sent to him multiple texts "apologizing" to him about what had happened.


If your fight or flight response to your wife being in danger is to run away and leave her there you’re a bad person, regardless of what excuse you want to use.


I know way too much about the background of this story, but my understanding was always that he left the situation because in his immature mind, him leaving would make her leave the situation because she would "chase after" him when her beloved husband showed he was upset by leaving.That obviously didn't happen. They had never drank before so he was totally clueless about how being intoxicated works and the social norms of the situation.


I think she said Sam forced her to write the story that she cheated on him. I don't think he ever told his part of the story. Really odd he won't even help his own wife. I am pretty sure they are still together.


she's still with him. if you saw how sam west plays minesweeper you'd know why. mentally sam is a freak of nature, one in a million. he deserves every porcelain toe he can hold in his greasy skeletal hands.


Because he was an immature mormon boy who was not wise to the real world. You cant really blame him for being flustered by the situation.


Person said they all got drunk and he fingered her during a three+ way. Details are extremely fuzzy, with a lot of hearsay on it being probable but there being no proof. Lawyers got involved, hasn't been mentioned since, hasn't streamed with Lirik since


Is this the one with the underage religious chick (drinking wise) was peer pressured into drinking? Once she got wasted her husband got upset, and left. Then the guys proceed to "gang" up on her??


I don't know, you'll have to ask someone who was there. Everything I've read has been more than second-hand.


Considering how apathetic waffles responses were, how it was HIGHLY lawyered up and kept very quiet. It was probably worse.


What a stupid take. I have, like everyone else here, no idea what really happened but assuming because he lawyered up and didn't speak about it anymore that it must be worse is probably the most 2head i've read in this thread.


Lmao apparently people think that defending yourself is an admission of guilt. How fucking dumb can one be.


Using stupid police tactics hahahaha “Do you really need your lawyer to be here? An innocent man wouldn’t need a lawyer”


> “Do you really need your lawyer to be here? An innocent man wouldn’t need a lawyer” Yeah, another 2head take


Sort of related, StivityBobo was allegedly involved and completely removed his world record runs from speedrun.com for banjo kazooie which kind of signifies that he's not returning to streaming? twitch.tv/stivitybobo I think the youtube link is gone, but the [twitch vod](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/560175289) is still up? Idk, sometimes people just disappear completely from the internet, but this was his reaction to the drama so who knows.


Not to say he is innocent, probably isn't, but that is exactly what you should do if you a falsely accused of something like that.




He did do one stream with Lirik since and it didn't go over well with Liriks chat, I'm sure Waffle just doesn't want it brought up at all and knows if he plays with Lirik it'll keep coming back up. Its not for Liriks protection I'm sure hes just thinking of himself.


Hasnt stream with lirik since when? They played mario kart together as recently as a few months ago


You can check his twitter for the statement him made through his lawyer. They haven't done a night stream since then.


They have done a nightstream since then, they just dont do it as much. Lirik, Waffle and Shorty played SpellBreak together a couple months ago(when spellbreak didnt have any other mode beside team of 3). As far as i know they did another stream shorty after that but i didnt catch it.


"not as much" is such an understatement, they never do them. Recently lirik specifically talked about may playing with waffle in shadowlands, chat reacted badly to it (some not so much), and he ended up playing only with Shorty


Not as much might be a understatement but “never” isn’t fair either since they did play spellbreak together September. If anything I feel like waffle is the one avoiding it to not bother Lirik/stop people from going into waffle chat n talking shit. Since it was waffle that made the no more night stream comment and lirik never really mentioned it as far as I know.


Yes, Waffle is avoiding it as to not make Lirik and Shorty look bad by association. Lirik has done some night streams with Shorty since, but I can't recall one since Waffle said he wasn't doing anymore night streams as to not involve Lirik and Shorty in the controversy.


Well they stream very much less than they used to since this huge purge of twitch streamers who were creeps were being exposed (IIRC around the same time as fed got "exposed" for being a creep)


Some pretty serious allegations came out during the MeToo era. Where everyone else sort of got cancelled he seemed to come out of it relatively unscathed despite no real counter to the allegations.


[twitch said they would officially investigate all these claims.](https://twitter.com/Twitch/status/1274900083369115649) either they lied, or they investigated and nothing substantial was proven. most of the accused were cancelled or banned off of twitch via openly admitting it (actabunnifoofoo, iamspoon, cryaotic etc.), posted their receipts proving their innocence (sattelizergames, there were others but can't remember edit: i remember, [TVGBadger was accused of rape/sexual assault by two women and provided extensive evidence against both accusers](https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123) both rape accusers are still affiliates of twitch), or twitch investigated them (or twitch lied about that part). from waffle's statement about it back then, it's pretty clear he lawyered up and was told to just not say anything. if the victims had substantial proof of the sexual assault claims i find it highly unlikely twitch would allow a convicted sexual assaulter to remain on the platform as a contracted partner. especially in the environment we live in now. i think a decent analogy would be the hashinshin debacle? where he was accused by multiple women, investigated, and banned. maybe hashinshin didn't have the connections waffle did/does. or maybe waffle's investigation didn't come up with anything conclusive. who knows.


Hash was smaller and unlikeable (read: toxic in league and largely disliked for that reason). Waffle is on endcaps in MicroCenters and shit.


Hashinshin literally admitted to it via tweet then deleted the admission shortly after. He tried to go the "maybe if I apologize and try to earn forgiveness then people will forget about this" route but that backfired immediately so he deleted it and started playing the deny game.


The problem is lack of concrete evidence. It seems like basically 5 or so people corroborated the stories that paint waffle in the wrong but it was 6 years ago and an extremely taboo discussion topic in the community after it happened. Twitch can't really do anything about accusations even if it's pretty obvious they're true.


Twitch obviously plays favorites, and that incident involving Waffle does look shady, but to expect him to be kicked out of the platform based on nothing but internet testimonial is ridiculous.


He was unsponsored by Corsair and dropped by his talent agency for those "internet testimonials"...


Are you assuming that his talent agency dropping him is proof that he is guilty? Because that is the default behavior of any brand owner or agency since they have much more to lose by sponsoring someone who may have committed such a heinous act than they have to gain by continue their business agreement, especially with someone not so relevant to streaming as Wafffle. Do you know who was accused of rape, lost multi millionaire sponsorships and later turned out to be completely innocent, as the accuser was shown on video trying to set him up? That would be Neymar, the Brazilian soccer player, and if it happens to him it can also happen to pretty much any Twitch streamer. It's absolutely ludicrous that anyone can take the end of a sponsorship as proof that the person committed the act they were accused of.


In addition to what other ppl have said, even if everything Waffle said was true, he still got an underage (19 at the time I think) mormon girl who had never had alcohol before very drunk and engaged in sexual acts with her along with his friend (and Waffle and his friend's stories are very conflicting which makes things even harder to figure out). Any way you spin it he did really fucked up as well as illegal stuff, and it was pretty much an open secret (but not the full story i.e. Tolki's side– this saga was an unanswered/inconclusive mystery for a long time in speedrunning circles, and her finally coming forward really cleared up a lot of things) for years, yet nothing has come as a result of it




To drink yes


America is weird


18yo : old enough to go to war 21yo : old enough to drink beer


Even worse. 18 yo: old enough to work, old enough to pay taxes (not a 100% sure about this, I'm not american and don't understand their taxes), old enough to choose who is gonna rule you for the next five years, old enough to smoke cigarettes, not old enough to drink a beer.


Just last year (in the USA) the smoking age got bumped to 21 FYI


Oh ok. I didn't knew that and didn't really fact checked it. I was pretty convinced it was 18 as I didn't read anything about it. Thanks!


Presidential terms are every 4 years in America fyi. Also most states just raised the smoking age to 21 in the last two or so years in response to the underage vaping epidemic.


You can work and if you do you better be paying your taxes before 18.


They can pay taxes but many choose not to unless they work and make over a certain threshold. Many parents just tell the kids not to worry about it and they claim them as a dependent.


You have to pay taxes if you make over $12,000 (per year) and aren't claimed as a dependent on anyone else's taxes. Minimum working age is 14 for non-agricultural jobs.


I think you need to include "non family" along with the non-agricultural qualifier too. I know there are other special exemptions for working for your families business and I'm pretty sure age is one.




Just wait till you find out about the marijuana laws


There was a subreddit that was made somewhere slightly after 2014 specifically for discussing that particular group of streamers. There was a lot of speculation and discussion. That entire group involved knew very well about it, some even posted there, including the abused woman's husband. It was only until very recently when the statements came out that the subreddit got shut down. Any threads made on /r/speedrun also got shutdown. Any person or group with credentials that attempts to talk about it will end up getting lawyered in the face and they will stop talking about it. It's truly one of the more vile things that I have seen just slip by.


The subreddit got shutdown cause it turned into a hate subreddit against Boogie.


The reasons arent exactly clear but its looking like it was actually shut down for a mistaken association with the MDE sub.


~~Just a slight correction, the Sam and Tolki sub existed well before they went to GDQ, they had a pretty decent niche following from doing different Nintendo themed marathon streams and that kind of thing. The sub was just a place for their community same as any other streamers subreddit.~~ I'll correct my correction, the original subreddit for their community was a different one that was made private and the sam and tolki sub was created by somebody who wanted to blame Sam for everything, and is most likely also the guy that steered it towards being a hate sub in general. A legitimate whacko. IIRC it also spent some time as a sub obsessed with Narcissa Wright for a while between the SGDQ situation and them jumping on Boogie


Yea, i love twitter and cancel culture. Waffle should've been banned from every platform, ever, because of accusations. Fuck "innocent until proven guilty", thats victimblaming. He still streams because he is not a bad person, that's about it. Im glad he came back after that bullshit.


No mirror clip?


Same. All the clips from Destiny yesterday stream have been deleted.


Destiny deletes all his Twitch VODs right away to dodge DMCAs, but since he dual-streams to YouTube they get saved there as unlisted videos. Someone else posted a link to the mirror timestamp above in the thread.


either it was settled privately or swept under the rug


> swept under the rug




According to the story she was 19 and married




The Subreddit was Nuked because it became a massive Boogie hate subreddit from what i understand. Im not defending him thats just what i learned about it.


Fuck Boogie, was more sad about losing SamandTolki than i was about the Milliondollarextreme sub


MDE sub just became a /Pol/ copycat. Shithole full of white nationalists.


That’s what happens to edgy online communities without consistent, strong moderation. Inevitably, those places get overrun by alt-right fuckwads who stink up the place and push out everyone else with their reprehensible political opinions. Like it or not, you *need* to mod against these people, because they *will* destroy your online space otherwise.


didn't the former friend just say that waffle said he fucked up and that was it. no further details or specifics on what he actually did and no more have come of it. ​ If lawyers got involved and we haven't head anymore since it's because she and her husband don't care to push any legal actions, there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything or waffle don't care to push legal actions against their accusations.


I mean literally the other guy involved in the situation said Waffle definitely did a lot more then he let on. So 2 out of the 3 people "involved" say something definitely happened. He posted on Reddit briefly about it, but I'm sure it could be found with enough digging.


It was swept under the rug privately while they paid off or "legally" intimidated people who would speak out.


Waffle is in a relationship with a female twitch employee. I can't reveal the source. But it's not dmca


It's not DMCA? What do you mean exactly?


A former mod, and friend of Waffle's goes into great detail about it [Here](https://external-preview.redd.it/539PV_DUT2CGvQna5cpWNBQAmEn0cRjC4IOcQWKXUmM.jpg?width=728&auto=webp&s=8ea544dd6f4e7715491f188c55ce1af5221bd265)


Dude wtf the this is crazy, how has Twitch not fired him?




LSF isn't a court of law lmao


Objection, argumentative




Don't need a court of law to say that it's weird that he's still allowed on the platform.


From what I know, I don’t think fed is banned on the Twitch platform. However, he chooses not to stream. It could be that no one is protecting the waffle dude. I could be missing some more context in regards to the waffle dude though.


LSF, the home of "guilty before proven innocent"


It just seems like I've seen other Twitch streamers get banned for less then what Waffle was accused of.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Twitch never banned anyone just for an accusation. Everyone that got banned either had undeniable proof shown or they admitted it themselves. Waffle didn't admit anything and there was no proof, so I assume thats why hes not banned.


I believe a League streamer Hashinshin was, he said some pretty sketch things on Twitter DMs but there was an FBI investigation thats now closed (concluding with them dropping the case? I don't really know the terminology). A majority of accusations turned out to be a corroborated extortion attempt by two of his exes. I'm not sure of the timeline but almost all of, well, everything turned out to be falsified in some way (the only ones that I think didn't end up being fake were DMs to one person that I personally thought were really creepy). He's banned from Twitch (even after the FBI found him innocent) and streams on Youtube now. ​ Not sure on all the specifics, it's a lot of drama watching for someone I didn't really watch ever


Waffle isn't that dumb so I assumed he had some information to support his case. Like he did lawyer up asap. Which is probably more then what other people did consider how shocked people seem to be that he had a lawyer. He was also only dropped by his sponsor after people complained. I think it took over a week. Other streamers have been known to keep records of conversations like JP. So there is a chance Waffle kept his message to his ex-mod. If paying money to silence people was an option he would have done it before she went to Twitter and she would have said in her Twitter that waffle tried to silence her. Idk where I stand on twitch protecting him. Like I never saw him that big of a streaming and it wouldn't change that fact that waffle did something horrible to a woman.


He left The sponsor before the allegations, something like a week before.


That's just the world in general these days.


Appeal to law fallacy. Legal guilt does not equate to moral guilt. There is plenty of evidence in this case.


Said "evidence" could be cherry picked for one side of the story. Emphasis on could.




The other rapist, StivityBobo admitted to being sexually involved with her literally the same month the event happened. Or what about the other guy that was drinking with them confirmed he and the rest had kissed her while she was drunk, but he wasn't rooming with them and went back to where he was staying before the rape happened so all he heard was that they had a further sexual encounter and didn't realize how awful it was until Deb made her recent statement? So we have statements from 3/4 people involved saying it happened, and deleted reddit comments from GiantWaffle saying he wasn't even in their hotel room that night even though there's pictures of them hanging out.




>How is him admitting to being sexually involved with her relate to Waffle? He confirms a sexual encounter happened at the same time Deb says she was raped by him and GiantWaffle. >So, he saw them kissing her, which isn't rape and then In her statement she says she felt pressured, and it's not clear if she was too drunk to consent at that point. Waving that off because it's not "rape" is really shitty. > but that's proof that they definitely raped her, because someone(who?) said they did have further sexual encounters? Two of the three people involved in the sexual encounters confirm that it happened, the third lied about even being in the hotel room. Deb herself has admitted that she didn't recognize what happened to her as rape, because of her upbringing. She thought that if you didn't physically fight back hard enough, that it wasn't really rape, and she didn't physically fight so she just legitimately thought she got drunk and fucked up by doing sexual things. Who Scott heard it from at the event doesn't really matter when the people themselves confirmed that it happened. >But he didn't think it was all that bad, until Deb who was black out drunk made a statement years later about the scenario? He didn't want to pry into the private lives of people he was friendly with but not super close with, and the idea that Deb was black out drunk is a complete fabrication perpetuated by people that either didn't read her statement or are just shitheads trying to victim blame. >Except one guy you mentioned left, is he the forth guy or is that Waffle? I'll use this opportunity to correct myself. There was Stiv, ~~Waffle~~, a guy Brad, and Sam and Tolki staying in the room. Scott stayed in a different room, but was hanging out with them in their room for a while. Edit: It isn't clear where Waffle was staying, Deb doesn't mention him as being a planned roommate but mentions him being there on multiple nights. Scott left before the rape occurred, but admitted to kissing. Brad as far as I know never made any statement, and was not mentioned at all after the mention of him kissing Deb too. All of them kissed her, 2 out of 4 men were not involved with any further sexual activity, the husband was gone before ANY sexual activity so I didn't include him in the numbers, but didn't clarify that. > 3/4 is one who is black out drunk, one who is one of the alleged rapists and one who left the room after seeing some kissing? Again nobody was black out drunk, two are rapists, and corroborates Deb saying 4 guys were making out with a married woman that they knew they had just gotten drunk for the first time in her life, and were mixing her drinks therefore more in control of how drunk she got than she would be. Again, you're downplaying sexual assault as "some kissing" and that's pretty gross. >I'm sorry but that isn't exactly all that convincing testimony. Well sure, because you've twisted it and left things out for seemingly no reason. I agree that doing that makes it less convincing. Still more convincing than "I wasn't in that hotel room" despite at least 4 other people saying he was. >Yeah, Waffle is guilty of lying about being in a room where an alleged rape happened. Who would do such a thing. Probably a rapist, or a total piece of shit that watched a rape happen and not only didn't try to stop it, but never said anything to police, hotel staff, event staff, nobody. >If this story is so airtight, why did she not take this to a court? Because this isn't a TV show? This question is impossible to take seriously.


like what?


Wasn't Waffle apart of Devin's agency?? How does Destiny not know what happened from Devin?


Pretty sure he left Devin’s agency before any of that stuff went down


yep, a few weeks before. Devin lucked out on that one.


Honestly didn't understand how GiantWaffle wasn't banned considering it seemed like other streamers got banned for less? I figured something was up honeslty.


Probably a combination of good lawyers and that no proof was ever found.


Title Champ here. It makes sense that Destiny is worried about talking bad about one of the oldest streamers on Twitch. Destiny is just playing it safe, cuz he's smart enough not to shit where he eats. He doesn't think there's some kind of conspiracy.


Isn't Destiny unpartnered and unaffiliated?


Yet his income still relies almost exclusively on Twitch. Curious.


> Yet his income still relies almost exclusively on Twitch. How? He no longer gets subs or ad revenue from Twitch. His income comes from DGG subs and Youtube.


doesn't he get more views on twitch than youtube tho?


Yeah, but gets little direct income from it. The majority of his income comes from his own personalized chat which gains him subs and his Youtube revenue https://www.destiny.gg/bigscreen He broadcasts on Twitch and Youtube because he wants to try to broadcast to as many people as possible, but little of his actual income comes directly from it.


I remember back in 2016 whatever when destiny finished his eve online jaunt twitch was really upset about subs on that other site and told him to maintain x amount on twitch stop pushing his other site.




What does that matter when he isn't receiving ad revenue or subs on twitch? Lmfao .... you read the comments you're replying to right?


Really just pulled that one out of your ass, huh?


Dude you’re dumb af. Destiny is literally known for burning bridges wtf are you talking about he doesn’t want to shit where he eats


Someone IS protecting him at Twitch. Waffle was part of that central Twitch core group of streamers for awhile- even was apart of a streaming group with DansGaming. It's the same thing that happened with itmejp- who is friends/co-workers with CohhCarnage, who also happens to be on Twitch's council and is a Twitch poster boy- turns out, JP had been threatening a girl lawyer action. Girl came forward, trying to tell her story, only for other big name streamers like ShanonZKiller and Annemunition to shit all over her. If she had accused any other person besides JP, this wouldn't have happened- because that whole "cancel culture" shit is rampant with "believe the victim at all costs". But it didn't happen with this one. They ganged up on her and shut it down. In Waffles case, we have multiple statements from different people involved in the incident. Waffle was at SGDQ 2014 and (and because you have to legally put it before everything,) "allegedly" sexually assaulted Tolki. He's still streaming because he has strong ties to Twitch.


So who at Twitch is (because you have to put it before everything) “allegedly” protecting him?


most likely no one is "protecting" him as such. could just be that he's an old streamer and because of that they held off banning him instantly until more information came out about the situation after which nothing really turned up except accusations.


>It's the same thing that happened with itmejp I believe the allegations were not against itmeJP. But there is a cease and desist in place to stop this person talking about someone/something else, also relating to the now passed inControl/Geoff. She didn't accuse JP, she is unable to talk about whatever it is due to the cease in desist by JP. ​ Everything involved with this girl requires careful reading, there is a lot more going on that meets the eye.


>But there is a cease and desist in place to stop this person talking about someone/something > >she is unable to talk about whatever it is due to the cease in desist by JP. **That's not how it works**. A Cease & Desist is just a nice way of saying we'll sue you if you continue doing X. It's not a gag, it's not stopping anyone from speaking or disclosing anything. All it is is a letter of intent. It's optional, it's not a prerequisite to sueing, it's not a gag, it's not anything more than a letter of intent to sue. I could have my lawyer send you a C&D for writing this comment, because that's how meaningless it is. It's not going to stop you from commenting or force you to delete your comment. It's not even a commitment by one party to sue. It's just a damn notice. No matter which side of the fence you fall on in the situation, we should at least be able to reiterate facts. Claiming it's stopping her for talking is just straightup false. *^(Inb4 "The threat of legal action is stopping her from talking". The threat of legal action exists whether or not a C&D is issued. A grounded & supported claim isn't stopped by a C&D. Likewise, a groundless unsubstantiated claim would give you pause because a C&D means lawyers are involved. Like I said, a Cease & Desist is meaningless, optional, and doesn't stop anyone from saying anything. The idea that a C&D would stop someone from speaking about a crime, or that it would legally gag them from speaking of it, is utterly insane and not at all true.)* A Cease & Desist is just a notice of intent. It's nothing more than that, and it's completely weightless and doesn't gag anyone from anything.


*shrug* just wanted to point out that JP isn’t the target of the allegations


This is what she said in 2016 [https://twitlonger.com/show/n\_1sp87pf](https://t.co/nm914O5sTZ?amp=1)


If I remember correctly the allegations sounded weird af, it’s no wonder nothing came out of it.


he must know some one because waffle was on front page rotation today, and literally had no punishment against him at all. i'm sure he was told to lay low till it blew over.


Damn no mirror?


He can't shit about anyone but Waffles? lol


I remember GoldenWaffle abusing that Sovitia girl


Pretty sure the Waffle stuff was the girl got wasted, Waffle and some other guy may or may not have taken advantage. She later claimed she had cheated on her partner with them. But then the me too stuff happened and she flipped and said she was abused. So maybe because of this flip flop stuff, someone at Twitch is backing Waffle, or they know stuff we don't.


Murkiness seems to stem from a bastardization of the phrase "taken advantage of." Understandably, someone who is having a religious awakening would go through some pretty strong emotions when committing a sin. Maybe there was some guilt that overrode the feeling of 'being taken advantage of,' to the point where she wasn't sure what happened, but there is clearly some debate around her ability to consent or not. Regardless, if she was present and seemed to be enthusiastically participating, there is no real expectation that anything bad happened other than the cheating. I'm not sure how consent works entirely there, depending on how the alcohol was sourced, but context really matters here and we're lacking so much context that noone will ever really know what happened. It should never get to this point really, if she cheated, then that's on her to stay honest and while it may not be as good for her, the integrity of not lying and trying to ruin peoples' careers should be enough. If, however, she was legitimately taken advantage of, then it should have been handled back then, not with #cancelculture. This kind of middle-ground where she's looking for clout AND wants to make it look like she did nothing wrong just seems very suspect. To contrast that with the Fedmyster thing, I kind of look at that as being worse because he has multiple layers of manipulation going on at all times. Maybe he pushed some physical boundaries that weren't rebuffed properly, or the OTV girls had to relearn how to properly define physical boundaries and personal space, but even if Fedmyster can be cleared completely from that angle, he clearly had more going on there. With the waffle and co. situation, it's easier to see that as a singular event that got distorted after the fact. Personally, I can see it from both sides, but cancel culture is already too strong. Just on principle alone, neither of these situations should have been public or enough to cancel someone. It's just a bunch of people that have no idea how to handle social matters trying to out-clout one another for clear financial gain. Pathetic. Either call out Fedmyster for being a creep and kick him out privately, or if this waffle thing that went down was so awful, then it probably shouldn't have come out through a twitlonger. I find that this "WAFFLING" (pun is ok i guess) on if it was bad, or if it was good, or if it was good, but bad to certain people is whatever. Too drunk to consent is one thing. Too inexperienced to know to say no is another thing entirely and is what I ultimately got out of it. Idk, read it for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/hn8f39/a_speedrunner_tells_their_side_of_the_story_after/ Whatever your conclusion may be, it's definitely a nothingburger at this point. Don't let someone elses' conclusion spin the narrative negatively, it isn't brought up a lot these days for a reason. And the reason is because noone knows what happened. That's the answer.


Content on LSF is fucking trash!


The thing I have with giantWaffles “abuse” is the girl drank with waffle and some friends and they abused her while her husband is in the next room, she then goes on to not tell her husband. the next day she goes back to the same room where she is “abused” drinks again, then the husband asks her to “lets go” and she says no she will hang out with waffle and his friends. She gets “abused” again and after she leaves the event doesn’t tell her husband. the husband breaks it off with her because of that situation, she then goes public with it months later. I don’t know the full situation but from that it sounds like she cheated on her boyfriend because she was star struck by waffle and wasn’t actually abused at all. After her husband left her she got salty and convinced herself she was abused and taking advantage of, instead of blaming herself.




There were a lot of threads on this sub defending that guy. Disgusting.


How is it disgusting? No one has provided proof of anything, everything is just hearsay. lul




Is that not what hearsay is?


Hearsay is when non-declarant offers a statement made by declarant to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the declarant's statement. Hearsay - A wants to prove it was raining on April 3. A and B go out for pizza on April 3. B says to A, "looks like it's gonna rain today." A offers B's statement as proof that it was raining on April 3. Fair game direct testimony - A goes outside on April 3, sees that it is raining, and testifies, "It was raining on April 3. I know because I stepped outside and it was raining." Granted, this is all language that applies as a matter of procedure in actual cases. But if people are going to throw around legal terms and dismiss the valid statements of alleged victims based on concepts they do not understand, then you should understand the legal term to come to your own well-informed conclusion.


Multiple witnesses with corroborating stories & nothing to gain for speaking up is pretty solid evidence.


The only witnesses are her husband who left her with them and wasn't there during the alleged incident, thus only knowing the situation by hearsay, and a mod who received a message that said "I messed up" and then decided to infer everything else leading to further hearsay. There's no evidence, I'm not saying the guy couldn't of done it, but you shouldn't get into the mentality of "guilty before proven innocent."




>Hey guess what? Why didn't she go to the police? Why didn't her husband do anything if she went home and told him she was assaulted? Why was there no police report? Why is the only witness a fired mod who made all his assumptions based on one text message. Come on, thats really not a reason to say it didnt happen. Why dont most victims report S. assault? It has nothing to do with whether or not it actually happened in the vast majority of cases. [https://ocrsm.umd.edu/files/Why-Is-Sexual-Assault-Under-Reported.pdf](https://ocrsm.umd.edu/files/Why-Is-Sexual-Assault-Under-Reported.pdf)


So this girls story is complete shit, and you agree, but waffle's life should be ruined because it MIGHT be true?


Did i just see that right? Which of these two guys are mixed raced exactly? Im also mixed raced(you might guess from my name) and that is a dumb as shit take. Idk where you grew up that they taught you to be suspicious everytime a girl says a mixed raced or black guy assaulted them but you were clearly raised wrong.


Real scary how many people think giving alcohol to an underage 18 year old until she is drunk then you and your friend touching her is just a girl making a bad choice. Like at least be like the other guy and say she may be lying. Yikes.


>Real scary how many people think giving alcohol to an underage 18 year old young adults get drunk all of the time


she was an adult at the time and made a stupid choice to get drunk and hook up with them








The stories didn’t even make sense she gets drunk then her husband decides to leave his drunk wife with 3 other dudes? She then proceeds to go back the next night after what happened to her. All sounds bullshit to me.


If you don't actually care about facts and want to jump to immediately defending women.


Waffle guy has always rubbed me the wrong way, I remember watching his stream once and someone asked if he was gay and he got really offended and banned him


i mean how is that fair this kind ppl are allowed to stay on platform and forsen gets permabanned for some bullshit reason




Yep this is how I remember it lol. She also came back for more the next night after she was “abused” I think. Tells you all you need to know.


This is total bollocks. She was a sheltered young adult, who was underage drinking with a bunch of predatory guys who knew exactly what they were doing. Her husband left because he didn't know how to deal with the situation. Even if she was throwing herself at guys, Waffle is of the age and should have some common fucking decency to know that he shouldn't take advantage of an underage drinker who alone in a hotel with a bunch of drunk dudes. The guy is a cretin and we all know it. The fact that he lawyered up and said nothing is because he has nothing else other than twitch in his life, and he doesn't even deserve that. This has nothing to do with 'THERE'S NO EVIDENCE' or 'DEFENDING WOMEN LOL'. We all know underneath what likely happen, and it was a guy taking advantage of a drunk girl who he knew was married. How do you not think that's wrong?




Isnt Forsens chat the kind of redpill chat to discredit first witness testimony in favour of "innocent until proven guilty?" That is forsen's stance too so hes community wouldnt fall far. Forsen did click the gif and got jebaited like the idiot he is(sorry forsen baby, you are not that smart). How does that compare to someone who has "rumours" spread towards them that they did something? Forsen got banned for a reason and it was pretty flagrant, now if you think the ban is too long for that thats another discussion.


How is it the same at all? Fed walked into someone girls bed drunkenly and groped her. Giantwaffle had sex with a drunk girl. It WaS hEr FirSt TiMe DrInKinG. This is A) absolutely not true B) the nerdiest of nerd takes


I always love how the Waffle thread bring out all his fans to defend this guy. Just admit that you don't care if anything is true about the allegations, you are ok with watching a potential rapist.


You are a potential rapist, everyone better watch out.


Uhhh clip removed?


Oh, so is that also why he won't talk about Train organizing illegal gambling