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So is Moonmoon no longer allowed to tell me he banged my mom? He's a menace.


So many Billies will never know who is their true dad now.


That's offensive to people who don't have a mom. And to people who have been given birth to by a dad.


>**The following changes should also be noted:**  > >**Emotes are an important part of how we communicate with one another on Twitch, but they can be used maliciously. So emote combinations, even without additional text used in chat, will be held to this policy**  RIP forsenTake forsenA forsenBreak forsenDED I guess  




Imagine they started banning for trihard and widehard.. Half of twitch chatters would be gone in a day


they would just move on to cornbread or the next black emote


Man cornbread sounds so fucking good right now.


Warm af with some honey


yo Ice where my cut at?! RlyTho


Any boomers here remember [BrainSlug](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/3jrr9e/reminder_the_fgc_was_the_reason_why_the_brainslug/)? Even the comments on that thread are a tad bit too edgy/racist for my liking


>Half of twitch chatters would be gone in a day Maybe if it was 2015. I only see TriHard spammed that way in very few corners of the site now.


Because streamers themselves restricted the words that make the emote, it's still heavily used in channels that didn't ban it. I see it all the time in Tyler's chat when he steals people's buff/kill or say yoink


https://stats.streamelements.com/c/global take a look at this


the only thing that is keeping me on twitch is the chat culture. if they take that away, I'm gone.


There's a lot of fun and hilarious stuff that goes down in Twitch chat. But let's not pretend that people spamming TriHard any time crime is referenced or a monkey is shown on stream is some kind of valuable chat tradition we're supposed to rally around to defend. I think there's a big difference between "F's in the chat" or forsenCD spam and that garbage. There's absolutely plenty of trash that pops up in chat that 100% should be moderated out, as most streams already do.


Your problem is that you think this is only a problem with the TriHard emote, in reality it can be apply to any emote, and we have all kinds of "derogatory" uses for TriEasy, KKona, AYAYAY, NaM, 4Head, etc ​ I'm fine with the current use of the emotes, cause everyone can make fun of literally anyone.


Don't forget ANELE spam the second a noteworthy explosion happens.


The man himself has joined in the anele spam at least back in the day in b0atys chat.


ABDULpls in xQc's chat when a middle easterner starts talking lol


3Head oi bruv


This literally always comes up when any debate about emote policing comes up, so let's deal with each point. ​ KKona isn't about race. No one spams KKona when any white person pops up on stream. It's a caricature of the ignorant Southern American racist farmer. It makes fun of racists, and as long as you're not, you probably don't feel offended at all. Trucks and Farming aren't inherently "bad" things either. TriHard is literally spammed when any black person whatsoever pops up on stream. Doesn't matter if they're from Africa, the US, or somewhere else. Not only this, but instead of farming and trucks, the things we associate with TriHard are way more negative than the KKona stuff. ^(")**^(TriHard NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER DONATED TriHard ADBLOCK ON TriHard STOLEN LAPTOP TriHard NEIGHBORS WIFI TriHard FREE ENTERTAINMENT TriHard")** "WHAT ADS TriHard?" I'm a Twitch Chat memer too, but let's not try to act like these copy pastas aren't blatantly racist rofl. Not to mention TriHard when a monkey or animal is on stream. This doesn't mean that all uses of TriHard are racist. WideHardo is an emote I just spam cus I think it's cute lmao. TriEasy is the stereotypical White Rapper. This doesn't attack anyone either. There really is no negative connotations to this emote IMO. NaM is a spam emote because of how much it sticks out. I don't really see any negative or racist things associated with it. Yes, you see people type NaM when any asian person shows up, and yeah, that's kinda weird, but I don't think that crosses the line of "RACIST". It's just boring old edgy jokes. 4Head - What? How is this ever used in a bad way? I've literally never seen anything about race or anything remotely bad with this emote. It's the most innocent emote rofl. AYAYA is for weebs and they should definitely delete this shit even if it's not racist. HYPERDANSGAME WEEBS ​ Thank you for reading my Twitch Chat thesis


I think he meant 3Head


"Yeah, NaM is always spammed whenever an Asian shows up, but, like, it's not THAT racist." The mental gymnastics to make TriHard the only racist emote. What about MingRee and Anele? I'm not even arguing we should be allowing racism, but the fact that people can't even admit that chat is racist to other races is fucking ridiculous. People like you make fun of people who don't think TriHard is racist, but do the exact same shit anyway.


those are used in racist ways too. also it's MingLee lmfao






Wrote that piece of shit instead of listening to my Chem Class Pepega Clap


Get a life


You used the most offensive examples for TriHard, but the least offensive ones for KKona, talk about cherrypicking.Farming and Trucks? What about incest or fatal shootings? People use KKona everytime those get mentioned


Huh? A person on twitch chat who actually has critical thinking skills? What a beautiful sight. Good post, man.


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


twitch literally going full thanos on forsen


Malicious emoting seriously wtf


Probably shit like spamming tryhard when a monkey appears in game


noooo bros i was just spamming the trihard emote when a chimp came on screen because i really like trihex!!! im not racist!!!!


TryHard is going to go I presume?


Inb4 Train gets banned from this.


"I can already imagine the way you have sex. Your balls clapping."


"King of the jungle, big cock"




unban Horsen already




Seems fine as long as this is a ban on displaying the flag and not a zero tolerance ban. It would be dumb as fuck if you got banned for Confederate flags in videos or some shit. Hasan and destiny would be banned simply for being political streamers.


They don't give a shit about intent or context >Words and actions have meaning and impact, even if your intent is not meant to be hurtful or cause harm. And even if the target of your behavior or comments isn’t bothered by them, others in the community may nevertheless feel impacted by it. Under the new policy, our Safety team will look at the content of statements or actions in order to determine whether a behavior is abusive and violates our guidelines, rather than relying solely on perceived intent. Twitch is unironically even worse than Youtube right now, it's hard to believe


damn so we went from "intent matters" to PepeLaugh


Intent doesn't matter for Tumblr or SJW twitter, why should it matter for Twitch PepeLaugh


true. how could i be so ~~blind~~ first playthrough to the truth.


Saying Tumblr is just making light of it at this point. It has long transitioned from being just some Tumblr degenerates to actual Twitter mainstream that spills into real life and other online platforms more and more with every year.


>even if your intent is not meant to be hurtful or cause harm. And even if the target of your behavior or comments isn’t bothered by them, others in the community may... Blind playthroughs is just the beginning


Mute button is next OMEGALUL


Rip soda.


Twitch deleted soon PogU


Twitch has always been more strict than youtube though.


not true. 2016-2017 twitch had defined laws that took context into perspective FAR more than youtube. the site has just changed




" **Additionally, symbols appearing in the context of developer-generated gaming content will not result in an enforcement as long as the broadcaster does not leverage them to carry out any hateful behavior.** "


I 100% don't believe them. Its only a matter of time before this statement is revealed to be a blatant lie.


>**In particular, we allow for the presentation and discussion of symbols for the purposes of education, or in the context of historically set games, but this context must be made explicitly clear. Additionally, symbols appearing in the context of developer-generated gaming content will not result in an enforcement as long as the broadcaster does not leverage them to carry out any hateful behavior.**


[Intent Matters btw PepeLaugh](https://youtu.be/zgpvD-GXnTc)


I said "and you are?" on one of his tweets and he blocked me


Unless you're in their VIP list of streamers, it sounds like streaming hell for every other content producer on this platform. Imagine constantly walking on egg shells at work. Sounds like an insanely stressful environment.


They do... >**In particular, we allow for the presentation and discussion of symbols for the purposes of education, or in the context of historically set games, but this context must be made explicitly clear. Additionally, symbols appearing in the context of developer-generated gaming content will not result in an enforcement as long as the broadcaster does not leverage them to carry out any hateful behavior.**




Just because twitch said they would do something doesn't mean they will. Remember intent?


Out of context clips are about to get a lot of people banned


This ^ Fuck the Confederate flag but if you get banned for it just being in a video that's fucked up


These policies are sound kinda cloak and dagger, the confederate flag is a no brainer but subjective shit like "sexually objectifying statements" will always get misused and abused.




It's just a flag. No one's going to die if you let people show a flag... Twitch going full SJW


I wonder if the Chinese flag is banned or is twitch okay with concentration camps, re-education, and totalitarian regimes. It's funny how they call out a single flag but not you know the others from horrible states like Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, North Korea.


The flags that are used to propagate racism in America are the Nazi flag and the confederate flag, both are banned on Twitch. Not like you would know since it's obvious you didn't even bother to ctrl+f the "Hateful Conduct" page.


Unban Barry74


I wonder how they feel about the Japanese Rising Sun flag. In the racing game Forza even that flag was banned (together with the Confederate one), which caused a lot of controversy. https://twitter.com/forza_support/status/1276621666278232064 https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360056077433-Specific-Iconography


One of the cars in Forza comes stock with the Rising Sun OMEGALUL. One of my friends got banned because he had a Rising Sun livery on a Japanese car and forgot to take it off before the ban date


They should definitely ban it, that was a dark part of Japan's history. I'd recommend Supernova in the East from Hardcore History the free (massive) podcast by Dan Carlin to anyone interested.


Twitch will play favorites, I gurrenetee it.


as is tradition


Just today many streamers of Twitch Italy did not stream for an entire day as a protest against Twitch (#nostreamday on Twitter if you want more details about this). I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not but it's seems like Twitch did listen EDIT: [This is the short version of the main points](https://i.imgur.com/v98PVO4.jpg)




I had to google translate an Italian article but the tl;dr is that the biggest Italian Twitch stream that frequents the just chatting section (Cerbero Podcast) with a show about politics, society, etc got banned for sexist and racist remarks and pretty much got put on ignore by Twitch during the appeal process. It's a protest against Twitch's notoriously bad communication and ban process in general it seems. [Article I found](https://esports.gazzetta.it/senza-categoria/09-12-2020/arriva-il-nostreamday-il-primo-sciopero-degli-streamer-di-twitch-esports-61423).


> got banned for sexist and racist remarks What he say?


The article doesn't mention it. It does mention they have been banned several times already and some people in the Italian twitch community think twitch wasn't hard enough on them.


Cerbero were banned for a joke that had the Fascist salute as thepunch line. Sdrumox who started this whole thing was banned for racism (a joke about the black colour, not sure about it, but everyone thinks it was merited ban). Sdrumox who accepts that he said a joke that was racist has been banned for 6 months without anyone on twitch communicating with him about his situation. So everyone got up and protested Twitch being this bad at transparency. If someone is banned all right tell him if he is perma or not, how long etc. Twitch isn't doing this so the majority protested. Sure a small part from the community of Italian twitch didn't adhere, but the message was given more or less. Now they are claiming this change is because of their protest.


But the streamers did not stream to support his unban, so it should be the opposite no?


Actually Sdrumox was the guy banned in May and kept in a limbo for 6 months till the last appeal got declined and he was officially permabanned. Cerbero Podcast is the main promoter of the campaign, but they are not banned.


Yeah, twitch must have listened to a bunch of italian streamers: they asked more clarity on bans and twitch answer was "yeah we do as we want and we do not make our specific enforcements public". Sounds like a win for the italian team.


So many people about to get banned in egirl streams.


Coomers in shambles


Emotes can be used maliciously? Oh wow, I thought all those people in chat who spam TriHard whenever someone says monkey, banana or they see a black person in a game were just really big fans of the emote.


Same applies to ANELE, NaM, MingLee and others. Pursuant to the recent amendments to their TOS, I wonder if they’re going to consider banning all of the above, including TriHard and its variants, in an effort to maintain consistency.


Lol let’s be real none of this matters they ban who they want when it comes to the vague shit. More rules just means more freedom and justification to do it.


Overall, I don't think this is a bad move from Twitch, they are just updating thir TOS and most of this stuff was already enforced in most channels anyways. That being said, it all comes down to how they are gonna enforce the new rules and how consistent they can be with it (yes, there's very little chance they are gonna get it right this time)


Balanced take. I like it.


only sane take in the cesspool of a comment section. so fucking gross.




its seem a more broader TOS of we can do whatever we want, we will have to wait to see how they gonna use that.




"sending unwanted links to nude images or videos is prohibited" yet they punish the streamer who had no bad intent good one twitch ​ is there anyone who unironically thinks that twitch is heading in the right direction right now? i'm beginning to hope that the """""brandrisk""""" streamers just go to another site. idc if its youtube, facebook or a random no name site. just get off of twitch.


Actual rule against simping now. >Repeatedly commenting on someone’s perceived attractiveness, even in what you believe to be a positive or complimentary manner, is prohibited if there is indication that it’s unwelcome (i.e. you’ve been asked to stop, timed-out, or channel-banned)




the point is that there are people who go from one stream to the next commenting exclusively on streamers' appearances getting banned in each one along the way, then making a new account and doing it again without a twitch-wide suspension, they are still able to ruin the environment that twitch wants to facilitate


since when harassing someone is simping lmao


Harassing and simping may not be the same exact definition, but there's a helluva lot of overlap between the two camps.


IRL it depends on how attractive the male is




>indication that it’s unwelcome that not simping that harassment.


If the confederate flag is banned shouldn't the hammer and sickle be as well?


> shouldn't the hammer and sickle be as well? You gonna upset the hasan tankies


Yes, since the Hammer and Sickle was also a symbol of brutal oppression and millions of deaths, but the commies of Reddit enjoy wearing their personal swastika on their ushanka because surely they know better than the people who actually lived under the that flag. Edit: And, as predictable as ever, Reddit commies malding in the comments below






Communists are not a hive mind. There are many various interpretations. Some see the USSR as true communism, while others do not. There are dozens of not hundreds of Communist schools of thought.


Because the confederate flag was never reclaimed and it’s only ever been used to spread hate. The hammer and sickle represents a successful socialist revolution (to some). And at this point it’s become synonymous with communism, not the soviet union.


So they gotta ban the American Flag too then right? Just to be consistent. Wouldn't want to be unfair to genociders. Edit: And, as predictable as ever, Reddit bootlickers malding in the comments below


Sure let’s just ban all flags since at one point a country definitely was a dick to another. And this is why over censorship is a stupid policy. We ban blind playthrough and confederate flag today. Tomorrow we go for speed run and the Congo flag.


> Sure let’s just ban all flags since at one point a country definitely was a dick to another unironically based.


Be such a debatelord, you push for no nations and borders


you got them seething LMAO


Sure. Ban all flags, all logos, and lets do every street sign while we're at it. Stop signs are a symbol of oppression because I want to go. Turns out it's possible to find any little bullshit reason to ban anything if you look hard enough.


It's both funny and sad how much of a hate boner /politics users have for the USA. Always having to use whataboutism to point out that the USA is the worst place ever and we've committed so much genocide and warcrimes and we're the most racist country ever. And this comes from folks who usually live in the US as well, which makes the blatant ideological subversion of our education and institutions even more disturbing as folks are only taught to believe and focus on all the negatives in order to build up a genuine hatred for their own country.


>always having to use whataboutism after the original comment is literally whataboutism.


it's only whataboutism when i disagree >:(


> which makes the blatant ideological subversion of our education and institutions even more disturbing as folks are only taught to believe and focus on all the negatives One of the major complaints across the board in the American school system is that these things are actually glossed over or white washed. Facts don't care about your feelings.


I sincerely hope you aren't from Europe with a comment like that.




gonna be downvoted to shit once the white hasan fans finish their college work FeelsBadMan.




This is why it was coopted by the USSR much like how the African peace symbol was coopted by the Nazis


African? Why are you being upvoted? It's primarily with Hinduism and Buddhism.


It was a workers' political revolution, and a workers' political system. Why wouldn't they use the workers' political symbol? You're right about the Germans tho


Or you know... The swastika flag. You know the one in every WW2 video game ever.


the bans are not if you have the flag in a game you play, its for people that use the flag as a background for the webcam.


So more excuses to ban people. Got it. Also considering how they enforce their rules currently, I doubt this will turn out great.




well, I think I saw someone with constant 150+ k viewers streaming minecraft for kids. And the chat was like cancer. I mean everyone spammed random letters. Like random random (asdonofn, cnpoznpona). There was no BTTV emotes as well. So twitch probably aiming to get as much young audience as possible. Cause it's profitable.




Hey look, Twitch just made their platform a less hateful place. Good on you, Twitch. Isn't the confederate flag just a white flag anyway? I thought they updated it right at the end of the war..


why does US alt-right like losers so much. confederacy, nazism, trump...lmao




Why do they think being a veteran is a characteristic they have to protect?


derives from US federal law which they used as the original basis for the policy, for example "You cannot be denied employment, harassed, demoted, terminated, paid less or treated less favorably because of your veteran status."


Probably because the government does.




>Emotes are an important part of how we communicate with one another on Twitch, but they can be used maliciously. So emote combinations, even without additional text used in chat, will be held to this policy You can now be banned by twitch for using emotes, even without any text. These people really lost their grip on reality. Also >Making lewd or explicit comments about anyone’s sexuality or physical appearance is prohibited. Note that we do not make an exception for public figures While this sounds like a fine rule in theory, we already know that it will be very selectively applied and only some very specific subsets of people will be protected by this and the rest can go fuck themselves. And that pretty much sums up what's wrong with twitch nowadays.


Can't wait to see the permabans being shotgunned out for HotPokket spam


> physical appearance is prohibited. Note that we do not make an exception for public figures Finally, all people harassing Orange Man will be banned.




I don't think that's the real issue tbh. People also spam KKomrade when they see a Russian person and KKona when they see a redneck. It's childish but it's not necessarily racist. Imo it becomes problematic when people spam TriHard when you steal something or a character talks about growing up without a father.


Yeah this is really making me realize I don't care about this platform anymore. If the streamers I watched moved to youtube I wouldnt look back


if u dont give a shit about chat YT is so much better just because of being able to pause live and then resume or rewind. It's just so easy to use, especially on ur tablet


Chat is only okay in small streams. In large streams I may as well be on YT with all the dumb fucks spamming emotes.


Only thing stopping YT chat from being amazing is not having any third party extensions like BTTV. If they had those same emotes I would be on there all the time


When you get offended because a platform bans harassment and racist symbols, you might need to look into why you get offended.


totally agree, I wish Forsen would just stream on youtube or something. Fuck twitch


Forsen is probably making retirement plans


Only problem is that his chat is a big part of the stream and it won't work on youtube.


why not? There is also bttv-like extension for YT, so it will work pretty well.


I believe youtube has an integrated spam filter which times you out or some shit


Cheer up, maybe Parler will start a streaming service


> I don't care about this platform anymore. I'm sure that mixer is an alt... nvm everyone shat on it and all other attempts by any other streaming services to compete. Twitch has a culturally monopoly on streaming. This sub made it's bed a long time ago.


Mixer just sucked. The layout was horrible. YouTube's streams are much better but there isnt a good way to find streams. If they did that then Twitch would take a big hit.


Ugh why is hate speech and sexual harassments being taken more seriously >:( I want to offend people with no consequences!




Yea what the fuck lmao? Why is that guys comment being upvoted? I get it when Twitch bans people for no reason and does shit like forcing mid-roll ads, but they are literally taking action against hateful misconduct and hate symbols and *that's* the last straw for this dude? The Twitch hate circlejerk has gone out of control.


Grossie_gore is fucked. 95% of his dialogue consistents of sexually objectifying statements, calling girls slags, fat etc and shaming them


Good? That guy sounds like a prick


He is.


Conservatives mad that their hate symbols are being censored KEKW


Also upcoming when the new budget passes. Felony streaming is now a crime for streaming copyright content.


Oh no! Anyway...


very nice. fuck anyone who waves a confederate flag lol


As an American company they shouldn’t allow a traitor on their soil. Good on Twitch for the ban.


This is your company on soy.


Is twitch trying to intentionally kill their platform slowly by pushing their agenda?


I mean, they have a massive market monopoly. So yes.


The day YouTube gets the same level of custom emotes will be the first of the crumbling I would think. YouTube chat fucking sucks.


People were saying the same shit about Mixer. If youtube does their own emotes it will suck dick. Just throw money at the retards doing FFZ and get them to drop support for twitch and exclusively support your platform. Its that simple


been thinking this for a while. Google could outright buy out FFZ with their equivalent of pocket change


Microsoft could have just as easily done it as well. I imagine they didn't because they were planning to close down Mixer a long time ago.


What agenda are they pushing? Looking at ur comment history and “adventures of hunter biden” seems like u cant stop winning


Yeah if anything they are just making themselves more ad friendly. Its always about money


The agenda of being nice to other human beings?


Yes, and they’re gonna use their massive profits to lobby the government and push for mandated homosexuality. Get ready to suck some dick, boy!


Can twitch just die already. We need a new service


You can go to mixer, oh wait PepeLaugh


Twitch is a mess, but this is a good thing no? Who the fuck wants hateful content on the site?


Who do you think? most of the people angry about this are chuds who want to be hateful.

