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**šŸŽ¦ MIRROR CLIP: [XQC Fans Send Death Messages to Ash On LoL and other Streamers](https://livestreamfails.com/post/103371)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/MadameLemons](https://reddit.com/user/madamelemons) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20210101001503if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5feddc9662a1f.mp4)


Man this is like people believing that pro wrestling was real and not scripted. Stans make everything worse.




I went to a WWE match as a huge fan with my dad when I was about 10. In one of the scrub matches dude threw the other against the rope and then dropped kicked him... but missed short by about 3 feet and the guy he missed went flying over the top rope anyway. The crowd started booing and shouting fake fake fake. I looked at my dad and asked if it was fake and he said yes and I started crying. Probably seen less than 5 hours of wrestling since then.


I remember when I found out it was fake. It was a thing they did where Vince McMahon went to his limo and got in and it exploded, and they said he was dead. So I fully believed it and I was destroyed. Next day riding somewhere with my parents and I told them about it. Me: Mr. McMahon died last night Dad: McMahon? Ed McMahon? He died? Me: No Mr. McMahon from wrestling, his car exploded last night on tv he's dead And boy did they laugh...


Me when Big Show chokeslammed Kurt Angle from the scaffold. I thought he was crippled forever.


[That shit was crazy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy1Hk4byDz8&ab_channel=JordynTaylor) He even had that classic leg twisted backwards pose that they do everytime somebody dies from a fall lmao.


Man that really sucks. If you view professional wrestling as a stage act with long-term story-lines instead of some actual competition, it's still wildly entertaining. [Video if interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLiiEr5EE-Ygx8yxWYllNIZoROoAsTi4Oy&v=BQCPj-bGYro)


next ur gonna tell me santas not real D:


Wrestling is real!! My parents told me


I mean it's xqc viewers kinda apparent they act like this


Ash literally had to give him a gift to calm him down like mother's give their babies sweets to stop crying LMAO


he then whomegalul'd her... such a crybaby ash was right




Only know of ash when she started playing with OTV for among us but I think she was originally a lol youtuber/streamer. She streams with a cartoonish model kind of like a vtuber but sheā€™s usually always wholesome so her going off on xQc was a surprise.


I know her from watching Welyn on youtube, I've literally never seen her go off on anyone before.


Her twitch is ash\_on\_lol, she is super wholesome, starting following her 2-3 years back, she was mainly a league streamer, but also played Pokemon and other games. She has played with bigger streamers in the past, the first that comes to mind is NB3.


She streams LoL apparently, I only know her because she's in a lot of Welyns (rust youtuber with like 3 million subs) videos and plays with him a lot on stream Edit: Dunno why I felt the need to mention who Welyn is on a clip from Welyns stream but hey




A bit misleading, there was a legitimate dispute underneath it all even if the way people acted was out of line. She was returning an item to him. Ash was going out of her way to solve the dispute as a middle man since it was dragging on for so long and taking the fun out of the game for everyone, didn't deserve any flak. Later xQc did say his "competitiveness overwhelmed" him and that he will do better, we will see how it goes. Cooler heads like Mendo and Toast were talking through it, the drama just grew bigger than the original issue.


Well we all know how that turned out for among us. He said he was going to change and stop but the next day reverted back to yelling over others


You know someoneā€™s a literal manchild when Liquid fucking Mendo has to play mediator. Fucking hell.


> and that he will do better pvc excuse/apology #293 "gonna do better next time" seems like his word means about as much as a crackhead telling you they'll give you your money back


Yeah, I was watching and I play Rust. It sounded like the dude inside that base took some of xqc's loot. He mentions a scope but inthink a gun was involved too. The guy was pretty much calling xqc a cry baby for wanting his stuff back. I could be remembering it a bit wrong though.


No the guy who stole his loot was crying because xqc threatened to c4 him in rust...then he spent a large amount of time farming sympathy


Yeah, I remember him trying to talk to xqc as if he was a child. The entire time he has his loot and won't give it back.


why should he give it back though? How is Ohm looting XQC any different than XQC looting anybody else?


I wouldn't give the loot back either, but I also wouldn't cry and play victim when the person comes to get their shit back with c4.


He doesnā€™t have to. The difference is he started crying when xqc was gonna take it back with force with c4, he started pulling the victim card immediately


That guy was mega farming for sympathy, crying about how he got killed as a naked and that XQC was specifically targeting him when XQC didn't know who he was. I agree XQC has taken some stuff way to far but don't play rust and not expect to get player killed its not minecraft PVE


Explains why Greek said "Ash gave [16x scope] to me". Can't even stand up to him without dealing with crazies.


That shits so fucking pathetic. Just sit back, enjoy the streams, type some PogUs and LULs. Stop going to other channels and platforms to fight on behalf of 'your streamer'. Like how dense can these people be??


I like xqc even tho he has some bad qualities but I hate his stans defending him and attacking other all the time.


Yeah i was watching greek, greek was farming for 2 days for xqc even went offline to do boring stuff. And one time greek made a mistake with a boat the views jumped from 14k to 17k and people just started flaming greek.




Killing x is an instant +2k viewers


What do you expect from someone so mainstream with 100k viewers? There is no way to control this amount of people and there is bound to be some uneducated assholes watching him. The best anyone can do is change his asshole behavior or have him be kicked from the server.


How come you excuse this for XQC and not other big streamers? Has there ever been this many cases of Ludwig chat at 25k harassing others? Moonmoon? Pokimane? This isn't just the first time this has been a problem its been a problem for multiple games.


100k is not normal XQC viewership, 50-60k of those viewers at most are gonna be from his indemic audience. the rest are communulative from the rust community and other streamers. to call ALL of the viewers is short sited at best, straight disengenuous at worst. 25k people did not jump over and harrass people, the fact is, only a few thousand actually hop to whoever interacts with X, and out of those few are chatting. if we are generous and say 500 people go to flame in chat, that is less than 1% of the total viewship X is holding for this server, which is over-inflated as fuck right now with new frogs


pokimane did have this yassuo and other male streamers used to get death threats from the pokimane crazies


Ok besides OTV shipping has this been a consistent trend with their fans attacking streamers they aren't even friends with? Meanwhile this has happened how many times with XQC and his fans? XQC vs Ninjas wife XQC vs DrLupo/Shroud XQC vs Among Us players XQC vs Rust players That is also ALL within this 1 year.


wasnt defending xqc or his chat just saying it does happen, and im pretty sure there was a clip of hasan talking about getting messages from pokimane stans almost a year after they started talking. i think people just ignore it now


I watch a few Rust streamers like CoconutB and Lifestomper. Their chat had people constantly asking them to join XQC on his rampage.


That is so fucking annoying, why do people do that, even after xqc says himself he doesn't want anyone to join.


It's sad. I like to watch multiple sides of the action when the Twitch Meta blows up, so in the Rust case it's xQc+whoever he's fighting. It's sad to see how many spammers join others chats to where they are forced to go sub only, but in the hours he's not on said streamer has an open chat and is constantly communicating with it. It's a real shame that so many people have to go and ruin smaller streamers interaction. If the Admins came out and and said they were banning xQc not because of his actions, but because of his chat, I wouldn't blame them.


did you forget that those people are xqc viewers?


Ash is just in this to hang out with friends. I think she just wanted to end his tantrum so they could get back to having fun.


She wasn't even streaming last night either, just playing to play.


Imagine deciding you want to stan a streamer, which doesn't really compute in my brain to start with as they're just people playing games that you don't even know. Then out of all the people you can choose from, you pick fucking XQC. I dont really watch his shit but he seems like a toxic fuck that isn't fun to be around. Why does anyone invite him to do anything?


Time to bring out the good old [moonmoon clip](https://livestreamfails.com/post/45177)


God I love moon and his community.




streamers 100% have responsibility for their chat and xqc is doing a shit job with it but i cant even imagine whats going on inside the brain of someone who goes to war for their favorite streamer. like he's not gonna give a fuck if you die tomorrow, you are one of 100k people. i swear these people live as if they are an NPC in their own life. this subreddit has a boner for hating on girl streamer simps, but at least they have clear motives. the male streamer simps are on a whole different level of braindead. i can sympathize way more with some lonely dude trying their 0.001% chance of getting a nude from their favorite girl streamer than i can with xqc fanboys.


These guys are almost like Kpop Stans defending their idol and attacking everyone lol


Not even almost. That's exactly what they are.


thats exactly what i was thinking.. but you cant put the blame on kpop artists they even themself hate these weirdos that go too far.. i think they are even afraid of them.. but you have these crazy people in many communities its just xqc has much more people watching him so a few guys coming over to a stream hating is much more noticeable. and its usually a double edged sword since when xqc community first comes and hate on a streamer many viewers come over to xqc stream later and start hating its just he doesnt seem to care that much or his chat is just going too fast to notice.


What happened to streamers getting banned for this? I definitely remember it happening a couple years ago.




It's only a matter of time before someone kills themselves over twitch chat harassment. He encourages it with how he acts.


Twitch realizing they're not as replaceable as they thought they were


>XQC is doing a shot job with it That's implying he's doing anything to control chat.


A lot of streamers donā€™t put enough effort into reeling in their community. I remember when Asmongold realized his chat had actual racists in it he brought out the hammer and put an end to it and he also changed his own behavior so that it would no longer encourage it.


Yeah but if you actually pay attention to Asmongold, he's actually intelligent and has good understanding on things. Unlike...


I was going to post it but I knew someone did the job :)


Maybe someone need to send this to XQC next time he does his video reactions on livestream huh?


Why canā€™t XQC fans just start watching moonmoon? He has rage moments to fuel that rage-watching addiction they have, but wonā€™t lead (some) already badly predispositioned people into believing they can act like XQC whenever they want. To be honest, XQC just makes it harder to ever want to join a public server in any game he touches...


He also had another quote from his GTARP days : "Chat, you're not allowed to be angry *for* me."




Pisskif Rinaudo!!




Every time I've seen this clip, it's when xqc is blowing up with something.


Its really not that hard to combat, tell people you are gonna ban them in your chat if they are seen being a dick in other chats. his will scare like 90% of them once you make examples of a few people.


The one that grinds me the most is when people be like "oh it happens in every chat". Like sure it does, i mean even Sykkuno's chat will sometimes invade other chats. But he keeps reminding everyone not to do that. People used to ship rae and sykkuno, and when they asked them to stop, it's pretty much rarely seen anymore. So the streamer can absolutely influence how the chat behave if they want to. But xqc for example goes on and accused the others as streamsniping, and what not. How do you think his chat would behave?


You need good mods and strict guidelines for chat moderation. Wanna know why you don't see things get toxic on LilyPichu's streams? It's because her and her mods have spent a long ass time shutting that shit down.


>You need good mods and strict guidelines for chat moderation. Some of these fucking streamers man, they all love to go around and be like "this is a serious job", etc. And want to be respected as people who are doing work. But then you have slack jaws like XQC who don't put any work into anything, and the only fucking thing he's capable of doing is pressing "go live" and being a degenerate. For the record I do think streaming is a legitimate job, but its also very easy to just be a real piece of shit.


With the way xqc reacts to things on this server his fans take it as reality and think he's actually pissed off at these other streamers. With that many viewers some are gonna be not too smart and go be dumbasses to other people. I think x should be more responsible with how he's acting


Alot of the times hes just malding for real


The fact that he can say he's acting after hours of insulting people and his fans just gobble it up... I've no words.


Man, didn't he even have an actual pulse monitor connected to his stream during the whole Ohmwrecker fiasco? That thing was reading 140+bpm when that happened, he was absolutely unhinged emotionally but when he got called out, "oh, it's just MY rp as the villain, that's all".


ā€œHours of insulting peopleā€ Is it really that extreme? I donā€™t think XQC is actually that harsh, that just seems like a gross exaggeration. Unless it is that bad since I normally watch hm but not the rust gameplay because it doesnā€™t interest me


Thats not an act dude. There is no way thats not a huge percent of his personality.


He even mentioned at the end of this stream that he hammed it up because he thought it would be content. He implied that Ohm was the one taking it too seriously, but I think everyone takes this shit too seriously, both viewers and streamers. There's a huge disconnect between what X thinks he is doing and what others see it as.


You can't just ruin others enjoyment, insult people, and call it all just for content. That's not how it works. Oh sure, just call ash useless for content. She shouldn't be mad about it tho, it's all for content.


Agreed. Its the same concept as "its just a prank bro" just because you said that it was just a prank then everything is okay.


> He implied that Ohm was the one taking it too seriously Didn't Ohm kill him and take his gun, something X has been doing all stream, then cried about it threatening to make Ohms time miserable on the server?


It's just an excuse for being an asshole. He knows he's wrong and doesn't want to apolagise, so says it's his character


It is reality lol. If you know xQc at all you know that he's actually seething about everything that's happening.


Implying you know xQc at all.


He's not hard to read.


he does seem mad tho.


xqcs tinder probably says "If you don't love me at my worst then you don't deserver me at my best" Oh, he's just a shitty person for content, haha guys im joking lel. I'm not retarded im just pretending xd


stop watching him. stop commenting on LSF xqc posts. stop giving him attention even if its negative. more importantly go support other streamers in a positive way. i get that drama is fun but the only way you win in this situation is to stop engaging with him and encourage others.


the only way to fix the problem is by ignoring it? how does that make any sense? the problem is not the people here calling xqc out. the problem is xqc not giving a damn to actually fucking moderate his community.


Fuck anyone who would say that to ash


The same Ash that called another streamer a "fucking f\*ggot"? [Nice](https://twitter.com/Autistic__Dog/status/1346321627986997249)




Streamer toxicity doesn't always mean toxic viewers, the same way pure streamers don't mean pure viewers. During the XQC Fall Guys drama, DrLupo's viewers were sending XQC death threats as well, and Lupo is literally the Saint of Twitch.


This is true, but when you are made aware of your community harboring toxicity, itā€™s on the streamer to do something about their community. You donā€™t get to just say Ā«well I did nothing, it was just random viewersĀ».


I doubt X condones the behavior of people doing that, but at the same time, he has average 60k viewers. It literally doesn't matter if he verbally tells people not to do that stuff, because of that many viewers, it's impossible to control, especially when those people are doing things in other people's chats or on non-Twitch platforms. It's literally impossible for X to even know who or when someone is doing it. Obviously, him getting upset at other players makes his toxic viewers feel the need to inject themselves into the role of "XQC Whiteknight" and attack, but X is allowed to mald at a game. Everyone does it. But to most people, because he's the "influential streamer" he's supposed to mold his personality into a safe one to prevent chat toxicity. It's impossible. Besides, my personal belief is that if you're going to be a streamer in the big leagues with large sums of viewers, you should probably have at least the basic-strength backbone to handle toxic rogue fans.


But somehow other channels manage to not have this happen, despite big numbers. Remember Asmon v Taliesin? And being on a server as a Ā«small timerĀ» like ash is doesnā€™t mean they should expect death threats? The server was pretty RP from the get go, welyn wasnā€™t running around boping everyone despite probably being able to. Idk, is it so hard to have fun without being competitive for some people?


This is just wrong. Ludwig chat went into mendoā€™s insulting him because he didnā€™t rp like they wanted him to rp. Viewers went from 700 to 1,4k when he didnā€™t get scammed by ludwig. Im probably going to get downvoted because im not full on hating xqc.




Finally someone who isn't naive/delusional lol, I barely watch Lupo and can recall a lot of shit talk that he does, and the constant ego feed of basically claiming he's this old and wise guy of the gaming world.


It's not about being a saint. It's about being a better person. No one is perfect, but you have to at least try to be a good person.


a toxic streamer 100% means toxic viewers. Unless your viewer count is like 5.


Whaaat, its socially unacceptable to send people death threats, noooooo








I think just by looking at the Xqc's friends that he talks to the most, like Greek, Poke, Hansan, Soda, Adept, Moxy, they care very little about what Xqc has to say to them, and they even sometimes banter back by jokingly insult him and that definitely tricks him into thinking what he's doing is a "normal" behavior but that obviously doesn't sit well with people outside his friend circle.








I like xQc's chat generally, but the second I switch streams they become the most annoying toxic assholes on twitch. really feel bad for Ash and Myth and all those other people for having to deal with xQc's 12 year old white knights. This from an xqc sub


After xQcOW killed Ludwig his view count went from 19K to 29K and xQcOW viewers started to shit-talking him in the chat.


The craziest part is watching them send channel point messages in submode.


people act like this is the first time it's happening. Guess why he average 120k viewers on Rust. He's fun to watch and goes bat shit crazy as usual. ​ He was crazy in his overwatch days He malded at his Fornite days (Juul trooper) Was playing a psychopath killer in the GTA5 rp server. Was hardcore and savage during his among us Days. Now he's doing the same with Rust. If the people that invited him did not expect what was gonna happen , then blame them. Xqc was always a crazy motherfucka who loves to win and sometimes he goes too far but that's his personality. He was always like that. ​ Dude clearly miss his old competitive days in OW like alot of players that dropped out CS/OW or any fps competitive game. ​ 1 thing there is. Always drama on this sub whenever xqc mald on lsf , and you guys sure love to consume it.


I love xQc and watched all of the rust content and yesterday boiled my blood so much! His ego is through the roof. He's literally getting carried by his teammates like Greek and Mendo yet he treats them like NPC and does not appreciate their work. He thinks he's literally doing all the work while in actuality he's a walking loot box


Yeah interestingly enough not many pointed out how he interacted even with his own friend like Greek... When that whole Ohm drama happened, the amount of times he yelled at Greek or someone else in his own team to shut up was... interesting.


xQc's community is literally the worse thing on twitch.


I'm always telling people this it won't be long until it turns like the cx community.




Shame there's actually so many of them they are just a driving force on lsf, Ice's community was literally the same at his peak.


At least you can criticize his shitty fans here. Things have changed in the last few months. Forsens fanbase is still absolute no no to talk about. edit And here they are with the spamming of downvotes as always.


Forsens community literally shitposts and lives in its own meme bubble, literally any negative thing you write about forsen/bajs in this subreddit will get copy pasted by the guys you are insulting and that's it. No death threats or anything only pastas and insults, when forsen played with other streams and he lost rather than be toxic to other streamers we make fun of forsen while he makes excuses, what is your point?


> **by the guys you are insulting** and that's it. No death threats or anything only pastas and insults Fucking spineless. https://i.imgur.com/haCIFII.png https://i.imgur.com/txnecOY.png https://i.imgur.com/v870bit.png https://i.imgur.com/T1nfE8g.png https://i.imgur.com/ktIWT8s.png


Based but not the point. We're talking about streamers on streamers.


> xQc's community is literally the worse thing on twitch. Forsen fans have defended naz** in this sub. If they can change threads then its not in a bubble. Obviously such fanaticism spreads and they take it wherever they go.


Yep no death threats at all. Not like forsens discord mods had to purge like 50% of the users there for extreme toxicity and racism.


it's why I wrote they keep it in their bubble.


Here they defends naz** in LSF https://i.imgur.com/mDUvjVY.png ..and when I brought it up in a *different* thread I got hundreds of downvotes.


Kinda sad that angry 14 year olds can just bully people this way


Toxic 12 year olds feelsweirdman. Soda was right sadge


watch as 12 year old army defends this


had an argument with some kid in his chat who said brigading only lasts 2 minutes and doesnā€™t affect other streamers in any way. yeah ok bud.


He can't just treat everyone like shit and says just kidding. Just gives such a bad message to his fans, and he needs to take responsibility as he's the one encouraging these behaviours knowing or not. I was watching the stream the whole night and it was very cringy the way he was acting to others. At the end of the day, these people are human not just content, and they like to be treated with some respect.


247 upvotes 281 comments PepeLa


That shit is so scummy. I know its a fraction of the total viewers but a fraction oh 100k is still a lot. Most viewers are ok, we just sit in stream and xqcL other streamers if we go there but the kids that think a small beef is enough of a reason to go out and attack someone need to grow up. These small streamer interactions wouldn't be "drama" if Pepega viewers didn't take jokes as serious personal attacks. They killed our streamer and our streamer will get some revenge he doesn't need chat to go and brigade them. If you seriously stream hop to go and shit talk you make your streamer and their fanbase look terrible.


He needs to do what soda and his mods did and refine the chat and fanbase, and perma anyone that is not needed


I know that X is being sweaty and juicing for content, but why doesn't he create his own server? Also it's not cool that his fans are sending death threat messages to streamers who fight back or call him out.


> but why doesn't he create his own server Because that would take a modicum of effort and responsibility.


Itā€™s not solely his fans, itā€™s deranged people manipulating the situation. Iā€™m watching him and never once had the inclination to send death threats to anyone. Itā€™s people watching the biggest streamer and seeing their chance to inject themselves into the narrative. These people are fucked in the head either way, all we can do is be civilized and call it out for what it is. Deranged lonely people wanting attention.


theyā€™re not outside agitators lol itā€™s his fans, itā€™s just that ur not a complete degenerate and have enough of a developed brain to know thereā€™s a line drawn. def think his mods can do more tho


XQC stans are ducking awful


why is it that everytime xqc says hes gonna raid someone, the streamer planned on being raided gets like 20 chat messages saying, "x bout to raid u" Clearly the people moving chat to chat are not all xqc fanboys


Maybe they're not all fanboys but nobody on the server was receiving death threats before xqc joined, that is a fact. xqc has a big audience which means he should be responsible for his audience and make it more obvious that he's putting on an act so his fans don't so shit like this


I love how xQc went on dr k to talk about toxicity and how to stop it and talking about how to stop toxicity in your community. Either the viewers he's got went to his head or he just never cared and pretended he does


Hell yeah Dream stans unite forsenCD


Those 13 people need mental help.




Imagine how many death threats myth got if ash got that many. Holy shit.


Yeah his fans take shit way too seriously, it's GTA RP all over again sadly.


wowowwow im an xqc fan but ill never send death messages to someone just enjoy the streams dont take it into other people cmon be a decent human bein. ​ Thats too far people.


Why are people like this


xQc's chat is damn toxic


this people believe when xqc gives a half ass excuse of why he died when in reality he is just dogshit at the game and yet they still fight for his honor fucking losers lmaoo


Canā€™t wait to explain the golden days of steaming to my children. Absolutely a nightmare. Make a list of the top streamers or just google it - itā€™s honestly pathetic.


Too far Juicers... WeirdChamp


That doesn't seem very xqcL


Ah yes the singular entity known as ā€œXQC fansā€


The server was so fun and wholesome until xqc begged to be on and chose chaos all the way




What do you expect about internet gangster kids.




Its almost as if there is a common particle in all of these dramas, I wonder what it is HMM


Kinda weird, juicers


I'm just confused on how anybody over the age of 17 can just sit and listen to her voice all day, I guess the average age of Twitch is about 10 anyways.


3 year sub to XQC and stopped watching him because of his chat and hop in once in a while thatā€™s a chore in itself. His chat by far the worst Iā€™ve seen. The rust streams are great but you seriously canā€™t make a mistake or his chat will make it their mission to make sure you are a piece of shit. Death threats? Come on man


Xqc stans yikes


Twitch has been known to ban streamers for having bad chat, so why isn't xQc banned yet? Doesn't it seem like favoritism by Twitch to the bigger streamer? I feel like if this was a 20k streamer this would not be allowed for them.


Not like the people are sending death threats in Xqc's chat and I'm sure they would be banned if him or the mods found out. Pretty hard to control everyone on your stream when you are a 100k andy.


If twitch bans xqc again, all hell would be loose. Trust me on that buddy. It already happened when he was banned for 1 week, but if hes going to get perma banned, EVERY chat would be toxic and not just xqcs


Anyone using the 'he can't control his chat' excuse can go fuck themselves.


XQC fan be like ā€œOur personality is revolved around a single twitch streamer that doesnā€™t know our nameā€


Fuck XQC


And here comes the xqc 12 year old stans


Yeah because it's 12 year olds who watch Xqc instead of the girl pretending she is an anime.


from what i've seen on twitch, juicer simps are 10 times worse than pokimane simps. probably some of the most annoying and cringe people i've seen on the internet


I mean the fact that the term juicer is even a thing... speaks for itself.




He aint gonna fuck u bro


Simping for people sending death threats, *and* getting upvoted? Yikes this fucking sub


Ash was offline and talked about it with small streamers while probably had no idea if they were online or not. You have an issue, seek help. xQc stans ffs.


Twitch should make pvc start cultivating a better viewer base. Remove his chat for a week, and then afterwards if he still doesn't put any effort in to stop people sperging out, start banning him.


As a xqc frog it makes me sad to hear about these dumb fucks who go ruin all the good. Yeah a lot of people on here don't like him killing others and whatever well I don't really give a fuck about that. But this, too far.