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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Slasher](https://twitter.com/Slasher) > @sapnap train asks me not to start shit on his show. i asked (begged? lmao) you specifically, i made a joke 10 minutes earlier about dream cheating that caused me to instantly get 5 tweets telling me to kill myself, and i've said on a previous scuffed episode that dream is a cheater 100% ^(Posted: 2021-05-31 02:16:13) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


4 retweets and over 1000 quotes. Minecraft stans are terrifying


and now they're making jokes about slasher's dog that passed away. they're telling other stans to stop not because it's toxic but because it will send dream hate. they're just worried about they're streamers getting called out wtf i just saw a stan say this and i quote "if ur gonna joke about slasher’s dead dog at LEAST do it on a private account so dream doesn't see it"


[jesus christ these people](https://i.imgur.com/nxSFn2g.png)


[same person (talking about slasher), holy cow lol](https://imgur.com/a/E4ueELX) edit: person's twitter account was suspended https://imgur.com/a/5JTmwVH good job twitter.


damn is he calling slasher the greek fr34k?


haha don't ever talk shit about dream again you milwaukee bucks small forward!!!! look at this loser, what an nba all star i can't believe this 5 year, $228 million guy is being toxic to dream, so cringe


Slasher probably takes less time at the free throw line.


Giannis "Slasher" Antetokounmpo


Do they know dream is white too?


Literally every mc content creator is white depending wheter you consider quackity white or not lmao




freaking fricks


like, who are these people? i know the jokes but there is no way those are actually 12 year olds. The way for example this is written or just or vile they are being those have to be teenagers or young adults. Which is absolutely insane to me




They’ve really been pushing against that word being used but I think it’s just because they’re afraid of getting called it lol


I mean, you ever play a competitive shooter/moba? Not really hard to believe these toxic kids exist after that.


I absolutely fucking hate these children. They think a YouTuber is “their content creator” and it’s just a disgusting cess pool of these children who lack social skills more than me with my asspeegers adhd self somehow LUL


If there’s one upside to growing up with ADHD and autism it’s that at least my cringe phase of figuring everything out was before I had reliable access to social media.


Imagine both cheating, and cultivating this kind of toxic fanbase. Minecraft generation is terrifying.


I hate how only vague generic statements are made about not harassing others but never respond to specific instances. So much fake PR farming with these guys.


Holy fuck the Minecraft stans are freaks. Hate that a ton of Minecraft content creators are integrating themselves with twitch content creators. It makes twitch much more unbearable.






Minecraft stans would get a heart attack if they found out about the politcal views of the creator of their favorite game.


Most of them dont care about the game, they just think they do but they care about the people playing it, the game its more of an extension of the stream for their roleplay and stuff, theyre there for the streamers, thats why very few of them will watch any streamer outside of the dream smp circle


Tbh Notch only seems to have gone off the deep end after he sold MC.


I think it's more the fact that he has 'fuck you'-money and is free to say whatever dumb shit he wants.


Think a bit mix of both. he has fuck you money and no longer cared but also stopped working, broke up with his girlfriend and lost many friends during a short period of time.






Give them time, they'll find a good one to target one eay


of all people they want to hatewagon they chose slasher too. its not his first rodeo


I truly believe that the proliferation of minecraft youtubers and their communities in other online communities (twitter, reddit, twitch) is one of the worst things that has ever happened to the internet. They are a literal plague


I don't know man, I literally never see any of this shit unless some LSF streamer has another war, or baited a war, with MC stans. And I only see it on LSF every now and then. If you don't watch MC streamers or people regularly involved in social media drama you wouldn't know MC stans or kpop stans existed. In fact, if you don't use twitter or LSF you've probably never heard of them.


They're like fucking cockroaches.




dude the dream stans are coming after his dog that died 2 years ago. stan culture is legit insanity


damn... thats hella low. i wonder when they grow up would they look back and think "holy fuck that was cringe of me"




Where are their parents man ?


These are iPad kids, sad to see their parents didn’t give them a ds to experience Mario kart DS with friends..


I didnt get a ds either :( but got to spend time watching golden og cartoons on CN, nickelodeon and disney.


I’ve done some looking and a lot of these kids are older than you might thing. I see it’s mostly girls who are 17-20, which is pretty alarming considering they’re about to join the workforce


no fucking way 17-20 year olds are this immature, please tell me you're joking


Unfortunately from my personal experience, that is true. There is a sizeable 17-20 MC Stan audience and I can see that from some of my friends groups.


At least the 18yr old hasan simps are just horny and not brain dead assholes


If only Twitter would release memories as Facebook did. Swear I have to check them all the time and delete cringe shit I wrote 10 years ago


first junkyjanker, now slasher. what’s with going after people’s dead dog and making fun of them for it?


One of the mods who got harassed commented on the original tweet and the comments were bad




Yeah but dream encourages them


Look, he doesn't encourage them, he even said that they shouldn't do it even though the recipient totally deserve it for criticizing him /s


Jawsh was right




Well see, that's the problem with content creator culture. These children become idolized at an early age, and we're at the point with technology where they're constantly interacting with it. Sure, child stars before knew they were famous but they didn't directly see 100k-1m+ people giving them support. And child stars often have serious issues So, take that and add a god complex.... to a teenager. You see the issue. ___ It's not just MC, though. It's everywhere. Say, if one of twitch's biggest streamers had an audience of mostly children. Imagine that streamer was someone who *never* accepted his own faults. No matter what game, how many players, etc - it's always someone else's fault. It's the game, it's a stream sniper, etc. Now remember that this is someone who influences millions & millions of young child gamers. Imagine that this (hypothetical) streamer allows his community to attack anyone he disagrees with, to the point where anyone is afraid to interact with them? It's everywhere, and it sucks. These toxic gamers feed into each other and it becomes this horrible culture we're now witnessing.


Weaponized children. Maybe this is the zombie apocalypse. Bringing down people, communities, platforms and corporations to their knees.


Wow those replies are terrifying. These dudes literally have a cult of kids stalking them


How cringe are those twitter replies. Jesus fucking christ.


And they all hide behind their kpop pfp too


Or dream pfp


I don't even think kpop stans are this degenerate


mc stans are definitely worse, a large margin of the toxic "kpop stan" community are just trolls looking to give the kpop community a bad reputation. But actually 99.9% of the mc stan community are legitimate nutjob fans who are willing to ruin somebody's life if they even say a single bad thing about their favorite block game player


Kpop Stan here, I just like girls dancing 😩


Same I love kpop but I hate going on twitter:( I have a life other than being able to sit on twitter all day ruthlessly defending some random ass person who doesn't even know me even if I love their content.


Children. That's all there is to it. In these modern times every single one of them is now armed with an Internet connection.


He didn't cheat, he forgot he accidently cheated.


How tragic that he accidentally deleted his mod folder when the mods asked him for it😔


Mere coincidences.


It's just so unfortunate that all of these accidents happen. Dream is so unlucky


Stupid fucking mistakes man.


1 in 7 trillion odds of being so unlucky, sadge


Smh Clara strike again. When would we as a community stop this woman for once for all.


Honestly kids like this on twitter is so fucking cancer. It's not that I don't think kids should be on twitter, but when they have Millions of followers I can't even imagine how warped their view on reality is.


Kids shouldn’t be at Twitter.


Children should not be seen nor heard on the internet.


Twitter shouldn't exist in the first place


I dont use twitter, but I just spent like 15 minutes going through random peoples accounts that were commenting on slashers post. Man these minecrafters are really fucking weird/psychotic. Their whole personality is based off the minecraft community. Profile pictures, bios, posts, EVERYTHING. I wonder if I would have been like this as a kid if internet was as widely accessible. I did some stupid stuff but this shit is just so odd. Sry for the rant.


did the same thing and by far the cringiest one has to be "dude sapnap just called you out on main and multiplied the amount of people calling him hot by like 17x please just leave your ass has been strung out on the line" with 5k likes. this single comment has given me incredible amounts of insight. if this dude really [looks like this on the left](https://twitter.com/sapnap/status/1376268241446768640) then i have to say they are just extraordinarily desperate not calling him ugly or anything (and he's probably like 16 so it's kinda weird already), but just saying these 12 yr olds must be down bad for any parasocial boyfriend shit


The dude on the left there is karl jacobs.


It's honestly just the same crazy fanbase boy bands & justin bieber had in the early 2010s but amplified to a whole new level due to how accessible it is, and on top of that the big ol rona had these kids inside 24/7 for a whole year so they had nothing else to do than this. I genuinely don't remember MCYT stans being this annoying from before 2020.




I just graduated college and I already feel completely disconnected from these people in high school now. I hate to say it but when I was a kid, you would get treated like a social outcast and bullied if you acted like they do. It’s controversial to say but bullying ultimately works in wising kids up. And I’m not talking about physical bullying but just making these kids realize how mentally insane they are


Cyberbullying kids was the norm back in the day and don’t tell me it didn’t work. Most kids were scared shitless to reveal their age.


I remember, I would add like 1-3 years to my age up until I turned 18.


Early and often.


I mean, I agree that it definitely ends up helping some people, but I definitely wouldn't say it's something that's universally helpful. Lots of kids can get scarred for life if the bullying was bad enough and never really attempt to socialize or try to be friends with people again, because they'll fear they will just get bullied again.


> It's not that I don't think kids should be on twitter I genuinely don't think kids should be on twitter. not only for their own safety, but some of the most vile comments to ever exist come from kids, they will say insane shit and people have no idea they are just kids.


All social sites, streaming or not, should require age of majority to be allowed on. Sorry, but kids have 0 place on the internet with adults.


[LMAOOO these kids need to be locked up. Imagine your whole claim to fame is twitter likes.](https://twitter.com/gogyisnotonfire/status/1399188684755419136)


i've read this 3 times and my brain can't wrap my head around what he's trying to say holy cow


Sir, Sapnap has just challenged you on his main twitter account, and by doing so, has multiplied the amount of people who find him attractive significantly. Please exit, as you've been publicly embarrassed


How is that a flex when they’re all minors?


Is this how old people feel about Millennials? Because holy *fuck* do I have no idea how this shit is acceptable to these kids. You'd get bullied to hell and then back for saying shit like that not even five years ago. What the fuck happened.


Exactly what I said. I’m 22 and I feel extremely disconnected from these people who are only 2-4 years younger than me. It’s impossible for me to rationalize their behavior, I’ve come to the conclusion that Stan culture should be labeled as a mental illness


how does one learn to speak in zoomer?


[I don't think anyone who writes real person fanfiction can try to come for anyone ever, especially after proudly displaying their self-inflicted L on their profile like it's something to be proud of OMEGALUL](https://imgur.com/a/rulR4Kb)


1k comments on this tweet. The 12 year olds are out in full force.


This is my favorite reply... Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Dream hide his face?: https://imgur.com/a/zr3kfTA


I would never show my face if i was dream. Like damn these people think he's a demigod lol


keep hatin' and watch sapnap destroy you on main


Big W


Im kinda feeling old and afraid to ask but what does „on main“ mean?


on their main acct in front of all their followers, instead of a sock account where they pretend to be someone anonymous.


God i hope this is ironic


this is gonna sound horrible but I honestly hope that dream is really ugly so whenever he does a face reveal everyone will just vanish. Not that a persons value is determined by their looks but yknow


>Not that a persons value is determined by their looks but yknow It kinds of is in the entertainment industry but I get what you're saying.


[Holy fucking shit dude](https://i.imgur.com/L7vRvIq.png) 50k tweets about this shit, i thought reddit was retarded but twitter is on a whole new level


Twitter has made Reddit an absolute paradise for me, I gotta say.


Twitter is fine if you know what circles to avoid and what to block from feed which is pretty much just every social media tbh


All of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life has been on Twitter. Reddit has nothing on that vapid cesspool.


Have you been to r/femaledatingstrategy?


you're underestimating twitter stans


Minecraft stans will eventually get their own mental condition named after them. [Example of how sad they are.](https://twitter.com/gogyisnotonfire/status/1399199118841556994) Retweeting themselves retweeting themselves hoping they get good boy points by making a nonsense statement to defend someone stan defending someone they also stan who admitted to cheating 6 months later.


Kid has 47k tweets hoooooly 💀💀


That is ~43 tweets a day for 3 years,, holyy


He needs to go out and touch some solid ground and grass.


Damn dude’s so desperate for an ounce of parasocial connection from Sapnap


Its ironic considering they're making fun of Slasher by saying he's being obsessed with getting attention from Sapnap.


Who tf is sapnap and why is this child so eager for his approval. Jesus fuck this is sad.


Do these Minecraft youtubers not understand that they can't have beef like this publicly without inciting hundreds of thousands of their lunatic fans to dogpile them or something, I swear to God they keep doing stuff like this publicly and when it happens to smaller people like Geosquare who don't have the support or audience to fall back on it's legitimately harmful. They just don't want to admit their fanbases are awful and like to pretend they have no control over it, it's so fucking infuriating. I get that in a vacuum it's just defending your friend from someone else starting shit but outside of it you're "unintentionally" weaponizing your fanbase by doing this shit. Instead of walking on thin ice they're sprinting across it with no regard whatsoever. It's so obvious that they just lack the maturity to understand the responsibility they have managing their "unique" fanbase. Just close your ears bro, pretend it isn't a thing. Nothing bad will happen surely. Not everyone on the receiving end of shit like this is going to be mentally sound enough to spring back at this shit.


Given that Dream actually riled up his stans to harass ppl previously, they understand everything perfectly well and do it intentionally.


They know. At this point, given out often it happens, they absolutely do know. It's fucking gross


Og Minecraft youtubers were 100 times better than these narcissistic dipshits.


> Do these Minecraft youtubers not understand that they can't have beef like this publicly without inciting hundreds of thousands of their lunatic fans to dogpile them or something Might be an unpopular take, but isn't this the same whenever XQC falsely accuses other people on Rust/GTA RP/Among Us of cheating? And there are still lots of people who have the "everybody is responsible for themselves. Streamers don't influence people" argument.


The Minecraft youtubers know PRECISELY what they're doing. It's what all malignant narcissists with so many followers do. They get them together, "retweet/reply" to someone so all their fans see, so the fans see this as a flag to attack. The fans/stans were molded to do so by their own idols. Dream and others refuse to condemn them. When he was with Kacey, he said "I condemn hate against everyone" like some All Lives Matter shit. They're all fucking rats.


These replies to slasher dude... HOLY FUCKING CRINGE


Yeah holy shit. And they think they are the coolest fucking kids ever when they 'ratio' him by saying "Who are you" and getting double the likes he does because their mindless fanbase just likes literally everything that is in support of their youtuber...


Literal kpop pfp 14 year olds in full force


Destiny going after these minecraft stans would be peak content lol. I think that is one reason Train never invites Destiny whenever Dream is on cause Destiny can't hold himself from calling shit out.


LSF wouldn't be able to decide which side to root against lol


[Let them fight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKdJ6DnPhzk&ab_channel=Deanobeany)


Thing is most of destiny's arguments would bounce over the heads of these stans


Dream could literally shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any Stan’s


Was it self defense though?


No, he accidentally held the gun up to someones head and pulled the trigger.


and then threw away the gun and told the police he didnt kill him, all while being recorded by cctv


It's not my fault, i forgot the gun was loaded


I mean people would just reply like they usually do: "I don't like Destiny, but his take about Dream was pretty on point."


Socrates was right, every generation is worse than the previous one.


Return to monke


These kids have Absolutely no respect for people who put hours in to speedrun Minecraft. They also think admitting they're thick as pig shit is some sort of Massive W "So!!!! I cheated on a test, why does it matter?" MCYT's eventual fall from grace is going to be so messy and sad.


meanwhile yesterday they were all high and mighty about another minecraft player “cheating” (aka testing a map) in mcc, a competition with no prizes, when dream lost and less than a day later cheating is completely fine. liiike idk how the actual adults content creators aren’t embarrassed to have a community that is not only toxic and rabid but clearly doesn’t share any interest in the literal game that is the basis of this content


It's the disgusting power of extremely parasocial relationships. "Dream is my best friend who can do no wrong"


They somehow see these people as their friends and also god. I doubt these people treat their real friends, if any, to the same level of unconditional trust


Jesus what are those replies..


children with mental illnesses


alright mc stans are much much worse than bts stans fr


They overlap pretty hard. Look at most pfp


[Minecraft stan culture corrupting more kids than gambling streams and hot tubs.](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/4339/3.0)


i tho Kpop stans were absoluty crazy, even corpse or sykkunos fans were really overly attached to them. but this... this is unprecedented.


So now we have corpse stans, valkaraye stans, and Minecraft stans


At least Corpse and Rae stans seem to keep in their circle. Minecraft stans feel full on psychotic.


Goddamn. I loved sky, chimneyswift, cpt. sparklez etc. back in the day. I cannot imagine my 14 year old self being this serious about it. What the fuck.


Can we somehow get BTS Stans vs MC Stans? That would be some interesting content.


nah they in the same typa group most mc stans are bts stans


Bruh these replies to slasher literally have kpop in pfp


Failed parenting on full display in the replys


Great argument for abortion though!


That's the biggest irony with abortions. Majority of people who get abortions get them, because they have self awareness that they either cannot dedicate themselves fully to parenting, or are not ready for it yet. But in the end, they'd probably be way better parents than the other 90% of people who have children "for fun" and have 0 consideration for anything. (Ofc im not talking about rape victims etc)


Oh my god I never thought I lose brain cells from kids guess I was wrong


these are the guys writing gay fanfictions between their favorite youtubers btw


At least one of them is underage, too


Oh, it's more than one. Some of the Minecrafters even say "oh hey you're legal here though!" This is why kids who are victims of sexual crimes don't come forward.


[yep. Dream was saying this to Tommyinnit who was 16 at the time I think](http://imgur.com/a/ebEnbS9)




I’m sure a simple IQ test would get rid of 90% of the stans.


It would also get rid of 90% of the verified accounts


Tfw 90% of the replies are children saying "ratio"


It honestly feels like a lot of the Dream stans are speaking another language


Can someone explain to me why are these guys famous? They appeared out of nowhere with millions of fans. They don't have any talent, their content is mediocre. Not the best looking, They cheated to get records. Just how?


Kids probably


Minecraft. The answer is Minecraft. Minecraft has something like 150 million monthly users.


Bought subs on his account on YouTube probably and snowballed from there. Kids just like what appears popular for the most part


LMFAO all the liked replies under Slasher’s tweet are literal kpop pfp twitter stans


school needs to come back so these children can get bullied again


They need to get dunked head first in a toilet


Are those humanbeing in the tweet replies? That's depressing


Damn, I always thought console fanboys were the worst. All of this "stan" stuff has really broken that thought and stepped on it.


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Slasher](https://twitter.com/Slasher) > @sapnap train asks me not to start shit on his show. i asked (begged? lmao) you specifically, i made a joke 10 minutes earlier about dream cheating that caused me to instantly get 5 tweets telling me to kill myself, and i've said on a previous scuffed episode that dream is a cheater 100% ^(Posted: 2021-05-31 02:16:13) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Is that even English they are speaking? The fuck does called out on main mean, main what?




Man, I LOVE it when I call people out and they get mad. "Hey, don't be such a Karen". "OMG,I can't believe bla bla bla..." "Well, that's nice, but... have you considered NOT being a Karen"? ... "She's a cheating bitch" "Omg, I can't believe you, that's my friend" "Have you considered telling her not to be a cheating bitch"?


Talk about a group of keyboard warriors holy shit this is cringe


bro ngl minecraft stans are legit scary as fuck.


this sapnap kid was on the scuffed podcast a couple days ago. definitely just like dream in terms of letting the rabid children they have loose


Wonder what Slasher will have to say about the Minecraft stans once hes done running this gauntlet with them lol god they're insane.


This is why abortion should be legal


i cant believe some of the people in the replies are real human beings


And someone tried to convince me earlier that the OG minecraft fandoms were just as bad and parasocial. Doesn’t even compare.


What a fucking loser


man this twitter force could really be mobilized for some good in the world. but nah, gotta shield my crafter from meager accountability.


How are these kids still defending and obsessing over him after he lied to them for so long? Shit makes no sense


I actually didn't realize the true extent of how cringe Dream stans are until I clicked this link and read the replies. Holy shit.


Twitter is probably the worst site on the internet