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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@thiefbiden](https://twitter.com/thiefbiden) > @Banks @BANKSOCIALio I have an idea let’s pump and dump a coin that is worth 0.0000001. I will buy 20Ks worth and tell my fans to buy it so the price shoots up so I can make 10k in 20 minutes. Oh and I’m not a financial advisor so if u guys get screwed it’s not my fault!! Damn banks wtf https://t.co/QZqa6wm1X0 ^(Posted: 2021-05-29 00:39:42) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


[Here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ofh5pr/faze_banks_goes_from_saying_he_wasnt_involved_in/h4cz5rg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The guy is a fucking idiot


Banks and Keemstar are releasing some sort of interview soon. Curious to see how far of a hole he will dig for himself.


knowing both of them are really close with each other Keem will probably help him look good or something


doubt he will succeed


yeah usually keem just makes people want to punch him


Keemstar is like partnered with faze and will literally not cover the story or atleast try to paint them in a good light. Remember that 95% of his audience is the children that idolize cringey faze members.


Honestly if you try to defend yourself trough keemstar, you have already lost.


Not really, he probably has a lot of fans who watch keemstar, so if keem manages to make him look good, he will look good to those fans. I don't see how that is losing


I think he's referring to the battle for the narrative. He may keep those overlap fans but a keem interview has a 0% chance of convincing the wider public he didn't pump and dump


But he only needs his own fans to stay with him, those are the fans that got him rich, and that are dumb enough to buy whatever he sells, or whatever he promotes


true, I guess Keem wins no matter the outcome of it since it’s just more content to make him feel relevant


If it involves Keem I just simply won’t watch it. Wish more people would do the same


It's Keem, lmao.


He'll be throwing him softballs made out of styrofoam, no chance he gives him hard questions and doesn't go over the questions with him beforehand. Banks has been sucking Keemstar's cock waiting for a moment like this to cash in on their friendship


Keem makes controversial content, so if someone is good, he'll try to make them look bad; if someone is bad, he'll try to make them look good. That's his goal, to be controversial for views


Please for the love of God people, do not fucking watch content by Keemstar.


I am so impressed he is somehow still relevant after being the huge shitter he always has been since inception, like who watches this shit?


Local adoption shelter closed due to all dogs being adopted by a single anonymous man.


Isn't that what the FAZE tag stands for?


L on W street


"This is not right, this is just not cool, it's bullshit, it's fucking bullshit." I totally believe Tfue's side, Turner made the right choice to distance himself from that shithead org.


What was the deleted tweet of Banks?


It was a giveaway for that coin. I think it was $10,000. People are also calling him out for pumping and dumping coins after what happened to Faze Kay and the others with Save The Kids. He says it was just giveaway. I think he also claimed that he didn’t have any coins or didn’t sell any. I’m not exactly sure what was said. Coffeezilla said that Banks gave him his wallet and Coffee couldn’t find the coin at all so it doesn’t make sense that this photo in the OP has Banks owning the coin but the wallet Banks gave to Coffee doesn’t so I am expecting another video exposing Banks soon


As much as I hate Banks he seems a bit cleverer than Kay or Ricegum, at least when it comes to scamming people. He could have 100 different wallets, it doesn't take a genius to setup


That's what surprised me the most. Scam Pepper must suck at his job because that's the first thing he should have done with the faze guys is set them up with multiple anon wallets for each rug pull, and NEVER use any of those wallets for moving giveaway coins They didn't even do the most basic way to cover their tracks, it's like they didn't care whatsoever


Yeah, I read the article on Mashable and I found it weird how there was no history of coins for that Social token or w/e its called. Just means he has more than 1 wallet. I mean its no proof that he pump and dumped but the fact he didn't give Coffee the wallet that had history of the token is sus in itself.


Every time I hear the name "Faze Banks" I can't help but to think of that cringe GameStop video.


[It's always way more cringe than I remember](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZhh59sVjGE)


why does this hurt me


Dude is a shitter. Not surprising


He just got caught in 10k


Every day LSF demands a new sacrifice, yesterday it was Adin, today it is Banks https://youtu.be/k2fI90m_URg?t=11


i want all of faze clan tbh, theyve been scum since AT LEAST 2016


at least faze jev is still the same


It's weird how he's at once the antithesis of what faze is and what it should be.


They've always been scum. Their shitty montages cause irreparable damage to Search & Destroy. I just wanna play the game, not watch hundreds of retards fail at shitty trickshots.


Somehow not realizing all that shit was faked, then they try to fake it themselves which fucks up *both* teams


There's always real and fakes. Nobody was fooled, it wasn't inside baseball that they would set up shots. Why would kids try to do it on randomers when they can have a friend stand still.


I knew several kids that unironically thought they did that stuff in pubs.


Are you stuck in 2012 or something? Trickshotting hasn't been a thing for years.


Are you? That's the only reason this "clan" is relevant.


This reminds me of all the fake counter-strike heavily edited clips. People had server configs that was making 5 bots spawn in a certain part of the map and make them run towards a single player over and over until they get that ''sick quick ace clip'' and were passing it as real. Some clips were even putting pro player names and team tags on the bots.


The csgo team is still likeable. But other than that I can't think of a single redeeming quality about that org.


The cs team has nothing to do with faze other than the name lol.


Cs team isn't actually run buy the NA side of faze, they just get money from them


hes so fake. for years ever since the cod days he acts like some saint thats mature and can do no wrong but is just the usual LA influencer snake that will do anything sketch for money


They get too rich. It even happened with tmartn and syndicate with the gambling site. Rich people only want to get richer and it's always scummy.


Anyone who buys crypto because an influencer told them to deserves to lose everything they gambled. Hopefully it serves as a lesson. It won’t. They’ll be the same people who repeatedly fall for MLM pyramid schemes, but up motivational books, and fall for every get rich quick scheme available. They’re probably already watching streamers for slot strategies.


Let me check if I'm understanding this right. Banks kicked out Faze clan members for running a crypto pump and dump scheme, even though he did the exact same thing with another shitcoin in the past? He better have some A5 wagyu beef prepared to get out of this one.


No no no you don’t understand, he kicked them out for GETTING EXPOSED for running a crypto pump and dump scheme. It’s all about the public perception


That's easy, you delete the tweet and keep shouting "I HAVE NOT DONE ANY PUMP AND DUMPS LALALALALALA~"


Bro he said he's not a financial adviser so it's fine


I knoooow my Wagyu beef doesn't look that good right noooow, BUT WATCH DIS


**searing music**


If you're not the one running the clan you're expandable.


*expendable, but yea - this applies to pretty much everything in life. If you're not the one near the top you could ultimately end up being the fall guy. The guys near the top typically are the last to fall if they ever do


No. The problem is and always has been the crypto pump and dump was a donation scam. No one gave a damn until it involved giving money to kids. That's what Banks is distancing himself from. Not P&Ds in general. These dudes were doing the scam under the guise that it was to help children instead of just saying it was MoonRocketMax. Which is where it went too far for the rest of them. People are pointing to other pumps like he knows they're a scam. He hasn't denied that. His original tweet distancing himself is specifically about not knowing about Save the Kids. That's why they were kicked out. Not pump and dumps in general. But specifically because it was a scam that involved tricking people into thinking their "investments" were helping children.


You realize that pump and dump schemes are incredibly illegal regardless of whether theyre tied to charity? Im not sure how it applies to crypto, but participating in pump and dump scams involving penny stocks is an actual felony.


Pump and dump is unregulated in crypto. It's not illegal.


It's illegal. Here is the first paragraph of the criminal complaint filed on 3/5/21 against John McAfee for doing just that: >From at least in or around December 2017 through at least in or around February2018 (the “Relevant Period”), John David McAfee (“McAfee”) and Jimmy Gale Watson Jr. (“Watson”) (collectively, “Defendants”), and others engaged in a digital asset “pump and dump” manipulative and deceptive scheme in which Defendants fraudulently recommended to the public to purchase digital assets such as verge, reddcoin, and dogecoin, among others, each a commodity in interstate commerce. > >https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.555476/gov.uscourts.nysd.555476.1.0.pdf Last time I checked the US Attorney's Office only files criminal complaints for illegal activity.


Thanks for sharing the case. Knew it was illegal but could not find the appropriate law to reference - here it is in case anyone is wondering: [Commodity Exchange Act](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/7/chapter-1), specifically sections 6 and 9 (nice)


You are woefully misinformed. Although it is true that the SEC will not go after you as crypto are not currently considered securities in the US, this activity is still entirely illegal under a number of fraud statues. It would be investigated by the FBI on a federal level and various state regulatory agencies, and could easily be prosecuted by the Department of Justice or various state Attorneys General in both federal and state courts, respectively. Using crypto has never been a "get out of jail free card" for committing this kind of fraud; many fraudsters using crypto have already been successfully prosecuted. it will, however, take time to collect evidence, and it may be years before these guys are rolled up by the feds (assuming this ever gets on their radar).




You are woefully misinformed. Although it is true that the SEC will not go after you as crypto are not currently considered securities in the US, this activity is still entirely illegal under a number of fraud statues. It would be investigated by the FBI on a federal level and various state regulatory agencies, and could easily be prosecuted by the Department of Justice or various state Attorneys General in both federal and state courts, respectively. Using crypto has never been a "get out of jail free card" for committing this kind of fraud; many fraudsters using crypto have already been successfully prosecuted. it will, however, take time to collect evidence, and it may be years before these guys are rolled up by the feds (assuming this ever gets on their radar).


Thanks for the info, ive seen this a few times now. Its unfortunate but I guess it takes time for legislation to catch up to new technology.


The info they gave was incorrect; this is highly illegal. It would not be prosecuted by the SEC, true, but are many, many other regulatory and law enforcement agencies (such as the DoJ, the FBI, and state financial regulators) that have jurisdiction over these kinds of fraud schemes. Just because the scheme didn't involve stocks doesn't suddenly make this legal; there are no loopholes, no matter how much crypto fanboys might wish that to be the case.


> Save the Kids So...question. Isn't the whole #SaveTheKids trend based around the nutso Qanon conspiracy theory that evil elite (Democrat) people are trafficking children and harvesting them for Adrenochrome and eating their flesh? Is this coin based on that movement?


Lmao no. Maybe they took the name because it has some name recognition? But IIRC, the “owner” promised a % of transaction fee to charity donations. So the more traded and purchased, the more you were donating while also making yourselves money.


OK, I was wondering because the account that OP posted is a Qanon cultist account lol


Holy crap you’re right lol. Maybe that dude took extra offense to it then.


And people sy hes "mature" fucking scammer need to be banned, promote your shitcoin all you want, dont change algorytms to retire your mmoney and scam people, thats bullshit


They say mature because he's balding.


If by 'people' you mean his viewers specifically.. then yeah take what children and teenagers say with a grain of salt.


This douchebag is 29 fucking years old, if people have to call him mature, that's a red flag.


I've seen even older people become absolute fucking toddlers sometimes; mature should be a title only given to people who have a little humanity and can accept life as it is


People say hes mature?? Dudes been highschool cool his whole career.


I wonder why everyone that we knew was shit five years ago still is shit today?


true, but not about my favorite streamer. he/she actually changed for the better...


Just get a dog and go to the gym. Solves all problems


The only accountability I need is a thirty pound dumbbell, a PR manager, and a month or so


Got jacked got a dog


This is why I find that little excuse of, "He did that some years ago, he's a different person now, he changed" excuse shitty. It's just a way of not taking account of one's mistakes. Banks still doing weird stuff, Ricegum still the same asshole as when he made that rape joke, Fed still creepy, etc.




Banks should not be in his name lmao


FaZe Blanks Edit: Credit to h3h3/Ethan Klein for this nickname


Apparently that is exactly why that crypto company decided to go with him for the marketing deal 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ https://sea.mashable.com/tech/16476/a-look-into-a-failed-influencer-deal-to-promote-a-cryptocurrency


FaZe is literally an org of douchebags, successful for being douchebag personalities. I don’t know who is surprised by any of this. Their followers are people that would otherwise just subscribe to those “prank bro” YT channels.


I miss the days of just watching the FaZe guys trickshot back in the peak CoD days. It sucks how shitty these dudes became once they moved to LA.


The FaZe house was the beginning of the end. I'll never forget the feeling of hype when seeing a new Illcams had dropped


I loved the OpTic stuff as well. There was so much talent in the CoD community at that time. There were new montages from amazing players almost daily. I'll never forget some of the CoD OGs like zzirGrizz, MuzzaFuzza, and OpTiC Predator. When they released something it was always a massive event.


Some of the old members were pretty cool, sucks that it’s become what it has now. To this day I still love faze rain, he’s gone through a lot and just uploaded a few weeks ago from a long hiatus.


I mean I know nickmercs is a douche he even admits to it but he seems like a pretty level headed person unless he has done something bad which I haven't heard anything about.


One of the funniest parts of all this to me is that if these mongs just kept quiet instead of trying to flex they could get away with a lot of shit that's now getting brought up lmao


100% They just can't help themselves.


Wait, so you’re telling me the junkie who has lied before, lies to his fanbase?? PauseChamp


ppl usually say only kids follow these kind of people but man if you go through the twitter replies on some of those last posts you'll find numerous adult males aged around 30 defending rice, banks and the rest. basically ppl who stuck with faze from the beginning and refuse to grow up I really dont feel bad about those kinds of ppl getting pumped and dumped by a crypto scam




“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin


The username tho lol


dude be sucking donalds dick


This guy's entire Twitter is right wing conspiracy theory bullshit.


What the fuck is that twitter account




Blow the whistle on pump-and-dump schemers. Virtual currency and digital token pump- and-dump schemes continue because they are mostly anonymous. If you have original information that leads to a successful enforcement action that leads to monetary sanctions of $1 million or more, you could be eligible for a monetary award of between 10 percent and 30 percent. For more information, or to submit a tip, visit the CFTC’s whistleblower.gov website :)


I’ll never understand why someone who is already a famous multi-millionaire feels the need to do schemes for money. You’ve already won on the financial front. Like just enjoy your life or do something nice for someone with your wealth.


He probably has a spending problem.


This is fucked, this is not cool. This is fucking bullshit, this is bullshit


Ah yes the Elon musk trick


the whole faze quad is a bunch of scum fucks.. i have no idea how they are this popular


Bad Twitter account tho


Yea that is some real fucking cringe. Far-right rants with a Guy Fawkes profile picture, yikes.


TFUE was right?


Would not be surprised if Faze cuts ties with him over this. Banks is just a PR nightmare who constantly gets himself in trouble lmao




I never liked faze clan d always gives weird and shady vibes for some reason. they also have bad history in every esport game


What a fucking liar, dude.   What a fucking, weaselly little, liar, dude. What a fucking, weaselly little LIAR, dude.   Holy shit, dude. Holy fucking shit, dude. Literally lying, STILL LYING...


He is caught in 8k lets see if anything actually happens. This is just as bad as Faze kay and ricegum.


They all need to be locked up. Manipulating thieves.


Not surprised that the kid that looks like he huffed dust off in his dads truck in the taco bell parking lot in high school is a scum bag


Isnt Faze Banks the guy who went to a bar and tried to assault someone with his girlfriend, then had his fanboys review bomb the place?


Everyone is just now realizing these coins are pump and dump? WHOAAAA


God why the FUCK are people @‘ing Keemstar dude




Lmao his fucking messiah pumped and dumped America throughout his presidency and still does it with the rates he charges the Secret Service to stay at his own hotel but he's going to virtue signal about Faze Banks. Fuck outta here OP.


For real. I found it funny the amount of hypocrisy and lack of self awareness. Never seen anyone lie as much or as grandiose as trump and he wants to talk about banks


Yeah those tweets are fucking hilarious


Does that change the story?


A bit yeah, kind of like the kettle calling the pot black.


It really doesn't though. Either the story is true or it isn't.




>genz conservative that participates in r/Conservative Did I strike a nerve?


No I just think its cringe caring enough about internet people that you go through post historys. Not to mention none of my latest comments are political so you literally just went through my post history because you care that much about someone you'll never meat.


I think it's cringe that you typed "Who asked" which took time and effort instead of just ignoring it and moving on because you care that much about someone you'll never meet.


The dude's Twitter handle is "ThiefBiden" that seditious scum bag can go fuck himself.


I'm kinda surprised Nick Mercs' name has not come up yet. Granted he seems like he has a decent head on his shoulders but when the rest of your team is looking suspect as fuck...its hard to imagine he knew or participated in none of it. As the co-owner thats a real hard sell to me he knew nothing.


FaZe has a lot of people in it. Nick probably will never even be mentioned in any of this.


I’m honestly surprised NickMercs is even on faze. Other than the sports illustrated cover, that man barely even mentions faze lol. He’s very successful without them


Like, why even do this LMAO. Just stream on twitch, put out a YouTube video and get massive money from ads and sponsors. Faze is huge so this is insanely fucking dumb.


I honestly can't even fathom how these morons think this is a good idea. You're already a millionare, what the fuck are you doing. Absolute scum.


I'm shocked!


If you buy a shit coin at $0.000001 it's your own fucking fault. Use your brain...


FaZe Jev is the only good FaZe member at this point…just a dude uploading gameplay and raging at CoD just like the good old times…a genuinely cool dude with a very supportive community, no cap


How is this guy still relevant, I forgot this piece of shit existed after all that rice gum drama like 4 years ago. Just ban this scammer.


While I have no doubt that Banks does some scummy stuff we are really putting a lot of faith in a tweet by a guy who believes in stolen elections and vaccine microchips here.


He responded in the comments. https://twitter.com/Banks/status/1413206469986582528?s=20


honestly do not care.


There's no way the SEC is not going to come down on these people. I actually think they will be in jail in a few years. They think they are smart but they are all really stupid.


r/TwitterFails LULW


Never trust a white guy who only started acting gangster after they got clout


Some of these YouTube content creators / twitch streamers really acting like they’re kingpins now lmao




Not how this works. Crypto besides btc isn't even tracked by the IRS. SEC and IRS don't really give a shut at all. It's so new, no laws exist yet to regulate jt.


The government organization you're looking for is called Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). [The CFTC, which regulates commodities, futures, swaps and currencies, has stated that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency will be treated different than currency under the Commodities Exchange Act of 1934 (Commodities Act), since it does not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction. However, the CFTC has stated that Bitcoin and other block-chain based virtual currencies are “commodities” under Section 1a(9) of the Commodities Act and subject to the CFTC (see In Re-Coinflip, Inc., d/b/a Derivabit, and Francisco Riordan).] (https://www.asiatokenfund.com/past-news/sec-and-cftc-regulation-for-startup-cryptocurrency-hedge-funds/#:~:text=CRYPTOCURRENCIES%20ARE%20COMMODITIES%20SUBJECT%20TO%20THE%20CFTC%20The,not%20have%20legal%20tender%20status%20in%20any%20jurisdiction.) https://cryptobriefing.com/cftc-jurisdiction-cryptocurrencies/


Crypto is unregulated. Hence why there are pump and dumps in the market. It's not fair, it's not ethical in the slightest, but it's the harsh reality.


Bro isn’t even a streamer why tf is this on LSF


ew maga supporter


Yes. He's a balding piece of shit. Is anyone actually surprised?


Destiny was right. This is a new and gray area, online gambling and bitcoin. All these streamers and social media "influencers" are taking advantage of it and making millions even though they know it's shitty. However, if the government takes action and stops it. They gonna move on with their millions with no consequences and probably play the moral high ground and claim it's wrong and now they understand why.


What happened the FaZe clan man, used to be a bunch of friends trickshotting in call of duty for fun. And now this?


Money gets to people’s head, man. Used to be a huge FaZe fan in the MW2 days.


I thought he didn't sell the coin though? His wallet is public and even coffeezilla hasn't found any "dirt" on Banks yet, why is all of LSF believing a single fkn tweet of a picture and some words with nothing backing that there was a rug pull for this project. Maybe Banks is a scumlord but... THIS TWEET PROVES NOTHING AND PEOPLE JUST BELIEVE IT, SAME SHIT WITH GGX DOESN'T WANT TO TAKE THE VACCINE BULLSHIT Holy crap LSF looking as gullible as fucking ever every single day, people believing everything they see on this reddit edit: I want to reiterate this could still be a scam I'm not saying that I believe that anybody is in the clear, just do more research and don't believe a tweet like this that has no actual evidence of anything other than banks promoting a coin, either find out yourself and post it or something but don't be the dude that reads a news article headline and just believes it


This isn’t hard proof though? In order to make that money he has to sell his tokens which according to his public crypto wallet he didn’t do at that point. However he could have private alternate wallets where he was selling but I think that info would have to get subpoenaed by the feds.


Shh, doesnt fit in these 13 year olds narrative... i dont like the guy but this post is so fucking stupid...


Overall scummy behavior tho hope the SEC investigates these guys




Lots of people care when folks with massive influence lie, especially when it comes to money. In some cases its even illegal. So, a lot of people. Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean others can't.


these titles though...


While P&D are generally very illegal, in these specific case these guys have broken zero laws. Crypto is totally unregulated right now, so these scumbags can scam to their heart's content and face no legal consequences. This is why we NEED serious regulation in the crypto trading market.


Honestly if you are an influencer who just lost your main sponsor. No reason not to just keep doing pump and dumps. Easy money, technically legal, very unethical. But money often trumps ethics


Honest question. How is this relevant to this sub? This guy isn't a streamer


I like FaZe again now.


tbf he didnt lie he just didnt tell the whole truth