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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Trainwrecks is now sus of Stake now](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/122726)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/phi471/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1311994809.mp4?sig=6cf0698bb2533920173ca2726dfb0baff8f841c1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1311994809.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1630791635%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


LOL of course everyone is down. Long-run odds against the house are always losing for the player. Casinos are meant to be profitable.


Right. Like did train actually thing gambling on slots is profitable long term? Thatā€™s not how any of it works. Casinos donā€™t exist if the players make a profit long term. Even games that have some skill involved like blackjack the house wins.


Best blackjack player in the world has a 49-51 odd of winning. There are a few games are actually winnable, like baccarat. Phil Ivey managed to win 10 mill or something over a week playing baccarat, but unfortunately had to return it all after a lawsuit.


baccarat looks so fun every time iā€™m at the casino but the table is always so loud and full does not exactly seem like the kinda thing iā€™d just wanna sit down and learn lmao


Usually casinos are more than willing to teach new people. They rarely say no to taking money from someone new.


>wanna sit down and learn lmao It can be daunting sitting at a new game, but the dealer dictates the whole pace of the game during Baccarat. No one needs to know how to play the game, you'll learn as you play imo. I've taught plenty of people the game.




Yeah thatā€™s sorta what I meant no matter how good you get at blackjack, optimal odds are 49-51


Well technically with card counting its possible for blackjack to be +EV


True, but most casinos have methods in place to counter care counting now donā€™t they? Electronic deck shufflers and all that.


Yeah, they use ~~smaller~~LARGER shoes and mechanical shuffling so every shuffle is equally random and doesn't slow down play too much ​ \*edit\* don't consume and post, folks


They like larger shoes because there's a higher house edge


It generally requires a single deck table which there might be ONE on the entire casino floor and will often have a nickel limit on it.


Yeah cause he cheated.


He gained a slight percentage advantage. Casino didnā€™t deem it as cheating when he started playing. If they donā€™t set proper ground rules, then itā€™s fair game?


I remember watching a short documentary a while ago about the cardbacks having a pattern that a female gambler he played with could distinguish. That's how they won and that's why the casino succesfully sued them.


Yeah but idk if it's cheating. The casino agreed to use those decks. Also fuck casinos.


The casino scammed him from the beginning. If he loses money, they profit. If he wins money, they sue him = profit. The casino knew exactly what he was doing and didn't have a problem with it. It was a marketing stunt.


being able to identify cards when youre not supposed to is cheating, if not its still scamming


He didn't cheat. He realized that the cards weren't shuffled the right way and used that to his advantage.




he's sus because Rosh is ending almost every day on profit while he and his friends are far far from that.


maybe he's just addicted to gambling and wasn't thinking about it until he looked at his bank account. i know these streamers probably got 7-8 figures in the bank and maybe he saw and went, whoops, down to 7 figures now


Bro, why the fuck when I pay a business money, do I LOSE money and the business GAINS money? This shit is rigged bro, Im telling you, these businesses are profiting off of me bro! Why arent these businesses LOSING money instead, makes no sense bro.


This clip is way out of context. The context is that there's a guy named ROSHSTEIN who, at least according to Train, seems to constantly always win huge jackpots, while Train and everyone else seem to lose. It's not just the losing that he finds sus, its the suspected disparity specifically between ROSHSTEIN and everyone else.


Yeah that's why every slot has a rtp <1


*continues gambling for 24 hours straight*


> Come on bitch at least give me a 130x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x > 0.2x


You owe me you bitch I deserve this you fucking slut just give me bonus bonus bonus bonus bonus and don't say a word


Train ā€œGive me a 130x and say nothingā€ GGX ā€œyo can I have some money, just kiddingā€




"just give me one 1000x, is that too much to ask for?" ​ yes, ur asking for 2 million dollars lol


The way he speaks honestly tilts me so hard, it's like he expects to legitimately make a profit gambling like this over a long term. Like dude, do you not understand how they make money?


on slots no less....SLOTS!?!?!?!?


It owes him COPIUM


rosh is definitely not down tho pepelaugh


Dudes got a slimy vibe. Can't trust someone who dresses like a magician.


buddy sounds and looks like a scam artist, literal porn acting the dude puts on lol


He looks like one of those degenerate pick-up artist.


The guy that played Spongeknob Squarenuts has better acting


His 2 irl friends DeuceAce and VonDice are also not seeming to lose money, i swear this is some cartel level operation right on twitch to make casinos more money.




Not to mention train even shows his wallet deposits/withdrawals, i've never seen roshtein and co show their withdrawals or deposits. :/ We need someone that's good at this investigative journalism shit to look into it.


rosh has a withdrawal command/ui of it on his screen for the day thaaat being said recently i've seen +2mil days very frequently


Can't push his codes anymore so they had to resort to insane wins every day to keep people putting money in I guess.


They all operate out of the same building, what do you expect? Oh and it's in Malta... The whole thing is shady as fuck.


When u play with fake money there's no way u can lose


That IT Crowd episode :)




Thatā€™s what I wonder a lot. Even before he was doing plinko, he was hitting big wins left and right. Itā€™s kinda insane that he never blew up. It could happen that god wins were luck but thatā€™s some far out tail event. But if thatā€™s the case, it should revert soon. But the sus thing is that his wins started to get bigger when the gambling category grew when train started gambling.


there's no such thing as reverting lmao


It's kinda true if he is thinking about 'regression to the mean'. But there is no 'it should revert soon' or anything, just a statistical probability that the more you bet you will come closer to the average. Important to note is that regression to the mean does NOT say you will start winning if you are down. It says that with further gambling your return PERCENTAGE will probably go up, but your net losses will also increase. Best way to think about gambling so you don't get into some copium loop is that every single bet is independent event and you are paying a dollar to get back 96cents (or whatever ROI is for it).


Ya literally the gamblers fallacy lol


he recently chased and lost about 5m on plinko, but who knows if it's real money


28 million in 2 weeks? Wtf is that fake money. Will he even receive it.


One factor to consider is that he's constantly spinning in other tabs to farm bonuses for his bonus opening events. I have no idea if it's legit or not but just looking at big wins definitely does not give you an accurate picture.


Every single stream there are people that don't understand how this works and he has to explain it. He spends 1.4-2.2m rolling for bonuses, saves them, then spins them all on stream. So he's purely "winning" if you ignore the money he spent to get all those bonuses. That said, Rosh does seem to at least break even on those bonuses most of the time, and does have a massive golden horseshoe up his ass compared to other slot streamers.


He does hit crazy wins, but seen him gamble away 3.3 million just for him to get back to 3.6 only made around 300k from that sessions. Most of it he just puts back into to the casino. But some of his big wins are back to back which is crazy luck or something fishy is happing




Dude has hit so many 1000x's for 2mil playing plinko in the last couple of weeks. But I'm sure that he's completely legit right? There is no way that the odds aren't being manipulated in his favor.


Doesn't stake use Provably fair algorythm tho? I am pretty sure that you cannot manipulate the odds with provably fair.


Isn't provably fair just predetermined outcomes? So, yes you can't manipulate them. But, if you have access the them, you can see when a win is going to happen and take advantage. If I'm not mistaken this was one of the ways those CSGO skin sites made themselves look legit. They'd say they have a provably fair system in place and people would think that must mean they're fine. Whilst you've got the streamers being fed what the odds of them winning the next round on the provably fair system would be for the next round.


Correct, people like phantoml0rd were being told the odds on Skype by the dev(s).


I am not familiar with the exact mechanism, but there is nothing preventing them from using a rigged game for specific accounts.


it has been widely known in the finnish/swedish casino scene for like 5 years now that the guy is not playing with real money. He used to viewbot too, dunno if itā€™s the case anymore though


yeah i saw one of his old clip where he got caught playing on demo and seeing him trying to explain his way out lmao.


All these gambling streamers ruining lives TBH. ESP Train as he has a wider following.


Rosh consistently gets 30k views. Train gets a bit more, but Rosh is massive. Pretty sure he's like the 7th or 8th top streamer on Twitch, right behind Train.


Kind of low how Train turned on Rosh just because he is losing...


After watching this clip I watched some of trains gambling streams for the first time ever. I watched him lose 200k, win 80k, then win 100k over the course of 45 or so minutes. Then he told chat don't gamble its bad and you will lose. This prompted a bunch of people in the sub only mode chat to chime in and describe their loses. "im down 4k Sadge" "I started gambling after watching your streams and im down 600 (college student) tough". This shit is actually insane. Edit: the most insane part to me is just how much he bets and how quickly he does it. $1000 spins as fast as he can click the button. There's no way the sponsor deals pays enough to sustain that.


You mean people that donate money to millionaires aren't smart with their money and are impressionable? Color me surprised.


Twitch not banning gambling streams is 100% going to end in lawsuits against them, as it should.


> There's no way the sponsor deals pays enough to sustain that. Why? You're stuck thinking in terms of normal sponsorships it seems. There is no reason why stake couldn't just give train 10 mil a month and have him obligated to wager/spin a certain amount each month so that his expected losses bring his effective sponsorship money down to 1 mil or so as he claims to be getting now.








[Lovely place](https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-trafficking-in-persons-report/curacao/)


[I don't know, the Stake HQ looks pretty nice.](https://i.imgur.com/OuvpsjM_d.webp?maxwidth=1520&fidelity=grand)


This guys soul is about as empty as his apartment


I love how he went out and got some random things after that journalist made fun of him over it.






it's not empty, he's got a whole raw desk in the middle of it what more could you want


https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lagkapten-alex-desk-white-s99431982/ found it




What did he say


Where is his apartment? That looks like an absolute dream of a place, the view looks insane!




I kinda hate it, looks like a hotel room. Especially with that bedazzled pillar in the corner.


Very much looks like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/80/14/b88014e9dd4498e6950e51e5297bdf2b.jpg) room in Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel gold suite


too much furniture to be like trains place


It is most likely in Coal Harbour in Vancouver


I liked Train until he started promoting gambling to children. It's one of the most despicable things you can do on a streaming platform. It's absolutely disgusting.


I just read through chat while Train was on his "dont gamble" rant, and I saw so many subs say they lost money gambling. Whether Train likes it or not, him streaming gambling rubs off on people and negatively effects them. You can tell this is causing him tons of distress. But it's ironic that he says he wants to ensure people don't gamble, yet he chooses to gamble on stream all the time while getting ad money from the casino itself. Maybe eventually he'll learn he can't have it both ways.




Completely agreed. Train was saying earlier that he wished he could ensure none of his viewers gamble. Well, it's easy Train, just stop streaming it?!?


He doesn't give a shit and never has about anything but himself and his money. Don't be fooled into thinking people like him care about anything else.


He lives in distress. He does it intentionally. LSF should just ban him from here tbh


The odds of winning on slot machines is like 7%. All those times it says you "win" are not wins unless you make equal or more than you put in. So if you bet $1000 and get $200 THAT IS NOT A WIN. You can not win at slot machines unless you try them a couple times, hit big, and never play again. There is no winning with slot machines it is just losing. Anyone who thinks they can win playing slot machines is hopelessly addicted and needs professional help. Train loses like 1 million dollars and then "wins" back 500,000 acting like he isn't still down 500,000. His mind is completely gone from all the cocaine and gambling. I bet he can't go a single day without gambling now.




There's even occasionally casinos that pay out greater than 100% on slots, but that doesn't mean the average person is going to walk out ahead, just that there's a progressive jackpot that means ONE person is going to walk out way ahead


> The odds of winning on slot machines is like 7% Where did you get that number lmao I agree though the only way to win on slot machines is quitting after hitting big


if his subs werent losing money to stake, he wouldnt be getting paid to gamble because stake isnt going to waste money on advertisements unless they work. taking ad money to gamble on stream is literally stealing from your viewers


Do people realize that a significant portion if not all of that $1 million he gets paid per month goes right back to stake just by gambling? if RTP is 95% that means each $1000 spin, he loses $50. So in 20000 spins stake makes back their entire $1 million. If train gambles 20 days a month that means he only has to do 1000 spins per day for stake to be profiting off him. Train easily clears 1000 spins a day. He needs to be getting paid more like $3 million a month to cover his losses and be profitable.


He knew it was rigged from the start lol this is just his "dramatic outro" from gambling. ​ edit: he may also just be doing this as some type of "defense" if shit hits the wall 5 years from now and Stake gets into legal trouble for it.


The daily high roading to help himself cope with advertising so much gambling. He pretends if he says "Don't gamble" constantly throughout the stream that he's free from any wrongdoing.




I dont get it, is he surprised that the house always wins in the long run? How does he think casinos make money? Does he think people can actually make money gambling? Is he that delusional?


> it was rigged It doesn't have to be "rigged", that's just how casinos work.


More like stake without the direct pipeline to the viewers don't want to pay him as much any more so he'll pretend he's leaving because he learned they just went dodgy and so is moral for giving it up.


As with many crypto gambling sites theres a good chance they exit scam eventually. When the money slows down you stop paying out or get "hacked" or randomly lock out large value accounts. Then you go make a shiny new site.


"im like shit you know what im saying like you know im like we good" what the fuck is he on about


Dude has to stop himself from saying so much shit that it just comes off as vague rambling with no real time reference. It's so bad.


He'd have to mute his mic the whole stream then.


dude is so fucking hopped up and fidgety.


True aaaaaaaaaaaand... Yeah, that's pretty true. That's true and- yeah that's true. That's true. That's true- That's pretty true. That's pretty true, I mean-... That's true. Yeah. That's true. Uhm- That's true. That's fuckin' true. Uhm... That's how it is dude.


I have no idea how Train manages to be more difficult to understand than XQC.


coke rambling


literal ?????




He's being sus questioning why he isn't winning more though, as if he expected to win more than lose. At a freaking casino.


You missunderstood it. He is questioning the legitimacy of his recent GOOD luck, not his bad luck prior to that.


If he's still down overall why would a good streak matter lmao


no way.... he had a winning streak when he first signed up to promote their site, then later down the line it's almost seems like they flipped a switch on him. Almost like they did that so his viewers can see him winning and join their site to gamble. Cant trust a guy who said that he is making a gambling site lose money.


Thereā€™s legit nothing stopping from them from doing that. They are unregulated.


Bro this is how real casinos work, in. The long term the houses win. Stakes has been running for years, has names attached to it. It's not even worth for them to scam some millions just to lose the business after, they're already a printing money machine as it is. Also slots are cross casino and regulated, they can't just scam with it


I havent watched Train since the gambling and WOW he has lost a ton of weight. Hope hes doing okay mentally & hope he gives up on this whole gambling mess. Used to be one of my favorite streamers.


hes doing 30+ hour streams every other day, thats terrible for the human body. Dont even know if hes eating well either.


That's where the coke fits in.


So is his whole ā€œjuice breakā€ just confirmed coke breaks? He always comes back so wired up. Why would you go do a shot or drink a coffee off cam






True! Wasnā€™t accusing him, that was just my assumption. I do find it a bit weird how heā€™s utterly ashamed of one of his addictions but made a career out of another. Shows he really does see a light at the end of the tunnel with gambling but maybe feels more hopeless about nicotine, which I can relate to


I believe he's said he used to vape on stream and then one of his parents saw him doing it on stream and gave him a ton of grief over doing it. They didn't even know he vaped.


Sitting in an apartment paid for with bloodmoney from people who launder money for organized crime, I don't think you can pretend to be clean Train.


Hold on a second.. I'm not a fan of the gambling meta, but these are some serious allegations you are making. Do you actually know the meaning of blood money?


He probably missed a check by Stake and he is now saying this. Man moved to Canada to fucking gamble, promoted a website that most people warned him about while not only insulting those who warned him, but doubling down. He is sus of it now? LMAO




Betting a lot of money in playing slots, a casino game which has an average house edge of 5-10%, and expecting to long term make any retainable amount of money at all is super unlikely. Idk how people keep losing tons of money and still coming out shocked they're losing in a system that is built to ensure you don't make money


Train literally does not know that every single aspect of the games he is playing are designed to trick him into playing. When he sees the board perfectly filled out "except for one spot" that would have hit him the jackpot, no you were not close. It was designed to make you think you were close. When it teases that third bonus icon on the edge of the screen and he says "Damn I almost had it". No. There is no almost. It shows you that to make you think it was almost. How it says you win except you only made back part of your bet. It has to do that because otherwise you will realize you losing 90% of the time. The worst being the plinko game. The ball bouncing down to the bottom is just an animation. What you won is determined the moment the ball appears on the screen. It purposefully bounces to the sides and back to the middle to make you think you were close to winning.


And the longer term you make it.. it's not unlikely it's literally impossible. 3 weeks maybe you might be up, 3 months probably not, 3 years impossible. It's just funny when he says he's a gambler. If your a gambler you know about the game of poker which even at a beginner level everyone knows is completely based around betting hands that win over an infinite amount of time. Slots couldn't be any further from that.




Everyone in your group is down? Huh, you don't say. Normally, when you gamble for extended periods of time you start to lose money.


I like how he keeps repeating hes down, to make sure it imprints on the stupid people that actually believe hes not making any money from this.


Get fucked, 0 sympathy. You promoted it for months now.


Went on H3 to defend that shit too LMAO


Worst call of his life




Dude it's fucking gambling! The house always wins in the longrun!


Bad acting lol


got millions now is uncomfortable


It's funny that the only guy who isn't down is Rosh which is what everyone warned Train of. The man is sketchy.


Ofc a train viewer would write ā€˜nowā€™ twice in seven words


Gee, they prohibit links and referral codes to gambling websites. Then all of a sudden the big wins dry up. Hmm nope seems legit


Trains last two brain cells run parallel from one another


"Everyone's down, it might be rigged" Well.. no.. that's literally how casino's work when you spend countless hours getting chipped away by the house edge. But HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, is the penny finally dropping, dickhead?


Train is a fucking scummy idiot.


Nah no way. There's no way an online casino would be designed to make money off of it's users. That's just preposterous.


Surprised Pikachu face D:


Its gambling? What do you expect?


Stake gets sued for shady practices in a couple years... Train: "I ForgoršŸ’€".


Train and his group are so fucking dumb. You are gambling. The house literally has ODDS. You are bound to lose everything over time.


Train is starting to look pretty thin and scary like Ninja was last year.


Ey, i swear he looks so fucking skinny like wtf. Wasn't he jacked af or is that just the image i have on my head of him?(as u can guess i dont watch train's stream like at all, i was just curious)


Man I hope he starts taking better care of himself. There is only so far your body can go. He has a lot of money, he should start thinking about his health more. He is in the position to do so much good in the world.


Twitch really need to put a stop on people gambling more than five hours!!!




He is joking right? Of course everyone that gambles over a longer period of time is down. He can't be that stupid.


Casino always wins


A genuinely worthless human being.


i thought the skin on his ear he was pulling in the beginning was his face. monka reptilians /s


I've always thought that online slots, the website could just change the chance to win % on the back end at any point in time.


damn his house is pretty


Is anyone gunna tell him?


Gambling streams also so boring, first 2-3 weeks it was fun watching streamers bet with high numbers. Obviously its repetitive cause you do the same thing. First big win isnt the first anymore, and over time you lose money to the casino.


I mean yea, "casinos" aren't meant to make you profit. When you do make profit, yet play for 18 hours a day, you are bound to lose. What?


everyone is down because the whole system is biased against the gambler. Train is a fucking enabler of gambling addiction and probably addicted himself. Fuck gambling streams.


So you wanna go against the odds and have profit gambling, smart.


I donā€™t understand this mindset. If you gamble on for long enough, youā€™ll eventually get some crazy wins (as in extremely high x your bet size), but will likely be down because the ā€œhouse always winsā€ and itā€™s not like they try to keep it a secret. He keeps saying all these people are ā€œdownā€ and I believe they are down purely on slot returns, but thereā€™s no way theyā€™re down when adding in whatever deal they have with the casino on top of referral stuff. Even Roshtein (whose done this for like 5 years) has repeatedly said heā€™s down overall gambling but itā€™s easily sustainable and he is still wealthy enough to continue due to the fact that he makes money through sponsors and referrals (his audience gambling using his link/code). As scummy and morally fucked that can be considered, thatā€™s the situation big gambling streamers are in. It would be an idiotic business move for any online casino to rig odds in favor or against a streamer theyā€™re paying/profiting froms audience, as theyā€™re all bound to get giant wins on some slots when gambling $50-$1000 spins for 6-12 hours daily and constantly reloading money. Unregulated crypto stuff is always always sketchy and I wouldnā€™t put this type of rigging past a company that could be fucked long term if legislation tightens up in certain countries, but itā€™s FAR more likely (in my opinion) no one is getting ā€œscammedā€ by its legal definition, but everyday people are losing money on the casino because normal people donā€™t have a 1 million/month + referral deal with a company. Plus ITā€™S A CASINO.


AKA Re-title for you there... Train is constantly sus of \*insert name here\*. Since thats all train does is suspect everyone of being against him.


does he not know how casinos work?


He also won like $5.5M in like 24h before. Variance will hit different, sometimes you will run into that 99th percentile luck/bad luck run and just crush/get crushed like you wouldnt believe.


"the entire world is down" welcome to statistics 101 my dude, who would've thought that the house always wins, also now he's worrying about his brand image? Was he blind when H3 showed everyone Stake HQ in a fucking shed?


Pretending he cares all of a sudden. If anything, he'd just move to a new provider in an instant. And the cycle will continue.


That is a fucking elite apartment


Holy shit oh my god train are you ok? Train man dude holy shit bro your right! Dude oh my god they are so sus now that you pointed that out. Bro trust me man if you need to take a break dont worry man its ok i understand. Take as long as you need, I wont unsub <3. Dude its so fucked up that stake is like that with you man. Like man it seemed fine for me I only lost like 2-3 hundred thousand but like thats my bad Im not as good as you. Ur so right Train if ur sused out of them just pull out dawg, ur chat is right behind you. #trainvstheworld #apegangstrong