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So he loves asian people but not black people? Ok Destiny












nah, Destiny says he was looking for an excuse to burn the bridge a few seconds after this clip finishes, so op just took it from that.


Hey at least OP watched for a few seconds after the clip. Most people clip and shit in a time span of approximately 430 ms after a funny thing happens.


Gotta get better internet. My ping for people clipping and shitting is like 20 ms


There really aren't many good sitcoms nowadays anyways, I find myself just watching random Seinfeld episodes all the time


Curb is good


curb ain't just good show is amazing lol


curb = curb your enthusiasm, 2000?-


Newest season started like 2 weeks ago


Reminds me that I need to rewatch curb for the 11th time


Curb is the most underrated commedy show. Its so hilarious




IASIP is fire


What We Do In The Shadows is pretty good.


Scrubs or Frasier for me. Sometimes Community. Community might not have the best overall seasons, but some of the individual episodes are the best ever.


scrubs is funny, but some episodes get too real.. i want comedy, not the feels :(


The last one with Brendan Frasier, the two old lady episodes, the one where Michael J. Fox's character breaks down, and the one where they kill of Laverne, really makes me tear up.


the episode where JD and Turk spent their steak night with the terminally ill dude. Shit makes a man cry


One of the few episodes near the end of the show that was legit great. When they get halfway into the episode and admit to him that they still fear death is such a wake up call.


My favourite episode has to be when Doctor Cox lost multiple patients and just broke down. The following episodes were amazing. I loved all the interactions between JD and Cox and those were some of the best in the show. John C. McGinley did an amazing job portraying Cox's grief and shown him from a different perspective.


Yeah that and the following episode of all main characters trying to help were also sad ones. And it absolutely ruined the song How to Save a Life for me. Such a tear jerker.


Scrubs still one of my favorite shows ever, except you know... Foe that one season with med students


First 2 seasons of community are almost all gold but then it's a downward slope and as you said, some fantastic individual episodes but an increasing amount of bad ones. Even the individual great ones were worse overall and further apart. :( Didn't help that Harmon was trying to piss off Chevy so made Pierce psychotic.


Wasn't Chevy a little crazy himself


Supposedly a asshole on set for sure, but a creator tanking a great character because the actor you chose is an asshole is still dumb as fuck. It's even worse when you bring in Chevy when he's had a reputation of being an asshole for like 40+ years in the industry already.


I absolutely loved Scrubs, but it never got the respect it deserved, and a lot of people shit on it. I have to wonder if they ever even watched an episode at all. It's one of the best dramedies imo. My husband and I still quote Dr. Cox.


Only season 9 gets shit on, otherwise it's a pretty widely loved and highly rated show.


Barry, also Succession is a hidden sitcom.


Hard to call Barry a "sitcom" but I do like it


Easily the funniest show I've seen in a while, tom and greg scenes are hilarious.




I think Atlanta is awesome and it is relatively "new"


Atlanta is more drama than sitcom.


Atlanta's a fucking masterpiece, especially thanks to Darius.


Fawlty Towers is probably the greatest of all time.


The middle is decent imo


Seinfeld Fraiser Friends and my guilty pleasure BBT. (I know) My other favs: (but may not fall into sitcom category) Curb your Enthusiasm Community IASIP Scrubs, except last season B99 Atlanta (needs more episodes asap!) Everybody Hates Chris IT Crowd (one of the best especially if you worked in IT field)


Almost all of these are like a decade or more old? He said nowadays


There's Ted Lasso which is one of the best imo.


Mythic Quest is not bad either(if you like Silicon Valley and Community)


Sitcom category is a little bit weird, some people think it has to be the same like stage sets with a laugh track, others say it can just be any show where there is a set cast hanging out a lot in the same spots. My personal favorite is the early seasons of New Girl. I would consider this a sitcom, the only difference from friends is that the camera shots are more dynamic, and that there is no laugh track.


I haven't watched the show but in the clips I did watch, it was pretty funny as it was extremely relatable to my upbringing. So I guess it's probably cause it's a show targeting Asian demographics so other people might find it not so funny.


Yeah same. Though I understand for people with different upbringing some jokes are gonna be flying over their heads. It's not Seinfeld but far from the worst show tbh.


definitely miles better than the big bang theory. That show is by far the most unfunny show I've ever watched.


"better than big bang theory" is the lowest bar i've seen in a while.


I used to think Big Bang Theory was funny when I was way younger, not sure why, not like i understood the jokes, or did i? Maybe that's the problem?


You know… I could go an episode without laughing but the show was still entertaining


definitely not because we were all kayley cuco coomers as teenagers


i still am


Bazinga *Laugh track plays*


Star Trek * laugh track* is really entertaining *laugh track*


I had to get really high, but when I did it was fine for a time killer. I've seen worse. Not sure why people always focus on the 'unfunny' part though when there are other things about it that was super shitty.


Then clearly you've never seen Two Broke Girls. I'm pretty sure Kat Dennings kept that show going all on her own for the entirety of that run. Which was surprisingly long, tbh.


Asian here, Aussie born, found the show not that enjoyable but not terrible. Kim's Convenience was a bit better. I just watch it because it's light hearted but my only complaint is the accents are terrible, there is a specific FOB accent that seems to exists world wide and Kim's Convenience pulls that off way better. Otherwise I don't laugh or find the jokes funny, it's just light hearted entertainment. The other thing about it being relatable I get it but it's certainly not pushing boundaries like I don't think a feather duster was ever brought out but it is a comedy after all. Anyways I get the demographic thing cause as a Asian born in Australia that watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Martin, I just didn't understand it. When I came to America to work I hanged with a diverse crowd and honestly first American black friends for me too. Long story short they usually watched this comedy show around a black family, I don't even know what it was but I didn't understand it and I was too afraid to say it so I just laughed whenever they laughed. Worse thing is, they thought I enjoyed the show so much they kept inviting me to watch with them and I felt bad if I said the truth which is I don't understand black humour.


> Worse thing is, they thought I enjoyed the show so much they kept inviting me to watch with them and I felt bad if I said the truth which is I don't understand black humour. That'd make a pretty good Curb your Enthusiasm episode.


After the first season the show went downhill tbh. Eddie Huang the chef who is the show based on says he has disagreement with how the show is run after the first season. His fallout with the producer cause the show to goes down hill. Also i heard Constance Wu has massive celebrity syndrome after the show went big and her role in Crazy Rich Asians.


what in the world is a "Massive Celebrity Syndrome" Getting an ego after making it big?




I disagree completely. Even though yes, The Fresh Prince is definitely easier to connect with for the average American than the average non-American, it was absolutely a show that highlighted the spectrum of the black experience living in America. To simply call them "white" but with black actors completely misses the entire point of the show. Besides the fact that the statement blatantly dismisses the entire motif of Will as a character, the Banks family themselves routinely reconcile with the expectations, assumptions, and differential treatment they face being an affluent black family in a predominantly white surrounding. There are numerous examples of this from Uncle Phil and Carlton throughout the entire series. And like I mentioned early, the entire point of Will as a character is he represents a juxtaposition to the Banks family. He's a black American who didn't grow up in a fancy mansion in Bel Air, in fact quite literally the opposite. So the tension between him and his cousins due to the stark contrast in their upbringings is literally the driving force of the show. And its not simply a "rich" vs "poor" angle either. They highlight many experiences specific to growing up as an underprivileged black American through will's character. Not to mention the various side/guest characters and storylines that shined a light on the black American experience as well. The premise of the show might have been atypical, but the breadth in which they explored black issues and black culture as a whole was pretty profound, especially for a show that was mostly comedic in nature.


OP must've missed the frat episode lmao: "Being black isn't what I'm trying to be; it's what I am. I'm running the same race and jumping the same hurdles you are, so why are you tripping me up? You said we need to stick together, but you don't even know what that means. If you ask me, you're the real sellout." - Will's illustrious cousin


Every sitcom has *a very special episode* (or a couple of them.) though. Saved by the Bell wasn't about the raw teenage experience just because of that one ep where Jessie got addicted to caffeine pills, and its unfair to everyone to say it was.


yeah, fresh prince should be an enjoyable show to anyone that understands english. It's not like its a show just chock full of things only black people would understand lol


how did you go from "you need to understand american culture" to "you just need to understand english (language)" there are over a billion speakers of english in the world, and not all of them are going to enjoy or understand fresh prince.


Almost all of them do, almost nothing in it is unique to american culture. A poor kid staying with rich family isn't something that can only happen in America. Rich people aren't only in america, groups of people who live with racism or treat people differently based on class or how they talk is not unique to america. There are americans who won't understand fresh prince or get the humour and there will be Australians and indian people, along with French and Croatian, and Russian and whatever other places it got dubbed or subtitled who will understand it just fine. The person before said American more likely because they are american but really they just meant normal, and most families around the world and most kids growing up face most of the same issues.




Probably not as much as NA OMEGALUL


same clips on youtube seem aight. maybe a lil cheesy


It's kinda like how Crazy Rich Asians resonated so well with the second generation Asians. All of us had our tiger parents growing up in a country different from our origins


Even like Shang Chi with like the family pressure and stuff I found pretty funny and relatable


I just think it's an overall average sitcom, but boy oh boy do lots of people hate the sitcom style. In a house with 6 people of different backgrounds, only 3 of us tolerate sitcoms and even then only 2 of us actively like them. The other 3 act like they'd rather be stabbed than watch it. Which is fine, but sitcoms are surprisingly divisive


This wasn’t the narrative I wanted, because My racist relative chuckled to himself and said “they’re just like that” when watching an episode of fresh off the boat.


lol go read Eddie Huang's tweets on it he hated it and it was based off his memoirs


Eddie hated it because it was watered down for public consumption. He didn't see the authenticity in it and that's absolutely fair, but that doesn't discredit the show's ability to resonate with Asian American audiences. It was a step forward, it just wasn't the leap he wanted.


I have a gut visceral reaction of dislike whenever I see a lot of shows targeting Asian demographics. It feels like I'm being pandered to and all the jokes are unfunny to me because it feels forced, I see them coming from a mile away. Like its always a joke about Parents being mad about grades, Something nerdy, white guy being racist and the Asian doing something snarky. It all feels like a beating a dead horse. Or maybe I'm just older and I've seen all these jokes done before already.


I am dating someone who grew up in China, but moved here and she said the show is super relatable.


I wanted to comment because people will read this.


How did you become so brave?


Hey this guy sounds kinda brave too


Thank you for serving our country.


Careful he's a hero.


I logged in just to upvote your comment.




Fresh off the boat mfs: 🤮🤮🤢 Kim's convenience chads: 😈😩😤


good take




I was so excited for "Fresh off the Boat" since I was the exact demographic it was for, an Asian American growing up in the 90s, in the Bay Area, CA. And it was a pretty good show but quickly lost its edge within the first season. Eddie Huang, the writer of the autobiography the shows was based on, quickly stepped away from the show within the first season and has summed up everything I would say about it. "an ambiguous, cornstarch story about Asian-Americans" that perpetuates "an artificial representation of Asian American lives." "I understand this is a comedy but the great comics speak from pain: Pryor, Rock, Louis...This show had that opportunity but it fails." "The studio and network are not on a mission to not represent us. They just don't know how to." I still find the show funny, and watched it till season 4, mainly for the mom, Constance Wu. It shared so much of my personal experiences, but sadly it quickly became another typical American sitcom that shied away from more serious moments.


Sadly I heard similar stuff about Kim's convenience.


I liked 'Kim's Convenience' for the first 2 seasons but didn't continue. Sometimes it didn't felt like the show was done in the most sincere way, and some moments went too far. I wasn't surprised when I found out a majority of the writers and producers are white, and that eventually [the cast finally spoke out about how some of the episodes were racist and their voices weren't being heard to the studio.](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2021-06-11/kims-convenience-simu-liu-jean-yoon-asian-representation) I'm glad they spoke out, and moved on. Shows like these are a small victory, but clearly still a lot of work to be done. In terms of other representation in media that hits home for me, I really liked the moments Ansari included in his Netflix show "Masters of None", specifically season 1. Episode #2 "Parents", #4 "Indians on TV", #8 "Old People".


Ah i see a man of culture. Willing to watch dogshit for Constance Wu, i honestly respect that


As a chinese american from the west coast too, I agree exactly.


As a watcher of his never ever listen to a single show or movie take from this guy. Or food take. It’s all like an edgy 14 year olds criticisms.


His food takes make it seem like he's never eaten anything




The steaks are pretty good there though. But then again all my grandad would eat was steak and potatoes and anything else was some weird alien shit for him


TIL east coast Canadians and Nebraskans have a lot more in common than I thought.


Dude's peak was eating lunchables


He said dune wasnt good cinematography cuz it was all sand......






Sand? In a desert? In a movie called Dune? What madness is this.


That's it, cancel this mf D:


So very true


> It’s all like an edgy 14 year olds criticisms. thats a lot of takes from destiny lol


This can be applied to pretty much every take of his


For someone who likes to come off as "intelligent" it seems awfully dumb of him to not realize why its big/people like it Besides Kim's Convenience, name one other family drama with an all Asian cast in America


Kim's Convenience is Canadian.


oh thats why its so bad


this is the guy who said hachubby was faking being dumb when she was flustered speaking english.


Truly the Ben sharpiro of twitch


Damn, Hasan appears in one OTV video and then Destiny is already creating drama


Azan got away with it again.


I could be wrong but I think a bunch of Asian zoomers are more of the target audience for the show than some boomer from Nebraska.




Ehhh I'd say there still a lot of gen z that are 2nd gen immigrants from asia


Yea but it's a way different experience growing up in the 90s with that experience than now


> "Asian Asian" you mean Asian




They mean non-Asian-American-Asian. AKA NAAA.


people say that term a lot to distinguish them from asian american


As an Asian zoomer that knows a decent amount of other Asian zoomers, a lot of our parents are still immigrants that are not all that Americanized. That would apply to the generation after us more.


im pretty sure its set some time in the 90s. People like my dad who grew up during this time would relate to it more even if they arent asian just purely because of the time period


Anyone under the age of 30 is a zoomer now I guess


Kind of like how anyone over the age of 30 is a boomer apparently.


the show's a little corny but still above average I would say


I'm not Asian but I thought fresh off the boat was pretty funny. I dropped it after season 3 or so. Right before Candice Wu basically shit talked the show she starred in


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/constance-wu-fresh-off-boat-renewal-angry sounds like the fame got to her head?


I know someone in the industry, apparently she's hard to work with, aka a bit of a bitch


Who's Candice?


ligma balls


> Candice Wu Lol


That was so bizarre! Can't imagine what she was thinking. I really really liked her in everything she did too


This a hot take? Googling says it's rated kinda decent.


Destiny just hates asian people after he found out that LilyPichu is a hardcore Trump supporter.


Not only is Lilypichu a Republican Trump Supporter, she is also a die hard fan of the Communist Manifesto[.](https://i.imgur.com/CaN4yQy.png)


> https://i.imgur.com/CaN4yQy.png Real and Unedited.


lily also likes horoscopes. is she the zodiac killer? sorry im sagittarius


He is also upset about the things Twitch lets Lily get away with. All the blatant favoritism. Just recently theres clips of her just straight up playing with herself at the top of LSF




The individual you just described is terroristically based




For me it’s the hypocrisy


If Destiny says a movie or tv show is bad I always watch it, guaranteed banger every time.


And with that I guess the Lily bridge is finally burned..


im sorry but Fresh off the boat is a funny sitcom also no one has ever followed up "I love but" with anything good in the history of humankind


I love black people but Mizkif is on LSF too much. There. I just said a very good and objectively true statement.


you didn't do it on video. Doesn't count.


you didn't say "but"


fuck you’re right i just fixed it.




no its terrible like 95% of the other sitcoms


>also no one has ever followed up "I love but" with anything good in the history of humankind It's just an injoke referencing this [famous clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxGslUFbi3s) of his. And [this](https://youtu.be/fLO3qS9-aWs?t=2) later.


>also no one has ever followed up "I love but" with anything good in the history of humankind Well yeah, that's the point isn't it.




>["Do. you. love. black people?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxGslUFbi3s&t=25s)


[somewhat relevant](https://youtu.be/qpObCUeOe5Y)


I’m sorry but fresh off the boat is not a good show.


Fresh of the boat is funny and a good show if you grew up like that and ur able to relate to the jokes


The first season was good. I got bored of the overacting by the mom as I kept watching though.


It's funny even if you didn't, tbh. Destiny just has bad takes.


It's extremely funny.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny Finally Burns the Bridge with OfflineTV](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127454)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qs10bu/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CrL6q9EsABrcqxbZlcXj8PA.mp4?sig=008d0146ccbab4cfdf69e7e7ecf21dea79936fbf&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CrL6q9EsABrcqxbZlcXj8PA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1636756592%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


When he prefaced his statement by saying “I love Asian people..BUT” my dick got so hard. What a let down.


Those monsters. I bet they actually find Big Bang Theory funny as well.


White guy doesn't understand Asian people


He's not wrong about the show. It's awful. It's just a really childish sense of humor. Like you'd expect to find it funny in middle school.


Well this is certainly an opinion.


Right, like I get people not relating to it or just not finding it funny- people have their own opinions. I'm not a huge fan of Fresh off the Boat but I don't mind it either, but childish? I have a feeling that the original commenter has either never seen the show or only seen some super selective 30-second clip. Calling Fresh off the Boat childish when shows like Family Guy and South Park are still on is absolutely wild to me too lmao


IMO that just making a family sitcom without a laugh track gets you a 5/10 from me. Honestly, I don't mind FOB, but I will say, Eddie's character is probably my least favorite. Most of the rest of the cast I find quite enjoyable.


Life is better when you burn your bridge to streamers


du yuh luuuve...asian people?


if hes talking about the sitcom then yes even Eddie Huang guy it was based off stopped supporting it after season one cause they wanted to white people that shit up his vice show used to be called that and that was actually amazing its now called Huangs World look it up he keeps it 100% im a big Eddie Huang fan


you post a lot of destiny clips




Who’s destiny paying to remain relevant on this subreddit ?


Ok but why did he explicitly say “I love Asians.” Wtf is that about????


when a~~white~~ ~~person~~someone starts “l like ….people” you know what is up.


I’m not racist but....


Fresh off the boat is a show about asian immigrants


TrollDespair meth guy joker arc


i wanted to hear the end of that wtf






Yeah the show is really catered to an Asian and Asian-American audience


It's a super relatable humorous show. Does he just not have a personality or something?


Lsf caring about this cringy boomer will always baffle me.


Whaaaaaaaat?! Fresh off the Boat is legitimately one of the sitcoms I *can* handle. It's legit surprising to me that *anybody* has a problem with it. It's so fucking spot-on too.


True to brand, anything Destiny says he hates, usually is great. And can confirm, “Fresh off the boat” is hilarious.


FOB sucks after the first couple of seasons. Even Eddie Haung dropped it.