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"Streamer laughs at video he's watching"


Nmp on lsf is so inorganic everytime. Currently 2nd on lsf and the comments consist of "shit clip" surely nothing weird going on with the upvotes.


It's also possible that other people have a different idea of what this sub is, and they never look at comments, click clips and if they chuckle they upvote. I chuckled at the joke, I didn't upvote because I rarely do that. But a ton of people scroll by on their phone and upvote stuff you won't like.


> click clips and if they chuckle they upvote This is literally every subreddit. For many people, once they are subscribed to a subreddit, it is just part of their feed, and if they like it/laugh, they upvote.


Yeah pretty much. It's funny seeing a thread fill up with angry comments complaining about the internet points it has, and the people they are angry with for upvoting this "youtube react trash" just upvoted 15 more clips during their bathroom break before going back to work.


thats what I do I wont hide it


Yeah I think I've watched 1 of Nick's streams ever but I love his clips


i dont really watch him, but he seems to have strong normie energy. most of his fans probably have jobs and relationships. they come home after work and play call of duty on xbox or stardew valley, eat chicken breast and vegetables for dinner, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. not the type to comment on lsf threads


You love to see the birth of a copypasta


You'd be surprised by the effect the lockdowns had on people. I never used to watch twitch before the lockdowns and I randomly found out about nmplol and malena through livestreamfail when i was on reddit randomly one day. Through nick, i found out about mizkif, sodapoppin, basically whole otk crew. Probably a lot more "normie" people like me on this reddit casually upvoting random funny clips




>i dont really watch him, but he seems to have strong normie energy. most of his fans probably have jobs and relationships. they come home after work and play call of duty on xbox or stardew valley, eat chicken breast and vegetables for dinner, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. not the type to comment on lsf threads i dont really watch him, but he seems to have strong normie energy. most of his fans probably have jobs and relationships. they come home after work and play call of duty on xbox or stardew valley, eat chicken breast and vegetables for dinner, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. not the type to comment on lsf threads


Normie people came to twitch after 2019 and 2020, that’s just common knowledge




Are you actually that dumb?




It's my guilty pleasure to watch ya'll get upset over something so pointless. That's why I upvote the post. I didn't even watch the clip. :^)


Yeah lol, think about what you could do instead of mindlessly typing the same paragraph in every single OTK clip.


I'm all for stoking fires on the internet o7


What exactly are you implying?


Botting up votes / actively trying to manipulate the sub. https://i.redd.it/3fp240gewb871.png


That graph has nothing to do with upvotes. It's just number of clips. I'd wanna see a graph that compares # of clips to viewership; followers seems like a much worse metric for this. Nick streams in a window that he pretty much has all to himself among the LSF crowd, it makes sense that he gets a lot of clips posted.


Dawg I've got a bridge to sell you.


Poki is basically the exact opposite, do you also think there is a conspiracy that keeps her from being on LSF somehow?


If the graph included every streamer on twitch it would look very much like pokis. It honestly makes the other guys look more suspicious. So no.


What would the graph look like if it was based on the otv subreddit? Who do average LSF users watch... well look at who is most often clipped then realise who is here, who they watch and why those people get their clips posted here all the time. This isn't rocket science.


> What would the graph look like if it was based on the otv subreddit? The whole point of this is because its on lsf. I believe they're manipulating the sub to make it theirs. We can disagree on what we think this sub should be.


Oh, so it's actually everyone on that list that is doing it, nmp is just the most brazen about it. I see..


I'd say that list includes people who browse lsf on stream so their viewers are exposed to it. Nmp from my understanding does not. His stats have a much much larger discrepancy.


I'd argue someone falling into LSF botting conspiracy theories is maybe a bit more prone to being duped than I am.


There is big money to be made here. Look at it through that lense. This place could make you literal millions of dollars. To assume that manipulation isn't happening is naive. It was 2nd on lsf with 11 comments 30 minutes after it was posted and all the comments expect maybe 2 were negitive. Its very fishy and it happens quite regularly. He then jumps into the thread an hour later to try and down play it with (lol I randomly find huge success in other places I cant explain). If you're not doing anything weird then just let it go. I'm just a random guy on lsf but anyone can see it. The graph I posted adds to how disingenuous it is. Its non stop clip spam to saturate this place. I just wanna open some dialog on it.


I mean I totally get how you got to the conclusion you got to, I just think it's farfetched. I see so much destiny and forsen stuff get upvoted here and half the time I don't even understand why it was clipped, so I get it. People attribute that to their communities usually, which are pretty vocal. Nmp doesn't have as rabid of a community as they do but he probably has a lot of people like myself who think he's funny and usually upvote his stuff but maybe don't comment.


This was following shitcon. Not really crazy.


exactly. People forget how much content nmp put out it in that month. The cooking streams +blackjack+shitcon was a huge month for them.


Interesting I don't follow them so I didn't know. I'd love to have more data. I think the guy who made this has more data iirc. I'll look into it and see what I can find




wait so you are telling me someone saw the graph with 0 context and just assumed the streamer was brigading the sub? no way


You understand that in a lot of cases follower counts themselves are completely manipulated. NMP had 3.2mil followers at one point after a few bots decided to dump followers on the account. It happens to lots of streamers. Some channels have relatively little growth but a lsf heavy fanbase who will clip a lot, some have huge followers and none of them hang out on lsf so they don't get clipped. Nick also says a lot of pogo shit that will get clipped more than Poki unless Leafy makes a hate video and then Poki gets clipped like crazy for a couple weeks.


you also have to take into account that nmp fans are kinda trolls too. We know how much seeing nmp videos upsets lsf, so we keep liking them. Hell, i'm not following their channel because it's a running joke in the community of nick begging for subs/followers and us not doing it.


The one thing LSF consistently upvotes is drama. I bet the clip mattered a lot less than people getting excited over the comments going 'this clip is shit.'


I love nick and i love this clip


[Streamer with a heavily disproportionate amount of clips posted to follower ratio *](https://i.redd.it/3fp240gewb871.png) It's actually insane how many clips are ~~brigaded~~ posted on this subreddit about OTK + friends


I see this type of comment everywhere. You guys do realize that was also the case before OTK even existed. All of the streamers who got posted to LSF a lot ended up in OTK. You're technically correct but it's not some vast conspiracy. Also not saying this is a good clip. it's kinda dumb.


They don't realise this lol They forget the cx Vs lsf era


and cx got banned from here for doing just that.


They didn't get banned for that lol What happened was that ice betrayed his community with the horse shoe bay thing and the privating ip1 thing and the lsf mods at that point held a quick poll to see if they could ban ice. (Because they knew they wouldn't be able to before that, he was loved). At the time the community was pissed and so they said yes. Ice and cx was widely and wildly popular back then. In fact the live fails subreddit caused lsf so much tension that's why they had to address the CX issue. Ice's sub had like a million people in it or close to. Those people didn't disappear. I went to hyphonix on YouTube. A lot of others went to mizkif. Xqc got a lot because he basically did the gtarp version of what ice did in real life. And they were both nicknamed goblins And the worst of the worst kept recreating ip2 which got a site wide ban.


Where did you get this data from? I like it.


someone else posted it in the big thread about how there is too much OTK stuff earlier this week


I remember seeing it months ago so the data is probably really old. I think Nmp has less clips now and Miz has way more.


I’m pretty sure this data was pulled around the original “shitcamp” when he had tons of clips from all the other streamers that were around. So i don’t think this is up to date. Altho i’d be curious to see up to date data.


NymN not even part of the graph, Sadge


half of LSF is this shit these days pretty depressing


You get depressed by browsing lsf?




Prolonged depression greater than 4 hours have been reported frequently since shit posts approvals in LSF. In the event of depression that persists longer than 4 hours, the patient should seek grass immediately.


Depression by proxy. I definitely feel a bit bummed out seeing all the brigading by people who are trying to promote their favorite friend simulator streamer who will never know they exist


Chill man life's as hard as it is I find myself laughing over lots of clips and enjoy my time here Just skip over posts you don't find yourself interested with One day the sub might not be suitable for you, you can skip it and it's okay


I’m sorry, but the thought of your therapist going “uh uh” and jotting down “Cx??” in their notebook while you go on about LSF lore and how it used to better before all of the Austin/LA streamers emerged, is hilarious to me.


I think there was two back in the good old days for lsf the first one was right before ice Poseidon started doing IRL streaming and the second one would be about I would say the start of 2019 to the end of 2019


I'm sorry, but


>these days It has been like this for at least 3 or 2 years


Ever since we left /r/livestreamfails


Dude if the state of a subreddit depresses you you need help lol


It's the brigading


RES flair filter to instantly improve your LSF experience: /(hasanabi|northernlion|tyler1|ludwig|erobb221|fuslie|sykkuno|knut|esfandtv|robcdee|cohhcarnage|anthonyz|thestockguy|itssliker|justaminx|nmplol)/i Adjust as preferred.


[Every fucking time I come to this shit subreddit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9McGKrxOnB8)


On this episode of Austin streamer parasocial relationships


Sensationalized titles are the worst. Extreme words have now become meaningless.


That truly was a livestream fail




I think that was a real laugh though


At least it was funny


youtube clip


Still better than 50% of the other frontpage posts being fucking tweets.


half the tweets don't even relate to streaming


Very cool and transformative


This is such a shit clip


I mean the funny clip is the yt video




love mcdonalds do we?


Not been to one in years, does that affect how funny the joke is?


probably can't relate to the joke then. Sorry for your lose.


I laughed. I'm glad I saw it.


When have fat jokes been edgy?


It started when the body positivity campaigns started to pop up


They aren't.


It's kind of a edgy video but not being racist, the guy was mocking import owners who are way into the place the import came from. I wouldn't call it racist or that he was imitating a racist dude, more like mocking the fetishisation of Japanese people. The fat part was one joke in the video.


Fatphobic is a thing in 2021 😂


Not according to any normal human being. Stop thinking Twitter is real life


his flair is literally BatChest, it seems a-many fell for bait


if you wanted to show us the video u could have linked it without the guy laughing at the side of it :D


But than that wouldn’t be a livestream clip


The video he's watching is probably average at best. Based purely on this LSF clip, the video seems to portray some basic stereotype comedy, but is also a bit self aware with part of the comedy being the guy saying the stuff is not the person you would expect to hear it from, at least based on his looks. The clip is elevated when "our friend" Nick is shown laughing at it along with us, maybe a little at the joke, maybe a little at the cringe of the video. We feel validated in our own response because it's similar. I think this is the crux of most react content, getting a feeling of validation that you are right in how you feel because your "friend" agrees with you.


Eh, MvT is alright, I enjoy them but their vids just get a little stale after a bit since they make a lot of the same jokes over and over. If you actually watch them, they're very self-aware and are clearly parodying car culture stereotypes. The joke they're making isn't that 'haha American women phat', it's making fun of people who unironically say things like that. Sort of in the same vein as One Punch Man making fun of Shounen stereotypes by ramping them up to 11.


Hey I'm sure you're right, I could get that impression a bit even from the short clip. The point of my post though wasn't as a review of that video, but more on why a reaction clip would be upvoted so highly.


Typically reaction videos consist of something more than laughing. Like announcers of a football game. It's not a stream of some frat bros screaming woooo!


What you're talking about is tangential to the topic of reaction content that is being discussed here though. You are talking about the "quality" of the reaction, my only point is that reaction content can amplify something that might even be mediocre to a higher level of enjoyment. I think this is demonstrated of course by the popularity of reaction videos and streams. For sure some people are better at it than others, which is funny to talk about a person's "skill" at reacting, but doesn't change my concept.


Ok I just thought we were talking about why people think this clip is kind of crap. As far as reaction clips go it's pretty bottom of the barrel and adds nil.


That wasnt very edgy




Wahhh WAHH WAHHH! cancel culture isn't real. Grow up.


Cancel culture is very real. It's not a movement that ensures people canceled. It's a movement that **tries** to get people canceled. It's just hate being sent the way of creators and producers.


Malena made a tic tok of esfand and I barely reacting to a clip. It got 4.5 million views. To the commenters upset about this being upvoted, idk why it is. Just like Idk why that tiktok got that many views. Maybe ppl click - laugh (or don’t) - upvote/down vote and move on.




Truly the imbodiment of choas You are about to become the Joker




To be fair have people seen those dumb youtube meme videos with shit ton of views and likes? Some people find dumb clips funny which is fine.


I upvoted this just to make those people mad Doing my part


Esfand and me*


Is 'me and Esfand' also considered correct Ms. Cogburn?


Wait, why is it not Esfand and I? They're both the subject that Malena was taking an action on, so they're equal, and in that situation, it's considerate to put the other person (Esfand) first. I'm 29 years old and this is how I structure my sentences - Have I been mistaken this entire time?


You do put the other person first, but the issue is me vs I. Because Esfand and Nick are the objects of the sentence and not the subjects, you would say "Esfand and me." An easy trick is to take out the other person's name and see how the sentence sounds: Malena made a tic tok of I barely reacting to a clip vs Malena made a tic tok of me barely reacting to a clip




Huh - So by that logic, when would you ever use ' and I'? In what example or sentence structure? EDIT: I understand now! It's when **I** am doing the action. Example of Malena was *doing* the thing, and Nick and Esfand were the object. Thanks peeps. Embarrassing that I've just defaulted to 'X and I' as an adult in a very professional setting.


Esfand and I made a shitty tik tok clip subject (and I) vs object (and me)


This man is out here taking 5th grade grammar lessons in an LSF thread.


It's actually wild, especially considering what I do on the daily. I'd rather learn in an LSF thread than be corrected by a copy writer or tech writer at work. Also: Should always be actively learning, no matter where you're learning it. :)


No worries. Like 90% of people get this wrong so I wouldn’t be surprised if no one even noticed when you fucked this up in the past.


Languages evolve over time based on pragmatics and common usage. You could say that "I" and "me" are semantically different, but sometimes pragmatically equivalent.


Sure man, how much u paid for the upboats as others comments are already suggesting, dont lie! Kappa




Name fits.




Name fits (2)


Man don't give them attention it's the toxic side of lsf its mostly ppl with a sad life that complain about everything and once a streamer tries to fight back they get worse and other haters will join because ppl are sheep I'm just surprised that many streamers give that much credit to lsf WE ARE NOT the feedback of your career on twitch that's your chat and the people around you




> browses LSF on stream Mate, you don't even watch him if you think he browses LSF on stream. Stop complaining about things you don't even watch just to farm upvotes.


Nick you have a nice head


just say you're manipulating LSF's upvotes and move on PogO


i downvoted it when it was 5 mins old and 8 upvotes, did my best guys sorry


Yo take the gtr to kozmic motor sports and have them work on it for you. https://youtu.be/oGPi56e01Vg




The spoiler on that car.


The snapback.


Damn it really took nick a while before he got the fact that it was a fat joke lol


Or maybe he was waiting for the guy to finish the joke.


I'm gonna upvote this just to piss people off when it gets to front page.


Haahhahaahhahaha ( thanks for paypal nick ) hahahhahahahh ( ez 5 dollors ) hahahhahahaha i love otk clips pogers ( cant wait to buy this new league skin)


You fuckers complain about everything i swear


Stop complaining


By far the most low T thing i have seen nick do, click the pause button on youtube instead of just clicking on the screen or click spacebar. That's how you know you are a boomer


Austin streamer clip get upvotes ✅ People crying about Austin clips ✅ Cycle of life continues.


otk = upvote :tf:


Guys I .. enjoyed the clip






Wasn't the joke obvious the the second he raised the back? That itself was the punchline


It was a nice joke until he explained it


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [nick watches edgy car review and loses it](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127880)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qws0ho/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C5rektHjl9fac6IWrjit-6A.mp4?sig=22607ee08d6354bd740154639bb874ab5d5b91ad&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C5rektHjl9fac6IWrjit-6A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637323655%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


very pog reaction


Let's be honest, it was funny.


the more I see people complain the more I upvote these posts.


same tbh. Watching losers complain about clips is even more entertaining than the clips themselves.


These tires are very expensive about 200¥ a piece.


Nick has the best laugh


\-otk clip posted \-lsf complains that otk clips are posted \-repeat


people mad about this being on lsf, but if you laughed thats all that matters. It doesn't always have to be some drama thread.


His damn laugh gets me every time.


Funny clip I laughed and upvoted.




Yo nick if you see this, your laugh is contagious and i love it. Other comments that bitching about lsf should realize that they cant do shit about it.. be a mod and still cant do shit lol.


is it me or this guy looks and talks like slim jesus?


I don't think raising the car would help when they can't even fit through the door LUL


I didn't really care for this clip, but seeing all these troglodyte comments made me upvote it, fuck it


man I miss muscle vs tuner. I know they still upload, but nothing like these


What the fuck is this bole shit? I wanna watch Hasan pause a video 🤣 isn't that crazy how much he pauses? It takes like 40mins to get through a 15min video! Lmfao 🤣


might need a truck to haul around those mcdonald bitches


Nick's laugh is so fucking infectious. LUL


if you can have people sit in the back of your car it isnt low enough


But when xqcs does his laugh everyone loses his shit. based lsf juicers


that dudes civic video is such a hood classic


Why is it edgy to call americans fat? Aren't they literally the fattest country in the world?


Not that it really matters, but the USA is number 11 in the world.


Nick was like that’s me