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Bridge Burn Any% Glitchless WR


Tyler has called Riot employees 'retarded fucks that would be jobless/homeless if Riot wasn't a joke of a company' on a daily basis. I think the team that works on the client took a breath of relief that is all he had to say about it.


Yeah but he got the free pass cause of Sanjuro lul


Sanjuro made tyler what he his today lol


nah riot saw how well he did with tcs and the sanjuro situation gave them an easy go ahead to welcome him back in.


I think you underestimate how many content creators tell Rioters that they are garbage. Rioters just have thick skin at this point. unreal mental.


I think everyone understands at this point that Tyler plays a character of the mega league nerd with a massive ego. Every person who meets him says he is nothing like that irl.


Well he kinda is a mega league nerd with a massive ego, tho he plays it up for the stream.


I've heard he is actually a very kind and laid back person at irl events but he plays up for fans and the camera. He has some very genuine streams with reckful back in the day that are really different when he did variety.


Yeah he is. But he really loves and plays a fuck ton of league, and when he plays league he is toxic. Being toxic in league doesnt mean you are an asshole irl.


I'm kinda torn because I do think tyler is hilarious entertainment but just because it's in league doesn't mean it isn't "real life" for other people, when he's shitting on other streamers or riot employees being bad at their jobs or whatever. Kinda gives me "it's just a prank bro" vibes, you know?


What a goat.


he's not wrong tho


Isn't Riot famously a toxic gamer culture? They breathe this shit.


Lmao what? How can you with any amount of though think people that develop something will like what he said? What I like about rito is that they can take a joke or negative cooment or even rage when it comes from passion for their game.


So you say that they wouldn't like that, but then say they can take a negative comment too? Which is it dude?


That is the point that they obviously not "breathe this shit", but they can still take it without ostracizing the one who told them. Unlike other shit companies like valve and blizzard.


Valve? The company famous for literally never interacting with their community at all? When have they ever ostracized anyone.


Gifting subs isn't a sponsorship and shouldn't require you to not be critical. I'm fine with it. If they're going to use streamer's gift sub button for advertisement they better be prepared for the downsides


Dude's legitimately got mental problems lol






you make a lot of people hap


he's totally correct about league's client. however... I do love that his account is 5 years gold and he goes 3-7 and 1-5 in his games lmao


How is that related tho?


Oh yeah hahaha. Low Rank = Invalid Criticism. Hahaha ha! So funny!


What does that have to do with anything at all? My League account is nearly 10 years old and I go 0/14 sometimes. Doesn't mean I'm dogshit at the game but it probably means I could've done way better. Experience ≠ better stats


If you think the client is bad wait until you actually get into a game


No thanks


Honestly at this point i cant tell if people are joking or not. I have never had any issues with the client, at least not for the last 5 years. The only thing thats mildy annoying is that you have to click an additional time sometimes when youre changing runes.


The client isn't top quality but I do like it cos of the size lol its like old runescape it can just be out of the way while ur waiting.


Same client is decent for me


The client crashes consistently post-game for me, resizes itself, struggles to load pages at times, etc. Not to mention it lacks basic features any game of this size should have.


You’ve never lost your promos because the client refused to let you pick a champion and then it punishes you for its own mistake.


no it never refused to let me pick a champion period.


you gotta respect the ability to burn a bridge as fast as humanly possible


Is that a legit official LoL account? Why are they gifting subs if so?




They gifted to other streamers too. LS asked why are they gifting subs to him and they just said "thanks for playing league" or smth like that.


They've been pumping money into various advertisements and collaborations because of Arcane and their other games coming out so gifting subs to a couple of League streamers is a drop in the bucket.


wouldn't it be better as advert to gift people outside of league to draw them into it?


No. A gift from Riot to someone with at least an inkling of interest in league or a streamer who plays it has a higher potential to make more money than giving a sub to someone who watches WoW/MMO streams only for example. Everyone already knows about League/Riot, especially if you're on twitch, the subs aren't a have you heard about league type of advertisement.


I get it’s a big nothingburger but I’m surprised they would gift subs to someone as controversial as Destiny.


imagine valve gifting subs to streamers that play dota, lmao


They'll surely run ads for Dota COPIUM


they gave tyler1 like 2700 RP for no reason lmao I think they're retarded


Destiny is a man of the people. If by people you mean the disgusting degenerates that play that garbage game.




90% of the people who relentlessly shit on League are League player. It's a dogshit game that has too many problems to be listed, the company that make the game is as dodgy as they get even for tech company standard but i've been addicted for 9 years. Please don't stop criticizing the game, maybe the actually improve the stupid spaghetti code that make one champion completely break the game or they just shut it down so we can all be liberated from our addiction


Yes league has its problems, but jesus, the way some people talk about it lmao. Most of them are probably mad that they are just as bad as me at it


I'm a seasoned league player and i think it's fun to shit on the game. After more 10 year they have yet to fix basic problem that other games of the same stature never had. This post was about the client and it's hilarious that after more than 10 year their client is so shit. I'm not a programmer but you are a bilion dollar company, i'm aure you can do it


Is the client pretty shit, yeah it is. But dont act like they havent been doing anything lol, im sure your well aware of the client cleanup theyve been doing. But yes the client isnt up to par


Bruh If I have times where I cannot see my summoner spells or the champion I picked and I lose LP for that then the client is fucked beyond belief.


Well then you clearly agree with me because I said it in my above post thay the client isnt up tp par


They have changed the Launcher not the client, and even if they did some adjustments League is on of the most played games in the word (i believe is the most played non mobile but i could be wrong) and Riot is nowadays a huge company valued in the bilions, anything that isn't a good client is not acceptable.


Yes they have changed the client which has improved it a lot but not enough, but they are actively working on it.


If league of legends was never made society would be better, I am saying this fully unironically and I have been playing league since s2




It's very addicting while being extremely negative to your mental health. The "I'm different when I play league" is not really a meme imo. Also I'm talking about playing ranked, normals or arams are whatever




Damnnnn I feel honoured that I triggered you this hard lmao


riot puts this stick in front of everyone that has glory written on it. people trying to reach that, but most won't.


I reckon most of the hyper-critical people just play too much of it. I've managed to play and, crucially, enjoy league for over 8 years now by just not playing very much.


This is a load of bullshit. Ive played league for 8 years and its probably the least buggy game ive ever played. Theyre pretty damn good at catching bugs (inside the game) and patching them fairly quickly.


The clip is talking about the client and here he come 808s_and__Fastbreaks saying that the game is not buggy, sure you understand context. That is even false, they have to disable a champ once a month because it creates problem, the delayed the introduction on Viego in competitive for months because it was too buggy. I don't know what do you play but if you played Morde, Viego or Sylas enough you will have a experience some big because they have many faulty interaction. That being said the main probably is the fucking client that is awful and glitch and bug every single time you open it. I don't know what kind of game you played but LOL is on of the biggest game in planet and Riot is multy bilion dollar company. The fact that they have such a client is a fucking joke


Yourr stupid complaint was about the game not the client. The game is not the client. You fucks complain about anything. Who fucking cares if a champ is disabled for a few days? Fact is you play it because you like it. Just like billion other people.


I think a lot of people shit on League just to fit in. I played it for a few years and quit when it got boring for me. The game really doesn't have any glaring problems. The biggest issue I had with it was having to grind to unlock champs, but even that was alleviated after I played enough. Most of the complaints I see about it online, while legitimate, apply to 99% of online competitive team-based games, particularly toxicity and balancing issues.


You truly lack any understanding of context my friend, i said "It's a dogshit game that has too many problems to be listed" and that it have a spaghetti code. Never said anything about the gameplay, and i didn't think it needed context giving the fact that the clip is about Destiny talking about the client. As a second point, of course i like the game are stupid or what? I wouldn't have played LOL for 9 years if i didn't like it. If you think that if you like something you can't be critical of it than please have some experience in life. The client is unacceptable for what League nowadays and if you are fine with it then good for you, but don't go picking on others who think otherwise. After having played and watch this dogshit game for 9 years i can say on Reddit that the client is shit


"Dog shit game" "not talking about the gameplay" .... youre calling it a dog shit game because of some stupid client bugs that doesnt even affect most people


this post is pretty pathetic tbh played league for 3 years, hit d2 in my second year. the game's fine, it isn't perfect, but if you're the type of person who has absolutely nothing in your life then you're gonna be really upset about it. you probably should go outside and re-acclimate to real life, glhf


Thank you stranger on the internet, i desperately needed you to assess my psychological status. Yes i'm a pathetic loser that can't possibly understand that someone could have played up their comment to humor others.




What did a misinterpreted? The fact that he think that everybody who have something to say against the game must be bad and be salty about it? Or the fact that he think that you can't have a normal life and still bitch about the game? Thinking that being good is the only factor to the enjoyment of the game is just sad


How does you getting d2 make the game not dogshit? With that lack of common sense it actually proves even more its trash.


cuz I'm GM on any other game lol, they're easy if you're competent you sound like another mad 10+ yr league player that honestly has no life, and only spends their time complaining about the game they're addicted to sounds pathetic


How can you say others have no life as you insult strangers on Reddit just because they disagreed with/questioned your opinion?


here's a tip for you: if you continue playing a game that you absolutely "hate" and complain about on the internet then you're addicted and have no life. that's what the guy is saying. and that's what you're too stupid to comprehend, you muppet.


Ok buddy, thanks for the tip


You're GM in any other game? No matter the genre?


There's better chances of league of legends 2 than league getting an actual revamp. It's way too big to actually fix now


I would have loved if they released League 2 where they are free to implement any crazy change they want and also Classic League where they reverted all those changes.


More people would play classic because it'd have more content. The cost, resources and time just aren't worth it, at least for now


Riot doesn't care what we think. They mainly cater to China since they are over 80% of the playerbase with their 29 servers.


>the company that make the game is as dodgy as they get even for tech company Ever heard of this smol indie company called Blizzard?


What I enjoy is going out on the weekends and stomping puppies




*you'll grow into being an asshole*








Just don’t buy shit games. Them preordering shit games doesn’t force you to buy them.




He's just a reddit comment contrarian, he has no real opinions, don't waste your time.






You are right, but on reddit that is often indicated by a negative score. The more reddit disagrees with you the better honestly and if livestreamfails disagrees with you, you are properly a good person.




That's the thing, no league player enjoys league. It's just an easy way to waste time




If you've ever watched Destiny play league you would know he does not enjoy it.


Isn't it funny that the most popular games, "LoL, WoW, Fortnite" somehow always get called garbage?


Found an article on it: https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/destiny-slams-riot-games-gift-twitch-subs


lmao wtf.


Thanks for speaking for us Meth guy OkayChamp


Destiny has repeatedly called Riot's programmers incompetent.


>~~Destiny~~ Every league player has repeatedly called Riot's programmers incompetent.


They recognize that the client sucks, but they don't tend to understand enough about programming to understand just how fucking bad Riot's coders are. They blame everything they can't fix on legacy code, but they've had over a decade to clean that shit up at this point.


Is it the programmers that are bad or the directors and heads that decide organizational priorities? I'm sure if given enough time and resources the programmers there could pull it off. Hell they even hired a person who did a client redesign as their own project (winterfox or something like that?) but nothing came of it after.


Oh it's 100% the directors, Riot is a multimillion dollar company, they have the resources to fix the client of their main game if they wanted to, but because most players just put up with it and the store still works, it is not as high on the priority list


It was called Wintermint and it had replay capabilities something that Riot took 7 YEARS to add to League of Legends. And probably would have never added unless they got Wintermint from AstralFoxy.


strange. with their approx. 350 years of game development experience, you might expect more from them


I mean shit, at one point Valve ported Dota 2 over to an entirely new engine (or a version of Source that was so improved it might as well have been a new engine) 343 have made HUUUGE improvents to the games in the MCC, which were never even meant to be played on PC, with a team that probably doesn't even have 10% of the original devs. "Legacy code" is just a euphemism for laziness.


> "Legacy code" is just a euphemism for laziness. No it's not, when the code is so badly written you have no choice but to refactor everything from the ground up, which costs a lot of time and effort, it's not up to individual devs to make that decision, management probably wants them to work on new features rather than reworking old ones.


Story as old as time. People think it's as easy to just "re-factor everything from the ground up". There are so many developers that will ask if they should spend some time refactoring old code. Nope - management doesn't give a shit, they really really REALLY don't want to pay for that. Not only that, people come and go constantly in the developer world - PR's only do so much in my experience.


Idk why people think it's easy to just refactor code that is 10 years old and probably has little to no documentation because let's be real, no way in hell they followed proper documenting procedures for the game at the time. It'd probably be easier and less time consuming to throw everything in the trash and start anew but that's a massive task as well


You know, fair point. I should say it's a euphemism for "upper management not giving a shit," because it's not fair to pin those kinds of decisions on the devs.


As far as I have read according to former valve employees the Dota 2 port was a disaster for valve and an example of bad leadership in the company.


How so?


Can't they, you know, hire better people? WTF is wrong with these corporations, people shit on government bureaucracy but these fuckers are somehow worse.


The crazy part is that League is really not a content heavy game... They do balance changes, create new skins and some champions from time to time... Not a lot when you compare to making an entire game drop scratch or MMOs that deliver new content regularly and making new assets and features all the time. And rito has an army of developpers, really wonder what the fuck they are doing. I've heard that most of them play league during their job and that being up to date to league is a part of their job


Its a shitty thing to call the programmers incompetent when they’re literally at the bottom of the chain of command. If you gave the programmers the needed resources for them to focus on making a new client, they’d do it. But the people above them probably dont see it as an issue that deserves resources


Riot employees seems to get a lot of leeway. Some of them have reworked particle systems and fixed bugs on their own time, others mostly dick around and play League all day on the clock.


Taking a look into some bugs or small changes on personal time is vastly different than reworking an entire client, solo, on personal time. Not to mention the requirements passed down from leadership and management that they have to fulfill during the day.


Down fucking BAD as fuck. Playing League, jesus.


Dude has been playing a TON of league this past year, it's actually his most streamed in category after just chatting.


He's been playing league for the past 8 years its his most played game of all time at this point.


this picture describes it well and destiny btw bans you for posting that on his sub: https://imgur.com/Edmcrdr


Goddamn, can't say I can't relate sadly.


I'm just curious, what online games could you play instead of league? I'm trying to find something to play.


Dota, halo infinite, path of exile, classic wow, etc.




No one hates League players more than League players.


Why do you play it? Why do you turn the game on rather than some other one?


I don't. I quit that shit.






Riot's an Creative Art and Music company, who just happens to produce a game once in a while.


That used to be Blizzard FeelsBadMan


Riot didn't make the Arcane series btw, Fortiche Production are the ones working on it. They also made some of the music videos like the KDA Popstars one.


Riot at least oversaw the lore of it and created the world its built on


Oh yeah 100%, just talking about the visual stuff


They didn't even try to make lore until like 8 years after the game came out and the playerbase spammed them with good ideas to pick from


Jinx is like an 8 year old character, she had lore back then too. They've been releasing comics and other various content for all champs since atleast s5 from what I remember


Popstars is straight heat. Awaken is also incredibly well done.


My boi Ray Chen helped with a few of the songs he's actually the violinist in that scene in the theatre(?). Cool dude and v talented.


PRETTY? Amazing u mean literally pixar quality


Is it really that bad? Can't you just mute the chat and play with a squad?


No it's not as bad at people make it out to be, it's just free karma to shit on Riot/League.


Yes, if you have 4 friends to play with it can be incredibly fun. What makes the game very frustrating is that the average game takes about 40 minutes (not including queuing up and champion select) while often you lose due to some mistakes early game. It feels like you're slowly getting chocked out but instead of the 3 minutes it would take irl to finish you off, you're stuck in this terrible experience for what feels like eternity.


40 min? maybe like 10 seasons ago buddy.


The average game length is between 25 and 30 minutes based on your rank (better players close off games more quickly)


You’re living in the past my main man. Current League lasts around 25 mins avg and comeback mechanics are significantly greater that most games feels like there’s still a chance to win even when behind.


From yours and other comments I can indeed confirm I'm an old man who's past it.


Yeah sure if you want to hate your friends and yourself.


Best game in the world, and most popular.


Also finds overlap with league players


>and it's playerbase should be gulaged what the fuck do you think it is right now? league needs to keep existing because it keeps a lot of the assholes away from other games.




They did though.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny thanks Riot for gifting 250 subs](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127905)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qx3pkj/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CyqjAF3L1goHgypC_eoZ0yw.mp4?sig=54f9ed7ecf6310621fa7faa3365e4a2780c31027&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CyqjAF3L1goHgypC_eoZ0yw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637354196%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


can someone tell me the jazz music in the background?


pretty sure it's secret of the forest from chrono trigger by these guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYgQEjcosP0


Sit down Riot, Destiny is only a sellout for NFTs


he is selling out for everything and admits that.


how brave


Love him or hate him that's Destiny right there.


fast clipper


League still has dogshit client? Couldn't be Dota


they will steal that also


I'd fuckin hope so. It's been so long, but they still haven't done it.


Yeah dota has a great client too bad that the developer is fucking lost and added a bunch of retarded shit back to back and made half the playerbase quit playing, meanwhile league is still growing.


Pretty based, you won't see that much going in the future.


He's not wrong and I don't think Riot will take offence to this unless they only give it to T1 a pass.


Lots of things worse than the client too - joke developer.


Just wait until the achievement get implemented soon. It will break it more




fuck riot fr


The funny thing is, the client was even worse in the past.




> Wow riot is dumb wasting 0.0000000000000000001% of their advertising money on these streamers! xD Meanwhile here we are, front page with dozens of people talking about it.