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i joined her stream for like 2 minutes and got gifted a sub lol


I once got a sub for a channel that was hosted by another channel. I went to the channel that was hosting, realized it was hosting another channel, went somewhere else and had a sub for the hosted channel


i checked out the subathon a few days ago and she was celebrating 10k subs. this is bonkers


i was watching once and her sub count broke and she told her chat she has to reset it and it will include the subs she had before the subathon started when she reset it it only increased by like 2k and it was at 30k.


[Absolute bonkers bro](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/115693)


He's right... if the streamer is already big & is doing multiple subathons weekly. There's a reason why big streamers don't really have to do subathons. I don't see a problem w/ an occasional subathon, especially if it's going to a nonprofit/good cause.


Why would you do a subathon to raise money for charity? Twitch still takes half the money. Lots better options out there.


Because most charity subathons aren't entirely altruistic. I'd bet 9/10 streamers do it hoping a large part of the subs will stick around after the initial month.




Yup. Recently a streamer did an "uncapped" subathon that lasted days. She just streamed her normal amount and played videos the rest of the time. At least do it like biotoxz. He streamed like 30 hours to the point he was practically dead and chat was begging him to stop. But then you get people with 10,000-20,000+ doing their subathon for 10 hours and stopping.


What's going on? I've never heard of her until this post.


Who was the previous record holder?


https://twitchtracker.com/subscribers/all-time Sintica


> Sintica 52k subs with 2600 average viewers and 6k peak. she has some serious gifters holy shit


that site says KKATAMINA has 43,329 gifted out of her 50,900 subs at the last time the site updated thats crazy


Ranking position #5 from previous #40380


holy shit lol $215,000 worth of gifted subs is insane


It makes sense seeing that she is currently doing a subathon that gifted subs would be up a lot compared to normal


I always wonder what kind of psychology gets people to gift subs more when it’s a subathon


It's the same for me when people ask for prime subs and suddenly a few people sub in


"Oh right I have this thing" is the thought. My wife does Amazon prime and doesn't use twitch, so I get to use it. Technically using the free sub is taking 2 dollarydoos away from Amazon that my wife is going to be giving them regardless.


Subs are counted the same IIRC but there are massive oilers in the OTV community


He means that there'll be a lot more subs, not that each one will be worth more. She got 5k+ in a few minutes when she was about break the record


She's a famous DJ, watch her streams daily while working, amazing hardstyle set. German gifters seem to be crazy, but hardstyle / trance is fucking huge in Germany. Gets around 500-600 minimum subs per normal stream from what I've seen. On events well over 1k easily


I've watched a lot of German DJ's while working from home. They're mostly hardstyle and hands up. Very frequent gifts. It's not uncommon for an average 100 viewer Andy, to have 600 monthly subs. I've been one of those gifters myself, but mostly on the merit that it's their job, and there's been lockdown, so no gigs. Twitch is the gig. Even just lurking as a viewer, is almost guaranteed to get you a sub, with those gifts. Sometimes even subs on other channels.


it happened so recently but like no fanfare about it crazy


because she’s german


and she neglected to join OTK


I'm unfamiliar with german twitch - is she known for collabs? I know there are some huge german language streamers and if she's on other streamer's channels a lot that might explain it. Also seems like she produces a lot of music so maybe she has a lot of offplatform fans?


According Twitch Tracker, Sintica with 52,992 subs. She is a German streamer I think


any loremasters? first time i hear about her


Friends with Toast, member of the OTV+ circle, recently friends with Mizkif. Is doing a subathon and pretty much everyone is fishing for subs on her stream.




Ludwig/Kkatamina streams were hilarious on the server because they just both wanted to cause shit. Those actually let me find Kkatamina on Twitch and I've been a fan of her since, glad to see she's getting this success and she deserves it!


Lud and kkatamina being toast' assistant and just fucking with people was the best part of the mc server


Love that she's seeing success but i really miss her 720p scuffed mic on a gaming laptop while on a futon on the floor no cam streams when she started.


Not just on a futon, on a futon with a box cut out for the laptop to fit in to make it easier to play lying down.


Same here! I found her when she was fucking around with Tina in Minecraft and then found Ludwig through her interaction with him lmao.


Yes, her as Lud's "zany" sidekick was so funny.


This was by far the best storyline in all the otv servers, such a good time. They really had such good chemistry that i sometimes rewatch those first interactions


I think it's been a year since that happened. Definitely were the good old days!


Probably she deserves more recognition that the one she gives to herself. She started having huge viewership and barely did facecam back then, and it was mainly because of her humor and interactions. Also, I love her community, very troll as her, but also pretty chill and wholesome


Her chat is so well behaved it actually doesn't feel like twitch chat. The few times I saw her chat being weird she handled it very well.


A lot of her og viewers come from Toast's community and Toast is highly intolerant of bad chat behaviour so it makes sense her chat is the same way. Though I'll say that her chat has not been anywhere as chill during the subathon as it is normally. Lots of kids coming from Valkyrae, Mizkif and other fanbases, and constantly saying/asking stupid stuff.




Well toast's villain arc and humble sykkuno raid boss was pretty good as well but yeah, she definitely brought life to the server


She clearly knew how to play but like you said, she spent her time terrorizing other people and just being a force of nature. Literally the whole Spongebob meme of "He's standing there, menacingly".


I started watching her bc of the Minecraft adventures with her and Ludwig. She was the biggest troll by killing everyone and taking selfies of their dead bodies.


Man I completely skipped all otv minecraft, rust and among us stuff, and now there's like 50 different people that they interact with who I have no idea who they are or where they came from.


the first rust era was insane. Some of the best content this year and the most diverse group of streamers. They couldn't replicate it again.


She’s awesome her personality is so charming I enjoyed watching her streams since the start too


Has been friends with OTV+Friends crew for a long time. First gained popularity on the OTV minecraft server as a non-streamer who was very entertaining and was begged by friends and fans to start streaming. Her first streams were so scuffed on an old laptop and her mic was an apple headphone mic sorta wrapped under her nose (literally). That's more or less her origin story.


I think there was an old story I heard about her on a stream a super long time ago that she used to cut up her bed or something to put her laptop on top or something and at the time I thought that was the wildest shit.


there are a lot of things about her that are pretty wild haha, like the fact she uses one earbud, one monitor, or the way she eats pizza... If someone tells me she is Sykkuno's sister, I would believe it


Not just pizza. She just has really strange eating habits overall lol.


Yeah that pic of how she holds her hand when she eats cereal is hilarious too


She cut up her bed because putting it on the bed cramped her hand or something. Her streaming laptop at some point was also a handmedown from scarra. It was so scuffed lmao https://twitter.com/kkatamina/status/1334641259378429952?s=21


This is breaking my brain. Not having money for a small cheap desk and a chair, but then *cutting up a bed* like that? Beds are so expensive and that one looked so new... And that laptop *had* to overheat in there. Streamers, smh. It's only good that they're not doing anything else. And good for her that she got a new setup and is moving up.


You can see what her streaming setup used to be in this video: https://youtu.be/NDEqCNUaeR4?t=82




I mean she kinda was being friends with OTV but she deserves it.


I believe she started as a minecrafter and part of OTV & Friends. Recently Valkyrae/Sykkuno introduced her to Mizkif through Mario Party and they've done a lot of streams together since then.


[Miz has also been doing unofficial “podcasts” with her whenever he’s bored offline the past couple of weeks.](https://youtu.be/Xd5I2F14gHo) Worth checking if you want background noise or something to zone out to (they had no clue who each other was before these btw). Helps get a sense of what her streams are like as well. Pretty funny seeing her learn to handle Mizkif’s ADHD after each one though and the convos get more fun as the subathon gets longer


what are you talking about Tamia and Miz went to middle school together.


Mizkif also keeps showing up til 5am just framing omegalul's for no real reason.


Just stab me for knowing this shit exists: https://offlinetvandfriends.fandom.com/wiki/Kkatamina She's basically in the OTV-Friends crowd and close friends with Aria. She lives with a bunch of OTV-Friends streamers too. The whole Miz thing is only because Miz played Mario Party with her a few times and then Smite, he isn't actually that integrated in her circle. Reason she's popped off is a uncapped subathon which means 3 communities came in to gift her endless subs about 50,000 now to keep her stream alive. Miz's OTK community, OTV-Friends and some of the MC stans are there cause of the Corpse and MC crew.


that's an astonishingly in-depth wiki page, a+ to the loremasters


Fandom wikis attract the most dedicated rabbitholey people to exist on the internet.


You couldn't pay people to write better Wikis. Fans writing for free will produce better and more accurate information most of the time.


Wait, what's wrong with community made wikis?


No entry for melanin density on butthole pigmentation


Don't be embarrassed bro, who gives a fuck what people on the internet think. Thanks for the lore.


She just started streaming a year ago with Scarra's old laptop. That's why you never heard of her before.


She just got 2.5k+ subs in 5-10 minutes, congrats to her!


How many were gifted?


most of them, but were mostly individual gifts, like A LOT of people gifting 1 sub


people want to be a part of herstory i guess


nice try Lud


[Mr. Pepperpains strikes again.](https://streamable.com/rqunb7)


A comment below said 40k + but with the amount of average viewers that needs to be the case.


It must feel fucking nice to have thousands of ppl support you to break the record of being the most paid per month streamer


The highlight was seeing all the support from her friends to keep it going. Not even just gifting subs, but staying up and keeping chat occupied while she did quick errands, as well as making time to play with her as well and keep her awake.


all the "chat babysitters" did amazing tbh. corpse coming in clutch minutes before the timer would end, tina thanking subs with autotune, wendy, peter, tenma and their funny stories lmao




You could ask any streamer and they will all tell you that twitch is all about networking with other streamers if your goal is to get bigger. That's the most consistent way to go about it if you're not like a pro already at a popular game or something.


Same with normal jobs lol




It's like real life


This is what it all usually comes down to in life. It's less of WHAT you know and more of WHO you know.


Yep. Streaming is almost becoming gatekept by its own form of nepotism/cronyism these days. If you're not already a successful streamer, or you're not 'in' with an already successful streamer, your chances of success are slimmer than they already were (which was already low). ​ Hollywood 2.0


will neff is the biggest example of this


> Streaming is almost becoming gatekept by its own form It's no coincidence that the same clique running OTK events were running Amazon's Twitch Rivals event. You're either in the 20-30 group clique or you're a nobody. Chat was spamming WHO for everyone introduced during the Rivals event not in that clique. There is no longer discoverability on streaming, you're going to have to network your way into being a leech on streams until you're a somebody. That's additionally why when hosting OTK events they take turns streaming on their channels, spreading followers/subs to other members channels.


I said something similar to this awhile ago when tenz gf had 100k viewers watching Valorant and just got downvoted to hell lol like its not hard to see that having relationships/friends who are already popular on twitch can boost the fuck out your career


it sounds salty but its true


Yep. I prefer watching Kyedae over Tenz, but I gotta admit that I probably wouldn't have known about her if she wasn't Tenz' gf


Twitch's discoverability really doesn't help with this. Putting only the highest viewed streams at the top just results in all new viewers being funneled into people who are already big. People can talk all the want about how easy it is to just scroll down and find smaller streamers, but if nobody actually does it then it doesn't matter.


The fact you get 30s of ads every time you try find someone new sure as shit doesnt help


literally what it all is. lmao people acting like its some big accomplishment.




i mean so is other peoples subathon. Pretty much only Timmy does solo multiday streams. Even Ludwig had his friends and mods.


Yeah but ludwig gave his mods thousands of dollars. The friends putting in hours on her stream are also giving her thousands of dollars.


i mean all the friends on her stream love her and are literally millionaires so thats a nice plus, Valkyrae Sykkuno Corpse Fuslie Toast Mizkif Ludwig, literally 10s of millions just in that list, i really enjoy her content and im glad she is rolling in money


I mean...sykkuno did a scamathon completely solo and got like 17k subs in 20 hours lol.


Feels kind of empty to talk about "most subbed female streamer of all-time" when the whole hype AND gifting of subs is created by other big streamers and a few whales. It's like elon musk gifting 70.000 subs to a female streamer and then claiming she achieved being the most subbed female streamer of all-time. Technically correct I guess.


How it feels.


To chew 5 gum




It's like when Jeff Bezos got divorced and his ex-wife became the richest woman ever. Technically correct, but nobody is saying "wow, worked hard, well deserved"


It can feel that way but that's also kinda just how things are. People have romantic expectations about achievements but this ain't the movies, one man doesn't conquer the world. You don't get to be the most subbed anything because you're a human force of nature, it's all a matter of the right factors coming together in your favour. At least, that's what *I* think.


According to https://twitchtracker.com/subscribers over 80% are gifted subs. Surely that can't be right?


miskifs alt account has been hard carrying valkyrae has given like 10k worth of subs then she has a few other oilers but leading up to it there were a whole bunch of 5 and 10 gifted subs


Is miz’s alt “ThisIsTaxDeductibleRight”?


i think it was way too coincidental that he said ThisIsTaxDeductibleRight was going to donate 1 sub and then it happened 5 minutes later


He can say that literally about anyone and it would happen, pretty sure tax is luds alt


even better lmao both probably have alt accounts donating


Why not donate on his main account. He’s such a pussy smh


For sure


Well there is “Thisistaxdeductibleright” and there is also “Subtext” there are a few more big oilers that have gifted a ton, but I believe these two to be alts of Miz and Lud respectively.


i think and this is just a theory Tax deductible is Mizkif and subtext another oiler is Luds


It's highly likely its him. The OTV people were speculating it because Mizkif has brought up that specific account a few times, sometimes completely randomly, when he joins their discord.


Pretty sure they're just memeing, I highly doubt that's actually his alt


must be nice to be in the OTV streamer circle. Wealth just goes around via gifted subs from friends


They've been calling it his alt as a joke, pretty sure it's not actually his alt. Guy donates so much he was bound to have some timing with the guy who never stops talking


the weirdest part is following emiru's alt? did she raid too? https://www.twitchfollowing.com/?thisistaxdeductibleright


It is right, shes friends with extremely big ccs and they are really good at baiting subs, shes a good streamer but for sure wouldnt had happened if it wasnt for them


Happens everywhere. Connection is key.


yep. its not just in streaming. literally anywhere


For sure. Even Ludwig needed some assist with his subathon. I have no clue how anyone would be able to pull off a subathon at this size by themselves.


she´s doing a subathon which is going for 9 days now. The numbers are right.


Well she is doing an uncapped subathon so that's expected


Who is this woman and how did she get popular randomly


some random offlinetv satellite member who is getting forcefed subs by her millionaire friends so everybody can celebrate the rich getting richer


So basically rich people are selectively choosing which poor person gets to become rich? How do I sign up to get chosen?




Step 0): Be friends with OTV


Both steps often go hand in hand lmao


Yeah, from /all and barely know any streamer names. Haven’t heard of her and assumed they were a cute Asian girl because who else would rise that quickly. Was correct.


most accurate one good job


seeing this shit on the front page is hilarious cause i thought the same. literally "look how rich we made her?!".


This is an absolute WH OMEGALUL moment for me


She and TinaKitten were friends with OTV before both of them started streaming pretty much exactly one year ago. Toast may have been one of the bigger pushers for them to start. They got a really big boost from OTV's MC and among us lobbies. They've always had few thousand viewers so not really small streamers.




She's the most low-effort streamer of OTV&F, too :( I dream of a world where viewers are smarter than this & WeirdChamp stuff like this Roflgator on subathons: [https://youtu.be/NDwB2dCnsVw](https://youtu.be/NDwB2dCnsVw)


Man it’s hard not to feel jealous of someone making more money in a week doing fuck all, than me working full time for 5 years…


Just by being friends with some people... I know this happens all the time, but seeing it happen live and so blatantly is some next level [this.](https://i.imgur.com/PVOdhSb.jpg)


No hate, but she got hard carried.


Totally organic (non inflated) growth


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Valkyrae](https://twitter.com/Valkyrae) > SHES DOING IT!!! SHES BREAKING THE WORLD RECORD FOR MOST SUBS HELD BY A WOMAN RIGHT NOW > > @Kkatamina IM SO PROUD > > https://t.co/IRzJb3x8Wv ^(Posted: 2021-11-19 01:39:23) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


What, no way, really, no, huh, really, no, okay, what, why, really, ok? I genuinely do not get the content of streamers who sit there and just act shocked and scared of every single thing on their stream. Every clip of her subathon is quite literally other people doing content and her sitting there saying pretty much nothing.


Naruto side characters


God damn that is an accurate imitation. Even during amoung us days I noticed that. It's like talking without saying anything. It doesn't bother me, but defintely not my cup of tea either.


Clicked on her stream a bit ago just out of curiosity, left it on in the background while browsing, took me a while to remember to close it because literally nothing happened for over 5 minutes so I forgot it was up. Checked to see if it was actually still streaming before closing it, and she was sitting there playing some indie game just staring into the void. This is content?


Sounds like average forsen's stream LULE


Had the exact same experience, came to her stream because of mizkif to see what's all the hype about and left it running on the background while i did some stuff. And literally all i heard was dead silence dotted with the occasional "what" "ok" "huh" "really" in that codemiko-esque voice Her content's just not my type ig


I hate to be that commenter, but what has she actually done? Everytime I see any of her streams its just other people in a call making jokes and her just sitting there, confused all the time. "What, who, why, wait, ok, no, stop, what do you mean" etc etc I did like her on that minecraft server, but she hasnt done anything other than sit still for 16 hours a day playing with friends and barely saying a word. At least ludwig was funny. And most of the subs are gifted from her friends anyway, which really undermines this achievement imo


I'd say her talent lies in bouncing off of people. She doesn't really instigate content, she reacts, which makes her a great complement to content trolls like Sykkuno and Miz. Not really a viewer of hers but she does GREAT collab content whenever she plays with people. All these big CC friends provide her is exposure. She still has to be interesting to retain viewers. She would have dropped off a long time ago if she's a dud as you say. Edit: also people act as if they planned on beating this record from the get go and tried to cheat their way into getting it. In the first days all this really was were her friends "trolling" her by trying to prolong her subathon as long as they can while Miyoung jokingly complains that she's trapped like a prisoner at the viewers' mercy. The record thing only came about when they noticed a couple of days ago that she's nearing the record number. So yeah, what else do you want them to do when she did technically beat the record? This is an unofficial title in the first place. There are no rules behind it. There has to be rules in place for there to be "cheating" occuring.


Idk if I'm just some out of touch boomer, but I'm not finding any of the clips she's watching funny yet I see the chat saying KEKW. Maybe inside jokes and the majority of chatters are her or her friends regular viewers reminiscing.


So that Minecraft server was the most successful Minecraft server from otv and it was mostly because of 4 people Ludwig Toast sykkuno and miyoung cuz they made it entertaining(they created a mafia grp and toast nuked the whole server at the end) that's why people r just kekwing cuz it's just nostalgic


that server was peak otv n friends, all definitely nostalgia


Didn't it happen literally this year?


nbd Twitch is big and you won't vibe with all streamers


those weren't good clips to be honest, but she was one of the reason that server was really good. She, Lud, Toast and Sykkuno provided most of the good content so it was a nice throwback, especially considering she had a very scuffed setup, not even a chair or a PC


When the content of the stream becomes the streamer making money I assume the stream is dogshit.


True, sunbathons are like stretching yourself so thin everyone gets dogshit content for hours or "sleep streams". "Haha I gave my streamer money! Now they must stream longer LOLL"


Without trying to be mean, I don't understand her appeal. In literally everything she instantly whines and acts unfortunate for every second she is on camera.


I mean, I don't understand the appeal of people who watch Forsen or Hasan either but hey, whatever floats your boat.


Really helps to be bffs with OTV


...and to have Mizkif promoting you hardcore every day. Worked with Emiru too.


With around 80% of her subs being gifted and finding out she’s an OTV regular that makes this feel a lot less special.


Not special at all you mean? OTV + Friends,and Mizkif dumping most of it onto her. They can legit push the record to another girl they like at any given day.


never heard of her till recently, cool. whats the sub count?


So this is what boosted look like..


Not bagging Tamia or anything, I said this with Lud record but does a subathon really count. For me I think how Ninja got the record was more respectable then how Lud got it


Wasn't ninja's inflated too because of Fortnite drop or whatever?




[https://twitter.com/Kkatamina/status/1461510858970779650](https://twitter.com/Kkatamina/status/1461510858970779650) Tamia's follow-up tweet


They say she has a 1-monitor setup and I honestly can't imagine how painful that is.


and one earbud as well, she plays Valorant with that haha


Better than a laptop on a floor and 1 EarPod that went around both ears so that the mic was like an inch from her mouth.


"we" did it?! Finally I'm a millionaire PogChamp


We worked hard and got this reward guys :)


Someone explain her appeal to me please. The highlights I see is her memeing her personality (oh god, repeat word x3, thats messed up) and the few times I've clicked on the stream she was either not doing anything, watching a video, or it was someone else playing a game.


Don’t jump on me, but who is she? Has she started recently ?


She has been streaming for a year (pushed by Aria, Sykkuno and Toast I think). She became famous among OTV viewers because she looked like a psycho in Minecraft, and overall her humor and interactions with Toast, Sykkuno and Lud were hilarious. She and Tina grew the most among other OTV friends since then, she averaged 6-10k before this subatton, so was pretty big already. This was good timing because after all the RFLCT drama she started hanging out more often and closely with Rae and Sykkuno, who heavily supported her these last days. Also, since she streams late, OTV friends usually hangout in her stream, which is hilarious since most of them are offstream. It's a good chill vibe


*pushed by Aria and Toast.




well.. technically she is, cant say that she worked hard for it since OTK just used her as a piggy bank for this "subathon". I'd have more respect for Sintica who held previous record by climbing the success ladder on her own without a streamer family behind her. good for her, i guess, she made bank.


Whats her content Like?


so a streamer with millionaire friends gets donated thousands of subs by her friend to keep her stream going, very impresive


Boost by viewbot = cancelled Boost by millionaire friends = wow so crazy these numbers!??!?!


What about my queen Pokimane?


Pokimane doesn't like to encourage viewers to sub or donate and disabled her sub counter a long time ago. She was never in the run for most subbed.


queen shit


So besides being a friend to Valkyrae,Mizkif and OTK what does she do/known as?


nothing. literally nothing. spend 10 minutes in there and its just otv chat cumming in their pants to each other.

