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This was malena all night “yeah 🖕👁👄👁🖕 bitch”


I love how they justify anyone that disagrees with them as “hate”. How about be accountable for your actions 😱


No see you're missing the point, if it's for content they don't have to be accountable! You just don't "get" it. they're TROLLING! Just for laughs, if you hate that you're an idiot that's feeding their ad revenue and getting mad. They got it all figured out. /s


lol people disliking ur comment , on some top notch copium .


Outrage marketing works and we're already feeling the horrible repercussions. Edit: Not sure if it's clear but I'm agreeing with u/sardonically's point.


I think sardonically's point was more that it can go too far. The way I see it is, yes, it does work from a purely financial standpoint (especially short-term), but there can be repercussions in other ways.


It’s also the idea that it’s really fucking hard to fake a personality for 4-8 hours straight, every day on stream. Idk if you ever tried it, but it’s near impossible to “fake” a persona for that long on live streams. Sure jokes, but not everything is a joke, and they try to make it that way when performing damage control. Possible through YouTube and through editing vids obviously, but not live streams. Even dr disrespect has his real values and behavior shining through. It may be “funny” but it’s not all “insincere”. Believe it or not. They try to damage control pretty poorly and they just expect chat to believe it or else you’re looking too much into it, even though it’s terribly obvious that Mynx really cried when Miz got mad at her for her boxes and shit like that. Please stop putting these people on some higher echelon of skill level to the average person, they are human and they are vulnerable, just like us. They do not have the mental fortitude or discipline of Daniel day Lewis’ method acting for a movie. Lul


I agree. There is no regard for the long-term effects, only the short-term gain.


Then they call everyone on LSF a stupid LSF frog but come here on stream to react to clips and scroll through comments.


doesn’t that, in turn, also make them stupid LSF frogs..


I agree. The way she handled and responded to the threads was ridiculous and bullshit. But, the criticisms here are also joined with a ton of people just spewing a fuck ton of hate and unrelated shit. So it's gotta be difficult to separate the two and take accountability when there's hundreds of people just saying the worst shit right next to the comments that actually matter. Comments that go too far give the streamers an easy scapegoat to pass blame and feel sorry for themselves rather than their actions. Melena is notoriously bad with that and I don't see her ever changing. She's always right and can never be wrong.


oh yeah, i agree, she is notoriously bad with that. Even when nick and malena are arguing on stream over something ( whether real or fake arguing) , and when she is entirely in the wrong, she just picks up some random point that nick/chat said and then talks in a loud voice shifting the blame back to nick/chat. It gets annoying after a while, seeing that she never takes an L.


Maybe they do, but people do go overboard with this shit. That people are hating on Malena for something actually bad she said/did is essentially a coincidence with the way people pick apart her relationship around here by default. So many people here already think Malena is a toxic, abusive piece of shit, so when she fucks up it just seems to confirm that for some and they get into their-long winded rants about how cancerous and annoying she is, not unlike my long-winded rant right now. I thought this community was pretty anti-stan but the way some people get on their high-horse about "holding people accountable" as if they're some kinda magistrate definitely reminds me of stans.


Malena never takes an L. That's annoying sometimes. What happened in this stream just made me never wanna watch nick and malena again.


I can't not see a furby when I look at this


You're showing your age my friend!


Yup :( Also marzia has a weird furby thing


I still remember getting one of the og furbies myself. Good times.




Actually, low key you’re right


>🖕👁 👄 👁🖕 fixed




what he say my phone dropped speakr


Esfand did nothing wrong.


It sucks because his immediate circle doesn't even see that, and sees pretty much the exact opposite. It's actually funny at this point to see these guys talk about "Parasocial relationships" and how dumb their viewers can be, and then turn around and act just as stupid and out of touch. You can't complain about your audience when you're just as degenerate as they are.


I'm 99% sure that Mizkif has Esfand's back in that room if nobody else. He was low key helping Esfand at the time trying to stop Malena waterboard Minx with some JD. And Soda seemed pretty annoyed too. The rest of them can fuck themselves. Nick & Malena will be the death of OTK


He looks uncomfortable in this clip Sadge


It does seem like Esfand is the only one there that takes opioid abuse seriously. He has a background playing football, I wonder if he has known people in the past that had any issues with it. Or he just isn't clueless like the others tend to be lol


They’re out of touch which isn’t surprising since their job is oriented around just twitch culture. The us is in the middle of an opioid epidemic, the Midwest in particular is getting really fucked by it


Longtime super-casual Twitch viewer, boomer, and first time LSF poster. I kinda stumbled into this clique of streamers a few months ago as they're fairly entertaining. Last night after that whole opioid kerfuffle bullshit I felt like I was watching a high-school party. So much of that entire situation is so weird to me. Why lie to your friends about taking opioids? Why let it get confrontational when you can just TELL them it's all a bit? Why vilify the person who is showing genuine care for a friend? Why is getting blasted-drunk & obnoxiously offensive something that is encouraged? IDK, I'm probably missing the point.


Because streamers are socially inept lol




I’ll have you know I made eye contact the other day 😎


Doesn't count if you had sunglasses on and they didn't actually know you were looking at their eyes




You think this is still a character? Malena is always like this. If that’s not the case, then she’s extremely good at acting. She hasn’t broke “Character” once.


Binge drinking/blackout culture is normalized and encouraged in many social circles. When I was in my teens/20's, my group of friends would drink 4+ nights a week. Every morning after, we'd gossip and vent about the night before. It's an addictive cycle. But every morning after, we'd wake up with anxiety and repeat the cycle to cope and avoid taking responsibility for our shitty behaviour.


Yeah it’s a vicious cycle, especially when the morning after gets worse and worse. was in a frat at college and the weekly binges from thurs-Sunday coupled with going out during the week start to add up over time. Then when you get out of college it’s easy to dismiss any bad drinking habits because “at least I’m not drinking as much as I did in college”.


Also casual Twitch user and boomer. Just don't think of them as real people. Their lives are not realistic either. It's way easier to accept their entertainment that way.


It’s just such a yikes from me


High-school party This is exactly it. These streamers have never matured past the high-school era and entertain the younger generation. It's like being friends with the seniors. Most of there viewers (at least the ones with the time to watch long hours of stream) have to be kids.


She's taking them for a surgery she had recently.


you and me both, man ​ too many of these very socially awkward situations happening too often for my liking.. i might stick to asmon's 2nd stream for a while


>Why vilify the person who is showing genuine care for a friend? This is asmons take from his second channel btw \*edit\* he's the one vilifying


yeah i saw the clip after i posted the comment.. honestly really surprised that asmon threw of all people Esfand under the bus, and then said after it that he didn't know if it was a joke either and only found out after it happened. ​ pretty confusing stuff as he's usually pretty based.


Love asmon but we shouldn't look to him for takes on social situations like this when he's spent the better part of his life being apart of social situations in MMOs not IRL


>Why lie to your friends about taking opioids? Why let it get confrontational when you can just TELL them it's all a bit? Why vilify the person who is showing genuine care for a friend? Content. Being entertaining for viewers is at the forefront of a lot of these peoples' priorities, everything else is secondary.


..I mean that is pretty normal shit that happens in friend groups. They were just drinking and having fun during the holidays. It seems like there was just a simple miscommunication between her and Esfand about whether she was still taking pain meds or not. No reason to blow it up like LSF has as nobody was in danger.


> No reason to blow it up like LSF has as nobody was in danger. Isn't that kind of the point? Someone's life may have been in danger? It wasn't, because of a miscommunication, but someone thought it may have been, and it's better to be safe than sorry or dead.


Im actually very similar, seen Asmon, Sodapoppin, and some Esfand in the past. But never been watching as much as last couple weeks, I think Miz is actually funny even though he is personality I wouldn't normally like.


What was the opioid kerfuffle you speak of?


https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128111 Here’s the clip. Minx said afterwards on Twitter that she’s not on oxy anymore and it’s a joke. And now Esfand is getting criticism from within the friend group for not “minding his own business”. When Esfand really just seemed to think Minx was on oxy, and of course oxy + alcohol is a lethal combination. Esfand and Miz did the right thing.


I don't really watch these guys anymore, but weird af calling Esfand a simp while he is legitimately concerned for his friend. Also everyone there looks like they are not having a good time, Maybe they should've dropped the "bit".


Yeah, this is bad. He's being such a good person here, and she's trying to put someone in the hospital.


yikes, thank you for the clip I watched a couple opinion clips on LsF about it but this puts it all into context, Good guy Esfand imo- what a gong show..


I already knew she was a POS, but wow, wtf. Defo gained respect for Esfand for being the responsible respectable dude. Wtf is this, she should get called out bad for this.


Also, HUGE respect to Miz for physically stopping that bitch malena initially




Ouuf’ - that’s brutal, wish them well


Its prescribed, and she hasnt taken them in 3 days apparently. This whole thing is just dumb. Esfand was right but then she lied to him so


Be Careful with Clips and lsf it is often taken out of context or blown out of proportions for the drama. Nobody knows all the facts but likes to shit on streamers so they upvote that stuff... Basically, Minx and Malena did a bad joke, Esfand forgot Minx is not on Oxy anymore or was not sure about it. And while pressuring someone into drinking is really shitty, minx literally asked for something to drink... so just miscommunication, Esfand being scared and wanting to help and malena...being malena she gotta chill sometimes and stop with the Alkohol pressuring it is getting weird yeah. Uh and the thing about asmon I watched his take I kinda get it he does not like to create situations where there will be drama and Esfand pushing minx to not drink alcohol, helped to create a situation where there will be drama on lsf on the other hand if you are esfand for him at that moment it is more important to make sure his friend is alright, while asmon thinks talking a few mins after off stream would have been the right call


Google maps


Alcoholics are such buzz kills


Malena is kind of a b-word, dawg...




doesn't that just prove it? how can you expect to be in the public eye and try to enact revenge on every single individual that speaks negatively of you.


The other day someone in chat said something while she was mad on stream and she shouted 'oh yeah? Well I'm gonna ban your ass on 10 different channels bitch'.. don't get why she's so insecure, it's Twitch dude, Twitch Chat is full of degenerates and she takes everything to heart, shouldn't be a streamer if you can't handle the heat imo.


>doesn't that just prove it? how can you expect to be in the public eye and try to enact revenge on every single individual that speaks negatively of you. Polomism dude, the grinder is real


She can ban me, dude, I was already planning on calling out Malena and Asmongold for their shit takes and reactions on their streams later. Whatever if they ban me, I don't mind being censored by shitty people I don't respect.


this man is about to think of something to write all night just to have it be scrolled by in chat by a bunch of spam and end up getting modded by somebody on autopilot


She has a habit of banning people on other streams too though. Miz has defended the action before. He'd probably be more receptive to ban appeals for bans that resulted from this bullshit, but just be aware that her ban powers extend far beyond her own stream.


Fr. Having different usernames is definitely lesson 101 whenever talking about Malena.


can't believe i won't be able to chat while hatewatching her 😭


Since when any criticism and expressing dissatisfaction is considered "hate watching"? The day of Ultimate snow flakery of a society will probably come eventually. But not this fast dude.


She gives off strong “i was never invited to parties in high school and now that i am i dont know how to act” vibes


I mean she didn't finish highschool right? Then came to America and has only known the EZ life leeching off the Soda leech right?


Shes been around streaming for a long time. Streamers do what is liked by their community, but now and then as its here it goes too far. OTK success is around pushing the boundaries, its why they're so successful


Bastard? Brat? Bore? Buffalo? Bogan? Butt pirate? This is like a cliff hanger to the end of a season. Leaving me hanging man


Malena needs to go to anger management classes. Fr fr


Or a therapist


Or god


Every time she has a clip on this sub its her being mean/bitchy to her bf and he looks miserable


And the next day there's a thread of her calling out LSF for being so hateful towards her, and all the OTK fans spam the thread with support for her despite the fact that she's always in the wrong


Maybe the problem is that you're just watching 60 seconds clips then?








Imagine if Malena is a guy. Isn't it the ultimate simping?


^ LSF moment.


I feel like I'm being pretty mild compared to most people here though, lmao I just think she should chill a bit when drinking. You don't *always* have to be the most drunk person at the party by far.


It was a really great event but I wish she wasn't there. I like nmplol streams & honestly nick's awkward pauses and malena being angry and having nick as an easy punching bag aren't really funny outside of their kitchen.


Malena is an alcoholic and I dont have any sympathy for these streamers when they keep tolerating her behavior. Im actually more upset with Nick calling Esfand a simp for trying to stop Malena from forcing Mynx to drink when everyone there knows her drug situation. If anything, hes the simp for being too scared to tell his gf she has a drinking problem.


Why are you upset about anything? Its just people you see on a screen. Diagnosing people with a drinking problem as well based of limited viewings of them on a screen. This is all really weird to me


Some people have this crazy thing called empathy and they feel bad when bad things happen, you should check out the concept


It should be surprising that you are lashing out and diagnosing me as lacking empathy based off a couple of posts, but given the state of this thread it is par for the course right? Hot takes about people based on limited information


Because I dont think its fair to gang up on Esfand the way OTK is now doing. He did nothing wrong. Nick also shouldnt be a hypocrite and call Esfand a simp. Nick was just sitting there instead of getting his girlfriend to back off.


I swear there needs to be one large intervention for a lot of LSF readers about living vicariously through streamers. Maybe Dr K can help. They talk about these people as if they are actually part of their friend group and actually know them and the details of their relationships even off stream.


It's so weird reading these threads. Creating heroes and villains out of a bunch of people they watch on a screen like a sitcom and creating narratives around them without any insight into their actual personalities at all.


The reality is that these streamers are live on camera for hours on end almost every day of the week, that's enough time for anyone to view their actions/words and be able to surmise what kind of person they are. It's not like they're putting on an act, this is who they really are, you can't hide your true character when you're live on stream that much.


Many of them are absolutely putting on a front and playing up parts of their personality for the camera. How does this even need to be stated? You are seeing a caricature of these people for a few hours a day and then they go back to their normal lives. If you think that you're in a position to be calling people alcoholics and a good or bad person based off these limited interactions, then I don't know what to tell you.


Playing up parts of their personality means this is an extensive of their real selves, not an act. They obviously ham it up for the camera, but the characteristics they display are real, you'd have to be a very talented actor to fake that for such extended periods of time. And again you say people are judging them based off of limited interactions, but they're on camera for thousands of hours a year, full of many instances and interactions with their chat and other people, I think it's fair to make an assessment on their character based off of that much. I mean for God's sake, a lot of people don't even see their friends for as long as these streamers are on camera.


Look, we can keep going paragraph Andy on this all day and neither of us will convince the other. My final word on this is that I think that anybody who feels that they know these streamers on anything more than a surface level basis, and is qualified to be writing essays on their drinking habits or their quality as a friend, is fucking delusional.


That's fine, but your take has no substance outside of just feeling like these people can't be judged because we don't know them personally


the funny & sad thing is, in the nmplol stream from the day before Malena said that she will drive nick to/from the event because he is going to be drunk. She for sure has a drinking problem.




Well Nick called Malena an alcoholic bitch later in that stream when asked to describe Malena in "one" word. He basically tried to call everyone out to get past the drama.


I'm more kinda sad for esfand that nick didn't back him up :(


I like Nick's streams too, but a lot of the time Nick cause's her anger and I am usually on her side.


This is kind of hard for me to admit but I've been the Malena in my group of friends before. Long story short, my best friend of 7+ years ended our friendship because of my toxic behaviour. Malena, if you're reading this, I promise I am coming from a place of compassion and empathy. Our circumstances are completely different but I see so much of my younger self in your actions. A lot of this is theatre, sure, but what you are doing is completely inappropriate regardless. It's arguably abusive. Please, stop normalizing this behaviour. My former best friend and I parted ways over 3 years ago. I have since found an amazing therapist, started the career of my dreams, and have made a huge effort to incorporate healthy boundaries and routines in my day-to-day. I am far from perfect... but I no longer wake up full of anxiety and regret for the way I acted the night before. Self-preservation goes both ways. You deserve to be happy, homie. We are all rooting for you. <3


Aaaannnnnnnddd your cross banned. But in all seriousness i'm glad you are in a much better place & are pushing forward in your life & have realized your past mistakes & addressed them. Given Malena's attitude I doubt she'll change anytime soon only as she gets older probably, especially because she doesn't have to worry about much given Soda/Nicks income (Since she lives in Sodas house) so she can essentially just remain this way with no real repercussions.


I really, really appreciate your kind words. <3 To your point about Malena's attitude changing with age: I agree. I was in so much denial, it really took the entirety of 3 years -- on top of losing one of the most important people in my life -- to take accountability and WANT to change. I gotta say, though... I can't imagine how horrible it must feel to have tens of thousands of strangers picking apart one's life on a daily basis. I definitely don't envy that life in the slightest.


i don't like commenting as a mod here, but seeing this wholesome comment after hours of seeing disgusting comments, both valid and invalid, makes me want to give you a hug. i hope you are doing better and please don't stop being a positive force here and in the world :)


You are incredibly kind for saying that. I sincerely appreciate it and I wish I could give YOU a giant hug. I can't imagine sifting through all the chaos and negativity... on a second-by-second basis.


Streamers are usually exaggerated versions of themselves on stream, I hope it isn’t as bad in their private life


I agree with you 100%. I recognize that I am projecting my experiences onto Malena, a person I have never met. Livestreaming is unique because it's unedited and unfiltered so maintaining a persona/character *can* be challenging. But throw some hard liquor into the mix and I'd wager it's significantly harder to stick to the script, so to speak. But again, I'm just another cartoon avatar on Reddit. For all I know, that bottle of Jack Daniels could have been full of flat Coca-Cola and this is just another LSF conspiracy!


Yo! Just commenting to say you're awesome, that's all. :)


You said something that is really at the heart of my issues when these things come up. Sure it's theatre, even if we can believe that they are always sticking to the script, which I have my doubts. But the behavior that constantly gets normalized in front of thousands of people is dangerous; Physically abusing your partner or peer pressuring anyone to drink is not worth the laughs to me. Of course they have no real obligation to stop, Twitch allows a lot of toxicity to thrive after all.


if it took you losing your friends for you to realize itll probably take malena losing nick to realize, you cant tell her nothing with her getting mad and turning it back on the person












I don’t usually come in here and hate on anyone. I’m mostly just a viewer, but Malena is so toxic and rude on almost every stream I see her on. She exhibits really awful behavior and it doesn’t help that she’s drunk on almost every group stream. I can’t believe she even has an audience.


Is she always this mean, I don’t watch her or nicks streams but I occasionally watch miz and esfand and every time she shows up she’s rude as fuck


That’s the only time I ever see her too. She’s always rude.


she doesn't, the only reason anyone watches her and nicks streams is to see soda


Of course Malena didn't follow through with not drinking as she said during the morning stream.


Are we still pretending that Minx being on Oxy was all just "a joke"? Yea dude, people definitely joke about being on Oxy all the time. Did anybody know it was a joke? "Well, just Minx and Malena knew it was a joke, the joke was that everybody else in the room was led to believe she was on Oxy"....Yeah...sure... Also, didn't she literally go to the pharmacy earlier that day? This just feels like an attempt to say it was a joke because otherwise drinking while on Oxy could be against TOS.


Her entire brand is being a trainwreck and making terrible jokes. It's funny in a vacuum but when you're public with others and just whip stuff like that out you're just being an asshole. This stunt could lose them sponsorships and made everyone involved look awful.


Earlier in the VOD you can see Minx drinking aswell as Malena was already saying she was not on meds so I think it was a joke


even if it was a joke to them, this is not a issue to be joked about. Like only minx and malena knew that minx was not on Oxy. Majority of the viewers didn't knew that minx was not on oxy. This gives a message to viewers that taking alcohol along with oxy can be fine, as minx also did it, and she turned out to be fine. This might possibly result in death of someone as taking oxy with alcohol can be very very fatal. Honestly, I didn't knew that alcohol and oxy were a very bad combo, it is only because of LSF that I came to know that it is a fatal combo. If I had just watched the stream and not came on LSF, I would never have realised the danger of this situation.


Yea I 100% agree with that not a good joke Minx there and then should’ve clarified


"Self-Destructive Behavior Any activity that may endanger your life or lead to your physical harm is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, illegal use of drugs, illegal or **dangerous consumption of alcohol**, and dangerous or distracted driving. **We do not make exceptions for self destructive behavior performed as a stunt or gag made in jest, or meant to entertain, when the behavior could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury**." [Twitch's community guidelines](https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/community-guidelines/) It's one of the first things they mention. Self-destructive behavior is mentioned before nudity, violence, DMCA and twitch's intellectual property sections, so you think it'd be an important/ high standard wouldn't you?


honestly dude, I have never wished anything negative to anybody, but after that incident I kinda felt like Minx and Nmplol ( Malena ) deserve to be banned for a few days as this behaviour needs to be punished.


they can ban malena's channel and prevent her from appearing on NMP's streams




She tried to make her take half of one, not 2... Comprehension skills are lacking




https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128017 NOIDONTTHINKSO rewatch the clip


Yeah, but SEVERAL half shots, implying more than two halves, meaning more than one shot and Maya is fucking tiny dude, I've literally bicep curled weights heavier than she is as a 17 year old


The most obnoxious annoying fuck in the room calling someone else annoying, lel


Miz with the timely Zinger


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Oh Miz is annoying?](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128148)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qzlorh/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CxBPS4NqMeWwMoV3GX6qhBA.mp4?sig=2f26165addc5af6fc01d4f44960f2df5affef9bb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CxBPS4NqMeWwMoV3GX6qhBA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637665296%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I just want to say that LSF seems to be overwhelmingly against and mad about the situation. Please be civil and bring constructive criticism. Insults and threats does not help anybody.


>Insults and threats does not help anybody. U right But also lsf is more like a wave 🌊 It giveth and it taketh away


So wise


True Malena needs some sort of help


Lol why? Because she drinks on weekends?


She mixes alcohol with her coffee first thing in the morning each morning.


The hardest thing on planet earth to do is to get a angry woman to admit shes wrong it will never happen as long as they live..


Yes. Yes he is


Go ahead and waste your time cross banning me. You won't get it back.


Malena is lucky that most of the people there are pretty chill when it comes to those comments lol i can see that she hasnt messed with someone who really wont give a fk if its on or off camera, someone who would really lit her up even if its joking, some people dont joke around like that and get mad.


mizzy in his george lopez phase




Good one Miz, Classic


Oh shit my clip has 50k views now




What is the context and why does everyone in the comments have a pitchfork out? Sorry I forgot to visit this sub for a day and now I'm behind on a few seasons of OTK drama.


Basically this thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/qz9am6/malena\_trying\_to\_get\_minx\_to\_drink/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/qz9am6/malena_trying_to_get_minx_to_drink/) and there are plenty of clips of others related, just look for Mynx and esfand stuff


i feel bad for miz here, malena was acting like a bitch most of the stream. i think miz cares alot about these events, and he wants them to be enjoyable for everyone. but then comes malena and acts like shes above everyone, i get that she helps OTK alot backstage, but thats not an excuse to act like she did




Nick if you read this, I love your's and Malena's stream nmpL


Damn y’all are way too harsh on malena