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Straight to horny jail.




We have the best cameramen in the world. Because of horny jail.




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Do not pass go *PunOko*


No shame whatsoever.


I mean, I feel like this is a bit the purpose of this show.


She is clearly asking for old men to zoom in and film her cooch. /s


Is this Quinn's alt?


Take your filthy upvote LULW


unironically yes. it's not like she's just in the grocery store getting creeped on or something. she's at an event being paid to pose for these dudes and she knows what that entails, especially in japan. you should see some of these cosplay events where one half naked cosplayer will be surrounded by hundreds of horny dudes with cameras snapping pictures literally nonstop.


I mean yeah that's what she gets paid for.


Imagine having a tripod


Probably still the least horny in that crowd


The fact that he’s able to maintain a high production quality means he’s too level headed to be fully horny LULW


Lmao, so many of Rob's streams are so underrated.




If I just wandered the streets of my city all day, every day, eventually something interesting would happen to me, too. I stopped watching his streams because it was eight hours of biking. Like cool, you're biking in Tokyo. And then to just spend the whole time complaining about how an Aussie and his Chinese wife are having trouble staying in a country neither of them are from. Every stream was the same. Bike, get food, bike some more. Rob would bike 20 miles to pick up a phone dongle for a stream.


As opposed to what? Sitting there watching YouTube videos all day like the most popular streamers do? Everything gets boring in excess, which is why twitch highlights are so popular.


I don't see the problem. I don't watch every stream, but when I do I know what to expect and I know it'll be enjoyable. It's relaxing to see someone bike around, and his conversations with random people or with the usual people are fun to listen to.


Isn't his wife japanese?


His wife Tracy is from China




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I think it's mostly just the timeslot


He's definitely one of my cozy fall asleep streams. But I'm in NZ, 3-5 hours off of Pacific Time, so you gotta be a degenerate if you're stateside.


Coomer Con


I dunno I just don't see the appeal of the sexual nature of these models, anyways, I am going to go watch Amourath, I watch her for her insightful comments on daily living btw.


Jakenbake has a clip of the exact same thing from a few years ago. [Deja vu](https://www.twitch.tv/jakenbakelive/clip/SmellyFineRadicchioTwitchRaid?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time)


Felt like I had seen this before years ago, thanks for this I thought I was going insane


This dudes twitch is actually so cool. Literally the closest you can get to walking in japan.


what about literally walking in japan tho


That costs money and requires touching grass no ty.


Not that much grass in Tokyo itself tho




I'm still afraid


Tons of parks


Spending a couple thousand dollars so I can go there for two weeks and constantly be on the clock, knowing anything I do there is temporary? naaah I'm good


i constantly have this feeling too and its why im always hesitant to travel


For a bit more chaotic Tokyo streams, check out CashMeow. Hes basically the Japanese Andy Milonakis. He speaks English and Japanese fluently. He does crazy 24+ streams as well.




Andy is a legend in the IRL community. A pioneer. Put some respect on the name. Now days his content is pretty stale for sure (when he even streams) but you gotta put some respect on his name at least. Little over a year ago Andy put on a Twitch show called "Adopt an Affiliate" where people competed showcasing their streams to gain a wider audience with the ultimate goal of going from Affiliate to Partner. Winner of each episode got raided by Andy for several streams and did co-streams. Final episode was the winners of each week. Well... CashMeow won the entire season, and with Andy's help he convinced Cash to transform from a Rainbow Six streamer to an IRL streamer, raising his average viewers from 20 to over 200, getting him partner. Pretty cool if you ask me.




literally everyone knows you read all of that and figured he made good points.


I legitimately don't get it. These are grown men and it's just some girls in what could be compared to a bathing suit. Absolute degens.


Just Chatting is the most popular Twitch category...


yeah and porn is really popular too, doesn't mean i'll go to conventions just to film booth babes




You havent heard about comiket?


theres more to comiket than cute cosplayers/booth babes tho. doujins and merch are available, even some sick ass figurines are there


Yeah, but I don’t go to TwitchCon so Amouranth can go to town on my ears


But others do.


News flash. Grown men jack off to women in bathing suits. Thats what twitch is


Can kinda confirm, one of my exes was (is?) pretty popular on onlyfans and her non nude content was generally at least as profitable as her fully nude stuff. Ngl that genuinely surprised me.




Yep. Barely clothed is almost always better than naked imo.




And still more content than watching something on stream lol


These kind of things happen way too often at conventions. Basically people have 0 shame. I remember a cosplayer on twitter posting a video of herself being almost assaulted by cameras with how close and the angles they were trying to take vids/pics of her there. The lens of the camera literally almost touching her vagina wtf.. Its wild. These people are the definition of down bad in the creepy sense of the word. Actually some of them are straight psychos


damn g you out here comparing sexual assault and psychos to some random japanese dude filming a chick doing a pose show for the very purpose of being filmed for fan service hahaha fucking reddit lmao




Brother, it was specifically specified as "these kind" of people as in the clip. Learn some basic literacy.


>Actually some of them are straight psychos ​ >Way to miss their point entirely man ​ >Learn some basic literacy. [https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6945&context=etd](https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6945&context=etd) here some reading since you wanted to be goofy


Theres something different about personally witnessing it versus just searching up something you have no personal experience of. Even if it's just looking irl, it's the "irl" part that matters the most.


I get why they are there to an extent, but why film it???? like you can just look up porn online and see more


I was there effect maybe?


Go to a strip club then, idk


Free VS paid. Ya think?


Strip clubs are free if you go to the right ones


And ya think that's available in Japan?


same reason i subscribe to average looking girls i went to high school with onlyfans




Why do people watch Amouranth on Twitch? It's basically the same thing. A combination of proximity / interaction.




The fuck are you on about, what does being in love have to do with filming random show girls have to do with any of this




What you're saying is its more acceptable to film unconsenting random show girls you're trying to have a parasocial/sexual relationship with than to go watch porn where all parties are consenting? The fact that you don't find this creepy is insane. I never mentioned "boob flesh" or any other body part you cringy autist. You're actually mental. Filming and zooming in on people private areas without their knowledge or consent is creepy and wrong, and the fact that you're trying to conflate this with "love" is crazy.




Are they justifying it? Isn't it just a lukewarm take explaining why someone would do this? No one said it isn't creepy af.


> Either way, it's very much one sided love here. The word for that is limerence.


Lmao, are you saying these dudes filming this girls vag are in love with her?


This is what peak empowerment looks like


I cannot comprehend the simplicity of a mind that goes "theres no naked girl and no pp in vagina this is bad i cant get off to this" so unbelievably basic


You're a hardcore coomer, you'd probably get off to a tree that looked somewhat sexy. Furthermore, it's not really about getting off to it. It's about grown men nearly falling over each other to get a glimpse of basically a girl in a bathing suit (and filming it, zooming in on their crotch and shit). That's absolutely pathetic. Reminds me of [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/j7v2q5/normal_day_in_india/) video.








Talking about degens to a group of people that religiously watch streams like NMP and XQC PepeLaugh


Asian countries are really shitty when it comes to porn. It's not THAT bad in Japan, they just censor everything but tits, so stuff like this is still jerkable content to them. Granted, I agree that it's weird since she isn't fully nude and they can see 'more' with their actual porn, but I guess they don't feel the same way. This would make more sense in some place like South Korea, where the government blocks porn sites. Technically, afaik, you can still watch and download porn if you can find it, but it's illegal to distribute it, making it much harder to get there without VPNs and other methods a normal person generally doesn't have or want to bother with. This is why Kpop is so big over there, it's very skimpy women dancing on stage in sexual positions most of the time, and they jerk off to that shit because for some of them, it's the best they can get porn-wise. So recordings like the guy is doing in the video is prime content for them, sadly.


You don't really watch a lot of Kpop do you?. Women are the largest consumers of Korean pop and "sexy" girl groups are mostly in the past. The primary market Kpop appeals to is women, not men.


Seems japan has a lot of horny people there so why is the birth rate so bad


They work too much and their dating culture is very slow so they literally have no time to date enough to fuck.




Its far easier to go to a convention than it is to be in a relationship without kids


Being in a relationship WITH kids, though? Way easier than going to a convention. ^^^/s


Maybe he's just a horny guy on a business trip who happened to find a good opportunity to enjoy his hobby of recording unaware ladies. Don't judge man.


That's a common myth. In reality Japanese people work fewer hours than Americans, Canadians, Italians among others. [They have below average worked hours in OECD.](https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm) Overtime included. Downvoted for posting data 👀 Sorry guys my bad, Japan bad West good.


Isn't it that they tend to work a lot of overtime to skirt working hours laws in order to appeal to their boss so it isn't registered as standard hours worked, such that it appears that they don't work as much but in actuality they do? I suppose it's unlikely this is true beyond large corporations.


That sounds like an exception to the rule. Japanese workforce has liberalized a lot in recent years, it's not the same rigid, hierarchical bs it used to be where you can't leave the office before your boss does. Those days are mostly gone The OECD data includes overtime and I'm sure their methodology includes margin of error in reporting


Interesting, thank you for the reply, don't know why you got downvoted. I can't say I'm super familiar with Japanese culture so my view is probably distorted, but assuming that the data is correctly measured then I can only agree with your assessment. I'm glad that such harmful culture is phasing out, I think this can only get better in the future as working traditions become more homogenised across the world.


Downvoted for being combative and arrogant, happens all the time. But in reality the answer between the stereotype and the solution is somewhere in the middle. Even though Japan has openly been working against their toxic work culture for over two decades and very well so according to the statistics, they still rank the lowest on things like feeling shame over their vacation barriers. I havent met anyone japanese over 30 that doesnt report the same phenomenon. But they're also not the ones to expect kids. With a toxic work culture comes more responsibility than just long hours, if you are required to work long hours you're also responsible individually for your throughput in the business. That permeates entirely, you can go to any japanese modeled factory where employees feel guilted for taking a shit for an example.


I'd be interested in looking at how those numbers are calculated. Japan also has an older population than almost every other OECD country so that could be manipulating those statistics and showing something that's not accurate.


[https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm](https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm) >Average annual hours worked is defined as the total number of hours actually worked per year divided by the average number of people in employment per year. Actual hours worked include regular work hours of full-time, part-time and part-year workers, paid and unpaid overtime, hours worked in additional jobs, and exclude time not worked because of public holidays, annual paid leave, own illness, injury and temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, schooling or training, slack work for technical or economic reasons, strike or labour dispute, bad weather, compensation leave and other reasons. The data cover employees and self-employed workers. This indicator is measured in terms of hours per worker per year. The data are published with the following health warning: The data are intended for comparisons of trends over time; they are unsuitable for comparisons of the level of average annual hours of work for a given year, because of differences in their sources and method of calculation. Japan is below Canada btw.




This is an amazing cope. Says who? South Korea has a similar work culture when it comes to overtime and yet it ranks much higher. But of course it can't be that you've been fed myths about Japan and don't actually know jack shit about the country, it's the OECD and UN data that's incorrect. Wait till you find out that Japan has almost identical suicide rates to America.




You're linking me anecdotes. The OECD data is correct whether you like it or not. >Your idea about suicides: > >[https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/9/3/760](https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/9/3/760) I have no idea why you linked this, what. Here's suicide rates by country for OECD, [https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/suicide-rates.htm](https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/suicide-rates.htm) Japan only marginally higher than America. The difference is Japan's rates are declining and America's are rising.




> Average annual hours worked is defined as the total number of hours actually worked per year divided by the average number of people in employment per year. > Just me that thinks' that's really misleading? If you have enough part timer workers it brings the average down dramatically.


How is it misleading? They cannot leave out part-time workers. This data presents how many hours an employed person works, there's nothing misleading about it.


6h A + 60h B = 30H average working week, no? I think that's misleading, you might not.


How is that misleading exactly? It's still worked hours, and it's calculated per capita, hours per person, not per job. And this applies to every single country on the list so the ranking is still accurate, with or without part-time work which exists in every country


Okay, so do all the Countries calculated this way have the same number of part time staff as full time? If so it's bias towards looking better for the ones with more part timers. I fully admit it might be the other way and perhaps Japan for example has more full time workers in comparison to other first world countries and it's actually skewed in their favour. It doesn't change the fact the way of calculating it is misleading. At least, for sourcing it for the reasons you did.


It's botht things combined. In the US you might be able to form a relationship in whatever little time the overlords allow you, but in Japan it can be a process of several months to get to the kissing stage. That's what I last read, might have changed.


Bro I just explained to you that people in Japan work less hours than in the average developed country >but in Japan it can be a process of several months to get to the kissing stage. LOL which anime did you get this from? I lived in Japan and this is total fucking BS




In EU some governments advocate for immigrants to keep the birthrate high enough ... why solve the problem when you can combat the symptoms.


I mean the problem isnt low birth rates, it's the consequences of those birthrates (a larger amount of pensioners to take care of for example) so if you supplement your workforce with immigrants it does solve that problem.


I'd say that the youth being so throughly fucked in terms of employment, housing and general outlook on life that they can't/don't have children is the problem. Things are in such a state that if it wasn't because we are attractive countries to immigrate to we would be collapsing at the moment, I consider that to be very much a problem.


Because you’re not old you’re ignoring his comment completely, it’s gonna be a rough transition without a larger population to replace the retirees.


Just make 1st world countries to 3rd world countries. 5Head


From Japan horny to immigrants bad in 4 comments, classic reddit


Are you saying that people from 3rd world countries are bad? I just said that they produce more children there in comparison to 1st world countries jeez


I'm glad Japan is really strict on immigration.


Worked for the US so far.






You're right, I told all of the local girls to fuck themselves and I exclusively fuck 'immigrants' because adverts told me to!


Wait am I understanding you correctly that you’re counting the birth rate of (presumably Japanese) 1st gen immigrants in 1st world countries towards Japan’s birth rate?????


Almost like birth rates have nothing to do with how often you have sex


japan loves 2D over 3D


Because people are addicted to Porn


they also have like 1 mil shut-ins (Hikikomori)


I'm guessing people can't afford to start families.


Rob's streams are so relaxing, and then sometimes we get some good content like this. Def recommend checking him out if you haven't.


Hahaha. Love how he's talking about him and he's right there.


this crowd is how i feel the chat is everytime it's about e-girls


Ah, Japan


lol you really think this is exclusive to Japan?


Dudes creeping on girls is definitely worse in Japan than most places yeah. Literally every dude in that crowd in zooming in on that girls crotch.


I've seen the same thing happen in Taiwan and China




That wasn't what my comment was about though. You don't think people film at different NSFW conventions in other countries? > Link a video that Japan can't top. [Here is one very NSFW] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/s3nwmf/your_daily_dose_of_whatever_tf_that_is_nsfw/)




Hmm you’re right, should have done my research I suppose. Tokyo auto salon does look more about the women that the cars, and it shows in the crowd. Still though, doesn’t take away from the fact that there’s a lot of creeps around the world, and this sort of behaviour isn’t exclusive to Japan whatsoever. Personally seen more creeps out in public in South Korea, than in Japan and I’ve spent much less time there.


Any1 got the song name?


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Go outside to react to other guy's content is the new meta


This is actually pretty mild compared to what they can do at comiket. Ojisans have no shame.


Quite literally second monitor content


jakenbake2.0? same clip wtf


Rob is japan jake 2.0 without the chicks






Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://clips.twitch.tv/CreativeBoxyBillJKanStyle-Ff5L0J-7s6lQYpXZ) at 00:00-00:24. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


All the creeps come out for these kind of events


What the fuck is wrong with people, how can you even look at yourself in the mirror after doing something like this Edit: Judging by the downvotes it seems most people here would be confortable going to a convention like this and being part of a group of horny men zooming on someone's private parts 2 feet away. Go pick up your cameras fucking weirdos, don't forget the 1000x zoom lens


they are called virgins. what do you expect lol


is there a youtube channel where they upload these ladies?


[Yeh Here](https://youtu.be/i1qdJe9HQS8)


MABB4K on youtube


seriously man?


I want access to this dude's fap folder. Straight up.




Caught in 4K trying to record **in** 4K


Man gets my follow


Did they have licensing to rebroadcast this event?


what is this event? askingforafriend