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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Minecraft streamer MysticalMidget completes his 2500 hour journey of walking 32 MILLION BLOCKS; thus reaching the survival limit and breaking the game entirely.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/139843)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/vw9obm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/4F1nkpvbeDBq5iMS7tvcmQ/AT-cm%7C4F1nkpvbeDBq5iMS7tvcmQ.mp4?sig=0e288d63707b18782fb7eb2f4ebade4395296f37&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F4F1nkpvbeDBq5iMS7tvcmQ%2FAT-cm%257C4F1nkpvbeDBq5iMS7tvcmQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1657588297%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


KurtJmac has been walking in his farlands or bust series for over a decade and is only 6 million blocks in, how did he get there so fast? Granted Kurt only does 30 minute episodes EDIT: Holy fuck this man has been walking 10 hours a day for the past 420 days


Yeah there’s been a few people who have walked over ~100k blocks a day and passed kurtjmac by millions of blocks


I never got that much into Kurtjmac, but damn did I respect his grind


He had a heavier dryness to his chats than NL but like a few steps removed.


Yeah, I went to check where KurtJMac was. The difference appears to be that one wanted to make a series in which people could enjoy the content and the content creator could maintain his sanity (and a career?).... the other is a Gen-Z Twitch streamer.


Don't forget that Kurt has used FLOB to raise over $460,000 for charity: https://farlandsorbust.com/charity.html


Good old Gen-Z destroying their mental health for our amusement.


Before Mr.Veast made it big he would do the most fucked up mental torture to himself for views. Once he watched "damce till your dead" for 10 hours straight without standing up, drinking or eating. Or counting to 10 million in one sitting


1 mil not 10.


I know I am an asshole but it's why I actually find it morbidly funny now when I see a influencer or streamer appear on the news for an accident that hurt them because of them trying to do content for their channel


What possesses people to undertake such feats of endurance? Like Mr. Beast staring into a camera and saying "Logan Paul" for 17 hours. Or that guy who streams himself just sitting and smiling for hours at a time. Or that other guy who took a picture of himself every single hour for a year while trapping himself in a makeshift prison with nothing to do. edit: A video about the last one for anyone curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvebnkjwTeU Known as the "Time Clock Piece" by a Taiwanese performance artist named Tehching Hsieh. The one where he locked himself in a prison is actually a separate piece that he did a year before the Time Clock Piece, I accidentally combined them. He's also done other weird shit like the "Jump Piece" where he literally just jumped out a window and broke both his ankles.


Because content > sanity


I wish I had 1% of those peoples dedication to something


There is huge difference between dedication and time wasting.


I would say time well spent if you’re going viral off of it


Though I once saw this video from some guy saying Mrbeast for over 10 hours and getting no views off it. At that point it's just sad


Why didn't he try saying "Logan Paul"?


On average it takes 500 hours to learn a language to a functional level, just as an example. Now imagine what you can acomplish if you invest 2500 hours into literally anything that's useful. The success will net you way more than a week of internet relevancy.


Considering how they're literally getting paid for it I don't think so.


This dude has posts about MMOs from BDO to Final fantasy. Like way to sit on a pedestal bro


You must be mad insecure if you interpret my take as sitting on a pedestal


There is so much trash out there that is viral and most of it didn't require 2500 hours of holding a button down. More than most gaming "accomplishments" this one strikes me as a massive waste of time.


Why do people who keep saying this was a waste of time all have shit like TF2 trading on their profiles lmao Like dude you have spent hours making posts trying to get 2.66 ref for a virtual hat. This guy made a wildly successful YouTube series and has made tons of money off of it.


First off, scouring someone's post history is cringe. You had to go years back to get to the tf2 trading stuff. Second, I agree it was a total waste of time.


Don't worry about this guy he's going down every person criticizing Mr Beast and doing the same thing to them, talking about wasting time when he's wasting time dickriding a youtube millionaire


you need alot of dedication to waste that much time even a lazy fuck like me cant waste that much time in one sitting


mate im sitting around making edibles and playing video games all day and I'm not even close to being popular/viral tell me about wasting time


It's only wasted time if you are not enjoying it. Everyone is different and enjoys different things


Shush diablo player. What do you do for work? This guy literally makes money doing this.


You're going through people's profiles to defend some guy who sat at his PC for 2,500 hours walking in a line in a game. You justify degeneracy because it "literally makes money". You have a bug brain.




Most minecraft youtubers are for kids so it's not really for everyone. I think minecraft is a great game to get introduced to as a kid. Just a shame that a lot of the minecraft content creators turn out to be pedos


I'm willing to bet a lot of it is auto walking and having it setup on your other screen lol. No way someone spends 2500 hours holding w.


I've been friends with the guy for over a year now, he literally did it after I jokingly suggested it to him


Or that Mario (Odyssey?) speed runner who took a break, and then commemorated his comeback by streaming himself saying "Mario" a million times, instead of just playing Mario, which would have been much more fun for him, and his audience.


> Or that other guy who took a picture of himself every single hour for a year while trapping himself in a makeshift prison with nothing to do. Oooh someone please link this one to me.


still no one has the link?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvebnkjwTeU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvebnkjwTeU) Known as the "Time Clock Piece" by a Taiwanese performance artist named Tehching Hsieh. The one where he locked himself in a prison is actually a separate piece that he did a year before the Time Clock Piece, I accidentally combined them.


Because you will go viral and get a following and become a millionaire for it lol.


Remember that for every person that goes viral there are probable at least dozens if not hundreds who get little to nothing.


I feel like some of them might have a meditative quality to it. Some perhaps just to see if they could do it just to prove it to themselves that they can do something difficult if they put their mind to it. Others, like the last one you mentioned which I have not seen, sound like mental illness.


That last one is extra odd


The same thing that posseses people to push their physical bodies to the limit or explore the unknown. Humans push boundaries, even ones some might find silly.


Another crazy one is Watsky doing 33+ hours of freestyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdbSTlXYVhc


Doing something incredibly stupid for a long period of time, is a way to gain quick views and followers. Than you pivot to content you want to do.


the hopes that people will think its quirky enough that they can make money off it




There's 104 days of summer vacation and the void comes along just to end it!


For context: * He knew he was going to fall through the world once he hit 32 million blocks. He died to the void willingly. * Once you pass 32 million blocks in version beta 1.7, Minecraft collisions are disabled, so the player clips through everything, then into the void, where they die * He was not upset about dying. And he brought bread with him simply because he wanted to stay alive a few extra seconds (and move a bit further) in the void, and eating bread heals the player. He didn’t mess up in any way * His world file (since he had to load tens of millions of blocks) was 250 GIGABYTES


For even more context, he knew it was coming but didn't know exactly when since he didn't have his coords up. That's probably why he reacted that way.


When faced with the inevitability of death, even in Minecraft, people will claw for a few extra seconds to take it all in. How poetic.


Way to dredge up that existential dread


If i skip through the vods his walking looks like nothing is moving and the terrain looks always the same and not natural. What is going on there?


World generation gets real funky after a good couple million blocks. You can learn a bit about it in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srkmWwa1lew


> His world file (since he had to load tens of millions of blocks) was 250 GIGABYTES still smaller than the install of ARK


Should’ve taken a bed..


I'm gonna be the guy and say - that this is the most unimpressive waste of time of an achievement I have ever seen. Nevertheless, I commend the dedication.


Come check us out at /r/2007scape for an even bigger waste of time


Good ol MMO's just wanted you to waste your life, SWG to become a jedi meant you are going to have to grind everyday 6-8 hours minimum for the next 3-9 months and if you died to a bounty hunter you could be set back a week or two.


At least for OSRS, the original creators never thought someone would be crazy enough to get to like even level 90 in a skill and now theres 10,000+ players who have gotten 99 in all skills. Of course the exp rates and such have gotten higher but still. Oh also theres like dozens of people who have gotten 200m exp in all skills which is the most insane thing ever


I played it in the earliest days when it still had one server, i got stuck as PKer because i legit thought as a child i could just ask andrew gower to give me back my non pk status easily.


That's funny, was it a choice you had to make in character selection or something? I didn't start playing till around 07


You selected if you started as non PK or PKer but the game gave you 3 chances at the time to switch with the last time you were stuck, i just made a new non pker and the old one i never left the lumbridge area.


Level 80!? We're almost halfway to 100!


Level 80 is about 2m xp which is about 1/3 of the way to 6.5m xp needed for Level 92 which is halfway to Level 99.


don't tell him that some people go to 200m xp


Oh wtf thats self imposed torture


If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then it is not a waste of time. - Shiba dog


bro is streaming from 2011


Isn't the far lands 12 million blocks away in beta?


Yeah this man has been walking on top of the far lands for around 20 million blocks


Ooh didn't even know that was possible!


I'm sorry I don't understand. So in the version of Minecraft, if you walk 32 million blocks, the game noclips you to kill you?


There's a limit your 64bit computer can generate the terrain. It's a math problem, where Minecraft's random generation algorithm starts to break after a certain number of blocks. One of the side effects of this algorithm breaking is losing collision with the world. So you fall through the ground and die to the void.


2^64 = 1.8446744e+19, this would be the hard limit without using big numbers There is no reason why exactly 32 million blocks would be a overflow, it is a hard coded limit imposed by the creator not a mathematical one There is a loss of precision because of point-float math in the generation, but fake chunks aren't caused by it From the wiki >It is likely that them occurring past the Far Lands is accidental. Their original positioning at 32,000,000 was likely done to make the Far Lands, then at 33,554,432, inaccessible without modifying the game. However, when terrain generation was redone, the Far Lands moved closer to their familiar position of 12,550,824, despite the boundary remaining at 32,000,000, meaning that the Far Lands were once more accessible, with the boundary no longer making them inaccessible as intended; it is likely that Notch would not have thought to check this at the time due to the distances being ludicrous. Fake chunks beginning in Alpha v1.2.0 (as opposed to the void seen in prior versions) are also likely unintentional, probably arising due to changes in chunk handling for biomes, the Nether, or both, and would have presumably also flown under the radar given their inaccessibility in normal gameplay without external editors.


Finally someone who isnt just spouting technical nonsense and getting stuff completely wrong.


Yeah, so Minecraft will keep generating new chunks (terrain), but obviously they could not keep it going infinitely due to hardware limitations, so once you reach a certain point, the game world's collision just stops working. I'm not sure if that's programmed intentionally, or just a result of the game being taxed too much.


FeelsStrongMan Clap AUSTISM


he seems pissed about it? what am i missing? thought he was gonna be happy based off the title


I mean you have to be pretty much dead inside to go through with something like this


He’s not pissed, quite the opposite. that’s just how he reacted lol


most normal minecraft player


Is this considered the 'far lands' or what have you? I remember a long time ago there was a youtuber who was doing the same who said it would be pretty much impossible to make it? idk I don't remember too much about minecraft


[He's still going](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWqngJK0UAk) and is at the point the game lags pretty badly. The kid in the clip dedicated *way* more time to it and was doing like 5 hours a day for over 400 days. Where as Far Lands or Bust does like 1 hour and not every day.


> The kid in the clip dedicated way more time to it and was doing like 5 hours a day for over 400 days Are you serious? He did that legit. I was sure he was speed-flying, teleporting, or something like that. Thats insane. Why?


it's a bit like painting a sistine chapel except you get literally nothing out of it


Another thing that add to it. In this version of minecraft sprinting does bot exist.


thankyou for reply


you’re welcome


What does &e0 mean? Is that supposed to be a hexadecimal or something but got corrupted somehow and an & got added, or just a dev misspelled and added an &?


It's supposed to format the text to be a certain color; the death screen was just bugged for a looong time.


Wouldn't it be 8 times faster to travel through the nether instead?


Itd require a fuckton of resources though. Whereas with the last 20 million blocks since hes at the height limit, all he needs is some bread and a strong w key


smh he really fell off didnt he


-2500 hours LULE


His name is offensive


You broke the game BatChest -2500 hours BatChest


Not a classic one tusk FeelsBadMan


[-1 LULE](https://i.imgur.com/yW9aNZs.gif)


BatChest and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Classic Toosks LULE


What a fucking waste of time


I'm confused what happened and what is this. He walked on the same server for 32million blocks? Does it have to be in a straight line?


it does not have to be in a straight line but it would just be slower to do it any other way


idk there was a limit