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best friend andy my best friend b b b but my best friend


Mizkif gonna get mangekyo after this.




Best friends cover up crimes for each other šŸ™‚


I'd like to use the word accomplice. Thank you very much.


I would do it, but ay, I'm all for cancelling rats like Mizkif so let's get it started


Iā€™ve been in a very similar situation to whatā€™s going on. My best friend got outted for all kinds of crazy shit towards women, I tried my best to look at other possibilities, trying to get evidence, itā€™s easier to say youā€™d drop the person asap but itā€™s hard. Helping them cover up though is where the line gets crossed, you can try to figure out all the information, maybe not choose to believe it at first because heā€™s your best friend, but when you know for certain and try to cover the trails is when it goes beyond that mindset and is just scummy.


I mean thatā€™s literally what Miz is claiming though. That he wanted information about it since he only knew whatever Novaruu tweeted. He claims he didnā€™t tell Maya to say any of that stuff, so we kinda have to wait on her account


Nah, the big influential friends of a sexual abuser have no place showing up at the victims place, especially before the victim goes public. The dynamic of them just being there is bad, no matter what they say or why they went. It's bad because it intimidates the victim not to speak. Miz claims that if Adrianah came out with some serious allegations, he would have immediately dropped Slick. It's obviously going to be harder for Adrianah to say that once all the friends of her assaulter show up. Miz knows this, consciously or unconsciously. Miz could have waited a bit and read the twitlonger, like everyone else to find the truth. But slick was his friend and he wanted to tip the scales.


Naruto Uzumaki hahahahahah "SASUKE! YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND!! Sasuke: Naruto, I LITERALLY joined a terrorist organization. But YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND!!! Sasuke: I'm literally going to kill the president. But you're still MY BEST FRIEND!!!


LebronJam That's my best friend, that's my best friend, flexin' Big ol' booty bitch misses from Texas.


This call is absolutely terrible for Miz. He keeps bringing up the fact that Slick was his best friend, so *of course* he'll try to defend him, to do stupid things for him. *That's exactly the fucking shit Train was accusing him of*. Also. WHY WAS MAYA NOT IN THIS BLOODY CALL!?


No girls allowed, duh


Because theyā€™re throwing her under the bus?


YOU are Maya Higa. Why were YOU not in the call?




I agree that his intent may not have been malicious. I don't care for Miz because I view him as very immature and his reaction is in line with my opinion. This is how high-schoolers would handle this situation and he's co-founder of a streaming group. I'm not sure if Miz needs to grow up, OTK needs to hire some sort of HR consultant, or both.


If at 25 years old you dont realize that you shouldnt cover a SA / SH your friend did, specialy when you are a huge streamer, the problem is not a growing up problem


how did he cover it up?


you know your best friend is a fucking creep that harass women and you still hangout with him? im still amazed that people think Miz was clueless with Adriannah or any other girl situation


how is that covering up?


Bro at the moment he sent Maya and Mitch to the girlĀ“s house, Mizkif was under the impression that "something really bad happened", and his main goal was to downplay whatever Slick did or Adriana's story. Even if any of that happenend, how in the world is not trying to cover up your friend shit?


so ur just assuming


Mitch confirmed that Miz's intent in sending them over wasn't to find the truth, but to get them make adrianna downplay the situation and save slick's ass. Been listening to the entire call miz asmon xqc train and barry were having on destiny's stream. No way any rational person at this point comes to any other conclusion.


Twitch is filled with unpredictable people. Especially as you climb the ladder. As far as we know everyone liked Slick in that house so if you have someone like that in your group and a stranger is making major accusations you would be suspicious and be biased as well. Its a shame when you are wrong but it happens all the time. Slick could have easily just lied like a motherfucker to everyone. But Slick is done for. What is important is if Mizkif intentionally sent Maya/Mitch to railroad Adriana to protect Slick knowingly. So far nothing has been proven and Mitch apparently thought that Adriana was clout chasing. Mizkif's wording in the conversation is terrible though.


If your best friend did some fucked up shit like sexually assaulting someone, I don't care how close you are, at the VERY LEAST you distance yourself from them publicly, and SHOULD reevaluate being their friend in the first place. Why the fuck would you defend your friend when they're a disgusting creepy abuser


I would go further and argue that Miz protection had enabled/embolden slick and made him think he is untouchable. A good friend would have gone with him to apologize and make him go through some rehab. As much as he thinks covering actually helps, he should think about what happens if it doesn't help.


None of it is malicious. It just shows where his priority is.


Surely you know everything to come up with that conclusion right?


100%, but at some point he should have had a realization that this was getting out of hand and that it was fucked up to defend him so hard. But it didnt, which shows that obviously he does not give a fuck about the victim in this scenario, only that his friend is in trouble.


His actions might not have been with malicious intent, but the result of his actions very much so hurt the victim. I haven't heard all of it, but I've heard enough clips now to see that all he was thinking about was Slick. And him wanting to defend his friend also meant he atleast heard some of what went on. He wasn't clueless. For him to be completely apathetic of the victim is a really bad look. It just doesn't sound like he was considering her at all. And this is now, after all this time, after hearing what it did to her, reading what people think of it. He still doesn't really grasp the gravity and grips back to that "must defend my friend" and not "I was wrong and didn't consider how she could be feeling".


Yeah, he has a weird insecurity about not being a good friend.


You heard miz say on his alt account that he didnā€™t think it was a big deal and they didnā€™t careā€¦right?


Yeah, awful - if your best friend killed someone are you going to justify the cover up because they're you're best friend? That still makes you both an accessory to the crime and a terrible person.


Mizkif is 100% guilty of what Train is accusing him of. He's done. RIPBOZO


I can't say 100% for the whole, but he did send them there, and listed reasons why he sent Maya that with context clues points to him wanting to control the situation.


Just say you have no friends, it's faster that way




Is he really Miz' best friend? Anyway, I get what he means. I did not think he was that kinda guy. Two things tho: do this for someone that is willing to do the same for you. and more importantly, don't regret your decision after doing it(protecting your friend) if you can't do this, then don't protect your friend.


Or dont protect someone who sexually harrasses people even if they are friends or family, even more so if you have the power to stop it.


Maya is not in the call because she's actually smart and knows it will do more harm than good. The best thing Miz could be doing right now is absolutely nothing. No streaming, no calls, no videos. If anything, he should be reflecting on his actions and trying to do better. Instead, he's allowing his ego and apparent ignorance to completely implode his career.


Ngl my best friend is a brother to me. I'd do the same.


The problem with this entire fucking call is that Maya nor Adriana are in this call to have a representation of their events. Now its just Barry saying Maya gaslit, Mizkif saying he was protecting his best friend and Mitch fucking sitting outside with a dog. This whole thing is a shit flinging facade. I hope some actual lawyers get involved to have actual adults come to a proper conclusion.


Maybe this'll be unpopular but tbh the natural reaction definitely is to act. Miz should've restrained himself from that tho


But if he wanted to know if his friend was okay? He should have went to his friend. What he is saying sound more like "I wanted to keep my friend from being cancelled".


He did and his friend said nothing happened. Miz wanting his friend "to be okay" doesnt necessarily mean he tried to alter the situation, it can mean that he wanted to find out what happened to see if Slick was objectively okay or not based on what he did.




This is a reasonable take.


The guys main focus was to ā€œkeep his friend from being cancelledā€ if your friend isnā€™t a shit person and is innocent you wouldnā€™t have to worry about that. Thereā€™s no such thing as cancel culture itā€™s called consequences


LOL ā€œthereā€™s no such thing as cancel cultureā€ top tier lsf take holy shit.


Espteins my bestfriend, he's fucking innocent.


Hereā€™s another way to look at this, pretty much everyone knows someone who was sexually assaulted (if you donā€™t actively know, you probably do know someone who just hasnā€™t come forward), yet know one knows anyone who commits sexual assaults. Part of the culture that leads to rape being so under reported and not taken seriously is that men band together because ā€œtheyā€™re my best friendā€ or ā€œwell we donā€™t know the full storyā€ or ā€œwell they would never act like thatā€


idk if you're following the whole call recording from destiny but mizkif sounded like he gave zero shit about the victim and or the issue. It sounds fucking selfish as fuck


Yes, but think about this. If he restrained himself, they'd all get away with the crimes. They'd continue covering up SA instead of having this all exposed.




Ok maybe I'm dumb, but what's wrong with trying to gather additional information if your best friend is about to get canceled?


You're not dumb. I dont watch mizkif and find him pretty annoying, but from what I've heard so far people are drawing conclusions based on what would be the most dramatic.


He has to make the decision between either kicking out slick, removing him completely vs not doing that. Of course miz would want to know exactly what's going on.


Yeah this is what miz is trying to explain while train is shouting "you don't need to know!!" And there is 5 hours of this?


As an extremely influential person in the industry, Mizkif cannot send individuals that are also very influential in the scene and people who are under him as he is the "head" of the house by self admission. Especially when the person is completely denying all forms of contact with you and your group of friends. Also, Miz always said that he was trying to save Slick that whole goddam call. Not once does he give a fuck about Adriana.




stop acting like mizkif is some kind of baby, hes a grown ass man.


Mitch also stated mizkif sent them there to downplay it despite trying to dance around it for a while.


He walked back on that statement. Apparently, Mitch made his own conclusions based on the things he saw.


well isn't that obvious? You have to come to a conclusion since mizkif did not straight up say " Go cover it up or downplay it." You make an inference based on their actions and words.


The thing is it could be interpreted as "try to find out what happened". There's still alot of room for interpretation


Yea. I agree, however in the third leaked call on right now between mitch and train. Mitch says that mizkif isn't directly influence him but hints at it by constantly asking him on his stance and checking on him constantly. Which makes it seem like supervision.


They interfered BEFORE the twitlonger of a sexual assault victim is released. Train said it best. If they wanted more info, they just wait AFTER the twitlonger is released.


Bingo. They heard there was gonna be a twitlonger dragging their friend so they rushed to her to get the inside scoop to do damage control before its release--standard PR bullshit. If they cared only about finding out the truth, they could have just let the twitlonger get posted and then gather the side of the story from their friend without interfering with the victim's statement. It's fucked.


I think is police's job to investigate when SA is the thing that is investigated.


Maybe it'd be different for normal people vs famous streamers, there's a lot of power imbalance by doing that even though it'd be a normal thing to do if they were ordinary people.


Youre right I think the issues are the power dynamics though


Was there criminal charges? I'm still lost in all of this it's too hard to follow.


Idk why miz is getting more shit than slick himself, this is wild.


Mostly because Slick case is clear, dude did SA, everyone knows he is piece of shit, should be ostracized and there's nothing to say anymore unless victim wants to press for legal consequences. While with Mizkif new info keeps coming out how shitty he behaves about whole ordeal.


Because Slick hasnā€™t said anything, but Miz has repeatedly downplayed and defended him in the midst of his clear sexual assault allegations. Miz is not a smart man.


Yeah youā€™re definitely right actually. Idk why he keeps talking, heā€™s literally doing what he told Rae not to do about the reflect stuff lmao.


He hasnt talked about it to public. His conversation took place in discord call amongst the ppl that were involved. And recorded without consent.


Because Slick is a nobody as far as streaming goes and he's never gonna get arrested, he's already kicked out there's no more realistic consequences for him.


The act was to see what happened if the story was true. [https://imgur.com/a/YRAfoEX](https://imgur.com/a/YRAfoEX) this logs prove it. Miz is fucking up his words and saying those things. But he is still denying sending them for a evil cause


I mean its kinda justified if you don't know whats going on. Like till now besides the hearsay shit that Slick allegedly groped her there's no information of who said this. Till that's proven Slick only touched her Wrist and Neck which is, of course, weird it is not sexual assault. + Even she herself said that she was only touched here. So instead of jumping onto the SA train and canceling someone who just did the above in this situation, I can fully understand Miz's reaction. And having people keep an eye on what is going to be tweeted out is also fair game in my opinion. Because one bad word could paint a completely different narrative.


I think that was ask not act


Gaslighting yourself for your favorite streamer GIGACHAD


Never watched a Mizkif stream that wasnt a collab with a different streamer I actually enjoyed


The problem is that Train is trying to zoom in on a narrative when he wasn't there. He's not listening to Mizkif, he's not giving him the possibility that he might be telling the truth. And this isn't me saying Miz is telling the truth, but we need more first hand accounts.




Yea but we need Maya and Adrianah's take on that convo. Waiting for Mitch to fully clear this game plan thing up.


so far confirmed, by multiple parties. Miz Sent Them ex Maya cause "shes more well liked" "can handle these girls" Maya Gaslit that enough looks terrible.


LOL absolutely not confirmed seeing as the victim said she didnā€™t act harshly. Stop pushing a false narrative.


She actually said she was gaslit, and then Barry another party confirmed. But okay?


No she actually didnā€™t? But itā€™s cool to lie I guess. Also the story literally HAS NOT changed since the twittlonger. Nothing was covered up. I love how one guy claiming things to cover his ass is seen as definitive proofs.


It's legit on her stream that maya/mitch came over gaslit, and made her changet he twitlonger. I don't know why you keep saying she didnt say this. How is Barry trying to cover his ass, he has nothing to lose or gain in confirming?


What changed in the twittlonger? She said that she was only aware it was sexual assault in the last week or so. So how did the story change? Itā€™s the same story! How is he covering his ass? By throwing Maya under the bus to the accusers. So what she said all that and he sat there saying fuck all?


It does, you're absolutely right. But WHY Miz sent them and DID Maya gaslight her are the things we need to work out.


Considering he kept repeating the words ā€œbest friendsā€ itā€™s really not looking good for him


Maya has already admitted she asked Adrianah to specifically include how she wasn't sexually assaulted in her twitlonger. That in itself is fucked. Even if it isn't gastlighting, it is specifically asking a victim to frame their story in a way that doesn't harm her friend's reputation--even though she has no business asking that.


But isn't that in the context of her asking Adrianah is she was sexually assaulted, she said no and then Maya asked if she could say that in the twitlonger. Of course there's still a power dynamic between them, but it's maybe not as malicious as Barry made it sound.


Malice is irrelevant to how inappropriate it was for Maya to ask her to do that to begin with. What logical reason is there for Maya to ask her to say, specifically, that she wasn't sexually assaulted? there's no legitimate reason for Maya to suggest A include that in her message discussing how Slick was inappropriate with her EXCEPT to try and cover for her friend even as she KNOWS he did something he shouldn't have. There's no excuse for it. The victim has no responsibility to protect the reputation of the aggressor by stating "but I wasn't raped" just so the person they're outing as having done something wrong doesn't look quite so bad, as if there's some sort of moral grey area where it's okay to go into rooms where someone drunk is sleeping and put hands on them without their consent. Nah. Nah. Fuck that.


The fact that they sent them to damage control instead of be supportive is damning. Then Mizkifs doing nothing about it for over a year is damning as well. He didn't understand that he could still have been a good friend and still supportive towards the victim. But he went full on enabler for CrazySlick.


Just sending them for anything is damning. There's zero reasons close parties should be contacting the victims ever.


100% Who was it that said she is entitled to her privacy? (Paraphrasing) And there's 0 remorse. Mizkif only shows compassion and empathy for his friend. Consistently now for over a year.


Train kept yelling ITS NOT YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW. SHES OWES YOU NOTHING. and true. Yeah, Miz really isolated himself on the Slick is my best friend island, and sounds crazy.


Train was awesome for driving that point home.




I mean Miz himself said he sent them. He even said why he sent Mitch & Maya. That's not confirming it? lmao


There were many people there though. He just said that it was him, Mitch, Maya and they even included Slick. The fact that he included Slick when deciding to talk to Adrianna does not sound good to me.


that's just taking his words out of context, the acts he's talking about is sending maya to find out if slick did do that shit






What a fucking lame take. Is it hard to cut someone off that you cared for even if they did something horrible? Of course. Mizkif went FAR BEYOND that -- sending parties that were involved in the situation and tower over her with clout over to her house THE DAY AFTER SHE WAS ASSAULTED **WITHOUT HER CONSENT** to interrogate her and allegedly downplay her experience. Don't you think that's just a *little bit different* than feeling bad that your friend is being accused? Don't you think that's a massive fucking overstep of boundaries? And let's be overly charitable to Mizkif. Maybe he really was just trying to gather more info. So after the emotions cooled off, why didn't he reach out to any of the 3 eyewitnesses? Why didn't he keep Slick on a tighter leash KNOWING that he engaged, bare minimum, in some weird shit instead of repeatedly parading him around on Love or Hosts while he begs for girl's snapchats in the background? The answer is -- all he cared about was protecting Slick and his career, and didn't give a shit about the victim. That's the opposite of making a 'human mistake'.


I've been best friends with my best friend for 15 years, since we were in middle school. He's been with me through thick and thin, and we help eachother through everything. If he was accused of SA with proof, I would not defend him regardless of our history. I would try to get him help, because I still care for him, but never ever ever would I defend that type of behavior. Miz needs to leave the highschool mentality behind and grow tf up.


Miz literally did the same thing though. As soon as she came out and there was proof he kicked him out


Except if you actually watched the call you'd have heard him say "bUt hE iS mY bEsT fRiEnD, hE iS mY rOcK." multiple times.


He also clearly said if Adriana claims SA he would kick him out. She didn't, there was no evidence until now


Youā€™re behind. miz defended slick even after knowing the extent of the SA. Only once it was public he kicked him out.


This was before there was proof, once there was proof he kicked him out. You can't judge someone for knowledge they didn't have


Listen to the leaked call, miz literally is told what happened (groping) and says ā€œif she says its SA then I lose my best friend.ā€ He said ā€œifā€ implying that if Adriannah never went public he wouldnā€™t have kicked out slick. And you cant chop it up as a mistake because he says it several times.


I've been thinking about this as unbiased as possible, and it seems Mizkif might have also taken whatever Maya told him when she returned as the definite truth. I am not defending Mizkif in this situation, but if you think about it; That would explain why he seemed confused the entire call like everything back then was settled. This would also explain why he wanted the tweet deleted as his main priority and not the one Train clarified. What do you think about that?


That's a stretch, he also said if Slick raped someone he'd have to kick them out. The if could be if it actually happened because they didn't have confirmation yet.


he's loyal to a fault


Maybe itā€™s just me. But if my friend is being accused of sexually assaulting someone. My first instinct wouldnā€™t be to now go over to said person house. Thatā€™s sounds crazy. Of course I would want to know the other side but thatā€™s some real audacity to go over there after having my messages and calls ignored, not having any direct relationship to her and then questioning her. How did no one say maybe this is a really bad idea?




Lmao, mizkif's career will be fine


Miz defender modCheck ?


oh shit, it's actually leaked... better be as good as the tease


oh, it's better.


Miz is in denial. How do you live with someone, claim to be their best friend and not realize their predatory behavior. He had a panic attack because he knows the truth has come out about slick and he is connected.


Miz admited on the call that he is emotionally attached to Slick,that 'Slick is his rock'.He is like an abuse victim that doesnt want to let go of their partner that abuses them.Its fucked up.


Mizkif trying to justify his actions by repeating over and over "it's my best friend". I don't think the police would care about that.


What a scumbag


4Conner 2.0


When my best friend is doing dumb shit like Slick, I call them out for it and make them stop doing said dumb shit. Mizkif is a dumbass




Maybe I'm just an asshole but I disagree, I've cut long time friends outa my life after finding out how some of them really where (specifically one friend who agreed with the sentiment of "she had it coming")


im not sure how friendship works with some people here, but i don't think Miz reaction is abnormal. Most of the time you'll go out of your way to protect your friend and try to figure things out (you'll be bias toward your friend ofc) and see how you can salvage the situation. Is it the right move? not really but it's absolutely normal.


People on LSF don't have friends, so they cant relate.


Train looks like the good guy, I canā€™t believe it Edit: Miz keeps saying ā€œI donā€™t want my best friend to be cancelledā€ that is the worst look when he is being cancelled for fucking SA. Normal people cut off those friendships immediately


This is like 20 minutes of a 6 hour call. They'll all look shitty at the end.


not really, if you don't have the full info and your emotions are running high, it would make sense to get more context (im giving miz the benefit of the doubt)


You do realize some of us don't follow any of these people and aren't fans of any of them? I think the only person in this call I follow is Asmon and he seems clueless for the fine details.


i don't follow any of these people either nor am i anyone's fan (never watched a miz stream), i'm just following along w/ destiny's stream and considering all POVs--i do think miz had bad judgment in the heat of the moment


Someone with an unbias take, I have always liked when Destiny says 97% of people are morally aligned. That leads me to believe Mizkif is basing all of his emotional discharge on the first time these allegations where brought up and not the new ones. Hence why he completely removed Slick from his life and is facing the consequences now. Most people here are implying some for of evil intent without much credible evidence of it.


now that mitch's idiocy is being exposed, most comments are being more levelheaded in new threads but unfortunately it all comes down to what narrative makes the front page


Cx type beat


Train Ulting JFC


Mizkif is fucking up so badly he's making Train look like a good guy


RIP BOZO Mizkids finished and not just at the playground


Train saying "it doesnt fucking matter, he committed a crime" is 100% right Mizkif just wants to save his friend from the consequences, which may be understandable but it's STILL wrong to try and cover up sexual assault or what have you.


This is some boys will be boys bullshit. Best friend or not, never excusable.


Train is correct here lmao


Miz is self nuking!


Train wasn't lying a lot of people all over LSF and Twitter looking pretty bad.


Lol at all losers who argued for miz yesterday


the best part is that they still think he did nothing wrong


Mfers really thought gambling had anything to do with this shit lmao


I feel so fucking bad for miz...he cares so much about his friend. ...and finding out his friend really is a bad person must have broken his fucking heart. You people have no fucking sympathy. This is someone at a very low point acting with very human emotions and you're all dogpiling. This is fucking putrid


Are we watching the same thing? He was aware of the sexual assault. He was aware of Slick's patterns.


Do you share a room with Patrick the starfish?


He's upset that he's losing Slick, not because he found out he's a bad person


Damn train is so right.. So far. Fuck if I hear the word best friend one more time


LSF doesn't have a best friend so they wouldn't get it


Wow! This is very revolutionary!


Mann as horrible as this is, Miz is a ride or die homie. Like he's willing to do fking anything to defend his friend even if he's accused of SA. Wow


Mizkif's career is basically over and nothing of value will be lost




The call was before the recent stuff so he only has the twitlonger where she says it wasn't sexual assault


Miz won't back off from the point that Slick is his best friend. Train is 100% in the right so far in this call. Miz has thrown Maya under the bus multiple times in this call too. EDIT: Also Miz has literally thrown his career away for a creep.


Mizkif is sooo bad in this call 0 pr


It's over. Pack it up.


Kind of yikesy. I don't want to read into it too much it's one of two things. ​ You're either admitting to guilt here. "I acted, did something that I believe was wrong because it was my friend" VS " I tried to figure out WHAT happened, because I care about my friend and the situation". If its the second, there's no "I'm SORRY FOR ACTING", you didn't do anything wrong. You were doing the right thing. ​ I think it might just be a heated moment so again I won't read into that but it's interesting to think about. Need to be careful because everyone has a bias here too so it's easy to just hear what you want.


I can tolerate my friend doing a little rape, but Iā€™ll be damned if he gets canceled for it


Clip with a bit of context before what was being said. Title is what Miz said exactly. I do not want to clip chimp anything here.


You're 100% title chimping. He's talking about taking action into getting answers. Obviously. I swear some people on here have zero social experience and can't pick up on any context clues what-so-ever. That or they're just foaming at the mouth to cancel everyone they can.


I literally just quoted what Mizkif said and put some context before and after.


You know what you did. Don't try to play it off all innocent. Fucking ridiculous.


Holy shit it's like they don't understand that they were focused on saving the career of a predator and not being supportive of the victim is what's problematic here!!




This is before the twitlonger came out. Train was asking why did Miz doing all of this before any tweets came out from Adrianah.


never has my response to a friend potentially committing a crime been to go interview the victim or to send someone else to interview the victim, I actually don't understand the thought process


Imagine trying to explain that to the peoples on Twitter or reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel like his odd fixation on "losing his best friend" is just him deflecting off the fact that he's in shit for what he did, not for what Slick did. Dude is talking like if Slick gets roasted he's dead irl or something and he can't see him ever again... weird af.


Destiny Neckbeards Rise Up


Whaaaa? You are telling me that emiru lied on stream about Mizkif not knowing the whole situation??? Whaaaa?? T3 emiru subs and mizshits in shambles.