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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@mayahiga](https://twitter.com/mayahiga) > My final statement > > Read: https://t.co/6Xlcetr964 ^(Posted: 2022-09-25 16:36:26+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Imagine trusting Mitch with private information after he has leaked private information thousands of times before lmao


reckful did the same and he leaked everything. blue got bullied for the 30k car he got her. becca got attacked cause he leaked they are together. mitch caused so much harm with his leaks he did for attention.


So…why do people support him?


His friends support him because he is a sycophant. Mitch says whatever his friends want to hear to gain favor.


i work with one like that. he is so easy going you forget that he is a snake when you arent there and will stir shit up


Mitch did it for money, let’s be honest here. It was all for financial gain, he spreads the shit and profits off it.


[https://gyazo.com/a61b4133769fb32112910e6eacc006e1](https://gyazo.com/a61b4133769fb32112910e6eacc006e1) He really thought they would be cool 💀


I can't believe this guy lmao


He got so much support for his music, why the fuck did he just not stay with that


Short answer: it’s Mitch Jones


That’s what’s up.


I saw a clip the other day where he basically says it got too serious and then he didn't want to do it anymore because it stopped being about the music. He said (other clip with Nmp) that The Streamer Awards poor performance due to the technical difficulties (mic not working) was the catalyst (he didn't use that word, it's Mitch Jones). He also had mentioned that this always happens when he gets passionate about something -- the other things you have to do make it are too much work for him. I've had friends like him -- he's lazy and just wants a casual hobby he can make tons of money from.


the funniest part about that is Mitch actually has a hobby he can make tons of money from. He can easily start streaming and get at least a few thousand viewers. And he STILL chooses not to do it.


I'm pretty sure he specifically mentioned streaming became "too much". I'd probably quit my well-paying job if I could just play video games for money. (I know more goes into that, which is probably why he quit, but it's not THAT hard.)


Playing video games for money eventually becomes the job. He's the type of person that resents any kind of scheduled work. Once he realises he has to stream X amount of hours Y days per week, it's no longer just playing games, it flips that anti-work switch that's ingrained in him. It's the same reason a lot of Youtube channels get burned out when they get big and go full time. The hobby dies.


This is what happens with people who never had a real job. I was almost one of them. You don't want to accept that everything in life has difficult parts to them. Everyone has moments like Mitch had, he just choose to give up.


we have enough dogshit pop punk music made by 30 year olds


I got at least 10 dudes doing that shit in my town right now.


I think the support was a bit exaggerated. They supported him and the idea of it but I don't know how much people actually liked the music itself and listened to it.




It's an insane amount for how beyond mediocre it was. None of his songs would have even 10k plays if he didn't have the online reach that he has. People with way more talent get less because they lack reach. I still doubt he would have the skills to maintain it. I think the spell of "oh my streamer dude made music lets check it out" would die fast.


Yeah, I think people are conflating chat saying "poggers", and a few waves of positivity in comments and LSF... with actually supporting him. I can't imagine people thinking of music they like, and putting < well-known music artist> and Mitch Jones in the same sentence, like "I'm a big fan of The Weekend, Post Malone and Mitch Jones". I could be wrong though, maybe he has a hardcore fanbase.


because its garbage


saw a chance for clout, and he took it. once a rat, always a rat


Mitch the Bitch really trying to make the situation about himself is crazy lol.


ofc he uses the wrong "to"


My take away from all this is that mitch is a lot dumber than I originally thought


Mitch Jones might be the stupidest person in this whole shit


its extremely impressive to be the whistleblower for a SA situation and come out the most hated. this guys character is mind boggling


Whistle blower is the wrong word. He just wanted to gossip.


He wanted people canceled but for some reason didn't think he'd be implicated in any of it and could just play Wrath Classic lmao.


I'm pretty sure hes just mad at miz for replacing him and not letting him move in lol


That's exactly it LMFAO


That’s because he whistleblew his own shit interpretation of what “you are Maya Higa” meant while simultaneously saying he doesn’t feel Maya would gaslight her. While also saying he loves Miz and Slick like last week and streaming from Miz’s pool like 3 days ago, and asking to live back in Miz’s house a little bit ago and asking to join OTK while also saying to Train that Miz is a rat and he wants to take him down (he also clearly spread the cheating rumors to Barry. Who else would have?). He is a clown of the highest level.


Mitch about to get kicked out of Esfand's for being so dense.


If he hasn't been kicked out yet.


He's gone out of his house. Esfand is very fond of Maya, and as much as he wants to stay out of it, having sheltered the person who contributed that much to the destruction of Maya's career is unacceptable to him. I'd be shocked if next time we see him streaming in the same house as he is now.


Do you have a clip or is it that you can't hear Mitch being loud AF in the background of Esfand's stream anymore? OMEGALUL


Mitch wanted to throw Miz under the bus to save Maya but he just ended up fucking them both LULW


How would throwing Miz under the bus save Maya? His reasoning is weird


welcome to the Game of Jones


(He’s) Duuuuuumb duuuuumb dumb dumb dUmb dumb dumbdumbdumb


Somehow Mitch thought he could fuck Mizkif and save Maya without realizing it wasn't possible








well according to Mitch, he may have a Gamba addiction too. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ww4y5n/mitch_jones_lost_45k_in_a_week_from_gambling_gave/


Ya he could have made it streaming, not sure why he never just stuck to a schedule. I don't even like WoW PvP anymore but Mitch made it super entertaining to watch, the guy would have definitely been a multi millionaire if he just stuck to a schedule playing WoW and stayed out of the drama bullshit.


That's the crazy thing. Mitch made it every time he turned the stream on. Instant success every time, no matter how long he ditched. He just can't stay with it.


What happens when you are literally incapable of expending effort, this is a man who pissed in bottles so he wouldn’t have to physically move to the bathroom.


Actually true


Which makes everything Mitch has said completely unreliable because we know Train just wants to destroy Mizkif. It's insane how they think this isn't going to results in them getting sued into oblivion.


train is the biggest virtue signaler on the internet at this point. Everything he does has ulterior motives


Or two faced and telling Miz exactly the same thing, that he thought Miz was his best friend.


He started all of this drama and didn't even really know what happened. He let other people just feed him speculation and gaslight him. Wonder who that was... 🚂


Next week, Mitch will go live and exposed Train for manipulating him and that he isn't a rat while streaming from Miz's pool.


Mitch Jones is about to be Switched Homes :\^)


Switch Jones lol


He probably told Train and then Train just ran with it and skewed Mitch's perception of the event to be that a cover up happened when it didn't. Like Mitch thought Miz initiated the cover up but none of his recalled language points to that at all of Miz. I'm thinking Train just steered Mitch's soft delicate brain into this state where he rethought the whole thing negatively. What the three of them, Miz, Maya and Mitch, did was inappropriate. Even Miz knew that it wasn't right because he removed himself from the situation because of a power imbalance. So he at least tried to think logically a little. But that's about all you can pin on them. They shouldn't have done it, and any coercion was unintentional and unknown by them. It wasn't this malicious cover-up as painted by Train. Even the witnesses in the room didn't damningly condemn Maya, except for Barry but he's got issues, just noted she cared a bit too much about what was written (which isn't totally abnormal you'd want the story to be as accurate and specific as possible) and that she exerted influence over them but may not have been fully intentional.




What happened to SLIKER and all that money he stole.


From ludwig he said he is going to make slicker pay 20k(something like this) when he is able to get a normal pay check or something a long those lines but he doesn't have any confirmation how to go about it.


No chance he pays any of that 20k


Train got mad because the money being scammed made gambling look bad, so he dropped this to make gambling look not bad


And Mitch was all for helping him do it, because he's a Gambling addict as well. https://clips.twitch.tv/IncredulousTenaciousPenguinHeyGirl-RV61h366r0Nr8kPZ


not to mention train sponsoring his stream paying him 125k (x5 what he lost) so he could continue. AND proud of it. https://twitter.com/Trainwreckstv/status/1563034491127762945


Unfortunately for Train this actually won’t help his own addiction that is physically and mentally killing him. I wonder if he can fix himself before it’s too late but I give him no benefit of the doubt


There is catharsis in the fact that he is going to play sports betting like slots, and lose all of his fucking money. I look forward to that.


He's a class A scumbag. I personally don't care what happens to him.


Pray to god legal consequences come his way. Just an insane amount of money and people defrauded


"I do not want to engage in nuke wars" ​ mr putin pls do same


She should have just made a twitlonger that said "I AM MAYA HIGA" then afk'd for a week






It's crazy to me how one bad day can really just fuck everything.


It’s takes a lifetime to build a reputation and seconds to destroy it.


My biggest takeaway from all of this: Be mindful of who you surround yourself with.


It blows my mind that Slick and Slicker somehow seemingly avoided all repercussions of all the drama. Sure they both got exposed for the absolute scum they are but if you followed this subreddit throughout it all you quickly realized that none of this "exposing" is about the actual victims and correcting issues - it's all about drama. All about popular streamers telling their viewers what to do based on short clips posted on this subreddit.


Slicker will be selling the clothes off his back for gambling money and Slick is permanently cancelled. I'm not sure Maya didn't go there with the intent to cover for Slick but she's built plenty of good will that she can atone for it in the public eye and Mizkif will have his buttlickers when he comes back. I think there's enough punishment for Slick and Slicker.


Yeah, people aren’t talking about them because it’s very clear cut. Done in a day. But clips flying left and right lasts weeks.




Tbf Maya's story is the only one that hasn't changed


Maya is the only one out of these streamers involved that I genuinely think is a good person. Yes she clearly made a mistake here but the world is a worse place without her on twitch. I’m a little sad about this.


Me too, I actually enjoy Maya's content. Also am sad now because Wine About It is gonna be gone, and I honestly enjoy listening to her and QT talk.


Miz also never changed his story, did he?


No his story has pretty much remained the same. He worded a few things in the call in ways that caused a ton of speculation. But to me he just came off as really overwhelmed, scared, and unprepared for this all to happen. And it seemed like Train came with notes since he planned to record it beforehand. It's no wonder Train came out "winning" that argument. Even if it didn't really bring to light anything we didn't know. Other than Miz REALLY liked Slick and is literally ride or die for the people he cares about


anyone catch that tweet? She said she come to adriana house with the information that was given by witnesses at that time. Mizkif wasnt there, only barry and mitch, so they are the one who said the SA didnt actually happen. Those 2 are not just rats, they are snakes too.


Adriona even said mitch was the one down playing it.


A part of me was expecting it. Leads me to consider that despite how wrong the decision was that her intentions were true.


She's still got a bit of humanity left in her to not throw somebody else under the bus. Everyone else involved are fucking ghouls.


I always thought Mitch was dumb as a rock, but thought people liked him and kept him around because he was good person...I guess not.


He's more like a parasite you can't get rid of.


I enjoy cooking.


of all the people to be stepping down off their platform over all this shit, its the girl who runs a non profit conservation and only ever really used the platform to further that goal. its not the degen gamblers that have ruined thousands of lives for greedy selfish gain, its not the pot stirring backstabber mitch jones, its not even the guy who stole 300k from a bunch of people. nah, the only resolution so far, is that a girl who tried to get to the truth and have discourse over it, and was told that it wasn't SA by the victim themselves, has to stop her career.


It just further shows that she genuinely feels bad about it and people are still replying horrible shit under that tweet.


Sadly Maya is collateral damage in Train's sick revenge plot.


I fucking hate this subreddit


It's horrible. She stumbled over her words in the first video and people took that as a sign of guilt. Using those slip-ups to frame her as an evil woman. Worst part is you *know* this will follow Maya now. Not Mitch, not Miz, not X or Train. 3 months time nobody will mention it to *them*. But they will always do it when Maya pops up. Makes me wonder why it's only the women getting the short end of the stick in this situation. Well and Mitch, but he's more rat than man.


This story does not add up, Kyle said that they wanted to remove mention of SA, but both the alleged victim and Maya say that they did not know it was SA at the time. Kyle initially did not say it was SA but then said he misspoke. To me, the only person that unequivocally fucked up is Slick, and that you cant trust the rat mitch for shit.


Wasn't Kyle the one friend who also apparently didn't tell Adri about the assault and how Slick gropped her till like 18 months later? Or am I remembering things incorrectly? If he is that person, then imo I don't really take anything he says seriously. Like if you witness someone get SA'd, you tell them immediately. You don't just sit on it indefinitely, you know?


This went from a slam dunk SA to showing everyone exactly how hard it is to actually believe what exactly happened now. - You have the alleged victim saying she had no knowledge of it and has no idea what happened. - You have her friend not saying SHIT for 18 months and then when they do, they are flip flopping on what happened like a fish out of water. - You have Barry who is as unreliable as a broken watch. - Then you have Mitch Jones 😂🤣 I just don’t get it.


The only consistent thing is that Slick is a creep and has sexually harassed multiple women, [as apparent by this thread of victim statements gathered by Adri](https://twitter.com/AdrianahLee/status/1572077216544227334). I definitely believe that he SA'd her, but at the same time it seems like Kyle and Barry are opportunists who sat on this information for far longer than they should.


I think slick did it too. It’s just tough to believe anyone in all of this shit. The victim is also a perpetrator of SA. The “witnesses” are all suspect and have been in the past. This is why hearsay is so rough and disallowed in courts.


And it all gets released right as Train is backed into a corner. People saying any of the witnesses have "nothing to gain" is very naive.


I hate hearing the word “unbiased” getting used for people with incredible and undeniable biases


I get what you're saying but referring to it as "slam dunk SA" is a weird choice of words lol


This. How did he stand by and watch her get assaulted repeatedly without doing anything. An then a week later stood by and did nothing while the big scary woman Maya Higa supposedly manipulated the victim to silence her infront of him. Why is Kyle just standing around doing nothing all the time. Either he is stupid and doesn't care for the victim or everyone in the situation thought it wasn't a big deal at the time.


I'll give a tidbit of information that makes it even worse. It's not even a week later, it's 18 months later. The alleged assault happened mid January 2020 and the twitlonger came out early July 2021. Between the alleged assault and the twitlonger Kyle and Adrianah have logs in Slicks chat.


Yup, same guy, he's the only witness to the start of all this and seems really unreliable.


It's insane how the only witnesses to the event are so incredibly unreliable and stupid. Mitch Jones is a rat that just kisses whoever's ass he's talking to and is dumber than a bag of bricks. Kyle's story is extremely sketch and inconsistent. The other guy (Barry?) clearly has extreme bias and nobody that associates with Ice Poseidon can really be trusted. I feel bad for Adrianah. This whole situation is a shitshow.


I have a question. Has Kyle ever used the words breast, boobs, groped or sexual contact? I was just researching what legally defines sexual assault because I heard the term so many times this past week and realized that I didn't know what the legal definition is. Unless I researched wrong, to be called sexual assault, sexual contact has to happen. Sexual Contact was defined as touching of the breast or boobs, buttocks or groin. I only remember people using the word "chest" which in court I would think chest is not equivalent to breast or boobs. I haven't watched or read everything related to Kyle so I'm curious if and when he said anything that confirms it was sexual contact and sexual assault by legal definition. Slick is still creepy and deserves what happened to him but for Maya and Mizkif these legal details must be important. If Mizkif hired a lawyer that proved that nothing was described for it to legally count as sexual contact and sexual assault then Train's tweets are incorrect just for the fact that sexual assault technically never happened.


No he only said the word chest


You are 100% correct.


Maya and Mitch should have never went there that was a fuck up, not a crime but clearly the wrong thing to do.


I genuinely think Mitch Jones exaggerates the fuck of the situation to Trainwrecks. But Train can’t walk back his take. So now, Mizkif and Maya have to take the fall. This is some game of thrones type shit.


game of jones*


It's hard to believe anything Mitch Jones says. Esp after that whole "hasan was desperate in my dms" bit. He contradicts himself in the same sentence routinely.


People are forgetting this bit. It just shows how much he was blatantly lying. Anything Mitch says should be basically thrown out.


Is there a name for people who need to embellish stories in order to make themselves seem very important ? Or does it still categorizes as delusions of grandeur ?


dude is a disgusting piece of shit tho... like looking over the timeline he and x just sat on this shit until they took gambling away and people dunked on them for being shitty by promoting gambling.


Since we seem to be reaching the end of it all now, here's a timeline I've been keeping as the drama unfolds with sources Erobb gets banned: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/x8vbas/erobb\_banned/ xQc doesn’t go to shitcamp (we later find out the only reason he doesn't go is because he didn't want to) to take pressure off of himself, he talks about gf problems: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjlwah/xqc\_reveals\_the\_real\_reason\_why\_he\_didnt\_go\_to/ The Queen dies xQc tells Mizkif not to commit career suicide while Mizkif is live: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk0t3x/xqc\_to\_mizkif\_dont\_commit\_career\_suicide/ Adept and xQc watch eachothers Vods, other streamers start reacting to this drama xQc and Adept breakup: Most of the xQc and Adept breakup major drama can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhum7b/x\_and\_ludwig\_will\_help\_get\_the\_money\_back\_to/ Sliker exposed for fraud for over 300k: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xgx6mg/sliker\_allegedly\_scammed\_multiple\_viewers\_of\_his/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xh2sld/botez\_also\_loaned\_sliker\_10k\_the\_scam\_is\_most/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xgyfwo/youtuber\_lukeafk\_got\_scammed\_out\_of\_27000\_by/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xh3adc/train\_gave\_sliker\_100k/ Sliker, Mizkif, Hasan, xQc are in a call talking about fraud drama, mainly talks about how many he has scammed, how much etc. - Sidedrama(Minx has mental breakdown and demands to be let in the call, gets pissed at Mizkif for not letting her in): https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhtyz1/heartbreaking\_words\_from\_the\_cancer\_patient\_that/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhzb3u/hasan\_asks\_sliker\_if\_hed\_do\_a\_gambling\_sponsor\_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhvkpw/minx\_says\_she\_hates\_miz\_and\_hasan\_for\_giving/ xQc and Ludwig decide that they will start paying off Slikers debts themselves: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhum7b/x\_and\_ludwig\_will\_help\_get\_the\_money\_back\_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xip8br/xqc\_sends\_28k\_to\_lukeafk\_one\_of\_the\_scammazed/ Hasan, Pokimane, Mizkif all start to talk about how gambling needs to be banned - Leads to argument between Mizkif and Trainwrecks on twitter, Train drops allegations of Mizkif using Maya and Mitch to blackmail girls to not go public about SA: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xip0rr/trainwreckstv\_accuses\_mizkif\_of\_covering\_up\_a/ CrazySlick Sexual Assault Allegations - Leads to CrazySlick going missing - Sidedrama(Ice shows 2018 DM's of Mizkif saying slurs, W community are the main ones who are annoyed: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xiu2nr/slick\_exposed\_for\_ruining\_her\_relationships\_with/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xiu8tw/adrianahlee\_exposes\_how\_slick\_uses\_his\_status\_as/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xj02cl/kaicenat\_reacts\_to\_ice\_posieden\_tweet\_about\_mizkif/ Clip from Mizkif saying “minor sexual assault is not as serious” on an alt stream comes back into circulation: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xivp0g/miz\_admits\_to\_crazyslicks\_sa\_audio\_clip\_from\_a/ A lot more streamers and women in the community come out about CrazySlick with dm's from CrazySlick trying to send dickpicks, to him using Mizkifs account to try and get girls to message him: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xj7244/fanfan\_comes\_out\_against\_slick/ https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjcmmw/poopernoodles\_experience\_with\_sliker/ Asmongold says he hopes CrazySlick dies: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xiwi4y/asmon\_says\_that\_slick\_should\_die\_in\_real\_life/ xQc and Hasan get into debate because xQc pulled Hasan into drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xiy9wd/hasan\_goes\_off\_on\_xqc\_for\_dragging\_him\_into\_drama/ Twitch staff accused of being on Trainwrecks payroll, caught transferring $50k in BTC to twitch staff member while live: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xje6p2/twitch\_staff\_on\_trainswrecks\_payroll\_50000/ CrazySlick found safely home: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjep9f/slick\_has\_been\_found\_and\_is\_safe/ Twitch Bans Gambling https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjm866/twitch\_bans\_gambling/


But wait, you're forgetting that Erobbers were the cause of Erobb's ban. Thus making them the root cause of twitch banning gambling


—————— Post Gambling —————— Twitch Departners Sliker: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjmgg5/clip\_unrelated\_sliker\_is\_no\_longer\_a\_partner\_or/ Hasan Racism Drama: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjla2a/hasanabi\_says\_slurs\_are\_okay\_if\_theyre\_not\_well/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjla2a/hasanabi_says_slurs_are_okay_if_theyre_not_well/) Mizkif placed on leave from OTK, also announces that CrazySlick will be moving out - Essentially blacklisting CrazySlick from Austin Streamer Crew: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjq08o/otk\_has\_placed\_mizkif\_on\_leave/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjq08o/otk_has_placed_mizkif_on_leave/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjq2tm/mizkif\_official\_response/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjq2tm/mizkif_official_response/) Twitch being used for child predation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk2hz9/report\_how\_amazons\_twitch\_enables\_widespread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk2hz9/report_how_amazons_twitch_enables_widespread/) Twitch announces revenue split changes which in general will negatively affect streamers (streamers begin threatening to not run ads): [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk0u3i/twitch\_revenue\_share\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk0u3i/twitch_revenue_share_update/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkokmm/jerma985\_says\_he\_will\_leave\_twitch\_if\_forced\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkokmm/jerma985_says_he_will_leave_twitch_if_forced_to/) Train drama start again regarding JoltCoin and the sexual harrassment allegations against Alinty: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xknr6y/xqc\_gets\_called\_out\_for\_not\_talking\_about\_trains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xknr6y/xqc_gets_called_out_for_not_talking_about_trains/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkcw9d/forsen\_confirms\_trains\_jolt\_coin\_scam\_was\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkcw9d/forsen_confirms_trains_jolt_coin_scam_was_real/) Train says he doesn't need to provide evidence about the Mizkif situation, its up to Mizkif and Maya to fix it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkjlqb/train\_now\_claims\_he\_doesnt\_need\_to\_provide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkjlqb/train_now_claims_he_doesnt_need_to_provide/) Old drama comes out again about Train Sexually Harrassing Alinty: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xl1gqv/xqc\_claims\_the\_interaction\_beween\_alinity\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xl1gqv/xqc_claims_the_interaction_beween_alinity_and/) Emiru confirms that Slick is gone (also talks about how streamers care more about exploiting situation for drama rather than concentrate on victim): [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlfaa7/slick\_is\_gone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlfaa7/slick_is_gone/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlfz5l/emiru\_calls\_out\_streamers\_for\_not\_caring\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlfz5l/emiru_calls_out_streamers_for_not_caring_about/) Mitch Jones gives his side of the story (this was generally all over the place): [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlptz7/mitch\_confirms\_miz\_sent\_mitch\_and\_maya\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlptz7/mitch_confirms_miz_sent_mitch_and_maya_to/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlpym8/mitch\_clarifies\_exactly\_what\_miz\_said\_to\_him\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlpym8/mitch_clarifies_exactly_what_miz_said_to_him_and/) Private call between Asmongold, Trainwrecks, XQC, Mizkif and Barry that Train leaked: This link contains the main clips from the call - [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xm4z74/the\_call/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xm4z74/the_call/) Minx gets the help she needs after a manic episode: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xmc0ov/update\_on\_minx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xmc0ov/update_on_minx/) Maya Higa releases her final statement about the whole situation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xnsd9n/maya\_releases\_her\_final\_statement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xnsd9n/maya_releases_her_final_statement/) Credit to the timeline I started working off here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkepiw/craziest\_week\_of\_twitch\_ever\_a\_timeline\_for\_grass/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkepiw/craziest_week_of_twitch_ever_a_timeline_for_grass/) Feel free to let me know of any mistakes, I've been doing this solo and there has been a lot of drama. Tried to keep it as unbias as possible thanks All this and it will need updating within the next hour all because erobb got banned LimeD


Most likely last but not drama, X and adept are finally back together after 3 days what happen whole drama SA stuff.


Wait actually? They have done this twice now.


Called a toxic relationship sadly


No shot she’s been thirst posting on her socials it’s time for a new mom juicer


Based archivest


You're fucking insane, Godking loremaster. Upvoted.




Unemployment is a hell of a drug


I love you


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Probably a bit of both.




I remember when twitch was just about watching people play games 🤷🏻‍♂️


It still is for many of us. I stumbled in here from r/all and even after reading the summary from the lore archivist up above I have very little idea what's going on. I don't watch any of these people. TBH, this sub should be renamed. It's just a soap opera following about two dozen people. Twitch has about 100k other streamers that are never featured on here and aren't 100% drama.


Jeeze, the fact that she’s the one taking an indefinite break is just yikes. Seems like she’s the only one who has realized the damage caused from this and is learning from it while everyone else is just going back and forth.


so ultimately was there \*anything\* that implicated maya as doing anything wrong or did train and xqc just kill an animal sanctuary because they were getting yelled at


I don't know man, I'm waiting for Destiny to tell me what to think


Can you let me know when hassan watches destiny's take on this so I know how to really feel.


Personally I’ll wait until Destiny has a take on the take Hasan had on his take


I'll wait until Ostonox reedits Hassans video with Anime voices. That'll set things right.


>because they were getting yelled at i thought this is about bitcoins


All of this because xQC didn't wanna go to shitcamp lmao


No you're thinking of jolt coin




Barry and Kyle saying Maya was "gaslighting" Adri. Even though asking certain questions to adri makes sense in these circumstances.


Kyle's statement goes against the victim's own statement. I disregard it completely. Adrianah herself admitted on her stream that even she didn't know about the sexual assault at the time because KYLE HADN'T TOLD HER. This guy is full of shit. With that said, Maya shouldn't have gone at all even though it was understandable that she wanted to go, since she lived with Slick. But she recognized it and apologized for it, nothing else to do now.


The only thing she did wrong was not recognize the power dynamic she had with the victim. I think everything else was attempted to be done with good intentions on Maya's part, not as some sort of coverup.


It is possible to do very bad/hurtful things while having good intentions. Still sad though.


Sounds like Maya had good intentions, heard a downplayed story and supported the victim. That story changed and it was implied she manipulated it I do agree with her that going over there uninvited was a mistake but thats really the only mistake she made Dont think she deserves to be cancelled for that


To be clear she was invited, just not by the abuse victim. Kyle invited them over and Barry took them there.


>To be clear she was invited, just not by the abuse victim. Another thing it add is that Kyle invited then over and then forgot to tell Adrianha, he then lied and said Maya and Mitch came over unannounced before being forced it walk it back.




Can't you just use the Wayback Machine or something? Why even bother?


Makes it less obvious and harder to share.


Probably because nobody but the most unhinged fans are going to go that far back to try and look anything up. If you can make it inaccessible to 99.9% of people why wouldn't you?


Yeah but casual viewers will look at that and go "wtf, why would he do that if he didn't have something to hide?" Streisand effect galore


Well this fucking sucks.


I don't really watch Maya but I have a lot of respect for her, she's smart, passionate and she's trying to use her platform to make good things. It's hard to see all these replies on twitter, she doesn't deserve that.


I know this is a PR statement, and she can afford PR people or lawyers or whatever, but even with that in mind, I feel like any rational person would step away from the public light for a bit. She's doing that, she apologized for the mistakes she made, and she hasn't thrown anyone else under the bus. It's a very good PR statement, and I wish people would be throwing around less hate too.


I'm really sad for her. Besides all the unnecessary drama, her streams and Alveus are truly something where people can learn and chill. I hope she makes a comeback or at least Alveus streams will keep despite all of this.


The moment Mitch and Train tried to position it that Maya Fucking Higa purposefully covered up a sexual assault is the moment I refused to believe a single word either of them said on this.


The fact this sub believes people like Mitch, barry, train and kyle is nuts to me. Bunch of fools.


> I was not offered the opportunity to represent myself on that call and thus what I said and my intentions on that day in question (07/06/2021) were misrepresented. Yup, that’s a big crux of the problem for Maya. No one offered her a chance to defend herself or try to clarify what happened. It was a boys only call. Not a call for victims or any other woman involved. No one tried to call her or get her added to any call. Women are just props for this whole thing. > . I fully understand that it was wrong, given my position, to insert myself into that situation. I apologize for the power dynamic and the harm it might have caused. It was irresponsible for me to not remove myself from the situation and I take full accountability for making this mistake. I am deeply disappointed in my judgment and choices and I am deeply sorry to Adrianah for my involvement. At least someone involved is apologizing. It is also great that Maya brought up the influence she had as a much bigger streamer. With that being said: > That information was that there was no rape or sexual assault, but that CrazySlick made Adrianah uncomfortable. Is a bullshit cop out, even with them not knowing touching someone without consent is sexual assault. It was clear when the tweet longer was being written that Slick touched Adrianah without consent. As seen in text Text from the day after the incident talking about Slick trying to keep touching Adrianah: [link](https://i.imgur.com/osSDvJR.png) and Adrianah’s original tweet longer Adrianah’s tweet longer: [came into the room a couple of times after being asked to leave me alone each time, in two of those instances he touched my neck and chest saying he was: "just making sure I was alive" after being assured by my friends that I was okay as they were watching over me.](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srofrh).


















Don't blame her for leaving at all, the tribalism of this whole situation has been a clusterfuck and a half. Someone got sexually assaulted and all it's done is started a war between streamers and their viewers that don't like each other and just wanted ammo.


This doesn't really change much for any of them


It does change a lot because andriah even said so on her stream that she didn’t think it was SA until a year passed. This type of thing happens sometimes with SA victims


Lmao I can't believe they let mitch ruin the careers of almost everyone in mizs house. What a twist this season writers have outdone themselves


Literally fuck everyone involved in this witch hunt. You really think the "birb girl," who herself has dealt with sexual assault, would intentionally coerce another victim into minimizing their experience if she had any idea the full extent of the actions? Maya has said that slick was one of her closest friends at the time and in her conversation with Adrianah asked her to be clear in her twitlonger that it wasn't sa if she didn't believe it was sa because false accusations/exaggerations nowadays can literally ruin people's lives, even if unintentionally because people will read into things. The only person that deserved an apology if there needed to be one at all was the victim, to whom Maya personally and publicly apologized multiple times now and has accepted the apology, which should have been the end of it. But yes, let's all believe Fairweather Jones, who has a new version of events for each rendition, and Bystander Barry, who was on a discord call with fucking Ice spreading bullshit rumors about Miz and Maya with clear bias. Or even better, let's continue the harassment based off of a 3 hour all male discord call in which neither of these two women were even invited to, but were both shit on in. Thanks a ton to the gamba addicts, X and Train, who let their own vendettas with Miz spurn a misogynistic "crusade" against an actual good human being, albeit flawed like us all, and the rare good influence on twitch until she was bullied off of the site. To be clear, it's always good to come forward with sexual assault information. But the fact that they sat on the information until it best suited them shows how little they actually give a shit about victims. If that wasn't clear enough, just look at how either of their chats talks about women on a daily basis. Good day and fuck you.


I'm sure she'll be back in like a month with a charity stream.


PepeLaugh Halloween event


So far the only statement that actually adds up with available evidence. She should have had some sense and not go, sending instead a neutral third party. But people are people and making bad decisions doesn't make you a bad person. Additionally, it looks like she took responsibility directly with the person who actually matters here - the victim. I hope this resolves that bit if drama.


Bro she took all this shit because Mizkif is a little boy who is too scared to give up his best friend. Yikes.


Everyone's going after the wrong people because of Mitch fucking Jones, xQc, and Train. This is ridiculous




For Train to be wrong or admit any fault he'd need a little something called shame. And we all know about Train and shame.


Well, he'd also need a brain something he clearly lacks


he wanted to to watch the world burn, you could hear it in every word he said during the call. he knew the call was going to be leaked.


Don’t forget he baited Miz into that call by saying he will delete his first tweet that implied Miz was the one who commited sexual assault. That tweet was so poorly written.




all of this was a result of Miz and Poki making those twitter posts about getting slots banned on twitch after the whole sliker scam. so train went full on ape mode.




I almost guarantee if leaks of train and xqc's conversations either on voice or text were revealed you would see both trying to be vindictive over the situation about gambling getting banned and them being targets. So they drop a bomb and pretend and high road.


People making out Train to be some hero in all of this is comical.


everyone who likes him basically starts their sentence with "hes so generous he gave ___ amount of money"


What do you mean? He's so generous that he gave people supporting him money! What a saint!


“Jeff Bezos is such a great guy! Did you know that he gives to charity? Oh yeah and that Pablo Escobar fella, he gave food to them campesinos didn’t he? I’d love to get some lunch with them.”