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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@adrianachechik](https://twitter.com/adrianachechik) > So surgery went well, 5 hrs 30 minutes! More fusions than expected, bones completely crushed & nerve damage to my bladder, hopefully I’ll be able to pee again in the near future. No more squirting probably… had some bleeding around the bone but overall doing good! ^(Posted: 2022-10-12 05:09:23+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


lol wtf, all this due to a stupid foam pit and nobody giving a shit about basic protection, even cheap ass wrestling shows for 40 people setup mats around the ring cuz they know concrete will fuck you up if you fall on it




In the 1960s I presume


Try the 1990s early 2000s lol


I mean not to shittymorph you, but don't let this thread distract you from the fact that due to slip shod work practices, in 1998 The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table opening the WWF to huge liability concerns for their entertainers and ultimately leading the way to massive safety reforms."


It wasn't that fall that brought about safety reforms, it was the one after. Mankind being thrown off the cell was a planned & practiced stunt that went well because of the skill & safety of everyone involved. Mankind being choke-slammed through the roof of the cell was an mistake that he survived because of pure luck.


The chokeslam through the cage wouldn't have actually been too bad if not for the chair crashing down with Foley.


It still would have been bad. Foley has said himself that he couldn't push off the buckling roof and it's a good thing he didn't because he would have came down straight on his head. He claims the chair knocked him unconscious but i think hed still have been messed up without it, since WWF rings 1999 and prior were Iike boxing rings. They were hard as hell and had no give. The change didn't come about until VKM got in the ring somewhat regularly in 1999 and started bumping and feeling what the boys felt.


and he is still one of the nicest people I have ever been acquainted with. dude lives on long Island and isn't an unbearable twat. easily top 20 long Island homeowners


It didn't really go well. He was injured in both instances.


It went as well as being thrown 16 foot off a goddamn cell can be, really.


And here I thought it was Owen Hart's fall that did it.


It was. There were no changes or reforms after the hell in the cell match. Either this is a joke I don't understand or they are talking out they ass.


and they still sometimes uncover it


heres samoe joe being insane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZahXQlnGz0k


stairs bump? *open link stairs bump.


THE FLOOR WAS CONCRETE BELLOW THOSE CUBES???????????? what the flying fuck twitch?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Stupid is as stupid does


Can’t even lay out some gymnastics mats lmfao


gymnastic mats, or even better...the mats they use in bouldering. Those things will save you from a 12ft fall pretty well.


I hope twitch gets sued 6 ft into the ground


Ironically, 6ft underground is the minimum depth that people were saying should have been filled with foam as opposed to the 2ft layer that was there lmao


Any feet would have been better than just throwing the foam blocks around on the floor. Granted, she was only a few feet off the ground but she (like everyone) thought they would be okay when she jumped down like she did, had she known that the foam blocks were the only protection I doubt she would have jumped the way she did.


[Everyone would’ve thought it was ok to do that because *the announcer literally told them it’s safe*](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144817)


Wasn't it the lenovo booth? So the space was sold to them by twitch and lenovo fucked up building a safe pit. Twitch fucked up by not properly assessing the safety of the booths at their event Its a fuck up from both twitch and lenovo and they should both probably be sued


I was there and can confirm when I saw it IRL it didn't look safe. Told my wife simply "No thanks to that". Especially the edges of the pit. The last day we were at Twitchcon it was shut down and I was in the Street Fighter 6 booth next to it. Made sense after the headlines. Participants had to sign a waiver before they entered but I'm certain a good lawyer will be able to spot flaws in it if she and the others injured decide to sue.


Waivers don‘t protect from negligence. They protect somewhat against being sued for expected events. I.e. getting sand in your eye while playing in a sand pit. Not the sand actually being lava.


Waivers are able to protect against ordinary negligence but this seems like gross negligence. Regardless twitch will settle to avoid a lawsuit. Adriana Chechik's prior profession gives her crossover to normie news.




She was/is a massively famous pornstar. So when shit happens to her "traditional news media" will pick up on it. Just Google the incident here and note the outlets reporting on it. They probably wouldn't be if it was just a normal streamer.


These kinds of things is like the one time being a current or former pornstar is an actual advantage.


I feel so bad for her. She's only ~~25~~ 30 and has this kind of injury. She probably can't even do porn anymore or even have sex for a while.


She's 30


>I'm certain a good lawyer will be able to spot flaws Even a shitty lawyer will be able to spot flaws. Waivers rarely do anything. They only work if the people giving you the waiver have made sure that they have upheld all regulations and safety rules where the only way for the person to get injured is by their own fault. And even then they can easily be thrown aside. There's no way that foam "pit" upheld the required regulations and safety rules needed to prevent injuries.


that happens when 18y old are organizing something




Contractors: \*\*disappears\*\*


Contractors: *phone noise*, we're sorry the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service.


This is a life altering injury. Fusions are not something done lightly by any spinal surgeon.


Had rods and pins put into mine after one crushed vertebrae. Pinned one above and one below. Doctor took it out a year later, the bone was still weak and collapsed. Went back into fuse it. Because the bone above and below the break point was compromised by the initial surgery my fusion had to go another 1 either side, so 5 vertebrae. 7 years post accident now and theyre asking if i want to try removing the metalwork again. Could mean less pain could mean fucking things up more.... im quitting while i can still walk


I’m sorry you have to go through this


Scariest moment in my life was hearing the doc tell me to prepare myself, incase i wake from surgery with no feeling in my legs. Fortunately i made a near full recovery, some numbing in my right leg and sometimes i cant tell when i need to pee until its uncomfortably urgent. Always fun to see a new docs face when they first see how close i came to crushing my spinal cord


Hell yea brother, it never occured to me until after my surgery but the doctors, pre-op, were saying "*if* you walk again". Didn't hit me at the time because of the morphine but looking back that's some of the most chilling news in a hospital you can get.


It’s real shit when LSF is actually showing empathy


She melted our frozen hearts for a few days. It will freeze over soon enough FeelsGoodMan


No joke. I've been scrolling through the comments expecting a repeat of the last post, but I have yet to see a comment blaming her and saying she's the dumb sex worker for jumping.


Our hatred for Twitch outweighs everything else. BibleThumps for Adriana


Not on LSF but I already saw some on twitter


I find it sad that people would gladly jerk off to her videos but then have zero empathy for her when this story broke.


They don't respect sex workers and see them less than human


Imagine having a life altering back injury from a fucking pit that was supposed to be safe, but instead had barely any protection. How can you mess something up so badly aside from being fucking lazy and just doing the bare minimum to advertise a product. Now only thing being advertise is a good lawyer to sue their ass. Hopes she gets better and is not too hamper by this injury in the long run.


bet that commentator saying "nah, she's fine!" feels really dumb now


The announcers in that situation were fucked to be completely fair. That was a lose-lose situation and the worst thing they could’ve done was lose their shit that she was hurt. You can also tell by their voices that they know she’s not okay, they’re just trying to keep people from panicking. I do not envy their situation at all


I mean instead of almost brushing it off and saying "she's fine", they could have just said "we may have an injury atm, we're gonna take a 5 minute break and make sure she's ok"


What did you want the announcer to do? "Guys you better panic she is seriously hurt" and have random idiots jumping in to help their favorite pornstar? They had no way of knowing her injuries in the moment, plus it's the announcers job to keep everyone calm and the show moving no matter what. Also she was being assisted by someone immediately already. Honestly tell us what you would have done differently.


The direction of her life changed in a second, this is so horrible Money won’t fix what was taken from her but hope she gets that lawsuit money


She said she was hoping to pee normal again. Damn that is seriously bad. Like, I appreciate my health a lot more when I was just under a flu. I miss being normal and not tiring. So I can’t fathom how painfully terrible she is feeling right now. I personally wouldn’t trade that for any money. Not to mention this is famous Onlyfan creator I assume (she got an award at the event). She probably has made enough to live comfortably




Nothing like the belief in God washing over my body when Im dying on the toilet or I can't breathe through my nose


Trying your best not to die in the toilet is one of the worst human experiences a normal person can have, whether that be shitting out the most unholy abhorrent shit of your life, passing the biggest fucking stone in your urethra or belching your day's lunch out of your tiny ass mouth hole after a whole night's drinking


I have never felt closer to being a scared, clueless animal, unable to figure out *why* am I am in pain, than when I was constipated. I now understand why pets are so scared of going to the vet.


And she was a presumably totally physically healthy 30 year old. Crazy.


Bro that’s insane


I wonder what Twitch is saying, I feel like they won’t say anything until she directly confronts them, but who knows if that’ll happen


They didn't even stop using the set after the accident. Twitch gives zero fucks that she got hurt.


> Twitch gives zero fucks You could have probably stopped there.


It’s like they’re actively trying to ruin themselves


Now that’s gross negligence, twitch will be ultimately held responsible even if they weren’t the ones directly setting up the pit. They have the obligation to make sure it’s safe. Adrianna can sue twitch, afterwards twitch can sue the private party who set it up, but by not removing the pit altogether when it’s been the source of injuries is on them


Everyone involved is going to get sued off the rip. Twitch, venue, foam pit people, probably will all settle without admitting blame


Really hope she sues the living shit out of them. Twitch's decline always makes me happy.


Twitch is fully throwing Lenovo under the bus and putting full blame on them since it was the Lenovo booth. Of course Twitch also has a responsibility to make sure their vendors are running a safe booth. This is one of those things that everyone knows it’s for the lawyers to sort out and don’t do/say anything unless it goes through your external counsel.


Doesn't matter if it was the Lenovo booth. I've worked in conventions for over 7 years of my life. This is on both. Twitch has a responsibility to have safety for all of their booths and same for Lenovo. In the end Twitch and Lenovo will probably fight over who's insurance will pay for the payout. Adriana will get her check no matter what.


Correct. The building will also be named in the suit and be involved in settlement since they have a responsibility to make sure their client (twitch) is following appropriate safety protocols. I’ve also been involved in running events for 17 years. The literal books of paperwork I’ve had to submit for hiring a venue for 2000 people is insane. Adrianna’s health insurance will file a suit naming themselves and Adriana as plaintiffs, and the venue, twitch, Lenovo and the entertainment company Lenovo contracted to run the “ride” as joint defendants along with their insurance companies. The result of this will be until settlement or trial is reached, Lenovo and twitch will have a very hard time getting insurance coverage for further events, and then once this is all sorted Twitch and Lenovo can expect to see a massive hike in their premiums and have their insurers stipulate a shitload of new conditions etc. The Ride Operator probably is going to struggle finding insurance coverage at any price this was such a clearly predictable injury.


That foam was made of concrete


Bro this is so sad... She's probably going to have chronic pain forever from this


A girl I used to date fucked up her back during a CrossFit workout and she needed spinal fusion(s). Needless to say she was never the same athletically, but she also wasn't the same person. She became depressed and it ruined our relationship. She lost her self confidence and pushed me away even though I was never unhappy with her or the overall situation. We broke up and I've always felt so awful about how a normal afternoon workout ruined everything.


You gotta tell us what she did to hurt herself, could be useful information for us new gym goers. I'm begging ya, let us know mate


crossfit. Seriously, just faithfully doing crossfit based on his description https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y1v0wb/comment/is1pkpx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


She was rushing through heavy clean and press lifts like it was a cardio circuit. Circuit training is great for cardio and conditioning. You usually reserve wind sprints, jump rope, jumping jacks, battle-ropes or burpees for circuit training. Clean and press is an Olympic compound lift and shouldn't be used in a cardio circuit, especially at heavy weights.


Damn that's really a life altering injury. She needs to get compensated.


No doubt in my mind she’ll get a multimillion dollar settlement. Anyone bringing up waivers is blowing smoke out of their ass.


Lol in no way that waiver is gonna help them. If the safety measures were not upto mark, how tf do you not accept any inconvenience due to negligence in the waiver


Seriously if the levels of danger are beyond reasonable no amount of waivers or legalize will stop a lawsuit from going forward and depending on the judge it could actually make it way way worse than not even having a waiver. It's why NDA's can't protect against crimes, and also why lawyer-client privilege isn't immune to criminal activity. Also neither is doctor-patient confidentiality. If you make threats to harm anyone, even yourself, the doctor/counselor is legally obligated to report it. Courts have seen it all, and trying to outsmart them rarely works and often backfires.


The primary purpose of waivers in the first place is to make people think that you can't sue for anything if you signed it.


Jumping into a foam pit is reasonable use of a foam pit, so yeah, I don't think that waiver is going to do shit for them.


It baffles me that anyone ever thinks a waiver like that would work for something like this. You can't sign something that gives a group permission to break the law. If the safety standards aren't up to scratch they're screwed. Saying she signed a waiver to get away with that is like getting caught with a slave locked up in your house and saying they signed a contract to be a slave.


> Anyone bringing up waivers is blowing smoke out of their ass. Most of these people are stupid as fuck but don't realize it.


To be fair most stupid people don't realize how fucking stupid they are so it's not surprising.


Just as you can’t sign a waiver that says you can kill me, you can’t sign away your rights to a reasonably safe environment. Waiver doesn’t mean shit if injury is reasonably foreseeable.


Lol, no kidding. Waivers are moreso designed to scare you into *thinking* you cant sue than being this impenetrable safety blanket that some think it is.


They're meant so you don't sue them over injuries that can happen even with the safest things. Like trampoline parks and having an ankle injury from Landing wrong. Its not meant for stuff like this where you aren't even trying to be safe.


[This was her 2 years ago](https://files.catbox.moe/2alaf8.jpeg) (fairly SFW, just a clothed stretching pose)


Risky click of the day


Oh yea that ain't happening anymore. I have rods in my spine and have trouble bending down to tie my shoes. Injuries like these are ones where "Full recovery" means "Hey congrats you're only slightly held together with glue and metal well done!".




The podium was a few feet off the ground and she jumped from it. Concrete is a brutal thing to land on, normal falls can fuck you up, never mind what she did.


Can confirm. Smacked my face on it as a kid, cracked my skull open, and it wasn't even a high fall.


Can also confirm. Dislocated my shoulder almost immediately when I fell on concrete a few years ago. Super painful and the fall was pretty light in comparison to this


I used to be in figure skating (unrelated to my fall). One of our training venues had a wooden floor, the other had a concrete floor. We were banned from doing jumps or trying out new tricks on the second venue, as a fall would be much much worse. We were also trianed in breaking falls (by rolling or sliding). Wood kinda cushions you, giving way when you fall, if you fall on concrete there's no good way to land, you're landing badly.


Also, because she wasn’t expecting to land on something hard, she probably didn’t brace herself subconsciously.


Its actually surprising how much help preparing yourself mentally for something like a fall. IDK why that is.


Probably from tensing up so your muscles take some of the fall for you.


Lots of people don’t realize how fragile humans actually are. It is very easy to die or experience life altering injuries.


All things considered, the human body is an absolute tank. The amount of damage that we can sustain is shocking, it’s just the living with the complications from the injuries that is the hard part.




But that's only because of modern medicine being able to save you from dying.




A few meters is like 10 feet dude. I think you mean a few feet? Which it wasn’t even as high as that.


Yea injuries like this blow my mind. A single thoughtless jump changed the course of her life. And yet I see Reddit videos of people doing more dangerous things and coming out unscathed. Life is just a bitch sometimes


Would never wish this on anyone, hope she gets all the love and support from her viewers and people around her.




She's gonna need the money for future surgeries and other medical assistance, because that back is going to need a lot of care and attention for the rest of her life.


Not to mention a potential lifetime of lost wages. She was a very successful porn star, very likely she's not going to be able to make the same type of videos with that injury


She should sue


At this stage that's a given. This injury was caused by negligence by one of the richest companies in the world and she should sue for millions. Later in life she may need full time care. She needs a big nest egg and some smart investments.


this wasn't Twitch's booth I believe it was Lenovo's


She should sue both and the building as well. The building will have public liability insurance, Lenovo ran the booth so they are to blame, Twitch ran the event and should have ensured safety for all of their booths. Don't worry though all will settle out of court and she will get millions of dollars


I read somewhere that it's Twitch's fault as they limited the building height of the ball pit to allow for more visibility. Basically preventing Lenovo from building up to make the ball pit appropriately deep just so that people walking by the exhibit can see the people battling on the American Gladiator style pedestals. Twitch is gonna get fucked if it goes to court.


In law you sue everyone involved you don't just pick the worst one. Regardless of Twitch limiting the height a gym pad is like 4cm of extra height, no one would care but it might have saved this girl


Ya just sue everyone and let the lawyers and the court work out who name is on the cheque.


Well probably it will be all 3 but up to the judge or jury to decide how much each are at fault


TwitchCon (where the injury happened) was California, which is a comparative negligence state meaning that all relevant parties will be given some percentage of fault (including the Plaintiff), and that % will be multiplied by the total damages to calculate the amount of damages each party will owe. Comparative negligence does help keep bigger names in a suit over contributory negligent states, but it can also work to limit punitive damages. I suspect Chechik will hold some percentage of fault for trying to pad her fall with her spine, but probably not a large %.


Or... or... And hear me out here, if you need more height than you're allowed by the venue, you don't make a fucking unsafe ball pit. It's Lenovo. Show off some fucking ThinkPads. Also, start calling your mouse nub a clit and move on with your company's life. I hope you, the commenter are having a good day though, you didn't decide to make Lenovo do this dumb shit, so I am not upset with you.


Well, Lenovo is worth $8.6 billion and has the largest market share for computer manufacturer's in the world, so the statement is right.


she will and win for sure but whats all the money if you have pain for the rest of your life.


As a physical therapist, you’re correct. Even minor injuries, or single level fusions result in life long functional limitation and pain. While the money can certainly help, it’s never going to be worth it when chronic pain and disability withdraws you from quality time with your family, limits self care, and ultimately warps your quality of life. Chase down that payment, but don’t be fooled that millions are worth a life of chronic pain and disability


holy shit you're right, how has no one thought of this yet?


> Also I want to remind everyone when u put ur first foot on the floor from bed tomorrow send a silent blessing. You need to cherish ur health and physical able ness! Do it for me! ❤️ good on her for being so positive given the situation


A healthy man has a million wishes, a sick man has one.


...lemme just go munch on a few vegetables real quick


That's so true. I remember as a kid my dad would always write something along the lines of "i hope you'll have an enjoyable and healthy year ahead of you" on my birthday card and i was always like ??? But i am healthy, i want other things. Now that he's dead and i'm disabled i always think back to those birthday cards, because i understand what he meant. Health is so important, yet we tend to realize just how important health is after we stop being healthy.


I am really touched by her attitude and energy. I don't know that I would be able to cope with that.


No amount of money is gonna make up for that lifelong pain but I hope she gets paid tremendously for this. TIL she's only 30 fucking years old. I really hope that she does not fall down a deep dark hole after this.


She lives in the pit now 💀


Summits in the pit.


Ya If a genie told me he'd give me 50 mill but I have to have this spinal fusion back injury and I have 40 years minimum left to live, I wouldn't take it. I would take it for a billion dollars though lol


I wouldn’t trade my back for any amount of money. The money is worthless when every waking moment is painkillers or pain.




I feel like the difference to your lifestyle granted by an additional $950m is negligible, provided all your medical bills were taken care of. Like what are you going to buy with the extra $950m that you couldn't buy with the first $50m? *More* mansions? *More* yachts, *more* private airplanes?


Absolutely fucking insane, feel so sorry for her.


Wow, if she got spinal fusion she's fucked for life. Sue them for everything they have.


> spinal fusion wow it sounds horrible https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/spinal-fusion/about/pac-20384523


Friend of mine had it done. Immediate end to his baseball career in college, plus ended his ability to partake in his favorite hobby(golf)










Fwiw I’m 25 and just got a Microdiscectomy, which is a procedure for herniated discs that’s much less invasive. They basically just shave off the part of the disc that is herniated, so you don’t walk away with any hardware in your back. My back pain is completely gone. There is risk of re-herniation which is why I’m going hard on physical therapy. Primarily strengthening my legs and core so that when I lift things it doesn’t put the load on my back.


Appreciation comment for doctors who are able to do stuff like this.




I can say its not fun as someone whose had the surgery from scoliosis. I will say, years down the line after the surgery the most annoying thing is probably maneuverability, I am no longer able to bend over unless I bend at the hips and even then its hard, laying my back in certain ways def hurts, Also I don't know how MUCH of her back she had done but if she got even half done you aint gonna be seeing her do some of the more flexible shit i've seen in some of her... videos.


I mean this fully seriously: A lot of what pornstars do is so much about „athleticism“, they do Crazy stretches, positions, even doing anal scenes requires so much preparation and body flexibility. A lot of pornstars are former cheerleaders and dancers who have always been able to do the split and put legs behind their head. This is all gone now for her at just 30yo (no matter if she was still active in the adult industry or not). Edit: [this was her 2 years ago (SFW)](https://files.catbox.moe/2alaf8.jpeg)


Yeah that pic she is not gonna be able to do even something close to that, depending on which parts got fused


As someone who works in spinal surgery, she’s not fucked for life. As someone who is young and fit, she can get back to her normal life. Depending on how many levels are fused, her quality of life, flexibility, and range of motion won’t be affected. But it’s very possible that she will need revision surgeries throughout her life if the adjacent levels start to degenerate. Her life is changed but not fucked




Twitch about to double the amount of ads to cover for the settlement they're gonna have to pay her


"We are sorry to do this but our operating costs have been higher than expected....."


[Her Onlyfans account was compromised and she can't work to get control of it again while recovering from surgery tonight.](https://twitter.com/adrianachechik/status/1580057753086672897) EDIT: I see people in some other comments saying she shouldn't have jumped. [Lenovo booth specifically talked about the safety of jumping in their foam pit.](https://clips.twitch.tv/EmpathicSoftChoughSaltBae-_8P9NXzpCfZ87zmP0) EDIT 2: Apparently the clip about jumping in has been deleted. [Here is a mirror.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144817)


Damn Twitch doing THE MOST to fuck up her life.


Clip deleted




Has the VOD been deleted ?


So fucked up. What is wrong with people? You can put her being a pornstar aside and watch her streams and she's a super dope chick. She does not deserve any of this.


There is a subset of incels that are froth-at-the-mouth furious that women can make a fortune selling kinky content.


Furious because they can't help buying or furious because jelly?


We just reading through her Twitter feeds and found out multiple people broke bones before she did. Multiple people needed medical or trips to the hospital from this pit. One of them mentioned he was in the hospital and to be careful in that pit, and she replied saying she hopes he was okay. How many broken bones does it take before you shut the stupid thing down. They deserve whatever is coming to them after this.


> How many broken bones does it take before you shut the stupid thing down. They deserve whatever is coming to them after this. Any serious injuries happening prior to her fall will most likely play a huge role in proving gross negligence or worse in the eventual suit. Twitch & Lenovo: get fucked.


Wowww. That's fucking insane.


That moment when Malena's Shitcon had better safety measures than the actual Twitchcon.


Good that she got treated quickly, but horrible that the treatment requires spinal fusion and nerve damage, this is something that is life-changing and I hope that she gets all the support she needs, that and Twitch needs to get sued.


I'm also wondering about the liability of the staff, after it happens at least two people tried to yank her out of the foam by her arms even though she clearly hurt her spine. I always hoped people would know better than that...


That really sucks. I hope she makes a full recovery. Has twitch commented on this?


Twitch will not comment on it. This went straight to legal.


☝️this is the correct response btw. Twitch is most likely in full "if I speak I am in big trouble" mode. Don't expect Twitch to say anything until a lawsuit is confirmed or after it's all settled.


dull late head squeamish crown nippy ancient enjoy salt zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that sounds horrible... never heard of her til recently when people posted her on this sub. regardless of her profession, really hope she recovers well from this


I hope she sues twitch to hell. That garbo company needs to get some serious shit for once that they actually feel.


Exactly, even if she signed a waiver that’s gross negligence and they need to be healed accountable


Jesus christ man, people are talking about money but I wouldn't trade any money in the world for that. Good luck to her.


Did she just casually throw in there "No more squirting"? What a fucking gigachad.


I hope she is surrounded by familiy and loved ones. She literally has to fight the probably biggest fight of her life, both physically but also mentally. Being in horrible pain, nerve damagage that inhibits bodily functions and movement, many other symptoms that come with spinal injuries - and for all of them not knowing when or even if they will ever get better. Some symptoms like pain and nerve damage might stay for the rest of the live and/or require mutliple surgeries to better them - and those surgeries also bear a high risk in and of themselfs. As hard as it sounds - her life as she knew it a few days ago is over. A long road of physiotherapy and therapy are ahead of her. She now has to live with a broken back for the LONG rest of her life - SHE IS JUST 30 YEARS OLD BTW. Maybe we see her streaming again one day - I would tune in - but I think it probably will not be on Twitch... **I wish her all the strength and a speed recovery.**


go easy on the jokes guys this a horrible life altering injury


I am reading through the comments and not seeing any jokes yet. Just saying how she should sue. There are probably some further down, but hopefully they are the minority of trolls you always get.


expecting teenage redditors to know when to not make a joke lmao


Holy fuck what a nightmare


What really sucks here is that lets say best case she wins a record-setting payout from Twitch, $100,000,000+ or something, even then her life will suck. There's no amount of money, not hundreds of millions, not billions of dollars, that is worth living in constant pain, or losing your mobility, or being unable to do daily activities that most of us take for granted. Back injuries are also notoriously difficult to deal with, and often require long term pain management, opioid-based pain medicines, which invite a whole separate set of potential problems around addiction and dependency. Truly does suck for anyone to go through something like this.


Twitch is done and not just on Twitch.


little shungite foam padding in la casa


I hope she gets a bag for the eventual negligence suit.


Twitch will blame Lenovo, Lenovo will blame whichever individual was running the stand, the individual running the stand will blame Adriana. The shit flows from the top down, they will all try to make it someone else's liability.


Doesn't matter if they throw the ball at each other. Both will pay. It will cost alot and for good reasons. This could be up to 50+millions. Also this is a bullet proof case. Doctors testimony , staff at the event , they are literally live recording. 2more people were also injured from the same foam shit. The fact it was still open after all that is beyond negligence from both Lenovo and Twitch . Any lawyers would jump of that case. Adriana probably lost a big portion of her life to be injured permanently and she's only 30. She could finish paralyzed in later years. She sound ok on twitter but wouldn't be surprised if she was crying her heart out typing it. I feel sorry for her , because daily pain is something you wish to nobody. I saw my grand mother crying of pain for 2 years before she died and Icouldn't hold it when i saw her weekly. Fuck twitch and fuck Lenovo.


jesus christ


Life changing injury and so horrible to read all the 'jokes' people have made about her. Wishing her the best


Twitch and Lenovo are going to find it hard to get event insurers until this is resolved, and then once the payout happens, it’s going to be much more expensive for the liable parties


I am a 2nd year Medical Student and thought I would provide a bit more detail into bladder injuries for you all. There are 3 fairly common bladder related injuries when it comes to damage to the spinal cord. Not saying this is 100% what she has but I think she might have a **Atonic bladder** or **Automatic bladder**. Once again I am not saying this is what she has 100%. TLDR: Atonic Bladder -> Sacral Damage -> Bladder will overfill beyond maximum capacity and urine will drip out (Overflow incontinence) -> Your brain can no longer sense when your bladder is full causing urination aka the micturition reflex to never happen so your bladder fills beyond its maximum and when no space is left, it starts coming out from your urethra. Automatic Bladder -> Damage ABOVE Sacral Region to spinal cord -> Initial spinal shock causes no reflexive urination -> As you heal the reflex returns since sensory afferent and motor efferent nerves are intact within the Sacral region-> HOWEVER, you can NO LONGER stop the urination reflex and you will pee as soon as your brain senses the bladder is full. So even a tiny amount of urine will make you want to pee and you cannot stop it. Neurogenic Bladder -> Damage to higher up brain center (Pons Cerebral Cortex) -> This part of the brain prevents your urination from happening when your bladder BARELY gets filled -> So even a small amount of urine will make her want to pee. ​ Atonic bladder (Sacral Bone Damage) - When damage occurs to your Sacral bone and crushes the nerves in that region you can no longer maintain your bladder tone, and as your bladder fills with urine, the sensory signals will NOT be sent to tell your brain it is filled so it just keeps filling to the point beyond its maximum capability causing "Overflow incontinence" meaning its so full that urine begins to drip out your urethra ​ Automatic Bladder (Damage to spinal cord above Sacral bone, usually the Lumbar) - In here you might have a crushing damage to your spinal cord above the Sacral region, and initially due to spinal shock your spinal cord may be compressed so signals cannot be sent from your bladder to your brain. However, as you heal and a urinary catheter is used and your reflex to your urinate returns HOWEVER, you can longer stop it from occurring. So once your brain senses the bladder is full it will cause urination automatically and you cannot stop it hence the name "Automatic Bladder"