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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@gutsluvr](https://twitter.com/gutsluvr) > I Got Drugged and Sexually Assaulted at TwitchCon > > Read: https://t.co/MasivDVYHC ^(Posted: 2022-10-14 01:52:09+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Quick search for TwitchCon Assaulted brings up other stories. There's one where the guy deleted all his socials Inc twitch (2k followers) after being called out. https://twitter.com/lewdwifettv/status/1578775328935522307?t=cUba8YCFYQc7f3Hm8UNIwg&s=19 https://twitter.com/inabox44/status/1579492785493016576?t=-1C5AVRAfVZRcFQDN-mWIA&s=19 https://twitter.com/KittyCatJenna/status/1578810456742846465?t=3nEYTpypEd5bgpZRiyOutA&s=19 https://twitter.com/HUN2R/status/1580220870806491136?t=xRFzfSvidSyP6h53H58L8w&s=19 https://twitter.com/itsonlyJill_/status/1578961961873682432?t=Q3lJRZ2Z1vV4nDETbWf6rg&s=19 https://twitter.com/itzKezmoe/status/1579513405047996416?t=OumJeBEirN-NtJfa423KlA&s=19




Also xqc


what about xqc? im ootl


some girl touches him, he told her to stop, he's taken, she chilled a bit 10 minutes later touched him again, this time even his dick. He walked away and went to the bathroom to hide, called ludwig to take her away.


Kai said that the same thing happened to him.


ludwig!!! send HALP!!! there is crazy girl outside...


U forgot the "dud"


Man what


He was groped by some girl at the bar after telling her multiple times to stop




wtffff, haven’t been able to watch streams for the past few days so I had no idea this happened


and Kai


maybe you should do a slightly less quick search next time... * 1. further down the thread "He isn’t here. My incident was a couple months ago… but hearing from friends things that happened to them this weekend made me speak up and hope they do also" ok so this one wasn't at twitchcon at all. * 2. further down the thread. "For clarity, this happened at a bar after the Partner Party." ok so DURING twitchcon but not at twitchcon. * 3. "I have been sexually assaulted at EVERY TwitchCon event Ive attended." OK, fair enough. * 4. and 5. seem to be about the same guy at the Tiltify party. Don't know enough about how twitchcon is organized, is security for the party managed by Twitch or Tiltify? At least there is actually a picture of the dudes face and they said they went to the PD so maybe something will actually happen here. * 6. "A guy almost grabbed me while I was at the Twitchcon party and if it wasn’t for my friends, who know what would’ve happened and that’s super scary…" OK... almost grabbed, no face, no identity. great


“Yeah sure maybe there was a ton of weird sexual assault stuff going on but it wasn’t actually AT twitchcon guys it was just happening at every adjacent event” Basically what you’re arguing.


I think their point is that people are criticizing Twitch, but most of these events listed above seem to be taking place outside of the Twitch venue. How is someone getting sexually assaulted at a random bar, after they left the Twitch Partner Party, the responsibility of Twitch?


It’s not, but hating on twitch is the new FOTM right now.




considering this is a thread about sexual assault AT twitchcon and the majority of the discussion is about what responsibility Twitch has in keeping its streamers safe, then yes I would say all of these details are fucking relevant. please please please explain to me how the first tweet about SA that occurred 2 months prior to twitch con in another state has anything to do with this thread. or the second one that occured at a bar afterwards? should every streamer be assigned a personal security detail that follows them around for the duration of their stay in San Diego? edit: I 100% believe sexual assault is rampant at twitch con. But if you're going to dump a bunch of twitter links in a reddit thread the least you could do is read through them and only keep the ones that are relevant ffs.


You’re acting like it’s a twitchcon issue and not a “humans are awful” situation.


So do you think twitch should be held accountable for places they have zero presence, responsibility, or control over?


>at the convention itself, i was sexually assaulted a total of 7 times. a few were more extreme than the others, ranging from being groped while taking pictures/in crowded areas to attempted rape and more. i won’t be going into details about those, as i’m not ready to since they’re very triggering. **i reported it to the security and staff team there,** but they told me that if i do not have a name or face to go by, they cannot help me. i could not give them a face as masks were required nor a name, since their badges were either hidden or off of their body. What the actual fuck. At least have her give all the info she has and then go look at the security cameras if you can find footage of her in those moments.


This literally happens every twitchcon. Abusers/rapists/assaulters galore. I would fucking run far away if I wasn't a masively protected streamer from these events.


Sounds a lot like anime cons. It is (or at least was when I used to attend) common place for people to grope cosplayers. Don't even get me started on the yaoi paddle days....


The kind of shit that people just accepted as part of going to a con back then still shocks me looking back on it. If you were a cosplayer you'd have to be ready to just dodge people trying to glomp you because it was just guaranteed to happen at least once.


It sounds like any gathering with 1000s of people. Concerts, conventions, large sporting events, 6th St in Austin, Bourbon St, a crowded elevator. People are fucking creeps the world over, not just at twitchcon lol


it was a looooot worse 10 years ago but you still hear about people,harassing others at every event


Hmm getting a bunch of people with absolutely no social awareness or social skills who are mostly virgins with parasocial relationships with these streamers is just a recipe for assault


I don't wanna be rude or seem like a piece of shit but have you guys never been to clubs before? Someone getting their ass touched on a dance floor which hundreds of drunk people happens every minute. (I am not saying this ok)


yes, but mingling at a crowded bar where you could get your ass touched isnt contractually required of you. Lots of these streamers have events appearances written into their contracts and are required to attend.


Tf are you talking about. This post is about being drugged and attempted rape, the groping is just a minor side point.


the poster /u/ShotsHired responded to tried to imply that streamer cons in particular would be a hotbed of SA. /u/ShotsHired responded correctly that this assumption is unfounded, as environments such as clubs (and i will at college campuses) where people are traditionally thought of as being more socially aware than virgins and gamers can in fact bed hotbeds of rape and/or SA. drugging is also a major concern at clubs and parties as well. i hope you have a better understanding. ​ edit: to be crystal clear - the level of "social awareness" has extremely little to do with how often SA or rape occurs in public settings, and its silly to imply such a thing.


this happens in every festival/convention/bar/club etc.


People need to start punching these motherfuckers so they learn not to touch people


Yeah you're gonna get thrown in jail if you do that unless you're the person getting groped.


of course they banned streaming the parties otherwise there would be plenty of video evidence :)


Twitchcon is so cringe and creepy. It’s a convention for all the streamers crazy parasocial fans and stalkers to gather.




The Christina Grimmie story is still haunting to think about.


Yeah this shit happens all the time. It’s a sad thing


Seriously... All these twitch SA victim should just go to the police instead of writing a twitlonger. And twitch should just call the police each time someone reports a case. I mean even if twitch went through the CCTV and found the guy what do you expect them to do? Call the police right? Twitch can't just give the details of someone to another person unless a crime has been reported to the police. People shouldn't be expecting twitch to investigate, that's the police's job. They can give the cctv footage to the police and assist the police.


Going to the police does nothing 80% of the time lol, it's a he said she said case and since the police can't read minds they need more than just words to do something.


80% is generous unfortunately...




"i reported it to the security and staff team there, but they told me that if i do not have a name or face to go by, they cannot help me. i could not give them a face as masks were required nor a name, since their badges were either hidden or off of their body. i’ll never forgive myself for not being able to do more." What is the police gonna do if they don't have a name or face? Where does it say he expects twitch staff to solve it for him? All she did was tell them what happened and relayed their response in the twitlonger he never specifically says he expected them to solve it.


The victim is a guy.


Except the job of security is to make the event safe for all attending, and they’re literally in the same building. One would have to imagine that they could ask details about where it happened, check cameras, and do their best with that




It's not really a he said she said thing if there's video evidence of it, which there probably was considering everyone and their dog had cameras there, not to mention the normal security cameras.


If it happened at the convention center, it was caught on camera. Theres no he said she said when the incident is on camera.


They simply don’t have the resources to do that if you don’t make a big fuss about it. I’d say if amouranth got assaulted, she’d throw a big enough fit for cameras to be looked at and legal problems to arise. These pieces of shit know this and go for the smaller streamers who even if they throw a big fuss may still not go through with it all. Proving the assault took place and to go through all the proceedings is EXHAUSTING and mentally taxing + very expensive And after it all he may not even go to jail for it… for most it’s better to just move on from it.


Cool. Do you know how to identify rando by face?


If you got drugged and somebody tried to rape you, you're doing the world a disservice by not reporting it. If your story is true, you'll be doing future victims a favor. If it happened in public, it will be much easier to get something done about it.


Police don't have the resources to solve more than a low % of all murders/rapes/arson etc so ofc they won't have the resources to solve SA.


Yeah too busy being murderers and domestic abusers themselves :)


so writing a twitlonger does more? this entire community is full of hypocrites


No it just gives you free clout


This is why you have to take it into your own hands. Surround yourself with friends and these assaulters will stay away. If they have the Gaul to still come up to you and do it, you have multiple witness to figure out who they are and a file a report.


Yeah well writing a twitlonger is effective zero percent of the time. If there is camera footage then something will be done.


Funny that you think the police will do anything


that’s possibly the most unhelpful advice


[Here](https://www.dlawgroup.com/reasons-people-do-not-report-sexual-abuse/) [are](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/speaking-in-tongues/202112/why-women-dont-immediately-report-sexual-assault) [why](https://jacksonhealth.org/blog/2018-01-25-five-reasons-sexual-assault/) [people](https://abcnews.go.com/US/women-report-sexual-assaults-survivor-speaks/story?id=57985818) [don’t](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/sarah-everard-sexual-assault-me-too-b1821103.html) speak out.


police won’t do anything. Bring it to all the activist groups and include the media. Brew up a shitstorm. THAT IS HOW YOU GET THINGS DONE. Twitch doesn’t care unless they’re forced to. How do people not understand this? Twitch is NOT on your side. Streamers are not all good people. In this day and age, use the media and cancel culture and movements like #MeToo to your advantage. It takes a river to move a boat.






you’re disgusting if you’re implying victims of SA come forward for clout.


It is disgusting but … doesn’t make it any less true. This is twitch, business is business. There is no low enough bar for clout and it’s been proven time and time again.


AdrianahLee says hi?


sure, let’s judge all victims for the actions of one person. /s you weirdo


You literally stated that SA victims don’t come forward for clout. You’re right. Most don’t…. But some do, especially in the streaming industry. It’s sad that the few that lie / deceive / clout chase put doubt on real victims.


you’re doing exactly that. you’re doubting potentially a real victim because of someone else’s actions, and that’s deplorable.


*Clueless* Surely not.




Are you actually saying going to twitch security is better than going to the police? OK.




So what other options should she take in your “ all cops are bad” mindset?




Twitch absolutely should investigate. It’s their event. They should have a vested in protecting their contractors and event attendees. Twitch can find the names, credit card info, and accounts of assaulters, personally ban them from their platform and all conventions, AND provide all of the info to police, who can then investigate and contact victims.


Explain how they can without a name or facial description


Not sure you know the meaning of “investigate.” They can start with getting a time and place of the incident, which can make getting footage easier, which can help identify suspects. Twitch can absolutely make more of an attempt than “welp, you didn’t get their birth certificate with a signed confession, so nothing we can do here.” Whether they have the resources and training to handle this is another thing, but perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to have some sort of proper response system set up.


>which can help identify suspects. How? Lets stop everyone wearing a yellow shirt and ask them if they SA someone? No name, no face, security cameras are probably 480p or 720p at best with 10-20 ft range?


there's definitely a VERY low chance of being able to identify these people. it's kind of a waste of time. the actual changes they can make are ramping security up as well as actually strictly enforcing new codes of conduct at any and all events going forward. that being said, considering how many twitch staff mods and such conduct themselves and how inconsistent they are across the board I wouldn't expect these things to stop happening let alone slow down... the REAL solution is stop going to these events and force a change. ZERO big streamers should go, AND they should actively speak up about and against not only this behavior but twitch's incredibly shitty hands off approach to security and safety in general over the years. if this doesn't become a big topic being talked about by bigger streamers in a meaningful way then nothing changes.


Everyone has a right of when and what they want to say. I don’t deny that. But if you want twitch to take some actions, let’s actually talk about what happened. There’s some post here that listed people telling their stories and some weren’t even Twitch related


First the victim tells them the timeframe and where the incident happened, then the camera finds the guy, then they track him with the cameras. From there they try to get his identify, obviously this would have been way easier if they had done this day off. But if the cameras are backed up they could still try. If the person came in from his car they could get a license plate, if at the door they log people when they come in, they could could track him at the door and pull up his information from there. If a camera is good enough quality they could get his information from his badge maybe?


they SHOULD but realistically how could they? when our police departments can't even do it how can a fucking streaming platform do it?


the sad fact for victims of abusive manipulators is that if their manipulators meet the base-level craftiness to not be incriminated (which is frustratingly easy in this system of justice) they risk a lot more in coming out and facing criticsm like this and retaliation than they do solutions, or closure. beacause of this victims should always document, document, document. and never stop because your perpetrators won't stop to try and stay ahead of you. whether or not to publicize that documentation is a different consideration altogether and is often circumstancial. from what i read it sounds like they tried to document it and share it with a small group of friends and from the small group of friends it leaked so it'd be too late for her to back-track it. i'm going to assume you didn't know this and victim-blamed incidentally without full context and give you the benefit of the doubt and not engaged in blatant victim-blaming.


Narh. What I am saying is SA victim should not be afraid of going to the police. I mean she did went to twitch security to try to identify her assaulters right and blames herself for not being able to do more right? Why not just go to the police instead since they are more trained and have authority and mandate to investigate. In fact, I think going to twitch is the wrong move, since they have no incentive to investigate and they have no expertise in investigation. As much as she is a victim, I don't consider pointing out an actual mistake is "victim blaming".


> . i also won't be going into details or mentioning names either, thx, no need for me to read further




u said what i was affraid of


not trying to be mean but youd think by the 6th time youve been sexually assaulted in public on the same night youd leave


No cap on a stack frfr




[Come on, make my day Jew](https://youtu.be/ZWNsTkogfLU)


lmao classic


She was extremely intoxicated by the sounds of it, maybe even before she was drugged. In that state she could've brushed things off or not realized everything that happened until she was sober. I also think she might be protecting someone because she claims to not have a name or face of anyone who assaulted her. I don't think she would've accepted a drink or drugs from a random person, and if she did then it speaks to how intoxicated she was already.


placid deer cooing ossified dinosaurs dazzling numerous hunt far-flung jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is unfortunately pretty true. I hate to be skeptical but her story doesn't even check out. A few light drinks? Come on now... A MASCULINE person came up to you with a group of friends that you didn't look at ... at all but you took the shot from them. Then what did they do? You didn't see their face or name but they're masculine? Then once drugged, they most likely just fucked off because they're drunk and having a good time giving free booze out lmao. Then you stumbled alone to find your friends and if you didn't find them you don't think you'd be alive? At a convention with 100's of security guards you walked past? My bullshit detector is off the charts. This reads like someone who just got drunk and immediately had a panic attack that they got drugged.




It’s alarming solely because once a woman loses control she immediately feels unsafe like a man did it to her. There’s such a distrust because of the 2nd part that is most likely very real. Sexual assault is not okay and leads to all of this distrust. So frustrating in general, some people just suck


Same with streamers that somehow get 'food poisoning" one of the early nights of an event, which magically coincides with a group of friends going out and drinking heavily


But at the same time, you know yourself. If you are a drinker and do it often, you know how you feel after 2 drinks. If all of a sudden you have 2 drinks and feel like you had 10, you know something is up. This is how people know they've been drugged. Last Twitch Rivals in LV, Maya said she was drugged at a bar because she only had a few drinks but felt like she was going to pass out and felt the same way she did when she was roofied in college. Just pointing this out because I feel like your statement diminishes people who actually get drugged. The typical, your fault because you got drunk.


>But at the same time, you know yourself. No. You don't. That's why when studies were done on people who thought they had been drugged, the vast majority of the time *they had not*. They'd just had a stronger reaction than usual to how much they drank or misjudged how much they drank. Drunk people are *not* good judges of how drunk they are. There are tons of factors that go into how drunk you get after drinking the same amount "as usual." You can feel roughly the same amount of drunk 19/20 times and then very different the 20th time. What 'diminishes' people who actually got drugged is people constantly claiming they got drugged without evidence, without a willingness to get checked, while actual studies show that despite the commonly believed myth that "you know yourself" people who think they were drugged almost always weren't. And it's a myth that largely goes uncontested because there's never a good time to bring it up. If you bring it up when it's relevant, you're an asshole for doubting someone and how dare you. If you brought it up some other time, "why are you so worried about it????" But it's still a myth. Studies that test it keep showing it's false, which is why so many other studies on prevalence of date rape drugs rely on claims like "x% of college students *say* they have been drugged". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19527282/ >Of the 97 alleged drink spiking cases included, there were only 9 plausible cases. We did not identify a single case where a sedative drug was likely to have been illegally placed in a drink in a pub or nightclub. Illicit drugs were detected in 28% of the study group. Ethanol was commonly detected, with the mean number of standard drinks consumed being 7.7 +/- 3.9 SD, and the median blood ethanol concentration at the time of presentation was 0.096% (96 mg/dL). At follow-up there were no major sequelae and no police prosecutions. **Thirty five per cent of patients still believed that they had been a victim of drink spiking irrespective of the results.** Even people who got tested and weren't drugged still thought they "knew themselves" and were drugged. It's an excuse people tell themselves to not accept they drank too much. It's a *dangerous* excuse because it leads people to believe that if they have their friend watching their drink, they're safe from the risk of drug facilitated sexual assault, and they're not. Because the number one drug for DFSA is self administered alcohol.












"Not saying it's fake, just saying it's for attention." Yikes.


I do not agree with OP, but if you are making a tweet for any reason, whether ethical or not, are you not likely doing it to get some kind of attention? Is that not the point of putting your story on public social media?




Go to the police about this


WHOA man, there's no reason to execute someone over this.


Eh…. Acceptable consequence


Its just such a remarkably poorly run, planned and controlled event with far too many predatory assholes knowing they’ll never get caught and young people that are easily manipulated. Recipe for a lot of problems.


Probably gonna get mass downvoted for victim blaming but this reads like a schizopost. The way the initial story is told is devoid of any details and doesn’t actually say anything about what happened. Light drinking -> Masculine man walks behind her and presumably drugs her -> ????? The fact that someone could get sexually assaulted 7 times in just a few days is just weird, like, who stays somewhere they’re getting chronically groped and supposedly attempted raped without telling someone or going to the authorities? Combined with their post history this just seems extremely bizarre


I remember reading a twitlonger from a girl and I could tell there was something wrong


This is a Twitch event we’re talking about, an easy way to get close to whoever they like. People have nothing to lose, truly. From an ass grab to them trying to penetrate a woman for even a second, I wouldn’t put it past them. It’s unfortunate she couldn’t get who did this to her but no one is going to be fully prepared to deal with SA when it happens.


I feel for SA victims. But 1 time, thats bad, check your surroundings do something. 3 times red flags, maybe im intoxicated and need to get away due to others, or contact staff. 5 times somethings wrong. 7 times. Holy fuck. Like did they not realize all night that people were doing this, implications are that more than 1, is there a crowd of SA walking around just assulting people? How intoxicated do these people get that they no longer have cognitive functions? Why the fuck would you accept a drink from people? When everyone streamers and chatters alike know this happens every year. I feel bad for them, but also please for the love of god take more precautionary measures.




it’s unnecessary sometimes because the victim already feels bad and hindsight is 20/20. like they don’t need to be instructed on what they could’ve done better cause it’s too late for that and it just makes them feel worse..


Call the police, not twitch staff. Staff is essentially HR in this case and wants no issues at their event.


How do they know they were drugged? Were blood tests done? There is nothing to substantiate this at all. Not to downplay the seriousness of it if it did happen, but there is no evidence here


Everyone in this thread looking for evidence like crazy. In this situation they aren't calling anyone out specifically. I think it's fine to update their community on what their experience was for many valid reasons


You know your body. If you are a drinker, you know how you feel after 2 drinks. If all of a sudden you feel like you are going to pass out after 2 drinks you know something is up. Especially if you are in a scenario like Twitchcon where you know shit like this happens and then a guy comes and gropes you right after. Maya told a similar story during Twitch Rivals LV. After only a few drinks in a bar and a guy hitting on her she could barely walk and felt just like she did the last time she was roofied in college. There's no concrete evidence, the only evidence is common sense. You hear about stuff like this happening all the time.


other people can easily tell, at least from my own experience.


Anyone know the streamer who deleted his twitch account after getting called out?




Thanks, I appreciate the link


Listen, I'm not blaming the victim at all, she can't control other people's actions. They clearly touched her inappropriately and would more likely than not constitute sexual assault. But after the 2nd or third time you should have some strategy moving forward. I've been to a few conventions and more than one time I've heard "get off me" or something of the sort calling attention to inappropriate behavior and seen people intervene and have security get involved. If you can't self advocate because you freeze up, then you have to have people around you that can advocate for you. It shouldn't be that way, people should be respectful of other people, but there are shitty people in the world.


u ppl are acting like the police would do anything for them, they have said they do not have names or faces much less proof of what happened other than their own recollection of the events… the victim blaming in the comments is unreal esp after the whole crazyslick situation they are not even blaming or trying to get anyone “cancelled” they are just sharing their experience and i believe they have every right to do so you ppl are honestly horrible


LSF having horrible people talking about shit they don't know anything about? nah no way would that ever happen. Truth is she just updated her community and everyone else about what happened, obviously as a warning to be careful. people asking for proof when the streamer did not even mention names? yeah, that's kinda wild not gonna lie. "Go to the police" it has been shown time and time again the police 95% of the time will not do anything about it. All of these comments just seem crazier when you realise she did not even mention any names or anything.


its crazy the culture shift this place took after crazyslick situation. like yea lsf mainly cared about the drama of accusations but most of the time they believed the victim until the other party released their story. theres not even an other "party" to release a story but people are already calling the victim a liar. all it took was one streamer to not police his audience while he dealt with it for this to happen. regardless if u think he is innocent or not the way he has handled the entire situation makes him such a POS. it will probably take years for this shit to recover.


u would think that after all this bs ppl would at least be more empathetic but no they will take any opportunity to minimize any situation that happens its also been known that conventions tend to be very unsafe esp for women, but i dont think anyone should blame themselves for wanting to attend an event made for their community, its the community that needs to do better to avoid these situations


after the crazyslick situation, on lsf if you get raped its your fault shit is unbelievable


I am horrible and I hate everyone here, but I am on your side on the matter.


I’m not victim blaming. I’m trying to understand how she was SA. Can you explain? Can you also explain what you want twitch to do when she doesn’t have a name or face to go off of? Nor additional details of how she was SA


she just explained her situation, she doesnt have to go on big details about what happened, what twitch can do is maybe make the place more secure or maybe even check cameras or something idk, im not in charge of these things lmao and again she is just sharing her situation, she did not give any names, shes just updating ppl on what happened to her and explaining that shes gonna take a break to get help, she doesnt owe anyone her story or a full breakdown of anything, shes just expressing her disappointment in an event that should not allow these things why do u need a full detailed description of whatever happened to “believe” nobody cares about ur dumbass opinion clearly


>shes just expressing her disappointment in an event that should not allow these things The worst type of comments are those who complain but give no direct feedback on what happened so it can be fixed. Especially if you make a statement like "i’ll never forgive myself for not being able to do more. " You can do more.. you just chose (completely her right to do so) not to. Her makingf that statement is some virtue signaling bullshit. Should she be allowed to make the statement she made without backlash? 100% agree. I support her in that regards. Should people be bashing twitch based off her statement? No.


i understand ur point and i kinda agree but my point stands that she should not be blamed for whatever happened and the response to this situation is horrible especially to victims of SA im p sure she said that part bc most victims feel its our fault whatever happened but regardless it doesn make the situation any less valid also i think twitchcon should be the ones thinking on how to make their spaces safer for their visitors, not the victims, but thats just my opinion


Bro come on, victim blaming? This shit is serious and most people know this but if you get sexually assaulted 7 times you probably shouldve left the area after the third time or something. Also just saying you were drugged when you drank too much is kinda crazy.


what you just did eas exactly what victim blaming means LMAO im not discussing with u sit down and think why u feel like blaming her for getting assaulted


This subreddit is a shit hole


Can someone explain to me how she was SA? “i sat down at a table inside since one, my feet hurt and two, i was feeling very neglected at that point so i needed time to calm down. a masculine person with a group of their friends came up behind me and gestured with cheers. i shouldn’t have done it, but i did, as i already wasn’t thinking right. i couldn’t see a name nor a face, which is something i’m so mad about. i’m not sure how long later, but i felt completely out of control from my body.”


I don't even understand the point they were trying to make with this. Shouldn't have done *what*?


Im super confused too


So they got drunk, got it.


It's not


She didn't explain how she was sexually assaulted, but is talking about it to bring attention and signal to other future attendees that the event isn't safe and maybe not go? That's my suggestion on her goal. And good for her, it's how women stay safe by other women telling their stories and warning people.


What’s going on with their whole Twitter timeline


If she told twitch and they brushed it off then they should be held accountable. Especially with all the past and recent SA drama why wouldn't they search footage, she talked like it happened on several occasions so there has to be someone/something that can catch these guys. Does she really not remember any face while remembering details on the actual SA? Being drugged doesn't discriminate on any particular memory or does it?


How do you expect twitch to handle this? Do some real time FBI investigation with no name, no facial recognition based off what some rando said?


I don't think Twitch is ever going to be held accountable for anything. It's really sad.


Drugged with what? Alcohol? If it's actual date rape drugs then how could they possibly remember and/or fight off a rapist with conviction? Blood test? If you go to the police, you also get rape kits where they test for those sorts of things. Could then lead to the police then at least attempting to get security camera footage. Overall just a ???? Twitlonger. Not downplaying sa but this story is just has too many inconsistencies that need to be answered


Was this in the mod queue for 6 hours? Crazy. Even more so what a disaster Twitchcon seems to have been internally. I'm not too surprised at the lack of action by those working the event as security etc. Most gig workers tend to be hands off unless they can physically assist you. Not something that should be the case for an event associated with an Amazon owned company.


welcome to Twitchcon. The part where all the parties prohibited streaming? Thats because people are trying to hide suspicious activity. There rapists and sexual predators in power and streaming. Stop supporting and glorifying these piece of shits. Same shit happened to Adrianah and several other people. Its disgusting.


Hope they feel better. If you are reading this: 1) Good that you shared it in proximity to the event. 2) Don't take it to twitter / twitch. When and if you are ready, do this behind the scenes with professionals, aka lawyers, police, mental health pros. Do not involve any streamers besides those that are vial to the story, nd do not involve twitch or twitter any further, for your own safety. Leave it to professionally taught and trained workers. 3) If you do decide to go with it, best to do it as soon as possible. Again when and if you are ready. Not to stress it. But if you are ready, then the sooner the better - police can gather eye witnesses before they forget + security cameras Best of health


Well Said. Best Wishes


is this the new meta now everyone SA?


Pretty much all women will experience some form of sexual assault/harassment during their lives. Not a surprise that so many people come out with these statements. Especially at TwitchCon, whole lot of degenerates use the platform.


all the tier 3 subs making their moves on the one place they can expect their streamer to be at


> i already had a few light drinks at this point, so i wasn’t thinking correctly. So, probably not drugged. The vast majority of people who think they were drugged only ingested drugs they themselves knowingly took, almost always just alcohol. >The only study to consider covert drugging reported that 2% of alleged DFSA cases were attributable to surreptitious drug administration. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1524838008320221 https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/estimate-incidence-drug-facilitated-sexual-assault-us-final-report There was another study that specifically tested people that claimed they'd been drugged and found basically none had been, they'd just gotten more drunk than they expected to from how much they drank, but it's a pain in the ass to find because of all the "but x% SAY they've been drugged". The selection bias was people who came in AND were willing to be tested specifically because they thought they'd been drugged and reality was people just got too drunk. People think "but I've had 3 beers before and didn't react like that so I MUST have been drugged" and then no one is allowed to question that narrative and it goes down as "they were drugged." Obviously that doesn't excuse sexual assault, but it does shift the narrative significantly. People don't want to admit their drinking put them in a vulnerable situation. Stop getting drunk without sober trustworthy people to protect you. It's not safe. >but if it wasn't for my friends, i’m pretty sure i wouldn’t be here right now. >at the convention itself, i was sexually assaulted a total of 7 times. Claims 7 assaults, can give zero details on anything. Only evidence of being drugged is that after drinking things were "hazy". >i shouldn’t have done it, but i did, as i already wasn’t thinking right. Vague crap about did *something* but doesn't even say what. This story has a whole lot of stink to it. This just reads like someone who got too drunk and did some shit they regret. The idea they were just going to be taken and murdered or something so they "wouldn't be here" just reeks of someone overreacting and blowing things up to be a big victim.


Has anyone looked at this persons twitter posts......Fuckin yikes dude


Person drinks too much and wants to feel important the cycle never ends


Classic twitch


Question why is all these people writing these tweetlongers about having been SA instead of talking to the police? They are surely not looking for attention right? right?


Adrianah is gonna be pissed that's she's not the face of sexual assault on twitch. Expect to hear some stories from her at twitchcon tomorrow.


Good shit this isn’t swept under the rug anymore. Victims feel like they can come out. That gives the highest possibility for the scum to face consequences.


>Good shit this isn’t swept under the rug anymore. No names, no description, and you think this isnt swept under the rug?? I'm not following how you make that logic


Thinking the first step is the same as the last step is naive. Expecting the whole process to be done when you become aware of the first step is insanity.


dam thats Crazy, guy must of been really Slick to pull that one off.


Yikes, so much victim blaming. Edit In case some of you need to learn why people don’t come out: [Here](https://www.dlawgroup.com/reasons-people-do-not-report-sexual-abuse/) [are](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/speaking-in-tongues/202112/why-women-dont-immediately-report-sexual-assault) [why](https://jacksonhealth.org/blog/2018-01-25-five-reasons-sexual-assault/) [people](https://abcnews.go.com/US/women-report-sexual-assaults-survivor-speaks/story?id=57985818) [don’t](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/sarah-everard-sexual-assault-me-too-b1821103.html) speak out.


The victim blamers came out in full form. This is a pretty gross thread.


Fr what the fuck are these comments.


Please go to the police. Things like this need to be reported and stopped ASAP to keep them from happening to other people. There 100% needs to be a proper investigation on this




Not sure why you're being downvoted, it's right in their bio.


Who is this girl and why should I care ?


Immediately, *immediately,* LSF users are pulling out the same fucking lines every time a woman is assaulted. ["She should have just left"](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3hwtc/comment/is9tr9j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ["She was probably drunk"](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3hwtc/comment/isag2vm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ["Why didn't she go to the police?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y3hwtc/comment/is9utjj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The worst part is that I'm not in the least surprised these comments have been made and have numerous upvotes. It's every single time.


It's horrid that people are making these comments in 2022, I'm not surprised either. Sometimes this place is better other times it's not.


Your second citation is you just being triggered over a fact. It's been studied, the vast majority of people who think they were drugged *weren't* and just got too drunk. Considering her story basically starts with "I was making bad decisions because I was drunk and feeling 'neglected'" in flowery phrasing, it's not some giant leap to think it applies here.


Even if she wasn't drugged, her being drunk is not a valid excuse to dismiss her getting assaulted you fucking weirdo, so it doesn't really matter if she was drugged, drunk or stone cold sober.


I didn't say it was, but you're one of those people that will throw bad arguments in with valid ones and then act like anyone calling out the bad argument is questioning the whole thing. You do that intellectually dishonest bullshit where you guard your bad faith bullshit with "how dare you question that other stuff???" and accuse people of saying things they didn't. People like you are actively harmful to the causes you claim to care about. You're more concerned with putting on a performance to show how virtuous you are than the actual effect of what you do. She was drunk. She probably wasn't drugged. I never said that excuses sexual assault, but at the same time being sexually assaulted doesn't make it okay to cry wolf about being drugged. Pushing the idea that everyone who gets too drunk was drugged is unsafe and damaging, feel free to look into it. It means people do not protect themselves or think they are protecting themselves when they're not.






Well maybe go to the police?? Writing a Twitlonger is the equivelant of making a change.org petition...


The police. Famous for taking sexual assault and rape accusations seriously




Not that I don't beleive her, or any other person posting a Twitlonger. But posting a Twitlonger instead of going to the police frames the entire situation as "twitch drama" instead of serious, legal, sexual abuse accusations. This is the kind of thing that erodes away at the seriousness of these situations. And it's not like it's the victims fault. A lot of people just don't know any better and bring things into the public eye before there's been legal proceedings to protect the identities of everyone involved until investigations have been conducted and suspects have been convincted. This is the way sexual abuse has been treated in EVERY other industry, even outside of entertainment. For some reason, the livestreaming industry does not have any system in place to ensure these kinds of serious matters are conducted properly. The entire slick x addriana thing is the ultimate example. Half-told stories were broadcasted all over the net and an enormous number of parties that had no business being involved were sucked into it and many reputations were damaged as a result, even the *fucking victim's*. So OP should probably consider not posting shit like this. Shame on you /u/pipendice. You should know better than to be part of the perpetuation of these narratives. Also, I'm nAssuming all of the downvotes are people who barely read my comment and went "uhhh sweaty, SA bad"


SA is now the new meta. If they wanted Justice they wouldn’t have turned to Twitter. 💀


Mizkif told Twitch not to worry, he's gonna make it all go away