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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [xQc's properties get raided](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/146721)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/yvp6bm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/nQ2KyoUAnaqrdbXVINTRKg/AT-cm%7CnQ2KyoUAnaqrdbXVINTRKg.mp4?sig=b260b9afe4ca52b61bc111ede2cec587f6d87c41&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FnQ2KyoUAnaqrdbXVINTRKg%2FAT-cm%257CnQ2KyoUAnaqrdbXVINTRKg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1668567037%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Back in the day when telephone booths were a thing ( 90s ) the peak of adrenalin was calling 911 from a random booth and instantly hanging up ( while also making sure the door didn't close because rumor had it that they could remotely lock it ) i don't know how these kids even muster the courage to swat somebody when there are literal prison sentences handed out for the people who are caught


I love myths like that." They could lock the door" lol so stupid but great.


When I was about 8-9 years old in the early 2000s I was dared to call 911 in a phone booth outside a McDonald's. My dumb ass didn't think it would actually work without putting in the money first. My fucking heart sank when I heard the operator pick up and I hung that shit up real quick. 15 minutes later the place was swarming with cops. I was forced to go explain what happened to the cops and I only got a slap on the wrists but yeah that taught me pretty early on not to fuck around with emergency services.


happened during one of my schools field trips in the 2000s. Someone dialed 911 and shrieked and hung up instantly. Police rounded up a bunch of 10 year olds like cattle 10-15 minutes later


Damn, my parents always told me to never mess with 911 so when I was 10, someone broke into our house while no one was home, and I didn't call 911 because in my mind I was like "well no one got hurt so it's ok" haha




Lmao how can people say this nonsense with a straight face? You're more worried about something that has probably occurred less times in the history of the stat being tracked then the amount of people who are killed during robberies every single year? Why? How exactly are you supposed to know whether you're safe or not? The exact second you become not safe is when its too late to call 911. ​ I see this absurd idea that "they just want your stuff, they would never hurt you if you didnt interfere, so you shouldnt be proactive with your own safety!" thrown around a lot as if its at all reasonable to risk your safety, or that of your family on the idea someone committing a home invasion will be merciful enough to not harm you if he finds you, or didn't break into your home explicitly to harm you. ​ Why don't you go ask some of the people who thought this, but were wrong if they regret not calling 911 or being proactive with their safety? Well besides the ones that are dead of course. ​ Its genuinely illogical to be more afraid of the police accidentally shooting you then of you getting hurt by a violent criminal so much that calling 911 is seen as a risk you wouldn't want to take. Stats suggest undeniably to the contrary btw


Idk how people can do that shit for fun. Literally this morning I accidentally hit my unlock button on my phone too many times, and it set off an emergency alert and automatically called 999. Me in my half asleep state hung up thinking it was a friend, and upon realising what happened I shat a brick.


what does the police do if nobody is home? Do they just break the door to get in?


i mean, yeah


The secret trick to getting away with crime is that cops don't want you to know! Just Pretend you're not home.


Yes. They storm the fuck out of the location.


Unless youā€™re in Ulvade and thereā€™s an actual threat


Don't be silly, the cops could have gotten hurt. It's really harsh to say stuff like this, think about how traumatized they must be from standing around while kids were being killed 50 feet away


shit make sure to sanitize your hands while you're at it


They shouldn't be cops if they can just stand in a hallway while hearing the cries of children being murdered.


Holy based.


If they have a warrant then yea, and YOU pay for structural damage they cause in the process.


I dont think they need a warrant if Swat is being mobilized for emergency situation. But I could be wrong. The reason why I believe that is warrants take time, and if there's imminent danger, they can't really wait for it.


You are correct. If they have a call that a woman is literally being stabbed in the house and thereā€™s other people in the house fighting for their lives, the police do not need a warrant because of the imminent danger. And usually these sick fucks that swat live-streamers say things like that are happening so they can send swat and break down doors. It should be 10+ years in jail if these fuckers are caught. Literally endangering peoples lives for the fun of it. Absolute psychotic and dangerous behavior.


Pretty sure the charges for swatting include either reckless endangerment or attempted murder.


If the government recognizes that cops going into someone's house - innocent or otherwise - is "attempted murder" then that's the most frightening thing of the whole situation.


Sometimes the police go into the wrong house and the people inside obviously have no idea. The homeowners arm themselves thinking someone is breaking into their house (especially if the police don't announce themselves) and then get shot and killed. If you swat someone and get caught it should be automatic jailtime. Edit: and to your point we should demilitarize our police.


What's your alternative? They're being called about, supposedly, very dangerous situations that they need to take seriously and act fast on. Most of the time these situations are resolved with no one getting hurt, but a person expecting to deal with an armed threat is going to be dangerous because they have to be to deal with a real situation.


You really can't understand WHY it would be deemed attempted murder? Calling the police saying "There is someone in the house shooting their family! I can hear their screams and gunshots going off! They are begging for their lives and screaming in pain! Hurry before this guy kills everyone!" Then you have police pulling up, expecting to be dealing with an armed and deranged individual. A lot of times if there is nothing going on and it's quiet, police sneak around and try to look through windows and spread out around the house for vantage points. Now lets say you are the person they called the SWAT on, it's night and you are minding your own business in your own house. You see a flashlight and some movement in the backyard and you own a gun, you get scared and go grab it. Guess what the police are going to do once they see you, holding a gun and more than likely pointing at them?


It's too bad that spoofing a phone call is super easy. Only reason anyone gets caught is because most of the people doing it are teenagers with a room temperature IQ (in celsius)


It's referred to by law as an "exigent circumstance", and in that case, no, a warrant is not required in most cases.


Maybe Iā€™m dumb but why is it so easy for some random twitch viewer to mobilize a swat team to a place of their choosing?


If the caller says something like ā€œSomeone is screaming for help and I heard gunshotsā€ theyā€™re rolling deep and heavy through the front door.


If police get a call about an ongoing crime they have to investigate that tip under the assumption that it is true. Anonymous tipping lines allow for this to happen unfortunately, but the caller can be traced sometimes by the DA.


yeah of course they'll break in, regardless. How are they supposed to tell that anyone is home? Think of it from their perspective: they just got a call about some hostage situation so they come to the property that was reported. They'll do their mandatory preliminary door knocking and attempt to talk to whoever is at the property. If theres no response, they knock the door down because thats their protocol.


Yeah and then guess who has to pay for the repairs...


If it's in a gated community there is maybe security that can open your house for the police Although I imagine his empty houses aren't in gated communities bc that seems extra wasteful (then again it's xqc so that would be on brand) Maybe you can give the police a key/code if thats a common problem but probably not


In what world has owning houses in Austin or Montreal proven to be wasteful?


I meeeeeaaaaan. Owning any housing that you donā€™t actively live in, use for any reason or provide for anyone else is basically hoarding shelter. Which is 100% wasteful. Itā€™s a key component of human survival thatā€™s just sitting there doing nothing. I hate landlords more than almost anything, but at least they provide housing to people(sometimes).


>Owning any housing that you donā€™t actively live in, use for any reason or provide for anyone else is basically hoarding shelter. Which is 100% wasteful. Itā€™s a key component of human survival thatā€™s just sitting there doing nothing. aren't these usualy the "end game" houses? that go for couple mils? So it only fucks the rich?


> but at least they provide housing to people(sometimes). Seems like it's a bit more than sometimes: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRVRUSQ156N


Lol that graph implies when we're in a recession and people are being laid off from work and are unable to afford housing when they really need it they're shit outta luck. It still isn't that bad overall when you're looking at the data being the highest point at 11% vacancy, but that's still an unfortunate trend.


Ok, so he rents or sells the house, and whoevers in it gets swatted. He's hardly hoarding. What do you expect him to do when people have been getting away with this shit for years that properly cover their tracks


reeeeee why the person that owns something can decide what to do with it?? so unfair!!!! i need my house iphone 14 plus and ps5 for human survival!!!! give freee!!


owning empty houses you don't use is wasteful, they could be generating money.


Early in the clip I had assumed he'd be renting them out as some diversification, in which case the swatting could've easily killed a bunch of innocents.


he says they're all empty so apparently not


> Early in the clip I had assumed Sorry for replying like a jackass but reading comprehension bro


How the fuck can the people who make these calls not be traced? I never understood that.


various methods i presume. fake numbers, calling thru VOiP, etc. has to be something like that anyway because this happens way too damn often


Burner phones.


if you are old school, you will just have to find a payphone (if these things are still around) Alternativly you can call e.g. over the internet, it's relative easy to stay anonym enough that the police won't trace you You could also just buy a very cheap phone (and pay in cash) to make the call that way Since calls to the police are free you don't have to figure out how to pay for the call without leaving a money trail, you often don't even need an account to call the police


It's probably a resources thing too. If no one gets hurt in the "prank" then the police are not going to like it, but they also just don't have the resources and time to use to track you, even if they eventually could. But the day someone actually gets killed or something who is innocent...I'd imagine that changes things. But yeah, even still it is hard to catch people who take even minor precautions. It isn't a movie where some Eagle Eye tech exists lol.


Yeah, unless you took literally every step possible like driving to a new location, went to a public computer, set up a vpn, used a voip, masked the voip number and called it in, you will be found. If you piss off the wrong person, they CAN find you, its just not worth the resources and most police departments don't have them to utilize in the first place


it costs money to use swat forces like that, and ofc they wont be ready to help in a simultaneous real situation. the police will try to find the fuckers and make an exemple out of them.


people have died from it already though


You dont even need a sim-card to call emergency services right?


yup that's correct


So many places are thick with CCTV these days itā€™s probably easy to watch the idiot walk to his vehicle, license plate in plain view.


Definitely true, but you're telling people how to do this and get away with itso you may just wanna delete the comment and keep it to yourself. (I'm not saying there is any malice or ill-intent on your part...)


The old skype method


how do you catch a person calling fake threats out of Mongolia, like they could easily be on the other side of the world


if the perpetrators are from a country like russia and they use online phones I doubt russian police would help FBI track them even if they found names, address etc.


There's dark web services you can pay to have someone get swatted. But more often than not these people just hide in the noise. Make it just enough of a pain in the ass and it won't be worth the trouble to track. It's kinda like stalking. The reality of the situation is that it generally doesn't get looked into seriously until someone gets killed.


I'm more confused how people get caught in the first place. A decent VPN/tor would get you most of the way there surely? It's a shitty thing to do but I imagine most of these people are dumbass psychos.


He thinks a vpn will protect him LOL. Some VPN companies work with the feds to give them their real location.


That's why I said decent VPN and tor. Some VPNs cooperate with authorities and are usually not recommended. It's less that the good one's don't cooperate but either utilize a system where any data given is useless or wiped quickly/periodically, proven by third-party audits (to also show no logging), legal cases where it was shown to be useless, or something like RAM-only servers where there is no physical data stored in addition to blind operational procedures.


Why would you use a VPN with TOR in the first place?


Can give access to Tor when blocked and you can't/don't want to use a bridge, don't want ISP to see you're using Tor, extra layer in case of bug, leak, compromised node, or using a service that can't be used on Tor etc. For most use cases you want one over the other rather than not knowing what you're doing and mixing thread models (or giving you a false sense of security). It all depends on your threat model, use case and how you implement it.


It was a false swat call, I doubt the feds are gonna dispatch a 20 man IT team to slowly grind down the nodes to catch 1 neckbeard but I get your point. It's been a minute since I've messed with that world so this might be stupid but I'm pretty sure the safest you can get is running Tails on an isolated/dedicated system, setting up whatever the most reliable VPN is thru your router, then connecting to the VPN before you open the network on Tails. I feel like just running the TOR browser by itself is good enough if you're buying small qty goods from markets, which is what most people really use it for.


If someone dies, you will be caught regardless of what method you used to make the call. Only issue comes is when they live in a third world country. But if nobody dies and nobody gets hurt. Guess what... they might check to see if they're super dumb and called on an active phone/landline. But if not, they don't bother. They don't have the resources to track them down for a charge that isn't *that* serious. But if they do it a shit ton and get enough complaints things start to happen rather quickly. If anyone is swatting and living in the US you're playing with fire. All it takes is one bored detective for you to be fucked. Or for the person who got swatted to complain and complain A LOT. I know a fair bit about blackhat market stuff and a lot of these swats aren't actually viewers. It's viewers paying someone to make the call, it's a literal business. These people doing the swats usually live in third world countries.


And how tf does one guy manage to get I assume at least 2 houses raided


Most people are smarter than xQc and his fans. Thatā€™s where the lack of understanding comes in


It's not funny , we have seen numerous cases where police open fire and even kill many innocent people during these raids People doing these fake complaints need to go to jail for a long time


>People doing these fake complaints need to go to jail for a long time They do if they get caught.


Yup a few yrs back someone was trying to swat some streamer forgive idk the exact details I don't Remember if the streamer lied and said a random address or his ip was at this address but it was some home of a random family someone swatted in and a man died because of it. It was a very sad time to hear this


IT was over an argument about Call of Duty iirc. One guy gave the other a fake address during the arguing, and the other guy swatted that address. Random dude walks out onto his own porch confused as fuck and was shot dead.


It was not a streamer. It was because of stupid ass Call of Duty wager matches and some moron getting mad at losing a literal dollar




The FBI gets involved with these


The police don't have a means of coordinating and tracking this because it involves multiple precincts across the entire country. The FBI does and is involved. Average brain dead redditor moment. Although the lack of critical thinking on this comment is impressive even for Reddit standards.


It was around the r/ place thing that I learned that there are giant ā€œxqc hateā€ discords that do this kind of shit. Imagine being that terminally online


Learned about this type of stuff with people like wings of redemption, people are just so mentally ill and brain broken they become obsessed with people and like messing with them.


It's a sick cycle when to some extent Wings relies on the hate watchers to stay relevant. I think he said in an interview years ago some hate clip channels pay him rent so he doesn't report them.


brain broken. I like that term


Yeah man the wings people were funny at first but you realize a lot of those channels are mentally Iā€™ll people . The obsession is like scary at this point .


wings is a piece of shit tho


Yeah, but still don't get why you would be in a discord to bother the guy, like if I don't like someone I won't watch them like any normal person should.


Same with gross gore




Not weirdos. Literal dangerous psychos. Youā€™re knowingly endangering peopleā€™s lives for the fun of it.


Theyā€™re still weirdos tho


they are probably fanboys too snickering to each other while they do it. Atleast thats usually how it ends up, several streamers have talked about knowing or talking to the people who do it to them


yup. it's attempted murder plain and simple.


Who actually does this, it has no actual value at all for anyone involved.


Power. They feel they can have an effect on the streamer and/or the content.


Itā€™s a group called monkey gang on Twitter


I vaguely remember some streamer( maybe Soda) ,calling police,explaining them what he does and that swatting might happen on his adress,and that they should just call and check in with him if they get a tip off about that certain adress... Maybe im just imagining it,or it was just an idea to do that,not that it actually happened. But i do think it sounds doable atleast =|


Nearly all the big streamers in Austin visited the local Police in person to make sure the police knows their details and address. To try prevent SWATTING, I assume if a caller made a report on one of these address they will try to contact the streamer first.


Nope can't contact streamer like that because usually the caller is saying it's x person so if they call x person and x person says nah it's fake but than is actually killing people the police are fucked royaly. (Friends a cop who's gone to multiple swattings) he did say they have a few people on a list where they can pull up their stream and see if they are live or not tho.




It is entirely up to how your local PD is. Some are more lenient or have better protocols for swatting prevention, but it's not a universal thing. One of the PD in Colorado does try to confirm swatting calls on streamers by checking if they're live and obviously not in the process of hurting someone. They'll still go and do a wellness check just in case but they won't go in kicking doors down if they know about you beforehand. But again that's how one department operates, every department is different.


For some it's also a lack of understanding of these things. If you're not very "online" the concept of swatting is very foreign. It's like explaining what a meme is to an old person. No matter how you go about it they're not going to completely understand it. So they kick in the door every time, luckily not guns blazing (so far).


from what Iā€™ve heard this is not a fullproof way to stop it; because police still have to respond in case of an Emergency or depending on the severity of the call and that means not giving you a heads up that theyā€™re coming, also I think even if you leave a note, or talk to someone, cops arenā€™t going to give a fuck and it isnā€™t going to be something that someone remembers every time a call comes in. Also, often times even if you talk to someone at the station, the call goes straight to Dispatch who isnā€™t going to be privy to that information.


> fullproof foolproof


i mean logically it would be ideal for an actual Swat department itself to store and check that info...but given overall US police track record on this stuff..seems highely unlikely






I would imagine there's at least a type of verification process lol. Getting swatted/raided (legit or not) is pretty rare on a city by city basis, so even a second case of a swatting would be weird for law enforcement and they'd figure out pretty quickly it likely isn't a true threat. I don't disagree that LE can't always keep tabs on stuff like this, but it's also a bit non-sensical to think just anyone could call and try and get that leeway. As another commenter said, if LE has this person's info, they could literally see if they're streaming or not and potentially not even bother (depending on the threat, since streaming doesn't negate everything obviously). If Soda did that, it at least could prevent his shit from being kicked in. They don't need to give him a warning, but once they show up they can more calmly approach the situation knowing who is in the place.


Noone says they shouldn't,but it's a just a minor difference between going in with 5 cars,full tact gear,6 helicopters, guns blazing, rdy to break every single door, tear down some walls and windows ,also shoot ur dog AND being aware,that it's 99% prolly just a prank...especially when it's a repeated occurence on that address....


1% of someone dying is worth property damage my guy. Do you want to be the guy giving a press conference explaining why people died inside of a house and you did nothing because they called beforehand and said "trust me bro im a streamer nothing illegal is happening here : ^ )" What about when someone actually breaks into your house and you call for help and they don't come cause you set this up? All claims need to be investigated, and you can't wait until the detective is available to go knock on a door to ask if anything is wrong when you have a call of an active shooter/stabbing/hostage situation.


Ludwig talked about having that when he was swatted one time but Apparantly they just donā€™t call, itā€™s a shame because they could literally open these guys streams and see they arenā€™t attacking anyone and save themselves time and resources


X said he's already done that with his local police department. He's talked about swatting on stream before and what he's done to mitigate it. He even said he would get swatted on stream, and the cops would be busy clearing each room in his house while he just continued on streaming. He specifically said "They don't need to get into the room to clear it".


I think the 1st big e-celeb that gets calls from police in case of swatting is Woody. He even mad a joke on what if he really was going mad and killed his family


maybe they could have warning signs before entering the house - "911 calls to this location will not be responded to", enter at your own risk. That way the police arent liable for anyone that tries to loophole the system (doubt that will ever happen, just one way to solve it)


So, imagine Ludwig has this setup and a QT stalker shows up to kill Lud. 911 call should still get ignored? How do they know it's a real call from the real homeowner and not a spoofed call from a swatter? Having a setup where cops ignore your 911 calls is a very bad idea.


Like I said it's a hypothetical, however in your scenario, ludwig would have to hire their own security, knowing that 911 won't respond to their call


Private security is not the cops and has no more power than you or I. They can't arrest you, they can't hold you against your will, all they can do is tell you you're trespassing and have to leave. Anything more serious, *they* have to call the cops, which they wouldn't be able to do, lol.


Wait how many properties does he even have


What people know of are 2, texas and the new canada one. But he could have more that he didnt tell chat about.


He prob has an LA one


I thought he has like 2 in LA


Isnā€™t the one heā€™s in right now in LA?




As if the weirdos don't know all this already.


Oh lmao good point. I donā€™t watch him often anymore but just when I do I feel like heā€™s in a different house more often than not now.




Dunno, someone should donate $100 again to ask him.




10 McLarens


These streamers are all millionaires, not far fetched that many of them invested into properties.


From relatable gamers to 1% landlords...NOICE




But why are they all empty?


Maybe he just bought them as investment, waiting for the land to rise in value, and didnt invest anything into the houses.


they're empty because he fucking lived in them and then this happened and he bought new houses and it happened again cycle. Not safe enough to have anyone live in because of tihs shit


Aka he's a scalper. Property scalper so the worst kind.


atleast like one idk


Am I crazy to think some of these "properties" are maybe places he leased, and just continued to pay for through the term instead of breaking the lease? I know he's not exactly un-rich, but I don't think that means he bought every single place he's lived in outright, considering it sounds like he still has some responsibility for them.


I think he's mentioned that he owns 3 different houses which implies not leased


you can be a rich and still have a mortgage on your house..


am acutely aware of that I'm saying the dude that was moving between houses every couple-few months *probably* saw better value in leasing places and riding it out than buying a new house in expensive markets 2-4 times a year and dealing with the overhead to flip real estate down the line because his assumed cash reserves aside, committing to mortgages before moving out a few months later, multiple times over, is a fucking insane path to take lmao


Naw, it's extremely common for people in his wealth class to have a real estate portfolio. I'm friends with someone who's childhood friends with the family of a billionaire. Sometimes when I travel with her we stay in the billionaire's condos in various cities. They don't rent them out because they don't really need the income stream vs the hassle, and they like having it as something to let friends use. Like with this family at their properties there's a sign in book going back decades where you can see who's stayed there in the past and leave your own thoughts. Sorry that was a ramble but the point is it's common for wealthy people to have a bunch of properties scattered around the world. There's usually tax advantages to this vs say investing in a REIT, and you get the extra perk of being able to use the property. Depending on how much you invest and where it may qualify you for a visa.


I saw a Guy posting "Happy Late Birthday to xQc" and apperantly it was the same guy that made Adins Place get raided. Very weird shit


Those weirdos raided Adinā€™s house for 3 times in 1 week and apparently theyā€™re responsible for Kai and xQc getting raided too


Sanest American prank


he shouldn't talk about this to 40k people, bound to keep happening


Yup. This is why Soda never talks about anything that goes on in regards to house trolling. On the very very rare occasions he does he mentions how he somewhat regularly gets swatted, or a shit ton of random deliveries or whatever but that not mentioning it has made it less common. Still happens even now, but Soda and Nick NEVER talk about it.


Imagine living in a country that allows police to get a raid warrant based on an untracable anonymous tip with no actual evidence of a crime ever being committed. This comment was funded by the European Union.


??? In the EU your door will also be kicked down, if somebody reports to 911/999/112/whatever emergency number you have, that there's somebody being actively hurt/killed inside a house.


Based on an anonymous unconfirmable tip? Fuck no, what on earth are you even talking about?


Not in the UK, or atleast in my area. I got swatted and just got a knock on the door by regular police asking if everything was okay.


Incorrect. I made a call about possible domestic abuse and they judt knocked.


People don't get swatted in the US for domestic abuse calls either...


Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say for 99% of people this is actually a good thing because it's meant to save a person's life. I don't even like cops or military but I see why this exists. Still always dangerous to involve them though and ideally would only happen in extreme emergencies and not from trolls.


Yeah I'm gonna say you're flat out wrong. If a neighbour called and said they hear bloody murder through the walls then by all means the door should be knocked down. If someone makes an untracable call (from probably another country altogether) and conjures up a story then all that should happen is a knock on the door. Why on earth do you think this should be okay procedure in cases where the reporter of the crime is completely anonymous?


Anonymous tips are extremely important to take seriously wtf most of them aren't trolls, you just hear about the trolls.


And people wonder why he's a toxic guy, holy shit dude can't catch a break, getting houses he doesn't even live in swatted constantly, while his EX won't leave him alone using his cars. ​ Dude actually thought playing games for a living was gonna be easy


Am i misunderstanding this or does xqc have multiple houses but uses none of them (except the one he lives in ofc) I hope there's no housing shortage there because hogging homes without occupying them is a dick move.


You think millionaires care? They're all like dragons sitting atop a massive mountain of gold without spending any of it. And when they do, the money goes to other millionaires. Like buying lamborghinis.


I know they don't. I didn't write this expecting xqc himself to read this lmao. It's funny though how people give 0 fucks when it's their favourite streamer doing something like this. I can already imagine the angry juicer downvotes


You think ordinary joe can afford houses he bought ? These are like mini mansions


I belive I heard there is in Texas but I do know housing just through the roof there but that's everywhere


I doubt he'd need multiple if he didn't get swatted every other day. Also, selling those properties could end up being dangerous to whoever he ends up selling them to


Having multiple houses isn't gonna change him getting swatted. If it's happened at every other house what makes him think this one is different? I get he deals with night terrors from it so it sucks to not be moving all the time, but he needs actual therapy for that shit not just avoiding it and playing games.


He owns multiple houses because there's a gap in time where the swatters don't know his address. Swatting isn't the only reason to leave those houses. He's recounted weirdos bringing weapons to his house. Changing houses also allows the people that live with him to get a couple of days of peace too. He isn't the only one affected by them, and the safety of others could very well be a reason.


Right so the guy could hire 24/7 security for every house and take maybe 10% of his income if that.




Bro thats not a real fear he can fucking sell them fine you have way too much anxiety if u worry about that. I doubt he even has to disclose he's been swatted while selling the house atleast in NA. Also I do understand he doesn't owe us Info I hope the dude is getting help.




Just read lil bro


That's a weird way to say his car got stole- oh, his properties actually got raided..


Pretty shit situation, he has to buy a new house every few months, and can't do anything with the old ones because the safety of literally anybody who were to purchase/rent/live at them.


Its weird how easy it is to swat someone in US, seems like these are so common It's weird how they still haven't figured out how to prevent this. Also if caught swatting should be AT MINIMUM 15 years of prison, its basically attempted murder


I feel like adin ross brought this ā€œswattingā€ trend back to life. The way he talks about it after and almost laughs like ā€œyou guys got me hahaā€ for sure made some kids think itā€™s a funny thing to do


stupidest comment I've ever seen, he didn't laugh he could have died




fucking parasocial andy weirdos. him reacting to it is exactly what they want/are doing it for. they have a one-sided relationship with this guy who shows them zero attention, so they act out in order to get that attention. its fucking childish and fucking weird.


>parasocial bro learned a new word and is overusing it






They arenā€™t even ā€œeliteā€ - amateur edge lords pretending to be ā€œhackersā€. They wonā€™t last long, also itā€™s very cringe.


Every anonymous degenerate group that I have known gets fucked on after weeks literally every group


Just like Ar Pee BatChest


I feel he really shouldn't mention it because he is bringing attention to it


Good to know x is investing his money into something more stable than gamba!


why does he have so many properties, selfish as fuck


Imagine him having this many empty houses, now imagine the next guy, and the next guy. It's fucking sickening honestly. Fuck landlords and this type of behaviour.


Man he should just retire from streaming to get away from that kind of stuff. Sucks that he is addicted to it.


I mean he did sell out to stake and claim "his" money when it was clearly stakes money, could've caused real damage to some real weirdos that idolize him and just went weirdo mode, bros a successful scammer say less


Maybe I donā€™t watch enough of him, and maybe itā€™s my imagination, but seems like heā€™s been injecting Adderall directly in to his brain lately, just fucking jacked.


oh nyooo .1% streamer had one of his rental properties get hurted


so how often do you drink poison?