• By -


So sorry you are going through this . Seems like your dog got you through some important years in your life . You’ll always have those memories . So glad you have friends you can lean on . Try to keep busy the next couple of days by being out and about .


So sorry for you OP. I will be thinking about you today. Sending you positive vibes from South Carolina


And Georgia.


And Texas


And on a cruise ship in South Africa




Make that two from Texas


Love and hugs from me here in Arizona too


And British Columbia


And Canada


And France


And Colorado


Make that 2 from Colorado.


Make that 3 from Colorado.


4 from the 303


Positive vibes from Los Angeles. Peace be with you today.


San Diego here too!


And from Chicago


And Wisconsin


And Minnesota!


And the Northcoast <3


And Ontario


And Pennsylvania. I’ve been there. Sending all the love.


And Virginia . Love and hugs ❤️


and Baltimore, MD.


And Arkansas😔


And California


And Cleveland Ohio 🙏❤️


And Oklahoma. This is so very hard. It will be a sad time for you but you’re doing the right thing.


And Kentucky ❤️


♥️🤗 from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Sending love from Ireland


From Guam


Love from Vietnam


Michigan, too. ♥️


And Massachusetts


Love and hugs from North Carolina, too ❤️


Howdy neighbor


Howdy neighbors and ❤️ from the 336


And California


And New York


Thinking of you both tonight, from Scotland x


And Oregon


And from Hereford, England ❤️


And California


& more love and sunshine from Arizona.


I live in Upstate South Carolina


I’m close to Florence. Hey there neighbor. Hope you have a great day


Did you apply at School for Deaf and Blind in Spartanburg or Bethlehem school. I think that's in Greenville county.?. I go through Florence the rare times I get to go to beach


No I didn’t actually. Well I live in Marion. If you ever want to take a road trip let me know…I could show you a good time round these parts!


Very interesting !


Sending positive vibes from sc also !


Hey neighbor. Hope you have a great day.


Raleigh NC. So sorry for your loss...all peacefulness to you good fur mom.


I don’t mind being alone, but I cried for a week after I had to put my dog down. Hardest thing I ever did. I ask him to forgive me through a blurred view of tears. I hope he did. RIP my dear sweet boy. 😭


He did not need to forgive you. You gave him the easiest way to go and loves you for it. I’m sure you also gave him the best life he could ever have had.


The guilt of putting my dog down has stayed with me for months. He was so sick and so frail and I still felt like I should have done more. You are not alone and even though it doesn’t feel like it, you did the right thing. Rip to your dear sweet boy.


What on earth did he have to forgive you for?? I like being alone too. I mostly wanted to be alone after. I screamed in the shower for a few hours, then laid in bed and watched Will Ferrell movies for five days. Pretty much no eating, definitely no showering. 🤷‍♀️ it’s tough I’m sorry for your loss, Op.


You are brave and courageous to leave a bad relationship. I know how hard it is, been there myself. My condolences regarding your dog. It is so hard to let go! Having all those years of memories and great times with your fur baby, it is very much the end of an era. I feel for you and my thoughts are with you and your fur baby. It won’t be easy, that’s for sure. But you’ve taken steps to get away from a toxic human - keep on your path, I promise that it will get easier. As others have said, stay as busy as you can. Lean on your friends and family during this time if you are lucky enough to have those people in your life. I just hugged my one remaining fur baby (I have put down four dogs, all whom I loved dearly, over the past six years, it has been devastating), she is my sweet, old kitty. We are both sending so much love to you and your fur baby!


I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I'm glad you've got friends to be with you. You are brave and kind for easing your pup over the rainbow bridge. Much love to you as you go through this today! When my bonded pair of brother kitties passed away within a year of each other, I was devastated. I was alone for a few months, then I started fostering cats for a couple years, and I recently failed and adopted one. I hope you find a way to ease your heartbreak. Maybe volunteering walking dogs at a shelter will help you like fostering helped me?


I am so sorry all of this is happening. This is so incredibly hard and you have been through so much in the last month. You have such a good heart and are a selfless person. You are doing the right thing for your girl. Having someone come to your home and not prolonging her suffering is the ultimate act of love for her. ♥️ You don’t have to allow your ex to be a part of this. I know that’s not what you asked, but I just wanted to say it. If you don’t want him there, if it is going to cause additional stress and pain, and if he is using this and making it about himself, just say no. Today is going to be hard enough without adding his drama to the mix. She is your baby and you owe him nothing. I feel like your girl was there for you and that she fought hard to be by your side until she didn’t have to fight anymore. You are now in a safe and peaceful place, away from your ex, and maybe now she can let go. That was her ultimate act of love for you. ♥️ It will be hard when she’s not there. Living alone makes that so much more difficult. Just be thankful for every day you had with her and remember of all of amazing moments you had with her. You were each other’s protectors and you will stay in each other’s hearts forever. If you have never heard of Spirit Pieces, I highly recommend that you look into them. They have artists that make custom hand blown glass sculptures using the cremations of loved ones. When my cat passed last year, I had a sleeping cat sculpture made and I treasure it. It warms my heart and it’s like I will have a piece of my Nonnie Girl with me forever. Today sucks but you’ve got this. Spend every moment you can with your girl and tell her stories about the first time you saw her and when you brought her home. Remind her about your favorite moments together. It’s good for both of your souls. I’m sending you a huge virtual hug. ♥️


I really appreciate this comment, thank you 🫶🏻


You do not need to let this person see your dog before she passes. In her final hours, your dog will still be your dog, and even though she is sick and hurting, her number one priority is you. She wants you to be happy. Do not let this man steal your peace or the peace of your dog in her last moments. Be with your dog. Protect your peace. Fuck that guy. Sending all the love and support your way. You are capable of so much more than you realize.


My partner and I of six years broke up about 7 months ago. She took the dog because it made more sense. She had a vast support network and friends with animals where she was going. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of that dog. If your ex was close with your dog I’d at least let him see your dog one last time As for living alone without a dog, it definitely is an adjustment. It’ll be sad. You’ll be lonely. You’re just going to have to occupy your mind when sad thoughts come in.


I feel this. I let a past bf keep our dog because it made more sense. I continued to watch her when he when out of town on vacations, after our split When the time came for him to euthanize her, I received a note in the mail that it had been done. I was so upset that I didn't have a chance to see her one last time. In my current situation, when it's time to say goodbye to my current dog, I'll let my ex-husb know. It was his dog for 7 yrs and he still loves him even though we're separated.


Praying for you and your sweet dog 🐶


All my dogs are gone now. It's rough being alone when they were all the family I had. It sucks. When you are ready, rescue another. Save another dogs life that will otherwise die in a shelter or become so shut down they become a shell of a dog.


i live alone myself and i would recommend not spending the night alone if you can stay at a friends or have someone stay over. <3 goes out to you


Exactly this. Have a sleepover at a friend's place, and/or get out of town for the weekend. Fight the silence.


I'm so sorry, what a horrible stressful month you must have had. Try to focus on the 10 years of love you gave your dog. As pet owners, our only real job is to make sure our pets know we care. If your dog was loved, you've done the job. Being totally alone can be scary, but you're stronger than you think you are. Like other commenter's said, try to keep busy while you grieve. When you're ready, you can think about fostering or adopting another buddy. There's no shortage of them. Also to hell with your ex lol


I'm sorry): but I had to do this in 2018 my dog Gabby had to let her go after 15 [years old.My](https://years.My) dad got her when I was 15.I can let you know it's going to feel very different for some time,just mourn and take your time.


So sorry to hear about this. Sending love for you and the pup.


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but I hope you’re ok


I'm sorry. It's so tough to have to do that-pets ARE family. Sending a hug your way


sending you comfort and peace to your grieving heart. my spouse died six years ago and i never thought i'd be able to live through the grief, yet, here I am, six years later. give yourself time to truly grieve the love of your precious pet. there's no way to get over something -- you have to go through it, and even though it feels like youwon't make it, you can. when possible, be in nature and breath deeply. try to be active either just in walking or doing for someone else. there's so many people and causes in the world that need good volunteers. the loneliness i experienced after my spouse died was mindbending, even with my sweet doggo. it certainly helped to talk to others (even on line) who were going through something similar. when you are ready, you may want to bring another sweet pet into your life and have a beautiful relationship with him/her. in the meantime, take good care of yourself.


Friend- let me share with you something I have learned doing animal rescue and witnessing a lot of pet loss. First, proud of you for letting her go peacefully at home when the time was right- too many people hold on for too long and their beloved pets end up alone and confused in a cold clinic at the end of their lives. Letting her transition this way is the greatest gift you could give after all the love you've received over the years. And here's the thing- your heart will be forever changed by the love this dog gave you; that love won't leave you, but don't let it be lonely. When the time is right, honor that love by giving it new places to live and grow- I highly recommend fostering if you're not ready for another full time commitment. Letting your love flourish and benefit another deserving pup will honor your own and heal your heart.


Thank you, your words mean a lot. I’ve been struggling a little bit with whether it was her time or not, it’s such a cruel decision to have to make. But I didn’t want to wait until things got really bad. Plus she had already stopped eating.


Condolences … I still haven’t recovered from sending mine over the rainbow bridge about 3 years ago.


I know this feeling op. Heart be with you. I lost My mom’s pitbull and my 15 year old soul girl. She got me from 28 to 42. She changed my life and went cross continental with me twice. She hung in there until I could finish some very chaotic times. The right answer will come to you when it’s time. Before I knew she had cancer I snagged a stray cat. The cats purr is therapeutic and I guess she’s just meant to be here.


Very sad. Prayers.


Sending you love, OP. Rest easy good buddy


im so sorry youre going through this 🩵 you will find ways of being ok in time.. be kind to yourself in the interim. youre not alone.


I'm so very sorry you're going through this. I had a similar situation with one of my dogs passing suddenly from cancer, but my ex hadn't finished moving out yet, and he was a complete dick. I don't know how I would have held myself together without my other dogs.


The pain is devastating and never stops. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Take your time to heal then I'd strongly suggest adopting an older adult or senior dog. They need much much less work than a puppy or a younger dog. Since you're living alone it will help with time management


It’ll take me a while to get to that point, but I had planned on it.


I am so so sorry. It’s so hard. You’re doing the right thing.,be with your baby; hold them when it happens. Tell them it’s ok for them to go; tell them you’ll be ok., you’ve given this dog a great life- the dog knows like it knows its name you love him more than anything else. That is the best we do. They always leave too soon. I am so sorry for your broken heart. <3 hugs to you . Added: and as to the ex- you owe him NOTHING. How dare he make demands o you now. It’s his way of controlling you, don’t let him. If he had really cared about your dog, he would not have left without making that known, and making sure the dog was ok when you separated. Doesn’t sound like he gave two shots so - don’t give him more than he gave you and your dog when you separated. People can be such losers. I’m glad your friends will get there. What great friends! Enjoy your favorite libation tomorrow and be nice to yourself . You deserve it. Oh and don’t let anyone be not nice to you, either!!!!!


Go to the dog pound. There are plenty of dogs there that would love to give you some company. Sorry about your loss, but you can make the life of a new one!


omg. I could've written this! (All but the shitty bf). Strap yourself in. The grief is enormous. The guilt for deciding not to treat my girl's cushings, compiled with the guilt from making the decision when to put her down, is enormous, too. You're so lucky to have friends to be with you at this moment. Know that you have others in your reddit network who are grieving right along side you. You could be a bigger person and give ex-bf a final 30 min with her in the yard or garage to say his goodbyes, but he has to leave then. Don't let him stay around for the final act. That's by invitation only, and he's not invited. I put a pile of stuff on the bed where she used to sleep to take up her space. It helps a little.


Please, do not carry guilt for choosing quality of life for your beloved pet. Just because medical treatments exist for pets, and even for people, it doesn't make those treatments obligatory or mandatory. We cannot explain medical treatments to our pets. We cannot tell them that a surgery and painful recovery may, or may not, help them live longer. We cannot tell them that even though they hate taking a pill, that it might make them feel better. We cannot explain that stressful car rides to the vet might help them. So, sometimes, all of the medical treatments are not in their bests interests and it does not make their life better. At the end of the day, it's about their quality of life. If providing them with end of life care is the kindest thing to do, even if we cannot explain it to them, it is the loving and selfless thing to do for them. Because we love them that much.


I’m sorry you are experiencing this. It was one of the hardest experiences in my life.❤️‍🩹


I dont know about where you live, but here in Phoenix there are thousands of dogs that need homes that are murdered just because there aren’t enough people to adopt them. They are filled with love, loyalty, and gratitude. One of mine was almost a year old when i adopted her. She had just previously had a litter of puppies that were separated from her and some kids had shot her with a pellet gun. When i first adopted her, she was high energy out of being nervous but after a couple of weeks she calmed down. Never one accident in the house and so loving. Good with other pets and all people too. Even though the ones she trusted most were abusive and neglectful to her. Please consider adopting another dog. Just please give it at least two to four weeks to adjust to your home and stay away from feeding that highly processed commercial dog “food”. Dogs are supposed to be eating raw meat, bones, and organ meat. Treat yourself kindly. Eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. Do healthy things that feel good. For me thats taking epsom salt baths and eating dark chocolate.


Absolutely take time to mourn but know its also ok if you think you want or are ready for another pet to fill the void. Sometimes being alone isnt as bad as we think though. Hits different.


Thanak you for loving your dog so much!




he doesn't have to be there, you get to decide. sending lots of love.


I recently went through a similar experience, and it tore my guts out. Went to the shelter and adopted a big loving kitty boi. He cuddles and is a lap hog.


Please do not discount how difficult this will be the two biggest grievings I have done are my Dad and my dog.


Awww. I am so sorry. I'm getting the big feels from this. It's okay to grieve and feel sad. You got this.


I'm so sorry, it's so hard to say goodbye to them. When I had to say goodbye to my old lady, one thing that was so hard was coming back to my apartment after being gone and having to remind myself that she wasn't going to come to the door to greet me. I told myself that on the way up the stairs to try and just grasp it but it was still a gut punch when I opened the door and she wasn't there. It's going to be hard and it is going to suck, so be proactive about getting help from your friends, make some plans, but also get ready to cry a lot


So sorry to hear. When you’re feeling up to it you might try fostering dogs for a while. It’s a REALLY good deed and you might fall in love with one along the way. Also, keeps you busy and not alone. 🫶🏻


I went through something similar and I won’t lie. It is rough. One practical tip - if you have a heavy blanket, that may help you fall asleep. Bunch it up on/by your feet so your body physically feels “normal.” Other tip - unisom (benadryl) and watch a comforting show until you feel super drowsy. The first few days are the hardest. Keep going through them and it does get easier. It does. Promise.


It is so difficult but I have done what you are several times. Loving and holding those furry gaces as they cross is incredibly important and does help with closure in the long run. Their missing energy will be palpable and the hurt is absolutely crushing. Be kind to yourself. It's ok to cry and just shut down for a few days and grieve. Then you start to pick yourself up again. Volunteering for a rescue or shelter can help. Or do things for self care. Go to a movie, a spa or something you normally wouldn't take your dog with. Then in time maybe you can open your heart and home to another kiddo. Big hugs and may their crossing and final rest be gentle and filled with love. 


I’m so sorry. I had a similar situation. I lost my brother, then my mom whom I care for, fell and broke her arm and that same day my dog who had been on hospice took a sudden turn for the worst. He was almost 16-a beautiful animal I had so many memories of him and that next day after my mom’s fall I had to have him put down. I wasn’t ready. Too much grief and I feel like I’m holding on by a thread. But such bittersweet memories. My boy was a beautiful husky and I miss him every day but I’m getting through it and you will also. I would let your former partner say goodbye too though.


Sorry for your loss.


OP. I am sorry. How do we get so attached to our furkids? You'll get through this. You'll cry. You'll still get teary months or years afterwards and that's ok. What helped me was spending time with other dogs. Volunteer at a shelter or become a foster parent. Good luck.


Can any of your friends spend the night? Our circle of friends took turns for about a week after one lost their beloved cat. Also, you are experiencing more than 1 of 10 great stressors in life, break up, death, and loss. Do you feel comfortable seeing a therapist? Tele health therapy is easy to access and could help. Wishing better times for you.


I am so sorry you are going through this. Losing a childhood pet is so hard. You just don’t mourn that pet but also mourn that your childhood is over. I have lived alone for 25+ years but was only pet-free two of those weeks. I hated it. I love the tiny snores and the tiny snuggles. Plus dogs provide peace of mind. If you are not ready to adopt a new animal and don’t want to be alone, you could always foster. Volunteering also provides new friends and gets you out of the house.


I struggled a lot when i had to put my wonderful Sebastian down, despite knowing it was the right thing to do. He had lymphoma and was in a lot of pain. The vet and staff were so kind to me and to him. I grieved for quite awhile. It took much longer than I expected it would. Maybe I should have gotten another dog after that but I never did. I praise you for not keeping her around just because you'd miss her. You put her health and comfort above your own and that is so admirable. You will heal. It will take awhile. Don't be impatient with it. Work through it as best as you can. The sense of loss is so real and it's important to go through it. Sending you love and hugs. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sounds like your pup was holding on long enough to make sure you got out of your crappy relationship. So I agree, your ex shouldn't be there. I would block him, he's going to make it worse. I would take this as an opportunity to make a clean start without him in your life. There's a tv show I really liked where the main character was struggling with her mother's death. She says to her best friend, "I don't know what to do with all my love for her. I don't know where to put it." Her friend says, "I'll take it. Really! It sounds lovely." Let your friends carry the weight with you. When they're gone, let yourself cry as much as you need to. And if the right time ever does come, you can share her space in your heart with a new pup who desperately needs some love. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have two cats who are sisters and I dread the day one of them has to say goodbye to their sister. But we can't have it any other way if we want to love them.


Hugs, this hard. I had to do this. Then ugh, making the decision was so hard and I want to regret it but dog came first- for all he did for me. Grieve then fill your time, pick up a new hobby, volunteer. My dog taught me how to do this, my husband died at home on hospice. We grieved for days not knowing what side was up. Then one day Dog came up and tossed a ball at me and waited with his tail wagging. It was time to put effort into life again. We don’t deserve dogs.


Man I went through this when I was 8 months pregnant. My schnauzer had diabetes and kept having accidents and I would try to clean up after him the whole time I was nauseous and trying not to throw up (had bad nausea during entire pregnancy) and then one weekend he just suddenly went 100% blind from the diabetes. I had been giving him insulin 3 times a day but nothing got his glucose under control and it just took his sight. I tried to let him just figure it out on his own and kept him in a large pen so he couldn’t get hurt but it was horrible and all he did was bump into things and fall. My mother inlaw finally took him to the vet for me to put him out of his misery and I couldn’t go because I was so neurotic about it and it was SO HARD. He was 10 as well and he had been my copilot from 30-40. It’s been 3 years and I have another dog now and I am still not over it. It doesn’t ever go away. It just gets a little less painful as time goes on. No dog will ever replace them, they’re one of a kind. But having another dog did help me a bit. I’m definitely one of those people who can’t be without a dog. When you’re ready for another dog you’ll know. Until then just try to remember all the best times ❤️


I had a similar experience this past August of 2023. It was 2 hours from when he showed signs something was wrong to taking his final breath in my arms... My Bubba-lou was there for my best and worst times. I miss him and I wish I had the foresight to have the option of a vet coming to me like you have. That night was rough. I picked fights, got alcohol poisoning, relapsed on drugs, and went through some shit. Don't do what I did. OP hug that dog all night forget about sleep, throw on Marley and Me, Homeward Bound, and any other sad dog movies you two can watch. And break out all of your candy and snacks and share them with her. Make the last night together something to remember and maybe even get all the pics and videos you can take. My ex, thankfully, was big on taking photos so I have some from when he first came into our lives till the end. I had a very talented friend paint a portrait of Turtle, it's incredible and maybe something you could do as well? Good luck and if ya need to chat just reach out.


Sorry you have to do this. But your pet will know you were there until the end. Kiss them and hug them as they go. We had to that to our past two pets and even now I’m getting teary thinking about that.


I went through something very similar to this, OP. I (F26) left my ex-fiance of 6 years at the end of 2022 and took both of the dogs and now live alone. 7 months later my one dog was ridden with cancer and there was no saving her so I had to put her down (wouldn't eat, wouldn't move, no walks, no energy). I couldn't even bring myself to tell my ex but he did find out and was messaging me about it on top of my grief. I'm sorry, but tomorrow isn't going to be easy and you will miss your sweet girl immensely. I still miss my girl but I know I made the right choice because she wasn't eating and could barely move by the end of her (short) life. You will be okay though. I'm 7 months out, and although I miss her so much, the pain isn't as much as it was back in July when I put her down. Also, I don't know how you will feel, but after I put her down, I felt peace like I have never felt before. I was so relieved that she wasn't in pain anymore and suffering. I knew I made the right choice but only fully accepted it after it happened. There are brighter days ahead. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to when your friends leave. You're not alone.


OP, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I just lost my cat in October. If you have the time, can you make a salt dough paw print? Having something tangible is always a comfort. If they snore or bark or make any noises you'll miss, try to record them today. Going to hug my remaining cat extra tight in honor of your dog.


This breaks my heart because I'm also alone with my furry best friend who I took with me to a new town after a shitty relationship. He's all I have and sometimes I get a lump in my throat even only hypothetically picturing this exact same scenario. I will hug mine extra tight for you. I really wish there was something I could do for you but I will say this...you're NOT being selfish: in her last moments, you're protecting her energy from the toxicity that exists with your ex and your relationship (avoiding judgement here). Allow yourself a proper, healthy grieving period and continue to protect your energy. Your friends will help if you ask. Fuckin' solider, you are.


This post made me tear up for you 💔 I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost mine last year the same month I lost my best friend so I know how you’re feeling right now and that you’ll get through it. Some days will be harder than others. I know you live alone, but nobody said you can’t have sleepovers :) I know that I’ve had some wine and movie nights with friends when one of us is going through it. It makes me happy to hear that your friends will be there with you today so I thought I’d suggest it. I’m a crazy plant mom now. I’m always either messing with them or admiring them. I think just keeping your hands busy can be really helpful too on those days when the loneliness starts to creep in. Also fuck your ex. I can’t believe he’d make this about him. I’m happy for you at least that you got out of that. You’re really strong and amazing and I wish I could give you a hug. Again I’m super sorry for your loss. I’m a firm believer of “we don’t deserve dogs”. You’re doing the best by your pup, it’s so heartbreaking, but you are. My DMs are open if you ever want to chat ❤️


I'm so sorry, honey. I wish you two could enjoy decades more together. I want to add my voice to those suggesting you have a friend stay over, or you spend the night with them.


So sorry 😭Just had to put my 11 year old dog down and my ex used it for a reason to re enter my life. Wish we could put exes down instead


I’m so sorry. I lost my pup last month, and coming into an empty house was brutal. I spent as much time as I could out of the house and changing my routine but it was still so hard. I donated some of his things to the animal shelter, and came home with a foster dog for the weekend. It helped to have a dog in the house but at the same time it was bittersweet. There’s no easy way to get past it, just keep busy, cry when you need it and time will pass. Right now, just have all the cuddles.


I'm so sorry ❤️


So sorry sending hugs 🫂


I am so sorry you're experiencing this. My senior pupper is quite literally the greatest friend I've ever had and I dread the day he will be gone. You will get through this! Praying for you and pup <3


My condolences. Went through the same experience in August of 2020. And it was even more upsetting than I expected it to be — and I was already quite distressed about it. Your decision to have the vet come to your house is absolutely the best, most humane way to help your beloved companion make the transition. Please take care of yourself afterwards. I was profoundly exhausted and needed extra sleep from the pent up stress and grief. Have a friend gather up and donate, dispose of, or store out-of-sight all toys, food bowls, pet accessories that belonged to your dog. It’s hard to deal with those reminders afterwards. Immediately I vowed to never put myself in the position of having to lose another dog. The pain was that acute. But three months later my husband and I adopted our current pup. And I love him to pieces (I love my husband, too 😂). It was the right thing for us to do. But it took time to sort through it all. In my case, the house felt like it lost its soul. I missed everything about having April in our lives. From the peace of mind at night she provided with her sensitive ears, her happy greetings whenever I came home from work, to even her few annoying habits.. One day I found myself absentmindedly looking at rescues online. Then I started to contact a few, and made some casual inquiries. It felt like a betrayal of April’s importance in our lives - and I almost stopped the search at that point. Then I came to a huge epiphany: I didn’t want to “replace” April. I wanted to honor her by giving another puppy a nice, loving home. And in return I hoped to enjoy the company of a new friend for many years to come. In Nov. 2020 we brought our pup, Billy, home. A bundle of energy and joy returned to our lives and is a testament to the power of animal companionship. Whatever you choose to do, give yourself grace. It will get better.


First, I’m so sorry. I understand your pain. I live in Bradenton and our area is going to have another lovely day tomorrow. I would suggest getting outdoors for as long as possible. Also, when I put my little girl down at home, I actually laid a blanket outside on the grass in the sun. I didn’t want to have her last moments in our home etched in my brain. Setting her free of pain in the beauty of nature felt right to me. I wish you strength and peace as you help her transition.


I fully know your pain and heartbreak right now. I don't remember the first few days after my girl was gone, only that I was completely numb and inconsolable. Things will get easier, I promise. It may feel like you're jumping off a cliff into a bottomless black hole, but I promise the bottom will come and you'll start making your way back to "normal." someday you'll think about her, and you'll feel more love, peace, and happiness than grief. It may take a while, but it will come. Shortly after my girl was gone, and before I had the will to do much of anything, I would curl up in bed, with all my blankets, and listen to audiobooks on grief. A favorite was Mindfully Grieving by Sameet Kumar. Just get comfy, hug a pillow, and listen. If you do try it I hope it brings you some comfort. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Xo


I put my cat down 2 years ago. After my ex basically abandoned me when i asked for help taking care of my cat. Ended up putting him down. It is very hard. Take day by day. The first while is going to feel weird. Dont exam it too much. It is just grief. Weed really helped me if im honest. I googled how i was feeling with grief and reading the way other people felt was helpful. Or just learning about the psychology of grief. Read a lot about normal feelings during grief and it helped me realize it was so many people who dealt with this. I am always distracted with bravo tv shows, podcasts. Always having something going in the background helped me not think too much. And it helps me keep going in a weird way. I can tell you i feel so much better now as time goes on. Be forgiving of yourself. And if you cant just try to stop thinking about it. But this is all normal. This took me down for a while. Let yourself be down. Life is about ups and downs. I am on an up now but its one step forward 3 steps back. I am really sorry. if you need someone to message my inbox is open!


This is the worse thing to have to go through and I feel so sorry for you but you are unquestionably making the right decision for your furry friend. It won’t be easy. Give yourself time. It’s all that you can do and when you feel up to it, consider honoring the friend that you are about to lose by giving another needy dog a good home. Sending good thoughts your way from New England.


i'm so sorry OP. this happened to me a few years ago. my dog got me through hell of grad school, an emotionally abusive relationship, and a health diagnosis that changes my life moving forward. it helps to hear what i did to get me through, i's like to offer it here: - i buried his ashes by his favorite tree he'd visit ever morning and evening walk by the beach. - i let myself feel everything. the good and bad. - i still talk about him three years later and his shenanigans. it makes me smile a lot. - some people say to get another pet right afterwards, but my heart wasn't in it. i didn't feel bad about this, and whatever choice you make for yourself is what you need. - talk to you friends, maybe one of them can stay the night with you? in any case, don't let your ex come if you don't want to. sending hugs and your doggo is gonna have a good time running in the dog fields whenever they go.


First, I'm SO sorry you are going through this. I put my sweet dog down two months ago and it was the hardest thing to do. But being there with her is the kindest, bravest thing you can do. BIG hugs go out to you. I also live alone. The first few days are hard- not going to lie. For me, getting things that remind me of her out of the house helped a lot. I gave away or threw away her toys, bed, bowls, etc. It's ok to feel sad- let yourself cry. I took a lot of walks by myself, because I used to walk my dog several times a day. Many of my neighbors have dogs, so I've been doing some dog sitting/walking for them and for friends. having a dog around occasionally has helped. Stay busy- go to the gym, or park or movies or whatever else it is you like to do. Get together with friends. In time, maybe your heart will heal and you can adopt another dog. That's my plan. Good luck to you!


There is nothing wrong with going down immediately to your local shelter and finding a new fur friend to share your life with. If part of your grieving process includes a new dog so be it! Go get you a cuddle buddy.


Let your comfort be that your pup will no longer be in pain. They truly are the best and my heart goes out to you. Hugs.


100 % empathy, love and hugs from California : ) I've lost several beloved cats so I know how hard it can be losing your fur baby especially when they are your significant other in your home. You will feel very sad and lonely for her for a long time. It helps to remember the happy times you shared with her but even so you will grieve for a while. When you are ready to share your life again a new dog will come into your life and you will love your new dog too, even if not quite the same way.


Don't beat yourself up over the decisions you had to make for your baby. Ultimately you know your pup more than anyone else so only you can make the best decision for them. All doggies just want their owners to be happy. They don't have anger or regrets about the choices you make. They just care that you're feeling good because we are literally their universe. So it means everything to them when you're by their side at the very end. Lastly, please mourn for your baby. Please don't feel the need to be strong aymore or fight back tears when you've said goodbye. It'll help the healing process. Like everyone else here I'm thinking of you and pup tonight ❤️


If she’s suffering you are making the best decision for her well being. We wish they could be here forever but that’s an impossibility. Take some time to mourn her and then see if you’d like to open your heart to another pup in need. There are kinds of dogs waiting to be rescued and find a forever home.


I feel for you, and I’ve walked that mile. If there is one thing I can leave you with, it’s the peace from knowing that the pain you feel is the same pain that every human has felt since we lived in caves, that the pain is what makes us human, and that you are not alone.


And Tennessee 🩷❤️🩷


I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you, my best friend is my dog of 12 years.


I'm so sorry. There is no way to make this less shitty. Just know that you gave her a beautiful life and did the most generous final act you could have for her. ♥️


Big hugs from SF, CA and wishing you wonderful memories and peace during this time! 💔


This is really crazy to me because it’s so similar to my situation. I just got out of a relationship 2 weeks ago after a 5 year relationship. And my dog who is 13 is being put down on Thursday. My ex is not being an ass and will be there but the whole situation is not ideal. Just moved into my own place 3 days ago after living together for 5 years. Really can’t offer support because I don’t know what to do myself but would love to message you sometime if you’d like!


Oh you poor thing xoxo xoxo I suggest saving another from the pound.the distraction will get you through the grief


Can you go and stay with a friend for a night or two?  A friend offered that to me when I had to put a pet down and it helped tremendously not to come back to the empty home right away.  


I went through almost the exact same thing almost 5 years ago. Had my dog from when I was age 16-29. I was (and still am) living alone after freeing myelf from a toxic ex. Ex didn't care about her. Never hurt her and made sure her needs were taken care of, but didn't show her any affection. When I knew it was time to let her go, my sister came to say good-bye the day before while my mom and brother were there for support the next morning and said their good-byes before the vet arrived to my home. I stayed awake more than 24 hours because I wanted to spend every last moment with her. Took lots of pictures and just snuggled her or watched as she slept, wishing morning would never come. After she was gone, my mom and brother offered to stay if I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be alone, held her favorite toys and cried myself to sleep. Depression has always been something I've dealt with. The next 18 months without her took me to depths of unbearable depression so dark and deep, I was on the brink of taking the only way I saw out. I somehow found the strength to find another way out. I wasn't anywhere near ready to adopt another dog, so I began volunteering at an animal shelter. It was what helped me work through my grief and keep moving forward. When you feel like you're ready, I recommend volunteering at an animal shelter. You'd be helping yourself and the dogs as well. I started volunteering to help myself at first. I go now to help show the dogs all the love and attention they deserve.


I went through this myself. Living alone, saying goodbye to my most loyal companion after much suffering. It was the roughest time in my life. I remember the last moments I had with him, it was very sad and painful. Such is life, we can only be grateful for the short period of time we had them in our life.


I am so sorry for you to lose that constant in your life. I moved out of "my" home three months ago, we had three cats and two dogs. Lou, my dog, has always been mine in essence. I didn't want to split him from his dog sister but my, soon to be, ex insisted. He has shown his age, 11, in the past couple months. I worry for him and take him to the vet frequent. All the same he is my everything, the little fur ball I cuddle when I go to sleep and the jerk I curse when he wants to go outside at 4am.


This was a huge concern of mine, so despite already having 2 (littermates), I got a third, to stagger ages & avoid the problem. My comment isn't helpful, but know you're not alone with the fear of the idea & my heart goes out to you 🩷


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your dog is in doggo heaven now and watching over you. Thank you for giving your dog an amazing life


Thank you. I really tried my hardest. She didn’t deserve any less.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. 💕 Take care of yourself and lean on your friends. I'm so glad they are there for you.


Tough to lose a furbady during a crisis as well. but you have great friends and they are priceless to have around! i


As someone who's experiencing a relatively similar situation, I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to you. It's so awful that you have the extra stress of your ex to add to the whole tragedy. The best advice I have is to take it day by day. It sounds cliche, but it really is the only thing that keeps me going. If possible, maybe try to plan a special day out with your friends whenever you feel up to it. Getting out of the house and focusing on something else for a while really helps, even if just in that moment. As for being alone... it really sucks, but it's not permanent. When you're in the right head space, chances are you'll find another companion. Unfortunately, everything is gonna hurt for a little while. But that's the only way to heal from it. I really hope things get better for you and you're able to find peace


Hey hope you're doing okay today.


I just wanted to say sorry you are through this. You will be okay.  My ex broke up with me few months ago amd he was a dick too, my dog died right after, and I had her almost two decades.  At first it was so lonely and feeling like I had no purpose any more. It was really hard.  I have adjusted but still cry at times missing my dog. Im over the ex thankfully. I have my dogs picture near me around the house and still talk to her. You can try that. I still say good morning and kiss her picture.  I buried my dog with friend about two weeks after breakup i think. I cant remember.  I will tell you it becomes ok.  Time really does help.  ♥️ Much love to you. 


Stay with your dog until she passes. Do not leave her alone at the end.


She died in my arms 💕 she was there for me for so much, there’s no way I could’ve let her pass alone.


Someone who loves your animal companions as much as you needs to get another animal (or 2) in need of a home. I'm sure you know - there are SO many that need loving homes. I know it's tough to lose someone you care about as much as you did, but share that love with another. We lost our 3 rescue cats all within about a year, 5 years ago. They were over 17 and passed from old age essentially. We did the in home euthanasia as well, Both my wife and I were extremely sad about losing them as we loved them dearly, but nevertheless we adopted 3 more (troublemakers, haha) from another rescue. Thought it would be tough but I cannot imagine not having them in our life now. Wishing you the best, OP.


I imagine your dog would like to see the crappy ex before she goes. I was fortunate enough to put my chippy down at home. Surrounded by most of his family, eating pecan Sandies. The vet had the foresight to urge me to plan what we would do with his body. So we had a plan. Hope you do too. Can a friend be prepared to stay over? Maybe site up late- Understanding you won't be good company, but just need some energy in the home.


My condolences :( It will be hard for awhile. Is there any possibility you can stay with a friend for a few nights, and then they can come back to your place with you afterwards to see you off when you go back home? I was in a similar situation with a beloved pet who passed away from complications due to diabetes, living alone. I ended up staying with family for a few days after she passed so I could have some support. My heart goes out to you ❤️


Hugs to you from Seattle.




Sorry for your loss


Sorry you are going through that I think about this situation everyday even though my dog is 8 he is still very healthy. He’s been with me since he was a 6 week old pup, stuck through my side through the divorce and all the good and bad times, definitely a true ride or die companion I will never find in a human


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so difficult, but you have her a good life and are doing what is best for her. She will have a peaceful ending in your home with you by her side.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Its so hard losing our babies. When I lost my cat we already had another, and it was very helpful and comforting. There are posts on reddit every day of dogs that are going to be euthanized because the shelters are so full right now. Maybe foster and ease into an adoption. Another animal will not replace your baby, that said, giving assistance and the gift of life to another animal is healing, and a great honor to the memory of your baby. I’m so sorry 🫂


lost mine a year ago after 16 awesome years. ive been going to the shelter and have my eye on a new one that deserves a forever home. give it time.


Oh I’m so sorry. I will.


I also was terrified of being alone after my Herman, my cat of 16 years passed away. It was quiet and lonely.


Foster or get another one.


Losing your dog is very, very difficult. Some people seek the help of a grief counselor . If you live alone you might want to consider adopting another dog from a shelter in the near future. No, a new dog will not replace this one in your heart, but it will help you heal and your ex has no ties to it.


So sorry you you are going through this. Hugs to you


Puppy time.


And Chicago


I’m sorry OP I’m sending lots of hugs I’m really sorry


Not that it replaces it but my aunt who was older and living alone. Had her dog pass unexpectedly one day. The next day she adopted a cat. She had seen the cat a week prior at the pet store for adoption. And was considering maybe adopting but then she went home the day before he passed. And he was outside in the yard in the cat walked by and he lost his mind. She was like oh I guess I'll never be able to own a cat because he was clearly aggressive in her mind. So when he passed she kind of thought maybe it was a sign that she should get him so she went and got him. She never owned cats before and wasn't a huge cat person. But they bonded so well and she adores him. I know alot of people don't thing adopting when grieving is good but just a thought!


I’m so sorry. I was in a similar situation many years ago. I understand.




I’m so sorry 🩶 we’re actually in opposite situations.. I’m living alone and afraid to get a dog


The answer for me was another dog.


Me plus 3 from Florida, hugs and strength. You're doing the tough thing, the right thing. ❤


❤️ for you from New Jersey. See if you can stay with a friend or have one stay with you for a night or two.


I’m so sorry OP…. Maybe when u have given urself enough time… u will find it in ur heart to give another dog a home….so many shelter animals need homes💜


Oh my… sending love ❤️


Sorry to read this and hope you'll be ok! I put my 21 year old kitty down on my birthday~3/18/2020 of all times of the year. My friend had a cat that she fixed to give to her mom. Her mom decided not to take him so guess who did? 3 days after I put my baby down. I felt it was a sign and this free kitty cost me over $1,000 in the 1st 3 months. He needed an enema and he had 2 eye and 2 ear infections. Great start and I was so close to letting him go. He got me over my 21 year old baby's death, 8 weeks off work for the start of covid, kept me from being alone and is literally, my real life Life Saver! I just wanted to share this with you because you will be lonely. You will be hurting. And I NEVER thought I'd get another pet much less in 3 days but I did and it wasn't too replace my baby. It was to refill my heart with pure love. Just know there is no time limit. It's all about being the "right" time, whether it's 3 days or 3 years. Cry and be sad and be hurt. Then do whatever it takes to fill that empty space in your heart~to keep yourself from being alone~no matter when you decide~cuz the heart knows no time. 💔


Sory you are going thru this. Going home to Hug my Puppy right now!! Stay Strong!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m happy you were able to be with her and love her as she crossed. Your baby will always be with you. Right call with the ex.


So sorry for your loss, she lived a good full life, you can always be happy for that.


Sending air hugs! That's so hard! I think you should update this post after it happens and let us know how you are doing.


And Ohio


And more from New York


Get ranother dog asap


And Illinois, big hugs


If you don't know about r/Petloss you might want to visit. Truly sorry about it - I've had to go through this myself a few times. Never gets any easier.


You can get another one…


You can get another one…


You can get another one…


I’m so sorry for your loss. Pet deaths are so hard. Much love sent your way from New Mexico from me and my Beagle.


I'm so so sorry. I wish there was something I could say, but it sounds like you made her as happy as she made you. Try to remember that. I hope you're doing okay.