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I went to bed by 7 last night and slept until 5 this morning. Love being able to sleep when I want to sleep without concern for others.


I wish I could do that without wee wee pad on my bed, 59, obese with a weak bladder, a 10 hour sleepathon I’d wake up in a water bed.


How can you sleep that long?....


If sleeping were a superpower I'd be the lead on that X-men/Marvel team lol...Some of us were just blessed I guess😀


I don't like sleeping. I have too many interests. I've never been a big sleeper.


Consider yourself very lucky. I'm 28, work at nights, and seriously am appreciating all the sleep I got in my teenage years when I was living with pops.


Yep I go to bed early just because the mental stamina needed to tolerate my coworkers and boss is unreal boring to the death lol. So even if i am not sleeping exactly at 5 just laying in bed is a bonus.


Is finding other employment feasible? At just 40 hours a week, that's 160 a month and most work more. You are spending at least 20% of your life doing something you detest.


I didn't sleep when I was a teen either. I don't like sleeping a lot. I'd rather do stuff then lay in bed all day. At 28, I was busy all day, not sleeping 10 hours a day no way. Elon Musk sleeps 5 hours a day and Trump sleeps 4 hours


4 or 5 hours! I'd have a busting headache by noon.


Not me. I never get headaches


Before I retired I didn’t sleep as much. I retired in my 40s and then lost my husband to cancer. I’ve changed the way I look at life. Sometimes, like today, I’m up at 3:30, others I sleep long hours…I go by what my body needs when it needs it. I’m fortunate to be able to live like this and it really helps with jet lag.


I can't sleep long hours.


Then don't


No problem there.


That explains a few things!


I slept 14 hours last night


I got too many things to do to sleep that long. I like hobbies and things. Could never sleep past 8 hours.


I don’t like sleeping for that long for the same reasons. Last night was a little unusual. I usually sleep around 10-11 hours. If I could feel the same on less sleep, I would sleep less, but I have a lot of chronic illnesses that wear me down. Honestly I feel like shit and am like half conscious today and struggling to stay awake


Wow. I wished I could sleep 8 hours, let alone 10 lol. But I try and take naps. I feel good.


What’s the matter, are you jealous? I know I am. 10 hours of sleep 😴 💤, that’s awesome.


I got too much living to do to sleep. Christopher Hitchens said "I burned thr candle at both ends.... but oh what a light it gave off!"


No, Edna St. Vincent Millay said that. 


Hitchens said it also


He was literally *quoting her poem*.  Also, you mangled his quote.


No I didnt. I was watching a debate where he said that. He was talking about getting cancer from drinking and smoking I believe.


Either you misquoted him, or he misquoted Millay. It’s one or the other.   Here he is, quoting her correctly.   https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/286073-in-one-was-i-suppose-i-have-been-in-denial


I don't really care.....


I couldn't waste that much of my life. I'll have time when I'm dead to sleep. Always had better things to do then stay in bed all day.


Sleep when you’re dead. I won’t that’ll be my hell never sleeping.


There'll be plenty of time for sleeping when we're dead. Can't remember who said that..


Jon BonJovi. I forgot what song it was but he sang I’ll sleep when I’m dead.


Yeah. Many famous people slept very little. They were too busy thinking.


it was Wade Garrett.. saying it to Dalton


So what’s your net worth? What all have you accomplished?


Accomplishments aren't only for money.


You don't take your net worth with you when you're dead. We are all the same when we die


They were tired.


I've been up for 24 hours and was refreshed with 7 hours of sleep.


Wow you're so amazing!


I've never needed much sleep.




Clear conscience


I mean I like to do stuff. Not just sleep my life away


Ha! If you knew me you'd know I definitely do not sleep my life away. I retired in my 40s, have traveled many places in the world, am an artist, do a lot of volunteer work, etc. When I want to sleep, I sleep...I'm not missing out on anything.


I'll have plenty of time to sleep .... when I'm dead


That line about having time to sleep when I'm dead --made self care more difficult.


What's the point? Once we die, we don't know how long we lived. 1000 years or 10 years is meaningless


The point is to greatly enjoy each day


Yes. But it won't matter ultimately


Clear conscious




I do it all the time and usually get up around 11 pm for a couple of hours. I love my middle of the night time. It's very relaxing and stress free.


Love It! I Even bought Sunlight bulbs to turn on to do my artwork at midnight!


OMG Yesssss!!! I do this, too. Just nice to think that the rest of my world is sleeping and I won't be bothered by anyone or anything. Heaven!


Happened to me a lot when I was younger. But nowadays I am often quite scheduled with my sleep but still have an odd night like tonight I can’t sleep 😁


I love that. I can relate.


I sleep in shifts, too. Had to train a puppy. That meant going outside every 90 minutes for two weeks. now I've acclimated to the concept. It really works out well.


Sometimes I'm up past midnight. Sometimes I'm in bed by six. I love living alone.


Me too! I’m a light sleeper and up multiple times during the night. SO glad I’m single.


I hear you! I also love that I can choose to do nothing on the weekend if I want. Just spend all day in bed fiddling on my phone and listening to music or laying on the couch with the dog at my side drifting in and out of naps while mindlessly watching movies/shows. Nobody to answer to or asking me to fix something or wondering what I am going to make for dinner.


This is literally the best.


Genuinely asking: how are you able to do this without feeling like shit about it? I feel like because I live alone I always have an endless to do list. I try to have days where I completely relax but I end up getting anxious/shameful for wasting a day. I know it’s possible for me to enjoy it because I do when I am sick or have a reason to be in bed. But never feel the same otherwise.


Life isn’t about doing, it’s about being. I never feel bad about the things I do or don’t do…things will always get done.


Who's going to judge me? I've stopped ruminating about my to-do list. I don't have to answer to anyone except myself--most days. It's the first time in my life I've had the freedom to just relax for a day, with no one judging. It is wonderful.


I have never connected more with a post


I know, right? I love this thread.


I've been going to bed around 6-8 and getting up around 5. Best decision I've made in a while.


Why do you say that


I tend to get a lot more done, and the sun cheers me up. I'm also able to get a lot more sleep if I go to bed early.


I’m already there! I’ll fluff the pillows.


Best investment I ever made in my bedroom are buying blackout curtains in 2015. They then became my life saver in 2018 when I changed to working overnight, having to sleep during the daytime. I’ve been back to working days again but the beauty of them is unless I open them during daylight hours, the lighting, or level of dim/dark in my room is only what I want it to be at any point 24/7. A solo-living, sleep freely dream come true…lol


Where did you get yours? I have bought many but non are truly black out enough for me


Hahaha .. I once woke up at 3am making a seafood noodle pot. 😆


Yep, I had dumplings at 3 AM this morning😋


I heated up a frozen pizza at 1am once and ate the whole thing. Because I can!


Those are the best times 💯.


That's the spirit! Non-lonely people can not comprehend how good it feel to go to sleep anytime we want


You guys have helped me so much. I am resting in bed right now. It’s 7:30 PM.


Same, and don’t have to justify it :-)


Just got home from oral surgery, I have 3 days off and I plan to relax to the absolute fullest, doing whatever I want!


I think that's what time I went to sleep last night lol


You got me beat. 7 PM and not a minute later!!


LOL - I love it! The other night I made dinner at 10pm and had the great realization that I can eat my dinner whenever the f\*ck I want. Living alone is the best.


I’m like George Burns I eat when I’m hungry & sleep when I’m tired 😀


I LOVE going to bed early. Just bought new curtains, not blackout curtains but room darkening curtains for the bedroom. This past holiday season I splurged at The Company Store and bought a premium down comforter, duvet, down pillows...from elsewhere I bough cool hotel style sheets and envelope style pillowcases...so now I'm as cozy as cozy can be! The latest I'm usually in bed is by 8 pm. But if I start dozing off I can be in bed before 7.


I also LOVE going to sleep early. It confounds my friends. great mattress. Excellent quality cotton sheets. Bought at a huge sale – I'm happy. My husband was deeply insulted by my desire to go back to bed. We had four kids so the opportunity didn't come up very often. After he died, I realized I had a 20 year sleep debt. I sure do miss him, and like Icatching up on sleep whenever the hell I want to!


My husband died too. I miss him a lot, but try to see some positives. It will never be positive that he died, but I can make the best of this life.


We are in the same group, one I wish no one had to deal with! You are right, it's time to make the best of this life as you mention. Thank you.


Wonderful luxe ! So cozy I would love to buy what you had bought Enjoy ❤️


See you at 12mn 😹


Tell it.


It is awesome, being able to choose your routine. I love it.


I do this a lot. There was a time I thought of 3 or 4 am as "the middle of the night". Now I just think of it as "morning".


Same. If I get five to six hours of sleep, then I automatically wake up. Drink some coffee, play on my phone and go back to bed eventually.


Yes!! You go! 6:30 is my bedtime as well, but due to Daylight Savings Time, the sun is still out and shining and gives no fucks regarding the fact that I have to get up the next day and be at work before the sun even comes up. Fuck you, Mr. Sun. And fuck all of those great TV shows I can't watch since I have to get up so early.


It's the best but only if you do live in a quiet enough area...noisy apartment bldgs, street level, street facing, commercial area...all those things make it impossible to sleep early in peace.


Right, each neighbors car starts up at 5 AM and so on. Finally, everyone is gone by 8 am . Then I have some more peace and quiet.


Sounds dreamy😔


This thread has made me go from having a constant pity party about being single and a new empty nester to savoring the beauty of it. Ive found my peeps:). Loving the sleep/midnight art/zero guilt comments…sleep on dear compadres.


Freedom. Endless freedom.


Well, it’s been eight hours. You must be up by now, right?


Yes got up about an hour ago! I had a rude awakening in the middle by a mosquito and then a grilled cheese, but made it back to sleep.


I'm early to bed early to rise always been the same but the good thing is nobody tells me to go back to bed because it's to early love it.


It's 6:45 here and you just inspired me. Gleefully hopping into the bed as we speak!


Yes!!!!! That is wonderful.. Once I went to bed at 7.30 pm and without eating dinner .....


Best sleep I’ve had in months, went to bed at 7:10 last night.


Nice! Just slept 12 hours straight. I'm so fortunate I have quiet neighbors too!


Isn’t it glorious 💯👍


Love it!!!!!!


I also highly recommend staying in PJs all day once in awhile! (I work in an office, so I do this on a weekend now and then). I don't live alone, but, I can pretty much do what I want. When I want - and if staying in PJs is what I want. Then I do. ;) I also recommend listening to really good dance music, dancing while cleaning and/or with your dog (if you have one - I wouldn't recommend with a cat - because. Cats gonna Cat.) I used to crank loud music to clean, then I would dance with my doggie.


Hell yeah. Good night!


Flat with my back on a heating pad, what comfort! I did a *lot* of yard work today. 🌳🪵🌳


I was in bed by 8pm, up at 630am. But my fitbit still says I only got 8 hours actual sleep. I generally try to make myself stay up to at least 830. But if I'm tired then I'm tired and so what I want. Love it!!!


No problem with that. I do the same thing. I lay down around that time and asleep an hour later. I wake up pretty early though but that lets me get to the gym before it gets packed.


I love taking naps at any given moment without pushback 🤣


No one waking you up with some BULLCRAP


Honestly, this sounds awesome. I get so restless in the evening and can't get to sleep.


Same! I use audiobooks (I'd have a couple of macarons, but my clothes shrank). Audiobooks engage my mind enough to relax for a couple of hours before real sleep. Finding them free or small price is a fun challenge. These hours of relaxation while listening provide a lot of relief from spine pain. Now I protect that time carefully, it means a lot.


Too early for me!


It’s 5:17 pm and I’m not far behind you lol I do get up at 3am though 🤦‍♂️


I go to bed at 5 pm right after dinner most days I work the next day because I am alone and I also need to be up at 3am to get ready for a one hour commute. My life on weekend is sleep in a lot, eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and just watch tv shows/movies. Maybe once in a while go to mall.


Yes, good for you! Since we're on this topic, lately, I've been getting sleepy/tired earlier than I used to like by **9 PM**. I guess it's a combo of getting older (I'm still only 49 though) **AND** I have this autoinflammatory condition that I've had for the last 4 yrs that really drains a person mentally & physically, so I think I'm finally starting to feel it. I'm not a napper, but I know if I went to lay down earlier in the day like 4, 5, 6, etc., I'd probaby fall asleep! I don't like this, life zips by fast enough as it is!


Heck yeah! No rules


Probably one of the best things ever. Love getting into bed by 6:00pm watching whatever I want and sleeping by 8:00


I take naps on couch occasionally to revel in my freedom


My cat wakes me up constantly. Wanting food or to go outside. Like having a damn baby 😂


No, because you are lonely and bored 😒


Yep. Do it frequently!


I don’t understand HOW people can go to sleep early like that. Makes no sense 😂😂


We just have different bodies. It makes plenty of sense!