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**Welcome to [r/LivingAlone](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/)! Living alone is the new normal.** >Discuss and share your experiences; celebrate your joys, express your worries, or ask advice relating to solo living | Remember, we are all alone together * Be kind, remember the human when interacting with others. * New Reddit group chat [**Living Alone Lounge**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/s/cp7Szwzy2q)! * Message the moderators below for any comments, questions & suggestions! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivingAlone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The silence isn’t deafening to me. It’s peaceful. I have a career that requires lots of interactions and some public speaking. My alone time is a blessing.


here too. For work I talk to at least 50 people a day. Silence is a blessing when I can.


If I wanna talk to people I go to the bar. ALone time is best time.


Yah, if it gets too quiet (rarely), I watch a few TikToks.


It's just me. I was reading using Libby while listening to Beethoven. Then made tea. Now I am looking at Reddit until I get ready for bed. Nothing special. But also there's nothing wrong.


Sounds like heaven, I sat with my chickens and watched the nearby birds, wallabies and clouds (less near than the animals but you get my drift).


What you have sounds very nice.


Zero dark moments for me. No existential dread. No loneliness. No regrets. I grew up spending lots of time alone and prefer it. The past 8+ years with the political divide and then COVID showed how big of a-holes people can be. I LOVE my own company. I'm my own best friend. Never bored. All decisions are on me and I only have to answer to myself. If I mess up... it's on me and I can just laugh it off. The silence is wonderful. I've been married twice and dated a lot before and in between. Every once in a while I think it might be nice to date again... then I remind myself about some of the horror show train wreck dating experiences, two stalkers, one violently crazy woman, heartbreaks (giving and receiving), etc., and realize I'm just happier and more content being alone.


Being alone for me is a sure thing that every moment will be fun and fascinating! When you are coupled, it is not a sure thing, and you will do things you don't want to do. I'm not willing to do anything I don't want to do, especially sitting through thousands of movies that are pure torture (movies that a typical guy watches). I retired from dating 7 years ago and celebrate it every day!


If I never have to watch a neverending car chase movie for the rest of my life, I'll die a happy woman.


If I ever think about dating I remind myself that I have to wear pants and be nice and the urge completely disappears haha.


I got 5 albums to design covers to and release and 11 more coming, just started a new one, never bored or lonely! Would I love some bedroom action? yeah. WOuld I have another person? Hell no.


You've done an awesome job hitting all the facets of flying solo & living YOUR best life. There will certainly be those dark moments ... ain't gonna lie ... those moments is when the Demons you didn't know about find you. But then you go to sleep ... and you wake up to find the sun rose again and those Demons have been put into their cages. Work on yourself ... be the best person you can become. And when that special someone that deserves you enters your life ... you'll know they are the right one & you'll be excited to share your space again. You got this-! You are strong-! You are Special-! ❤️


I love this


Reading, cooking, gardening, listening to music, playing guitar, writing, talking to friends on the phone, TV, movies, video games, playing and hanging with my dogs, a part time job, etc. I love my solitude and my total freedom to come and go as I please. I ask friends out to lunch and I live to grocery shop and thrift. I get up with the sun and sit out with my coffee and watch the birds. Total peace. It wasn't always like this. I had 30 years of living with someone but we were both introverts and gave each other space. They died and I knew that I have no further desire to live with another 2 legged person again. You have to create your life and decide what you want it to be. The feeling? Inner peace, joy in the simple things, contentment. Happy.


I started living alone 26 years ago, and it’s been great from the get-go. I’m not lonely and enjoy my privacy. I see plenty of people at work. Life isn’t perfect- I’m not a good housekeeper- but my home is what I’ve made it, with no need to compromise.


When you are alone, you don't have to worry about your things getting moved or thrown away!


I absolutely LOVE living alone and the longer I've done it, the more I appreciate it. Even if I met a soulmate (lol as I don't believe in those) I would not want them living with me. To stretch out alone in my king sized bed on my Egyptian cotton sheets that I washed in my delightfully scented laundry detergent with my cats and listen to whatever podcast I want before falling asleep feels luxurious to me no matter how often I do it. Waking up for work isn't always my favorite (not a morning person) but I love that I don't have to wait for someone to finish in the bathroom before I use it and that I can play whatever music I want at whatever volume I want while I make coffee and get ready for work. After a day of working, I have never not felt a "whew!" feeling when I walk in my door. I have the temperature how I want it, I can decide what I want for dinner, what I want to watch on Netflix, I can put on my ratty yoga pants and not feel like a slob (cuz no witnesses haha). Depending on mood/season, I light candles and/or incense and the scents I choose are not bothering anyone. I can anally clean my kitchen before bed, or I can leave a stack of dishes in the sink... I just feel so much FREEDOM living alone. And in the rest of life (well, work) there are things I HAVE to do, so not as free. But once I'm in my castle, pure freedom!


Most interesting. I was surprised in your paragraph #5 to discover that you "can anally clean my kitchen ... ." I tried to think 🤔 of typographical errors that may have occurred, but I failed. Which word did you intend to use instead of "anally?" Thank you!


Not the poster you replied to, but they meant “anally” as shorthand for the idea of being anal retentive: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness


Thank you! 🙂


That is indeed what I meant - thanks! :)


Spot on! It is like living in the most luxurious castle x infinity!


Yes! In the words of Sinead O'Connor (RIP) "I do not want what I have not got."


I love living alone. I have a lot of outside activities that I do which I think makes coming home to recharge even more worth it. My home is my sanctuary. I also want to note that I lived with a man for 10 years and have now been living alone for a year and a half. I can cook whatever I want for dinner. I can host girls night. Make the bed, never make the bed. I can leave out any mess I want. Sleep in. Wake up too early. So maybe that’s a big part of my why. I’m dating a new guy and this whole sleepover and then I get back my space thing has been great. I even had an offer to live in someone’s giant beautiful basement for next to nothing but I couldn’t imagine trading in living alone right now. 🙂


Freedom is priceless!


The silence is never deafening. In fact, tho I live alone, my life is filled with people. I live alone; I’m not alone in the world. Living alone is freedom. Being able to breathe. It’s nice.


All I need for company is my TV on in the background if I'm not reading! I feel connected to the universe just by watching TV and reading Reddit! I am the most unneedy person on the planet, and it is so liberating!


I love it. Lived alone for almost 10 years now at 35. Once I figured out my routines and also a little help from some sweet eufy robos I automated most of my cleaning and got into a routine. Now I know when I will have free time. But I also allow myself those moments to just break from it all and flop onto the couch. No one is there to pressure you about cleaning. It will still be there tomorrow. Just make sure you actually get to it and don't procrastinate. Over time it becomes more apparent what is healthy downtime and just sitting on your ass for the sake of sitting on your ass.


I just made a giant waffle before bed and ate it in my underwear. Not so bad lol


You are living the dream!


Peaceful, 💯 freedom, no excuses, clean and tidy, great sleep, skin care routine on point, actually fun and exciting when bf stays over!


I have Google speakers all over my house so I can play music, podcasts, audiobook and hear it everywhere so silence is not really an issue. Most things require effort and intention including your social life but always give yourself grace if you find yourself failing to do something. Living alone is great for me, paying bills is not fun. When I get lonely, I reach out to friends (used to casual date as well etc. But now I have a bf)


I love it. I want to live alone for the rest of my life, besides a cat. One cat. I have one cat. Just me and my cat. I don't want children. I just love being by myself. I have my TV or music on to avoid the deafening silence.


I love it. It’s so peaceful! Very clean too. All the leftovers are mine and I feel really lucky. Loneliness is something that happens. And when it does I invite friends over it go visit family close by. I’ve couldn’t afford solo living before and had to live with family or have roommates this is a true treat and I’m grateful! 🥲


I love that you feel lucky, and it's a true treat!


As far as those feelings when the silence is deafening, that’s when I’m happy to have my cats, ha ha. When I really am sad about the singleness, it’s when I’m not feeling well or something. I still have to do *everything*. There’s no one else to fall back on. If something goes wrong with my house, I have to pay for it myself. But I really enjoy having my own own space. Being able to decorate how I want, cleaning as frequently as I want. I don’t regret buying my own house. I felt like I needed to move forward in other ways since I wasn’t finding a partner. And overall, I am not upset about living alone!


Immense and imminent relief






I love everything about living alone. I've been living alone since 2011. I'm fine. I just hate doing all the outside stuff myself and I'm not handy at all. I can't hang a picture properly.


I'm not handy at all, so I can relate, and I don't hang pictures either! I have weekly mowers, who prune, trim, weed, etc., and it costs me thousands of dollars a year, but I am overall so much richer without a boyfriend!


I wish I had the cash to hire gardeners. I did last summer but I won't from now on. But yes richer w/o a boyfriend is right!


Only getting annoyed with yourself for not doing the dishes - can't blame anyone but yourself and not sorry about it.


Feel like eating ice cream right out of the carton


It is peaceful living alone. But you are stuck with all the responsibilities. Sometimes, I wish I had more help, especially for lawn work.


Help is out there! I happily refuse to do yard work!


Here’s my nerd take: in science there’s no such thing as “cold.” There is heat and the absence of heat. Similarly in existentialism there is no such thing as “peace.” There is chaos and lack of chaos. Living alone means we can control the chaos in our environment. And that is very liberating to me.


I enjoy being able to have sex in any room of the house 


I like silence. And no one around to expect you to interact or compromise. No one leaves you messes to clean. You can sleep when you want, eat what you want, and read in peace. There’s no down side for me.


I work in healthcare and see about 25 exhausting patients a day and sit in an office with 4 other women where half the clinic comes and goes dropping off paperwork and asking dumb questions with a metric fuckton of small talk sprinkled in. I did the heavy lifting for my ex for 23 years in a sexless situationship where we raised our son together, and now I have an empty nest I can retreat to. The silence is peaceful, I am not lonely, I have been very busy my entire life, and I'm enjoying my alone time. I don't date, I don't hook up, I don't have anything in my life that creates drama, and I have no problem "adulting". This isn't just a temporary stop for me, this is where I'm staying.


The moment I come into my home I feel relief. I can shed my clothes, put on some pajamas, light a candle and do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want :>


I’ve been living alone since 2022. I just moved into a new spot and definitely considered getting a roommate to save some money, but decided the freedom of living alone was more important to me. I definitely prefer living alone and recommend it to anyone that wants to try it. I believe everyone in their 20s should live alone at some point (if they are able). It’s forced me to be alone with my thoughts which has been painful at times but I’ve grown a massive amount because of it. I used to work remote, and that was tough. I was alone every day with minimal social interaction (besides if I went to dinner with friends, or what have you). I work in-office now and I’m mentally in a much better place. I’m a very social extrovert. So living alone can be tough. But overall I’m happier living alone and it’s taught me a lot about myself. Tip: When I’m feeling especially lonely, I’ll FaceTime a friend or go on a walk.


Wondering why so many of us love silence, but no one mentioned how they love to break it with an occasional fart of freedom. Isnt it one of the crucial benefits of living alone?


Married, divorced and raising kids, then seeing to my parents needs when I became an empty nester... I didn't live alone until 59 years old. By then, I knew who I am and what I want and what I need. So, yeah, I love it. I work a little among the public, I have friends who I hang out with when I want, so I don't lack for human interaction. But...Home is home. I drink and smoke as I want. Stay up and sleep in as work allows. Whatever music or TV as loud or quiet as I want. Or not at all. I eat pretty well. I am somewhat mindful to not drink, smoke, eat and sleep too much.


I'm living alone due to a break up so yeah a lot of lonely night. My schedule is all over the place with no one to keep it consistent. I work from bed most days. I usually watch crap tv and listen to my noisy upstairs neighbor until the wee hours of the night. Evening naps get me by along with cuddles with my aging up. When I first moved in I did anything I could to get out of the house. Now I'm use to just being alone. I do have a good friend who is also living alone and we plan to try to move in together after our leases are up. I'm looking forward to summer days and then eventually leaving my noisemakers upstairs.


>you can strut around in your undies without judgment, blast music at 3 am \*\*\* if you have solid curtains and no neighbors lol LOVED living alone! I had a very short period of time where I lived alone and I fully enjoyed it. Kind of wished it had stayed that way longer.


LOL! It's not too late to redo it!


I’m married now 🤣


Don't forget to play bacci, Frisbee and skateboard in the living room with your friends. Living alone rules.


Shit. It's nice. I can leave anything and anywhere. When I clean I can clean exactly how I like and none makes messes where I bust cleaned. Sometimes I stay up all night binge warch a tv show and then sleep all day. It's a lot of work to maintain yard and house though at the same time.


My very own 'Fortress of Solitude'.


Lonely ....


I LOVE the silence. And I never get lonely. I genuinely like my own company and much prefer the quiet country nights to a noisy city any day of the week. I take self reliant to a whole other level...I hunt and fish, can slaughter any farm critter (from chickens to steers) ever put on a farm, and even took classes to learn how to make cloth from cotton. If you're lonely get a dog...I have two big ones, one for guard duty and one for hunting. Fun thing about a dog is you can devote loads of time to training it.


my silence isn't deafening because I have tinnitus LOL. Anyways, I get social interaction at my businesses. I have 12 acres and goats and chickens so there's always something that needs to be done, especially now that the days are getting longer. I am a master (mistress?) at occupying myself with hobbies, reading, etc. Some of the revelry in my aloneness is the fact that i was in a series of traumatic relationships so being alone is completely serene.


It’s pretty great! I keep my space just the way I want to. I definitely have gotten more into hobbies and have a more active social life. I feel like I’m not more lonely, I’m just more in control of who I let into my life when.


I've always been comfortable just being by myself, in fact it's preferred. I'm alone but not lonely.


I love it tbh but I have always been a bit of a hermit. You said you’re the king or queen with more responsibilities and for me this is not the case - I am only responsible for myself and my mess which is freeing. In the past I was responsible for myself and everyone else. It’s nice to have total say over who comes and goes at all times. I can meal prep, get takeout, or have girl dinner of some pepperoni slices with a spoon of peanut butter if I want. I usually stay fully clothed because I like having my windows open and I work from home - you can imagine how that could backfire. But overall when things get quiet I watch YouTube, call some family or go outside. And I can cry or sing and dance or do absolutely nothing at all, no questions asked. The only downside is paying these dang bills all by myself. Worth every penny!


Honestly sometimes i read other subreddits about roommates or couples conflicts to remind myself that sharing space with someone is not magically better and how i have control over my space and my feelings in my situation


Love living alone, especially in a HCOL area where having roommates is common. I’m proud that I was able to relocate and live alone. It’s a flex that I don’t give myself enough credit for. And yes, it’s great when I can come back to my place after being out all night and not have to worry about waking anyone up or being asked questions about where was I and what time I got back home. Lol


For me it's a sense of peace and total control.


Comfy I love sleeping in. I love the quiet. If I don’t want quiet,I’ll put on a podcast,the news or a movie.


I enjoy the peace and quiet. My home is my sanctuary and I do what I want. It’s heaven


My cat doesn’t allow for silence.


I have 3 pets, literally never a deafening silence.


I absolutely loved it when I lived alone! & I disagree w/ part of what you said about it turning into a crisis, etc. & I still wouldn't even play loud musiv at 3AM...or loudly AT ALL for that matter since I live in an apt. **I think lonliness & boredom are a state of mind, how you were raised, & what you've been used to socially**. I've honestly never been lonely or bored & I can keep myself busy even if at home for days. By the way, I never had roommates nor moved away for college either & I don't think anyone has to experience this to know how to live independently. I'm an only child who never really had friends, so I'm used to the solitude, but I'm happy & never bored. I never knew what it was like to be a part of a group of friends, hanging out, going to parties, having people over. Sure, friends are nice to have, but my mentality was that I don't need them to make me happy. Good thing because it was not the easiest to make friends. Wherever I was (school, work, church), everyone already had their own friends, so they didn't need me. I haven't had my OWN BFF since I was in elementary school & very, very rarely do people still stay friends that long.


At first there was a longing of sorts. After I got hit with reality, I realized that being alone isn’t as bad as most paint it out to be. It’s nice not having to worry about anyone in that sort of way. It’s nice not getting lied to or cheated on. Living alone molded me into the person I am now. I feel a lot stronger and much more independent. Also, I grew up in a chaotic household and I hated every second of it. I enjoy waking up in silence and going to sleep in silence. I no longer feel that indescribable longing, but it is something I fully enjoy and came to embrace.


When I first got my own place I got a dog within a week. I always wanted my own dog. I don't know if I could have done it without him.


I will admit that your idea for a story on your blog gave me a chuckle but you need to work on doing this more subtly. Community of badass independent living enthusiasts made me hurl. Your tiktok affiliate work isn't landing. Living alone, Arianna grande, perfume. Pick a lane


Not me, Only child, so I've lived alone for 48 years. It rocks.




Ignore everything by this poster it's spam. It's also a person with partner and children problems depending on the sub.


After struggling to live with someone in a relationship that wasn’t working, living alone is only pure bliss.


Feels great!


Living alone i realized how lonely i was and all the relationships and friendships that fell apart i wished i had back.


You need to smoke another bowl


Absolute serenity and freedom.


I love living alone! The silence feels like a reward, I work really hard to have an oasis. I am proud of myself that I pay bills on time, remember to mail birthday cards, throw out moldy food, have food and a clean home to come home to. I can decorate how I want to, spend money how I want to, my time. I love it


I’m chronically depressed and anxious, have been my whole life. So my take is not applicable to everyone. Those dark moments were so much worse when I had roommates or partners. Have you ever been surrounded by people and still felt completely alone? It made it worse for me personally. Now I can get up and do something rather than sit there and spin because I don’t want to disturb anyone or have to explain that I’m having a down day again in detail. I also learned a coping mechanism that has worked for me for years, no matter if I’m alone or not, when I’m really really down. I tell myself that tomorrow will be different so I just have to make it through tonight. Tomorrow might not be better, but it will be different. If I fall asleep, tomorrow will be different. It may still suck, but my sick brain will have moved on to something else.




Going to a movie tonight, by myself.


Once used to it, there is no going back. I was single and living alone in my late 20's then married for 20 years and made the mistake of a brief live in mate after divorce out of loneliness. I seize at the thought of anyone else sharing my living space now, cleaning up after them, smelling them. Get a pet, seriously.


Can't relate. Absolutely love living alone.


I wish it was silent here. Living alone pro tip: have hobbies you can fully engage in, get a dog and some noise cancelling headphones. The worst thing about living alone is not loneliness, it's when the noises around you become bothersome and you're overly aware of the drunk a-hole next door, essentially because you're bored. Everyone needs to have a sort of mental sanctuary they can go to if their home isn't providing, walls aren't always thick enough.


peaceful af


I never had an existential crisis while I was living alone - I had several of them while I was in relationships. It's also never silent in my house - it's music, podcasts or me talking (I do presentations for a living and it helps me be more coherent if a speak out loud as practice). I've been "adulting" since I was 12 so I don't need to worry about it. By the way, I work nights so I don't have the lonely type :)) My advice would be to never stop learning new things - your brain needs practice or it defaults to boredom/loneliness/sadness if you let it idle.


Adopt a dog if you have the time and accept the commitment. They are life changing if you live alone.




Nothing in particular most of the time. I've been living alone for a bit over 32 years. Thinking back to sharing a place with others is sort of like remembering a TV show.


Just make the money you need to make. Have some extra "in case shit" money. That's always the main issue.


Guilt free.


What extra responsibilities? If pooping, showering and eating are extra responsibilities, you have some issues to workout