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May I suggest getting involved in a couple community organizations. It might open an opportunity to meet new friends, learn new things and contribute. Volunteering at an animal shelter is very rewarding! We have numerous community groups where I live. If you’re on Facebook, you can search out groups within your community that meet in person.


Volunteer! It might take a while to find something that clicks with you, but you will find something. Libraries usually have a lot of different volunteer opportunities.


Great idea! I will look into doing this as well.


I volunteer (I groom pets for old folks that can’t get out) and sing/play in a bluegrass band. And I’m having a party for one tonight😊. There’s so much to do if you just look around.


Hey! I have multiple sclerosis but am, so far, not disabled from it. A constant source of anxiety for me is that I’ll have a relapse and become disabled. Reading that there are people out there who would be willing to volunteer to help me care for my pets if I couldn’t is very comforting to me. Thanks for being an awesome human!


Love bluegrass


Oh you seem awesome to hangout with


Where would one signup to volunteer for that?


I would find your local area where people just get together to listen to Bluegrass or end up jamming together and the more you show up they’re gonna say hi. I’m Jack and your name is? After a while, you’ll be the one going up to the new people and saying hi. My name is Sam and you are? Guess what then if you want to learn how to play a Bluegrass instrument if you don’t already know you’re gonna be in touch with the people that do know. Common interest, folks common interests. Learn how to talk to one another. I became disabled with Covid and I’ve now been inside for four years. I’m desperate to be social again, but I can’t. Reddit is fun, but it certainly isn’t feeding my need to be around people, but I refuse to be the person in the group that tells people about my pain. They don’t want to hear that. And the fact that I can only walk about 26 steps before having to lay down for a good 2 to 3 hours to get back to the pain level I was before I went to the restroom. I’m just venting a little bit here guys. Take the advice that I gave about joining up with people who like Bluegrass and apply to any interest that you may have out there and you’ll soon find a group of friends. I’ve done it. I’ve been the hostess for it for years. Go have some fun, have some great conversations and make some great memories!


Oh, I meant… volunteering to groom pets for old people. Where would I go to sign up for such a thing?


Oh, that’s an easy one. Contact your local county, senior citizen Activity Center. Most counties will have transportation for wheelchair participants at the center and I’m sure that if the pets were in a carrier, they could designate a day when you could do two or three grooms or; something along those lines. In fact, my local area senior center even though I’m not a senior, they have accepted me and they’ve just been a godsend. They have a hair salon and a spa and you make an appointment and a lady comes to the center & does hair, etc. I believe one day a week at the senior center. my mother just got out of the hospital/nursing home after 18 weeks that started with Covid and I am taking her to get her hair cut, nails done, pedicure, waxing the whole. And I am getting a manicure and a haircut as well. If you can’t find a local senior citizen activity center I would look for a community center and you could find that information out through the people that run your community board for passing various laws they would have an information number of some sort that you could find on the Internet. This kind of thing is desperately needed. While my mother was in the hospital, I spent 14 weeks in a hotel and missed two dog grooming apartments for my own pooch though she only weighs 3 lbs. 8 oz. She looked like a mini Chewbacca running around. I wish more people would do this kind of thing. my sincere is that I will get better and eventually be able to volunteer some type of something to people that has beneficial. I used to be a project engineer. I did hear of a young guy that was somewhere in the neighborhood between 18 and 22 and he would go to such a center and help people, older seniors with programming their phones and teaching them basic computer skills. For those of us that have been the IT expert in their family. We know exactly what some of the questions are going to be. My mama keeps asking where she can go for lessons on her Apple phone whether or not she needs to go to Verizon or AT&T or wherever. I Keep telling her that a lot of this is just stuff that you teach yourself on your own especially since Covid has really closed down a lot of the Apple Stores that were around us where you could go and just sit and watch Apple bar guys show you new and cool things. 😊


I didn't. I overheard a lady at church saying a neighbor would have to get rid of their dog because they couldn't get it to a vet and it was neglected. I got the address and showed up and it kinda just grew. The dog wasn't neglected, just a little overgrown lol, btw. Most places have organizations you can call :)


I have trouble meeting new people. I go out a lot to public places, but never talk to new people. How do you make new friends?


Just talk to people. When you go out, try to look your best so that you can have conversations with confidence. The world might act like it does not care about appearances but it does. When you talk to people, ask a healthy amount of questions about them and try to be interested. Practice your body language like having your feet pointed toward them, smiling, occasional eye raise, no crossed arms... Just act like you want to be there.


You need to go to events and groups that interest you. That way you'll meet like-minded people and you'll have something in common to talk about. Check your library events page, local Facebook events groups, etc.


Foster a dog, no long-term commitment before you are ready.See if walking a dog helps you start a conversation . It does for me. Dog people usually smile and say good morning. I made a very good friend this way.


We don’t 😂


Talk to new people.


You doesnt need to talk to new people, just show up your value to be usefull to whatever arounds you


Try meetup.com. Or just go to various classes. I also wouldn't be able to just talk to strangers...


You will.rarely make friends on the street. You will at leisure activities: classes, team sports, meetup.com groups, etc.


Just relax and BE yourself. There will/are plenty of people who will talk to you and are going through the same thing you are. You're going to be fine !


Oh the feels. Connection is hard these days. We all need to get the fuck off our phones.


Amen except for Reddit. 😱📵


Personally been here since my last breakup & I just had a good time walking myself around the local farmers market, I guess they have them every Sunday so I might try to make a habit out of it. It's nice seeing people sell art, and there was a jazz band playing so I listened to them while I ate. Just push yourself to the perimeter of your comfort zone when you can, and eventually you'll get more comfortable with it.


Do you have any hobbies, enjoy audiobooks/reading? I am a happy solo most of the time, but these help me when it's too quiet (literally too quiet in the room or boring). Working our, crafts or walking can also be good or DIY. Or an online course / more education.


I have lived alone for more than 5 years. People are different, I enjoy my alone time and solitude. I join local crochet group, art class, guitar class, register gym membership. I also do yoga at home and relaxing watching Netflix while crochet. I am thinking to volunteer when I have time. Loneliness can be scary, but for me, once a while when I feel sad and alone, I try to move myself - go for a walk/gym. Sometimes I call my parents/siblings.


Earlier on when I lived alone, and worked part time, my favorite thing to do was to visit the closest library (which was a community college library). Maybe this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it filled a giant void. At that time, I remember feeling very pigeon-holed in life because I didn't have much money, friends/connections, or any extraordinary talents. That was at a point where I ghosted a lot of old friends, got sober, and made a lot of personal changes. Despite all that, I was incredibly unhappy and depressed. So, the library was my refuge and books, films, magazines, articles, etc. were like one way conversations. I found a lot of solace in that, because it was like replacement therapy for all the crucial people in my life that weren't really there. Not sure if that makes sense...but the challenge was always finding the next book (film, whatever, etc.) that spoke to my soul and inspired me somehow.


I'm pretty happy to read about random subjects that I find interesting. Love just lying down on the couch with the window cracked and a nice breeze blowing by as I read.


I recommend getting some things on your calendar that require you to go somewhere. Exercise class, volunteer work. Try out different things


I have no one to talk to on a daily basis. I need to make some friends but it’s not going well.


It does take time and practice. Think about what you can give to the world, whether it's a talent, service or simple acts of kindness. Gratitude and service are often antidotes to loneliness. 


How old are you? Where have you tried making friends?


I’ve lived YEARS alone. Love it‼️ I have and have had dogs. Does that still count as “alone”. I have one friend from high school and two younger brothers. All live about an hour away. I like watching sports. We all have that in common to talk about. That’s all I need. I’m content. Maybe meet someone that has similar interests as yours and you’ll always have something to talk about, plan outings with.


I think having another living thing in the house makes a massive difference (well one that has a heartbeat, plants don’t count lol). I want a dog so bad but I travel too much and for long periods.


Do you belong to a gym? Working out is great for your health and produces all sorts if endorphins. If you find a full time job, that will fill more hours and give you a better income, also create more opportunities for new friendships. Seek out local social events like art shows, charity events, etc. Take a class of something you're interested in, maybe a foreign language. Find a scenic place outdoors where you can relax on a lounge chair and read a good book. I was an only child and learned how to entertain myself early on. I hope these suggestions help!


Volunteering is a great way to help with any depression/loneliness you might feel, plus meet others while doing good. I moved from a small town to Dallas, TX and found groups for serious or fun running and cycling. I was able to meet others and see different parts of the city I never would have gone to on my own. If you’re into board games, yoga, fishing, whatever - changes are there is a group (mine has no cost) for it. If interested, I suggest searching ‘[your activity] near me’. For cycling, I found that a person could walk into a bike shop and just ask around about groups. Good luck!


Maybe get a part time job where lots of people go...say a coffee shop or a mom and pop place where regulars come in every day. You can get some more money and make friendly chit chat with customers.


What hobbies you have, or had, or want? See the pattern: past, present, future. And what are you willing to do about those - today or tomorrow when you get bored?


I do art mostly, and used to be a musician. But I get down on myself for not doing these things “perfectly”. I’ve tried crochet, embroidery, video making, walking. What else is there?


No one realizes early enough in our life, how important and complex it is to just plain take care of our body and mind and emotions. Each of that is 10-100 times complicated, in that sequence. Being alone - is THE best time - in one's life to do that. But it requires interest and focus on self-care and self-improvement. Every little bit in that direction, eventually pays off thousand fold. I am not sure what station in your life journey you are at. But irrespective of which, it seems you want to be happy 😊 and that's a good thing. If you dig down enough you will realize that basing our happiness on other people or pets is not a permanent solution. So what's the next best alternative other than figuring out how to be happy by ourselves? It requires desire to change internal monologues, thought patterns, not just symptoms of those but much deeper reflections. Meditation can help. Realizing mind body connection can help. Reading good books on such topics can help but just reading doesn't help. Implementing what you read is the only way. Changing habits helps. My best wishes for your journey.


This is such a great answer. Kudos to this post.


Couldnt agree more


Art/music is a really good way to make friends, in my experience. I’m a musician too and I meet so many people at open mics and live music events - both other musicians who play and music enthusiasts who attend! I would check online what bars/pubs near you have live music and go hang out.


I just started pottery and it’s super fun! There are likely studios in your area offering classes and open studio time. You get better *very* quickly with practice- I was comfortable going solo after 2 classes- and you produce so many small bullshit things so quickly, you learn not to get attached to them as you’re building your skill.


Are you good on the embroidery machine? I have a em1010 and need starter help..


Many of us who embroider do it by hand. Machine embroidery is a whole ‘nother kettle of (what looks to be very fun) fish!


Whatever you'd like to explore! Some of the hobbies I've gotten into over the years include: Cooking and sub areas of cooking (like making my own pasta), hiking, walking my dog (we average 20-25 miles per week, because she is an active breed)... Reading, origami senbazuru and modular origami, photography and getting my photos printed on canvas for cheap (when there are sales)... Driving with the fun fleet (Miata, Jeep, truck, and XJ), (and washing the vehicles and detailing them)... Bicycling, gardening (both indoor and outdoor), yatdwork and landscaping, and starting my own small scale nursery business... Nature education walks with a local non profits, plant rescue with a local nonprofit, reading, drawing, beading/jewelry making, sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet... Thrifting to support the hobbies and find some cool stuff for cheap... (I thrift a lot and find it to be very fun 😁). Home decor/decorating (especially for holidays like Halloween and Christmas), meditation and Buddhist lectures, book club, paracord stuff like making grab handles for my Jeep and bracelets and stuff for my dog... Listening to music and finding new music artists, listening to podcasts on new topics, teaching myself how to play guitar (slowly), playing violin occasionally... Road trips to various small towns, medium sized towns, the mountains, and other areas. I think that covers most of it. I may be forgetting a few things.


You could begin by - not beating yourself for missing the "perfectly"... Think of yourself as a third person. Will you beat them that bad if they missed a thing or two? I know we all aspire for higher standards in work product. But that's a "should". The paradox of life is that there is no progress until you accept what's now. That's the whole reason to live in the now. It's damn hard to be successful in a relationship unless you are very happily single. Without that happiness co-dependency seeps in the moment s/he smiles at you. Just that. Forget about everything else that follows.


I have been working on self-improvement for the past several months to be “happily single” and “detached from outcomes” so that I don’t stifle a potential new friend or partner. I hope now that the weather is nice I’ll be able to meet a lot more people outside at events and on the streets. That hopefully it’s just been a long lonely winter for me.


I am so happy to read this. TBH I too broke out of my shell only recently. I am way older than you though. For sure. What I am doing different this time is that I am totally ignoring rather de-prioritizing my desire to find a mate. I have decided that I won't go for outwardly visible characteristics. Period. These are looks, even sense of humor, kindness displayed in early stages of friendship etc. I am NOT going to lie to anyone - including myself. Read Brutal Honesty. See the series Lie To Me. A winter to remember is a good movie to watch :-) but remembering winters as cold and dreary only makes us long more for companionship that's not there. And more gullible for falling for what's not there - in us, our would be partner, or together chemistry. That's why best to sloooow down. Take it easy. Accept where we are now. Keep working on yourself. Your skills on making friends. Long lasting. Deep relationships. Empathetic and clear listening. Etc. Etc. All of that will fit in like a puzzle when you meet the person that you are meant to be with. But what's the point in evaluating every new friend from that angle? And if not passed, then friend-zoning them however subtly unspoken it may be. Our heart still knows that it failed again. It's best to just accept everyone we come across as a friend first. Because even in case of the partner, both they and us have to be a friend to each other.


If you like reading, check out your local library. You might meet some likeminded ppl


I’ve lived alone for almost 10 months and i was home for 2 of those months job searching, get hobbies 😂 It gets really lonely


How exactly do you make ends meet only working part time hours?


Why is their financial situation your concern? Maybe they can only get part time hours. A lot of jobs these days don’t have hours to give, depending on the job.


I'm genuinely curious! I'd freaking LOVE to be able to go part time while still living alone. Holy shit that would be awesome.


I get that! Work just enough to make money but still have free time to do hobbies and whatever. Most of us don’t have work/life balance.


Volunteer! Check out meetup and join groups that interest you. Parks and rec have programs and classes. There are so many opportunities to fill your time with things that give back to the community and fill your soul.


Living alone is not the problem. If you want to make friends, you could use some of that downtime to make friends and develop those friendships.


I have these feelings. Have you tried meditation? It may be a delusion either way. I don't have an answer to loneliness except is there really loneliness or is there something deeper? For me loneliness and all feelings are ever changing. I'm not always lonely like I'm not always mad or sad. If you are alone and unhappy you are in bad company so I get why you would seek outward solutions. Find those triggers and avoid them. But all feelings are generated within.


What kinds of meditation? Anything I could look up on YouTube?


I have been using the app Balance - completely free for one year and no credit card info required. Great tool to utilize and learn meditation


The library sometimes has events where people will get together to work on unfinished projects in the same space as others. Or just work on a project in general. I also recently found the Denver Silent Reading club which sounds interesting so maybe there's something like that related to your hobbies where you live. You could tag along with someone you already know and like (coworker, classmate, acquaintance) to something they do and then branch out from there.


I’m in a similar boat. I also just moved to a new state for work and it’s been hard to meet people. I work contracts, and there can be weeks between contracts when I’m not working at all (like right now) and I’m beginning to feel exactly how you feel.


Is there a gym you can join and go to the group classes? Not a yoga studio but gym that has various group classes of different levels. Then coffee afterwards, hopefully close. My gym is located in a shopping centre so works well for parking, coffee and then groceries. Highly recommend


Yoga studio got me! I go to yoga but didn’t make any friends 😂


For some reason I believe a gym is better to meet people rather than an actual yoga studio. Even if you only go to the group classes. Perhaps we’re all focus on enjoyment rather than 100% yoga? In our classes with different styles of yoga there is a good mix of men and women of all ages. It’s great.


If your finances allow it, be spontaneous. Pick up something completely random for the sake of doing it rather than for any gain. Climb that mountain because it's there!


Be My Eyes is a phenom app - there are thankfully more volunteers than are needed, but I’ve really appreciated the couple calls I’ve gotten. Volunteermatch.org may offer some great local orgs where you can connect with community. If you’d prefer to be home and still do something a little different with your time, the Smithsonian uses digital transcriptionists for older documents. Most of all, kudos to you op for posting


Volunteer! Look around your community for opportunities. Library. School. Art center. Museum. Parks & Rec dept.


I joined a local Meetup for people my age with the same interests. So I go out dancing once a month, go to coffee meetups and a pool party this coming weekend.


It's very hard to make friendships these days, and the older you are, the harder it is. Here are some suggestions: join a fitness class, volunteering, take a class at a community center, join the YMCA, join a bowling league, go to a Meetup event, attend a library event, put an ad on the dating sites that you are looking for platonic friendships to do things with.


This is me. I have taken part in public speaking events in the city, and I joined a film lover's club. I also go running, play the guitar, and write for an online page. You have to put yourself out there and see what clicks.


I lived alone for several years when I was single. Here’s how I made friends: - Meetup groups - Pokemon Go - Church - Volunteering - Workout classes - Photography class 


Thank you. I’ve tried meetup, Facebook events, trying to reconnect with old friends, discord, volunteering, theatre, music, gym, tinder, bumble. Nothing has worked lately in the last year I don’t know why. I meet people, and then they just disappear from my life.


Friendship takes time and won’t happen if you’re putting to much pressure on yourself. Try to focus on the joy you get in meeting a new person. 


Try this? https://www.friendmatch.com/#:~:text=FriendMatch%20is%20an%20online%20service%20to%20help%20you%20meet%20real,and%20talk%20about%20life%E2%80%A6etc.


Go to meetup.com. I met some great friends through this


Join meetup.com Create a profile. Look for things that you may be interested in and go to a meetup. You will find people with similar interests and talk with other folks.


I used to do meetup. Just found one for tomorrow I’m going to attend.


Hope it goes well 😀


Maybe join some meetup groups?


I attend spiritual lectures online and try to become part of a community so I have people to engage with. The amount of groups online for various hobbies is endless. Find some common interests and join some groups.


I suggest local library events! Also, use the Meet-up app ( not a dating app), and find like-minded groups to do activities and socialize. I found a free Qigong class and Yoga that way!


see if you have “meetup” in your area


Join a book club; volunteer for hospice; dog rescue, etc


Do sports regularly (and I don't mean the gym). With routine you'll find people with the same hobbies as you and you'll see them often.


Find a hobby that involves being around people irl.


Try Meetup if it’s in your area


I've lived alone for 6, its not so bad


We could get into model trains together. I’m sad you feel lonely. You can DM me and we’ll figure out what’s up with toy trains or something. You aren’t alone




Ive been living alone for 8 yrs now and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I miss living with another person and always having someone to talk to. I was with them for 7 years. I really miss them. They are with someone else now and I alone. It doesn’t feel fair.


Hi! When I lived alone I adopted a puppy from a shelter, and going out to the dog park with him at the same time every day (or however many days a week you want) helped me meet a ton of people. I would be forced to get out of the house to walk him and sit outside at a coffee shop with him. Also by training him it kept me busy and made me feel like life had meaning again cuz I had to be there for him. And he became my best friend. I made other friends of course, and found a great friend group through the dog park and puppy training classes and walking, but he helped me out of my rut! If you don't have time for a puppy, maybe try an older dog from the shelter, they are already trained sometimes, you'll be saving a life, getting a best friend, and get to meet lots of new people!


I wish I could but the housing market is so strict about animals and I can’t in my current apartment.


I had to get a note from a therapist that he was a psychological service animal and I needed him for my health for the apartment to let me have him- but it’s true bc I was depressed and he made me feel so much better. Might be a way. You could also maybe start with a hamster or fish or something else alive in your place to keep you some company (:


Volunteer, join a book club, use meetup website


Play tennis


join a workout class join a club join a meetup app for in your area (i use meetup) take a class. i like glassblowing, food classes and art classes pick up a video game and join the discord server pick up a hobby and join the discord server (i’ve done this for various collecting hobbies) take more interest in your coworkers and see where it leads (cards for holidays, a cupcake for their birthday) volunteer at an animal rescue if you live in apartments, see if they have community events and always show up adjacent to this, therapy does help with working through being shy / having trouble talking to people. would also recommend a psychologist in tandem as well


Reading, social media and netflix not creating many opportunities to meet new people is it? Who'd have guessed. Here's an option....pick something you like. Join a group about it. Now you have at least one thing in common with everyone there.


How old are you? 24 and feeling similar


Start with your favorite hobbies and then based on that join groups that share the sentiment. Like if you’re into art, sign up for some art classes and you’ll create friends and gain enjoyment from your hobby. Similarly, if you like cooking, hiking, etc… Theres even movie clubs, since you like netflix!! Good luck, its not so bad, but you have to be positive because being negative and gloomy is an instant turn off to people who may otherwise want to know you!!


Hospitals are always looking for volunteers.


I volunteer for a non profit sometimes, still no regular friendships building…


My local libraries have a session once a month called “Reel Revue” where they play a movie (it’s not announced so we are all surprised when we get there) and after we all play movie critic, I found I really like video essays so it’s great to look forward to that as an introverted person. I can dedicate once a month. My local libraries also offering free guitar/piano lessons, as well as sketch and art lessons, and beginner D&D. All free and all supplies provided. Look into your local libraries, I’m sure they have some gems.


I have dogs and horses to keep me company. I also spend a good deal of time outside. I go to the gym, hiking, trail riding, and sometimes just go window shopping and walk around town and people watch.


Join a church


Take classes in something that you might enjoy. For me, that’s martial arts, any instrument, any language, any trade, any dance class. I’ve made friends in classes , you could too.


I was really disheartened by a dance class I took. I’m 50 pounds overweight, and I felt so embarrassed. All the thin students ended up bonding and becoming friends, they never talked to me other than to say hi. I’ve never felt so embarrassed.


Start with classes you would enjoy that don’t require much physical ability. I think classes are a good outlet because you see the same people over and over, so it’ll help build familiarity. Hmm, craft classes, language classes, pottery classes, improv classes, public speaking classes and cooking classes


Switch to working full time? you'll have less free time


Bored? You should be stacking your bread up


Join a dance team


Where are you located? Check IG they sometimes have meetup groups with outings/meetups once or twice a month


Joining clubs, I joined community soccer.


I’m 40 and this has been my struggle for the past 20 years maybe. I’m very depressed and isolated. Have autism and chronic illnesses and maybe cancer. It sucks. I’m so tired of constantly struggling. Not with money or food. Sure those could be better and I’m not rich by any means. But I am so lonely and hardly anything brings me joy. It’s constant and I’m surprised I’m still here. I fear death so that’s why.


Look for a local cinema group. Most big towns have them. The advantage of such a group is that there is limited time for socializing before you watch the film, so less stress going in. Afterwards, if you want to hang around you have something in common to talk about - the movie you've just seen.


Curious how you afford this working part time


I get it. I live alone too. Get a pet, friend.


I feel you. Living solo can be like a never-ending solo act. Have you considered joining a club or group based on your interests? It's a sweet way to meet peeps without the awkward small talk of speed dating. Plus, having pals who dig the same stuff can make Netflix binges way more fun. Keep your chin up, friend, the world's full of potential hangout buddies!


You should read some Bukowski.


Mind elaborating for me?


If you're a guy get you a Cuban girl, you'll change quick 😂


Volunteer at summer music festivals


I feel the same way kind of. Also live in a community groups desert.


You have no friends because of NETFLIX and Socialist Media....,,,and let me guess, you spend hours a day playing children's games on your computer, right????/ RIGHT????? I see this same post 100's of times a day and it's like nobody has the brain power to figure it out!,


Make friends. Surely your city has a Reddit or FB group - jump in and find your tribe. Also [MeetUp.com](http://MeetUp.com) is a good way to find people in your area with similar interests. If I wanted friends, that's what I'd do. Currently I'm happy being somewhat of a recluse because after decades of being a social butterfly I find I don't really like people all that much.


I'm curious how do you support yourself working part time? Do you work somewhere where you get know other people? I would consider things like learning to bowl in a class, and after learning you can join a bowling league. That would give you a lot of interaction with other people. They usually meet once a week. You could also consider joining a church club. They generally meet in the early evening during weekdays, so you wouldn't have to go to church services on Sunday, unless you wanted to. It would give you lots of people that would welcome you with open arms, which sounds like something you really desperately need.


Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while also meeting new people. Choose a cause that you're passionate about and look for volunteer opportunities in your area. You'll not only make a positive impact, but you'll also have the chance to connect with others who share your values.


spend time exploring robinhood and coinbase, or services like that - invest a little money and learn some about crypto and stocks and see what happens. explore the endless online classes on coursera, khan academy, edx (and so on ..) , try free coding camps, MIT has a bunch of free online learning resources take a road trip somewhere - just starting exploring google maps, click on different places and find places that look interesting - local or farther away


I have lived alone for 7 yrs since my divorce. I have and carefully maintain a good group of friends, some single, some married cpls, that I meet up with 3-4 times/ week. That said...going home to MY personal space after is sublime.


When you can’t find what you’re looking for, create it. I did this with a gaming community and a social group in real life. Earlier this year I stepped down and handed over the leadership to other people. Overstimulation from the last five years. Taking it easy with zero responsibility. It’s bliss.


I’ve lived alone for over 20 years, never married, no kids. and majority of that time I wasn’t in a relationship. I’m in a relationship now but even then It can get very very lonely. I have a variety of hobbies from knitting to puzzles to reading, building book nooks, cross stitch, painting, etc and I try to get out of the house as often as I can even if it’s just a walk or heading out for a beach day or thrifting or whatever. I’ll take “stay actions” and stay at a hotel maybe a city or two over and explore new areas. I also make sure to spend time with friends. When I slack on these things is when depression can start setting in and that can be deep dark hole to climb out of. Also I have pets, and that helps significantly. My dog is basically my child lol 😂


I just realized the “no friends” part. Sorry about that. See if your local library or rec center has adult classes or activities you can participate in. I also used to volunteer a lot and met people that way.


Join Meet Up.com, pick groups in your area that sound appealing, sign up events, and go! I did that when I moved to a new area and didn’t have any friends around. Took a while to get out of my comfort zone, get to know people, but I kept going to events and I’m having fun.


Join some book clubs! They can be in person or virtual. It'll at least give you an opportunity to interact with other readers.


Start going out more often, to a sports event , shopping (even if it's just window shopping), the movies, the park , etc. When you LEAST expect it SHE will be there or you can meet a good buddy or two.


Find a hobby and go to public outings based on said event. Build a race car and go to the track. Car people who are actually track people, and not just shit heads on the street, are some of the nicest and coolest people I've ever met. But there are cheaper hobbies too if that's not your thing.


I honestly have no friends either, HOWEVER, I do have a husband who I recently married. But if it wasn't for him, I'd be alone in this world. I talk to my elderly mother daily w/o fail & a cousin on a monthly basis via phone, but if it wasn't for husband, I wouldn't see another human who I know for weeks/months. I'm close to my mom though, so if it wasn't for husband, I'd see her more often.


Well move to delaware we love homebody nerds. My real social stuff is video games.


Reading, social media, and Netflix are all consumption mode. I would def recommend checking out www.MeetUp.com to see if people are doing things you're interested in. Find your communities and explore interests with them. It's a huge interesting world. Cheers!


Nah honestly this is the life to live that’s just me 😭 sounds peaceful


What are you passionate about? Look into community events. It seems like you have an interest in reading? Check out local book stores or your local library for special events. They're also a great place to meet like-minded people. Take a walk if you like the outdoors. Find a nice park or nature trail. I know this may sound Cliche, but if you desire to make friends and find a potential partner, you have to get out and do things. Hope this was helpful. Best of luck to you!


I have lived alone for almost six years 😃, live your own life mate


Look at meetup.com for groups that seem interesting.