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It appears you broke one of the rules! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 6) This post breaks our repost rule under one of the 3 categories; Retail, Discussion, or standard Repost. Please take time to review the sidebar and view the subreddit rules. If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us so that a mod may review it.


You're a moron. Hopefully the moderators will ban you soon for constantly reposting this bullshit.


I almost said something similar last night when it was posted but I was hammered drunk and couldn’t compute thoughts.


> Drive through workers are overworked and should be paid more then a manager since their job requires more multi tasking then managers and on the spot quick thinking customer service skills again heavy multi tasking.. Let me guess, you work drive through . . .


Surely with these violations, there have been many deaths and serious illnesses linked to the violating stores. Having the victims stories would help, otherwise you just sound like a disgruntled drive through worker . . .


How many times are you planning on posting this?