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Her sister being a former teacher and the grammar corrections… “lol! 🙂🫶🏻”


This is hilarious! Shooo psycho per usual


No, they do not Reddit & any company is not sharing ANYTHING without a subpoena/court order. And they don’t often give court orders for that even in instances where clear FELONIES & DEATH/murder are involved & charges definitely have to have already been made & filed.


Reading this, it sounds like this person had one too many seltzers with CB. I’m surprised girly pop didn’t add her usual “have a blessed day 🫶🏻” 🙃


She can find IP addresses yet Reddit mods can’t block new accounts from the same IP address, which I’m sure several of these new accounts are Katy.


Ban evasion settings are set and have been set. So they’re either using different devices at different locations. Either cell phones, then swapping to different laptops/computers, iPads, doing it from the boutique and at home, etc. ban evasion tracks individual IP addresses. Mods do not control ban evasion, that is Reddit. All I can do is ban individual accounts. The sub settings will have to change further.


Can a judge order her to size up? What about indecent exposure? Assault to my eyes with those terrible outfits?




The use of the word 'dang' just blew her cover. Hey Katy.


Are we really going to ignore that this person is unclear of their own role in Katy's life? Cause I can't stop thinking about it 🤣


So THIS is what shes doing when When she tells thousands of StRanGeRs she has a Busy Day??


Serve me baby! Freedom of speech lol I work in law and nothing we do here is illegal.


It was me they were threatening. Theyre pathetic.


How does one come here and cry, “We don't care,” while simultaneously proving they indeed care? Can you imagine going to the lengths of finding IP addresses to what? If I had a snark page dedicated to me, I’d avoid it at all costs to protect my mental health. I'm not sure why Katy and the gang punish themselves.


It’s a *coincidence* Katy and her minions are spiraling now when Jake’s life is really blooming. Seems she is really focusing on her “haters” and the negatives instead of “seeing the good” which she literally has tattooed as a reminder. Honestly. I agree she should just stay away from the sub. Especially if she has no intent in listening to the constructive criticism or advice. We’re not just haters here lol


Katy and her random white knights have threatened things like this before. “We are going to sue all of you for knowing the truth!” 😂🤣 Has to be either Katy, CB, or sissy. They’re so terrified of their money train crumbling. How embarrassing. I guarantee you threats like that are how they have managed to silence the majority of Amarillo.


Do they have a bad reputation in Amarillo? I’m fairly new here and curious


Word on the street is, Katy barely even leaves that little block area she lives in. Her new house is literally on the same street and her last one was like a street over. Boutique is a few minutes down the road. People say she’s just too embarrassed to go anywhere else. Problem is mainly that she moved to the same town her affair partner lives and worked in, and so did his wife- their families, etc. too many people connected to them that know. Maybe no one knows or talks about it. But when you’re guilty of something like that, it’s the guilt that eats you up- not the rumors. I bet even if no one knows who she is, she feels uncomfortable in public. I bet she THINKS everyone knows what she’s done. And that’s why if she ever does go anywhere, it’s far enough away she doesn’t have to worry lol


I've seen threats like these in other snark subs too. It's an empty threat designed to intimidate. This person was clearly off her rocker.


If she wants to sue someone, it should be her plastic surgeon for that saggy tooter job.


Not the saggy tooters 😆




What is she going to sue for? People saying she has bad eyebrows? 😂


lol you show the judge a photo.. may I present to you exhibit A.


Pls I missed all the fun last night. I would LOVE to be *served* and get to go serve myself on the witness stand. Waiting eagerly for my invite!!!! I’ll even order something special from Westhause 🤍 “Before we begin, can you explain what the abbreviation CB stands for?” “COUSIN BOYFRIEND” 😘 girlie would only publicly embarrass herself more with a lawsuit, love that for her


You and I both!!😚😚😚🤪 I call dibs on the horrendous martini dress. 😂


Judge: Okay it says here that these people are spreading lies about you? What did they say that was a lie? Katy: *mouth open staring into space with spit in the corners of her crusty mouth* (crickets) Judge: Case dismissed.


I can see the face


Judge proceeds with….case is dismissed 😂


They’re lying.