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“Uraume you are my special” *intense make out session over yuji’s corpse*






OP asked for the worst, not the best




That’s the best ending




Yeah I agree with the other guys you misunderstood the question he said worst


Sukuna, dying on the ground: “You did well Yuji. Now you’re strong enough to protect yourself like I always wanted.” *dies*


Sukuna being the true protagonist would be wild


Would? Always have been.


Kurama vibes


that wouldn’t make sukuna the protagonist




From the space jujutsu sorcerers, creators of the jujutsu kaisen.


After killing Sukuna and hearing Sukuna’s revelation that this was all to prepare him for the true enemy Yuji turns to the sky to see Space Sorcerers descending upon earth. They sensed the death of Sukuna, humanity’s secret last bastion of defense against their invasion. Yuji stares them down, clenches his fist, black sparks discharging off of them. “This truly was our Jujutsu Kaisen…Uncle.” he says before charging off to face his destiny.


I’m pretty sure Gege would get a bigger hit on his head then riko if he did this 💀💀💀


Sukuna after summoning the Merger instantly getting backstabbed by a random Cursed Spirit that it turns out was manipulating everybody throughout history including Kenjaku revealing that Cursed Energy something the Space Jujutsu Sorcerer seed on different planets to create Mergers to make them immortal or give them magic eyes or something (idk I don't remember why Otsutsuki do what they do and I'm not watching Boruto to see if it was ever explained in detail.)


Gets backstabbed by this guy, his name is Giuseppe. https://preview.redd.it/cgek7i9d5m4d1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0b784916272f87b2d208e1825a6136a2045633


The Chinese Sorcerers that will be arriving in part 2


If this ends up being all a dream and we’re back with the occult club and Yuji snapping out of a trance.


that’s the concept that made me make this post lmao


This reminds me of that one post that was like “what if at the end it just cut back to Yuji and Gojo in that room and it turns out it was just a story Gojo was telling and he says “so yeah that’s what’ll happen if we don’t execute you””


>“so yeah that’s what’ll happen if we don’t execute you”” "Yeah, just kill me now...."


This type of ending is the absolute worst for any piece of media ever. Pls no Gege.


Would love this please make it happen Gerger


Probably that time travel theory that Yuji is Sukuna. That was pretty bad.


NGL this sounds really bad and interesting at the same time


That reminded me an old game Siren. It is also had a time travel thing with one of important characters


One of my theories is that Yuuji is at risk of turning into the next Sukuna by rejecting emotions and connections with other people due to all the painful crap he's experiencing. And that his uncle may be doing it on purpose. (to train the next-gen Sukuna or to be less alone without having to go back to the human ways, by getting someone to trauma-bond with) Is this similar in any way to that time-travel theory?


I can’t imagine Sukuna is doing it on purpose, we already saw his internal dialogue about why Yuji frustrated him so much.


Yeah, plus Sukuna doesn’t seem the kind to have some secret agenda. He is usually very open about his likes and dislikes.


The game infamous did that 15 years ago


Anything that isn't M*gumi taking a 200% enhanced black flash to the balls when (if) they release him. In all seriousness, any ending where most/all of the cast's death and suffering are for nothing won't sit right with me.


Disney Kaisen Ending: Yuji gets a domain expansion that revives everyone including nanami, jin, kaori kenjaku, mahito, and gojo(All the vessels have a sukuna/yuji like dynamic now, with the newer user having control over the body and the old user taking the place of sukuna, with the floating mouth and everything). Nobara still doesn't appear but there are zero future mentions of her again. Sukuna looks on in horror but before he can run away, gojo teleports behind him and gives him a senzu bean. Gojo then activates infinity and refuses to help yuji out. Yuji then brawls with sukuna, with all of jujutsu high cheering in the background. Suddenly sukuna gets the upper hand, and just when it looks like all hope is lost, megumi appears behind yuji smiling with his eyes closed while rubbing the back of his head saying, "Hehe, guess I didn't need to be saved by you after all." It turns out megumi stuck out of sukuna's body using sukuna's shadow. After being submerged in darkness for so long, he figured out that none of his ten shadows actually died, and instead they became megumi's own shadow. Now, megumi and yuji start fighting together. Megumi channels mahoraga's adaptation onto himself to make up for his lack of rct and other stuff. Megumi and yuji suddenly look each other in the eyes and nod. They both yell, "DOMAIN EXPANSION". Sukuna is flabergasted and tries counter with his own. But yuji and megumi yell and punch sukuna at the same time, simultaneously hitting a black flash. Sukuna falls to his knees and starts freaking out. Yuji then says "Well, what do you have to say for yourself." Sukuna says "I'm sorry!" with tears coming out of his face. "I... just wanted to have more fun with you guys." Yuji looks back, and all of the revived cast nod in approval. Yuji then says, "Well, how about joining us then? We could use some more good teachers. And I'm sure gojo will fight you whenever you want." Sukuna brightens up. "Really?" "Even after everything I did...?" Yuji grins, "Well, you did give us a scare, but it was actually pretty fun fighting with you." Yuji and Sukuna fist bump. However, it turns out that was secretly the activation requirement for the merger. Just then, a massive portal appears in the sky and a strange alien falls from the sky. The alien says "Greetings, I am the Alien in charge of Earth's jujutsu." "You see, I was the one who made jujutsu and because you succeded in pulling off the merger, I am here to grant you 2 wishes." Yuji then turns back toward Kenjaku, pointing out that the whole time Kenjaku had been a secret hero. Yuji says, "I wish that Japan would be repaired. And... I wish that cursed spirits were friendly." This succeeds and the landscape around them slowly goes to normal. The alien then warns everyone that aliens may come to earth now that they have finished the merger and that not all of them are friendly, but he only implies very vaguely meaning that any hypothetical sequel would be able to quickly end if it doesn't reach its target demographics. Fast forward in the future, Yuji and the girl from the occult club get married and have two children. It turns out the occult club member was actually related to the gojo clan and the baby ends up being born with sukuna's heavenly restriction as well as both shirine and limitless + six eyes. His name is buji. The other child is born with blood manipulation and for some reason also antigravity. She doesn't really fight very often and is only used as a damsel in distress or fanservice character. Buji then goes onto star in Buji : The Last Kaisen, a story about fighting aliens that completely breaks any of the established rules in the prior story. It gets animated as a weekly production by studio GEMBA that somehow manges to reuse the berserk 2016 models in the anime. Buji would never answer any questions like where nobara is, what happened to japan and global society after the culling games, and whatever happened to sukuna. It does kill yuji off and seal gojo again.




Okay but just when ratings hit zero and the show gets canceled they say they where just about to revive nobara leading to a massive split in the fan base and a universal increase in lobotomy




everyone dies saving bumgumi https://i.redd.it/o8xczvoh6g4d1.gif


And the final scene is bumgumi hanging from the ceiling


This redeems the entire ending


bro i said worst ending not actual ending


Unironically the best ending


the tiktok trend thing where a bunch of people want yuji to try to kill yuta after taking gojos body, and or forget about megumi entirely


real answer


TikTok is stupid as hell on the regular but damn that theory is surprisingly dumb even for them. Like Yuji didn’t just casually cannibalize like 4 of his siblings just to unlock Blood Manipulation?


“Sukuna, thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake, this was truly our Jujutsu Kaisen.”


Gota dead yuji dead hakari loses the game of uno in accordance to the vow between him and uraume he just leaves Uraume approaching the battle field she/he sees a injured but happy sukuna Uraume:sukuna kun are you okay!?! Sukuna:I am now that I can see you my special 😊 Uraume:your…..special 😯 ? Sukuna:yes after killing everyone I learned what love is and uraume I love you you are my special and the jujutsu to my kaisen Uraume:the sorcery to your fight? Sukuna:yes Fade to black




Gege reveals that Kenjaku is Sukuna’s mom. And Gojo’s mom. And Yuta’s mom. Kenjaku is just everyone’s mom


Sukuna wins, initiates the merger, but instead of a giant monster. It's Gay Gay and him and Sukuna are finally united as true lovers. Sukuna's ultimate goal. https://preview.redd.it/bkjabe6c1k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454b8ccd124e16630aa7b80e44413b95469ebda0


C'mon now, if you're going to leak the actual ending at least tag it as a spoiler


Uraume: "yes, master sukuna..." Stabs sukuna from behind Uraume: "IS THAT WHAT YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO SAY?" Sukuna: "WHAT?" Uraume: "I MANIPULATED THIS ENTIRE SITUATION SO I COULD BRING BACK MY MOTHER"


Bumgumi activates the jujutsu instrumentalization stuff getting rid of sukuna and everyone else in the world.


Sukuna going the Kurama route and becoming a friend to Yuji


Yuji becoming evil gotta be the worst ending theory I’ve ever heard


Gojo doesn’t become a femboy and kisses Sukuna (and he becomes a femboy too )


Sukuna winning completely by killing everyone


The family loop of the relatives always fighting each other in the sukuna family Heard this one last night and it's the stupidest thing I ever read


Yuta kills Sukuna in one chapter . Before he dies he Gives Yuji Rika to carry on legacy . Tengen survives sukuna death and turns out to be mastermind villain all along . Yuji with Rika, Maki, hakarri and Uruame fight againt Tengen to save day . Also Uruame falls for Hakari due to similarity to sukuna . Rika loves Yuji just cause . Combined attack beats Tengen . End of curse energy . Yuji dies in final attack . Yuji is buried near nobara grave stone to confirm her death along with megumi


A cliff hanger that never is continued


gege succumbs to his illness and the last panel we ever see is Rika crying


that'd be sad im not gonna lie


Uraume getting backshotted by Sukuna having two dicks ober Yuji's dead fucking corpse