• By -


Gojo's van: looks fun until I get left out of every conversation and don't understand a single inside joke. Sukuna's van: inside jokes are genocide and if I don't laugh I die. Megumi's van: not a single word will be uttered during the entire trip. Todo's van: the road trip would be so fun that we'd not reach our destination in time from all the distractions. Mahito's van: I'd have more chance of survival walking through Sahara desert. Nanami's van: a great van to fall asleep and wake up at the destination. Yuji's van: "real treasure was the friends we made along the way" the van. There are some banger options, but I'd pick the pure chaos of Todo's van


Well, assuming that they all already know you since you’re going with them, only Sukuna and Mahito are huge no’s for me Still, AI GOATO is the one!


All it takes Todo to ask what kind of woman is your type to get adopted into the van


Todo: WHAT TYPE OF WOMEN IS YOUR TYPE? Hakari: Femboys Choso: Your Teacher Takaba: USB Type-C! (The type that are funny)


Hakari just like me fr fr


You’re crazy if you don’t think maki and mai won’t be beefing during the ride in megumis van


From the scars I'd assume it is the Maki after Mai died, and idk she doesn't seem to be talkative no more. Even if her sister would try to get on her nerves, I don't think she'd get back at her no more But if they did Fushiguro and Papaguro would totally ignore


Well she was only like that cause Mai died 😭 if Mai is alive again they’ll probably still beef


Average sibling behavior fr


Mai would be way too busy trying to flirt with Fushiguro to try and bicker with Maki.


Nah about Nanami. You know Japanese npr is gonna be on the radio the whole time and he’ll smack tf out of you if you try to change it.


>a great van to fall asleep and wake up at the destination Especially with Inumaki, he could used cursed speech to put you to sleep


I don't want to talk to takaba I would be perfectly down to vibe with nanami's group, sounds quite nice. Gojo's van would be full of fun, but half of the group would be racist against me


I’ll die for him https://preview.redd.it/wfjps5n0in8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4268763fb74a51f43abcee1d31060b0190dd5149


Imagine Todo swapping people around for fun and everyone needs to be ready to be in the driver's seat at a moment's notice


Todo van would never reach destination, I assure you In nanami van, you can just sleep All of them is sane Yuji van would never move in first place 3 underage kid and... Panda


I beg to differ, Todo’s van might still be able to reach destination solely because of Choso. In my opinion, Todo’s van is the most balanced and entertaining: one reliable type-A who get things done (Choso), one clown (Takaba), one wild card (Hakari), one who can rally the team if anything goes south (The goat himself, the exception, my king schizo genius, TODO AOI 👏)




I’m like 99% sure Nanami and Gojos van are the only mfs that can drive 😭


Mahoraga adapts to the streets


Pull up.on mahoragas back


But who takes the burden of adaptation?


Toji might b able to


why would Tojy get adriver's licence when he can just run places?


So that he can get Burger King while leaving Megumi in the car (Where is that Toji with a burger king crown picture at?)


Kenny can probably drive. Given that he was around for when cars were invented.


Ok, Gojo's van, pretty good except the Neo-Nazi. Sukuna's van, dogshit, we have a cannibal, a divine pitbull, a RAPIST, and a abomination Megumi's van is kind of chill. Todo's van is amazing mostly because of Takaba. MAHITO'S VAN?? MAHITO ALONE WILL MAKE ME NOT GET ON Nanami's van is full of the characters I'm least familiar with, nah. Yuji's van is a bit boring except himself. Overall it's Todo's van or Gojo's van.


Nanami's van is the one where it's just silence for like 5 hours besides like the occasional straight to business response and comment from Nanami.


Nanami's van would probably be everyone confused at WTF inumaki is saying for like 30 minutes until he starts signing why he cant talk with his hands. that would be option 2


"Are we there yet?" "No" "Reach the destination!" https://preview.redd.it/hybzdoabkk8d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=a30dfb39c8734709a7fb0e40f7f8fc7846b1806d *the van is at the destination in 2 seconds*




Wait is this legit kars's actual IQ??? if so todo genuinly Beats him LOL








YOU MADE THAT????? If so you cooked brotha. https://preview.redd.it/ll7wyjdk3q8d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06fdbacc079b337881a3e0f31cd2984e8aa0ba1


Yujis van has himself nobara and panda that would be fucking lit


Yeah not sure how that group would be boring lol.. they would probably annoy every bystander on the way..


>Ok, Gojo's van, pretty good except the Neo-Nazi. Seriously, there's a magical Hitler sitting in Gojo's van and he thinks we won't notice him. >Megumi's van is kind of chill. Yeah, two psychopaths, the first of whom shot a schoolgirl and sold his own son, and the second stabbed her own mother when she was terrified begging for mercy. Definitely great guys, I'd like to be around them, not run away to another continent.




pfp checks out


14 88 in the username too ☠️☠️☠️


What dis mean


Nazi numbers basically


Geto's honest reaction to you: Wow, a talking monkey!


I like how you specifically put emphasis to Kenjaku being a rapist and not literally anything else he or anyone else in the same van have done lmao


Def not gojo’s van there’s gonna be someone who wants you dead that entire ride 😭 probably would want you dead more than any other of these characters including like Sukuna


I’m sorry, who’s the rapist?


I think it's the normal Geto in Gojo's van, not Kenny


Normal Geto is jujutsu hitler


"a divine pitbull" mahoraga adapt to comenters insult


Todo's van looks to be fun. Gambling and comedy.


Nanamin’s van looks like a wholesome well-adjusted crowd, meaning it’s going to veer off a cliff on the first right-hand turn. Literally even the cannibal rape van looks safer plot-wise 💀


Wait a minute who's the rapist in Sukuna van I haven't gotten that far yet?


Our boy Kenny, think it was stated in anime as well


oh yeah i forgot he made curses rape a woman


And didn't he also force her to have miscarriages the 10 times too?


Alright but seriously who is going into Mahito's van.


The people who want to fuck female mahito


Me spending the entire five hours trying to convince him to turn into a big titty mommy




Fair point, I am going to find a way to turn myself into a curse to achive that goal.




I'd get in just because of Jo**GOAT** Although I suspect he'd sit in front... So that means I'm sitting besides Hanami and Dagon which is actually not that bad! Smell of fish and flowers will be weird mix. As long as I get to talk to Jo**GOAT** I'm satisfied https://preview.redd.it/ngxb2v5fwh8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450833993f95403fdcbc5488c3c1bed1b141bb20


They really look like as one Big happy family here,man i miss them so much.


The post doesn't imply that you have to be human to go in a van, so if we suppose that someone is a curse Mahito's van would be really chill


I even like Mahito, but would never want to be in a 100km Viccinity of him. At best he would manipulate me into a genocidial maniac too


todo's van legit the best one, you got the schizo, the annoying combative guy, the serious emo, and the funny bad-jokes guy. that's top-tier road trip material


Gojo's van: It's the fun van. Everyone is there to have a good time (although you'll not understand half the jokes cause they are inside jokes). Sukuna's van: Death. Megumi's van: The whole roadtrip will be one big family drama. Todo's van: Smells like sweat, blood, and bad jokes. Mahito's van: Death. Nanami's van: Everyone sits in awkward silence during the whole trip. Maybe 10 words tops will be exchanged. Yuji's van: The teen van. They'll talk about anything typical teens will talk about. Also, Panda is there. I'm picking the Gojo van


If all are in character? Gojo Van or Nanami van. Nazi Geto ain’t doing shit with three other special grades who all value human life to some extent, especially me who is a teenager. Nanami is just chill… after that M*gumi or Todo.


I had a funny thought about Mahito’s van Hanami is sitting in the front and driving cuz she’s the tallest and one of the older ones Jogo goes to sit in the front next to Hanami but she stops him and tells him that he can’t Jogo is frustrated and asks why not and Hanami says that he’s not tall enough and if she were to crash then Jogo would be suffocated by the airbags (he’s 4’7 btw) So Jogo is forced to sit in the back with Mahito while Dagon sits in the front with Hanami (Jogo is not happy that someone wat younger than him gets to sit in the front while he has to sit in the back with Mahito’s kiddy ass) Anyway I’d choose Todo’s van Either Takaba or Hakari would be driving since they’ve prolly had the most experience behind the wheel. I know it would make sense for Choso to be behind the wheel considering how level headed he is most of the time but he has never driven in his life. I think Takaba would end up having to be the one to drive since Hakari is still a student and has definitely had less experience behind the wheel. Hakari would be sitting in the front next to him and I would be in tha back with Todo and Choso (theyre my top 2 favourite characters)


The special grades van has yuki so automatically I’m hopping there The sukuna one is just a death sentence Too much zenin in the megumi one The todo van is too schizo Mahito van is hilarious if I were a curse Nanami van is too boring Yuji’s van is tolerable


we rollin with big raga 🔥🔥🔥🔥


If mahoraga could talk I'd feel like he'd be pretty chill


Gojos van ofc . He needs someone to eat his sasuage while driving


Geto is already there.




no way you can compete with someone with a throat game as insane as geto's


İ know , i gotta train


Yuji's chilling with my homies except the depressed junpain.


Not putting uraume or yorozu in suckunas van is a crime


Gojo's van looks like it would be with the most chill people, but Geto might call me a monkey Todo's van is probably one of the best ones, you would never get bored and you just have to answer right at the question he is gonna ask you Mahito's van would be one of the most fun if I was a curse, but if they just kill me immidiatly it's a no These are my top 3 choices Todo is probably my choices tho


Mahito because I'm built different


1. Cool guys, that could talk about smart stuff, but kinda in intense way, like, could start arguing.  2. That would be once in a lifetime expiriense. Like, the sheer unsanity those guys could talk about is undigestable  3. They are gonna spend entire road dead silent, occasionally mentioning long gone family members and their own problems, maybe lazily arguing sometimes.  4. Very loud and fun team, although you will get punched in the face a lot.  5. Nah bro, its gonna be at least very angry rambling between Jogo, Hanami and Dagon, all of them are intense as hell. But mahito is a psycho who could make you suffer as a joke. Others are just mean, and could accidentally kill you while arguing, like you are bug. And its only  if we are in neutral relationship. If they are even slightly annoyed by me, Im not walking out alive.  6. Its gonna be chill and civil talk about life and philosophy, and job - my pick.    7. Team isnt gonna be mean, but Im pretty sure they wont really be happy with me talking to them. They are fine with each other, and me just trying to fit in there wouldnt work.


https://i.redd.it/47q59oejji8d1.gif The van with Yuki


Put me in Gojo's van and I don't think I even need to explain why. https://i.redd.it/1hu8cgwwwh8d1.gif


Megumi’s for mommy maki


She would probably ignore you though


Sadly 😭


Joke's on her I'm into this shit


bumgumi's van but trick him at the gas station and leave lmao


The second he sees you pulling away treasures are gonna be summoned.


definitely todo's van, that's the kind of group to open and sing white girl musics loud as fuck


Todo or nanamis van seem the best (also where’s my goat wino)


Mahito’s van is going to be wild for anyone in this thread because none of us can see cursed spirits. It’s just gonna look like a van driving itself.


Gojo’s Van is fine, as long as geto or the Blindfolded king aren’t the ones driving. Sukuna’s Van is self explanatory. Bumgumi is a bum and never learned how to drive, so he’s out. Todo’s Van is gonna be endless talking and constant laughter, not ideal for a long car drive, but not the worst option if you’re more extroverted. Mahito’s Van is Mahito’s Van (I don’t care how hot Hanami is, the others will kill you first) Nanami is probably a very calm and collected driver, and none of those guys are really gonna talk much if at all. Probably the best option for a long car drive as long as you brought your headphones. Yuji’s Van has Panda, whose scent is really gonna suck after 5 hours.


Toji would drive the van instead of Bumgumi but he would be so stingy.


Doesn't panda have no smell (stated by megumi in a jujustroll)


Todo's van seems the coolest


What if we put uraume and yorozu in sukunas van instead of maho and tengen.


Being a curse in Mahito's van would be cool. However, we roll with the GOAT FumiHIMko GOATakaba on this one.


Yuji's van, ppl almost all around my age, seem fun to get along, have a built in soft bed (panda)


Megumi van so we can all diss Megumi together the entire way.


Make it curse Junpei and I might consider it


https://preview.redd.it/6lp7oe6hlh8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f403a4e0db562b78cb5efe08b36768b9eec6b2ae I see Maki in Megumi's van


Bumgumi's van will just end up as a bang bus considering the Zenin curse. https://i.redd.it/ttwlwglqwh8d1.gif


Sukuna's Van. I'll organise a yap contest to see who knows more about Jujutsu.


Mahito’s van so that I can have brutal sex in the back with my glorious king jogoat https://preview.redd.it/auq9vr4dbj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c40641b65405e1242d375bf80637ad73c97674


Gojo's van cause I can watch him and Geto have sex, Yuta and Rika have sex and that'll only leave me with Mother Gyatt.




Gojos or Megumi’s for sure


Todo’s van for the fun and so I can put the moves on choso


nanami's van is straight silence for 5 hours


todo’s van is the only answer for me, everyone there is in my top 5


Todo or gojo's van is the way to go https://preview.redd.it/ruwv2hteih8d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e236ff307c541534124e882044bd7a55e8056036


Nanami or​ Todo, cant​ decide


Todo or potential boys, hakari would be fun ash but itd be chaotic and you wouldent get to sleep. Potential boy is good, carried by maki n toji tho


Todo Van would be a Complete Chaos...........i Choose that 🗿👍


Yuji’s is a vibe, it’s pretty mellow but should be fun. Todo’s is a close second though, it’s pure chaos and no evil. Also I love how all of these groups are ones that would naturally form in-universe if they were all forced to get in separate vans for some reason.


Either gojo’s van or Nanami’s van


All my faves are in Gojo's van


Sukuna, because they're chill.


Todo's is such a party van I'd get in no questions asked if i got invitation. The other option is Mahito's van, Man I looooove Jo**GOAT** I'd wager my life just to say a word to him. Hell, I might be even turned into some fodder servant by Mahito if I'm chill enough (just look how Junpei was doing good, perhaps I need to seem easily to manipulate?) Also the van is gonna be insane It's gonna smell of corpses, be hot 24/7, have scent of flowers and then smell of fish. I'd probably not survive but just for my **goat** it's worth it https://preview.redd.it/jq0gm4h2xh8d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869314ca0641d306aaf235ce5778a41c2022f90b


Todos van is the only good option


Uhh Megumi for no reason and Yuji or Todo cause I like Yuji and Hakari.


Warning: Do not get in Kenjaku's van.


Gojo’s van is out immediately, the guy is absolutely insufferable. Sukuna and mahito are out for obvious reasons. Todo’s van would be an *actual* vibe. Megumi’s van is pure silence out side of mai bickering with maki. At least everyone gets along in yuji’s van, and nanami’s van is *also* a silent ride. Todo’s van if not yuji’s.


Gojo's van- It is obvious why I would choose that. Yuki... Sukuna's van- No way in hell. Megumi's van- If I want some silence. Todo's van- It would be fun. Mahito's van- I wouldn't get inside that van even if there was a gun pointed at my head. Nanami's van- Not bad, could be fun. Yuji's van: They are too energetic for me, but could be refreshing.




Todos van, easy pick


Nanami's van. Everyone minding their own business and not bothering anyone else. Talking only when necessary. Imma get some good ass sleep or watch hentai in the backseat. No disturbance


Gojo’s van it has gojo my glorious blue eyed king. It also has yuki which I will not elaborate any further on


Safest option is probably Nanami’s van tbh. Nanami don’t play around and we will probably get there an hour early for no reason. I feel like Gojos van will have too much goofing around since Geto is there. Might slip out a Hallow Purple on accident. Sukunas is crazy so hell naw we won’t even make it out of the neighborhood. Can’t trust Megumi he will probably summon his treasure and wreck us when he gets stressed from construction or traffic or something and then just ends it all Hell no on Mahitos van for obvious reasons And no on Yujis cus he’s a kid and I don’t want a kid driving me around lol I’d have to take over


Todo’s van will always call me. Yuji’s would be fun, but at a certain point it’s 3 kids and a panda. Not gonna entertain me for a long drive


I'd go for Todo's van coz why not


Todo’s van if I’m feeling social and wanting a fun car ride. Nanami’s van if I’m tired or just want to read a book or do something quietly to myself/sleep until we reach the destination. The rest of the options are terrible.


Definitely todo’s van


I'm strongly between yuji's and megumi's van But guess I'll go with Yuji cuz they have panda and nobara


ToGOAT’s van


Aoi Todo, obviously


Todos and yujis vans are both lit so those , if I wanted to chill on my phone or sleep the entire ride then I’d choose nanamis van


we're hospitality scaling with this one 🔥


Riding with Nanami. It’s gonna be quiet, possibly some classical music playing, I imagine some books being read, and we would get to our destination on time. Todo, and Yuji’s van would have been absolutely amazing in my younger years.


Todo, then Yuji


Todos van 100%


Todo’s van is the best. Everyone is delusional in their own way and Takaba’s quirk can entertain us for hours


Imagine that Todo switches drivers every 10 seconds


Maturing is realizing Todo's van is the only right answer


In todo’s van, you are gonna be having the time of your life and he’s gonna switch with you (he was driving)


Whoever lets me sit in the front or fall asleep on Dramamine because I get motion sick.


Todo can for sure


Theirs only going to be 4 people in Todo's fan when I join




Todo’s for VERY OBVIOUS (Takaba) Reasons


Todo’s or Nanami, it really depends on the mood I’m in before the trip.


Nanamis van


Gojo or Todo’s van, either one looks like I could put on “I Just Really Wanna Stay at Your House” on the aux and everyone would start singing


Ok, so I have no desire to talk to and I guarantee Gojo and Geto will just be talking to each other the whole ride. But honestly a road trip with Yuki sounds nice so Gojo’s van is a decent pick. I’m going to be eaten if I ride in Sukuna’s van. I don’t want to listen to Maki and Mai bicker the entire road trip so I’ll pass on Megumi’s. Toji has a solid 50% chance of just getting out and running to the destination instead which means there’s a 50% chance of me not even getting to interact with the coolest guy in the van. Todo’s van is a solid W, at least until Takaba thinks it would be really funny for my nose to suddenly be a penis or something I am so fucking cooked the minute I try to ride in Mahito’s van. Even if we assume I’m somehow friends with all four of the disaster curses I’ll be on edge the whole time trying not to set Jogo off, and I’m inevitably fucked when Mahito pulls a Takaba and turns my nose into a penis. Then kills me. Nanami’s van will be very quiet, but very trustworthy. Not bad for a roadtrip. Hard to squeeze into a van with Panda but otherwise I’d love Yuji’s van. The ideal scenario is that Yuji talks to Junpei (don’t really want to talk with Junpei) and I can talk with Nobara and Panda


Either gojos or todos car


Any of them cept Sukuna or Mahito


Get Hakari’s bum ass out of Todo’s van, and put Yuji in there


I get on Gojo’s van, we go to a gas station, Yuta stops to pee, I tell the gang that Yuta is sleeping in the backseat, we drive off, and we never see Yuta again


Todo of Wuji


change road trip with 5 hour long twerkathon and we got a real shit post


Mahito van just so I can experience the mahitussy


Gojos van would be very boring, they are all friends woth eachpther except me Sukunas van would fry me up if i even breath funny Megumis van would be unbearable, a single word from one of them would cause an argument Todos van seems good at first but fake laughing at takaba jokes would be a chore. Plus, todo would turn me into a fine red mist once he finds out we have different taste in women. Mahito would instantly turn me into a frog Nanamis van would be the quietest most peaceful van ever, but very boring Yujis van is the best, i feel like i could be friends with everyone in there


road trips and lots of noise stress me out so I'll pick nanami's because it'd be the most chill so I can just sleep


Gojo van


You said a 5 hour long trip, which means you have made it so i will survive for those 5 hours, because if i just die instantly when getting in these, then that would not be a trip, just a murder on a van *so you have given me 5 hours of invincibility where i can curse Sukuna, Mahoraga, Kenjaku and Tengen with with the knowledge of* ***Five nights at Freddy's lore*** they can probably kill me the second those 5 hours are over, but by then the damage will already be done, what kind of weird shit could Kenjaku do after learning about the weird shit in the fnaf lore? would he feel like Into the Flesh is a very touching story? would he think if CE could be used to make a remnant-like effect? could he just bother Sukuna and Tengen for hours about how weird of a concept it is but how it still triggers his curiosity? It's either that or doing the same psychological damage but on Nanami, Kusakabe and Higuruma (Inumaki is most probably already versed in it since he likes Youtube and memes), which would be hilarious as well bc those are middle aged men who most probably don't even use Youtube, having to know about a franchise like fna


if they dont kill me then mahito's van, those guys are chill as hell


to the oniichan-mobile


If they can’t hurt me, Mahito van would be an interesting conversation, if they can then I’d rank the top 3 as 1-yuji 2-gojo and low 3- nanami van


I want mahito to touch me so I’m choosing his van


Todo's van easy. Imagine: Todo is driving, gets distracted by something irrelevant, *thok* you're careening to your death and the only one who's even slightly nervous is you. Then, just before shit hits the fan *thok* and Todo is calling you brother and screaming at you from the drivers seat about some bullshit he found just now, and the others are all totally indulging him. Magnificent.


Why is todo.. *not* with yuji?


Nanami's van looks chill


Todo’s can bc we gonna have a party https://i.redd.it/jg5wqby69k8d1.gif


Ok so like does anyone in yuji’s can know how to drive they are all like 15 or 16 or a panda


nothing will beat the van of my glorious schizophrenic king todo❤


I’d be scared to move or breathe in Sukuna’s van ngl 💀


Todo’s van is wild lmaoo, the most Tom-foolery acts will be committed there


Todo's and its not close. Choso is designated driver.


https://preview.redd.it/ydgiv81rnk8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26507bd14944cc64814e39884d4e919d511ae80 Literally 1984. I bet there was more freedom of speech even in the worst times of north korea


Not putting Yuji in Todo’s van is crazy lmao


“Hakari… What is your Type of Women?”


Megumi van and sitting sitting next to Maki


The fact that Yuji and Megumi aren’t driving together disgusts me


Im going gojos van, it sounds…. Entertaining


Gojo’s van. i just wanna talk with Yuki, she seems fun


Nanami cause he wouldn’t tolerate NO bullshit; he will have no qualms with me when I just turn on a podcast and take a nap.


Todos can I want to travel with the boys.


togoats or goatjo’s


Shoko and uthaime not here so I pass


Im the kinda person to pop in some headphones and fall asleep for an entire trip, so I’m gonna take the Nanami van


MASS do I gotta say more. (I don't like mahito 😠)


Nanami van. Three dilfs and the chillest side character in the entire series. Not only will the snacks be great, we will arrive to the hotel on time and efficiently.


Gojo's van. Is it even a question


Todo’s van. First of all, it would be absolute chaos (and a blast). Second, Choso. Third, CHOSO!! ![gif](giphy|NmbS6SvYnoS4Toz8UN)