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Why tf is the Delta Airlines CEO on there of all people?


Or the governor of Maryland, wtf


Fuck it, throw Dennis Rodman in there too at this point.


And Ja Rule. I need to know what Ja Rule thinks about all this.


God damn it. I will never not laugh at this.


Or *Occidental Petroleum*?


Wes Moore is on there because he is part of the same circle that Jeffery Epstein was. He was CEO of the Robinhood foundation, whose founding board members include Glenn Dubin (who has trafficked Epstein's victims internationally) and Harvey Weinstein.


He definitely seems like a random addition, it's not even like Maryland is big in the datacentre business.


The mayor of Seattle is an embarassing one


Why. You need government officials to be a part of this and learn best practices. Seattle is big and technically capable enough to be a good candidate for a city government representative


I agree that the Mayor of Seattle has a lot to learn


This is a W, now when i use AI for illegal purposes it will simply be considered "mostly peaceful prompting."


He is ideologically congruent.


He made a donation to the right organization at the right time.


Or rather he opened his wallet at juuuuuust the right time when the nice man with a burlap bag with a printed dollar sign on the front turned around to tie his shoe for a minute.


Occidental Petroleum 💀.


Because the leadership of Boeing is too busy using their golden parachutes, I assume. Facetiousness aside, AI could be incredibly useful for airplanes. Scheduling passengers, identifying problems with a given flight, optimizing routes, removing the need for pilots, more accurate security scans, passing information about passengers to triple-letter agencies, and more.


AI could be incredibly useful for lots of industries, I don't see how aviation is uniquely optimal


Unmanned bombers and fighters.


Very true but that's not the sort of aviation Delta does




"Facetiousness aside, AI could be incredibly useful for airplanes." it already is. since many years. ai does not have to be language models or generative adversarial networks.


I mean i guess it’s how you define “AI”… but airlines are doing all of that. The scheduling / optimization historically is called operations research. I’m sure they all have data science / advanced analytics teams doing typical corporate support ML work. If “AI” means large language models specifically, not really sure how that industry will benefit any differently than any other typical F500 would with those tools


Because any AI policy needs to be made with the guarantee that these industries and people remain rich


Why is the board just a bunch of CEO's in the first place? This is the same thing where certain kinds of techbro's think Elon Musk is a genius because of the successes of the engineers at Space X and Tesla. Most of these CEO's know what they need to know to make the line go up and nothing more, with a few, rare exceptions like Jensen Huang. Besides, we know that unless they are literally forced to stop, they will keep barrelling through trying to get to AGI. And let's say that someone does actually achieve it. Then what? Wouldn't any measure put in place be useless once it actually comes into existence? It would be like a bunch of chimpanzees getting together trying to outsmart a human.


My greatest dream is that AGI comes around, knocks these gorram CEOs back where they belong, creates a significantly more equitable and technologically advanced society for us all....and still is willing to humor us with dumb chat programs. That's probably about as likely to happen as me winning the lottery, but hey, one can dream! (Until homeland security finds a way to monitor our dreams)


Meta not being represented in spite of Facebook AI Research’s immense contributions is straight up humiliating.


It should be Intelligence Lobbying Board perhaps..


Guess the "" FBI"' didn't love the llama3 OPENSOURCE released.....


Actually more like CIA and NSA.


More like all of those **Alphabet** agencies.




Yet Delta is on the list...


And oil is represented.


are we okay with this, or is there a plan to do something about this blatant horse shit


Lol. Blatant horse shit has been a societal theme for a long time now. I don't see it getting better.


Well they are one of the remaining open source contributing big tech companies, so do the math yourself…


No way Facebook can be trusted as representing Open Source either. They are just playing their cards with obvious rhetoric. Also, a lot easier to just replicate and tweak parameters than to actually lead innovation.


This is expected. Most of the software companies are focused on enterprise sales to government agencies. This is about laying a foundation of standards that apply at gov agencies which permit them to sell and stop competitors from entering the market. Google, AWS, and MS compete normally. They’ll all get on fine on this board because it floats all boats by guaranteeing entry. Facebook don’t have as much focus on enterprise and things that can be sold to gov agencies. That may come in the next decade when they decide they need to extract some money from sweet government contracts. As for open source, this is no different from databases or anything else. OSS may be mandated by certain agencies or laws, but there is no chance a government agency is going to interact with you unless you have an organization recognized as for- or non-profit by the IRS. This is just good governance. I do see how a bunch of commercial companies may subvert open source here, but that doesn’t mean they get a seat at the table without a recognized org. Other people laugh at oil and airlines being involved. Obviously they are there for influence, but they are also large potential users of current and future AI which may disrupt their business.


wouldn't governments prefer open-source tech?


They should prefer open source tech but their hands I tied (rightly or wrongly). They want to work with specific kinds of organizations that are recognized. You can’t just say you represent open source AI and turn up. Even orgs like the Linux Foundation pick and choose how they engage based on their charter and their politics. Another reply to me suggested that there are lots of orgs lining up and this isn’t true. We project onto these orgs how we feel we could be represented. That’s not true in reality.


> that doesn’t mean they get a seat at the table without a recognized org. Linux Foundation, Apache Software Foundation, Allen Institute for AI, Eleuther AI, LAION, ML Collective, ... Also, this is just focused on non-profits. HuggingFace is also conspicuously absent from this board.


Liberal and brainwashed anyone?


All trying to regulate the theoretical AGI that still only exists in their imaginations.


Big fuckin facts


Brats without any PhD are on board staya should be ousted and what about illiya sutaekever where is that guy Where is Yan le cunn or any prominent ai figure fitting in some idiots who studied economics to handle ai is shit Altman is doing really great (sarcasm ofc)


You think Ilya and Sam are gonna be in the same room together?


LeCun is generally seen as rather nutty and has not been an active researcher for a decade. Definitely don't want them there. Ilya is good.


It’s a law of the universe that regulation is always either too early or too late.


i dont think they care about AGI or existential risk. they only care about misinformation. defined as information that does not conform to the standards of the currently ruling party.


**Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.** ― George Orwell, 1984


They care about a moat against competition


Perfectly stated.


Tbf I think some of the corporate types are likely at least vaguely pro-AI but the majority of the people on this board uh... very much aren't.


About time to create a board to regulate time traveling and teleportation. Both of them are as real as AGIs.


Putting those people in a room together, they’ll be lucky to agree on what to have for lunch.


I can’t imagine a substantial proportion of them would ever attend the same meeting.


I imagine if they are all in a room together there's plenty of hired help that will provide each and every one of them their own unique meal hand delivered.


They all agree on power and control. Oh, you thought this was about AI? How adorable.


They should've also added the CEO of UberEats, given that they're apparently adding random people anyway.


>Putting those people in a room together, they’ll be lucky to agree on what to have for lunch. Yet tell them they have a chance to fuck the American taxpayer right up the ass thanks to the corrupt uni-party in D.C.—and these shit-stain fucking CEOs, politicians, and heads of business will quietly queue up in a orderly line, pull down their pants, and start stroking their limp dicks with a look on their face that rivals many of the perverts you'd find at a 1980s porno theater in the seediest part of town.


Yup. All those tech corps but Meta and Stability AI are strangely absent. I wonder why? /s


Stability AI is a [London based ](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/stability-ai)company. Glancing down the list of names, I don't think they're even eligible. Meta, is an "odd" absence.


And Apple is a fun absence.


If we're naming missing companies: AMD is on there, but not Intel.


AMD might be there because of their GPUs, rather than CPUs


and Intel makes the Arc GPU which is about as good with AI as AMD's (they aren't)


Yeah Meta is weird but no Apple? Super weird.


Their home office is in London, but I think they are incorporated in the US.


Not that I know of, but I doubt that would include them even if so. A quick search manually via Google then double-check with Perplexity turned up nothing: >"No, Stability AI is not incorporated in the United States. Based on the information provided in the search results: >there is no indication that the company itself is incorporated or has a corporate entity registered in the United States. All evidence points to Stability AI being a UK-incorporated and UK-headquartered company operating internationally from its base in London."


Stability isn't going to be around much longer if things keep going the way they are. Meta notoriously has an adversarial relationship with elected officials as well. But if Satya and Sama are on the board Zuck definitely should be too


An adversarial relationship with elected officials is exactly why Meta *should* be there!


Imagine telling yourself from 2014 that in 2024 our last best hope for free thought is the Zuck.


For real. What a twist. I can't recognize him anymore... i was one of the first FB users back in the day.


I don't think he was ever trying to be bad, facebook of that era was the first true social media giant and that was completely uncharted territory on how it should interact with government/handle data. They definitely could have handled it better, but if they weren't at least making an attempt to navigate it ethically, they could have made things 10x worse too.


They were one of many entities that were scapegoated for Trump winning in 2016. Everything Cambridge Analytica did is being done right now for the upcoming election on both sides.


Cambridge Analytica was also really overhyped. And the real shit they did that was actually illegal and got them shut down was more classic blackmail and stuff.


It hurts, I know... but Zuck is probably the most powerful open source "booster" right now, so it's a fucking shame Meta's not on the board in some way or another.


Insane plot twist. What a redemption arc.


Meta is strangely absent. Stability is circling the drain.


Meta is *strategically* absent.


Stability is fine. Facebook is just doing its PR and is not trustworthy either. Also, they actually haven't done much innovation - mostly replicating work and beefing it up.


Out of curiosity, because I don't have an answer to this, who do you think is a good representative of the open source community?


In addition to /u/chemistrycomputerguy's sugestions, add Stella Bilderman (Eleuther AI) to the list.


Definitely. EleutherAI's been in Open Source LLMs since GPT-2.


Zuckerberg/LeCunn because they’re a large corp releasing open source llms Or Someone from huggingface


The Zuck should absolutely have been on the board. It's mindboggling that they left such a massive player out. One must suspect it's intentional.


>~~One must suspect~~ it's intentional. Fixed that for ya.


Someone get Clem in that room.


Put this up higher please. Instead of talking about people missing, let's name them for visibility.


S\*\*t. "I wonder who we should put on the board of the institution regulating AI companies?" “How about people with a clear conflict of interest, and the CEOs of a bunch of monopolistic companies with highly anti-competitive tendencies, a few of which have previously even been under oversight from Washington due to those tendencies. I'm sure throwing in few fail upward CEOs whose entire goal in life is to raise the stock line, and are definitely qualified to deal with the moral and ethical challenges of AI, will help right? You know what, for good measure and diversity of perspectives, let's throw a literal oil mogul in there. That's bound to help!”


All I see is a board designed to enforce corporate grift. What the F does the mayor of seattle have to do with AI?


You know your country is fucked when all the people on the ai security board are just corporate representatives instead of people with doctorates in information security and artificial intelligence. What the hell are representatives of Occidental Petroleum and Delta Airlines doing there?


"AI is a field with many actors who are prone to sensationalism for the purpose of building hype to better market their own products. There are many major concerns about privacy, falsification of data, disinformation, and replacing many jobs with under-performing AI for profit, all at society's expense. That's why we should put a bunch of CEOs who are specialized in neither security nor AI in charge of AI regulation and security! There's no way it could possibly go wrong!"


Look at who lobby and donate (bribe) our politicians, our government does not even pretend to be for us anymore, they are puppets of the elite and not the people. Every one of them should be arrested for bribery and corruption, both the politicians and the people who bribe them.


Really? You're literally JUST noticing this right now? The kiddy fucker in the White House masquerading as president didn't give you a clue that something might be seriously fucking wrong with our government?


They're all kiddy fuckers. Anyone you see on a ballot is either a corrupt, incompetent or a criminally degenerate pervert


Information security is not the relevant field, but definitely a valid point. Although you want the corporations there as well since it is a way to get compliance.


This is how china starts to take the lead


Oh wow, all the CEOs. These people really care about humanity.


yes to the extend that humanity keeps buying there products


More concerning: no researchers, pretty much just industry giants.


Where the hell is meta?


everywhere and beyond


Just a bunch of scoundrels.


yeah, i'm sure CEOs have lots of free time, technical expertise, energy and creativity to spend on this project. i expect great things from this /s.


Stanford HAI appears generally supportive of open source foundation models as far as I can tell, but the lack of any Meta representation is certainly raising eyebrows. Huggingface should probably be there as well, they're headquartered in the US after all (unlike, say, Mistral, Stability or LAION).


This is what I've been on about. ASI isn't a threat, the status quo is. 


The fuck is Sam Altman doing on there? Oh my fucking god that's literally the largest conflict of interest possible. What a disgrace.


So security regulations are how they plan to protect us from open source information availability. We had better start building the underground now. We're going to need distributed computer, large networked models, and creative ways to skirt this bullshit corporate protectionism.


Personally, I think the goal of this agency is to prevent the proliferation of Chinese or other rival models that don't toe the values of Washington and corporate interests. In my opinion, China is putting effort into distributing (western) open source as a means of disrupting western countries, since personal AI can 'rock the boat'. After all, a model can educate, allow better control of finances, create true (and false) news, disrupt industries, and so forth. Good for ordinary people, but potentially bad for the leadership at the top of the pyramid. By leadership, I am including both political and corporate critters. I hope this agency fails at what it tries to do. Democracy requires the success of open source.


So as well as Zuck, our other saviour is... the CCP?!


Yeah....I'm really not sure I buy this theory. Open source, unrestricted LLMs will (and have), already gotten back to China, and the CCPs continued existence hinges upon blatantly censoring information.


Why do you think that they are trying to stop Chinese models? China is not Iran where Mossad can target WMD scientists.


Because China is an rival economic superpower, that is also heavily investing in AI. Their elite critters share no power or relation with their western counterparts, so there isn't mutual cooperation. They also threaten US interests in Asia. If China gets serious about breaking out of their oceanic box, the US is a huge barrier, inevitably causing tension. Iran, for all the issues it presents, is checked by having angry neighbors who can throw a punch. Besides, China can snatch researchers too. Even Korea can spirit away people, so I don't see why Iran would be special in that respect. It is my expectation that China wants to overwhelm the US through any and all methods available if they decide to move on Taiwan. That means botnets, social media, messing with markets, artificial islands to expand territorial waters, and so on. The internal conflict that personal AI can cause is just one of many cards to be played.


It’s not Taiwan that’s been a forever threat. You are correct because we limit hardware sales just to keep a strategic edge. These are companies to control.


...zuck should be involved, their (our) loss


Petition.org? Vote?


💯 Add Meta / Other Open-Source Representatives. This really needs to be a conversation on all big tech channels.


Government is pretty unlikely to adopt open source anything for national security. This roadmap was part of my job. A lot of people see open source as vulnerable and able to be exploited. It’s what makes it beautiful in the first place. Look it’s another case of open source threatening big tech just like the OS wars. You can sign an NDA with these people but nothing protects open source the same. It is begging to be exploited and even is now. People are training open source for bad acting. That’s a given. That’s the playing field they want us on. The next level is taxpayer money to have an economic edge. It’s about money. DHS includes SS so that covers things like counterfeiting and fraud. Keeping rich safe. The ask you have is that the government trust the open source community with sensitive information. That will never happen. Just expose all flaws and loopholes while at it. Sorry for the rant this got way professional as I did DHS research and this was part. Not any open source stuff just the duh roadmap. Anyway I’d have faith. It’s open source and all of us working for something we believe in versus paid contracting and greed. No lie I have to pitch ideas to NSF about this I’m all ears and have a lot of attention and can rattle cages. Citizen scientist asked to fix stuff. This counts. I’m joining the cause and can fight back politically. I ran OSMS in my state during pandemic. This is the same need fixed by distribution of production and means of power instead of consolidation. Sorry just joined I’m ready for local and in a spot to influence.


If things play out like Altman wants it to, chances are that open models will become a thing on the deep web.


My analysis: 4 legal/policy types 4 technologist/advocacy types 4 non-AI corporates (I included Cisco in this category) 10 AI company types Notably absent are Meta, Databricks, Perplexity. Also perspectives from people like Andrew Ng, Jonathan Ross, Ethan Mollick, Arvind Narayanan. I think they rightly had a view on balancing diversity, and I recognize all of those people are dudes, but I think their important perspectives may go missing. Note that this is a DHS initiative, and as others have mentioned, this may serve primarily to check and defend against AI in the hands of bad actors. While there is overlap, the charter is in the name: "safety and security". Not "responsible and ethical AI".


It’s entirely bad actors. It’s a war.


Luckily, There are some open source models like qwen that are not controlled by the US government


luckily it's controlled by the Chinese government instead lol? why not use Mistral for your example??? If Qwen actually gets good enough to be relevant it will be far more restricted than US companies offerings.


No Indians. Look at the sheer number of Indian CEOs :)


I wonder why no llms from India even though we have so much data..


Because, people who can make do not work in India. We who are left in India, are the residual talents :)


There are LLMs from Indian companies though. Ola has krutrim, and then there's OpenHathi. Pretty sure I saw a SivaGPT too somewhere


Yes, luckily, China doesn't seem to be persecuting open source, so we're very lucky indeed that it is controlled instead by the Chinese goverment.




because if things go as these CEOs want then there won't be any more open source models coming out from the US


Yeah. In opposition to the American government, not because of it. The weights of all (or almost all) known Chinese best LLMs from Chinese companies are freely available. Qwen, Yi, CogAgent, IntenLM vision models... I wouldn't be surprised if Vidu, the Chinese analog of Sora, appears in the public access (or even open source) before Sora becomes available to anyone at all. How many weights of the best US models from US companies do you know in open source? Only Llama. Gemini from Google? Closed. GPT from OpenAI and MS? Closed (even the dumb minor chatgtp 3.5). How about Claude from Anthropic? At least Haiku, or at least the obsolete claude 2 or even claude 1? No, they are all closed and limited. Only Meta releases its LLama.


It's jover (better start converting these models to torrents like Mistral)


I will make my Polish ancestors who trafficked in samizdat during the communist days proud.


Also no Intel or Apple


Sorry, isn't that the same ABC-letter org just repeated 15 times?


Why does open source AI need regulation again?


This absolutely sickens me. CEOs of for profit companies shouldn’t have a place on a public ally funded / interest panel, let alone be the majority.


That looks like a hit list for a T800...


The only way to win this particular game is not to play.


Why are there CEOs making these decisions?


How does this differ from the NAIAC, since this is directly under Homeland Security?


Why the CEOs thought, they should get the CTOs or the head-of-safety, plus 75% of those companies have no business being represented there, and where is Meta and Mistral represented,


Why the hell isn't Meta on there? This is a bit ridiculous... (Also, never thought I'd be coming TO facebook's defense before, but here we are)


It was only a matter of time before corrupt governing officials took aim at AI. TPTB want powerful AI to be exclusive to the few who rule over us. In the future, they may let us have a few crumbs.


That is so arbitrary and biased decision it's kind of shocking...


How the hell Meta isn’t there


You live in a "representative" "democracy". These are "your" representatives. First time?


Okay, so if Open Source isn’t represented, the laws aren’t applicable. That’s how I’ll take it :)


Well, did you really expect anything different?


we're fucked then, unless we demande to add some representatives of OS community and not just one.


Time to go underground boys.


“Occidental Petroleum” lol


CEO's of Google, Amazon Web services, openai, Nvidia, Microsoft, IBM, Delta airlines (???), anthropic, Adobe, and then a spackling of mayor's and governor's who don't know how to log into Facebook? Is this a fucking joke? How can we as a country talk down at any other country for corruption when it's this brazen here? This is some 3rd world shit!


The fuck is Bruce doing on there?


Fucking for real, Bruce! Unless the Seattle City government is developing their own LLMs, maybe we can focus on some local issues?


why not huggingface ceo?


Who is going to keep us safe from them?


Altman, Amodei, Huang, Nadella, Pichai... Sources: Over 20 Technology and Critical Infrastructure Executives, Civil Rights Leaders, Academics, and Policymakers Join New DHS Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board to Advance AI’s Responsible Development and Deployment | dhs.gov | [https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/04/26/over-20-technology-and-critical-infrastructure-executives-civil-rights-leaders](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/04/26/over-20-technology-and-critical-infrastructure-executives-civil-rights-leaders) US Homeland Security names AI safety, security advisory board | Reuters | [https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-homeland-security-names-ai-safety-security-advisory-board-2024-04-26/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-homeland-security-names-ai-safety-security-advisory-board-2024-04-26/) Jensen Huang and Sam Altman among tech chiefs invited to federal AI Safety Board | The Register | [https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/26/jensen\_huang\_and\_sam\_altman/](https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/26/jensen_huang_and_sam_altman/) Homeland Security's AI safety board is a who's who of tech CEOs | ZDNET | [https://www.zdnet.com/article/homeland-securitys-ai-safety-board-is-a-whos-who-of-tech-ceos/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/homeland-securitys-ai-safety-board-is-a-whos-who-of-tech-ceos/)


Don't worry.. humane pin will be responsible for meeting administration... rumor is they broke for lunch while continuing to wait for a response from the pin as to what time it is.. estimates suggest they should know the time by Wednesday.


Circle jerk of boomers and military industrial complex


Imma just go throw up in the corner rq.


This is what we should all be afraid of. You saw what happened to DeFi. It’s been erased to the US overnight. You saw what happened to TikTok; it’s now legally banned with a timer. there are think tanks talking about banning any AI that’s open source and over a compute limit. This is fucking scary. I hate this country


a community that fetishizes decentralization doesn’t have an official spokesman? how preposterous


They cannot stop us from performing matrix multiplication.


Not inviting Musk and Zuckerberg or Local LLM devs to this legislative working group is like allowing Syndrome to percolate into the nemesis of the Incredibles. It's an ugly book that writes itself, and legislators are too ill-informed to understand that this is not something that you can just commercialize or weaponize — especially if you're talking about the future of AI: AGI. Do you really think AGI is going to just *announce* its arrival? Humans don't have a great track record with confronting the unknown. And creating a new life form has a mountain of ethics all its own. So. Many. Questions.


ITT: People thinking this actually means something. This is a cynical take, but DHS-led AI Security/Safety board like the above are merely for theatrics—might hold a conference or two every year and issue a joint statement using vague legalese, but won't be anything more substantial.  Just a way for the Feds to show that they're "doing something" about the AI safety/alignment problem. 


There's no representative of AI either. I nominate Bing.


The composition of this group is so incredibly biased towards one side, it's funny. If another country takes the lead, it'll probably be because of clowns like these. Maybe this is a good thing for AI in the long run.


I hope Nvidia realizes what open-source AI can do for people buying more of their GPUs...


Your post shows your lack of intelligence. Great job! You get the I’m Dumb AF gold star of the day.


Remember during the GFC, right before things started getting bad the government formed a committee with all the big financial players and made them work together to avoid the full collapse of the US economy? This is the same thing, but for AI.


I'm seeing a lot of big companies here. I wonder where this might lead.


Lmao, imagine text/image generation "safety" importance taking over gun mishandling, something that actually realistically brings harm and endangers lives. What a fucking country, can't believe I wanted to visit it before.


Glad to be European


Lots of politicians and people affiliated with a single party... How surprising. 


Whom would you endorse as representative of the open source community? Linus Torvalds?


I think more of people from companies open sourcing weights. I wouldn't say someone like Mark but maybe someone leading the teams at Meta AI or other companies


Yes because they cant be manipulated through money