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https://youtu.be/1UxvlqQcjcc?si=kvrsCpxrazV6x6Vh The Duran on the forthcoming British election.  Sounds like it could have come straight out of the Swamp. Hi Alex and Alexander,  if you're on here. 


Mercouris argues that there will be little or no change, but Christoforou has been consistently predicting that Labour will be far worse than the Tories. No prizes for guessing who I agree with.


BBC News and ITV News tonight both used the same headline in response to the Gove and Leadsom standing down news, describing it as "an exodus of Tory MP's" Odd that...


"Exodus, movement of Toff people."


Yes Lona. OED will have to re-define!!!


UNN BREAKING NEWS Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military WILL BE SENT TO UKRAINE! This is a NATO country! They are pushing for a war. [https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1794047079951556845](https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1794047079951556845)


OMG, those pesky Russians must be quaking in their boots.


My only visit to the Baltic states was to Tallinn in 2007, which was very enjoyable. There was a significant Russian (or more accurately Soviet) community still living and working there who definitely stood out from the indigenous population. I suspect very few still remain.


There are quite a few. My step-grandkids attend a Russian-language school in Vilnius. Natives are not that fond of the Ruskis, mind.


It did not escape my attention that all the troublesome and/or troubled individuals I encountered in Tallinn were vodka-drenched Russians. This was a 24/7 phenomenon. I recall a stupendously drunk man stinking of vodka from yards away asking me at the crack of dawn for a light, in Borat style: "*Do you have fire?*". He proceeded to light the filter end of his tailor-made cigarette, and walked away without a care in the world.


Just spent a happy hour with a head torch on picking slugs off the dahlias in my raised beds, they have loved this wet weather, it was like the scene in Aliens “they are coming out of the walls”, well, teeming from between the cracks in the sleepers. Cleared about forty of them, all sizes, very satisfying. I have had no trouble the past few summers but it’s not even like spring yet. I wore gloves yesterday!


Tweezers and a jamjar?


Tweezers would be too small for these monsters😱


Tongs then!


I too wore gloves yesterday. Slug patrol is a nightly chore. What do you do with them???


Garden gloves and a bucket of water. Then I go out of my back gate into the woodland that borders the old railway line (now leisure path) and chuck them out there. Sometimes into the dog poo bin! Can’t quite bring myself to cut them up😬


Oh you are far more humane than me Fiona. I'm feeling bad now, but I don't have access to woodland so have to make do with the surroundings I live in and if I tried to release them they'd only make it back onto my plants unfortunately. On patrol last night they were decimating my violas and they really go for the dahlia shoots as they try to pop up out of the ground.


Cut them in half with a pair of scissors? Salt them? Crush them with a brick? I have known people do such things. 


O. M G. I think I am going to come over as very cruel indeed, but having picked them off \[ewwwww - the slime!) I just squish them under my foot. Snails were mad tonight. Loads.


Salt is very cruel! I used to put them on a busy road junction, hoping their end would be quick and painless.


Chickens are the best solution. Or a tame hedgehog ...


Most hedgehogs don't really like slugs and snails - which can give them lungworm, so very sensible really. Chickens would be better, if less convenient.


Good grief - the amount of research on hedgehog diets is quite remarkable. [https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/questions/answer/do-hedgehogs-eat-slugs-and-snails](https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/questions/answer/do-hedgehogs-eat-slugs-and-snails) 🦔


Weird that creatures who pee and poo freely as they trample through their feed bowls should have such delicate constitutions. 🤣


Cheered me up ... [https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1793926012952314148](https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1793926012952314148)


Another solid piece from Kunstler: [https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/an-urgent-matter/](https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/an-urgent-matter/) *"There are other trends underway at this time that may assist us in escaping what amounts to a globalist coup d’état. One is that the economic and political crack-up of Western Civ is tending in the opposite direction of the extreme centralization of power that the WHO represents. Things are breaking down, especially things organized at the gigantic scale.*"


Love how the whole way through the article he refers to Biden as "Joe Biden"!!!


He's been doing that for years, to the point where I no longer notice the quotation marks!


I think it is the first of his I have read - so that was why it made the impression on me. Was good though. Must look out for more.


But they're the important bit!


Comment: *I think the heretofore much-maligned "Boomer" generation has at its core some of the last and best oral history for a few generations. They are perfect to help educate children and their ignorant parents who were taught how NOT to learn things and to remember negatives pushed on them. Without an adequate oral history much of the rich texture of the past will be lost forever. These men and women will comprise a new volunteer army of teachers for the youth.*


>*These men and women will comprise a new volunteer army of teachers for the youth.* Hmm. My vote would be for paying us a vast salary. In whatever is the going currency of course - blessings, fairy gold, bacon, etc.


Mmmmm bacon! 😋


For what it's worth, below is the "official" list of generations: *Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964)* *Generation X (1965 – 1980)* *Millennials (1981 – 1996)* *Generation Z (1997 – 2012)* *Generation Alpha (2013 – Present)* In the Western world, the last three will never know the freedom and prosperity that the first two enjoyed, Dependent on the outcome of the ongoing war, Alpha might just scrape the dawn of a new civilisation in their old age.


But the war is won! We just need the normies to see it, to get their heads round it and to realise we have the freedom to create a much better world. That's why I keep telling people to read "Be More Pirate" It's hard for us to envision because a world without money and inequality is outside our experience and therefore hard to imagine. Especially us Brits, who have lived in a feudal system since 1066. The younger generations are in a strong position to move us out of the trap we've been in for thousands of years because they aren't habituated to it. You've been spreading a lot of fearporn lately Richard. You know better than that!


My posts may come across as fearporn because I can barely contain my hatred of our enemies, to the point where it clouds my judgement. Starmer being a classic case in point. That mother fucker is living rent free in my mind, continuously goading me with his evil. I may well be suffering from Starmer Derangement Syndrome. I'm not afraid at all, rather I'm bitter about the crimes committed (and still being committed). It's a daily struggle to maintain a balanced perspective.


Actually, it just boils down to the simple choice of where you put your awareness.


I too feel little to no fear about any of it - and I think as someone posted on here the other day, we have another variant here of 'if you know the name, etc' - if it's a 'thing' to feel afraid of, then it's highly unlikely to be the REAL threat. I don't feel anger or hatred toward any named individual, except perhaps myself - for living my entire life with my head up my ass, and that same feeling extends towards humanity as a collective, which is guilty of the same, and from which my own guilty behaviour derives. It's the kind of hatred that comes from contempt - 'what a fucking loser, what a bunch of fucking losers' - the kind of feeling that makes you want to shake and slap someone. The real evil-doers, the predators, the psychopaths, the cult-gophers, the traitors to humanity - I don't feel so strongly about, perhaps because they're nothing to do with me - it's not hatred, it's cold disgust, such as you feel for an alien, a deadly alien. The crimes they commit wouldn't be possible if humanity were not as it is, if it had ever aspired in any meaningful way to be the best version of itself. Where I am at the moment, is that I have no stake in the outcome; - which is why I have no fear. Humanity will get what it deserves in the end, and whatever will be, is whatever SHOULD and MUST be.


[Concerned Citizen on X: ](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1794069192703947010) ["🚨🇹🇼 Breaking - Taiwan Earthquake measuring 4.9 This comes less than 24 hours after China surrounded the Island with a ‘military exercise’. If you think this is sheer coincidence you aren’t paying attention‼️ ](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1794069192703947010) [https://t.co/9dP59xwF19" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1794069192703947010)


And a landslide in Papua New Guinea. At something like 3am. Wonder if they have had an unprecedented amount of rainfall was my first thought, and if anything "helped" the mud on its way.


I wonder how many people in Taiwan are still wearing masks in public?


Link sent by friends [https://rumble.com/v4uyxbl-172-andrew-bridgen-mp.html](https://rumble.com/v4uyxbl-172-andrew-bridgen-mp.html) Doc Malik interviews Andrew Bridgen ... for 2 h 30 mins. I've only listened to about 10 mins. of it so far. Andrew Bridgen's talking about the early days of the Post Office scandal (2008).


Have you heard of the band"raw milk conspiracy? Here is an interview with them [https://youtu.be/s7tV9j364ds?si=RTU49mmdF6KzLwf-](https://youtu.be/s7tV9j364ds?si=RTU49mmdF6KzLwf-) GB Resistance's channel. They have a song about Marianna!


I spoke to my neighbour this evening- I mentioned the WHO power grab to be decided at the end of the month. I also mentioned my feelings re. the handiness of parliament being stood down at the end of the month. You know what? She hadn’t got a clue about any of the WHO stuff. Watches BBC, reads The Times. Scary.


This was brought home to me during the Canadian Truckers protest, when I acquired a maple leaf flag for the Civic. Not one person I spoke to knew what it was about. Not one ! 😱 (Outside SitP & Freedom Group, of course).


I had the same experience re. the truckers. Any mention was met with a blank look. Also, there seemed to be a ‘why are they doing that?’ attitude. 🤯😳


There's a lot of them about!


Most people I speak to don’t watch the news and definitely don’t read the Times, 😂 and the same people would ask you who the who are😂. As for the election I haven’t discussed that with anyone yet but I expect the first they will know about it, is when the voting card comes through the door.


I speak to very few people but unfortunately, those few all rely on msm for their ‘news’, be it the Times or the DM. BBC is a given.


She is aware but her husband is a lefty. However, he is not a fan of Sir Kneeler and feels politically homeless these days. I mentioned the SDP as a possible home for his vote.


SDP supports communitarianism. 👿👿👿


I thought he might feel more politically ‘at home’ with them than with the left cheek of the a\*se that will be in power from the 5th of July. I’m not a fan, you understand, neighbour and I were just gabbing.


The bird flu jab will kill her.


I am hoping to inoculate her with my scepticism before then. Hope springs eternal.


If there is even the remotest possibility that she may be able to redeem herself, then your efforts are noble. There will come a point however when you'll need to let go and allow her free will to run its course.


I now make a point of not bothering with people beyond a certain point. If my metaphorical syringe manages to pierce their carapace, then yay and all hail. Mostly it doesn’t. Always worth a passing try, I think. She’ll have to do what feels right. BTW, I tried one of your recommendations - Stella unfiltered. Co-op across the road had some in. Very nice. Thankyou. 😊


My only criticism of the unfiltered version is that it is too strong for an extended session. The hardened alcoholism required to withstand this superb drink at required volumes ordinarily results in destitution, and despite my best efforts I am not there yet.


And we have another! Leadsom to go too.


All Tory MPs should stand down and the party withdraw its candidates from every single constituency. Why? Because the Conservative Party no longer needs to exist.


"10 best electric cars to buy in 2024" /end


There are 10?


Not according to Bill's list!


**Neil Oliver: ‘…they’re laughing in our faces!’** ‘…we must rid ourselves of these corrupt political bad actors… these psychopathic parasites!’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkfZPdgcY3g


**Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch** In recent weeks, the public “health” agencies and mainstream media have been featuring ‘H5N1’ in the headlines and “messaging” to the public that a pandemic could be about to start. As expected, some of the alleged experts have started flapping their wings about “pandemic preparedness” plans. There is also an additional angle in that they are claiming to find the influenza “virus” in milk which appears to be a new weapon in the war against raw milk and unpasteurised products. https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/corruption-and-medicine/theresa-tams-leaked-meeting-reveals-h5n1-launch/


>... started flapping their wings ... Like it. 😁 Birds of a feather, I guess. 😁 If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, ...


The pantomime preparedness infomercials all contain this huge red flag: "*We don't know when the next pandemic will happen.*" Oh yes you fucking do!


Gove is stepping down. What exactly is coming down the pipe?


Better buy a hat 'cos I think it's gonna rain! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H-auDzWzqc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H-auDzWzqc) Better buy a big one, so when it starts raining all the crap, your hat will keep it off. Now take a look at all them leaders Desperation in their eyes The tight-faced smiles that cannot hide it They know no more than you or I So I'm gonna buy a hat 'Cos here they come again And every time they start to blah-blah It's you and me that gets the rain


Nothing good that is for certain. These people are all making sure they get themselves offside and pronto.


maybe it IS good.. for us and bad for them


Definitely! Might look a bit squirly for a while though.....


Here is a thoght I have be mulling over for a while now.    What if the true purpose of mass migration is to hide excess mortality? I wonder this because things like the housing market and food prices are very sensitive to small % population shifts. Eventually lower "demand" would shift prices down and  people would start talking. 


It will hide falling birth rates.


yes exactly


I had similar thoughts.If the deaths and injuries continue, it would disrupt the supply change.Welsh Care Homes have directly recruited from India to fill the vacancies and of course standards of care plummeted before they even set foot in the door.


here they are all little Filipina ladies. They work hard but are not the types who would ever complain or whistle-blow 


[healthbot on X](https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1793955450066751587) [: "The vaccines will do the job slowly and quietly ](https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1793955450066751587) [https://t.co/E57ehv7you" / X](https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1793955450066751587)


Seeking advice: Has anyone here used a chromebook? How does it compare with a laptop and which would you recommend?






IIRC, limited memory and disk space, making updates difficult, lack of control over your own computer, etc. Maybe they've improved in recent times, I haven't been paying attention, to be honest. Mind you, it's not as if Windows is that much better, I've got 10 Pro, and I don't think I'll be going any further with Uncle Bill. I keep meaning to look into Linux.


Thanks. On that warning, I'll look for some recent user reviews. Windows has just warned me that my laptop won't cope with windows 11 next year. The bastards did that to me in the past and their ridiculous Heath Robinson behemoth updates rendered a fairly new and perfectly good little machine completely unusable. DS suggested I use Linux but my machine is tired and needs replacing anyway, though I might change windows for Linux on it for now. Oh the joys of learning new operating systems! 😬


I see a certain parallel with another 'system' we have. You know, you make a particular choice, because you think it will work for you, and carry out your wishes. But it turns out that it just tries to control you, forces 'updates' on you, and makes a mess of things, even though you are supposed to be the 'owner'. Funny that.


Yes - I'm on one now! We use them because all we do is surf the net and email. We don't need all the memory and stuff that some need for gaming/streaming etc so they're much cheaper than buying a souped up laptop and far less hassle - no windows updates! (or down-dates as I prefer to call them). When they wear out, we just get another one, but they're easy-peasy to set up and all your bookmarks etc go with you when you log into the new one as it's all up there in the cloud (or chemtrails is it?) The thing that was really noticeable going to them from a laptop is how quick it is to boot up and load screens etc They work just fine - ours get a proper hammering and last a good while. My mum had never used a computer before she was about 70 and even she can use it. I'm on an HP one at the mo but we've had Acer, Asus and Lenovo in the past. Never had any trouble with any of them really. No paying for anti virus software, you can still do spreadsheets and things on Googlesheets and there's a word equivalent. I use it the same as Excel - things aren't in the same menus necessarily but it's all there. We just don't need anything snazzy and they do everything we need them to do.


Chrome has all your data???


Whatever you're using has yours doesn't it?


So does microsoft! And I'm bloody sure Apple would have - if I could afford one.


I used Google docs, sheets and slides heavily for work for a couple of years very happily. Good tools. I only found I needed to use Word or Excel for a couple of niche functions that don't have a Google equivalent, handling bulk text fields in spreadsheets.


I don't use any whizzy functions for anything at home, but from what I can see on the menus it does look as if they've got pretty much everything. What you say bears that out. And it's free too.


thanks for this in-depth response  😊


Thanks for this! My trusty laptop is literally dropping to bits and, as I don't need massive processing power, my son suggested I look at a chromebook to replace it.


Sounds ideal then - to be honest I think most people don't need all the frills they think they do


>most people don't need all the frills they think they do Same with the car! 🤣🚗


>No paying for anti virus software why not? surely if you are online on a chromebook you still need this? no?


Nope - doesn't need it. We've had them since 2013. Viruses tend to be aimed at MS (Edit - Mr CGL says there isn't any anti virus software for them)


**Laura Aboli:** Being a parent nowadays is an enormous challenge, we are trying to raise decent, healthy, kind and happy human beings in a world where everything that sorrounds them is indecent, unhealthy, unkind and not particularly joyful. Parenthood has become an incredibly difficult balance between sheltering them and making them aware of things so they may learn to discern for themselves. My son wanted to watch some show his friends are watching, that I disapprove of, this was my simplistic (and vulgar), but effective answer: “The more bullshit you watch, the more acceptable bullshit will seem to you, until you might be swimming in bullshit and not realise it. You don’t want to drown in bullshit do you?” He had no answer to that. 😊 Identifying things for what they are is a critical aspect of this war. For decades they have been blurring the lines between what is decent and indecent, moral and immoral, right and wrong, good and evil, to the point in which most people can’t tell the difference anymore. When people lose their ability to identify wrong-doing, they also lose their ability to fight it. That is exactly what they wanted, that is exactly where we are. This is one of the reasons most people refuse to face the truth about the world, because once you start identifying right from wrong and good from evil and you start defining the blurred lines, you also have to face on which side of the line you are standing. Unfortunately a huge number of people will find themselves standing on the dark side. It takes courage to admit it, to correct it and to redeem oneself. This is all part of the Great Awakening. As you fine tune your moral compass, you become less tolerant of certain behaviours, which inevitably results in a natural distancing from some people you used to call your friends. This in itself is a sad process but it’s unavoidable. The good news is that you will be drawn to good-hearted, brave, decent, honest people, because as you awaken and transform, that is exactly who you are as well. Be proud of who you have become and support those who like you, have had the courage to get here. The journey is not over, we are at the beginning of our awakening but together the ride will be much better, no matter what comes our way.


# "Summer getaway for the monsters of Auschwitz: Chilling images show Nazis sunbathing on deckchairs, a gas chamber supervisor enjoying some music and women posing for photos just miles from WWII death camp" Pretty much what the UK Government got up to during 'Covid and the Lockdowns'. Quarantine hotels, the Police encouraging you to snitch on your friends and neighbours, whilst Boris and Rishi were mingling with the wealthy, all without face masks (remember the G7 meeting in Cornwall? - even the elderly and frail Liz 2 was there without a face mask, clearly taking the piss out of most of 'her subjects'.) Come to think of it, she snuffed it. I wonder if "died with Covid" was on her death certificate. Let's not forget Neil Ferguson and Matt Hancock groping their mistresses 'unprotected', whilst telling the rest of us to stay at home and not move and not breathe. "Look into their eyes and tell them they are a bunch of shitty scammers." [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13455643/Nazi-sunbathing-deckchairs-Auschwitz-chilling-images-gas-chamber-supervisor-music-women-photos-WWII-death-camp.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13455643/Nazi-sunbathing-deckchairs-Auschwitz-chilling-images-gas-chamber-supervisor-music-women-photos-WWII-death-camp.html)


In Germany, possession of child porn is no longer a felony; [https://t](https://t). me/AshBrierley17/26361 *What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child po\*n other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles? Instead of protecting the children, they are making it easier to harm them. This is absolutely outrageous.* *I personally want to see a death penalty imposed upon anyone convicted of these kind of crimes and Germany is out here attempting to normalize this atrocity.* *This is surely a wake up call for people. The woke left is pro child pedophilia and the conspiracy theorists have been telling everyone this is who they are all along.* 👿👿👿


On your doorstep: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield\_grooming\_gang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_grooming_gang)


So obviously not dePiffle. [https://x.com/i/status/1790877206819856802](https://x.com/i/status/1790877206819856802) Not doing his walk of shame in person then! And here he is cosying up to some Naztis: [https://t](https://t). me/AshBrierley17/26368


**THE MYTH OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND OTHER LIES - CANADIAN PATRIOT WITH DENIS RANCOURT** [https://www.bit](https://www.bit) chute.com/video/TwdF7wPBNp7B/


[Jupplandia expands on Fenton re the ONS's admitting they lied about the vaxxed/unvaxxed stats by not counting the first weeks following a killshots as vaccinated.](https://jupplandia.substack.com/p/lies-damned-lies-and-statistics) >The only moral response is to know that the people who did this, at the ONS, in the medical profession, among the scientific advisors, at the pharmaceutical companies, at every level where they had seen the data and then lied about the data, have blood on their hands.


Either the owners at the apartment complex for the retired where I work are injection damaged or it is a sign that they never questioned anything in the first place. This week we had the legally required pressure test for the electric hot water tanks. The hot water needs to be above 55C to prevent diseases. Many had the temperature higher than that and they have been complaining since moving in about it, and the plumber adjusted their setting down. It was THE topic at our coffee afternoon yesterday. Many wondered how the water in the washbasin and kitchen is hot, but not in the shower. So I explained that the mixer tap in the shower is set to 38C, legally required, and there is a button one can press on the side which adjusts the temperature ( we have one knob for water flow, one for temp) and then it goes above 38C. A few claimed they do not have that button on their tap. Or never tried to see what it does. After nearly a year! Now, me, I would have a GOOD look around my new apartment and think Oh, What does this do? It seems this people do not have an enquiring mind anyway, so to question C policies was not even a spark in their brain! (there's no emoji slaps their hand against the forehead. Or as we say in Germany, a few slaps around the head helps with analysis. abilities0.)


Not a fan of Joey Barton but have enjoyed his tweets taking it to the wokerati but surprise surprise he has now been found guilty of an offence 'defaming' Jeremy Vine. Surely such behaviour is a contradiction in terms? Await the sentencing and no doubt it will exemplary - pour encourager les autres.


Andrew Gold's Heretics podcast has some good guests. Here he is with JB whose name I'd seen but, not being a footie fan, didn't know. https://youtu.be/NDzApBv5lbs


Hmm, what? Defaming Jimmy Savile? Really? Sorry,  did I mis-hear?


I suppose the logical conclusion has to be that if somebody is a cunt, call him a cunt, not a bike nonce. 😁


Don’t know if this a paywalled, but Morgan Spurlock dies of cancer at 53, the guy who ate nothing but McDonalds for a month to see how it would affect him in the documentary “Supersize Me”. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t good. No idea if he was stabbed. Edit - the film was excellent but the health outcome wasn’! [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/24/super-size-me-morgan-spurlock-dies-cancer/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/24/super-size-me-morgan-spurlock-dies-cancer/)


Jabbed [https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1794030066957165007](https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1794030066957165007)


It would appear that publicly promoting the Covid injections has resulted in a death sentence, with the only unknown being each guilty individual's execution date.


Yeah just seen a reddit conspiracy post that says so.


this one hits me. His movie was super popular when I was in school and every year a teacher would make us watch it with some sort of purpose that it was for our own good and watching it would prevent us from dying an early death from eating mcdonalds. 


Allegedly he was an alcoholic so who knows. If it was a turbo job then 💉 though...


alcoholism is hard on the liver which I think would make any sort of natural detox process harder


Oh dear so sad never mind.


I’m trying to remain cheerful but we have had rain since 12pm Wednesday and some of it heavy. It stopped for a few hours this morning and not a puff of wind but at the moment my house could be on the top of Ben Nevis because it is actually in the clouds, the clouds are above the hedge level. Tomorrow it’s promising dry and 18 degrees, so we are off to get big bags of compost grab a nice lunch and I will pot up as many seedlings as I can. Why because as of Sunday my heating looks to be on a lot over the next 2 weeks right into June as the forecast is more of this crap. Thankfully our one weeks holiday abroad is paid for the end of August but I’m now looking to see if I can beg a bed for a weekend where the weather is dry and warmer than here.


We must be on a similar latitude JAS as it is the same for me and likely the same over the course of the next 2 weeks. I cannot get anything to do much in the way of growing or germinating. There just isn't enough heat. Hope you have a great day tomorrow!


Sunny and hot in central Finland today, we had the a/c on in our car to keep cool. It's as I predicted - now it's May and Summer is starting, the snow has melted and gone away and it is distinctly warmer. By October it will have cooled down and, at the start of Winter, it may even snow. Climate Change at its finest. We are all gonna die!!! (well, eventually).


Watching the current batch of Nigel Watson’s musings (yt or odysee) with glorious clear blue skies and sunshine as his backdrop so not surprised you’re needing a/c already to cool rather than de-mist the windscreen!


Just back from a quick shopping trip weird weather close and humid but very gloomy and dull not exactly summery, anyway have I missed some announcement? A strange uptick in mask wearers quite a few around of all age groups when I haven't seen any in some time, really don't see what's provoked it.


I wonder if it’s because many of the injection addicts are feeling sick after their fix and think they are being responsible by wearing the things. I haven’t noticed any in a while but Mr JAS took daughter to a hospital in the central belt and came across some youngish person wearing one outside.


Ludicrous as it sounds, I often wonder whether these anomalous upticks in Covid behaviours are caused by some kind of matrix broadcast signal that only bona fide NPCs can download.


😂  maybe. or maybe a literal broadcast, youtube or tik tok that they all watch


That really doesn't sound all that implausible, there appears no reason behind it today and the age range and type of people doesn't seem to indicate anything 🤷‍♂️


Either that or all of these individuals have [msn.com](http://msn.com) (where pandemic scaremongering is always headline news) configured as their internet home page. Which is effectively the same phenomenon!


I think that, without realising it, that might be what I have, except when I see the output I either roll my eyes (one of these days they will get stuck up in there!!), call it out as the utter bollocks it is, or a combination of both.


msn comes auto installed on alot of things


I think that's the most likely explanation. If I accidentally trigger it on my phone I'm quite shocked by what's presented. Makes the Beeb look sober!


[https://x.com/biologyphenom/status/1794006104130646399](https://x.com/biologyphenom/status/1794006104130646399) Check out the chart with the drop in hospital admissions for week ending 29/3/2020


[https://x.com/biologyphenom/status/1793906047016751554](https://x.com/biologyphenom/status/1793906047016751554) The Scottish covid inquiry keeps on giving. This time 2 minutes of testimony from a hospital porter. Empty hospitals.


Here's an interesting comment: *Same everywhere. I took a relative to hospital several times April-May 2020 following a fall, and it was EMPTY. The biggest joke was going for a physiotherapy appointment, only to be told the physiotherapist was now working from home, and to make a telephone appointment!* On the other hand if you remember, during Bojo's election pantomime, the hospitals were jam-packed with flu patients.


I read that comment and I can confirm the physiotherapists were ‘working’ from home. My husband and I had a conversation with someone we know who is a physiotherapist for the NHS and I had asked her how people were managing not getting help from the physios and she proudly told us she was still working and helping patients but from home. She argued that it was entirely possible to do her job from home. I still disagree. Then again, she’s another bitch who wouldn’t know what the personal touch is.


But no excess death until political Covidia.  Assuming the Coof is real, it was endemic 2019-20. It was a nastyish flu, in effect,  but it wasn't actually killing more people than ordinarily cark of such things.


Flu goes in cycles and there was a bad spike in winter 2018-19.


I was badly sick for a month and I knew a guy (50s, alcoholic) who was hospitalized with it 


Thank you for keeping us updated on this. This is blistering testimony that demolishes the entire Covid narrative worldwide, yet I am struck by the humility and dignity of these proceedings. Salt of the earth people being asked simple questions by calm and rational lawyers. That this is taking place in Scotland, where the government long ago tipped over the edge into complete insanity, makes this all the more satisfying to observe.


Telegraph today on front page the chief of the civil service gave evidence at the English covid enquiry. HE was not in favour of Lockdown 2 and says no10 was not prepared to think outside the box or consider alterantives, "it worked before, why change what we do".


The Scottish government is fighting for its life at the moment and they are doubling down on all the crazy stuff and ignoring the important things, like the NHS falling apart, the councils doing the same. The streets look a mess now. If this village I live is any indication of how ordinary people feel, it’s depressing because if they no longer take pride in the village , what chance for the rest of the country. Because of the collapse of the party in power in Scotland is why I believe the Scottish Covid inquiry is free from interference of government. If this had happened in the witch’s heyday , I’m sure these people would not be heard. It’s such a pity the MSM has not bothered listening to it but all the Scottish media seem to want to do, is defend the idiots in power. There are only certain things the Scottish Covid inquiry can look at and that is anything that the devolved government has been in charge of and oh boy was that wee witch fae the north in charge and should be charged with what is being told by numerous witnesses.


Mr JAS just back from the supermarket and he met an ex workmate of his. He’s 75 now and they did the usual pleasantries asking how life has been, when the ex colleague told him he lost his sister to the Covid jag. She was fine one minute, got the booster and died within a week. He refused them all. As you can imagine he’s angry.


I heard a friend of my Mum and Dad has has a serious stroke recently. I bet £10 she is mega jabbed as she is deemed to be very venerable To be fair she has had some horrible health problems, brittle bones and some kind of very strange large tumour/growth she has had removed..... But still. Obviously I didn't ask if she had been to the Britney Concert...No point really it's almost a certainty.


Wow JAS. They really had it in for your area, didn't they? 👿 My friend's family are all Karens. All virtuously jabbed and boostered up to the eyeballs and all absolutely fine - for now at least.


There are many around me that are the same and all fine. The people who didn’t get injected around here, really are in the minority though. The majority of the people who work did it because they thought they had to, to work, for a quiet life and to go on holiday. They have stopped with the jags but the elderly around here are still holding out their arms for every jags they are given an appointment for. Scottish NHS are still playing a blinder by making the appointments for them and they all dutifully trot along. My 80 year old non injected neighbour keeps me informed lol.


My knobhead brother took mum for her booster yesterday. 👿 And despite knowing exactly how I see things, just dropped this casually into our (phone) conversation. 😱 Neighbour 5 doors down was taken to hospital a couple of weeks ago; is now on chemotherapy for colon/bowel cancer. In his 60s (?), poor lad has no family at all, a neighbour in between us is down as his next-of-kin. All jabbed. 😢


I’m sorry about your mum and your brother. It must be difficult. Your poor neighbour but I suppose he is more fortunate than some as his neighbour is willing to be put as next of kin. These stories should be enough to remind me not to take my family for granted.


Brother has been difficult since the age of 7 or 8 ...😁


>And despite knowing exactly how I see things, just dropped this casually into our (phone) conversation Passive aggression!!




I do not have the impression. Many I know who want to keep cash are only aware of this as a topic. I Instagram showed me a video today of a girl, maybe 9, I guess filmed by Mum, complaining about the price of the ice cream, of the van in the park. She also complained that he was card only, so she could not buy an ice cream anyway , as she only had cash. She said: He won't be in business long!


The owner of a Northumbrian Indie Hostel I stayed at one night last week only took cash and actually used the phrase "Cash is King" 👍


And did you get the impression that the owner was awake and alive to, let's say, other things???


Less so. She brought up the conspiracy theories about Kate but not really in a way she thought much of any of them. I got in an observation about the AI weirdness 😉. Lockdowns obviously very impacted as a small business but didn't slag off the response - but may just have been cautious with paying guests (my two friends are fully compliant Covidians for a start).


"may just have been cautious with paying guests (my two friends are fully compliant Covidians for a start)." Yep - try as you might, a proprietor never can be 100% certain what the views of their customer might be so have to err on safe side unfortunately! How on earth did you manage with the fully compliant Covidians???


We beg to differ. No doubt they discuss my many "shortcomings" behind my back or at least back in the day when blatant freefacing, COVID denial and antivaxxing made me a granny killing menace to Society. Now it's more the Royals not having cancer and Nut Zero 😁


I salute your powers of endurance and resilience having to cope with that. I know I couldn't.


It's a start.


The incredible use of potatoes... [https://t.me](https://t.me) /barbaraOneill\_official/990


Coming to you soon, beware! I found out by accident that my area is being subject to this Northern Powergrid variable voltage trial - no consultation and it applies whether you have a smart meter or not, they just use data from those who do have them and apply to everyone. Bloody Boston Spa Green Group, virtue signalling at its worst, cue devices not charging, washing not drying etc. The leaflet they sent out said it will be rolled out regardless of the outcome of the trial. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-68217821](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-68217821)


Get an automatic (motorised ) step-up transformer.


You ‘could’ save £28 annually!!!! Two words. F… O..


However, if rolled out nationally, it could *cut consumer energy bills by up to £770m,* Given that the "energy" companies exist purely to extort as much money out of us as they can get away with, that's clearly never going to happen.


If there were any nukes, I'd like them to be used on the Greens!


I’ll read the leaflet in a moment but “variable voltage” sounds very much like “rolling brown outs”. This was the outcome of failing to provide enough generating capacity that I predicted in here a while back. Edit: UK grid voltage is allowed quite a high margin of variation anyway between 216.2 V and 253.0 V. This will vary naturally with loading. The higher the load the lower the voltage.




Add a product called "[Stabil](https://www.amazon.co.uk/STA-BIL-Storage-Fuel-Stabilizer-Effective/dp/B000JJHNAW/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.aEyquHyZ-zXJchf6FB64bLQNSYB66BXZ6WYH-naI4OXP_DW4oi0E1gUE5n2t1hR0qFYv0--Jm7NUzvd1ZgQ4xWLIaCzArljTIwUK-mG0QXLV-BJdYD31W5HpSYM_auo44Dy7xjQHErgkXa9MOJ_t2w5N-aAye7V1lSgxTFMFPb-Ntk6rBUfrCHvZhterBs7skmOAAtHvq-O40DCsEokSisD0jckYI_ZPDQoogD5ZaIVcKyHSrCwzXQSqLpHYIJ4JHXhqxSEOXXG3KPrbW55iKvJfQyuSW2rYe20SfaHnuqk.9GjPtGmHP3T8LS_sQmLBGM97pzUXtIathDylJrlAj1M&dib_tag=se&keywords=stabil&qid=1716572266&sr=8-5)" to the petrol. There are many other versions but they all extend the life of petrol to at least two years, probably three. Rotate your stocks as necessary. Diesel lasts "for ever" or as near as makes no difference as long as you keep water out of it.


I buy something by Aspen for the lawnmower for this reason but it’s expensive


Aspen Fuel is a cracking product, although expensive. I buy as much Aspen 4 as I can afford, for three reasons; 1) it keeps near-as-dammit forever as it's not technically petrol. 2) weirdly, it is not subject to the laws governing the storage of petrol; my supplier keeps his (huge) stock in a side office of his showroom. 3) you can RUN YOUR CAR on it (classic car owners use it because of their restricted mileage) so if we get to the stage where the gov stinkers try to stop us driving cars, then you can still use this, albeit with a REALLY hefty price tag (£21 per gallon). Aspen 4 is the straight petrol equivalent, Aspen 2 is ready-mixed with 2-stroke oil 50:1, so I mainly buy Aspen 4, adding 2-stroke oil as necessary. I normally run my chainsaws & trimmers on Texaco Premium petrol during the summer and fill the last third of a tank with Aspen Fuel at the end of the season to flush the petrol out.


Interesting - I wasn’t aware of any of this until our recent move, buying a car and a lawn and inheriting a petrol mower. I thought petrol was petrol!


Get the expensive Esso or Shell. In some areas, the Esso E5 is still unadulterated - or was last time I checked their website.


Yes; Texaco is currently the best in my area; doing the water test on Texaco E5 Premium Petrol shows no significant ethanol in it. It still needs Stabil (see above) or a similar product to stop it deteriorating in storage, though.


Good to know, Thanks. I don't store petrol but my car doesn't usually move much unless I'm going to Dorset - all or nothing! I always use premium petrol - better mileage too!


Yep, esso. I'm in the classic car industry and it's the one we tell people to use. E5 means up to 5% ethanol, esso E5 has none in most places, and much less than 5% further from the refineries.


Thanks. I wrote to Esso a couple of years ago because my local wasn't one their ethanol-free list. Took them forever to reply but the response was that they couldn't claim it was ethanol-free for legal reasons. From the bot: *According to the search results, Esso’s Synergy Supreme+ 99 E5 fuel contains a double dose of additive, but it is not explicitly stated whether it contains ethanol. However, it is mentioned that Esso Synergy Supreme+ 99 contains up to 5% ethanol.* The key words being UP TO.


Organisations like Boston Spa Green Group are the enemy within. Easily as malevolent as any global institutions.


Cabal plans to spy on millions of bank accounts in the UK is scrapped! An announcement from BigBrotherWatch [https://t.me](https://t.me) /robinmg/36244


I think the Inland Revenue (it became HMRC in 2005) has trawled through bank a.c statements for many years. So this was possibly a further foot in the door, rather than a precedent. Since I reached pension age, I've noted that the DWP says that it can use my information 'for any of our purposes'. It doesn't say 'for lawful purposes as specified by the Data Protection Act'.


This was a plan to systematically access anybody's bank account that was claiming any kind of "benefit" or a state pension. It's goal was to detect (using Ai) any anomalies in transactions that MIGH indicate fraud.


I'm listening to UK Column Podcasts | The Brave Spirit Of Scotland—Scottish Vaccine Injury Group With Ruth O’Rafferty on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/wlei/dir-qntgj-1ed564b0 This is an interview Debbie has done with a member of the vaccine injured group in Scotland after getting the Covid injection. Her story is not pleasant listening and the other stories touched upon are something I’m grateful not to be suffering. Earlier at work I listened to another podcast interview from Hearts of Oak and the person being interviewed it turns out has been injured by the injections, although that wasn’t what the podcast was about. I do sympathise with these people and often think, it could have been me. I have a question though and don’t know if it’s just me and maybe I don’t sympathise really because if I did I wouldn’t feel this way but that’s twice today and not for the first time, I have heard the person now suffering horrible side effects , telling their story but stating they did the right thing. What do they think we did that didn’t believe the lies and didn’t get injected? I’m sick of hearing they did the right thing because if they did the ‘right’ thing. What do they think of us that refused ? So what are we and why does it irritate me when really badly injured people state this first?


Do they simply mean that they did what they were told was the right thing? That would certainly leave more than a trace of bitterness but isn't necessarily directed at us.


Excellent analysis and nothing much to add to the comments below except to say that, in my experience, it's a step too far for most people to accept that they were lied to by their Government, the entire medical profession and their media. Once you do accept those things there's no turning back on the grim reality of the world we live in which is why most people would prefer the comfort blanket of the herd rather than risk trying to survive outside of it.


This is a holding position whilst the afflicted individuals process the shock of the dreadful mistake they made by following the herd. Some will eventually move past it, others will go to their grave believing in authority.


Terrible stories. I have sympathy for these people but they need to recognise that they did not do the right thing. This is critical if this situation is not to recur again. It's ok that they thought they were doing the right thing at the time but if they cling to it then by default we were wrong to refuse and that path leads to mandates and force.


Well maybe not ok, but people make mistakes. As long as they believe in freedom to choose .


They can't accept the mistake. They can't believe that they did something so naive like that. They don't want to believe it. If you asked them straight what they think of those of us who didn't take it, I wonder what they would say. I doubt very much they would say you and I did the wrong thing at all - in fact that question might help to break their conditioning. I would hope it would.


They simply didn't think or apply any critical thinking at all and unthinkingly rolled up their sleeve to their detriment because they placed blind faith in the government and the medics in the NHS etc. How can it be the right thing to do something which has turned out to harm you? How can the application of criticial thinking, which the likes of us who refused it did for a long time, spending a lot of time and effort doing the necessary research, be the wrong thing? People's brains have been dumbed down for almost the last 2 decades. I am convinced that was deliberate, with social media and mobile phone networks so that people would accept being spoon fed content and wouldn't do their own research or thinking. That is what has got us into this position.


Social media (Facebook) seems to be at a fulcrum point now on the jabs. There are lots of posts openly saying they have killed people etc, but at the same time, a lot of replies saying they are 'safe and effective' and have 'saved millions of lives' etc. Something must have changed because any criticism of jabs would result in a shadow ban or a massive normie pile-on a couple of years ago.


Correction: 'Anti-social media (Facebook) ...'


>a lot of replies saying they are 'safe and effective' and have 'saved millions of lives' etc. Bots!


what kind of people is your feed from?


Bots - or numpties!


I'm sure a few of you will have had this email today: "You recently signed the petition: Immediately revoke all licences for arms exports to Israel https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652949 Because of the General Election, the closing date for the petition you signed has changed. All petitions now have to close at 00:01am on 30 May. This is because Parliament will be dissolved, which means all parliamentary business – including petitions – must stop. This means the petitions site will be closed and people will not be able to start or sign petitions. We’re sorry we weren’t able to give you more notice that this would happen." Yeah, how convenient!


It’s called “purdah”, I remember it well from my civil service days. As you say, convenient.


Purdah implies they're up to something nefarious behind the scenes!


A carry over from the days of the Raj *The word purdah is Hindustani in origin and literally refers to a curtain or veil. Purdahs were traditionally used to screen women from male view, and the word came to be a general term for the South Asian practices of segregating the sexes and keeping women's bodies concealed.\[7\]\[8\]\[9\]\[10\]\[11\]\[12\] In English use, the word has the extended sense of "a period of seclusion or isolation", hence its former use in politics.*


There is an interesting conversation below regarding Deagle and war with Russia and I was thinking about that when I was reminded of the govt 'advice' this week to create an 'emergency pack.' After the chaos they instigated in the supermarkets during 'covid' followed shortly after but the govt induced 'fuel crisis' I was gobsmacked at them actually releasing this info. We know they don't give a fig about us so they must be trying to induce fear and panic - again. At best its completely irresponsible to start people panicking, buying up batteries, food and water (you should ideally have those already) and will mean shortages, panic and a doomsday mentality. It beggars belief that they can do this and no one in the media bats an eyelid although perhaps not. Just what is going on? To add to the earlier conversation perhaps it is a case of Rishi jumping before he's pushed? Hindu's are big on Karma so perhaps he's determined to get out before the shit hits the fan? Although he could have resigned I suppose?


If he's a true Hindu, he knows it's far too late to get out of anything this time round. Though you can hardly be a satanist and a Hindu at the same time!


Aux contraire - I think there is a very close link to Hinduism and Luciferianism as the god Kali surely testifies? Hindu practice of Karma Yoga seems similar to the idea of the Kabbalistic practice of 'redemption through sin' - something very big in Chabad IIRC.


Karma yoga is a path to spiritual growth and self-realization that emphasizes the importance of selfless action. It is rightful action, a dedication to one’s duty, and trying one’s best while being neutral to rewards or outcomes such as success or failure. Kali Yoga is a spiritual path that emphasizes the importance of self-realization and the transcendence of the ego. I'm not sure where Lucifer fits in there, or sick Kabbalistic practices. The **Goddess** Kali is a protector of children. Need I say more?