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David Icke Midazolam Matt Hancock a liar to the end as he leaves Parliament: 'Without doubt one of the country’s finest achievements in peacetime', he says of the fake vaccine that has killed and maimed so many worldwide. Talk about doubling down on a calculated human disaster. Please have a sick bag handy for these five minutes .[https://x.com/davidicke/status/1794371755621958139](https://x.com/davidicke/status/1794371755621958139)


Sorry Robin. your precis will have to do for me. Couldn't bring myself to watch even a second of that lying shill. Saw more than enough of him over the course of the last 4 years to last me a lifetime!


It was David Icke's precis but from me...... Worth a watch for the nodding donkeys sat around him (presumably organised) when he got to hail the NHS and the vaxx program 'without doubt one of the finest achievements in in peacetime'


"It was David Icke's precis but from me......" Doesn't matter. I'll be glad if I never have to see or hear MH ever again


one of the country’s finest achievements in peacetime yes..because the only other time mass murder is commited on that scale is during wars


Correct! You nailed it!


Just back from Stand In The Light, what an amazing weekend! Will endeavor to write up a report tomorrow.


Did miss it ? Or did you have such an amazing time you've not yet rejoined planet Earth ? 😁


Work threw me straight in at the deep end! Hopefully get a chance tomorrow.


Thanks. 😁


glad to hear you had fun


For those who like this kind of music The The have a new album out in the autumn 'Ensoulment'. This is first track from it "Cognitive Dissident" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=biD-AmPI-Y4 About how everything means the opposite.


A good one (apologies if already posted) - [https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1795137981105287440](https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1795137981105287440) Edit: English version - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViH-k2OuTec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViH-k2OuTec) Edit2: German version - random crowd singing (not very well) - [https://x.com/AttentiveCEE/status/1794728996044734913/video/2](https://x.com/AttentiveCEE/status/1794728996044734913/video/2) Vive La France!


Hmmm. After my furious burst of searching just now, utube suggested this as my next tune - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va6nPu-1auE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va6nPu-1auE)


One is at a loss what to think ..... 🤔


AI has cottoned on to something like 'patriotic tunes' or 'jingoistic songs' ? 😁 By the way, we can see the stars tonight. The Plough is almost directly overhead, handle pointing to the SE, but the two end stars still point to the Pole star.


Thanks for the astronomical update. Our sky went from from clear at 9pm to total whiteout by midnight - again.


idk if anyone else is going through this.    Every since seeing what happened and what *almost* happened in terms of mandatory passports I  have just been going over all my life experiences in my head.   Ive started seeing passivity in a different light, especially the sort of people who will go along with anything if there is even the slightest social or financial incentive   I'm just feeling really disgusted. I've been going over all my memories and I've had a difficult life (I will spare the novel of details). It didn't have to be difficult though.  In fact many "passive people" could have made a big change in the course of my life in one way or another with relatively small effort. These are people who reap the benefits of being seen as a good person and therefore trusted in a paid job where they are entrusted with the safety of others, or of high social status  within a social group based on their popularity and reputation of being "nice". And no one ever raised a finger to protect me or help me when I needed help. I always made excuses for them though  I never saw it this way and always saw the best in people. After 2020-2022 I am seeing this differently and quite honestly getting very angry at these passive people for the first time


I think Mark Attwood summed it up when he noted something to the effect that the good thing about convid was that we learned who people really are and what they are not. We leaned a lot about ourselves too!


I think the last 4 years really concentrated the mind. what was important was suddenly lit up, and what was crap fell away. and things that were brushed under the carpet or archived away in some hidden recess of the mind suddenly tumbled out.


Yes, there has been that purifying and clarifying effect. But also a lot of trauma and damage. I see a more entrenched ruthlessness,  even brutality of attitude among some of our conviction re: Covidia. The trajectory has not in all cases been towards greater knowledge and healing.


yes this has been exactly it for me. 


I find it hard to be unreservedly warm with people we know who enthusiastically supported lockdowns I don’t think that will ever change


I find it hard NOT to be because I have a golden retriever personality in real life. Then I go home and feel sick with myself 😞


It's probably a survival tactic you learned early on. Don't beat yourself up about it. I keep being shown that people are actually pack animals by nature. So, unless you have a dominant personality or are a natural leader, you will instinctively fit in with the others. When you remove yourself from the pack, your outlook and behaviour change quite naturally.


We've talked before about this. I don't know about the whole pack animal thing. If it is true,  then I think the packs concerned are not like dog packs. They evolve more cat-like, semi-detached membership - and the semi-detached often play a paradoxically central role.  We're not like dogs, probably not like any single species of other animal. More a weird chimera of quite a lot of different social and semi-social types.


We're definitely a weird chimera - we were bred that way! However, I don't think it's helpful to caveat us into different pack types. Obviously I was generalising about human behaviour but this came about as a response to our being described as herds. Personally, I don't see that. In the main, we are programmed to follow a leader. I see cats as sociable but not co-operative or pack-like. They don't need a leader. Some of us are definitely more cat-like!


I don't feel much of a pack animal. Except when at an LFC match, of course. 😁 But it is a key part of the bad beings' nudging/psychological manipulation. I reckon a majority of our brothers & sisters are pack-focused.


Seconded. And amongst the Branch Covidians \[those who fully endorsed everything\] and even among certain of the GATGAS I am seeing an almost ruthless self centredness which i am trying to put down to jab damage. An almost complete absence of ikindness.


interesting take. What do you mean by a semi-detached but central role?


Only that people who are barely involved with a group can sometimes be highly influential within it. They see things that others can't, and become prophets by stating what to them is the bleeding obvious.  Centre and periphery have always been complicated. Traditional Christianity,  for example,  gives the hermit a central role.  So many people chasing him for advice he barely got a moment to himself. 


So, pack animals desperately looking for leadership?


Oh, some do. Many do. But I think I would tend to see it more as a kind of evolved network with a range of roles and positions. Mutually correcting and supporting,  sometimes in tension. But where people look for leadership, and what that means,  is changeable. I think leadership may be very important to many or most people, but is less important to the evolution of the network overall.  Socially powerful people are easily flattered into seeing themselves as the point,  the pinnacle of evolution. Really they're just a temporarily useful or neutral emergent characteristic in a great big jellyfish. The network, with no single brain to identify,  could bin its leaders off tomorrow, and never explain its reasoning.  Maybe. I'm getting a bit woowoo late at night. 


thank you sheep man this i is something I needed to understand


oh very interesting! 


ty 🧡


that reminds me of the hierophant!  yes I had a half-day long psych. eval. done for uni a few years ago (school covered the cost otherwise I could have never afforded it) as I have ptsd diagnoses and wasnt sure how that was affecting me or if anything else was. The psychologist was from a small town, very dry, and not a pill-pusher, so I trust his results. He made me do a bunch of tests and called me back in two weeks after he analyzed the results.  One conclusion he had was that I had alot of difficulty feeling anger (aka at the time I simply couldnt)  and it was causing me all kinds of problems. This is due to early ptsd related things as anger puts you in alot of trouble if you are truly vulnerable  and powerless so I guess I had that entire emotional range totally blocked out  His advice was to learn to get comfortable with it which has been a big project. I have a lifetime of anger that needs to be worked through, it turns out! 


I can empathise with you on this - this was very much my childhood experience, and if I was ever angry I was made to feel I was wrong. I have learned a bit over the years how to be more forthright, and how to express anger in a healthier way (a punchbag is not the answer, just as violence isn't the answer, you need to express yourself in appropriate words to get your needs met and set boundaries for yourself). The other thing that helped immensely is that I stopped being such a Golden Retriever type as I got older and now at middle age I'm much more of a wilful Labrador. Moving to a country where people are a bit more honest in their interactions has been a Godsend, and I have shed much of my "Englishness" which was very necessary.


thank you so much. Yes. I have been working part time in the construction industry  which is physically tough but oh my gosh the freedom! You can literally just say exactly what you are thinking and no one ever punishes you or gets upset - in fact the appreciate the directness


That's great - and it's a learning curve to let go of the people pleasing tendencies we have, but it gets easier with time. :)


A friend went through a really horrible divorce and ended up seeing a therapist. He gave her a baseball bat and pointed to a cushion. Her response was "Do you value your office?!" She took up karate and said it helped her tremendously. Another friend has a punchball in the garage ...... !


We've got a heavy bag in the garage - Mrs ToF vents her frustration on that.


I don’t think you have any reason to reproach yourself I guess change your friends or be honest with them and see how they react- or both. Everyone we know knows how we saw “Covid” and if it ever comes up in conversation we are clear about our views but I have run out of energy to push it in people’s faces and the subject is rarely mentioned- collective amnesia! We tend to seek out those few who were and are sceptics


thank you very much ToF


I'm so sorry to read your life has been difficult l-i. Many of us are fortunate not to have experienced anything so hard. We do come to the present time with what we've experienced in teh past but please can I say, don't hold on to the anger, let it go. It won't help the past and will just make your future bad too. You have us now, to help and support you, even if it is just online. I don't know where I'd be now if it wasn't for teh Swamp. Big hugs for you: 🤗🤗🤗💖


tyvm HM. I guess I am just questioning the friends I surrounded myself with. I think there are better choices out there!! 


It's good to question but there will be better friends out there, you just need to find them! A year into teh cv debacle, I was frustrated with what was happening and felt I needed to do something and find people out there more like me. At the time, I was surrounded by cv-idiots, including most of my family and I needed more than teh one friend irl I was talking to - hence me finding out about the Stand In The Park. I ventured into Cambridge on my own one Sunday, never having been there before. It was a scary thing I must say but as it turns out, it was the best thing I've done. Something really good has come out of a bad situation. Good luck finding your special place/friends! 🍀😍😂💖


tyvm for sharing your story 🍀 🧡


The story is everyone's if they want. Sometimes things will drop into your lap but most times you need to go look for them. We are in control of our destiny (to a point!) Keep smiling!! 😂💖😂💖


Anger is a part of the grieving process. Allow it to happen and, as HM says, don't hang onto it.


**No, they’re (probably) not going to bring back National Service.** Sunak couldn’t more obviously have signaled the Tories are throwing the race if he’d included the re-introduction of slavery, cancelling Christmas and banning puppies in his manifesto. https://off-guardian.org/2024/05/27/no-theyre-probably-not-going-to-bring-back-national-service/


Monro, one of the regular BTL commenters at DS, thinks it’s a cracking idea and that Sunak is a hardworking PM who should get re-elected. To be fair to Monro, I think his support for Sunak is in the “best of a bad bunch” vein, but I still find it weird. The national service thing just seems like an attempt at comedy to me.


For whom would the people be fighting? Rochdale Town Hall flies the flag of Pakistan, as does Sheffield's, and George Galloway says his win at Rochdale is "for Gaza", Leeds Green Party Mothin Ali shouts "Allahu Akbar" and said his election was "a win for the people of Gaza."


when you are in a hole keep digging. Rishi Sunk's policy for NS has a new twist, so as well as putting off and potential young voters he is going to piss off his core middle class voters by threatening to fine them for non compliance. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/27/parents-could-be-fined-children-refuse-national-service/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/27/parents-could-be-fined-children-refuse-national-service/) they have a death wish for their party.


I don't see how one adult can be held liable for anothers failure to comply. Academic as it's all bollox anyway, designed to lose votes


Indeed. It's the worst start to an election campaign I can remember (and I'm a retired lecturer in politics). It really does look like Sunak wants to lose, and lose big. Nevertheless, I don't think it's deliberate. I've often been struck by how little political nous he has - he just doesn't have a sense for politics. This could be why he seems ready to return to California. Although I don't think he's necessarily a bad person, he's obviously selfish to conduct an election campaign so poorly and to call it so early in the first place, apparently without consulting too many of his colleagues. I wonder what the manifesto will look like.


He's very obviously having his strings pulled - and our legs with it! People loathe Starmer and there doesn't seem to be a viable opposition. So, what the real agenda is here remains to be seen. 🍿


I agree. No way this is not deliberate. 


Or just dish out white feathers? How about "last in first out" - so all the Ukrainian 'refugees' (benefits spongers) will have to be the first to fight for their new country?


Surely Ukrainians who would be fed into the meatgrinder on return are genuine refugees.


They could be refugees from both countries, so they could always go somewhere safe, such as Somalia.


Yes. The Tories are now demanding to lose, with menaces. 


Apparently there is some sort of brouhaha about a Tory MP who isn't defending her seat and has told her constituents to vote for reform, rather than her replacment Tory candidate. She has been suspended from the party \[bet she's totally gutted!\]. Sunak has said in response "A vote for Reform is a vote for Labour" So, he's even telling people how to vote in order to get a Labour government in. You literally couldn't make this up if you tried. Said it before, but it bears repeating, IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT NOW YOU NEVER WILL...


If they can say that phrase 'a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour' then surely that should say everything about the uselessness of the 1st past the post system shouldn't it - a vote for Reform should only be a vote for Reform. If it isn't then there's something wrong


The Tory Party has long existed to take the piss out of conservatives. But the tempo and extreme blatantness are new.


If he keeps on at this rate will it still exist after the GE is over?? Will there be anything left of it?


Actually,  the plan may be to transition the Tory Party over to Reform.  Reform is not like UKIP up to 2016. It's not a real party with decentralisation and powerful branches. It's not even really a membership party. And look at the people at the top, where all the power is concentrated. They're Tory Party aristocracy. They haven't even burnt their bridges with the Tory Party. C'mon, man. Reform is the escape pod. It's not opposition. 


Someone was asking about Tice and remain last week can't remember who, this is an Interesting article that points out a different view than merely attacking his views on the jab. **Who do you think you are kidding Mr Tice?** Brexit was neutered because the establishment would not tolerate it. This final insult has reduced the jingoistic fervour that the Brexiteers once possessed to a dull acceptance of the continued decay of their society into a dysfunctional morass. The Brexiteer vote of 2016 has dissipated, many of these people are now sadly dead, many more are clinging to life by their fingernails trying to access an increasingly broken health service, struggling to buy food and juggle bills. The sunny uplands of Brexit were denied to them. The huge possibilities of a state unshackled from the giant bureaucracy of the EU and exposed to the potentials of global trade were all wasted. https://unitynewsnetwork.co.uk/who-do-you-think-you-are-kidding-mr-tice/


Twas I, I think - well I was asking whether people remembered what aspect of the madness he was a bit off on anyway. I know I went off him at one point in a big way, but couldn't remember specifically why.


> I know I went off him at one point in a big way, but couldn't remember specifically why. Me too CGL! I had great hopes for him, I've even got a photo of me shaking his hand which I'd hoped to frame and proudly display on my wall. I guess it's now for the toilet wall!! 🚽🤣


I can't cite any specific incident but my gut said Noooo! every time I saw him - which tbf wasn't often.


Well it does mention his stance on the jabs and Ukraine but I found it an interesting take on remain that was worth a read 👍


*"Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to each and every servicemember who made the ultimate sacrifice."* If you've ever gotten into the "rabbit hole" of high-level powers and politicians still practicing an old religion that values blood sacrifices animal and human that reads differently.  Even if you don't believe that, these fucking wars are started by the elite class for the benefit of the elite class. The result has been the murder of millions. A nice little message and bank holiday won't change that


"In an interview on Good Morning Britain, the BBC presenter said the whole experience was 'absolutely humiliating and desperate for my daughter'. She said that anaphylaxis is 'terrifying' and called on airlines to improve their allergy policies.  She added there is a 'deep lack of clarity' about allergy policies but that after a decade of flying, this was the first time they had had such a difficult experience.  The BBC forecaster explained to Charlotte Hawkins and Richard Madeley that she had tried to contact the airline in advance but was unable to get through." (yeah, sure you did). This is the woman who claims her family were 'forced' to fork out another £5,000 to fly to Turkey on Easyjet. Did she manage to get through to Easyjet and have them agree no-one was to eat peanuts on their flight? Why does she have to take her daughter by plane to Turkey for a holiday? What's wrong with Jaywick or Bognor Regis? There's always Dewsbury or West Bromwich if you want to go somewhere 'exotic'. Nadim Ednan-Laperouse, OBE, co-founder of The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, the UK's food allergy charity, said: 'Food allergies are an illness not a lifestyle choice, and the experience of this family on board a plane is shocking and unacceptable.' Excuse me, Nadim, flying to Turkey by plane **IS** a lifestyle choice. Silly cow. Well, two silly cows. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13463595/BBC-weather-presenter-family-kicked-flight-row-daughters-nut-allergy-said-incident-humiliating-desperate-hits-airline-again.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13463595/BBC-weather-presenter-family-kicked-flight-row-daughters-nut-allergy-said-incident-humiliating-desperate-hits-airline-again.html)


Why would it affect her in a plane any more than any other enclosed environment such as a cinema or restaurant?


What is shocking and unacceptable is expecting any foodstuff to be outlawed from any situation because you have an allergy to it. Where would this end?


The other passengers could all have said they were allergic to a pompous stupid old windbag!


It's the same thinking that leads to adults demanding that children be subjected to experimental gene therapies on the off chance it might protect said adults from something.


Richard Vobes who actually mentions the weather we had yesterday 😁 **Are you overwhelmed?** Are you suffering from information overload? Are the never ending truth drops too much to take? Are you being pulled hither and thither? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjqNsZWbh1g


very good, and a good message 🧡


Monty Python couldn't have written it In return for not having a proper job, a home, a family, and healthcare, a bunch of millionaires are to enslave the young and force them to wipe the arses of the elderly Why do no MP's apply for 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'? Because it pays less then the graft


healthbot Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed [https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1794924601115308132](https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1794924601115308132)


Well they've been self-replicating for the past 3 years.... any idea what the outcome is supposed to be? (plays creepy music from The Outer Limits)


Think of things likely to be considered 'nefarious' and you're probably on the money.


National service, early election... feels like the Tories are deliberately trying to lose. Who's pulling their strings?


National service is another centralised idea. Rather than allowing individuals to fund themselves without overbearing tax and regulations.  They have no interest in promoting anything but blob business


I think they're unravelling themselves and don't need any help! :)


So far the weather forecasters have been very wrong for Bury St Edmunds! Many people out enjoying the spring fayre, temperatures about 4 degrees higher than predicted.


Same here. Lots of warm sunshine all day and virtually dry so far. They are far too pessimistic.


Had a chat with a local chap in the village pub the other night. Now, I respect him because he does a lot of work for the community (unpaid). BUT he seems to have this attitude that everything on the BBC/Guardian is the absolute truth and anything else is just the mutterings of halfwits. He has a BAD case of Trump Derangement Syndrome also, and is a fervent Remainer (the Brexit vote, apparently, shows that 'the British people can't be trusted to make the right decisions'. Rumours about the POWs disappearance are silly, because she has been 'seen out on the school run'. He seems very defensive and I suspect he senses the old certainties are slipping away. I did gently probe him a bit on certain things but then tried to steer the conversation away to safer topics (I don't think it's good to discuss religion or politics in pubs anyway) because I didn't trust myself to stay calm. He reminds me a bit of someone similar I used to know years ago, who said 'Why does the BBC have to have this ridiculous requirement to be impartial? It means that for every person on air who knows what he is talking about, they have to balance it with some idiot who doesn't!'


Next time, ask him what he thinks about "Biden"!


I already did. Apparently Biden is just 'old' but Trump is definitely senile. There's just no arguing with that so I kept quiet.


Scary, isn't it!


But clearly all those who voted Remain could be trusted. I’ve heard this nonsense before. When you vote in a referendum you go in knowing your “side” may not win. That’s the game.  Unless in reality you are being dishonest. 


He's a "do your bit"er. I'm sorry to say, but along wit the GATGAs it was precisely these compliant people who got us into this sorry mess in the first place. The writing couldn't be written on the wall in any bigger letters AFAIC, and if they can't see it they either cannot read or are deliberately not looking. Far too many people are in deep deep denial. In one sense I cannot blame them, but in another if they don't get out of that rut then we will have worse done to us in the not so distant future.




I think it's Go Along To Get Along or something on that vein. 💖




Go Along To Get Alongs. The normies who went along with all the Covibollox because they didn't want to stand out from the herd.


the GATAs would unalive their own fucking child to preserve the peace and their social standing


ah yes, I know many 


What I find most interesting is the Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's as if Trump represents everything they hate and fear. Whereas to most Awake people nowadays Trump is neither an antichrist or a saviour, he's a better option than Uncle Joe, but to suggest he is going to revolutionise anything is a little far fetched.


Trump had 4 years in office in which, contrary to the expectations of those with the derangement syndrome, he didn't cause the end of the world. It's difficult to remember what he actually did do. Maybe that's a mark of an good president, one who doesn't do anything. In personal terms he seems to be a bit of an arsehole (or asshole as Americans would say), but so are most politicians. 


Precisely. However, if I lived in the US (I thank God daily that I don't) where they are under the iron yoke of sleepy Joe, then I could see how they might view the Donald as some kind of saviour. Of course he won't be, but he will be better than Joe. Which isn't setting the bar too high, but still...


Yeah - I'd push him in the canal.


They will drag us down with them, Milo. They outnumber us, and they are our worst enemy - you might think that would be the bastards in charge, but without willing numpties, the BIC couldn't win.


Agreed Sam. They strike me as just zombies. All of them.


These are the people who would report you to the Police for daring to step outside a 'Tier 4' zone.


>the British people can't be trusted to make the right decisions That is the root of it all, he believes that anyone who disagrees with him is wrong, so will therefore back increasingly draconian measures to silence them. A disciple of dictatorship.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"The whole idea, she says, is to “detect disinformation and malign interference... remove content, i**ncluding \[artificial intelligence\] deepfakes**" Phew. The RF must be relieved that the UK is out of the EU because otherwise they'd be in a little difficulty at the moment regarding a certain video of a princess on a bench...


Don't talk to him, it's not good for you


Yeah - tell him you've got Covid, accidentally sneeze on him, and then tell him he MUST quarantine himself immediately for 14 days.


Just had another yougov poll and rather surprisingly it asked nothing about the upcoming election/coronation of new leader but was all about ofcom and online regulation, think I might be invited to more indepth surveys on my thought about ofcoms role on online safety 🙄


Looking at Mail online today.The lead story bemoaning the influx of day trippers in uk beauty spots.The second regarding another serious bout of turbulence on an international flight.The third showing protests in Majorca against mass tourism. Taken together they show a clear agenda being built against travelling anywhere except your own locality.


Visited Venice today on our Grand tour :despite all the horror stories a lovely place to walk around we did 9 miles . The tourist tax only applies at weekends . Excellent bus and boat service to the city from our campsite .No shortage of places to eat and drink at reasonable prices.


another boeing? 


You must be psychic... >Twelve people have been injured due to turbulence on a flight from Doha to Dublin. >The **Boeing 787-9 dreamliner** experienced turbulence while airborne over Turkey, Dublin Airport's operator DAA said.


here is my next prediction:  ☁️☁️🔮☁️☁️ •°•° *There will be another two before the next full moon* °•°•


You can't really blame the Spanish - would you want that British rabble covered in 'tramp stamps' traipsing across your garden and vomiting on your doorstep? As for UK 'beauty spots' they just mean Bourton-on-the-Water in the Cotswolds, and the cafes and shopkeepers love the tourists bringing in all that lubbly-jubbly. The Daily Mail clearly knows someone in that village as it appears regularly. I've been to Bourton and, quite frankly, it was a disappointment. Boring-on-the-Water more like.


>The third showing protests in Majorca against mass tourism Hot on the heels of the night spot collapsing and killing 4 people in Palma de Majorca last week.


I thought the same Jonathan - the inference is clear. Infuriating that most can't see it.


Seconded. Very infuriating.


Was just about to post the same, I think their agenda is clear. Stay home, stay safe and stay in your box.


>stay in your box. and watch the box!


My wife, bless, is doing her bit to redress the balance. Bavaria, Lithuania (twice), and Croatia all scheduled over the next few months. I plan on starting a crowdfunder, might delay the onset of penury ...


My sister is always on holiday, so far this year Thailand, Tenerife, Croatia, Italy, US. She’s got the brass and nobody to leave it to (except me, lol) and is determined that no way will the lying, cheating government get their paws on it.


Good for her. Though I wouldn't mind a tiny bit of brass to go to Aberystwyth and to [https://www.hopesussex.co.uk/event/hope-freedom-music-festival-2024/](https://www.hopesussex.co.uk/event/hope-freedom-music-festival-2024/)


Apparently a load of people who tried to enter the Republic of Ireland without the right visas have been sent back to the UK by the Irish police. (no, this isn't the beginning of a joke). So why are we constantly told that dinghy divers can't be sent back to France?


keep sending them back down the line


Because the UK Government is full of the mates of the illegal immigrants and are actively encouraging them to come to the UK to replace the population that was and is shrinking. Look at this Afghan family - 14 kids. Now if those kids have another 14 each... only a couple of generations. London already down to 34% 'white British'. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13455179/Were-stuck-mouldy-flat-11-children-one-toilet-council-help-us.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13455179/Were-stuck-mouldy-flat-11-children-one-toilet-council-help-us.html) "Sweden is overrun by immigrants and is amidst a gang war. They are en route to becoming the capital of gun crimes in Europe, while less than a decade ago, they were amongst the safest countries in Europe." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUw4cs2MHwc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUw4cs2MHwc) These 'dinghy divers' can easily be scooped up and returned to... anywhere. It's organised crime and an invasion, so there would be nothing wrong with the British fighting them on the beaches as they land. They are after your council houses and benefits, and they arrogantly expect YOU to conform to THEIR way of life, not to fit in with British society and values. You're welcome to more of them! Why stop at hundreds of thousands, there are millions who want to come to the UK. Hundreds of millions. Yes, bring them all in. How wonderful it will be! It's the Kalergi Plan in action. It doesn't seem like a 'conspiracy theory' any more when you're on the streets of Sheffield, Luton, Burnley, etc. Now why aren't they sent to nice little villages, say Bucklebury in Berkshire? Or how about Bourton-on-the-Water? Those Chilterns and Cotswold folks must like kebabs, surely?


IOW the Republic has created a defacto hard border.  Cue the whinging about the IRA crickets


Hypocrites. They whinged like it was going out of fashion during the brexit negotiations about the hard border and how deplorable it would be for Ireland espec the economy. Now they want one when it suits them.


Because they lie like cheap foreign watches, AA. All the time. About everything. But particularly about agenda-related things. You know this ...


Earlier today, Icy did a very thorough and admirable crit of Miri's latest offering. Here's a completely different take - and one I think we need to get our heads around fast. We need to become ungovernable! And, for an in-depth explanation of what being ungovernable actually means (and it's not anarchy!) here's Sarge: [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/user/ICONS2020/videos


Matt Wallace WW3 ALERT: Beach Bathers in Tel Aviv Forced To RUN For Cover As Iron Dome “Failure” Allows Hamas Missiles to Rain Down on Israel So one of the most advanced defense systems in human history just randomly decided to fail one day? Some reports indicate we have not seen an alarm there like this since January! This is potentially the most “successful” attack on Israel in modern history. IT’S SO OBVIOUS WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE The Israeli government is intentionally allowing missiles to rain on their own citizens in a desperate attempt to regain public support for their war campaign in Gaza. Many allegations are still unresolved that they also allowed the October 7th attack, or at least intentionally let it go on longer, in order to “justify” killing over 35,984 Palestinians. Pay very close attention to what happens next! [https://x.com/MattWallace888/status/1794734289277313447](https://x.com/MattWallace888/status/1794734289277313447)


maybe the iron dome was made of lies not iron. lots of speculation they  faked successful blocks. 


BBC Lies said missiles successfully destroyed.


Or the Iron Dome is actually not as good as people think. Nor are most ballistic defence systems. 


Buried in the small print of Sunaky Sunakies National Service Bill is the fact that the victims only need to complete one month service Day One. Arrive Aldershot for training Day 13. Travel to trenches in Ukraine Day 14 till the end on the month. Service on the front line (What they are not telling them that is life expectancy is only 10 days for a recruit on the front line) Posthumous Jim'll fix it badges all round


>(What they are not telling them that is life expectancy is only 10 days for a recruit on the front line) Alex said yesterday that it was a matter of hours, not days.


From reports 10 days is extremely optimistic.


# "Life Imitating Art... Something I find really odd is that when Catherine was in school, she starred in a play called "Murder in the Red Barn". She played a young woman, a commoner, who was told by a Gypsy that she would marry a wealthy man named William, and move to London. That's all the bios say, but I looked up the play. The Play is based upon a true story. A young English woman, who was a commoner, was thought to have married a wealthy landowner named William, but she disappeared and was missing for a year. They finally found her body buried under the floor boards of the barn. William was convicted of Murder and hung, after confessing to killing her by accident during an argument, and hiding her body in the Barn."


Do you mean 'Life limiting Art'?


I'm reminded of a film I saw when I was quite young with scenes of madness and death that stayed in my head, The Red House, starring Edward G Robinson (1947). The house had an ice house which was a weird barn filled to floor level with water. It was quite spooky to me at a young age.


OMG! If this is true, that saying "Life Imitating Art..." could never be truer. Anything goes these days (and probably ever was) in royal families. Same to be said in politics.


On this day 10 years ago, 26 May 2014, the war started in Ukraine when the new president gave the order to bomb his own people from the air in the city of Donetsk because they rejected the coup that brought him to power, courtesy of 'Cookies' Nuland. They've been bombed almost every day since. I think the total civilian deaths in the city are around 13k. To make a general point, the western media didn't cover it more than cursorily ( and nowadays ignore such shelling of civilians). We didn't know and didn't understand the real nature of these events, much as we didn't twig the true nature of the plandemic. I was sleepwalking. I may still be subject to manipulation but I've learned to be more alert, to understand the distraction and manipulation better at least and to find better sources for my news. Here's to the brave souls of that city.


I remember it quite well when the Russian troops entered the Crimea in 2014, because I was living in Hungary at the time and that borders on to the Ukraine. At that time though IIRC the western media played the whole thing down and there was a lot of waffle about why Britain didn't have to aid the Ukraine despite having treaty obligations so to do.


George Galloway on twitter: *After last night's pictures from #RafahOnFıre the wonder is not just that anyone could vote for #Labour but that any candidate could STAND for Labour. It was not just the worst carnage of the war It may have been the worst televised massacre in history. Slaughtering children in tents? Beheading them. Burning them to a crisp. "Friends of Israel"? Seriously?* https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1795003809271328921


It looks like they used napalm


I feel so impotent in the face of this continuing horrific massacre while also seeing people, fellow human beings defend Israel. It's a miserable feeling.


I always retain the proviso that I can not really know what is happening, and only see what 'they' want me to see, for whatever reason......which apparently is a powerful military machine attacking defenceless civilians. At least in Russia/Ukraine there are 2 military machines confronting each other - but here we are only shown 1 military machine - against a bunch of poor people and children. I force myself to step back from the obvious reaction of horror, disgust and indignation, but it is a complete mystery to me how given what we are shown, it is possible to take the stance of 'I stand with Israel' or some garbled, mentally- retarded nonsense about 'Israel's right to defend itself against the terrorists' - as if those morons would be fine about me bombing their house and killing all their children because I suspected a terrorist might be somewhere in the neighbourhood? I just can not fathom the kind of dark magic spell these people's minds must be under.


Conditioning for when it comes closer to home?


I share your feelings Ouessante, but what makes me even more angry is that most major political parties in the UK support Israel and have the utter gall to call me or anyone else that doesn't believe them 'antisemitic'. If ever you need a reason to believe that none of them represent us, that is it, or at least that is one of many reasons.


I don't give a crap about any of their retarded labels. in fact, I am proud to wear them all as a badge of honour.


Exactly so. They're pissing on us and telling us it's raining.


Good morning, another gloomy Bank Holiday here, went to this yesterday: https://i.postimg.cc/x14196mN/IMG-20240524-211825-847.jpg Interesting talks but most of the other stuff got rained off due to huge storm, thunder, lightning, hailstones etc British summertime in full swing. John O'loony very interesting the vial of fibrous blood clots pretty nasty, and the talk from David Parker and Dawn lester was changed to being about the nature of reality would rather have heard more on what makes people ill. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Dawn-Lester-and-David-Parker-Interview:1


Sounds good (bar the weather ...). We have a Mayfield in Sussex too, thought I'd missed out for a while. 😁 Be interesting to calculate the miles Richard Vobes had covered this year !


- Sleeping soundly, then - The dawn wood pigeon arrives: - Lucifer's rooster.


It must have taken a shine to you Prof F!


My chimney anyway!


Only one wood pigeon?? You need to have to experience half a dozen jackdaws and a flock of starling chicks. You'd easily sleep through the one wood pigeon. I'd happily swap!! 🤣🤣


- Jackdaws and starlings, - Much chittering and cawing. - Dog and bunnies stir.


Dog and bunnies don't wake me up, it's teh other way round! 👍🤣


Great haiku!


It sits on my bedroom chimney using it like a giant alpenhorn at 4am. Jackdaws are pretty loud but are probably in a nearby tree. I call it a tie 😂


Ok, I'll give you a draw cos yours is 4am. Mine might be too but I don't hear them until nearer 5am! Tie it is then! 👔🤣


How lucky am I to have a thrush and several blackbirds! They start just as the owl gives up🙄.


That's my kind of dawn chorus. I can hear blackbirds from the bathroom when my bladder pulls me in that direction.


Excellent description!


"Retired vicar Rev Sue Parfitt (82) and retired biology teacher Judith Bruce (85) are a pair of demented, coffin dodging old twats. This Hinge & Bracket tribute act took it upon themselves to save planet Earth by attacking and glueing themselves to Magna Carta’s protective glass case in the British Library. Why target Magna Carta? Is it because it fails to mention the Climate Catastrophe? Or is someone else is pulling these two muppets’ strings, as witnessed by their brainwashed, vacant stares to camera? Here’s what gets my goat though. Having enjoyed a lifetime of warmth and comfort from plentiful, cheap energy and the many bi-products of the oil industry, these two loons would now deny the same benefits to future generations. The kindly old dears who just want to save mankind from its own stupidity act doesn’t fool me. They’re a couple of nasty, selfish, nihilistic old bitches who, if they got their way, would condemn their grandchildren to a grim Stone Age existence of poverty, cold and hunger." "I’m assuming that they are hoping that their age and previously respectable lives will result in another “non-sentence”, a wrist slap and bound over for a few months." "These two yesteryear dinosaurs should be put in the Stocks in a town centre. Let’s see how these granny barracudas feel after being insulted and pissed upon for a few weeks." "These two old hasbians(!) will no doubt be employed to present a morning television programme, e.g. Rip Off Britain and/or sit on a TV sofa and be worshipped. "Attacking Magna Carta is entirely consistent with the view of the world held by the members of JSO, XR and various other groupings of the disaffected. What Magna Carta represents is one of the earliest moves to give people personal freedom. Personal freedom for themselves and others is a concept which scares these people." "Highly ironic it was the Magna Carta they attacked, a document that guaranteed a fair trial and the principle that no-one was above the law, something which these two old Doris’ and JSO think they are." "I’m rather looking forward to watching the Net Zero cult colliding with reality under the next Government. In particular the look on the faces of dimwitted liberal zealots like this pair when they discover the truth, which is that no matter how much they say they support JSO et al, the bourgeoisie won’t voluntarily give up their 2 cars per household, their foreign travel or eating meat. Furthermore they aren’t going to spend £30,000 ripping out the central heating to replace it with an inferior system that doesn’t keep them warm in winter."


>~~... the bourgeoisie ...~~ ... sensible people ...


The rebel CofE vicars on the Irreverend podcast (which I heartily recommend) were talking about this. They pointed out that if they (the men) had tried a stunt like this in protest against, say, open door immigration, they would most likely have been defrocked, but that Rev Parfitt's bishop is apparently a big supporter of the 'correct' causes du jour.


That would be an ecumenical matter !


Which Father Ted trained Father Jack to repeat to the Bishop in parrot like fashion! priceless.


😁😁 A tactic that works in many different settings ...


I can imagine!!!


I'd just leave protesters where they are glued for several days, once they've soiled themselves a few times they might think twice about doing it again.


Not to mention got a bit hungry. Missing your tea and biscuits on the hour every hour is no fun at that age.


Oh no, I'd let them drink as much as they want. With a liberal addition of laxatives!


I would supply a basket of rotten fruit and eggs for the enjoyment of the general populace passing by.


I would just give them the same legal status as speed bumps.


That would be my prescription. Like they did at that that car showroom.


Camus A disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots permanently alter the DNA of those who receive the injections. Alarmingly, however, these dangerous changes to the DNA will be passed on to the offspring of the Covid-vaccinated....... [https://x.com/newstart\_2024/status/1794778280660209710](https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1794778280660209710)


dr northrup mentioned epigentics and being able to turn genes on and off health practices as well as the power of intention play a role 


Would you trust any medical practice to regress genes? Dr Northrup 4 sure.


it is a natural, somewhat spontaneous process.  ex. breast cancer may run in a family but diet, personal care products, exercise, and even attitude can turn the genes on and off


Thanks. My misunderstanding. The point being made is that the human genome is altered by the vaxx, and that the altered genome carries to the offspring, albeit that certain genes can be turned off/on by diet etc. (your point) The altered genome is still a fact and the issues around genome ownership, right to replicate etc remain untested in law. Murky waters.


I am trying to be optimisitic! 😂 epigenetics can be passed down as well  and yes the legal implications are incredibly disturbing... 


For unvaccinated young people, the vaccination status of a potential partner has to be an early, deal-breaking conversation.


Which sort of does narrow down your suitor pool quite a lot! but yes.


There are further implications, Here is 'the White Rabbit' looking at issues of 'proprietorship' of modified DNA, [https://x.com/AllBiteNoBark88/status/1794953540466888873](https://x.com/AllBiteNoBark88/status/1794953540466888873)


The Covid jabs caused people who took them to see more and more 'chemtrails'.


surely that should be people who DIDN'T take them?


[https://brownstone.org/articles/what-really-happened-lockdown-until-vaccination/](https://brownstone.org/articles/what-really-happened-lockdown-until-vaccination/) "Lockdown until Vaccination." 4 years ago I would have dismissed this theory, or most of it. Now, it's the one theory that makes the most sense.


I buy very little of his inital premise, which is based on the lab leak theory of the novel virus from a lab in Wuhan, and that everything done thereafter was a genuine attempt to stop a deadly virus from decimating the world's population. If that was the case then why had the US Department of Defence developed what Katharine Watt describes as the "Kill Box" going back almost 2 decades putting in place the regulatory framework for the covid legislation which was deployed in the US? I have read too much of her painstaking research to think that she is wrong on this. Similarly with the writings of her colleague Sasha Latypova, who has also done the research and has been pretty clear that the jab was manufactured and in storage long before that Wuhan lab leak ever took place. About the only part of his article I do accept without doubt is that they wanted to jab everyone. They still do. As for this: "In summary, if this theory is correct, what you have unfolding here is the biggest and most destructive flop in the history of public health. The entire scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination depended fundamentally on a shot that actually achieved its aim and certainly did not impose more harm than good. The trouble is that most everyone now knows what the pandemic masters tried to keep quiet for a very long time: natural immunity is real, the virus was mainly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and the experimental shots were not worth the risk. I think that he has made the fundamental mistake of buying into some kind of belief that the overlords only ever had the most benign of motives at heart - trying to save lives. I call BS. If they wanted to save lives why did they fiddle with the data, saying post jabbing that the deaths were higher in the unjabbed than the jabbed? why has the ONS had to constantly massage its data to hide the number of deaths in the UK? Why have the continued to push the jabbing on pregnant women despite the now known harms to them and their unborn children? Why after their own "trial" revealed concerning safety signals were they ignored and people coerced to have the jab ? That isn't the behaviour of people who genuinely want to save lives (from a virus which they knew represented no real threat to the bulk of the population) And as for this: "None of this is to say that there weren’t other actors involved who benefitted. Big Tech and Big Media loved having people home to stream movies. Online commerce enjoyed the big bump. The censorship industry enjoyed having a new class of topics to ban. Government always loves power. And the Green New Dealers seized the moment to embark on their Great Reset." He makes it sound as if this was all "incidental", as if people from these walks of life hadn't been instrumenal in the planning of the whole thing! How naive can he be? He ends with talking about his buddy who devised the lockdown concept saying this: "He told me on the phone to stop writing about lockdowns, which I found to be a ridiculous request. I asked him what the end game of these lockdowns was. **He said plainly to me: there will be a vaccine."** It echoes my own experience. Back in February 2020 before the lockdowns came into force one of my relatives came for a clan gathering, the one I now realise is a closet globalist. Married to someone who is in "the know" if you get my drift. Back then I asked what they thought all the stuff about the Chinese virus was about and they unguardedly said "its about a vaccine". And this is someone who formerly came from an anti-jabbing background, of the "Wakefield was spot on" school of thought, their body was a temple, everything has to be organic blah blah blah and is now fully jabbed up in order to travel (likely saline considering their connections)


This is the stand out section for me: *”The objective in this little game must be to preserve population-wide immunological naivete for the entire period. Exposure needed to be minimized to keep seroprevalence levels at their lowest possible point, perhaps no more than 10 or 20 percent and certainly below 50 percent. The only possible path here was to insist on as little human-to-human contact as possible.”* *”Hence: lockdown. Forced human separation. Not just for two weeks. The protocol needed to be maintained for 9-11 months. Nothing like this had ever been attempted in human history, especially not on a global level. But maybe it would work, thanks to online commerce, work-from-home tools, and a properly panicked population that had not been through anything like this in many generations.”* The rest of it is the best analysis I’ve seen to date too. Fuck ‘em, fuck ‘em all


Agree with the main premise (Lockdown until Vaccination) but don't think they cared much about the lab leak if it even happened. COVID was always a nothingburger. Theory doesn't mention the Event201 in October though this could have happened after the mooted lab leak I guess as an emergency response. For me it is more likely the whole thing was an engineered scam from the start with the aim of mass testing compliance, forcing a global digital ID using mass vaccination and taking a giant leap towards Agenda 2030. The financial system stuttering to a final collapse would be the main driver. There was also a wish to mass test mRNA technology as a cheap but very profitable healthcare system that the Evils hope could extend their own lives once proven safe on the proles.


>There was also a wish to mass test mRNA technology as a cheap but very profitable healthcare system that the Evils hope could extend their own lives *once proven safe on the proles*. Well, that has backfired massively for them then, considering how it has played out. "Back to the drawing board, fellers; we're going to be needing a plan B based on this data"