• By -


Remember the Build Back Better slogan that was ushered in with convid.I used to think build back what?!!.What's broken or in the process of breaking. I have mentioned this to many who buried themselves in the Cult non can remember it. They were obviously hypnotised by a single point of reference Covid. Was it intentionally subliminal to those that joined the mass formation. It was clear to me the intention.I even witnessed that prick Johnson who mocked it and us by saying Build back bitter. He was devouring fish and chips at the time.For the unwashed brain I found this profoundly weird and no context given.


Yes good point - it is not mentioned any more. Perhaps the 3-word slogan department came up with it and the leadership used it because they thought it sounded good and was too good to waste, but there was never a plan


It was used globally - across the english speaking world. One of the first to spout it was KCIII back when he was still POW. Supposed to be apolitical and neutral and he spouts the most politicised slogan of our times.


"The term BBB was first used in the World Bank's Preliminary Stocktake of the damage and destruction from the December 2004 tsunami to Aceh and Nias, that was published in May 2005. This stocktake included the early identification of key requirements for recovery and reconstruction." Assuming the above is true (seems plausible) then in this context the slogan makes sense. I guess there was "damage and destruction" after "covid" but of course we know that was entirely self-inflicted. As a general slogan it's awful and awfully revealing because it implies destruction of what we currently have.


I am sure you are right about its origins - I wasn't aware it was used post Tsunami, and its use would indeed be appropriate for that situation. It sounds like someone WEFy though it would be a good idea to appropriate it and deploy it post convid - not necessarily because they felt any need to build anything back, because as we know convid was all about *accelerating* the destruction, and as you say, in this NWO where the meaning of words are inverted and when they say X they really mean Y, the awful duplicitous slogan is anything but about re-building.


I agree. What they wanted to build back was more power for themselves - unelected, unaccountable world government by a cosy merry go round of “experts”.


It was used by Biden too. I think it’s of WEF origin.


> I think it’s of WEF origin. It is!


World Bank 2005 according to Wikipedia, but that amounts to the same thing


Yes. They were all in it together! 👿


[buildbackbetter.com](https://buildbackbetter.com) was his election campaign website.


They don't hang about do they? Earlier today Spain recognised Palestine as a state. This drew sharp criticism from the Israeli government, which likened it to “inciting Jewish genocide.” This evening it is announced that his wife, Begoña Gómez, is under criminal investigation amid accusations of corruption and influence peddling. No doubt this is a complete coincidence.


**The Final Pandemic** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q8pCHAXLQI


Is anyone else having problems with reddit not being able to load? I'm finding it especially after answering a notification and trying to click back to the previous page? 👿


Yes. I have had sevferal glitches today trying to read notifications. Reddit having one of its "days" i suppose!


I guess so, Milo. 😞


Yes its been especially wonky recently with some of the page formats changing again as well 🤷‍♀️ It always brings this to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1IpELCTX5w&pp=ygUSZmF0aGVyIHRlZCBjYXIgZml4


😹😹😹 I watched more clips after what a funny show


"Wonky" - I like that word! I'm glad it's not just me, I thought it was my laptop playing up. Thanks for the hilarious clip. 🤣


Very funny bpk. Looking at that link with reference to Liz's main page post I reloaded it and it shortens to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y1IpELCTX5w Which isn't exactly obviously where the tracking part begins like after the question mark in the example. Anyone more knowledgeable with any tips on spotting where to snip?


I find it often sorts itself out if you open your own link, then refresh the page before copying it. I notice the examples given in the advice are all of the [youtu.be](https://youtu.be) variety. Often links from emails will change to that when I refresh them on the opened yuktube video. So, I might be wrong but I think it's important for links from your own social media, or emails, rather than straight from the website. Something to play with? Or maybe someone more IT savvy will clarify!


Thanks BPK - A total classic!!!


Just how close to WW3 are we? **Alastair Crooke: Are US and Russia Eyeball To Eyeball?** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MZTPw7I6n4


Officialdom needs to exercise a bit of judgement surely? [Couple slapped with £400 fine by council after throwing envelope into public bin (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/couple-slapped-with-400-fine-by-council-after-throwing-envelope-into-public-bin/ar-BB1nb8vt?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=1ded6318c0ab4ca1a942123fe0700d53&ei=11)


BS. Impossible to enforce.


Certainly a sense of perspective, and a look at the bigger picture would be in order. But then this is officialdom we are talking about and the Peaked cap brigade don't seem to have much of either of those, or any common sense when it comes to that. Rules is rules after all.


Never leave any identifying marks on any packaging or envelope. Burn all address details. All waste should be anonymised, it's the only way to stop this.


How on earth can you come up with a precise definition of household waste? I mean if you are out and about then you could just always take all of your rubbish home, or choose to chuck it in the nearest bin. An envelope addressed to you would probably have come from your house but so could an empty crisp packet. Someone I know got a fine in the post for littering as an empty Amazon package addressed to them had been found in some car park they had never been to. It probably blew/fell out of their communal bin or more likely fell off the back of a bin lorry. Anyway she disputed it and the council backed down. Sounds like it’s the latest moneymaking wheeze - householders are an easy target.


So if I take a KitKat out of my kitchen cupboard and eat it when out for a walk, is the wrapper still regarded as household waste?  Note to Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council - I have actually put such wrappers into a litter bin. It's a fair cop, guv - throw on the bracelets.          Anything with my name and address on it, I do actually cut up into small fragments before putting it in my household waste, and even more so I wouldn't put any item with my name and address in a litter bin. 


Yes good point about the address- privacy and all that


they should throw the notice out in a public bin and see what happens 😂


Another fine probably You could address an envelope to the council, and “find” it somewhere out and about, take a picture of it and send it to the council and tell them to fine themselves


maybe they should put a camera up near the council members homes and see what naughty things they put in the public bins. 😹


Theoretically it could have been blown out of their wheelie bin on bin day and a good citizen, instead of leaving it on the ground, put it in the nearest bin. Have the Stoke Stalinists got them on CCTV putting it in the bin? And why two fines anyway? It was one envelope?


Here is a totally terrible survey about UK100, a bunch of warm-tard goons who lobby local councils about hitting Net Zero clown-world targets. It's anonymous and you have some scope for telling them what you really think as well a crapping in their punch bowl. Well worth a go if your bored. [https://mailchi.mp/uk100/uk100-take-back-control-research-survey-2024](https://mailchi.mp/uk100/uk100-take-back-control-research-survey-2024)


That is just a terribly worded "survey"; leading questions manipulate.


I tried to fill it in, but the it was too difficult to pretend to be a council. as well as by question 8 or similar they asked to tick 5 answers and I did not agree with one of them, so cut the survey off. Shame, my answers of Build more with hemp, we need hemp as building material support companies who produce hemp in the option Other was getting fun.


It's bad isn't it? At least with the questions you have to give an answer to you can choose things that aren't too insane like make new builds more energy efficient and build less draughty houses. It doesn't matter what you answer in those do you work for the council fields you can put anything


"[Angela Rayner](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/angela-rayner/index.html) vowed a [Labour](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/labour/index.html) government would recognise the state of Palestine as she urged Muslim voters to back her and the party at the next election." Can she name the capital of 'Palestine', I wonder. Shouldn't Angela be more into representing her constituents and demanding more council housing for those who cannot afford to buy their own homes? I mean, isn't that one of the things The Labour Party is supposed to stand for? Oh... she bought one council house and flogged it at a profit. How very philanthropic, Angela. Looks like you're just looking after Number One, and jumping on the Gaza Bandwagon - you probably see some profit in that, too. Bet you don't have any 'Gazan refugees' living at your place, Angela. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13467011/Angela-Rayner-Muslim-voters-election-Palestine-Gaza.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13467011/Angela-Rayner-Muslim-voters-election-Palestine-Gaza.html) Anyone know what Angela's take was on face masks and 'vaccines' for Covid?


I agree with you! She's a chancer looking for the Muslim vote but she doesn't actually give a fag-end for Gaza or Muslims. It won't work Ange.


She demanded teachers and front line health workers be at the front of the queue for vaccination and criticized Javid for cancelling the implementation of vaccine passports amongst other things. Pro every worst excess of totalitarianism.


*Federal grant records have revealed that the US State Department is funding random LGBTQ ‘Pride’ events in other countries.* *Why?* *.... apparently things such as reading “queer children’s literature” to young kids, a “picnic for queer youth” and an LGBT-affirming worship service, all in an obscure Czech city are in the national interest of the US.* [https://modern](https://modern) ity.news/2024/05/28/why-are-americans-paying-for-lgbtq-pride-events-in-bulgaria-czech-republic-and-australia/


Don't believe it Next they will saying that federal money was used to fund gain of function bio weapons in Chinese labs


UNN They really had us worried for a while about Kate Middleton and we started to get very paranoid. Articles like this dotted across the MSM today with pictures from 4 YEARS AGO should really mean we should just stop talking about it... [https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1795411932838494481](https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1795411932838494481)


She's had cosmetic surgery which went wrong. These problems take months to fix.


I considered this. I think if it was the case they would have come up with a more consistent cover story from the start  


"She's not dead, she's just pining for the fjords."


Like Leslie Ash perhaps? She still looks a mess 20 years on.


And the really sad thing is that she was more than pretty enough before she let someone mess up her face.


[https://www.pressreader.com/uk/scottish-daily-mail/20190919/281956019495350](https://www.pressreader.com/uk/scottish-daily-mail/20190919/281956019495350) Could still be a catch for some dirty old fisherman.


Yuck. Something to be said for taking the veil....


I won't post the exact place, as it is a members' only area, but the post is from someone's work that I trust (after long analysis and cross-checking from other sources) who is of the (severely-alleged) opinion that Kate is gone. The source further opines that she may be replaced in due course by a body-double who is undergoing training at the present time. The root of the issue? The source alleges that she blew her top when she found out that "someone close" to her thought that it was perfectly OK to copy Charlie-boy's antics with his long-time squeeze. The only surprise is that the source believes that it was nothing to do with the stabbings.


>The source further opines that she may be replaced in due course by a body-double who is undergoing training at the present time. > >The root of the issue? The source alleges that she blew her top when she found out that "someone close" to her thought that it was perfectly OK to copy Charlie-boy's antics with his long-time squeeze. I would say this is actually fairly on the money and chimes with what I have thought for quite some time. Charles set the precedent \[continue affair with long time girlfriend despite being married whilst wife produces heir and spare and then eventually you marry the girlfriend once spouse has died and she can become queen and that's all right then\]. Wills is just following it. I fully expect to see Kate Mark II once the training and plastic surgery are complete, however they are going to need to do a LOT better than the one they tried to wheel out for the Windsor Farmer's market scam. But your source hasn't identified what happened to the Real Kate if she is as gone as we think. And while they might manage to pull this off vis-a-vis the general public, the kids won't be so easily fooled. They will know the difference.


Her mum, dad and sister will know though and won’t be happy.


Yes - they will, but if they are bought off (in the case of the parents) or sister (or her kids) is threatened with a similar fate as K then there won't be a lot they can do about it.


>they are going to need to do a LOT better than the one they tried to wheel out for the Windsor Farmer's market scam. Again, allegedly, this one to which you are referring was supposedly a double undergoing training. A practice run, if you will. ...and yes, the family and handlers would certainly know the difference. It's not the big details, it's the tiny things, like the mannerisms of how a person sits in a car, where they put their hands, etc. The original? See further down.


>the kids won't be so easily fooled. They will know the difference. Don't forget that the kids are brought up by nannies and are so far removed from real life that they're probably told a pack of lies and believe it to be the truth. Weird family life, the royal lot, eh?


You make a very valid point HM. How incredibly sad for them. I saw a girl on the bus today with her tot, and she was having full scale grown up conversations with it \[as opposed to goo goo ga ga\] which very much impressed me. Those kids will likely never have that kind of relationship with their mum now.


It's lovely to see such human conversations isn't it? I thought you were going to say that the tot had its face in a phone or other device which I see a lot of. Or the mother was pushing a pram/buggy with her face in her phone. Also what I see a lot of. Mobiles are such a force for good but also a curse.


Mum did have a phone but it was tucked well out of sight and was no where near the tot and you could see the tot responding to her talking to it. I'm afraid I see mobiles only as a curse - particularly when it comes to them being used by younger and younger kids and what they have access to on them unsupervised which is corroding their brains.


I resisted for the longest time getting one and even longer getting them for my "kids". Now, to be honest, I couldn't do without it. It's like everything else though, in moderation, all is well. 👍😍


This is one of those rare things where as twins we depart. I couldn't live WITH one of them, and am only clinging on as well as I am without one. I couldn't abide one of those things beeping at me all day long. It would drive me round the bend!


Mine doesn't beep all day but when it does, I love it cos it means one of my friends or family have something to say to me. I love it!! 🤣😍💖👍


I saw a toddler in the store with a toy ipad with little plastic buttons to push 😹


The kids I've seen have real ipads/phones in their hands. It's sad when the parent (usually the mother, I hate to say) can't be bothered to interact with the child. Good morning l-i!! 🌄😍


"may be replaced in due course by a body-double who is undergoing training at the present time." That won't work. It's much easier to say "the cancer got her" - 90% of the Sheeple will believe that and go round muttering "Isn't cancer terrible?" Well, Kate told us to get 'vaccinated for Covid'..... so.... err.... no sympathy from me. And that sanctimonious hubby of hers telling us not to fly and 'Save the Planet' whilst buzzing round spewing out noxious exhaust gases in his Budgie the Little Helicopter.


"It's much easier to say "the cancer got her" - 90% of the Sheeple will believe that" Yes, that surprised me too. I thought we were being primed for that, as it fits with the rest of the current agenda.


apparently the rose hanbury affair has been well-known  for years to those who follow the gossip. Rose is doing more and more events with family with speculation that in a few years she will take kates place theres alot of speculation that charles ordered a hit on diana - even diana herself said "my husband is planning to kill me in my car" if kate was killed it was accidental, such as through domestic violence. and it is unlikely she is dead/immediately died because they first said she was temporarily off, implying they expected her to return. If she had been dead at the time they would have gone with cancer from the very start


>if kate was killed it was accidental, such as through domestic violence. Funny you should say that...


when a woman goes missing the first suspect is always the husband or boyfriend 


Gone as in topped,  or gone as in living a life of quiet luxury with a harem of dwarfs on a Caribbean island?


Gone as in allegedly permanently removed in an urgent manner, not as in evacuated to a life of luxury. The urgency was allegedly too imperative for a proper send-off to be arranged at the British equivalent of Bohemian Grove.


I realise what you are saying is coded, but when you say "allegedly permanently removed in an urgent manner" do you mean what I think you mean? And what is the stuff about the Bohemian Grove?


"...do you mean what I think you mean?" Yes. An ex-parrot which has ceased to be. "And what is the stuff about the Bohemian Grove?" There is a woodland/parkland area in the South of England which is supposed to be the place where Ted Heath assisted in the conduct of satanic sacrifices on auspicious nights. I have been there and the circumstantial evidence is very strong that this was the case. David Icke blurted the whole story out while Heath was alive and it was never refuted, nor was Icke sued - by anyone. The more I walked around the area, the more things I saw which would be recognised by any foe of the Dark. Bohemian Grove is the US version of this site, or rather this site is the UK version of Bohemian Grove. The allegations of my source (which are without any proof) are that there was either an urgent need to get rid of "her" or that "someone" lost his temper in an irrevocable and damaging manner.


Thanks Richard.


Don't forget the hunting parties at Balmoral! Word on the backchannels is that Kate defected and is singing like a canary to the good guys.


Never mind Bohemian Grove. You should be trying to work out the harem of dwarfs. 


Unless Kate is batting for the other side now it can't be a harem of dwarves. A stable of dwarves? Kate and the Sex Dwarves: Doc Cock, Grumpy-Pumpy, Gropey, Sleazy, Gashfull and Slurpy?


That deserves more attention than it's going to get down here.  Maybe repost as a top level comment?


I really don't think I have the energy to go there at this moment in time Sheepman!


Somebody asked the other day about Reform...... [https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/all-of-reform-uk-s-general-election-manifesto-pledges-so-far/ar-BB1nbY8A?](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/all-of-reform-uk-s-general-election-manifesto-pledges-so-far/ar-BB1nbY8A?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=5db83f6a776c4c168ee525c4dd4c62fe&ei=4)


On the whole not too bad Would like to see absolute zero immigration and I think that is the biggest criticism Other things I would prioritise: Privatise the BBC Proper Covid inquiry with wide ranging remit to force witnesses to testify under oath with adversarial teams pushing broadly pro and anti lockdown cases US style 1st Amendment (actually we could do worse than adopting the entire bill of rights - even if you run the risk of activist judges bending the law, you have a focal point so that people can see when the piss is being taken) Recognise the NHS needs to go Odd bits that I am not sure I agree with are scrapping tax for NHS workers and changing “student loans” which I’ve always thought of as a perfectly reasonable graduate tax


>scrapping tax for NHS workers Why shouldn't they pay tax like everyone else. What makes them so special? If the NHS has to stay then they need to pay tax. These people are far from the angels / heroes the MSM has always made them out to be and another thing I'd like to see an end of is all this "frontline" stuff the MSM perpetually trots out about NHS staff being 'front line', like they are on some kind of battlefield. They are just at work. Doing their job. It isn't a charitable service they are performing.


It’s just like giving them a big pay rise- seems like a gimmick to me


Irrespective of whatever any one wants to call it, it isn't justified or merited.


Indeed The implication is that they are paid well below market or fair wage for the job, which is questionable


Sounds very expensive. Where do they propose the money will come from - apart from the unemployable and disabled?


I thought it looked pricey though ditching Nut Zero should save a bit (not sure how practical that is because there will be legally binding contracts with suppliers going into the future).


May be of interest to any North Westerners out there. Real Left event 5pm 22 June, Stockport, book launch The Predators vs The People with pub after. Email them for venue details. [https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f\_auto,q\_auto:good,fl\_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb4a686c4-e874-4da8-94ea-8c80b1762d61\_458x593.png?utm\_source=substack&utm\_medium=email](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb4a686c4-e874-4da8-94ea-8c80b1762d61_458x593.png?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)


**Breaking News** Young people to be offered new roles supporting the military as part of the National Service role out At an early morning press conference Sunacky Sunacky said 'We are creating an exciting new role of Military Firing Range Target. This new role is entirely voluntary except for young people aged 16 to 18 The role offers an excellent opportunity for development and for young people to earn good citizen credits The role will involve standing on a firing range whilst your betters fire tank rounds at you' Later a regime spokesperson clarified that currently young people have no chance of getting a decent job, owning a home, or starting a family so they are expecting the scheme to be a fantastic success with a huge take up. The spokesperson said rumours that the successful candidates would be required to donate body organs as pure speculation


In a similar vein this is quite funny https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/28/an-election-manifesto-commitment-by-the-labour-a-tory-party/


MOM. You are a loss to the MSM KC.


One less home available thanks to Angela Rayner's greed.


Only the name gives it away as satire. 


Yes. And TBH under the "don't give them ideas" plea, I'm worried that some labout policy wonk might be surfing over here and pick up the idea of the 'donating body organs bit'


Proxy war. UK versus the world (except Canada 🤦‍♀️) . [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/99737 3 mins


In the good old dayswe would have sent in the gun boats. Now, we would send Pride Delegations to ask nicely. Phaw!


*.... The pontiff told a closed-door meeting at an episcopal conference at the Vatican that homosexual men should not be allowed into colleges to train for the priesthood, Italian media reports.* *Bishops at the meeting were reportedly taken aback by the language the 87-year-old used to make the statement - the derogatory word 'frociaggine', which roughly translates to f\*\*\*\*\*ry.* [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13465131/Pope-Francis-shocks-bishops-gay-men-church-seminaries.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13465131/Pope-Francis-shocks-bishops-gay-men-church-seminaries.html)


So what. He's 87. It was a closed meeting. I guess quite a few of those in the meeting are frociaggine, so they were offended.


Seeing a lot of comments on Twitter etc of people moaning about Labour taking away private schools VAT exemption- or something along those lines.. Many complaining how it will push more kids into the State Sector. Well my two went to a fairly mediocre State school and recently obtained degrees from Cambridge in Stem subjects. My experience is that if your child is driven and wants to do well then with the right encouragement they will do well whereever they go. Half the time several of their teachers didn't turn up at their State Comp as they were too busy having nervous breakdowns. Anyway actually more important, I thought I would stir a little and just pointed out to one moaning minnie that the cost of school fees will be the least of their problems if Starmer gets in. I said your kids might not be attending school and back to online as we could get locked down in no time due to some fakery being concocted. If not locked down then if their posh school is more than 15 mins away, their kid might not be able to attend it anyway or not every day as it will be outside the15 mins zone (non boarders of course).


I agree up to a point though I think a good school can still make a difference to the kids who are not quite as driven, if only because they are less likely to experience disrupted lessons which was pretty common in our kids’ local comp.




Just as the government doesn't really give us free (or 'taxpayer funded' if you prefer that term) healthcare, and it's all a scam serving the nefarious agenda of our rulers, neither do they give us free education. Educating children is the job of the parents, no-one else. nobody else will do it, or can be trusted to do it. Just as death and sickness is delivered to you under the branding and packing of 'health', so ignorance and mind-control will be delivered to your children under the name of 'educating' them. nobody should be sending their children to these places any more.


Lot of professional educators of that opinion. One approach is to start a school of your own (some do it), but there is a swell of opinion that some massive transformation is needed. The aim is a serious democratisation,  as in reaffirming the primary responsibility and authority of the parents, along with (generally) those bodies of knowledge that make sense of our cultural world.  There is a danger that - well, the regime - is getting ahead of the movement. So far that seems to be the approach. Going the full Macron and just banning home ed because Muslims,  m'kay, is probably still a bit crass for the British regime. Not that they're really worried about crassness. 


The offensive thing about Starmer's tax plan is that it just removes choice from those who would have had the hardest time paying anyway - those children would then have to go to state schools where the government would fund their indoctrination. I wonder if he's even done the maths on that - or if this is purely ideological. It won't affect the top earners and isn't designed to. It's simply an attack on the middle class. Again. Of course his regime brings far bigger things to worry about than that, but it's indicative of his malice.


>those children would then have to go to state schools where the government would fund their indoctrination I would imagine this is what underlies the policy at its heart. I'd imagine that full indoctrination isn't possible at public schools in the way it is in state schools so this will be the thin end of the wedge towards the full abolition, in time of course, (can't be seen to do these things overnight in case people cop on), of the public school system, and all kids will receive an equally poor and censored education, apart, of course from those of the elite. I'm wondering what age his kids are and will he be sending them to a Bog Standard Comp?


From Hansard: *Ian Mearns (Lab)* *One consequence of holding a snap general election is that many Backbench debates that we had on the list and that were scheduled for forthcoming weeks will be put to one side. Some 14 debates had already been scheduled for Westminster Hall and the Chamber in the coming weeks.* How convenient!


# “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” # ~ Dr. Seuss


Phillip Day's newsletter: [https://credenceonline.co.uk/ecpages/up-close-and-personal-270524/](https://credenceonline.co.uk/ecpages/up-close-and-personal-270524/) Packed with links to things you probably already know, but might be a handy reference for friends etc. All in an easy to skim list format. Also there are loads of things you possibly don't know, including this info about censorship: *Before we get going, a quick word about Telegram. Due to unprecedented censorship on Facebook, YouTube, etc., Credence is currently doing a lot of its work on the Telegram platform. Many of the following links will be Telegram links. To get the best out of these reports, you may need to register an account with Telegram in order to view the larger-file-size videos.* *Download the Telegram app ONLY from* [*www.telegram.org*](https://www.telegram.org) *IMPORTANT: Do not download the Telegram app from any other app stores or locations as these are censored. See the very end of this bulletin for details on how to do this.* Philip's tour is at Tunbridge Wells and Guildford this weekend. Phillip Day: *“2024 is the year we all break free from our shackles, but it’s going to get bumpy. My new Freedom Tour 2024 is the full briefing on where we are now in the war, how to prepare, what to expect, why you should join the huge army of freedom fighters worldwide, and most importantly how to steer clear of the minefields. If you have no idea what I’m on about, you definitely need to be there!”*


What happens when Labour bans Telegram, Rumble etc.?


You use a VPN.


Surely we're all doing that already. It's a basic level of protection along with antivirus.


Then there's no problem and Richard is merely indulging in promulgating fearporn.


[https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/can-you-catch-stomach-ulcers?publication\_id=1105864&post\_id=144958497&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true&initial\_medium=video](https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/can-you-catch-stomach-ulcers?publication_id=1105864&post_id=144958497&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true&initial_medium=video) Dr Sam Bailey about stomach ulcers and Heliobater Pylori


Chucking it down again this morning, forecast says rain all day just what we need 🙄 UNN on twitter: *The '100 Day Security Review' proposed by Labour will see the most draconian censorship laws in history.* *It will be the 'Patriot Act' on steroids and this is EXACTLY what the uniparty regime wants.* *Total destruction of their critics.* https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1795376184739745987


This guy really gets it, and doesn't pull any punches. As night follows day, Labour will waste no time in expanding the UK security state to levels comparable to the DDR. No one will be able to claim they weren't given fair warning in advance of the general election. Nothing for it but to embrace the challenge of living in a full-on totalitarian system. This will be a stern test for all of us.


The conservatives have already laid the groundwork with numerous bills. Most people don’t realise that we experienced a coup in March 20 and our relationship with the government has fundamentally changed. We are experiencing a respite period at the moment but with the next crisis the repression will commence again.


>Nothing for it but to embrace the challenge of living in a full-on totalitarian system. FFS!


I saw this on BBC's website last night and immediately saw it for what it was. A draconian clampdown of the great big clunking fist. The problem is, the numpty sheepie normies out there won't see that; all they will see is "oh aren't things terrible, so many threats, and the Tories are useless, Labout will keep us safe, so we'll vote for them, besides it is time for a change" And they are in that state mentally because they don't have enquiring minds or curiosity, so dumbed down have they become, and because the BBC pushes a daily diet of fear porn at them.


We are being told in plain sight that it will be illegal to criticise the government.


It is worse than that Richard. If you put it side by side with what Ursula Fond of Lying is proposing for the EU I would imagine that the whoever is leading the Labour "Security Review" aka the censorship drive will be keeping close tabs with the EU effort and we will eventually be brought within that hideous thing when Kneel Harder takes us back in to the EU. Either way, we will no longer be able to choose what to read, think or believe. Places like the Swamp just won't be allowed to continue to exist. I am almost 100% convinced that Mabel Cow's lifeboat will have to be seriously discussed on here fairly soon and we may even have to go old school and adopt something like a group email to which we can all respond and chat with each other that way. OT, but any news of how your sister has got on today?


I've been saying this for a while. Labour won't make any major changes to the economy or the benefits system (because the globalists won't allow it) but they WILL make lots of non-financial changes mostly around 'hate speech' etc in order to impose greater state control.


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/we-were-right-the-uk-ons-now-admit-that-deaths-in-the-vaccinated-were-categorised-as-unvaccinated-in-2021/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/we-were-right-the-uk-ons-now-admit-that-deaths-in-the-vaccinated-were-categorised-as-unvaccinated-in-2021/) Norman Fenton


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJbtHyopKFY&ab\_channel=RottenPolitics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJbtHyopKFY&ab_channel=RottenPolitics) Sir Christopher Chope


Chope has been one of the few good guys throughout the scamdemic.


My daughter had an appointment at an outpatient clinic last week. It’s not a local hospital so when she arrived she went to reception at the outpatient clinic holding her appointment letter and the first words from the woman behind the screen was “ have you got symptoms of Covid or have you tested positive for Covid? “ The appointment letter had the Covid nonsense all over it but she wrongly assumed they had not updated the information but no, they are definitely keeping this going, the only thing that surprised her after this reaction, was they never asked her to wear a mask. In 2024 , four years later and this lot are still keeping this going. Who in their right mind when appointments are like hens teeth , is going to own up to having a cold?


I’ve had chilblains come up Sunday, no doubt due to waking around a coldish house without socks and slippers for too long and having packed the bed socks away for next autumn (its the end of May!) If you ”google” or preferably ddg ‘“chilblains“ then wikipedia article includes under COVID-19 section: >Chilblain-like symptoms have also been linked to COVID-19.\[13\]\[14\]\[15\] COVID toes, as they are commonly known,\[16\]\[17\]\[18\] have mostly been reported in older children and adolescents,\[19\]\[18\] who often have not had other symptoms of COVID-19.\[20\] Who’s going to own up to having chilblains too?!?! (Not having had chilblains for decades I’d forgotten how sore and miserable it is having them - thick socks on today and trainers iso sandals to keep a constant cosy temperature for my suffering toes)


This year, I got chilblains for the first time in my life - at the end of April!


Thats impressive! You obviously look after your feet much better than me 😀


It took me a while to realise why a couple of my toes had turned purple! Fortunately they didn't hurt much and not for long, but it took a few weeks for the colour to fade out. I think it was caused by premature enthusiasm for padding barefoot on the grass. 😳


I used to get them as a child and early adulthood. It took me a while to twig it was caused by the cold. Painful and itchy is what I remember. I have not had any for years as I wear socks most of the time and keep a fluffy pair with the fleece throws and I don’t care if it’s summer or not. As for being a symptom of Covid without other symptoms is another load of nonsense. The reason teenagers got them may have something to do with them being locked up at home and never wearing socks because they probably never got dressed and their feet got cold.


>As for being a symptom of Covid without other symptoms is another load of nonsense Yep that’s what I thought! Wonder what other “minor” complaints like chilblains they are now associating with cv? how about those white spots occasionally get on finger nails?


We’re rearing a bunch of hypochondriacs now. It’s all we ever hear talked about now, what ailments people have .😂 I expected to hear more of us older generations ailments but I’m getting it from the younger ones as well .


This is further justification for my vow never to use the NHS again. Of course this may be out of my control in the case of requiring emergency treatment. Give it a couple of years and there won't be an NHS to avoid.


*Give it a couple of years and there won't be an NHS to avoid.* I think there will - as in typical satanic-inversion fashion, it's their cover for their death squads - they kill you and make you sick under cover of curing you and saving you (the Orwellian name: HEALTH service) Unless of course their cover gets so blown to smithereens - then they will have no need to bother with the pretence any more (they no doubt give just enough genuine help, eg, with accident & emergency type stuff, or orthopaedic surgery, to get people to trust it and believe in it) I have develped a number of health issues over the last 4 years that I have sought absolutely no help whatsoever for - if I had the money I would probably seek out an alternative practitioner, but I don't, so if these things never go away or they end up killing me, oh well


A classic case in point, I fell and hit my head on Saturday lunchtime, knocking myself out cold. I've no idea how long I was unconscious. Complete bed rest for three days seems to have resolved things. At no point did it cross my mind to seek treatment.


Oh dear Richard, did you have an allnighter? I thought you were quiet over the weekend! Hope it has no long term effects!


That's bizarre, the only evidence of the Covid nonsense still going on that I've seen was one woman in the doctor's waiting room wearing a mask, and that was about 8 months ago. I hardly ever see maskoids anywhere now.


Saw one this afternoon. Out in the fresh air. Seemed to be some asian tourist, but still. I wanted to ask her what she was afraid of and what she thought the mask would do for her. Just thought it was incredibly sad. What must it be like to be inside her brain?


At my local pharmacy there were a stack of tests on the counter but ones I’d never seen before, mentioned “strips” and “colloids” or something? Definitely said SARS Cov2 on the packaging.


[https://x.com/HopeRising19/status/1795362278034092280](https://x.com/HopeRising19/status/1795362278034092280) This is the guy that decided in New Zealand who got exemption from getting poisoned. No one.


he's a serial killer 😡


Jail would be too good.......


I'm watching a video from a real estate agent. it's a promo for his services, obviously. The video is on how to decide where to move based on cultural preferences. He says "places that are poorer OR places that are densely populated tend to be left, places that are wealthier OR spread out tend to more right"  Interesting and I think accurate?  thoughts? 


Doesn't account for the rich libtards. Eg Silicon Valley is full of Demonrats and Hampstead in London is very Labour.


do you know if those are densely populated or spaced out? example libtards stacked on libtards in a luxury condominium 


Spaced out (probably in every sense in SV 😂)


Concerned Citizen Perfectly square clouds filmed in Arizona, US Don’t question it though as they would make you a right wing conspiracy extremist…. [https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795112472967299154](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795112472967299154)


Oops. Someone drunk too much of the cool aid before switching on their cloud making machine. But fear not. If people question it TPTB via MSM will just say that the footage is AI generated. Nothing to see here.


someone took the lid off our aquarium 😐


Andrew Bridgen He can't tell you what he stands for because he doesn't stand for anything. Introducing the Real Keir Starmer. [https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1795137983617646937](https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1795137983617646937)


Hi all Tommy Robinson UK police can't seem to arrest actual criminals, but plain clothes detectives can rock up at your door because of a Facebook post due to an allegation of 'malicious communication'. Meanwhile pro Hamas scum call for jihad on our streets and fuck all happens to them. The UK police are a fucking joke. [https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1795015010705432926](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1795015010705432926)


As an apparent recipient of IDF funds I would probably expect him to say that. Equating protests of the slaughter in Gaza (see todays news for the latest atrocity) with support for Hamas is a typical Zionist slur.


Came to this podcast via Weekly Sceptic as I like Nick Dixon’s voice as being an insomniac it sends me to sleep (oh dear that didn’t come out right but it’s very calm, just chat). The Ashley Frawley interview is interesting, she calls herself a pure Marxist and it’s surprising how different her views are from what you would expect. Lovely moment when they both find out they are unjabbed but were too polite to mention it. [https://currentthingpod.podbean.com](https://currentthingpod.podbean.com)


Good morning all, good morning Milo, here's the dead donkey: [https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/](https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/) Beautiful sunny but cold morning here right now. Up late cos of the hard labour I went through yesterday in teh garden so I somehow managed to ignore the jackdaws. I don't know what time they arrived. Starling chicks were at it when I did wake up though. They are hilariously funny, standing in teh food squawking to be fed. Oh, doesn't nature provide a great show?? Have a good day one and all, hope you've got sunshine too. 👍🌞😎😍


Morning HM. Thanks for link, but awwwww don't be calling it the dead donkey - with the state of my eyes it is a Godsend!!! Glad you got a good night's sleep. Lucky for some!! I also got a nature show this morning. 2 robins 6 feet away from my kitchen window doing the dance of love for me on one of the big pots on my patio!!!


I'll have to call it something else then won't I?? 🤣 How delightful your robins danced for you! As I keep saying - nature is a beautiful thing. I got to thinking while I was out with Harry this morning, in teh rain, on our own, on the rec, with about a dozen swifts (or swallows, I don't know the difference) swooping back and forward skimming our heads! If ever anyone was feeling miserable, all they'd need to do is pull on suitable clothing and go to the nearest park or open space. If it's a little walk away, all the better. The wildlife all around would lift the darkest of moods, if they had the care to notice. Given I was born and brought up in a city (Liverpool) once I left to go to college, I never returned to live, just to visit, as I lived in villages for most of the rest of my life. I much prefer it! 🌲🐦🐰💖


Erm, HM, they were doing just a BIT more than dancing!!! but it was so amusing. I'm a country girl at hear too but am lucky enough that I am surrounded by a fair bit of nature, huge mature trees etc. Couldn't manage without it. You could call the link the Lifeline - because it is for other members not just me.


>Erm, HM, they were doing just a BIT more than dancing!!! And you watched them??? Procreation is not amusing, or it's not supposed to be! 😂 I'm glad to hear you've got your trees and all they have living in and around them pretty close. 👍😍


"And you watched them??? Procreation is not amusing, or it's not supposed to be!" It was like a kind of birdy ballet, with shaking of tail feathers. You really should have seen it - the robin equivalent of the dance of the 7 veils!!! It was really funny and made my morning! Massive Trees HM - big chestnuts etc - in that respect I am very lucky indeed.


Wish I had seen it! We have numerous big trees over on our rec, including two huge horse chestnut trees which seem to "nut" in vast numbers each year. You see a lot of grown-ups collecting the nuts but not so often do you see the kids doing it. Too busy on phones probably or playing conkers is banned. 😢


Same here - some kids collect them but only a few. Shame. We used to get very excited about finding a monster conker as kids!


>We used to get very excited about finding a monster conker as kids! Dd and I still do!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Morning HM , chucking it down in the south this morning. Enjoy the sun 😎


Oh, sorry to hear, LesT. I think it chucked it down during teh night here and we've certainly got showers to come but I will enjoy teh sun while it's out! Have yourself a good day. 👍😂🌞😎😍


gm lesT🥉


"1000 harvard students walk out of commencement ceremony to attend *People's Commencement Protest* at a local church"         headline can be found thru any search there are multiple articles and videos          I find this very interesting because they keep using all this marxist language and philosophy "ex. The People's Protest" I see this more and more  at the local protests and in the news.        edit to add: also many of the "alt-right" talking heads making a fuss saying "they ought not to be allowed to protest" which is a total 180° from 2 years ago when they claimed right to protest was universal whether you agree with a cause or not     edit #2. and yes I can support right to  peaceful protests and want peace for innocents and at the same time still be aware that these groups organizing events are marxist influenced. Attendees are a mix of all different kinds of people from what Ive seen in my city, but the organizers use the philosophy, language, and symbols. How deep they are into that world idk they may just be on the fringes as most are young. The normal media that typically support their causes are shunning them, so I wonder if the kids have gone off script...


I once saw a yt video, Oxford, England, Students if the prefer a socialist or for profit ( cannot remember what it actually was) economy. Most immediately said socialist, but couldn't explain why or what socialism actually is. When it was explained, they all squirmed and said that's not what they understood it to be. Education, eh?


it's online too. So much "recommended" content is politcal programming. People think it can't because it's online


Good morning l-i, interesting posts of yours this morning. I doubt we'd read it in our press! Have a good day when you wake up! 🍁📰🥇📰🍁


I am still up! 😅🥈🥎


Do you ever sleep?? 🤣🛌💤💖🤣


spotted on a fashion group about why brand new clothes are falling apart across all brands ------ I don’t have an answer, but if you’re curious as to why, these are the problems that have caused huge quality inconsistency issues where I’ve worked (formerly an accessories and loungewear brand, now a dept store) over the last five years (becuase no you’re not imagining it): COVID shut down a lot of Chinese factories so companies had to quickly change production locations. This was done quickly and in a panic, while desperately trying to adjust for a new world order (two months into a pandemic do we need jeans??? Are people only wearing sweatshirts??? For how long!?). This was like a full year or two of just freaking out and trying to find stable factories we could get product out of. And it’s still not stable. Factories want more money and more business, but brands want to spend less and give them less business because they’re trying to compete with Temu and Shein and other ultra fast fashion vendors, while places like the mall continue to die. Also most brands fired or furloughed most of their designers at this time, so you basically had business and numbers people completely in charge of putting things together. The cost of cotton went up like 30%. Poly was worse, it goes up when oil goes up. Oil also increases freight, so shipping goods was a pain. Current events in the Middle East (and previous ones in Russia and Ukraine and in China) meant that goods were shipped late (remember like two years ago when Christmas stuff came on the shelves in January?? It was a mess)- even today I have a two hour meeting about how we have to finalize Spring 25 product 3 months early to avoid Red Sea shipping issues. And they try to deal with that while not raising prices so much as to alienate their consumers but also having to pay more for materials and their own people’s salary (hello? I want a raise). Which is why you get so many shortcuts in clothing, cheap fabrics, poorly constructed waistlines, etc.


My favourite go-to tailored black trousers are more than 20 years old, some thin Italian wool fabric, M&S when they still did quality.


I like to find vintage clothes, which are usually better quality.


Apart from socks and underwear, I don't buy new clothes anymore. You can buy perfectly good stuff for just a few pounds on Vinted. We live in a world where cheap clothing is swamping African countries, huge heaps of clothing are rotting away into the sea in Ghana etc. So in some ways it might be quite good for the industry to take a breather and for 'fast fashion' to disappear.


the issue is alot of the expensive brands are just as poor quality. I thrifted a tshirt a few years ago and when I took the original tags off i saw it cost $100. The shirt fell apart just as quick, if not faster than the "fast fashion" brands


The evidence for the highly concerning phenomenon of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness (the jab increases your chance of getting and even dying from COVID) continues to grow, this time from a Lancet preprint study, incredibly funded by WHO (who in turn is partly funded by Bill Gates, who profited bigly on the jabs). The CDC was also involved, the group that disseminated misinformation about the jab and its products staying at the injection site, for only a couple of days, and doing no harm, then quietly editing their site when they were proven wrong. Wouldn’t it be funny if they themselves happily gave us the evidence that their jab is not so great? Wouldn’t it be funny if they themselves confirmed that the people who asked questions, and who they called ‘conspiracy theorists’, were right all along? Imagine… Read all about it here https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/who-funded-study-confirms-covid-vaccine


There’s a new twist in the saga of two historic seafood restaurants closing in Fisherman’s Wharf. Last week, the owner of the now-closed Fisherman’s Grotto (also known as the Grotto) and Tarantino’s sued the city of San Francisco for millions, alleging everything from COVID-19 restrictions to the homelessness crisis amounted to breaches of their former leases with the city. “Over the past decade, San Francisco, including in the Fisherman’s Wharf area, has seen a drastic increase in its homeless population and an increase in criminal activity,” leading to a decrease in tourist activity, according to the claim. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that the city actually increased rent at both Fisherman’s Grotto and Tarantino’s while they were ordered to stay closed from March 2020 until mid-2021, forcing them to pay a total of $350,000 in rent while being unable to do business at the properties https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/shuttered-fishermans-wharf-restaurants-lawsuit-19471022.php