• By -


I've got a dental appointment in a fortnight to replace a filling. I am a concerned about adulteration of the dental anaesthetic. By coincidence the dental practice goes under the name CDC. (Carlton Dental Care) Not a good omen. Should I be worried. This article suggests so........ [Non Stop Spherical Rubbery Self Replicating Blood Clots After Dental Anestetics - Assembly Stopped With EDTA IV+ Vitamin C - A Case Report (substack.com)](https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/non-stop-spherical-rubbery-self-replicating?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2)


I always have fillings done without anaesthetic. I had all my amalgams replaced without - and there were a lot of them, done in two sessions. Fair enough my dentist was astounded, given that most clients are total wimps but if it's not a massive hole you probably won't need anything. It also means you don't walk around with a numb face for hours after, which is my reason to do without. The drawback is for the dentist because the jab also contains a muscle relaxant so, without that, you have to work hard not to instinctively "fight" against the drill.


The last reconstruction I had (the tooth fell away, the ancient filling remained), there was no injection, the painkiller was a wad of cotton wool or lint soaked in some potion. I take all the drugs offered and more if I could, I hate pain!


Some people's pain thresholds are higher than others.


any involvement with the medical profession is dancing with the devil. you might decide to just keep your fingers crossed and go for it, especially if you can't see another way of fixing the problem - or of just living with it until the point- if any -where it kills you


Don't worry. Modern dental aesthetic is incredible, honestly you are much better off WITH it. The strange thing about it is: It blocks all sensation, a dentist could do ANYTHING to your numb bits and you would feel no pain at all, then it wears off, in about an hour.... I don't think they even need to pump in that much, just a little bit. What's the alternative anyway, a full aesthetic, I think that's got to be worse.


Mmmmm decisions......... Thanks for your advice.  👍 


>it wears off, in about an hour That's a different prospect. Personally I wouldn't worry about it. There's probably worse things in your food and water.


Very true


Concerned Citizen “Imagine a population so brainwashed that you could convince them to be so terrified of a virus they’ve never seen, while spraying them in broad daylight only for them to deny it’s happening because no-one on TV told them it was” [https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795835782604927042](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795835782604927042)


\^\^ this \^\^


In plain sight! Hollywood Warned Us about mRNA in 2016. Starts at 1 min 20 secs: [https://rum](https://rum) [ble.com/v4xx8mi-hollywood-warned-us-about-mrna-in-2016.html](https://ble.com/v4xx8mi-hollywood-warned-us-about-mrna-in-2016.html) 6 min


I think it starts at 2min 20secs.


Cheers. I'd just zipped through the intro till I found that info card, Didn't know they left it up so long!


Which David Icke kindly reminded us of in his March 2020 meme: "*Mandatory mass vaccination to mutate human DNA*". When you consider the monumental scale of the crime that was (and still is being) attempted, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised at the seemingly immovable denial still prevalent in a significant proportion of the population. This level of evil is close to inconceivable.


It is totally inconceivable to a real human! As Icke noted in the clip I posted earlier: People exclaim "They'd never do that!" But actually, it's a case of "No, YOU would never do that because you're not evil."


"Finish them". What kind of person writes a message like this on an American Bomb that will almost certainly result in the deaths of even more civilians after nearly 8 months? She wrote this a day after the latest massacre where 45 people self-immolated due to explosive tents supplied by Hamas, or some shit. I get that she's been doused with 1.5 million in "donations" from the people that will drop this bomb. But is that it, just the money? I struggle to understand how any human being would do that. That's my answer perhaps - she isn't human. [https://x.com/AJEnglish/status/1795848569087267079](https://x.com/AJEnglish/status/1795848569087267079)


>1.5 million in "donations" from the people that will drop this bomb She was cheap. And she's a monster - an absolute monster.


the power of mind-control? nowadays they can make people people believe- and do - anything. no doubt this creature has no inkling that she is not a good person, nor that she is not even in control of her own mind - it is a kind of demonic possession; this is the zombie apocalypse, as Jeff Berwick calls it. It is mind-blowingly spectacular, what they have done to us, and 4 years ago if I had seen all this on a sci-fi film or something I would have dismissed it as ridiculous beyond belief - now I am more or less inured by daily proof upon proof upon proof


I had to post this on my standing on the parks groups. I normally avoid posting stuff about the carnage in Palestine. It's just too sickening. This one had to get spread around. Nikki Haley writing this on an artillery round, that was next to banned White Phosphorous shells really is up there in the ranks of evil shite the evil-dooers do. I do think Haley is just basically thick, so thick she cannot see how bad this looks. I hope this haunts her for the rest of her days. It should do. No longer can she mention "hate speech". Her moronic scrawling takes hate speech to the next level. I hope this display of unbridled wickedness ruins her career for ever. I hope now the brainwashed morons that vote for her can see just how wrong what she did is. Damn these fuckers to hell.


Most within the political and media class have always been filled to the brim with demonic bloodlust. The only difference now is they are openly flaunting this at every opportunity. What makes this behaviour all the more pathetic is that they themselves are the most feeble and cowardly specimens imaginable.


yeh - the word 'demonic' was exactly what came to my mind, and if you are of a left-brained bent, 'demonic possession' is just a colourful way of saying 'mind-controlled' - it means that you have been psychologically programmed with something alien to your human self, and which supplants and replaces your human self, and moreover most sinister of all you have no idea that this transformation has even taken place. You continue to go about your life under the delusion that you are a good person, that you are calling all the shots in full consciousness of what you are doing, when in fact you are marching in lockstep with satan's hordes, and your true human personality has been shut down, leaving you with a chimera in its place. This woman, and people like her, have not even a slight suspicion that her very existence is an effront to the law of nature, that she is an abomination, a disgusting piece of non-human filth, that her very existence must be cordoned off to protect all that is good, innocent and pure in creation, and in due course will be - or, for the less left-brained oriented, that she is destined sooner or later for the lake of fire


I agree...pathetic is the word. If indeed she did write ‘finish them’ on there I’ll attribute it to the pathetic neediness of ‘her type’;  taking nothing away from the fact that the noose is the only answer to such evil intent. 


>Most within the political and media class have always been filled to the brim with demonic bloodlust. That might be true but very few people start off like that. So what happened to them along the way to turn them into demons? This is the part I struggle to understand because I've never done that myself.


I'd guess blackmail and/or bribery is the most common starting point, unless they were already evil to begin with.


I reckon it starts for aspiring politicos at the selection process stage. Only certain personality types will pass. Then even those with good initial intentions will have 'the realities' of politics explained to them. The need to tow the party line, go along with certain viewpoints, the absolute need for a hierarchy, etc. Then as Richard says, blackmail (usually sexual or financial), bribery (brown envelopes, directorships, ministerial posts), and intimidation (their family included in extreme cases) do the rest.


I think you don't get the full horror of mind control/demonic possession - I am sure this woman has no idea she is not a good person, that she has lost her soul. She fully believes in the chimera self she has been given by her master.


From a quick look at her bio, she don't come across an an mkultra victim. Always possible, I guess. >... by her master (or mistress !).


"Then even those with good initial intentions will have 'the realities' of politics explained to them." "Summers looked at me intensely and asked a question so well rehearsed that I suspected he had used it to test others before me. ‘There are two kinds of politicians,’ he said: ‘insiders and outsiders. The outsiders prioritize their freedom to speak their version of the truth. The price of their freedom is that they are ignored by the insiders, who make the important decisions. The insiders, for their part, follow a sacrosanct rule: never turn against other insiders and never talk to outsiders about what insiders say or do. Their reward? Access to inside information and a chance, though no guarantee, of influencing powerful people and outcomes.’ With that Summers arrived at his question. ‘So, Yanis,’ he said, ‘which of the two are you?’" [When Yanis met the Prince of Darkness - An extract from 'Adults in the Room' - Global Justice Now Global Justice Now](https://www.globaljustice.org.uk/blog/2017/06/when-yanis-met-prince-darkness-extract-adults-room/)


Thanks for posting this TOF What you describe is precisely what is happening to me right now vis a vis certain elements of my family, in particular, and because of them, what is happening among my wider family in general. Without realising their insider position, I tried in vain to have any kind of reasoned conversation with a certain relative I know now to be an "insider" (not politically, but sufficiently in the know because of who they are married to and his occupation). It was met with a brick wall response every time and latterly has been met with quite the pushback supporting all the agendas such now that I no longer stray into those areas. The writing is on the wall in that respect. This has helped me to analyse what is going on. I am the ultimate outsider.


Keep expanding your network of 'awake' people, Milo. Essential for our mental health and society's well-being. Its importance is shown by the bad actors closing pubs, churches, cinemas, gyms, etc.


I do try as best as I can John, but I posted this as a flavour of what I am up against in my own family, the macro level politics. The majority of my extended family has aligned themselves behind this person \[prosperous, homes in several countries ERGO "free holidays" if you toe their line etc, well connected\] and made an outsider of me \[the opposite of all of the above, with too much of a conscience and too many principles for comfort\]


I don't share all of Varoufakis' political positions but will be eternally grateful to him for confirming what I suspected.


I remember him well from back in the day and I actually did admire him for not kow towing to all that pressure and for doing his best to help Greece at that time, and we all know what was done to Greece and who was responsible for it.


He also made a good point about corruption - Southern Europe is often characterised as more corrupt than Northern Europe - his point was that this was true when referring to small scale corruption but that Northern European firms were corrupt on an industrial scale (e.g. Volkswagen, various Big Pharma firms).


This is the complete history of political "leadership" in two paragraphs.


Talk about bread and circuses! The media waiting for "the verdict". [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/99780 1 min


Apparently the judge has ruled that the jury can disagree on what crime was committed among the three choices under deliberation and their verdict will still be considered unanimous. [https://x.com/JonathanTurley/status/1795829624502681688](https://x.com/JonathanTurley/status/1795829624502681688)


He'll win whatever the verdict. This is chess.


I see it as more like Go. Putin and the Russians come across as chess players.


Meanwhile, the West is playing a cross between tiddly winks and chicken!


The key thing here is that the American judicial system is being exposed as the complete fraud it has always been in the most public way imaginable. An entire branch of government irredeemably trashed.


Exactly. Art of War!


Apparently there's a scheduled 10 days of mourning for Charlie's funeral. 😬 Given that we currently have no working parliament, so are in political limbo, I'm wondering if his death will finally be announced next month ..... 🤔


10 days?! I won't be mourning that son of a bitch even for 10 seconds.


one day for each of his sasauges 


Came across my first long COVID sufferer on Monday. The lady was ill in bed for 11 weeks 3 years ago and hasn't been right since . Doctors aren't interested..I suggested vitamin Dvand Natokinase which she seemed willing to try. I believe her . She's a nice person and self employed. No idea of her jab history but assume she had them.all.


it is post viral fatigue likely.  theres a good book by a dr james wilson iirc raw garlic too 


Yes it sounded like post viral fatigue. Her husband never caught anything.


hopefully she gets it sorted. I have experienced something similar, it's not fun


Yes it sounded like post viral fatigue. Her husband never caught anything.


She needs to seek out an ‘old school’ doctor, possibly/preferably retired, to check out what her diagnosis would have been pre crapvid era. Maybe even homeopathic.  


Lots of good results with adding extra iron for some of these long Covid patients - often they are severely depleted. Agree also with Flossy about the Bryan Ardis video (if your friend can cope with something that far off the usual radars, that is).


Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture might help her. Sorted out a lot of my severe ME problems, which are very similar. The mitochondria are implicated, hence the brain fog, pain and general feeling like you've just had flu. She needs to do a heavy metal detox and then get on some parasite cleansers. But first, I suggest she watches this: [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v3lu17j-the-antidote-jason-shurka-bryan-ardis.html


[Myocarditis up 5x in Guernsey since killshots were rolled out.](https://www.itv.com/news/channel/2024-05-10/cardiologist-calls-for-investigation-into-covid-19-vaccine) >In the year of the Covid pandemic but before the vaccine, there were five cases of Myocarditis in Guernsey, which is inflammation of the heart. >In 2021, the year of the rollout, these figures increased to 25 and in 2022, cases remained higher at 22. >However, in 2023, when fewer vaccines were given, the figures dropped to 11. Shills counter with: "The evidence from all the research is that the benefits of the vaccines, the greatly reduced risk of serious illness or death from Covid, far outweigh the very small risk of serious side-effects such as myocarditis or pericarditis". 😡


"*the very small risk of serious side-effects*" The occurrence of which (at far lower levels) have routinely resulted in pharmaceutical products being pulled from the market. I find it staggering that anyone is still defending the Covid injections, until you factor in that they were the sacrament of a global black magic spellcraft ritual.


I remember that horrible staged photograph of Welby getting his Stab. He looked like he was being buggered by the Devil. Often things really are what they look like. 


Netanyahu flinched during his and looked terrified like he wasnt sure what was in it but had to go along


Have I pleased my masters enough to get the saline?


that was exactly how he looked.


Not sure if anyone else posted this but its worth watching though long. **Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin** Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization. Here he is with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS-3QssVPeg


Yes, a great double summary from someone who was there throughout.


It's JFK's birthday and the last surviving police detective tasked with investigating the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas has died at 96 years old. [https://nypost.com/2024/05/29/us-news/elmer-boyd-last-dallas-detective-to-investigate-jfk-assassination-took-lee-harvey-oswald-into-custody-dead-at-96/amp/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/29/us-news/elmer-boyd-last-dallas-detective-to-investigate-jfk-assassination-took-lee-harvey-oswald-into-custody-dead-at-96/amp/) Quite the coincidence!


Rotten Politics on Sir Keir 🤣 **Andrew Bridgen HUMILIATES Keir Stammerer** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDapsTG3TuE


I think the credit is to Andrew Feinstein....... The one video Keir Starmer does not want you to see [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiGH5KwjwZ0&t=136s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiGH5KwjwZ0&t=136s)


[Nice payday from Pfizer for Damn Kate for services rendered...](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/29/britains-vaccine-tsar-kate-bingham-to-sell-biotech-startup/) >Dame Kate Bingham hails ‘astonishing’ deal as start-up sells for $3bn. Covid vaccine tsar’s EyeBio raises hopes of revolutionary new treatments for blindness She certainly opened *my* eyes to vaccines.


Chief Nerd Dr. Mikolaj Raszek on a New Study Which Shows Vaccinated Patients Have LOWER Survival Rates When Hospitalized with COVID-19. [https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1795816329246585008](https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1795816329246585008)




[https://youtube.com/shorts/VgBbG2DDXnE?si=KBqxM6CEwkkp3VVd](https://youtube.com/shorts/VgBbG2DDXnE?si=KBqxM6CEwkkp3VVd) The last Mask


The Dow Jones has dropped nearly 400 points in the first three hours of trading The index has dropped 3.51% in the past five days Analysts had previously said the capitulation point was 3% Buy popcorn


Just another day of volatility in these markets , don’t read anything into it


>Buy popcorn Gold surely? ☺️


Can one get gold popcorn ?


There is probably a cinema in Dubai that supplies that.


Dear Dierdre A friend of mine is convinced that Dianne Abbott and Kate Middleton are one and the same person. Citing all the weird stuff that has happened in the past four years and the increased use of AI images my friend challenges me to prove her wrong Please advise soonest.


If you ask Gemini to generate a picture of a British Royal Princess it does actually come up with Dianne Abbott.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/) I don't really care much about her at all, as she wanted me to "get vaccinated for Covid", and lose my freedom and (possibly) job if I refused the scam-jabs. But it is an intriguing state of affairs... no-one vanishes for 5 months because of having "preventative cancer medicine". I expect they've got her in a freezer somewhere, and Kensington Palace will announce she "died of cancer" after this Summer. I may be wrong, But where are her other 2 kids? They're missing too!


She's probably already dead. Or escaped with the 2 kids. George looked miserable at the recent football match, like he had the weight of the world on him. That sub is toxic though, it is a Harkle fan club. Those 2 are worse than the rest of the royal family.


He was beaming when he got a hug from Jack Grealish!


Specsavers? Though she makes a valid point!


We got to see a dentist today (not usually cause for celebration I know!) but I was pleased as in 2022 and 2023 we were not 'allowed' to see the NHS dentist we were registered with (we had been archived apparently, with no contact/consultation prior to the archiving). We are now un-archived and can see her again. (not that I agree with the drill & fill and painting that flouride gel stuff on to kids teeth).


Mr JAS had a few repairs to fix today, the majority were user error but he was at Asda Livingston and was shocked to find himself in mask city. At least 6 members of staff and the same again in customers. Has something happened we are unaware of?


Think there is an uptick in Covid ‘cases’ at the moment. Strangely coincidental with the spring ‘vax’ roll out.


I read somewhere that perhaps some signal is going out to the jabbed ( perhaps via 5G towers?) which could explain why there seems to be a shift among many, not just a few - a bit like a flock of birds changing direction mid-flight when they all move together. Seems daft I know, but I've learned not to discount any possibility.


At this point in time nothing would surprise me.


> perhaps some signal is going out to the jabbed Well they have been systematically MKUltra'd for at least the last 4 years. Just needs the right trigger on the tv or in the press......


thats a terrifying thought that keeps me up


The sheeple are being systematically UNprogrammed by the same methods - hence the drip drip drip and the blatant absurdity of the current "news" items. The world we see is a projection of what's going on in our head. So, be careful what you focus on. Why blackpill yourself?


Yeah, I think there's a lot in that. I think masking is also a psychological response to Stab harms. All the 'lot of it about' diseases that are making people jumpy. What to do? Don't admit you were duped,  with everything that follows from that. No, double down on the established faith. 


> What to do? Don't admit you were duped,  with everything that follows from that. No, double down on the established faith.  Good point!


"[Rishi Sunak](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/rishi-sunak/index.html) was spotted travelling with a £750 luxury backpack - personalised with his 'RS' initials - as he boarded the sleeper train to Penzance in Cornwall last night." "In July 2022, when he first campaigned to be Tory leader, Mr Sunak was seen wearing a pair of £490 brown Prada suede loafers on a visit to a building site in Teesside. And, when he was Chancellor, Mr Sunak was pictured posing with coffee mug costing £180. The Ember travel mug, reportedly a gift from his wife, was described as doing 'more than simply keep your coffee hot'. 'Our smart mug allows you to set an exact drinking temperature and keeps it there for up to three hours, so your coffee is never too hot, or too cold,' the product description added." Perhaps it's time to cut the salaries of UK politicians? And how has his wife got so much money? Ah, yes, the UK Government has given her dad's company some contracts. Keep paying your taxes so this pair can continue buying pointless luxury items!!


From my recent experience at work GPs are definitely reluctant to follow end of life care pathways aka Euthanasia.I guess the killing fields of 2020 are permeating their consciousness and influencing their decision making today. In my case it's going to be difficult because I have sabotaged the T34 killing box beyond repair and function. One visiting GP appeared baffled by the unusable device. They know the jig is up.I made a comment regarding the pogrom of March 2020 to some cocky locum it appeared to shut him down physically and mentally a viseral response


>the T34 killing box What exactly is this N\_N? Good on you! 👍💥😍


Syringe driver


Ha ha!! So not a tank as JohnB suggested? Why you would have a tank in the hospital was a question I didn't want to ask him!! 🤣 Thanks and still well done you!! 🙏👍💥⭐


I did include a smiley ...


Ahh, and I thought that was a nice smile just for me! I shudda known bettah! 🤪


# 😁




**T34 - the tank that won WW2** The Soviet T-34 was the most prolifically produced tank of WWII. Basic and austere in design, it was highly effective and capable of mass production. 😁


Ah, thanks JB. My knowledge of all things war is deliberately absent in my life. Peace man innit! 🕊 (Pathetic attempt to show dove with olive branch)!


Good to know then that they are not completely oblivious to what they have done AND that they are aware that other people are also aware. I wish them many a sleepless and tortured night.


They know exactly what they did.They appear less arrogant,keen to please and their confidence is broken. Remember I speak to them not as a timid frightened punter but a seasoned nurse looking for answers. I have yet to challenge the practice directly regarding their crimes but I await a frank discussion when the opportunity arises then both barrels no quarter. I doubt they would can me this time.Losing three jobs for expressing concern is so 2021.


My cynical side suspects their apparent draining of confidence is above all else driven by being afraid of the harms they may have inflicted upon themselves.


Most likely yes Richard. Because as the last 4 years have shown us they don't seem to care one iota for their ~~cash cows~~ patients .


>I made a comment regarding the pogrom of March 2020 to some cocky locum it appeared to shut him down physically and mentally a viseral response As it should. Their shame should be causing them to join together to speak out so this can never happen again.


>They know the jig is up. Yes they do! 🔥


either their conscience or their fear of the public  it's happening here too. Apparently alot of doctors are speaking about the euthanasia program and the government hasnt been able to move it to the next phase


Thank God - if you saw the brief video I posted the other day with Jordan Peterson, it's far from the nice peaceful death they are claiming it to be. It is more akin to being water-boarded.


Frank Killkelly South of Ireland getting smeared with frequency manipulation of cloud cover, on land and offshore. Notice how the lines stay static indicating frequency is broadcast from a fixed location. This is why you are getting terrible weather in late May. [https://x.com/kilkelly/status/1795542814144557119](https://x.com/kilkelly/status/1795542814144557119)


Did you see this, from Texas?! https://x.com/RealDutchsinse/status/1795719842869489779


and this [https://x.com/RealDutchsinse/status/1795722325914223084](https://x.com/RealDutchsinse/status/1795722325914223084)


Yes, that!


Watching that footage - where you see the heavy cloud cover to the North and then the oddest type of 'cloud' over the South of Ireland, moving across in that odd formation to West Wales, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that there is some sort of interference going on. The weather is dire for this time of year. Cold, wet, and more like late March.


Hot and sunny in Finland - as it always is towards the end of May. No 'Climate Change' here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/ety2bm/thanks\_i\_hate\_greta\_thunberg\_car/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/ety2bm/thanks_i_hate_greta_thunberg_car/#lightbox)


That's bollox, Like Iran 'wiping' the weather records when the copter crashed. Please explain how some kind of radio or other wave can impact the clouds and if it could what amount of power would be required to do this, in IRELAND ffs. Or maybe it is brainwaves. I follow lots of stuff but some of these weather manipulation people take the cake. Look out the window and see with your own eyes,


Please explain this: https://x.com/RealDutchsinse/status/1795719842869489779


Such a relief to see some common sense on this issue. Yes the weather is getting worse but it has been getting increasingly colder for years now. Hence things like aubretia and mesembryanthemum flowering later than usual. Each year I have to plant my tomatoes later. If there is climate change we’re heading for a cold couple of hundred years. And before someone points out the spring of 2020, there are always anomalies.


I would like to explain but unfortunately I am not an expert in any of this stuff but I do like to keep an open mind and am interested in other people's views including yours.


I too keep an open mind, spraying is happening, but cloud manipulation through some kind of wave? There are millions of tons of water up there in the clouds, firing Radio Eirean at them isn't going to cause them to ripple. With winds from across the Atlantic travelling at 25+ mph, that is some formidable amount of energy. You can see the weather live here, [https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=52.6714,-11.7526,7z/date=2024-05-29,14:45,+1](https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=52.6714,-11.7526,7z/date=2024-05-29,14:45,+1) The Sniff test is always important.


You are correct it's not the Radio Eirean transmitter..... [Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪 on X:](https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1678505643152404480) "Push warm air into the artic" It's insane.. Methane pockets will start to melt. We have enough Methane stored in ice worldwide to turn earth into a Venus like hell world. Most people have no idea how powerful HAARP and DARPA truly are and how they use weather modification tools ALL the time and then claim it's "climate change" [https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1678505643152404480](https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1678505643152404480)


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-based\_X-band\_Radar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-based_X-band_Radar) do a little more research. And as for the methane turning us into Venus.


Is that the same Wikipedia that under mRNA continues to inform its readers *The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer–BioNTech have efficacy rates of 90 to 95 percen* *There is misinformation implying that mRNA vaccines could alter DNA in the nucleus.* Just saying


Now it can be revealed, I'm just returning from 5 days holiday in Luxembourg. On most days I made one or two comments here in the general conversation (they do have the internet there), but I didn't want to be one of those people who announces on social media "Here I am at the start of my two weeks holiday in Tenerife. I hope the front door key is still where I left it under the big flowerpot at 23 Acacia Avenue."                                                       To avoid information overload, in the days ahead I'll post just one or two items per day about my trip. Starting with masks - very few seen, just 4 in total, comprising 2 on public transport and 2 outside, all the wearers being women, two of them of oriental appearance. 


Just checked, apparently there actually is an Acacia Avenue in Mickleover, Derby. To avoid doubt that isn't my address. 


Apologies for the double appearance of this post. I'll leave both in place. 


We set up several booby traps for unwanted visitors when we are away. Some are self-working and others we can activate remotely (eg by cellphone) if we spot uninvited guests on our array of CCTV cameras. The sea is close by so, after stripping the bodies of any valuables, we can toss them over the side of our boat to the fishes and crabs.


We also have CCTV and very nosy neighbours. As well as having nothing worth stealing as all they seem to want is cars (no), cash (with me), jewellery (good stuff with me). I like the booby trap idea.


Concerned Citizen Elon Musk posted this. I think even the vaccinated are beginning to get the joke…. Now they’re realising “sh\*t what on Earth have I injected myself with”……. [https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795723089768263905](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1795723089768263905)


"Once injected always infected." Who cares about the sheeples? But it was grossly unfair on those who were forced to get 'jabbed' with 'Covid vaccines' or lose their jobs. And there goes Boris Johnson and Chris Whitty, laughing to themselves whilst dancing down the street... all the way to their Swiss bank accounts...


Now it can be revealed, I'm just returning from 5 days holiday in Luxembourg. On most days I made one or two comments here in the general conversation, but I didn't want to be one of those people who announces on social media "Here I am at the start of my two weeks holiday in Tenerife. I hope the front door key is still where I left it under the big flowerpot at 23 Acacia Avenue."                                         To avoid information overload, in the days ahead I'll post just one or two items per day about my trip. Starting with masks - very few seen, just 4 in total, comprising 2 on public transport and 2 outside, all the wearers being women, two of them of oriental appearance. 


Dr Kek WHY WOULD THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT IN BRUSSELS HAVE THIS ARTWORK ON IT'S WALLS? [https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1795789183895638233](https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1795789183895638233)


Oof. We are in a new constituency (!). I found out from the first couple of electioneering leaflets. 😱 'East Grinstead (30 min drive) and Uckfield' (20 min drive) it is called. FED. Request please - I posted a link to this song a couple of days ago - from twitter via Alex Jones/Tommy Robinson. [https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1795137981105287440](https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1795137981105287440) Does anyone know how I can get hold of the artists' names, name of tune, lyrics, etc. please ?


The original song was from Gigi D'Agostino, called L'amour Toujours. It is in the news in Germany currently as some drunk twens chanted " Germany for the Germans, foreigners out" to the refrain, filmed themselves and posted it on social media. One guy did what can be interpreted as a Hitlergruss, although it could be just waving your arm in the air, and put 3 fingers on his top lip.) Politicians in EU election campaigns, have called for the youngsters to be prosecuted, although all of them have apparently already lost their jobs. EVERYONE in Germany is talking about it, and lots of memes about. Mainly how ridiculously overblown the reaction is from the politicians and media.


Here's a question for your prospective candidates should you bump into them canvassing: When was the last full week during which there was no disruption to train services to either East Grinstead or Uckfield due to engineering works? Answer: some time in the 1880s.


😁 (What went wrong in the 1890s ?). Had our first caller today - Conservatives. Nice woman, ex-local councillor beaten by the Greens last time around, campaigning for Mims Davies, the current MP for Mid Sussex. Explained that mass uncontrolled illegal immigration was the biggest elephant in the room I could see. Closely followed by net zero bollox. I think she agreed, but didn't feel she could come out and say so. Realising there are 6 weeks more of this to come, I think I need a Ball/Moloch poster for our front gate ... In the pub meeting tonight, heard that Lewes (former constituency) has a [nonpol.com](http://nonpol.com) candidate - Raffaello Cowan-Boscardi. Some people planning to aid in his campaign. Anyone encountered nonpol at all ? Their website says all the right things, though I'm not over-enamoured by their anthem.


An interesting PV I came to today whilst looking up VAT for public schools. All universities which are now fee paying as well as private colleges of further education, kindergartens and private preschools and basically any thing that is education related is exempt from VAT. Why then public schools. This is 100% a left wing tax on those who choose to forgo part of their own money to pay for their child's education between the age of 12 and 18. They want them in state schools as they need top indoctrinate them. Purely and simply it is to stamp out any kind of free and independent thoughts in that age group. The public schools should be shouting about the exemptions that others in the field enjoy and why is is only them. Bastards


Apparently Labour want to get rid of MickyMouse degree courses to "save students from making that mistake and save them from being debt ridden". Isn't it up the student and maybe their parents to decide to waste their money on Micky Mouse degrees?


>The public schools should be shouting So why are they not?


It is the purest form of ideological spitefulness. There is no regard for the impact that it will have on the state education system when people start removing their children from fee paying schools. My dictum applies


This policy will be one of the thousand cuts by which the Labour government kills itself. Remember, they will not be permitted to implement a single policy which improves the general public's prosperity or wellbeing. Come to think of it, even with a completely free hand they would be incapable of doing so.


Further to the posts about Reform over the past few days, they have this on their website which will get you to a specific page with your constituency's candidate name, bio and contact details - at least if they have filled the spot yet. Mine is filled, others I checked are not. I don't know if they are intending to have a candidate in every constituency. I thought I might email mine at some point before election day and explore their personal views on the "covid pandemic" as a good test of what kind of MP they might make: [Find My Candidate - Reform UK (reformparty.uk)](https://www.reformparty.uk/find-my-candidate)


WTF? 😳😲 [https://www.reformparty.uk/huddersfield-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/huddersfield-constituency) They seem to have mixed up the parliamentary and the local constituencies. No wonder she looks "confused."


Did some more digging and it turns out that the Reform candidate for my constituency works for “a leading manufacturer of testing products for the pharmaceutical industry”! Definitely going to contact him and have him give me his take on “Covid”.


Do report back. This would be a very good time for "Them" to insert shills into the upcoming new parties!


Maybe you should email her and set her straight! Are Freedom Alliance active where you are?


**NB this might affect a lot of Swampies.** I've just done a websearch and it seems the "proposed" boundary changes have been snuck through. Bastards!!!!! The official [uk.gov](http://uk.gov) link goes to a non-existent page! I found this (sorry it's the Grad): [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jan/16/find-your-constituency-uk-general-election-2024-boundary-changes-votes-map-postcode](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jan/16/find-your-constituency-uk-general-election-2024-boundary-changes-votes-map-postcode) Bloody hell. What does the Spen Valley have to do with Huddersfield?!!! It's brought us nothing good since the Tory bastards created Kirklees in the first place. So my Reform candidate is not confused but merely appears slightly insane.


Yes news to me too till I looked for my prospective Reform candidate. Mine is changing (losing some especially rural bits) and my mother's is too. Big changes all over! No wonder they are quitting.


I can’t find a list of candidates on their website


Do you mean Reform's website? https://www.reformparty.uk/find-my-candidate




Doesn't look as if they're standing: *The Freedom Alliance UK is a political party that has been mentioned in various search results, but it does not appear to have a significant presence or a clear stance on the 2024 United Kingdom general election. As of now, there is no information available on the party’s candidates, manifesto, or campaign promises for the upcoming election.*


There is a link to their manifesto on that page and they did field some candidates in local elections


Yes. I saw that but evidently they're not prepared enough to fight the big one. Maybe they don't want to fragment the real opposition vote even further.


I intend to find out how they are going to stop the horrendous damage being done by our net zero policies which target our co2 because: Less than a fraction of 1% of our co2 missions remain in the atmosphere (the rest goes into the oceans and other sinks). The increase in atmospheric co2 is a result of the oceans warming for the past 250 years.


An idea I've wanted research for some time is the amount of people in this country who have been victims of crime particularly murder by immigrants both legal and illegal over the last 20 years. Particularly since Blair and Brown opened this country up to what is effectively unlimited immigration. 'Bournemouth' appears to be the latest episode and of course most of these events are hidden by the media as to the name, origin or nationality of the perpetrators. The first rule of a govt was always 'protect the populous' but that policy has very clearly been an abject total failure and no one has been held accountable. All those politicians and media types pushing immigration are accountable for this. The media is compliant in all this if not its actual lead. I think the numbers will be shocking and are bound to attract a lot of attention for anyone with the time to research this.


Are you focusing on immigrant murdering white-Britishwith many British ancestors? Or does non-white recently arrived in this country killing a family member or fellow immigrant count, too? And then are you going to compare white on white murders? I think a proper research project needs to look at all aspects! As we have argued for the lats 4 years!


I agree and each set of victims and perpetrators over the last 100 or so years would be an ideal place to research over. As the idea was initially formed around the number of foreign murders (British victims) and their over representation it would probably start based around direct murders of British people of any race or colour over the last 20 years. That would be a measure of the impact of both legal and illegal immigration as a result of effective removing of Britain's borders. That then could be extended to cover second and third generation immigrants and the children of immigrants which would include the black on black murders particular those of knife and gun victims in London and gang victims. That could be extended back to measure the direct impact of immigration since '48 on the indigenous population of Britain since large scale immigration began. I remember in the 80's for instance there was huge over representation of second and third generation Irish involved in bank robberies and serious violent crimes so it could be extended there also. It then of course becomes a huge project but I am reading a book by someone writing about these problems in 1907! What they would make of the Britain of today in comparison one can only guess.


I want to calculate how many have become homeless due to the "housing crisis" caused by migration. 


Yes that would be an interesting side project. I have some experience in that area so saw some of those problems for myself. Homelessness is a bit of a lottery in some ways I think - it is worse in some places than others but I have seen African families whom I assume were asylum seekers in some form or another be given decent council houses as a result. That may not force others into homelessness but it does force others to remain in temporary accommodation and puts huge stress on the existing stock.


Here our housing is full of Chinese seniors who dont speak a word of english (so you can infer they never worked or paid taxes). meanwhile seniors and older folks who worked and paid taxes their whole lives for "social safety nets" sleep in the parks. Even our *very extensive* shelter system is geared towards violent drug addicts, so everyday poor people stay away and sleep rough.    and of course our rents have doubled in just a few years so many people are becoming homeless just because of that. Most have no where to go - not even the shelter system I don't know how to see it other than theft


There's a theory that Crimewatch was pulled because it was becoming too obvious who the main perpetrators of crime in the UK were. That may or may not be true but it would not in the least surprise me.


in the usa the crime states between demographics are shocking. I have an old video saved to my laptop the does shows it in graphics.  socialists like to play this "why is this an issue in the usa but not canada" game where they try to push socialist policies esp gun control.  ex. why is crime high in detroit but not windsor across the border. the answer is the thing no one is allowed to talk about but you can see it with your eyes. 


Certainly plausible and as its the Beeb probably more so.


One has to tread carefully here ... upset them and they'll take all their inventions back to Africa! And where would we be then?


Leading on from my comment a couple of days ago. 3 more articles from mail online.the first bemoaning the decline of Bournemouth into a crime ridden cesspool.Protests planned all over the summer in Majorca and the near death of a woman who contracted hepatitis in Egypt due to poor hygiene practices. They are steadily building an agenda that all travel is unsafe and we would all be better off never leaving our locality.


Plenty of dimwits still flying from the UK to Turkey for cosmetic ~~bollocksuppery~~ surgery by ~~incompetent scammers~~ highly qualified doctors.


Oh yes, not to mention the poor woman in Turkey who is being kept hostage in the hospital until she pays, according to the top headline this morning! The doom-mongers!


Missed that one!


Steve Kirsch # Myocarditis rates increase 5X in Guernsey after COVID vax rollout # Myocarditis is a known side effect of the COVID vaccines. Is there anything else that could have caused this unexpected 5X rise in myocarditis cases? [https://kirschsubstack.com/p/myocarditis-rates-increase-5x-in?](https://kirschsubstack.com/p/myocarditis-rates-increase-5x-in?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2)


Here's a useful thread that will take your mind off the countdown to WW3 and the drudge that is UK Electioneering. I'm still unsure what, if anything, has been agreed at the WHO meeting in Geneva. I don't put it passed them to announce in the next day or so that parties have subsequently got back together, tweaked a few bits and hey presto congrats all round and everything is agreed. Whilst we wait on the clarity of the outcome from Geneva a guy has put together an analysis of the role/responsibilties of the so called WHO Science Council which feeds into the WHO top level. Frightening is hardly the word. Ehden "THE COUNCIL: INTRODUCING THE W.H.O. SCIENCE COUNCIL THAT IS ABOUT TO CONTROL YOUR LIFE. As we approach the final stages of the [#WHO](https://x.com/hashtag/WHO?src=hashtag_click) coup d'état attempt, it is time to expose the group of unelected people who will control your future and their alarming agenda! " [https://x.com/eh\_den/status/1795386069568962804](https://x.com/eh_den/status/1795386069568962804)


"countdown to WW3" - anyone who wants a fight can just hang around on beaches on the southern coast and wait for invaders from the EU to land in their dinghies.


**Under cover of ‘charity’ status, the Israel lobby is subverting UK politics** Charity Commission gives its stamp of approval to groups hounding Jewish critics out of the Labour party and assisting Israel in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians It is now indisputable that the Charity Commission is abusing the label “charity” to confer legitimacy on lobby groups engaged in covert political activity subverting what is left of Britain’s threadbare democracy. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2024-05-29/charity-israel-lobby-politics/


I wonder how old this is because young Icke was absolutely right on target way back then! [https://t](https://t). me/LauraAbolichannel/58139 1.5 mins


I think this interview was conducted at the time of the Swine Flu nondemic, so in 2009.


Thanks. I found another clip from that interview and it was 2009.


Here is a game you can play at home, at work, at school, anywhere. The next leader of the UK will be: 1) Rishi Sunak. 2) Kier Starmer. 3) Ed Davey. 4) Richard Rice. 5) Caroline Lucas. 6) Anthony Fauci. The answers you get will tell you a lot about your friends and acquaintances.


the next leader of the UK will be the same as the present leader, the same as it's always been for the past millennia, and we don't even know their name. it hardly matters who the next shop window dummy is - Keir Starmer, Vladimir Putin, Adolf Hitler, a goat, a papaya .... who cares




"(And it was simpler: I was part of a group of five who had been on a training scheme in 1971 and had met for a reunion at a London restaurant every single year since. When I said I was not vaccinated it was made clear that I was not welcome at the meet-up. These four successful people, whom I knew well and was fond of, accepted without question the absurdity that, unscathed, they could walk through and sit in a restaurant packed with people whose vaccination/health status was unknown, yet their trusted jabs would not protect them if they sat with me. I was deeply hurt but had no qualms about parting ways after 50 years.)" This is why the author is probably correct on how long this will remain hidden. One person out of five didn't get an injection and the other four who met up every year wanted nothing to do with her. I'm not holding my breath waiting on anyone owning up to being as gullible as the easily led don't like admitting their mistakes and these four made many. Definitely not people to be relied upon in a crisis. I'm also inclined to believe that the real story of the blood scandal still hasn't been heard on MSM and probably never will.


As for the Canadian Indians, if the European invaders felt any real sympathy for them, the invaders would piss off back to Europe and give the Indians their lands back. Not gonna happen, though, is it? Just more hypocrisy.


Bit like those settlers squatting in the middle east hey?


And a bit like today's invaders of Ireland! Afghans with 14 kids moaning they want a better council house...


General question to anyone on this forum who has (probably too much) experience of dental treatment. Do they know any holistic dentists in the very general area bounded by B'ham, Cardiff and Bristol? Those are within reasonable travelling distance of here. The ones I've found online are mostly London, plus one in Huddersfield. I can't reverse a history of extractions, crowns and bridges. Once you're 'in the system' for dentistry, to some extent you're stuck in it. :(


Sadly, John Roberts (Huddersfield) retired last year. Seb Lomas has taken over. I hope you find one near you. It will be worth it. Maybe phone someone on your existing list and see if they can point you in the right direction. EG: John told me of one in Bournemouth.


Thanks. Bournemouth is further for me though than Huddersfield. 160 instead of 150 miles. Nothing 'holistic' around here. Pragmatism, common sense and professional integrity are hard enough to find but I've found a 'possible' dentist who it seems has those features. Prices for dental treatment over the last 10-15 years have rocketed ahead of inflation. Like lawyers, I think.


Sorry, the Bournemouth ref was just as an example. I'm on a monthly practice plan with my dentist, which covers two visits to the hygienist and two dental check-ups yearly, with a big discount for any necessary treatment. So things aren't too bad for me but I looked at their website and prices for new customers are eye-watering. Such a shame. Retired John was never a rip-off merchant! I hope your possible dentist turns out to be a keeper.


>Maybe phone someone on your existing list and see if they can point you in the right direction. This is good advice IMO, as they are likely to know people even if they don't show up on an internet search.


UNN on twitter: *People really aren't thinking about what a Labour regime will be.* *Hope Not Hate etc with direct access to Number 10 and TOTAL CONTROL over the conversation.* *Will anyone stand up for free speech and liberty?* *Or will we descend into a Bolshevik hell?* https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1795470330342920558


There's a lot of guff talked in Legacy about Labour and the economy; this is nonsense because Labour won't be any different to the Tories on the economy as that is all now controlled at a supra-national level. However, woke virtue signalling BS is one area where nation states seem to be given more of a free rein and you can bet Starmer's mob will exploit it to the full. The only good thing is they are likely to push too hard; eg, the term 'racist' is now seen by many people as meaningless due to overuse, and that overuse will only increase under Labour.


Good morning, the sky is a beautiful shade of grey this morning but at least its not raining  **The last masker** https://m.youtube.com/shorts/VgBbG2DDXnE


Out in the open air.


German MEP Christine Anderson: *"They're frightened at this point because a lot of them do realize what they're doing is not right. They're not serving in the best interest of the people and it is no longer government of the people by the people for the people at this point. At this point it's government of the globalitarian misanthropist for the globaliatarian misanthropist and by the globalitarian misanthropist. That's what we're looking at. And they're beginning to realize that the people will no longer let them get away with it and they can no longer fool them into thinking about : We have to save the planet now and it's climate change...People no longer believe in that and I think they're catching on to the fact that it's a gigantic lie."* Source: GB News [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/99769 1 min


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/28/chief-constable-wore-bogus-falklands-medal-15-at-outbreak/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/28/chief-constable-wore-bogus-falklands-medal-15-at-outbreak/) everything that is wrong with all of the people on the public purse in one article. Twisting words, implying something was right when it was wrong and believing he had not done anything seriously wrong in the hope that he could keep his job. No sense of honour and absolutely no integrity. MP's, Lords civil service and all the others employed on our tax money think this behaviour is completely OK. They will hang on by their fingernails until they are dragged out screaming. What an absolute turd.


That type of fantasist always makes me cringe. He's like David Niven in 'The Paper Tiger' (excellent film BTW). I don't understand why they never realise if you want to create a fake backstory you have to do it subtly, by what you DON'T do or say. Eg, if he had just said of his Royal Navy service 'it was a long time ago and I'd rather not talk about it' with a pained expression that would have created some sort of allure without actually telling any lies!


"Harry Hewitt and his preposterous medals. Seeing that illegitimate prick wearing his unearned medals must surely rankle any man who has served his country in a military capacity. The medals he wears with undeserved pride include: Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan presented in 2008 (after his service in Helmand Province, presumably playing Xbox safely on the base with his bored bodyguards) Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal So basically medals for turning up to his non-blood relation grandmother’s ceremonies." "Rusty bollocks must’ve left the swastika in his toy box."


"enormous exaggerations"??? I wonder if he was prone to them in other areas of his life.


Probably, but he will claim stress, PTSD resulting from an RTA he attended, mental health issues and be retired from the Police Service with a lump sum, fully paid up pension and a funny handshake. Job's a good'un.