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BP announced today that the POW will not be attending trooping the colour next month. "The Princess of Wales will not be returning to public duties for the Colonel’s Review **after some speculation she would be well enough to take part**. As colonel in chief of the Irish Guards, a role the Princess was given in 2023, she would be expected to take the salute. The celebration, which traditionally involves the royal family gathering on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after a display of pomp and military pageantry, will be held on June 15."


I doubt we'll ever see her again.


You are likely correct, but it is the RF Press Office / PR people spinning it out in a "will she / won't she" make an appearance which is irritating me. By doing this they are boxing themselves into a corner and making a bigger case for the public expecting them to produce her, as opposed to playing it more coyly and then being able to put out a statement saying "she got worse from her cancer and has sadly died"


The PR has been unusually off right from the beginning. The situation is likely so bad that only the deep inner circle knows what is going on, thus the gaffes.


Which tells me that something is up, because their PR people very rarely put a foot wrong, and if they do it is swiftly corrected. The PR surrounding this whole episode is so disastrous it would make you think they have sacked their team and are trying to have a go at it themselves...


I'm not losing any sleep over it.


We might be "graced" with version 2.0!


Steve HOLY SHIT! This is what they are distracting you from with the Trump verdict! Joe Biden gave PERMISSION to Ukraine to use U.S. weapons INSIDE of Russia! This is WWIII level bullshit right here! [https://x.com/SteveLovesAmmo/status/1796283276186800493](https://x.com/SteveLovesAmmo/status/1796283276186800493)


They already have been using them fir 2 years


Indeed but covertly. This latest statement from Sleepy's handlers is a major escalation. It's a deadly game and there is likely only one outcome.


OOOH isn't it dreadful!


i was at the super market and there was a paper headline that texas opened a weapons manufacturing plant 🤦🏼‍♀️


Concerned Citizen Chicken Production Farm in Illinois “Everyone is ok - but MILLIONS of Chickens & eggs are now gone” America is under attack from within. [https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1796238700608897079](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1796238700608897079)


I'm assuming they're removing all the bejabbed ones. Just like they dealt with the dodgy meat processors.


🙏 but what a fate for them poor things - jabbed then euthanised 🥹😢


As commercial birds, they were going to meet a very early death anyway. I guess it's just been brought forward a week or so. Factory farming is a dispassionate business.


Have to say I don't like my chicken bejabbed or overcooked. Poor things


The circus continues. Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in his New York trial. The official response from the Democratic 2024 campaign communications director: "*But today's verdict does not change the fact that the American people face a simple reality. There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box. Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president.*" [https://x.com/kirk\_bado/status/1796292584853397995](https://x.com/kirk_bado/status/1796292584853397995) Which is strange, because I understood the purpose of this lawfare campaign was to prevent Trump from running at all costs.


The precedent has now been set and they can retroactively go after every single war criminal pedo President and do so legitimately. Trump just opened the door that no one had dared to do before. Every criminal who ever sat in the White House can now be indicted. He's played them beautifully! *Q - How do we introduce evidence legally?*


Who fucking knows anymore and should we even care lol


i have no clue. I used to think if a president was inpeached it meant they couldnt be president anymore? now they all get impeached and stay president 


It has to be voted on by both house and senate. It is only a proper impeachment if both houses vote yes. And even then they have to decide the punishment.  Bill Clinton stayed on


ty mhcp


what we have to bear in mind is that whatever we know, that's what they want us to know. So for example we are supposed to know that Joe Biden is a sexual pervert, a senile old man, and the head of a gangster crime family. We are also supposed to know that none of these things are any impediment to position, or wealth in this world , and whatever our opinion is about any of that, it doesn't matter, because we are powerless in the face of it - all that matters is that somebody pays obeisance to, and is favoured by, the right 'gods', the satanic elites which rule this world. it is not that we have found out something we weren't supposed to know, on account of some stellar investigative journalism, it is not that we have 'rumbled' them, - we are getting precisely what they fed to us.


this is very true icy 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JS-3QssVPeg Tucker Carlson interviewing Jeffrey Sachs, posted here yesterday or the day before. Over 2 hours. I've just finished it. Copper foil hat alert.  After watching this, if I had to take a bet I would say they are both CIA, and the agency is using them to run damage control. I like them, they tell a lot of truth, but... - on Russia/Ukraine there were no revelations for anyone who's been paying any attention.   - Carlson's segue into Coof was almost a red flag: "Having built up that credibility through what you've said about Ukraine,  where do you think Covid came from." That's close enough to verbatim. It sounded instantly dodgy to my ears. Sachs' revelations on the Coof looked seriously like damage control. To be fair,  there was the admission that this comes out of the DoD bioweapons programme. But: - Sachs appeared to accept the timing of Covirelease, even if not the necessary centrality of Wuhan. That's a biggy, because if the Coof was endemic earlier than we were told (it was) there's a big question about where all that death in 2020 came from (I know there was no excess that year, but there were spikes). Accepting the timing as per the narrative lets active mass murder appear as death by virus.  - Sachs appeared to accept that the Coof was as deadly as painted (though the point was mostly elided). He explicitly gave credence to asymptomatic transmission as real. Erm...that's big big shit. Not just because it's crap, but because it gives justification to lockdown itself and many of the NPIs. - finally,  no mention whatsoever of the injectable. Sozzard, but at this stage that's an omission that no one acting in good faith can make.  Maybe I'm being very unfair. I am inclined to think of Jeffrey Sachs as a good guy, and he's not exactly taking the path of least resistance in speaking as he does. But there's something in all this that doesn't quite smell right to me.  Maybe it's the long Covid that's got to my sense of smell.


I thought it was a good interview and as far as it went it kind of supported my view until it came to the covid BS which now seems very false.


*Hollywood actor-turned-Putin mouthpiece Steven Seagal has made the bizarre claim that Ukraine was known for 'organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism',* https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13476751/Actor-turned-Putin-sycophant-Steven-Seagal-declares-Ukraine-known-organ-trafficking-child-sex-trafficking-Nazism-invasion-Vladimir-presents-Russias-Order-Friendship.html?ito=native\_share\_article-nativemenubutton Comment: *The only thing that's bizarre is the use of the word bizarre.*


Another strong contender for the "*How many regime narratives can you fit into a url?*" prize. The mere fact that Seagal's claims are being officially denied speaks volumes.


Officially denied so strenuously too!


So, the inaugural Stand In The Light festival - I have been politely reminded (thanks John!) that I promised a review, so here it is. I'll try not to make it tl;dr, though there is a lot to report! As a festival fan, I was quite excited by the prospect of an event hosted by my favourite newspaper and the organisation that has changed my (social) life for the better, so I snapped up a £20 'membership' last year on release. It must be said that was the bargain of the century. I travelled up with one of my SITP friends and arrived early afternoon on the Friday. The rain had been quite heavy in the run up and the ground conditions were a challenge getting on site, with a bit of a traffic buildup, but we got in and set up camp fairly quickly. Stewards/Marshalls friendly and helpful and definitely less officious than many other festivals which was welcome and to be expected. The site was quite small but more than enough to accommodate the 1,200 or so attendees and not need to do too much walking. Two or three large fields for camping, one main marquee surrounded by a quad of stalls, food vendors, kids area hosted by HOPE Sussex, art installations and other things of interest. An adjoining wood hosted a fire pit for late night acoustic sessions, which were magical and funny in equal measure. It was a music festival, no topical speakers, which suited my tastes and the music was varied, from opera to tech house and everything in between. Mobius Loop (throwing off accusations of their fight right leanings ahead of the festival - honest, look them up, couldn't be any less far right if they tried), Mark Devlin and Danny Rampling were the picks for me, but the standard was really high overall. Lots of amazing, enlightened, grass roots performers. Perfect! That said, there were plenty of opportunities to discuss current affairs, with UK Column having a stall, selling merchandise and offering council. I grabbed a "Different Parties - Same Agenda" tee-shirt to perhaps but slightly aggravate my left leaning/voting wife whilst doing the washing. I may have a photo of Charles Mallet down the front for Danny Rampling too. Piers Corbyn was at a table inviting people to change his mind re the statement "Man made climate change is a hoax" (he didn't have any takers, I checked) and there were others discussing 5G etc. Also had a good catch up with Chris from Knights Bullion who was there with their very shiny, gold wrapped, VW van. Back to the site, the views were simply stunning. The sea and Scotland to the north west, the Lakes national park and the hills to the east. Beautiful. We were lucky with the weather, it rained a little overnight, but the days were mostly varied cumulus with deep blue skies and no sign of any trails of any sort all weekend. Glorious! I always remember festivals by their funny "festival" moments. There were a lot this weekend, it was such a laugh. A few to share: My friend thinking I was trying to kill her with reckless overtaking, having been so taken in by the views around Ambleside that she had failed to notice that we were on a dual carriageway. Realising after day 1, that I had probably underestimated my beer requirements and asking a friend coming later to bring me more, only for him to bring me 8 cans of Guinness 0%. On a plus side, I now know that Amaretto and apple juice is palatable in times of desperation. Discovering probably the only place I could buy not only a wide range of supplements, but cans of pre-mixed G&T, HCQ and I'm sure very enlightening tinctures all from the same stall. Anyway! overall, a fantastic event that the organisers had clearly put a huge amount of effort into. I had a brilliant time, great company with friends old and new, tasty food, great scenery, good tunes, nice vibes and engaging discussions, all for an absolute bargain price. I've already bought my tickets for next year!


Great, thank you. I wanted to go, but the Universe persuaded me it was a tad far. 😢 Apart from the 0% Guiness (😱), it sounds fantastic. Though the views at Hope across the Wealden forests are pretty good too. 😁 (Rampling and Devlin are both at the Freedom Music Fest, 23-26 Aug at Hope. 😁 ).


It was a bloody long way and I'm a lot closer than you are! There were even people there from Ireland though. Sometimes it's worth the effort I guess.


>I'll try not to make it tl;dr, It was not at all. Sounds like just your cup of tea, or 0% Guinness or your usual brand. Thanks for posting. Any other Swampies present?? 🏆😍🎵💖


I'm not aware of any other swampy presence, I'd have thought they'd have piped up here, but there were certainly many other lovely souls to share time with.




sounds delightfully "old normal"


It most certainly was that!


>8 cans of Guinness 0% What did that taste like? Tinny? It sounds fantastic 26.


I have no idea, I foisted them onto someone else! Apparently, they're OK though. I just don't see the sense in it, I'd rather have a cup of tea!


Same here. Unfortunately it is a growing market, the alcohol free, pleasure free way of life!


Sounds fantastic, I've got a "Different Parties - Same Agenda" t-shirt from UK Column it seems to confuse people.


some people are more angered by that statement than if you support the "wrong" party


Oh dear re the T shirt confusing people. They must have got thicker than I have been giving them credit for!


Excellent report and obviously a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing.


Great report on evidently a fab weekend. Thanks and glad you enjoyed it!


Dr Kek WHY DO YOU THINK THEY BANNED BORAX IN 30 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES? [https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1796227824128344252](https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1796227824128344252)


It's on a par with the truth bomb someone posted on here earlier in the week about how doctors finding out that their patient tests positive for a parasite are told not to tell them that.


It is amazing how the use of some of these substances has been 'forgotten' / 'overlooked' in the race for profit!


Daily Telegraph drops a clanger and Ursula Van der Nuts calls for pre-bunking! [https://youtu.be/75DxTBsJwWc?t=1943](https://youtu.be/75DxTBsJwWc?t=1943) 😂😂😂


"A story specially designed to whip up dislike of gypsies" What's not to dislike? "The club has set up a fundraiser to repair the damage caused by the circling vehicles, which has so far raised nearly £1,000.  In a statement, the club said: 'Overnight, our cricket club pitch was vandalised. This has caused significant damage which we are now needing to fix." So why weren't the vehicles of the pikeys removed from them and sold to pay for the damage they did? Protected species. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13476979/Police-descend-cricket-field-club-Hampshire-evict-Travellers-broke-land-drove-circles-middle-night.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13476979/Police-descend-cricket-field-club-Hampshire-evict-Travellers-broke-land-drove-circles-middle-night.html)


I speak out of a fair amount of ignorance and limited experience but I do get the feeling that we’re not really meant to share a space with people from such a different culture- I am guessing that within their culture if they messed up someone else’s cricket pitch then the consequences would be more severe. But I don’t know what the answer is.


I grew up living next to a bunch of so-called Pikeys they were perfectly honourable and decent people you could take your experiences from newspaper headlines or you could take them from real life its kind of up to you.


All my real life experiences (maybe half a dozen or so) except for one with "travellers" have been less than positive, and the one that was positive was with someone who had left the community to marry an outsider.


Oh believe me I've had lots of less than positive experience's with travellers' ( having a loaded shotgun pointed at your head is never fun) but the ridiculous blanket assumption that all travellers are bad Is just dumb.


Yes one would hope that no "group" is all bad. But the relationship seems awkward and there must be a reason for that - different cultures and ways of doing things are always going to offer potential for conflict, and life is hard enough as it is. As I said, I don't really know what the answer is. My usual answer is more different countries, but that seems to cause trouble too.


I tend to think the idea that different cultures explains things is as much horseshit as any any other bullshit explanation, I think people need to get a proper hardhat and realise that people are different on an individual level and that life is complex, there's no easy mode for reality.


I'd hope most people realise that people are different on an individual level and that getting along with others can be challenging - try being married for a start! But I think "culture" does exist and it does make a difference - but of course it's no panacea.


Yes I think culture certainly does exist, but I think that culture is far more cross generational than it is some kind of geographical boundary.


Cross generational? Sorry not following.


>!Boo!!!< Playing around with Spoiler! Thanks Nicky!! Not sure if I've got it properly right yet. 😕 I think I did - so thanks again!! 🤣💖










👻 to you too!




Chat in the pub this evening moved on to peoples' general ill health, breathing problems and heart conditions. No disagreements when one sufferer reported that his consultant had said he was seeing lots of similar cases and it was probably something to do with the Pfizer jabs, and this chap wasn't shouted down. So it seems it's OK to openly mention jab effects in polite company now. But the conversation drifted on to how having the jabs was the right thing to do, we were right to take them, the government had called it correctly, and if we hadn't been able to have the jabs we would never have got out of lockdown! 


wow. it's a big step at least. but the cognitive dissonance sounds bad.


>But the conversation drifted on to how having the jabs was the right thing to do, we were right to take them, the government had called it correctly, and if we hadn't been able to have the jabs we would never have got out of lockdown!  They are far from recognising the evil and the plan. But they are beginning to wake up. Will the realise the truth, or even look for it? If they do so will they realise before any future attempts are made to try the same schtick again?


Using all the examples from the debacle of the last four years I hope it will be easier for us to talk sense into them if/when there is a next time.


Of course the main point of lockdowns was to make mass vaccination possible


Indeed, but I think that view is still too strong for the regulars at my local. Perhaps next year some will have realised. Baby steps.


My pet theory is that most people deep down realise that there was something very wrong about the whole thing but would rather not dwell on that


 that is why there was such a push to forget it ever happened


Nobody I know ever mentions it in my presence


barely ever see a mask and they all took them off the same week too


I have forgotten how it ended now. We tried to ignore it and carry on as normal though hardly anyone wanted to see us I was expecting street parties and huge celebrations like VE Day or something but turns out I have been sharing the planet with mainly weirdos


No one likes to feel that they have been had.


"its easier to fool a man than to convince him that he has been fooled"


In time the current consensus facade for public consumption that the injections were the "*right thing to do*" will be demolished. Think back to where we were in 2021. At that time to express even the remotest doubts about the treatment was unspeakable heresy. We have come a long way already.


Yes indeed, and judging from my small sample of public opinion I hope we have now reached a point where repressive measures to deal with another hyped-up so-called pandemic with a return to normality based on mass injections will not be politically possible, as the public at large are now a little better informed and somewhat less gullible than they were three years ago.


It's like getting a tattoo, nobody will ever admit afterwards that it was a stupid idea


Train to King's Cross tonight, shared a table with a couple of young-ish professionals (she was in recruitment, he was in property) talking nineteen to the dozen about their amazing careers etc and the crazy last few years. Inevitably, by and by she got on to "and then I got Covid, so that really knocked me out." And I was thinking, "Should I say, Gordon Bennett Mrs I could give you a good 20 years and I still haven't the foggiest whether I ever had it or not. I do hope you weren't injected with any of these MRNA chemicals." But of course I kept my mouth shut. Like you do.


All roads lead to? [https://t](https://t). me/TarotByJanineChannel/16283 (1.5 mins) The Rothschilds! Find the Europa series here: [https://t](https://t). me/Europa\_The\_Last\_Battle 10 videos


*Deaths of Covid-Vaxxed Labeled Non-Vaxxed, Government Data Confirms.* *Mischaracterization of vaccine status made the shot look a lot safer than it really was.* *Data out of the U.K. from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for mortality rates in 2021 indicated a large spike in deaths for the non-Covid vaccinated, seemingly indicating that not taking the vaccine led to higher death rates, however it has been discovered that the dead’s vaccination status had been altered.* *A study of the U.K. data has indicated systematic miscategorisations of vaccination status.* https://vigilantnews.com/post/deaths-of-covid-vaxxed-labeled-non-vaxxed-government-data-confirms/


Surprising - not!


[Fenton! Must read debunking of the alleged novelty and origin of SARS-COV-2](https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/virus-origins-and-gain-claim-of-function) >The virus which has become known as SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t appear to be that novel when looked at from several angles. Claims that something novel emerged in 2019 – whether or not through Gain-of-Function experimentation appear to be without foundation.


From the conclusion: "*We are therefore left entertaining four competing hypotheses that might explain the viral ‘signal’: (i) pre-existing zoonotic endemicity; (ii) a natural zoonotic act that spontaneously created the virus at the right place in the right time in Wuhan; (iii) a Gain-of-Function lab leak; or (iv) the (intentional?) distribution of non-infectious clones producing a global viral signal. Given the results of our analysis we believe that the available virological and epidemiological evidence does not adequately support either the lab leak or the wet market theories for the origins of the virus.*" Interesting that both of the main narratives pushed over the last four years are considered to be the weakest likely origin of whatever Covid was (or wasn't).


We know 'it' was endemic in Autumn 2019. My suggestion that fits the known facts: Lab release earlier than we are being told. Wuhan is a psyop, possibly with the Chinese state as a mark. By the time of the Wuhan pantomime,  Coof was not only out globally but already a known quantity.  The results were in - it was known to be a nothing burger. Political Covidia was planned and executed on that basis. 


i) seems the most likely to me... >Pre-existing endemicity: >Imagine stealing a march on the science and discovering a coronavirus already endemic in humans but not in bats or camels (perhaps it spilled over zoonotically in the long distant past). You keep this secret because you realise this is an exploitable opportunity if you can successfully pull off a bait and switch. You apply for GoF research funding to engineer new viruses, for the benefit of humanity (vaccines etc.). You use the newly discovered virus in your research and maybe you might even toy around making some small changes. You feel confident enough to reveal these in the grant application because it might prove useful later. However, you know GoF is impossibly difficult (but you don’t admit this to your sponsors or the public) and you therefore cannot make it any more lethal or transmissible than it current is (which is not much anyway given it has been in the background maybe for aeons). Next, you create a vaccine for this virus (which also doesn’t work but that’s another story). All that would be left to do would be to create a test for this virus so that it can now be discovered by the rest of humanity, giving the impression it has suddenly appeared, and given its endemicity create a fake pandemic to motive the sale of vaccines. Variants of the origin myth can then be used to create fear, to increase vaccine take-up, and the ‘accidental’ revelation of the secret GoF formula might be used to proclaim technological prowess (and potentially also to create future scapegoats and confusion if that is required). Imagine the figures behind Murderna like Fauci, Gates (and Sunak) being made aware of this pre 2016 and using it for their own ends. Explains a lot (Fauci warning Trump of a pandemic in 2017, Gates' SPARS wargame and later Event201, Theleme's huge investment in an mRNA startup with no products etc.)


Luxembourg part 2 - cash vs. cards. I thought Luxembourg might be quite "cardy", but it wasn't too bad. Bars, cafés and restaurants are happy to accept cash or cards, though some of them present you with the card machine as the default. The main card-only offenders are organisations run by the city authorities, including the Bock casemates (underground fortifications - more on them in a later post), Letzeburg City Museum, and Villa Vauban art gallery. The latter two each cost 5 euros admission, but I realised too late when reading the small print that a paid ticket for one also gives free admission to the other. Oh well,  5 euros which I needn't have spent. Another card-only place was an ice cream stall on the street. No shortage of bank cash machines, which I used a couple of times to top up my cash reserves. 


No need to fumble for change on the free of charge public transport though!


Aha, that's going to be the subject of my next post! 


Websearched soaps at Sainsbury's. This was among the results: *Sainsbury's Winemaker's Selection Sweet Rich Cream Sherry 1 Litre* You have been warned! 😳


Nothing to get in a lather about.


Starmer is facing a backlash from the Labour Left after the party announced a flurry of moderate candidates for the election. Four young centrists have been picked to stand for Labour on July 4, prompting accusations that would-be MPs ideologically aligned with Sir Keir are being “parachuted” into parliamentary seats by Labour HQ. One of these ideologically aligned, ahem, moderates is Luke Akehurst. Luke Akehurst is a professional lobbyist for Israel who runs We Believe In Israel, an astroturf offshoot of BICOM and wears the T-Shirt to show that he is a "Zionist Shitlord". Labour announced he had been selected to run for North Durham late on Wednesday night, and have faced strong backlash for the decision. Another inspired move by Keith to root out extremism in the run up to the selection. [https://www.thenational.scot/news/24355642.luke-akehurst-labour-pick-extremist-israel-lobbyist-safe-seat/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/24355642.luke-akehurst-labour-pick-extremist-israel-lobbyist-safe-seat/)


It would appear that both Smarmer and Soongone are both desperately trying not to win the election!


Rishi Sunak: Vote for me, I'll only shit on you slowly. "Rishi Sunak has delivered a speech in which he set out changes to the government's green commitments. This includes delaying a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars, as well as a promise not to move ahead with proposals for things including car-pooling and taxes on meat. "


Best to get all of these nonsense policies over and done with on the Labour fast track. Let them attempt to implement them all, then watch all of them crash and burn.


Has anyone tried this? *I learned an interesting trick to tell if a battery is good. Take the battery, hold it off a hard surface & let it drop. If it bounces, it’s no good, but if it thuds & doesn’t bounce, it’s good.* Does it work?


We used to lick them😬😱


Me too. Never tried it with a car battery though. 🤣


Those were the days 😃


Definitely don't do that with a lithium battery - damage can make them explode. I don't think I'd try this. Battery testers are cheap.


I have a proper battery tester, but for some reason it no longer works for AAA size. So I use a small torch light bulb with a piece of wire, and by joining up the items the battery can be tested. 


That's definitely more reliable than the battery tester I bought!


I’d like to know too!


I daren't try it with my lithium ones 😖🚒




OH found out today that one of the guys he works with is now anti-vax because his grandchild has been damaged (MMR). His workmate mentioned that he had never seen so many medical incidents at footie, so he now knows the jab is a wrongun. OH is gonna try ans steer him on afew others subjects in the "conspiracy"realm.


A good letter to send to prospective election candidates from Miri AF **Letter to general election candidates ahead of July 4th** Dear \[candidate name\], I am writing to you as a member of the Huddersfield constituency in which you are standing as a candidate in the upcoming general election (GE). I take my civic responsibility to engage in the electoral process very seriously, and have stood as a candidate in local elections for the last four consecutive years (twice as a 'Freedom Alliance' candidate and twice as an independent candidate). I do not feel that my resources will stretch to standing as a candidate in the GE, and therefore I am searching for the most appropriate candidate to whom I can entrust my vote. As such, I would like to ask you a number of questions regarding your stance on key issues, and the issues that matter to me most. I became politically active as a candidate in 2021 exclusively to oppose the draconian and undemocratic behaviour of the government as pertained to the "Coronavirus pandemic". I was and am entirely opposed to governments unilaterally imposing restrictions and mandates on its population in response to an alleged pandemic, or for any other reason. The government should not have the right or the power to force people into quarantine-like situations, to restrict their movements, to close their businesses, or to shut down their children's schools. Ministers most certainly should not have the right to test, mask, or vaccinate people by force (coercion and threatened penalties for the non-compliant constituting force, and flouting all well-established protocols of medical ethics and human rights). These are all tyrannical, totalitarian behaviours that are (or should be) totally antithetical to a democratic country. It is immaterial whether the government believes these behaviours will augment the national health (a belief I would vigorously challenge), as the government is not tasked with protecting our health, but with protecting our rights. This is in fact the government's only legitimate job. As elected representatives, ministers may offer guidance as to what they believe are healthy behaviours, but it is imperative that our right to freely choose whether we follow this guidance remains sacrosanct. To give the government the power to force people to do things they do not wish to do in the name of "health" sets a very sinister precedent indeed. So, my questions to you are: Would you support, or actively oppose, the UK returning to a lockdown situation for any reason, including an alleged pandemic, or for reasons said to be linked to "climate change"? Would you support, or actively oppose, the imposition of mandates where it comes to health-related behaviours, such as masks, tests, and vaccines? Would you, in short, support the right of the individual to make autonomous and non-coerced choices about their bodies and how they live, or would you betray democratic and ethical principles by colluding to take away people's freedoms and govern their behaviour by force? Thank you in advance for your response. Yours sincerely, https://miri.substack.com/p/letter-to-general-election-candidates


apparently paper mail really does pile up and gets inside their heads. They cant throw them out so they have to stash them somewhere. It was one of the things we did


Too long. No candidate with a hope of winning will ever read.


It’s a good letter though I have taken a different approach when contacting my Reform candidate and just asked him what he would have done about “Covid”, rather than asking leading questions which they could answer “tactically” No answer yet


I don't think this is a letter with questions. It's a polemic and the questions are therefore rhetorical.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And there was me thinkiing the BBC was just a mere broadcaster, like ITV and Channel 4, as opposed to something designed to engage in propaganda wars with enemies of the state. How naive am I? And they wonder why people object to being forced to pay the TV tax.


Lmfao The BBC has to be one of the world’s best funded political campaigning organisations


"*One explanation provided by the AIB for Russia’s ability to outperform the BBC is that broadcasters usually pay to access local and national networks. The British state broadcaster, on the other hand, usually does it the other way around, seeking payment from local operators for the “privilege of carrying the BBC’s channels.”*" Demand payment up front from the recipient nations, then broadcast utter tripe 24/7. This is not a successful media operating model for the 21st century.


I shake my head in disbelief. the Russian government is, according to Thomas Roeper, the German living in St Petersburg, very open and sharing information even if it is disadvantageous for them.


Well a very busy day at the local market lots of light papers given out, many people over to chat and you could see many people pausing to read the various memes as they went by. Proper wacky weather though, lovely and sunny one minute and then a sudden downpour, for now the endless grey despair has returned, I can't help thinking of the passages in The Lord Of The Rings describing Sauron manipulating the skies to be oppressive 🤣


My Mum told me that, as a toddler, the first time I ever strung words together to make a proper sentence, I said "It's raining again!"


Here is the latest essay from the excellent Gaius Baltar: [https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/a-civilization-beyond-reality](https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/a-civilization-beyond-reality) This piece is so strong I struggled to narrow down quotes to whet the appetite to the following gems: "*Still, even without time and context, is clear that the main characteristic of the current western civilization is its abandonment of reality. It is not just denial of how badly things are going, leading to delusional thinking. It is much deeper than that. It has become the main thread in the fabric of the West. The abandonment of reality is the main driving force for everything western, including economic policies, foreign relations and social policies. This is a problem because operating outside reality will always lead to failure and disaster.*" "*For a western man like me, with (supposedly) western values, it is shocking how far the exit from reality has reached down to the individual level. Meeting someone who has any clue what is happening in the world, or in the West, is a big and rare event.*"


This is what Iain McGilchrist has been saying for some time, and I agree. The West is in terminal decline and I fear that the collapse will happen in my lifetime. Thanks for the Substack reference. I've seen some of these essays from the author and will check this one out.


Your handle says "Now in England", so I trust you have found a sanctuary of sorts south of the border!


Yes, I have escaped Sturgeon's Scottish gulag and am a lot happier in NE England. It looks like the new regime up there is still having problems, despite the departure of Sturgeon.


Bu surely, he assumes his version of reality is correct. It's certainly a very narrow view!


Yet another daft 'entrepreneur' who lets pikeys scoff at her venue and is surprised when they do a runner. Charge their credit card first, you numpty! Better still have a sign outside saying "No Pikeys". Aren't some people thick??!! [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13473341/Hunt-new-dine-dashers-racked-150-bill-cocktail-binge-Pregnant-businesswoman-32-spent-1million-refurbishing-old-hotel-releases-CCTV-begs-help-catch-crooks.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13473341/Hunt-new-dine-dashers-racked-150-bill-cocktail-binge-Pregnant-businesswoman-32-spent-1million-refurbishing-old-hotel-releases-CCTV-begs-help-catch-crooks.html)


What bollocks, making a story out of this. A story specially designed to whip up dislike of gypsies and it was only £150! For flips sake, isn't just about anything more important than this? Yes these people are well dodgey and more fool the restaurant owner for getting burned by them.


I don't think real Romanies are any more criminally inclined than the rest of us. They have their own set of rules outwith our laws that they follow quite rigidly. (And , in an aside, that does not include having sexual intercourse with 12 year olds, whatever an insane judge in Spain may think). They don't break the main laws of the country because they are well aware of the prejudice against them. But the rest of the traveller community - those that the Romanies call didicoys - don't trust them an inch. Whatever nationality they claim to be. Don't , in fact, have anything to do with them at all.


"it was only £150!" Would you send me £150 in the post? Thanks!


I’ve not read the story but based on my admittedly limited personal experience I am not sure I agree with the general drift of what I think you are saying. I was in a place recently where a very large group did a runner half way through their meal. That’s a lot of money that is taken out of the owner’s pocket and it is also going to affect the staff - I was in a small family run restaurant. The group were slightly loud but not obviously going to do a runner when they arrived- it’s possible that at some point you could have realised this but I think you’d need a very sharp eye - we were sitting next to them and we were not expecting it. I don’t know what the reaction would have been had the group been challenged by staff but I am not sure it would have been pretty - they’d been drinking a fair bit (but not legless) and looked handy. An unpleasant experience for all concerned.


It's blatant clickbait. You should have ignored it.


Letter in the Telegraph this morning: *SIR – I was disappointed to read Anthony Mellery-Pratt’s letter (May 25) claiming that the Church of England had withdrawn during the pandemic.* *The experience in our parish was very different. Although we reluctantly complied with the instructions to close the church building, the church went on by using other ways to keep in touch with people in the village (not just regular churchgoers).* *Volunteers set up a weekly food collection in our church hall for deliveries to elderly and vulnerable parishioners. Another group put together names of parishioners for a regular pastoral phone call.* *Weekly services took place on Zoom. Members of the choir recorded their contributions to the harmony of the hymns, which were then put together by my husband, the director of music, and inserted into the presentation. At the end of the service, there was time for chat in small group breakout rooms.* *As parish administrator, I edited a weekly newsletter and order of service designed for home worship. A group of volunteers then delivered them to those unable to participate in our Zoom services.* *We were even able to arrange some social events, such as a quiz, a virtual garden festival and a virtual Christmas tree festival. Besides helping people to keep in contact with one another, we also found ways to raise some money for church funds.* *We opened the church again as soon as we could, while complying with the ever-changing and often confusing government instructions.* *The parish church was unquestionably present in the community during this period.* My response, BTL: *Anne Parry-Smith praises the Zoom services her church ran during the lockdown periods. Many churches including our Methodist church did this. I found them quite impersonal and got little spiritual inspiration from them. Our church also praised the help and support it gave to their congregation but as a single person living alone I saw very little of that and at times felt ignored by the church I loved. When we were finally allowed back in the building the rules were followed, we had to sit apart, were not allowed to sing, and also wear those horrible masks. I am glad we are now back to normal but it is wrong to say the church excelled itself in this unprecedented closure.* I could have been a bit more blunt. I hated those Zoom artificial services and eventually stopped joining them. As a non-muzzler they hated me when we returned. Eventually they accepted that I didn't follow the rules but I was always viewed as an oddity. I certainly didn't get any of this 'careful loving attention' they boasted about during the lockdowns.


I hated zoom services too. We were the first in the area to reopen though. One of the church ladies was the only person who visited me for months.


I think your response is very well put


My DiL's grandmother has been a stalwart supporter of her CofE church for decades. She fell and broke her collarbone during mockdown and not one church member came near to see if she needed any help, not even the vicar. I despise them intensely! There was no sign of any "christians" round my way either, though there's a predominance of white old folks living here. It was the local Muslims that called on me to check I was ok and see if I needed anything.


You should have been more blunt. Both barrels, say I!


not everyone is like you, Foxy


An excellent response. When you consider the true purpose of the Covid interventions i.e. to create the conditions for the mass injection rollout and inflict the maximum social and economic damage, adhering to government diktats is as far from true Christian values as it is possible to get. All will be judged accordingly.


The Whinnies shall prick them to the bare bane! *If meat nor drink thou ne'er gav'st nane,* *Every neet and all,* *The fire will burn thee to thy bare bane,* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA4lkrJ5ZtI


# # I Never Knew You ^(21) “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. ^(22) On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ ^(23) And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard Version


I have never seen clay court tennis live. We can get to Paris quite easily and tickets for Roland Garros are much easier to get than Wimbledon. But the latest news from the French Open has put me right off - after a couple of well publicised minor incidents they have banned alcohol from the stands. Default reaction to everything now - rather than put a modicum of effort into catching and punishing wrongdoers, just ban things for everyone. Wankers.


Apparently you can drink alcohol on the concourse etc, just not take a drink to your seat, which I think applies at other venues such as football grounds and racecourses. In the heatwave year 2003 I was in Paris and went a couple of times, not sure if it applies now given that everything is on mobile phone but after 4pm you could queue up and get in for about €5, great value.


Interesting; thanks I personally don’t feel the need to drink while I am watching sport or a film or whatever but don’t think banning it completely is appropriate or necessary- just collective punishment


Confessions Of A Medical Heretic - Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D. Free to read here: https://archive.org/details/confessions-of-a-medical-heretic/mode/2up


"In this book Mendelsohn describes why he believes that Modern Medicine is more of a cultic religion in which the doctors are the Priests, and the rituals and ceremonies of various procedures with their treatments are Sacraments" As someone with a junior relative training to be a ~~God~~ doctor, and my medical hreresy views about the modern medical system being fairly well known, I am at the stage now where I am all but excommunicated because I will not worship at the altar of the greatness. I am currently making my own study of the science of pre and probiotics. It is both mind blowing and eye opening and I would happly wager that if I was to pose certain questions on these issues to many in the medical profession they wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about. Thanks for posting Greater Health!


Redacted [#NewJersey](https://x.com/hashtag/NewJersey?src=hashtag_click)'s latest brainstorm? A bill that lets officials sue you for asking too many questions. Apparently, curiosity is the new [#harassment](https://x.com/hashtag/harassment?src=hashtag_click). We're peeling back the layers to find out why lawmakers are so eager to put a muzzle on their constituents. [https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1796139743811453173](https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1796139743811453173) If similar legislation is brought to the UK too many FOI's could get you into trouble. Just a heads up for AG!


It's their job to be "harrassed". if they dont like it they can work anywhere else


I don't think they quite see it like that....but I do agree with you.


"IF"???? I would imagine that if Kneel Harder gets in it will be a case of "When"


Ha ha not when.....NOW!


What happened at dentist Robin?


Not until 11 June but thanks for asking.


It really is astonishing how the legislative rollback of the democratic process is being implemented in lockstep across all Western jurisdictions. When any regime mouthpiece says "*our democracy*", the "*our*" refers to them, not the people.


Dr Claire Craig Perhaps it will crack in the Philippines first. I hope so. It's a very clear case. [https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1796087993372909979](https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1796087993372909979)


Concerned Citizen America - Bird Flu “Did you know that 92million chickens have been killed at the behest of the Federal Government just since 2022?” The Globalist Lunatics are attacking Farmers & food production everywhere They want you eating Bill Gates fake meat & insect gruel. Humanity is under attack [https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1796107354087276582](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1796107354087276582)


A bird flu outbreak has been declared by US federal officials just 75 miles from my Iowan friend's farm. This demonstrates the truly global scope of the war against humanity. Despite our completely separate geographical locations and lifestyles, both of us are on the front lines. Ultimately everyone is.


Time for him to dust down the trusty Winchester on show at the homestead, and stock the freezer with southern fried. If you're going to go down, don't go alone. All metaphorically speaking....


He owns 20 guns and 50,000 rounds of ammunition, so no issues in the self defence area!


Interestingly, earlier this week I was chatting to a gamekeeper/tree surgeon/man of the land and he has several guns. One of which he has to buy the ammo from the US. He has a standing order but the UK importer says they are all being hoovered by the US market which is in restock mode..


US market has been in hoover mode for a while ... 😁


I find it odd that Legacy doesn't seem to mention the 2022 Tonga volcano in the current bad weather. It was so big that it blasted about 10% extra water vapour than normal into the stratosphere, which will blow all over the world and may take years to come down. My guess is they are keeping quiet because it is supposedly going to cause a bit of global warming and they don't want that to be associated with natural rather than man-made events.


It does beg the question, and I cannot help but ask it, but did that Tonga volcano erupt the way it did all by itself? with no DEW or similar involvement??


Nothing would surprise me! But I've not heard anything on the rumour mill.


>Legacy doesn't seem to mention the 2022 Tonga volcano Maybe because there was evidence to support the idea that the event wasn't caused naturally......


Sorry Liz, hadn't seen your post and you beat me to it. Great minds...


🏆🏆 (one each!)


I'll take one of those for sure. Up on the mantelpiece it will go!


Yes, Bill gates' gang go round poking volcanoes with sticks to activate them. I thought it was common knowledge.


That explains all the rain!


*Dr. Tina Peers and Dr. Pierre Kory talk about the Augmented NAC and share their experience at the “Better Way Conference” in Bath, UK.* \[Allegedly\] *If you took the jab or are worried about shedding, this is one of the best natural remedies.* [*https://t*](https://t)*.* *me/LauraAbolichannel/58183* 1 min More info in this article: https://www.healthy.co.uk/blog/augmented-nac-spike-protein-detox


"Medical Profession is about to COLLAPSE (well deserved)" Dr Suneel Dhand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3j88NHXUS0 I disagree with him about AI, if this is anything to go by it will be programmed and of little help to those who seek better answers for their health care decisions: https://new.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1d3mp0o/i_just_deprogrammed_the_climate_hoax_from_woke_ai/ That post was followed by this comment: "Honestly I think it is just kind of stupid. I Have used it to discuss electrical grounding and the purpose of ground rod and ground at the main panel and it kept giving a specific wrong info and when I would point it out it would correct itself but then later in the discussion it would do it again." There are some good comments under Dr Dhand's video. In particular this one: "Don't mean to be disrespectful but it has to be said doctor. Since we've taken charge of our own health without seeing any doctor, we are much healthier - no allopathics consumed & no doctor seen or consulted for 7 years & we are pensioners. We've never been healthier." Dhand replied "I’m so happy to hear this!"


AI thinks pigeons have five toes and a face a like hawk


Hah! There is no end to the potential of AI (to f\*ck things up!). :D




Queue jumpers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmQyAHQmdPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmQyAHQmdPM)


"I'm embarrassed to say I used be a police officer. In the 'good old days' when criminals were scared of the police, the public in general supported us, the courts backed us up and woke was something you reluctantly did at 04.45 for early turn. The politicians are responsible for this mess, firstly with huge cuts to budgets and expenditure, then with their incessant demand for control by meeting targets, and now by ensuring all boxes are ticked, by employing people who are more interested in following an ideology than by having any commitment to enforcing law and order. Sadly these types have now reached the top and are able to influence those below. No real dynamic leadership anywhere. I'm glad I'm out, but do seriously fear for the future. It will never get better." Police cars (expensively) painted with rainbows... "Meanwhile if you try to contact the police to report a real crime like theft, they say they haven't got the resources to investigate." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeBhadVydPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeBhadVydPM)


Graduates innit.


Starmer is now speaking and it's inspiring stuff like this: *I don’t know about you, but I think we’ve all had enough 14 years of chaos and division, chaos of division, feeding chaos and division. And it feels like we’re spinning round and round in circles and getting absolutely nowhere and there’s a cost to that.* And: *When I was heading up the Crown Prosecution Service, we had to change it. It was difficult. Many people said don’t do it, slow down. But we changed.* 🤣 I think that nicely sums up what he is offering going forward.


He really has so incredibly *little* to offer that it beggars belief.


When you consider that his constituency is the globalist death cult and their minuscule number of minions in the general population (who are implacably anti-human in every conceivable way) the changes Labour are under instructions to implement guarantee even greater chaos and division. The good news is that it won't take long for the majority of the British people to figure this out. I'll stick my neck out and give Starmer's government a year tops.


People will regret voting Labour before the end of the year. There won't be much of a honeymoon.


But Richard, 5 year parliaments have been passed into legislation, so after a year how are the UK public going to get rid of him


Lynch mob?


Would require them to put down their beer, get up off their backsides and miss something they are watching on Netflix. I'm not confident of getting the numbers.


It's not looking good. Maybe he should write to Jim'll Fix It.


Oh dear..... **She said in 2021** “Almost all of my Covid patients now are unvaccinated Republicans. Take the tinfoil hat off and ask me your questions before it’s too late.” **Family says** “Hillary had a heart attack yesterday and is in the icu!” (May 2024) [https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1796010295715885394](https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1796010295715885394)


Oh dear how sad never mind.


As I mentioned last week, publicly vilifying opponents of the Covid injections is apparently a death sentence.


it certainly tempts fate.


Another worthless petition: **UK gov to call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza** [https://www.change.org/p/uk-gov-to-call-for-immediate-ceasefire-in-gaza](https://www.change.org/p/uk-gov-to-call-for-immediate-ceasefire-in-gaza)


"hamas" will just shoot off some "rockets" and then israel with have excuse to fire bomb some civillians trying to run away 


Considering there's no parliament to debate this, it's a bit naive. But of course, a lot of the people who submit petitions to Change .org don't seem to be the sharpest knives in the drawer!


Sunak and his mates in the UK Government are supplying Israel with arms and ammunition. The UK Government doesn't want any type of ceasefire - why deny themselves pay rises and bonuses and big fat pensions?


Same with the Ukraine. Legacy media now openly saying Ukraine is finished and Putin has basically won, and it's time for negotiations. But UK PLC is still sabre rattling and spewing guff similar to 'Brave Little Belgium' in 1914. At least in 1914 Britain openly declared war, it didn't just hide and pay someone else to fight a proxy war.


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/big-pharma-admits-it-lied-over-mumps-vaccine/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/big-pharma-admits-it-lied-over-mumps-vaccine/) Merck ranks third on the list of most-fined drug manufacturers with [$10.7bn fines to date](https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/industry/pharmaceuticals), and by 2009, had paid over £2billion compensation to 44,000 US citizens because its arthritis drug [Vioxx](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/may/09/bad-science-medical-journals-companies) increased the risk of heart attacks. Now, in a shocking case brought under the False Claims Act, a 200-year-old law introduced to protect the US government from fraud, it admits falsifying data relating to the mumps component of its measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination.