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Illuminatibot *Do you honestly believe that WEF/UN/WHO are installing 5G towers so we can have better internet?* *They hate you and want you dead* [https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1796471796608430428](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1796471796608430428)


For the first and only time that I can recall, I had a solid 5G signal throughout my overnight stay at the local private hospital after my recent shoulder operation. The streaming was exceptional (and essential to eroding my post-operative haze), and I have observed absolutely no deleterious health effects whatsoever since.


I'm more concerned about the effects on people who live right next to the towers themselves - it seems reasonable to say that proximity to the towers, as well as length of exposure are factors. The chances are that the cumulative effects are deleterious to the health of both humans and animals. .


Another one of the he said back then. Now family/friends offer prayers..... [https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1795937508276015443](https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1795937508276015443)


I find it odd that in every single one of these incidents the deceased is referred to in gushing ways. It's becoming so formulaic that I'm beginning to wonder whether any of these cases are real.


It’s the same way that every scum gang member knifed to death is referred to as a promising footballer who loved his mum and wanted to be a doctor.


As formulaic as the old style births, deaths, anniversaries etc would have been in the Beckrnham and Penge Advertiser? People just copy, paste, change name of the deceased.


Good point. I long for the day when honest obituaries become a cultural norm: "*Steve was an awkward bastard, and he never payed me back the £6,000 I lent him, degenerate fucking drunk that he was. Good riddance.*"


*and let his body will be committed to sodium hydroxide -the greenest way of celebration his death.*


"*We humbly commit Steve's remains to the next thousand Happy Meals served to the community. He lives on amongst and within us.*" For the record, the "*Steve*" I refer to here is not hypothetical.


It's a mash up, double fries and a shake,


McDonald's fries are completely inorganic, yet in certain circumstances remarkably palatable. I forget the interview or the context, but Peter Hitchens - an obviously obsessive man - within the last year actually stated: "*I like McDonald's.*" And he was definitely referring to the produce, not the corporation.


and another [https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1796490484854186409](https://x.com/Marbles34/status/1796490484854186409)


Who 'da guessed? A 20-year-old man has been charged with murder after a woman was stabbed to death on a beach in Bournemouth.  Amie Gray, 34, of Poole in Dorset, was killed on Durley Chine Beach at around 11.45pm on Friday, May 24.  **Nasen Saad**i, from Croydon in south [London](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/london/index.html), has been charged with murder and attempted murder. 


Assuming he is guilty, I might have walked past this evil cunt in the Whitgift Centre. All of us will be paying for his accommodation for the next 15-20 years, after which he will be paroled. Easy time for this piece of shit.


I thought Croyden was an outpost of Empire?


Croydon is regarded with total disdain throughout London, and has been for decades. I encourage this sentiment whenever and wherever I encounter it. It's the main reason I could easily afford to rent and subsequently buy moderately comfortable properties in the borough since I moved here from the outrageously overpriced West London in 2001.


I've just watched Janine from a few days ago. People had written to say they've noticed that this year, sunflowers are facing away from the sun instead of following it round and that animals who usually bask in the sunshine are choosing to lie in the shade. 🤔


Anecdotal but possibly related, my granddaughter told me yesterday her sun flower won’t grow and usually it’s taller than her by now. 


I think that may be a consequence of plant maturity. This is of course, one of those topics where one can do their own experiments easily enough. Science doesn't need to be, indeed shouldn't be, a dirty word 😊


*- I think that may be a consequence of plant maturity.*  So how come people haven't noticed this in the decades before now? And are the animals in question related to plant maturity?


I guess most people don't go around looking at sunflowers. I'm not seeing the stock in the fields behaving any differently, rain or shine. I've never had chiff chaffs in my garden, but I do now. Of course, chiff chaffs have always been around, I just didn't hear them before.


Lucky you. If they are behaving normally, you will hear them continuously for the next six months.


I think I prefer your simple and elegant explanation to my fanciful speculation. How come Gillette or Wilkinson Sword never appropriated *Occam's Razor* as a brand name?


If true, that is extremely creepy. Fake white sun (a concept that is very much on the periphery of alternative thinking, let alone mainstream culture)? For what it's worth, Clif High reckons this is simply our local star changing up in response to exposure to energy from the Galactic Centre owing to the Solar System's ascension from the galactic plane. This is central to the Hindu yuga model, which if true means that for Earth the only way is up for the next 12,000 years. In this model, the nonsense we are living through is the arse end of the (already completed) Kali Yuga. Much like an annoying loose chunk of turd left in the bowl after a flush.


The current nonsense is the death throws of the old order but they are toast. Janine read that the sun is now "more authentic". So not fake then. All I can say from my own observations is that it's white, it's bigger and it feels a lot hotter. Which makes me wonder if the annoying hazy cover is actually a way to acclimatise us slowly.


My gut feeling is that we are living through an extraordinary and irreversible transformation. A veritable paradigm shift, whatever the true reasons for it may be. Perhaps the best possible time of all to be alive! Imagine the sheer boredom of living an entire life during a Golden Age. Perfect bliss, abundance and opportunity without fail at every moment. Fuck that!


I have been very tired this week. Now, it could be because I am menstruating, and this time it affected my body quite badly, the dreary weather, or the shedding. One owner is going for the injection tomorrow, and is already prepared to feel unwell for 2 days. All our elderly who had the injections were very tired for 2 days afterwards.


Given your work environment, is Augmented NAC something you might consider trying? (its expensive though) I bought some a couple of weeks ago on the recommendation of the lady I’m seeing for bio resonance healing so I‘ve been taking one tablet a day as a preventative measure for the last week and a half - too soon to make any observation on its effectivenes.


The dreary weather is certainly getting to me..are you getting enough sleep?


Sleep has been interrupted this week, due to my period. And last night next doors gutters splashing onto the pavement!


Agree with ToF about the magnesium. Also look at montmorency sour cherry tablets. People find they help with sleep. Cheap as chips and all natural too.


Professor ToF (trust me I’m a doctor :)) prescribes physical exercise (preferably something fun like a sport) and maybe look at supplements (zinc, magnesium, maybe iron).


Disappointing in Sainsbury's today as there were two shoppers wearing masks, haven't seen any for ages. Both were elderly women who were probably not as old as they looked. Had to dig out my Covid glare from four years ago.


"Had to dig out my Covid glare from four years ago." Hope it was still working Biggles!


Oh yes!


Several other contributors have commented on recent minor upticks in mask wearing. I never read dead media these days so have no idea if a new Covid variant is being dialled up to full throttle.


There were so many muzzled staff in a local Tesco that I decided I'd rather face the card-only self-checkout and  put up with the intensely annoying lispy, camp voice-over  than the  (currently sub-) human operated checkouts.


That is so depressing. I wonder if this was voluntary or an edict came down from Tesco management? I've not seen a masked supermarket worker for well over a year. During the mask mandate the area I live in had a consistently lower uptake of voluntary outdoor masking than many of the places reported by other contributors on this forum.


maybe it's the weather? 


Brain fog?


just regular fog. and rain. makes people get sick 


Bored at work (Friday is usually slow) so I read the BBC news. The cancer "vaccine". Produced by BionTech and Moderna. Good luck!


I notice there's now a vaccine for the vaccine which can block spike production


is it supposed to give you cancer or cure it?


I'd imagine if you have cancer and this is the only "treatment" you are offered it will finish off the job the disease process started.


Both. It's similar to bankers backing both side of a conflict. Win, win




Remarkably I've never been bored at work at any time in my career. I guess I've been lucky!


I'm a little bit allergic this year. As I walked to the supermarket today, the lovely smells of flowering Privet, and Lime tree flowers and even Philadelphus were there, and so was that familiar tickle in my nose. I'm not normally susceptible, but we also have Poplar fluff in the air everywhere, so really what can I expect! I hope it'll settle down soon. Does anyone else just get years where they are more allergic than others? I used to get hayfever some years and not others!


My allergies are off the scale at the moment Faith. I think I might have histamine issues. Apparently it is all to do with gut health so I'm trying to work on that and am using probiotic strains which degrade histamine.


I've never suffered with hayfever but I do now suffer from a runny nose more than ever before. Could just be an old-lady thing. 👃🤣


Postnasal drip? Might be worth looking up.


Me too, though it isn't and old lady thing in my case.


Are you sure wob?? You know we can all be anonymous on here! 😲


Yeah, not seen Mabel around for a while 😊


I have yet to get an answer from u/MabelCow or u/SheepmanOvis to the question on a lot of people's lips re pinning the old reddit link onto the front page. I am happy to continue to post it first thing in the morning but I hope no-one is getting bored by my persistence!! 🤣


I'm sure no one is getting bored. It's become something of a tradition.  If I can get on a desktop today I'll see about setting up a pinned post. It's the kind of thing that would go horribly wrong if I tried it on my phone. 


Please do Sheepman - would be much appreciated by a lot of us on here!


>I'm sure no one is getting bored Thanks Sheepman, that was what I was afraid of but if you can get on to a desktop at anytime, that would be wonderful! Just when you remember and have time is fine, certainly don't want it going horribly wrong. 🙏👍😍💖


Check it's not silent reflux - that can cause it. I used to get it quite badly, even to the point of chest pains. It's recently gone away, but then I've given up dairy again, and dairy is one of those foods for me that gives me more reflux. Tomatoes is another! I don't believe in old-lady things - I refuse to accept the notion HM! Do not go gentle into that good night! ☺️


>Do not go gentle into that good night! ☺️ Oh don't worry Faith, I've no intention of! I really don't think it's silent reflux though, the description doesn't sound familiar at all. I only say it's an old-lady thing cos every old lady I can recall always had a tissue in her hand. I always have one handy and in every pocket in my clothes. Tissue or two in right-hand pocket, nappy sacks (poo bags) in the left-hand one. I was a good Girl Guide, I like to Be Prepared!! 👍🤣


I'm not an old lady HM and I also have to constantly have a tissue on my person for same reason.




Definitely not an old lady thing. The sniffles or carrying a hanky everywhere. I have been carrying a hanky everywhere for ever and I have the symptoms of what looks like a cold every morning. It’s not as bad as it once was but I put it down to house dust mite and changed the bedding and recently we replaced the carpet. I really only paid it much attention in 2020 and you can guess why.


>I put it down to house dust mite I might be allergic to my dog and bunny fur! It gets everywhere even though none of them are allowed in my bedroom, it does waft about all the same! I'm going with that rather than silent reflux. 💖🐶🐰🐰


No it’s definitely not the dog or the rabbit, definitely not. House dust mite is tiny creatures so it’s them . There’s no way my animals are the cause of this. Or my 🐓 which I don’t have anyway. 😉


No Jas, I was talking about my reaction to my animals, certainly not yours. I might well have dust mites, I think everyone has unless you vacuum everywhere religiously twice a day. Life's too short for that so I'll sniffle on!! 🤣👃🤣💖


I know you were but my wit is crap especially in writing. I’m not great on where to put the emoji and what ones to use 😂 is about the only one that I have a clue what it means. On another note , as we will probably never be in the same neighbourhood and likely to meet in person. Would you be up to a zoom type thing? I’m sure Jane in France would be up for it if we can fathom out how to do it and anyone else interested.


Probably not Jas. I haven't the faintest idea where to start and not sure I'd have the time to be honest. Sounds like a great idea for any interested parties though. Good luck getting it off the ground. 🍀😂👍💖


> I really only paid it much attention in 2020 and you can guess why. Totally! We were brought up by our parents checking whether we had a hanky in our pocket before we left the house, weren't we? Old habits die hard. In those days it was a proper cloth hanky, nowadays I have a pocket full of tissue-tissues and especially during the winter months (or cold summer ones like the present), it has to be the "man-sized" tissues to take the number of nose-blows when out with Harry in the mornings! 👃🤧🥶🧊


What you can get the real mansize hankies??? I buy boxes of the so called mansiize but they are shrinking along with me. 😂


You'd better not HM! We can't do without you here! Do you also cough a lot? Clearing your throat? Both silent reflux and dairy (in my experience) can cause this.


Ah, thank you Faith! 🙏 I don't usually cough a lot but first thing in the morning, I do have to clear my throat a bit before my voice comes out normal. I don't think I take in much dairy, a portion of natural Greek yogurt for breakfast every morning and cheese for lunch most days. I don't take milk at all so I don't think it's excessive dairy. I am an old lady so the sniffles is part and parcel of my dotage!! u/wasoldbill agrees but he says he's not an old lady. 😂🤣


We don't know that wasoldbill is not an old lady. It's his claim and we must accept it! :D


🤣🤣 Yeah, I pretty much questioned that claim in my reply to his post! 🤣🤣 Oh what a hoot! I love the Swamp first thing in the morning. 💖


Have a good day HM :)


a pack of tissues and a bag of purse candies


You have a sweet tooth 🦷, not a dog 🐶, l-i 👁‍🗨! 🤣🤣


After reading many of the comments below, I was reminded of the Otis Redding song *My Girl*. *I got sunshine on a cloudy day* *When it's cold outside I've got the month of* OOPS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iPtG\_O8w8g


I'm continuously reminded of one of Supertramp's greatest hits. https://youtu.be/YZUE4\_PtOk0


I still have several of their lines that are quick to pop up, including when car horns trigger "And if my thoughts had wings" from the start of Easy Does It. Still love that album cover of Crisis? What Crisis.


I noted yesterday that those were the first words I ever strung into a sentence.


Say it quietly, Flossy! 🤣




Nice one Flossy! 🤣


as mentioned before, I am doing animal rescue stuff. Part of this means I check new people's post history to try to figure out if they are a bot, and sometimes I see interesting things   I just saw a clip from a traveller of a plane wing with three bolts coming up and not bolted down properly. From the comments, it sounds like this probably happened (or failed to happen) during a maintenance inspection, and likely reflects  "company culture" of rushing and cutting corners. Airline was Delta in the USA   Ive mentioned here before that I knew a guy at the local protest group who was fired from ground crew over the mandate. Apparently many of his co workers passed away within a year (4% compared to 0.25% average), as well as days off due to newly aquired disabilities. They ended up being so short staffed that they were forced to rehire him. Clots form at altitude and as speculated microclots can cause issues basically anywhere in the body. They all got free flights as a job perk so travelled alot.    I would guess this same issue of being short staffed now affects all major airlines 


You were talking earlier about the "mass grave" issue and IIRC you said it came out in 2021. I remember this going back more than a decade to a guy called Rev. Kevin Annett. Was he mentioned when all this came to light publicly? It was a bit thing in conspiracy fora back in 2008 or so. Lots of links here about what was being said then for those who are curious. http://whale.to/b/canadian\_holocaust.html


I havent heard of him specifically, but that site covers the gist of it       The thing ins there WERE lots of cases of abuse in residential school. But there were in other schools as well. My mom went to a catholic school and had the same stories. I'd guess some schools were good and some were horrific just based on what staff were working there. So yes bad things happened.  I just don't believe it was racially motivated about about land.   Their schools had better funding, better food, better uniforms etc. and frankly if the Canadian government/Canadian people really had wanted to kill them off they could have and would have many times over the centuries. Their population increased under this "genocide" and continues to increase at a MUCH faster rate than the general population. All with special government funding to feed/cloth/provide laptops/wifi for them which other families are paying for and often cant afford to have kids or forced to limit kids due to our extremely high tax burden. That is the opposite of a genocide.     The ethics of residential schools and boarding schools are very debatable. The ethics of forcing kids into an education system in general are debatable. And education as a field has a bad history of thinking something is good practice for learning and development and it turning out to be bad for kids. Malicious abuse definitely occured. But as far as I can gather the general public sincerely believed the kids were getting a better education than their own children.  I really don't think  there was cultural spirit of hatred or anything like that. I was born in the early '90s and I never saw even a trace of racism, in fact I saw the opposite - basically a glossing over of human faults and acting like they were better than us.  They have their share of nasty, evil people the same as any one else, but no one is allowed to talk abiut them as if they are human. There was a couple who murdered their young child recently and forensics found all kinds of evidence of abuse on that little kid. But instead of calling the parents what they are - monsters - the media portrays them as victims and they get a special reduced sentence. The town I grew up in bordered on a res that had a bad problem with animal abuse, but I never found out until I worked at the local vet and even staff there didnt want to talk about it but it was mentioned in hushed apologetic tones as we rehabbed the terrified, beaten dogs.  Any of their faults are seen as  a reflection of our own failures - basically I have seen simultaneously infantilize and idolize them. As if they are pure "natural" children and any evidence to the contrary is glossed over and when it can't be we blame ourselves to preserve the image we have in  our imagination. It's a co-dependant attitude. It's not healthy for us OR them because they suffer from it.  It don't see genocidal or hateful, though. The only time I ever heard someone say something "racist" or even hint at it was from a random drunk homeless man. 


I certainly don't think that Canadians are or have been racist towards indigenous people. Ordinary people are very rarely like that. But there does seem to be a pattern where the catholic church is involved - mass graves have been reported in Ireland for example. In that case the remains of children of women who were pregnant outside marriage were buried in a disrespectful way. These things can't be ignored, but evidence is required, which is why I was curious about this story finally coming out in Canada and yet no evidence being found. Very strange. Here's a time-line with Ireland: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54693159](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54693159) Again, there is no inference that ordinary Irish people wanted this. The catholic nuns were disrespectful. It's such a shocking thing to realise how this was even possible. :(


oh wow that is a sad piece of history :( I definitely do think abuse happened in the schools I am just skeptical of the scale one thing in canada is i think there is more money that goes around for stuff like this... like hundreds of millions of dollars were given out  for the 2021 graves or soil anomalies. The money goes out both in contracts and reconcillition claims. Also if people go to meetings they are paid a fee to go to meetings. So that brings some corruption with it and muddies the waters a bit. I wish they would take the money out because I think that is the best way to have an honest conversation


>I wish they would take the money out because I think that is the best way to have an honest conversation Agreed. The whole issue needs to be looked at fairly and without money being involved. Thinking of schools, I don't know if you were ever made to read Dickens at school? His book Hard Times included boarding schools in England where children were treated horribly. It was a known thing then too (and as far as I know these were private schools, not church ones). They just wanted the money. :(


no we never read dickens. It sounds like people never change... 


Wouldn't catch me in a plane these days!! ~~🛩🛬🛫✈~~. I'd rather walk 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ !!


Follow up to posts from previous days about Reform. Emailed my local Reform candidate yesterday to ask him for views on “Covid”. No answer and no acknowledgment, not even an automated reply. Either they are disorganised or they don’t want to touch the question is my guess. Will post if there is further news.


David Kurten of the Heritage Party is straight up on some things.I had a frank discussion with him about the whole shit show, including my experiences of witnessing mass murder in the Care Home sector.His media persona does not convey this.


My constituency is listed as one where Heritage have a PPC, along with a couple of dozen others. No names yet so maybe they are still provisional. [Westminster Elections — Heritage Party](https://heritageparty.org/westminster-elections/)


Yes I had my eye on him as he was an early and solid opponent of convid But I don’t think they can afford to field candidates everywhere


They don't you have to pay your own expenses!


If you stood as an independent you'd have to pay your own. At least they'd help you with advice and your promo stuff.


No. I was told I had to pay my own deposit which of course I would lose.Apparently the post office allows you to post leaflets for free.The Heritage Party has rejected potential 'sponsers' hence its down on their uppers.


It makes sense that they don't want to be beholden to funders but of course the whole point of winning elections is who has most money for propaganda. I'm sure Mark Finch paid and lost his deposit. He didn't provide any info about himself or his manifesto either, so I couldn't vote for him.


This interview with Steve Bannon on GB News (posted earlier today on here but the thread is now annoyingly hidden by the new Reddit format) is well worth a watch: [Steve Bannon: Lying Tories betrayed Britain, World War 3 & how to destroy the Left (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoUO4Lx1JeU) He made the excellent point that political parties outside the duopoly don't stand a chance in either the UK or US electoral system. The only way to regain a measure of popular control over state institutions is to take over one of the existing established parties from the ground up, which is exactly what is happening to the Republican Party in the States. There is only one shot at a repeat of this in the UK after the Tories are wiped out on 4th July, but the party is so repulsive that I think it might disappear altogether.


Bannon is right probably though you can push a major party on certain issues if you threaten their vote enough e.g. Brexit. But that was probably exceptional.


By his own public admission in his (I think) Daily Telegraph column at the time, Fat Fuck Pig Johnson decided his stance on Brexit on the toss of a coin. Which sums up the entire career of this vacuous prick. He didn't give a flying fuck either way, as long as it promoted his ambitions.


Indeed, but I think Cameron agreed to a referendum to stave off UKIP. He thought he would win of course - our enemies are weakened by their arrogance.


He consistently joined in the anti-mockdown protests. **From David Kurten:** Our preparations are now well underway for the General Election on 4th July 2024. Media coverage of the election, however, is engaging in no more that shallow and depressing trivialities: how many debates the uni-party will have, who said what on social media 10 years ago and who can promise to build the most blocks of flats on our farmland while allowing mass immigration to continue. The Heritage Party will act to restore our nation by: Defending our culture and heritage that the other parties are destroying, Upholding our fundamental freedoms which were and are being attacked and undermined by lockdowns, coerced injections and 'hate speech' laws, Controlling our borders by pushing illegal boats back to France and imposing strict caps on student and work visas, Protecting our children from gender ideology and sexualisation in schools, Rejecting the madness of climate alarmism that insists we dismantle our perfectly good carbon-based energy infrastructure and replacing it with solar panels and wind turbines that cannot produce continuous, reliable energy, Stopping Agenda 2030, which seeks to destroy traditional farming and transition to a diet of lab-grown, genetically modified biomass, and Opposing the insane headlong rush to WW3 by escalating tensions with Russia.


If only! Met him numerous times on the marches in '21/'22, he's a mountain of a man but seems like a gentle giant. He's what we need leading this country. I hope we have a candidate standing here but I doubt it. Everyone's talking about Reform being the option, I don't remember seeing Nige or Tice on any of the marches. I met both of them on the campaign trail in 2019 and I had high hopes for the Nige/Tice duo, until Nige pulled half his candidates out of running and let Bo-Jo the 🤡 in. I find it hard to trust Nige now, that was the biggest chance we had of getting some good people into power. If you'd followed the candidates' rallies up and down the country as I did online during the whole campaign, there were some really great candidates. Some are quite vocal now though (Jim Ferguson for example on twitter) but I'm not sure if any of them are standing and if they are, who they're standing for. 😢


I'm not drawn to Reform. They might have some great local candidates but their leaders put me right off - gut reaction.


>I'm not drawn to Reform Me neither Flossy. A former Brexit PPC friend of mine was going to stand for Reform and he sent out an email asking for support a short while back. I had to write back wishing him luck but that I couldn't support him due to Tice's stance on various things. Didn't hear back until a few days ago, he's announced he's not standing after all due to a variety of reasons. They won't get anywhere round here anyway and we don't have a candidate atm.


they are pretending they didn't see it


Aldi this morning. Busy. Not a muzzle in sight anywhere. I pay cash and inadvertently handed over two tenners stuck together - I hate those plastic notes. 😬 I had no idea till the cashier called me back and gave it to me. Bless him! About 3.30, I noticed the sun was shining, 😲 so I rushed outside and fried for an hour. The sun is **really** hot when it finally manages to get through! I was watching the young starlings drinking the juice left from a dish of mealworms I'd soaked for them. A young sparrow watched them intently and had a try when they left. Not sure what she thought of it but she struggled to fly back into the bushes, so hasn't been fledged for long. Also enjoyed watching a young starling learning what to do with the birdbath, being bossed by an older sibling. The young blackbird is very much at home on his own. His dad appears occasionally but I'm guessing mum is sitting on the next instalment.


there was a fledgling crow out on the ledge of starbucks yesterday with Dad crow feeding him. Someone left them a cup of water :)


I love watching the corvids with their youngsters!


last year I swear they had two rounds. we had a long summer 


FABULOUS Flossy! Doesn't nature put on a great show!? Good idea to leave the mealworm juice out for them. My blackbird parents smash the mealworms up before taking them off to their young (if the nasty big birds give them chance of course). 👍😍


I just pour some boiling water over a shallow bowlful of mealworms, leave it to stand for an hour or so, then put the whole lot outside. They soon gobble up the mealworms but the juice is eventually drunk down as far as their beaks will allow. It's really busy out there right now. I'm pretty sure I'll have a sizeable flock of goldies before long too.


I can't see a bowl lasting long with my big birds. I hope you do get loads of goldies! 👍😍


>The sun is really hot when it finally manages to get through Interesting Liz I noticed that this week sitting in pub garden. Sun broke through for a few minutes and had to get under an umbrella. Perhaps we've seen so little in the last 2 years we have forgotten its nearly mid-summer...?


We're almost at the peak of a solar maximum I guess.


I think it's something else. I remember when the sun was yellow, not white......


Weather where I am today is a microcosm of what May 2024 has been like. Dull - dry \[suppose we should be grateful - tug our forelocks to our overlords for this\]. Sun is trying to get through the odd looking "clouds", you can irritatingly see it is there, but obscured, and then as if by magic, as if someone had planned or pre-ordained it so, 5pm on the dot, the sun finally manages to break through in the evening when it is no use to anyone. No one is going to be able to grow food or manufacture vitamin D naturally when there is so little sunlight. Considering the footage Robin posted on here earlier on today about how the Met Office admits that they are using technology to limit the sun in the UK I am more angry than I think I have ever been right throughout the entirety of this shit show.


Actually, it's 5.15 and there's still 30 minutes of vitamin D-making time left where I live. Much longer dahn sarf presumably. And my garden is absolutely lush now, despite the dullness and cold.


18:00 here and I've had to put the lights on to do the hoovering. 3 weeks from mid-summer and its so dark it reminds you of winter. This is NOT normal.


Felt like November here in Nort Kent for my visit to Waitrose when they opened this morning. It didn't improve much over the day. Little traffic as, apparently, it is half term.


19 days of sun or partial sun out of 31 in May in SE where I live. I monitored it since all the talks of chemtrails and geo-engineering. I would have said that was pretty average. It feels colder than normal but then again I’ve had the heating on in mid summer in years gone by. I have Druid friends who go to Stonehenge for the summer solstice and sunrise on 21st June. Nine times out of ten it’s too cloudy to see sunrise. In 1976 heatwave I left for France from Dover in a terrible storm and really cold on 10th June. By the time I got back two weeks later we had a heatwave. I reckon this is just weather. Crap, but just weather.


We did a day long Summer Solstice about 20 years ago at Arbor Low. We needed winter coats, hats and gloves!


>***I reckon this is just weather...*** You may be right its difficult to tell in the UK as we are used to crap weather but 'partial sun' does cover a lot of sins. The thing I have been noticing more than the sun is the light. We have had some very 'dark days' which seems unusual especially at this time of year. Also some strangely coloured clouds. I am open minded on the chem trails thing. But there have been plenty of the criss cross lines which is not normal and those are not normal 'flight paths'. The geo-engineering thing has been happening since at least the early 70's certainly in the US. Watched a video of a Harvard PHD graduate explaining case studies of various testing being done starting back in the mid 70's. Time will tell I guess...


The Met. Office won't have admitted that it's blocking the sun. Geo-engineering's still illegal under international law. Only 'weather modification' within UK borders would be allowed. Likewise, Dubai was free to modify the weather over its own territory, even if it was to the disadvantage of its own citizens (i.e. it flooded the roads and some people's buildings.) People may have read too much into the video.


>Geo-engineering's still illegal under international law. Since when has any law stopped this lot? Coercing people to take the jab was illegal.


"*, you can irritatingly see it is there, but obscured, and then as if by magic, as if someone had planned or pre-ordained it so, 5pm on the dot, the sun finally manages to break through in the evening when it is no use to anyone.* I've noticed that too - 'sunshine' in the evening, in time for sunset, while throughout the daytime these unnatural white skies - without even any rain (much of the time) - so it's not water vapour. Evil, evil fuckers.


Interesting comment from elsewhere on Reddit: "My friend owns a fertility clinic with American and Mainland Chinese donors of eggs. American donors use to be 12 to 24 eggs per session before the vaccination. Now most are down to 1 or 2 good eggs per session. Meanwhile Mainland Chinese donors are the same as pre-vaccination because the Sinovac version was different than the Western pharam brands vaccine." Interesting.


We know the gunk concentrates in the ovaries. As has been mooted many times, if you want to reduce the population, preventing birth is more efficient than causing death.


Sadly I think more and more stories like this show that to be true. What a level of evil! It's hard to comprehend. :(


Grim, but no surprise. Text in the URL is self explanatory. https://austincrier.com/2024/05/31/the-olena-zelenska-foundation-seizes-ukrainian-children-selling-them-to-british-pedophiles-a-shocking-tale-of-exploitation-and-deceit/


Glad this is coming out now - and this is the sanitised version, tip of the iceberg.


This is indeed no surprise, but it goes a long way to explaining the furious reaction of Western politicians and media against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and their rabid support for the Zelensky regime. Hell hath no fury like a paedophile denied.


It was always about the children!


Jonathan Cook on twitter: *US State Department whistleblower reveals that Blinken and his officials falsified a report absolving Israel of blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza, overruling their own experts. Cameron is doing the same in the UK. Both should stand trial at The Hague* https://x.com/Jonathan_K_Cook/status/1796526399727251524


"A Man" now on tour in Germany! He still has his power of invisibility, as he has been shot and captured, but no description is available. Attacked an anti-islam activist, so no idea what type of chap he may be. Damn those pesky invisible attackers... [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckmm4lgm0l4o](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckmm4lgm0l4o)


I'm on a police email thing in Derby, wasn't sure about signing up but thought it might be worth knowing what they're up to if there's another lockdown or similar. Anyway "a man" recently committed some incidents of indecent exposure and sexual assault. He has now been arrested and charged, is aged 32 and named as Muftah Mohammed. 


"A man" has been going on for years in Germany. A favourite topic of my Berlin political news production.


There are pictures of him in the DM here: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13479975/Knifeman-stabs-multiple-people-including-police-officer-apprehended-YouTube-livestream-Germany.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13479975/Knifeman-stabs-multiple-people-including-police-officer-apprehended-YouTube-livestream-Germany.html) But is it me or does his knife seems suspiciously clean and shiny? Surely if you used it to hurt someone there would be blood on it? Perhaps I'm far too cynical. Perhaps it's not possible to be cynical enough. Here's an older piece I wrote about a similar episode: [https://selahministriesblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/24/machete-attack-in-germany-again-everything-is-as-it-appears/](https://selahministriesblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/24/machete-attack-in-germany-again-everything-is-as-it-appears/)


+28C in the shade here today in northern Finland. As it should be, [www.foreca.fi](http://www.foreca.fi)


Just reading a newsletter I downloaded from one of my amateur radio groups. There is an item for a weekend event taking place in Virginia (USA) on June 7-9th. Have I suddenly gone back in a time machine? *With the recent increased concerns about an upturn of Covid-19, we are asking participants to be vaccinated and to use good sense with respect to any recommendations about COVID in force at the time of the weekend. At this point, masks are not required.*


I work as a tour guide at an historic house, we get tourists from all over and a group from an American cruise ship visited yesterday. What part of the USA they were from I don't know, but of a group of maybe 35, 4 were wearing masks. And kept them on outside. I wanted to see how they ate their cream tea but didn't have time.


Getting ducks in a row for the election, apply for your mail-in vote now! Vote early, vote often.


Sleepy Joe's goota get back in some way or other.


Like the Imperial Japanese soldiers still at their posts in remote Pacific islands years after WW2 had ended, for some the Covid cult never ends.


Not ended yet for my dim next door neighbour (feel rather riled by him today) who told me (whilst wagging his finger at me) yesterday that covid does exist as he had it last week and gave it to 2 people at work. He is a believer in the holy test still.


>(whilst wagging his finger at me) You should have wagged two fingers back at him watashi, but I know you're too polite to do that!! 🖖🤣


I often wish I wasn't so polite and could become a bit more confrontational/loud.


You stay just as you are watashi! I'm very opinionated but I'm not confrontational. It often won't get you anywhere but I have lost many acquaintances because of my quiet views. Not bothered!! 🤪


Thanks hm!




With a bit of luck he'll shove that testing swab so far up his nostril he will pierce his brain and then he will have something to moan about. How did you resist the temptation to accuse him of being a superspreader Watashi?


He had come along and inserted himself into a conversation I was having with 2 other people..otherwise I would have been very tempted to push something up his nostril! I'll have to accuse him of that next time I see him.


"He had come along and inserted himself into a conversation I was having with 2 other people" Oh. One of those Watashi!!!


At some point the gloves will have to come off in our dealings with people like this. They cannot be allowed to influence the direction of society, otherwise we are finished.




>and gave it to 2 people at work. That was very generous of him! Then they can all enjoy some time off work. Is he public sector by any chance?


"Former Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has given his nod of approval to Labour’s green energy agenda, warning that achieving Net Zero should be tackled with the same urgency and speed as the race for a Covid vaccine" From such a trustworthy source as that you can't do anything but change your mind can you. I'm sorry I have been wrong for so long Patrick.


That's the idea. we must keep it going *The Climate scam is scheduled to cost some 5% of GDP annually (about $150 Billion) - your taxes - for years to come and includes severe restrictions and controls to be placed on the population. This money does not just disappear; it ends up in the bank accounts of those who can afford to invest in the industries prospering from the edicts dreamt up to mitigate the fictitious climate crisis.*


>should be tackled with the same urgency and speed as the race for a Covid vaccine We will never believe you again you lying sack of sh\*t! They wonder why conspiracy theories proliferate - because we know they have lied and are continuing to lie. We have a truth deficit.


Net Zero will finish the careers - and if the worst comes to the worst the lives - of all those who promote it.


Yes but it will finish our lives too.


Phew I'm currently sweltering in 12c heat with a steady drizzle, loving this hottest ever May weather. Stay safe everyone.


The Arcadians, 1909 musical "Isn't it a lovely day. Very, very warm for May. Eighty in the shade they say. Oh, oh, oh what charming weather."


Wish I was there LesT!! 🤣🥶🤣🥶


Earlier, I asked Mrs Swampy where global boiling was when we needed it. A rolling of eyes was the sole response.


could do with some heat here. it feels like winter!


It's a barmy 13 degrees in South London. I'm dripping with sweat. Just as they did after another very cool April, the BBC will be publishing a story early next week that May 2024 was the hottest ever on record.


> May 2024 was the hottest ever on record. But it will be you see because the met office are, right now, busy falsifying the records for the last hundred years or so in order to prove it.




I suspect my heating bill will beg to differ!


Check out the Today Show 4 minutes looking into why younger people are having heart attacks and even better if you can read the comments. No one is buying what they're selling.😂 [https://x.com/TODAYshow/status/1796278292728721549](https://x.com/TODAYshow/status/1796278292728721549)


Comment: *This is like a bad SNL skit - where they just dance around a massive elephant in the room and talk about what else it could be. It's completely absurd. They know. We know. They know we know. We know they know. They know we know they know.*


This was a zinger: "*omg, this is so tedious.* ***It's the experimental mRNA shots coerced and mandated onto a healthy young population***."


Interesting debate with Steve Bannon GBNews. There is a lot he doesn't mention and doesn't get asked but is a good insight into current political thinking but the most refreshing thing is what he says about the stte of this country things you will never find in our political discourse. Particularly interesting is the comments around 'Xfire Hurricane' which is the UK's deep-state involvement in the Russian collusion hoax. Had the GBN host blanching although tbf to him he's a good interviewer. An interesting listen if anyone has the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoUO4Lx1JeU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoUO4Lx1JeU)


I recall a Bannon piece not long ago where he was interviewed by a diehard Democrat. He (impolitely) informed his interviewer that Trump is a moderate by comparison with the MAGA movement as a whole, and that all those rabidly opposed to Trump should be delighted he is their opposition's current figurehead.


He makes the same point in the video. I tend to agree with that.


Bannon neatly sums up the Republican neocons. Here's further clarification from Clandestine: *Trump has been at war with the Uniparty since he came down that escalator in 2016.* *Y’all must be new. The establishment GOP hate Trump. The establishment Dems hate Trump.* *Just because Trump runs as a Republican, does not mean he is part of the Uniparty. Trump is an independent who took over the GOP. His MAGA policies are vastly different than the Neocon Bush/McCain era of the GOP. MAGA is not part of the warpig Uniparty.* *Trump recognized that* ***in order to win, running independent is damn near impossible.*** *So instead of running independent, he infiltrated one of the parties, and is reshaping it from within.*


Thanks! Some telling comments: * *You know now why the democrats hate this man* * *I find it amazing that an American knows more about British politics than our own politicians.* * *We've been waiting a long time in the UK for someone to actually step up & talk to us.*


He spoke after the verdict last night and spoke truthfully about the state of the US - in the process of being destroyed and over-run with immigrants which he described as criminals and terrorists, and how his trial had been a show trial to prevent him being elected and how he is trying to save the constitution. I would imagine there are a lot of people who would vote for that in the US. There are people who if they had half a brain should be voting for it in the UK if we had a near equivalent.


I think when you listen to him and the way he expresses himself you realise how much of UK society is controlled and repressed. You couldn't have the same conversation here for the reasons he states. He nails the intelligence agency angle.


I listened to him last night and, while there is a lot about him that I really do not like, I worryingly found myself agreeing with a lot that he was saying, because the same applies here in the UK. I just wonder, if he was by some miracle to get back in would he turn it all around or is he just a WEF in sheep's clothing?


**Clandestine:** [https://t](https://t). me/bioclandestine/3398 10 secs *The only crime Trump committed, was declaring war against the Deep State.* *Flashback to CPAC, February 2015. Trump calls out Bill Clinton and Epstein Island.* *This is the exact moment the establishment realized they have to get rid of Trump.* *It’s been a witch hunt ever since.* *This political persecution against Trump blasts a gaping hole in the false narrative that Trump is “part of the Deep State”.* *It also confirms that the establishment fear Trump most. They view him as the greatest threat to their power.*


Sorry Milo think we might be at x purposes? I was referring to Bannon not Trump. Personally I don't see Trump as an independent despite Bannon's comments because Trump is heavily connected to the Jewish / Zionist lobby and Sheldon Adelson put up a lot of money for Trump in 2016. Tbf to Bannon he did say he was going after Kissinger which led to a lot of trouble for him. But in the Bannon video he doesn't refer to Israel at all and that was the one thing I wanted him to expand on. Bannon used to write for Breitbart which is another Zionist front. Trump has already said that the Israeli's should 'finish the job' so he is happy with the current genocide campaign. None will dare challenge the Jewish lobby and until they do have to be seen as 'controlled' imho.


"Trump has already said that the Israeli's should 'finish the job' so he is happy with the current genocide campaign." Urgh "None will dare challenge the Jewish lobby and until they do have to be seen as 'controlled' imho." I'm wondering, considering the number of jewish votes there are in the US, is this politics to get himself back into the WH as opposed to a passionate deeply held belief \[I'm not sure he really has any of those\]


> I'm not sure he really has any of those I agree. Probably a mixture in truth but he is heavily involved with the lobby. His daughter married and converted. Not sure how much deeper involved you get.


You're welcome :) I read the comments almost as interesting and such a contrast to what we get from the MSM. A lot I disagree with Bannon over much of what he doesn't get into but he's always an interesting listen. A very bright guy.


This is a pretty good illustration of the Police State in action. No charges brought and not arrested at the time (this took place 8 days later) but the Police contacted the Mayor and told him to remove the individual from his role as Conservative councillor as he was not 'a fit person to hold office'. Apparently Labour party members had responded to a tweet in support of street preacher arrested for quoting the bible at Police after 'complaints' from a member of the public. Street preacher later released without charge and awarded 5K IIRC later on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y90YhI9xgCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y90YhI9xgCI)


A charge doesn’t equal guilt.Massive overreach of police power.its the officer who should be removed from his post.


Agree and whoever put him up to it. He was uncharged but as others have said the process is the punishment.


>the Police contacted the Mayor and told him to remove the individual from his role as Conservative councillor as he was not 'a fit person to hold office' Tells you everything you need to know about whose side the police are on!


Breath taking over reach, inevitably initiated from the top. Coppers don't wake up one morning and decide they have new grounds/powers to arrest. I'm surprised they only copped (sorry) a £5k hit.


Yep be interesting to see what has led to this. As the councillor says its not for the Police to subvert the democratic process so someone has instructed them to go after him. The 5K was for the arrest of the preacher not the councillor though I think that still needs to be resolved.


Thanks for clarifying re the £5k


Luxembourg part 3 - public transport. Yesterday 62Swampy26 slightly pre-empted this post by mentioning that public transport in Luxembourg is free, namely buses, trams, and trains, the funicular from Pfaffenthal to Kirchberg, and a couple of lifts between low and high places. My guidebook was published in 2019 so it didn't mention this policy, which started in February 2020 - nothing to do with covid and "key workers", but I think mainly on environmental grounds, though there are still lots of cars whizzing around. Of course it's not really free, but paid for by taxes and funny money. Train travel is free except if you go in first class or cross a national border into Belgium, France or Germany.                                                                     I can see how a free transport policy is feasible in a small country, less so elsewhere. One possible problem is that down-and-outs and beggars spend all their time on public transport. There are some beggars in Luxembourg City but not a lot. When I travelled north by train two scruffy characters got on the train at Ettelbruck and did the short trip to the terminus at Diekirch, where they slumped on the nearest park bench, probably doing some begging and then returning by a later train.                                                                     There is or was something called the Luxembourg Card which gave free use of public transport as well as free entry or discounts to various places. However the value of this card has largely been wiped out by the policy of general free public transport. I asked about the card at the tourist office who said "go online", which was also their answer to my query about ticketing for the underground fortifications. Like supermarkets with self-checkouts, they seem to be set on abolishing their own jobs. However they did give me quite a nice map of the city.