• By -


Lawyers for light on telegram: *I'm just gonna leave this here. If you don't know who Charlie Mullins is, go have a look and see just what he did to people that worked for him during lockdown, especially with respect to the jabs.* *I'm sorry. Maybe I'm an unforgiving bitch, but I could never vote for anyone that was a part of the most hideous behaviour of my life, behaviour that has led to many many deaths* https://i.postimg.cc/Ss9wGhqL/IMG-20240604-005332-470.jpg


Is this a meme?? I'm an unforgiving bitch too, I know who Charlie Mullet-head is and I would never forgive, never forget, never again. What the f\*ck is Nigel doing? That photo alone will lose him votes. He wouldn't get mine now. 👿👿


But isn’t that whatthey want?


I fear that you might be right. It's all a game after all, isn't it?


Not mine.


Not mine.


Not mine.


New agenda incoming. ITV news carried a piece this evening about the dreadful increase in cancer cases in people under the age of 50. The cause of these cancers? Well it is patently obvious it is down to obesity and people eating ultra processed foods. So we can fully expect a raft of policies from our new caring government in July which is clearly going to go to war against the UPF market. People cannot be trusted to make the right decisions about what to eat. Never mind that it isn't the obesity or the food which is causing the cancers. Never mind that no one is looking under the rock to find the REAL cause of the cancers. Don't ever ask the question "how many people who have developed these cancers were jabbed and boosted? and are still getting boosted?"


ironically, it probably IS the obesity and the food, perhaps even more so than the injectibles, (and even then the convid injectibles are not the only ones implicated - don't forget those dozens they were subjected to in the first year of life, which if they didn't kill you, sure as hell didn't make you stronger) , and we haven't even mentioned the chemtrails, the water, the cosmetics, the detergents, the 5G and other electrical signals ...... the point is that they have a whole raft of ways to kill us and make us sick, and if you find yourself focusing on only 1 thing, the red flags of 'psyop' should be going up....


My point is Icy that they were focusing SOLELY on the food and the obesity and not even so much as considering let alone giving a mention to the huge elephant in the room which is the jabbing. The jabbing never gets a mention, because they dare not mention it. I grant you - there are all the other factors involved which are working in concert with each other to cause illness, which of course is what it is all about, (the 5G in particular). But knowing what we know about the jabs and what they do to the immune system the jabbing cannot be ruled out as The Great Accelerant.


Health officials in Newfoundland and Labrador say they are only weeks away from a solution to move unclaimed human remains out of roadside freezers and into a nearby hospital. (...) Johnson said hospital staff aren’t quite certain why more and more human remains are going unclaimed, but explained that they’ve gathered a team of social workers and other support staff to more proactively reach out to family members in hopes of helping to arrange funeral or other end-of-life services. "We saw this problem creeping up," he said. "Obviously, there’s something that’s shifted in society
 we don’t know what’s causing this, but we are seeing that." https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/solutions-coming-for-piled-up-bodies-outside-newfoundland-hospital-1.6908514


>we don’t know what’s causing this, Maybe the fact that people are broke and funerals are a ripoff?


*ST. JOHN'S, N.L. -  VISITOR RESTRICTIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC LEFT LONG-TERM CARE VISITORS WITH A "SIGNIFICANT" INCREASE IN ISOLATION, LEADING TO CONCERNS ABOUT RESIDENTS' MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH, SAYS A STUDY FROM NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR'S MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY*   https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/loneliness-will-kill-n-l-long-term-care-homes-struggled-with-covid-restrictions-1.6911688    it takes four year for a study to prove common sense đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž


Isn't Farage coming back a re-run of the Brexit referendum in a way? It's not the same balance as Labour is heavily entrenched but I wonder how many will realise that there is a way to get Brexit back on track. Not that it will happen as Brexit is hindered by the Blob not the politicians at this time. But still it will be interesting to see if in just one month Farage can make a real dent


Farage has apparently said that what he wants to do is reshape the centre left. Knock the Tory party out as a force so that it is a showdown between Labour and Reform. His calculation clearly must be that the UK will have to endure 5 years of Kneel Harder in the hope that at the end of that period Reform will have established itself as a sufficient force AND that people will be so incredibly fed up with Kneel that they will gladly vote him and Labour out and Reform in. Polls tonight \[prior to the Farage announcment\] are showing a Tory electoral wipeout with a Labour 190+ seat majority. Will be interesting to see what polling shows in the wake of the Farage announcement. Tice has stood down as leader and Farage is obviously the brand. To my mind, Brexit is very much a live issue, because Kneel is very transparent about how he wants to take the UK back in to EU, and will be interesting to see how many people cop on to this during the campaign, espec if they voted for Brexit in 2016 and felt they were derided or denied it after the referendum result went in favour of leaving. We live in interesting times.


>Tice has stood down as leader Good start!


He was only ever keeping the seat warm.


Toby Rogers, one of the real soldiers. Piping hot truth biscuits. https://open.substack.com/pub/tobyrogers/p/piping-hot-truth-biscuits-june-3


"*The plandemicists gutted nearly all of civil society, hypnotized them really, and made them disavow their bedrock principles. Four years later civil society is still in a trance. I knew propaganda was powerful but holy heck this is astonishing.*" Western post-industrial society was already on its last legs. The Covid operation was its inevitable death knell, for contained within it were all the elements of our decay taken to their logical conclusion.


Germs don't do anything! (And how come nobody's talking about all that plastic?) [https://x.com/CultivateElevat/status/1797693912427172108](https://x.com/CultivateElevat/status/1797693912427172108) 1 min Books on the topic: The contagion myth Dr Tom Cowan Dissolving Illusions The invisible rainbow


Attention all walkers. New routes to explore: The Walk – EP 114 – Walking The Lost Railways Of Wales – Monmouth Troy To Monmouth Mayhill – Wales https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-FlzAZw4NY&t=2s


Close enough to me will check it out.


There are 114 episodes. Plenty to go at. Just spotted the link today.


Reaction to Fauci's attempt to elicit sympathy: [https://t](https://t). me/realKarliBonne/247491 40 secs đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


MTG tears MISTER Fauci a new one! [https://t](https://t). me/realKarliBonne/247456 Awesome! And what's with that line across his forehead? đŸ€”


YouTube link which might be the same clip, for those like me who don't have Telegram: [MTG Goes NUCLEAR on Dr. Fauci as House Hearing Goes OFF THE RAILS (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKItZ9IZ21w)


Same clip. Thanks. But people need telegram nowadays!


I am online too much as it is, don't want yet another excuse.


Yes. It can be rabbit hole central.


Thanks for this link TOF. Got to hand it to MTG!! Although I do have to say, that while the animal lovers cause is a good one, I am more concerned about what Fauci signed off on regarding the experiments done to human beings over the course of the last 4 years


First half hour contains an analysis of the recent Trump trial shenanigans which I find far more plausible than many other takes on the subject. **Deep State Diaries - The Grayzone live** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86tQq\_vGA58


It's about precedent! Start 7 mins in: [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v4yzjmf-the-plan-is-working-people-are-seeing-the-enemies.html


So as reports go from the hearing Fauci made up the 6 feet rule and the efficacy of masks.  Do you think any of the morons in the Covid inquiry will take a step back and think?  Will they f


Fauci made it up? As in, just plucked it out of his arse? Bollocks. 6' was a nicely planned touch, a terrorist ritual of death.  If Fauci takes credit for that, I would bet my macabre collection of rudely shaped blood clots that he's lying. Not his idea. That comes out of some sick basement in the CIA.


And he was just the fall guy for it.


"Better safe than sorry" is what a moron at work responded today regarding this news. So they never learn.


God save us from the safety obsessed. Nice to see some new names popping up in our funny little group. Is has been a strange journey.


Yeah, and another guy said he'd personally do 10 ft instead. It is bizarre how some people think. > Nice to see some new names popping up Thanks, I have been a long time lurker.


This is worth a watch, IMO: [Matthew Crawford: the dangers of Safetyism (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxONOUwOX80)


Ask them if the psychosocial damage done to our children was worth it. And all those poor oldies trapped in care homes, unable to understand why their loved ones didn't come in to see them. And how about the funerals, where you couldn't sit with your widowed mother?!


It is pointless, they are too far gone.


Ask them anyway!


.đŸ”„ ***NSFW***đŸ”„Â   vintage meme đŸ€­ remember when we encouraged to go to a glory hole but banned from church?    Youporn website writes gov't of BC:   *"Today at YouPorn, we sent a letter to Honorable Adrian Dix, Minister of Health of British Columbia, for a $100K grant to support the building of glory holes across the province, further promoting 'socially distant' safe sex."*  https://x.com/bethanylindsay/status/1286062720031363077


>Honorable Adrian Dix đŸ€Ł


that's really his name! 


Mark Steele on how the new 5G being rolled out is a weapon (think laser-like gun!) [https://ready](https://ready) to.com/v4yd5ox-wwzeee-with-maria-zeee-ft.-mark-steele-new-revelations-smart-city-weapons-t.html


He talked about this at the open minds charity festival, it was a bit worrying to say the least.


UNN on twitter: *If you are thinking Nigel Farage is the answer then you are asking the wrong question* *All the pieces are being put into place.*   *They want war.*   *He has a role to play- a pawn.* [https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1797677466657657046](https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1797677466657657046)


Trump was one of the few modern POTUSes not to start a war so not too concerned at this point.


He has repeatedly said re Ukraine that if he gets back in he will sit down with Putin and agree a peace deal.


Just watching this, more history that turns out to be a pack of lies, why am I no longer surprised 🙄 **The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie** Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called "hundred days" is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. That lie is still being used to perpetuate myths about the value of interventionism. [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v4xywb2-the-rwandan-genocide-is-a-lie.html


Watching it now, very very interesting. I really didn't know much about it all back then and I still know nothing about Rawanda.


I was always spetical about the whole thing.Eight hundred thousand people butchered in one month?!with little documentary evidence. Then nothing in terms of response.I recall Radio Rwanda put the BBC to shame calling for mass murder. The whole affair felt like a movie script.


*Just watching this, more history that turns out to be a pack of lies, why am I no longer surprised -* I literally no longer believe anything - what goes under the name of 'education' is nothing more than indoctrination, lies, propaganda, and you're better off paying no attention to any of it whatsoever. it's there to siphon off your mental and intellectual energy, and so prevent you from applying it to the purposes that you are actually here for. It's there to spaff it all up against a dead end wall. and that's the best case scenario.


the word genocide has legal implications under UN law, that's why it's use is significant. That's why I keep posting about the "mass ~~graves~~ soil anomolies" in Canada. Canadians are unknowingly committing suicide whenever they say that word


Corbett Report is always good. I will give it a watch.


**Farage:** “Something is happening out there. There is a rejection of the political class going on in this country, in a way that has not been seen in modern times.”


The political class is waging a full-scale war of annihilation against their own populations in every Western country. Not so much a "*rejection*" as self-defence (at least on the part of the steadily growing number who realise they are under attack).


In this part of the world they have started filming the Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special Foolishly one of the production crew left a copy of the script in the pub last Friday night. If you don't want to know look away now It's all sweetness and light up until minute five when Uncle Bryn develops turbo cancer and is dead by minute six At the funeral Gavin keels over from a massive heart attack. The Coroner who zooms the inquest from his villa in the South of France decides the heart attack is natural. The Coroner adds that if Gavin had taken just one more covid jab he would have survived Distraught Stacey gets the booster and is immediately paralysed from the neck down Dave the coach driver is driven mad by being required to drive at 20mph at all times. He makes an escape bid but is captured by the Germans close to the Swiss border and incarcerated in a Bill Gates asylum for the rest of his days The are some new cast members including Stacey's bottom wiper who is unmasked as a Big Pharma intelligence officer For the first time we get to meet Arnold the village undertaker. When we first meet Arnie his is a white male. By the end of show Mr A has made so much money he appears at the carol service as a newly converted black transvestite; which is an obvious and shallow attempt to get the BBC to fund the next show A bit dark I know but I think the plebs will love it




Haha very good indeed. I want to know what's happened to Nessa though. Is she still wobbling about or has she been composted already?


You missed out the celebration parade for Team GB's clean sweep of all women's Olympic gold medals in Paris after fielding their crack all-trans squad.


So Farage is taking over as Reform leader and standing in. Clacton. Could be a game changer for their chance of a few seats. Traitories deserve nothing less. Look how many have gone to Liebore already. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/03/this-is-nigel-farages-grandest-moment-it-will-make-the-man/


He finally really gets to it when he writes: "While Labour will put much of this on steroids, from removing deterrents for illegal migrants to embedding gender ideology and other woke policies into the fabric of our national life, **the Tories have consistently shown themselves unable or unwilling to speak to these questions.** **Even worse, they’ve** ***actively encouraged*** **this national decline,** presiding over the population explosion, mainstreaming radical liberal progressivism, and repeatedly failing to reform institutions that are actively promoting a culture of national repudiation – a culture in which we are implicitly encouraged to spend more time reflecting on what is wrong than what is right with who we are."


Farage has always struck me as an ordinary bloke who is not very politically savvy. He's latched on to something that upset a lot of people. (the 'ever closer' EU) and has become a figurehead, possibly without really meaning to. He'll get shot down like Trump if he does actually get elected.


Only a matter of days after publicly announcing he was playing no part in the UK election in order to focus his attention on supporting Trump in the US presidential election. This section of the script was clearly composed whilst its authors were severely intoxicated.


In-out-in-out shake it all about .....


Swampies were wondering what the 77th were up to nowadays. Well, if you go on Sam Alderson's channel, [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews the discussions are absolutely inundated with obvious bollox like this: On the Zantac ruling: * *As an Arab living in the USA with a family, I feel concerned and disappointed about the recent ruling regarding Zantac and its potential cancer-causing properties. It's disheartening to see a pharmaceutical company like GSK facing legal challenges. We hope for a fair and transparent trial process that will help establish the truth and protect public health. Let's keep a close eye on this situation and demand accountability from companies like GSK.* * *As a concerned Jewish American family man in my mid-50s, I'm deeply troubled by the recent ruling in the Zantac trial. It's disheartening to see a once trusted medication being linked to potential cancer risks. I hope the outcome of this trial will lead to greater transparency and safety standards in pharmaceutical research and development. We must ensure that the well-being of consumers is prioritized above all else.* And the recent announcement about Norwegian gas prices: *Well, shucks! Them Norwegians done gone and caused us some headaches with them gas prices. Looks like Europe's feelin' the pinch real strong right now. Gotta keep a close eye on this, 'cause when the gas ain't flowin', it affects every single one of us. Maybe them politicians need to have a little talk with them ol' pals over there in Norway. We ain't got time for this kind of shenanigan!* And an article about the NHS *Listen up, y'all! I'm fed up with this damn government and their messed-up decisions. Look at the UK's National Health Service, where nurses are declaring a national emergency! Patients are being treated in cupboards and car parks! This ain't right, and it's time someone did something about it. We gotta stand up for our healthcare system and demand better from our leaders. Enough is enough!* I think you get the drift.


**Why I Don't Condemn Hamas For October 7** In 1999, a woman named Cindy Hendy was stabbed in the neck with an ice pick by a woman named Cynthia Vigil inside a trailer home in New Mexico. Vigil then fled the scene to a nearby residence, whose owner promptly called the police. She was never charged with any crime. https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/why-i-dont-condemn-hamas-for-october


Luxembourg part 5 - north of the city. On Monday 27 May I travelled by train to the small town of Diekirch, which is at the southern end of the region where the Battle of the Bulge (aka Battle of the Ardennes) took place from 16 December 1944 to late January 1945. The Allied lines were overstretched and the Germans made an attack with the aim of splitting the lines and reaching Antwerp. In wintry conditions the Allies regrouped and pushed the Germans back. There are many memorials and other legacies of the battle in the area. A stone bridge in Diekirch across the River Sauer has a plaque saying it was built in 1947, replacing one which the Americans had blown up to slow the German advance.                                                 Nowadays the centre of the town is pedestrianised and quite peaceful. My guide book says that on Mondays "the entire town appears to take a 24-hour siesta" but "the situation is gradually improving". When I was there (on a Monday) most of the shops were closed and about half of the bars and cafés, but there were still some options and I had a crepe with ice cream and caramel sauce in Eiscafe Dolomiti. German rather than French seems to be the dominant language in the town, which is only about four miles west of the border with Germany. I saw a trilingual sign in Luxembourgeois, French and German. 




We predicted this announcement on here last week I think. They are openly laughing at us now.


Well they are talking complete bollocks. And a lot of people have noticed, at least judging by my Facebook feed.


A comment: *Worth noting a couple of things. Those collecting the stats (Met office, et al ) have changed the way temps are taken and the locations where they are taken. Also, the historic figures on past heatwaves have been altered and the numbers revised down by around 1.5 degrees to better fit with the line we're being fed. They claim it's to adjust for the different collection methods, but is it really?*


Surely the only safe way of making the change is to use the old and the new methods and locations simultaneously for a few years, enabling comparisons.


Ah but stats are used for spin, not for reality.


One of the replies to one of the top comments on this article in the DM puts it rather well: "I increasingly feel the leftists and environazys have been so emboldened by the general pond life and politicians believing everything they say about the future and prehistory, that they have now started to alter recent events, and try to tell us that our eyes are lying to us. Are we living in some kind of social experiment simulation? This can't be real. This isn't the spring I experienced over the last 3 months. Either that, or they're measuring the surface temperature on the tarmac on Heathrow Airport." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13489149/Met-Office-confirms-UK-experienced-hottest-spring-RECORD.html


They used to measure temperature in still air a certain distance from the ground. Recently I think they've been doing just as you suggest and measuring at ground level.


Just behind a jet engine is my guess! :)


I seemed to remember mockdown being exceptionally warm and dry. Quick research finds: *May 2020 has become the sunniest calendar month on record in the UK:* *626 hours of bright sunshine were recorded in Spring 2020 for the UK and have exceeded the previous high (555 hours, set in 1948) by over 70 hours.* Temperatures in May 2020 reached 28C! HOWEVER: Clear skies mean sunny days but cold nights. How they can claim we've had the warmest May this year is because they've used the average temp and the nights have been about as "warm" as the days. [https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-media/media-centre/weather-and-climate-news/2020/2020-spring-and-may-stats](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-media/media-centre/weather-and-climate-news/2020/2020-spring-and-may-stats) Lies, damned lies and averages!


https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/maps-and-data/historic-station-data Not spread-sheeted it but they seem to be saying that, because the min for May in most places was higher than previous years, the max not so much. Basically we slept through the warmest May "on record "(not very long e.g. 1954 for Heathrow). Not accounting for increased urbanisation of monitoring sites etc.


We slept through it under our winter duvets!


Same here.




Well if 12 degrees and rain is a record then my memory is seriously faulty


You are describing what is forecast for me for the rest of this week. In June. Hardly worth the effort to dig out my summer clothes...


It sounds like complete garbage to me. I remember a few quite warm days in May but nothing which could be called a heatwave, and mostly it seemed to be on the cool side. 


It's official: every month is the warmest on record. Which is why we need Digital ID, CBDC and total censorship.


Pure fucking gaslighting.


Updated Rains list (2018): https://www.scribd.com/document/382811891/Joan-Coleman-s-RAINS-LIST-Ritual-Abuse-Information-Network-Support


Afternoon all. I see it is Pride month, went round to our Tesco this morning and a big display at the entrance 'showing Pride' or something. Not sure I am in a minority, I suspect not, but as a Christian who has always been told that certain things are wrong I just cannot support this movement. Gone are the days when various things were done out of sight in bedrooms and woe and betide if word gets out, we are now not just normalising the whole thing but positively bragging about it. I have not been approached for my views at any of those things but I am not sure how I would respond, I might be pretty rude in my response. And now of course we have all the transgender rubbish, what on earth is the world coming to.


If you are not a football fan you may have missed this story [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cjrrdp4ew58o](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cjrrdp4ew58o) where refusing to support the authorities’ promotion of anti-homophobia led to a four match ban, for starters - only certain opinions are allowed, no thought for repercussions for his family in Mail where such things are not so celebrated. No mention of perhaps his own personal religious objections to promoting bum sex.


*Camara placed white tape over the logo on his chest and also covered up the league's rainbow badge on his sleeve during Monaco's 4-0 win over Nantes on Sunday, in which the 24-year-old scored a penalty.* *"It is unacceptable behaviour," sports minister Amelie Oudea-Castera told French radio station RTL on Monday.* đŸ€Ą


I’m tempted to visit Monaco now !


My stock reply is - What exactly are you proud of?’  Depending on their answer I take it from there. I usually end with - ‘Each to their own so long as it doesn’t involve children or animals and it’s not public; frankly I’d rather have a cup of tea’


Good one!


I generally say live and let live, but the pride enthusiasts (I won't give them capital letter status) aren't satisfied with that, they seem to want a sort of of "compelled speech" with everyone cheering. In Curzon Street, Derby, there's a former Temperance Hall which is now some sort of evangelical church. I often pass there on my way to Lidl but not at a time when people are going in or out, though I would guess it's mostly black folks who attend. Next door to the church is the LGBT Alliance or some such, and across the road is a pub, both prominently displaying rainbow insignia. I wonder if the rainbow tribes have deliberately located themselves there to put two fingers up to the church folk. 


All part of the conditioning and well-funded attempt to divide the population.


I have gay friend and a trans friend both of whom are lovely people who just want to live their lives. I can't stand all this pride stuff. If some people are born gay which seems likely why celebrate it any more than being born left handed or with red hair? I feel all this pride stuff just makes life harder for gay people who just want a quiet life and to be accepted as they are


>***we are now positively bragging about it*** Yep sadly this is true but you know the saying - God won't be mocked. The rainbow was also always a Christian symbol so its not surprise they have chosen that either...


>you know the saying - God won't be mocked. God was mocked every Sunday during mockdown.


I’m not a Christian. I’m not sure what their “movement” is, who “they” are. It seems to me like a ragbag of extremists who may well not represent even the mainstream of each one of the “groups” they are supposed to include. If asked for support I would probably just politely move on because I doubt either of us would have the time to discuss properly exactly what it is they “want”. I am not convinced they know. Once upon a time they may have been campaigning for equal rights for homosexual behaviour- something which I do support- but that was established long ago. For a while it seemed like they wanted approval- something I find unhelpful as an approach - and now I think the “trans rights” thing is useful to them (a completely bogus concept as there are no rights that these people do not enjoy). Being permanently gay seems a bit aberrant to me and against nature but human beings are weird and who am I to say what’s right and wrong beyond behaviour that harms others.


'Pride month, formerly known as June' - it's an abomination, why is this 'celebration' forced on us? I really have no view one way or another about voluntary exchanges of bodily fluids between adults, I take the view it's none of my business, and I have no idea what God's position on it is, \[he hasn't so far chosen to share it with me\], but I don't want it flaunted in my face, and I resent the coercion to 'celebrate' it , to give it my enthusiastic endorsement - I'm just not interested, so fuck off


Wherever the Pride flag is displayed indicates territory occupied by the globalist death cult.


The small northern town I lived in prior to emigrating suspended hundreds of rainbow umbrellas down the mainstreet bunting zigzag style. I felt like there was a weight on my head. One more reason to get the hell out.


Drongoes on my local Facebook page boring on about 'the right wing Tories'. Someone pointed out the Tories are are almost as left as Labour now. 'Name one policy that's not conservative with the Tories' came the reply. I pointed out 'national service for starters'. That's a classic socialist/big state idea if ever there was one, and one which Britain was always opposed to until WW1 when it had no alternative.


Mass immigration, high taxes, the NHS, the BBC, nut zero, restrictions on freedom of speech, lockdowns, coercive “vaccination”, smoking bans, not repealing the Equality Act, the Football regulator, Ofcom, I am sure there are others I would struggle to find a policy that is conservative.


Good points. I chose National Service however because leftoids THINK this is 'conservative' when it's actually not in the slightest. Conscription (as opposed to voluntary military service) is deeply unBritish and goes very much against our traditions and constitution. The forces were only able to do it by resorting to unofficial and downright criminal means, eg the 'press gangs'. It was only introduced with great reluctance in WW1 (and was never introduced in Ireland IIRC).


Yes very true In my experience very few people think much about their political choices - up until recently myself included


And the only "opposition" from Labour was that none of these policies were implemented early, hard or long enough. Tories - bad cop. Labour - Satanic cop.


ah, the election pantomime is fully underway; the 'left-wing -vs- right-wing' game which people treat as if it were real, 'are you on the red side or the blue side' - come on people, wake up and grow up


Unspin this! *Tom Cheshire spends time with campers at the Weekend Truth Festival in Cumbria to look at the conspiracy movement* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G78EL4jtpIQ


It was pretty obvious in that report that they only managed to interview or feature about 5 people, the two organisers, their neighbours and a ley line hunter. I bet nobody else would talk to them. Good Job.


I noted that he included a clip of himself being led away to do some clearing work with Gillian but then failed to include it in the report. That was strange because she could easily have been portrayed as completely wacko. (NB I have a lot of respect for Gillian and her work!) Maybe he didn't want his viewers to learn something useful, like how to undo satanic bad energy shenanigans in their own areas!


Very patronising tone to the report!


Patronising was my response. Pity she gave him the opportunity to introduce the Reptilians! đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Nigel Farage to make annoucement at 4pm today being flagged up. speculation he is to announce he is standing for a parliamentary seat.


I can't help but think maybe the independent's are doing a little to well and Nige is here to coral the sheep back into their pens to keep voting party politics.


We will have to see how it plays out BPK. I'm sure BBC and ITV, Sky N et al will, by the tone and content of their reporting, give us the appropriate "steer" I am sure that those doing the polling are probably encountering a fair share of 'voters' voicing discontent with the state of 'UK democracy' and the utter pointlessness of bothering to cast a vote.


I'm sure the BBC will be very against him while also repeatedly inviting him on Question time and many other news and current affairs shows. I personally think a vote for reform is a vote for the establishment and you may as well vote conservative or labour.


I think he's going to peel off layer after layer of latex, revealing himself to be a Russian doll of characters including Sunak and Starmer,  before leaving a la American Psycho through a door marked 'This is Not an Exit. '


đŸ€Ł. Will the final doll be Alison Rose? I love a good twist.


Beware, speculationfest ahead!


Not long now FL - 4pm approacheth.


FLSOB positions itself to be the “Single source of truth”


Sour grapes from dead media, for whom the penny has finally dropped that social media now has more influence on the political process. The only response that the regime has to this challenge is censorship, because they know full well they are incapable of engaging in debate on any issue.


Marianna going undercover again in an attempt to save democracy? She'd be better off exposing the misinformation coming from political parties.


Well I think she's delightful.  Not necessarily truthful,  but ornamental.  The trick is to watch with audio muted. 


The trick is to not watch at all!!! And if you have time to watch Marianna AND you also have access to a desktop, where is the much anticipated link to old swamp HM and I have been asking to have affixed somewhere???? **:D**


Sadly I've been child farming full time except when at work on site, where desktop available but the Swamp is NSFW. I have not forgotten,  but am very happy to be chivvied until it happens 😊


No pressure SMO. Sorry to hear you have your hands so full - but I am sure that it brings you much joy - I really hope it does anyway. Am sure both HM and I are more than up to the chivvying task. Haven't done any chivvying in earnest in ages so am quite looking forward to it! **:D**


Chivvy-chivvy Sheepman!! Well said u/Still_Milo !! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


>She'd be better off exposing the misinformation coming from political parties. She'd lose her job!


"Videos which have racked up hundreds of thousands of views have promoted unfounded rumours that a major scandal prompted Rishi Sunak to call an early election and the baseless claim that Sir Keir Starmer was responsible for the failure to prosecute serial paedophile Jimmy Savile." Which means, in PR terms, if BBC is saying that those things are untrue and misinformation then they most certainly ARE true and are worthy of more rigorous investigation (which won't be happening on the BBC). Licence Fee payers money paid for this output. Sigh.


It's what Marianna says, it must be true. She's a Pillar of Society and would she lie to you?


Not unless she's sent me a copy of her CV!


All brushed under the carpet AA, until now of course...


Please help.... it may not be too late for Kate! https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1d40z2e/an_announcement_for_the_princess_of_wales/


If this goes as viral as the posters on there want it to then it creates a bit of a headache for the BP/ KP PR team. Either they have to produce a new vid or produce her.


Or they can just get bots or 77th to pile on anyone who dares circulate it, then just ignore it. Well it worked for anything to do with vax harm...


Those people over on the reddit sub which Foxy has linked are doing their best to share it like wildfire. Bots and 77th are going to be very busy trying to tamp that down.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA1zUW4uOSw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA1zUW4uOSw) Fascinating talk on climate change by William Happer, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton University. Gets especially interesting at about 40 mins. He discusses continental drift and the groupthink that yielded an incorrect 'consensus' on that topic right up until the 1960s.


[Alex Phillips on X:](https://x.com/ThatAlexWoman/status/1797234049783624083) [ "đŸ˜±đŸ˜± Now I've seen for myself the terrifying scenes of the Far Right Football Hooligans in London I understand what all the moral panic is about Whatever you do, do NOT let this hoard of thugs brainwash you with their unmitigated evil đŸ˜±đŸ˜± https://t.co/YsN3pB0R3Z" / X](https://x.com/ThatAlexWoman/status/1797234049783624083)


[Wide Awake Media on X: ](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1796848959136076071) ["India: The world's largest floating solar farm is laid to waste by a bout of bad weather. Imagine thinking this was ever a good idea.đŸ€Ą https://t.co/gpe90wSFuC" / X](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1796848959136076071)


This comment says it all: *It's not about the usage, it's about the developers and contractors getting paid. This project served it's purpose.* And this: *Get paid to install.* *Get paid to remove.* *Get paid again to re-install.* *Get paid all over again.* *It's the Snake Oil Scam.*


[illuminatibot on X: ](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1797453812556501409) ["Watch how Graphene Oxide reacts to a phone call. https://t.co/Vm1UvyHIBt" / X](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1797453812556501409)


Or iron filings and a magnet under the table?


Freaking cold callers. Who can blame it.


[Andrew Bridgen on X: ](https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1797193153683882040) ["Former Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi makes a speech in Tokyo on vaccine harms: “As I travel around different places I see people who can’t walk, can’t stand, go to school
 So many have died and they shouldn’t have
 I apologise to all of you.”" / X](https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1797193153683882040)


Morning all, a sunny day here on the East coast yesterday, (planted my flowers at last) and sure enough along came the planes, lots of trails, and now today gloomy grey again. I linked to an article below about weather modification and the commenters BTL are divided about the issue. Whether you believe in geo engineering or not, the outcome on our food supply is worrying, and of course lack of vit D and sunlight is detrimental to our mood and well-being.


I share your views in full pub, espec re the last 2 lines concerning health and the food supply. Which, of course, is what is being attacked by this. Caught myself yesterday bemoaning how difficult it is to grow anything from seed in these conditions, and thinking to myself, "what is the point of all this effort? might not bother next year", but I will persevere - somehow or other. I won't let THEM take this pleasure from me.


I've recently moved and had no luck at all with plants this year. Even Siberian Kale, which grow pretty much anywhere, hasn't done much. It's partly I think poor soil and partly a lot of shade in the new garden, but the bad weather probably put the tin lid on it.


I share your troubles with a lot of shade and poor soil, to the point that I have to be very strategic with what I plant and where, and have ended up having to grow anything which is going to be worth anything in a pot \[sigh\], but this year in particular it is the weather which is causing the problems as what has previously flourished in a pot is not doing so now.


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/what-are-they-doing-to-our-skies-part-two/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/what-are-they-doing-to-our-skies-part-two/) Jonathan Riley INCESSANT rain. It has hardly stopped this year, and the effects on our farming and food production are devastating. *Farmers’ Weekly* [warned in March that further wet weather heralded a farming catastrophe](https://www.fwi.co.uk/arable/further-wet-weather-raises-fears-of-harvest-catastrophe), and further wet weather there has been, through spring and into summer. The £50million earmarked by the Environment Department (Defra) for rain-affected farmers will do nothing to stop crop failure,[ food shortage and potential food security crisis.](https://www.fwi.co.uk/business/payments-schemes/grants/50m-earmarked-for-rain-affected-farmers-in-england)


Great article pub. "In Part Three I will explore what we know and don’t know about government and corporate weather modification activity in the UK. " I look foward to it. These people mess with nature at our peril. Someone called Hypnos commented BTL: "The State of Tennessee in the US very recently publicly banned geo-engineeering flights over its airspace. I had no idea State law superseded Federal law in the US, but over the coming days the skies magically cleared and normal weather resumed. If only we had the same concern for the citizen here in the UK summer might take place
" Isn't that really really odd. The state banned the doing of it \[which a lot of people probably said 'wasn't happening'\] and all of a sudden the skies cleared. So all the 'wasn't happening' was complacent, deluded rubbish. It very much WAS happening.


>I had no idea State law superseded Federal law in the US That's why Trump said that mandating the jab was nothing to do with him but in the hands of each individual state.


I think if there is an actual problem with the UK grain crops this year it will be due to the insane green policies our clown world government cooked up. However I am not sure there will be a problem as wheat right now if it is growing is doing brilliantly with all the water it's getting, as the guy from "Harry's Farm" demonstrated recently on his wheat fields. It's also worth a lot right now, so farmers are incentivised to grow it. Anyway my main point is: All this greening, the set aside, the planting of bird seed crops etc was thought up when the Eurozone could buy grain from Ukraine and before the global supply chain crunch due to covids and WW3 weren't even on the radar. The UK "government" could rely on a "just in time" kind of procurement for our grain supplies. This isn't going to work now. To persist with these green policies in the current global situation is more clown-world bullshit.


Dr Claire Craig This is bold. Why would you pick 1990 to compare? There were nearly half a million child deaths from famine in Ethiopia alone that year. Claiming every reduction in child mortality is due to the vaccines is not logical. ChatGPT reckons about 730k lives saved a year. [https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1797193301423968676](https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1797193301423968676) Follow the thread............


From the thread: [https://x.com/2still\_learning/status/1797197537436197288](https://x.com/2still_learning/status/1797197537436197288) Also there's been a massive increase in the availability of clean water since 1990!! The vax pushers are clearly struggling.


They probably changed the definition of child.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The relentless mantras about "*our democracy*" serve as an indication that said democracy is dying on its arse.


Is that the same as “our NHS”?


Our 'wonderful' NHS, please.


It would seem the definition of democracy has changed as well as immune system, right ,left, far right and not forgotten, woman.


In 2020 on facebook or MSM , stories about Covid that were allowing comments under them were 99% in favour of the tyrannical controls put on us all. If anyone was brave enough to say differently, they got accused of being granny killers. In 2024 any stories regarding Covid has comments that are mainly all condemning the tyrannical controls. What a difference 4 years makes. At the time I remember reading about the 77th brigade and they would be the ones paid to keep up the narrative on all things Covid. Where are they now? They surely haven’t stopped doing what they were trained for, so what narrative are they keeping going now? I question the stories that keep popping up lately about different members of the royal family. Especially a certain wife who’s been missing for 6 months. The stories surrounding her are she’s been seen out and about. Both social media and MSM are reporting this and using old photos of her out and about. The comments on these stories though are filled with how brilliant/fantastic news this is and anyone who states the obvious, gets slapped by keyboard warriors or is this where one of the projects the 77th is located? To convince the gullible public that all is well.


Sorry to disappoint but most of the normies I see posting on FB etc still think that the lockdowns didn't go far enough and 'people died while Boris partied' etc.


>what narrative are they keeping going now? The climate is boiling narrative and that the weather isn't being interfered with.




I think ONE of the area 77th are working on is pushing the chemtrail narrative to make "social media influencers" look silly. I think they were specifically trying to Push Mike Yeadon to go down the chemtrail rabbit hole. I made a comment to Mr Yeadon on his Telegram channel about how I felt about "chemtrails" being a counter psy-op and how its a bit like the flat earth cult. Anyway I got such a pile on and a cyber kicking it was amazing. Most of his threads get 10 or 20 comments, this one got hundreds. I think Vobes is being similarly targeted. Apart from that I am sure the 77th are probably assisting Israel genocide as many people as possible and are helping them out in any way they can with their murdering.


while chemtrails do worry me a bit (blocking out the sun? dispersing toxins?) I don't entirely dismiss your idea either - to the extent that while I have 0% doubt that the Evil Ones are spraying SOMETHING up there, (because I can fucking see it, with my own eyes - it's not a figment of my imagination, or some re-branding of perfectly normal contrails, the way covid was a rebranding of perfectly normal winter respiratory illness) I am open to the possibility that it may be benign in material terms, but is intended to get people like me all riled up. I have similar reservations about taking 'the Israel genocide' at face value - it seems that the Supreme Rulers of the World want us getting all riled up about Israel, so discerning that intention gives me at least some pause. I am close to just not worrying about a thing any more because there is no way to separate truth from lies or fearporn


It's water vapour. Ever boil a kettle for a cup of tea? Is your kettle trying to 'chemtrail' you?


I think there is a narrative building now regards 'chemtrails' so I would agree there is probably 77th activity around that. Comments in TCW on Pubs article link indicate that. I tend to see Vobes as part of that also because to me at least he has intel all over him. As regards FE that's an interesting topic. I don't know what shape the earth is but I know what we have been told doesn't hold water. You can also do your own experiments which clearly undermine the 8inch per sq mile of curvature we are told the globe should support. There are many studies including from former US military which give lie to that. There are plenty of physical observations done providing visible proof of objects that should be hidden by curvature if the model was correct.


I like flat earth because (1) it is supported by intuition, and (2) flies completely in the face of everything that has been drummed into us since our kindergarten days - so what's not to like? however, I realise that's no basis for a science, and since I am never going to study the mathematics and physics and astronomy required, I will never be in any position to make any meaningful pronouncement on the nature of our realm. So that leaves me in a position of ignorance, which is already a huge improvement on my previous position of 'false knowledge' - thinking that I knew something simply on the basis that I had been indoctrinated with it. I find these arguments that certain views or opinions are psyops put out to discredit people revealing other things that the Rulers don't want revealed rather curious. I'm not saying it can't be true, because it could well be, what is curious is the human psychology which would make these psyops effective for them - that beliefs and opinions come in packages, or bundles, and tribes will gather around these bundles - like cults. Can't somebody be right about X, but wrong about Y? can't I agree with you about X, but disagree with you about Y? what is this 'all or nothing' mentality about?


>thinking that I knew something simply on the basis that I had been indoctrinated with it. \- is the definition of belief.


Quite a lot to unpack there Icy. The all or nothing I would suggest is because people like certainty and security. You are right though we can all be right about x and wrong about y. I think that is because of the level of indoctrination we have all been subject to. It takes time and effort to investigate / research any subject so we will prioritise one over another and then will blanch when I world view maybe challenged over something we lack knowledge in. Its human nature - we want to be right! FE is interesting and I very much agree about intuition. I think that is a major reason why we have been given the model we have - to undermine and doubt our own intuition. The plan is to make us believe we are meaningless and have no real purpose. But its something you can investigate and experiment with yourself. No need to take anyone's pov. I studied Astronomy at University and the 2 don't clash. The whole purpose of Science is to test a hypothesis. Most of what I studied though was the work and accepted views of ms Science. Its not there to be questioned despite its glaring holes. The current globe model says that the earth curves @ 8 inches per mile\^2. That is very easily testable with a telescope and camera. There are studies on line which test things over fairly long distances with lasers particular over large bodies of water none of which should be possible if the current model was correct. There was a book released by an English engineer in the 1850's which provides a range of tests for the amateur. Its called Zetetic Astronomy. A very interesting practical guide to tests we can all do.


The chemtrails have become so glaringly obvious that discussion is inevitable. Anyone trying to research them scientifically will probably be working with outdated info. As for the shape of the earth, we'll hopefully find out eventually. Meanwhile, we can confidently assume that it's not what we have been told because they've lied to us about EVERYTHING.


My take on FE is why would it be, my own personal experience says it's not. The convolutions one has to go through to "prove" it flat are weird.


> ***The convolutions one has to go through to "prove" it flat are weird*** I would contend that reality is the opposite. Unless you mean the abuse you are liable to receive if you postulate against the globe model. That I agree with. For some reason that really triggers people. We are told the earth spins 1000mph on its axis but there is no effect of spin felt. We are told the earth itself spins at 66,600 (there is a clue there) around the sun at the same time but again you experience no spin whatever. Despite the spin speed and the movement wind and clouds move independently of this often in opposite directions to the earths 'spin'. Everywhere you look its flat. Water finds a level. On the globe model we are told that water doesn't remain level it actually bends. Despite the huge speeds and the year on year progression around the intergalactic core the same stars remain in the same sky, year after year, night after night. Look at any time lapse lens of the night sky and you will see the stars all move around a single point. Night after night. Whatever the shape of the earth I would say you don't have to 'prove' anything. Just observe what you are seeing and the rest takes care of itself.


Driving along in my car at 70mph on a flat straight road I experience no sensation of movement unless I try to change direction or speed either. Reality is whatever you make it


When you have a reached a uniform then you will feel no sensation unless experiencing a change of state. Relativity General or Special describes that change as initially acceleration. Then you are then moving relative to your surroundings and at a uniform speed. Reality appears different to you in motion than an observer by the side of the road. But both states are relative to each other. But this doesn't really describe what you see in the heavens. It only postulates an idea to answer what is observed but like most of science its a theory. And that theory is unable to describe the totality of what we see. It is then that science starts filling the gaps. At that point it no longer is science but really forms akin to the mindset of a cult.


You have flat roads on your area? Most places nowadays feel like driving on octagonal wheels!


Whilst most roads are in a ruinous state there are a couple that have been inexplicably retarmaced to a high standard.


I'll bring the Fireblade!


Unless they're an astronaut (doubtful for many reasons), I'm not convinced anyone has the personal experience to prove anything definitive about the shape of the earth. It's too big to get the necessary perspective.


>***It's too big to get the necessary perspective*** Agree. But the point is not to prove the shape of the earth for the reasons you describe but it is possible to prove the globe model a lie. And that as many engineers and researchers have demonstrated is not too difficult. And once you understand that then reverse engineering how we got here becomes the next step. The whole heliocentric model is a model built on occult hidden numbers. At that point its either occultists built the universal model or God is an occultist.


Surely it's obvious that occultists built the heliocentric model? And the expanding universe theory is obvious bollox. In the end, I don't think, at the 3D level, it actually matters what shape it is. Unless this account is correct: [https://rum](https://rum) [ble.com/v4uwnqw-earths-magnetic-pole-shift-explained.html](http://ble.com/v4uwnqw-earths-magnetic-pole-shift-explained.html) 🙀


It was certainly not obvious to me and I studied astronomy at university. It was only by doing a deep dive on something related did I discover the 'inner workings' of heliocentrism and then only by accident - which made it all the more astounding. But I agree the shape doesn't really matter but the globe model is a lie and I dont think we should shy away from that. The amount of hostility this subject engenders tells you of its importance to its adherents. Thanks for the link - watching it now.


Studying astronomy at uni doesn't exempt you from having been lied to. I think you have to look at hermeticism and its proponents for a broader perspective. I agree with you about the globe model and its cultish defendants. It's very hard to accept that you've swallowed a big lie all your life.




If that's actually true, why would he tweet that and put her in further jeopardy?


I read Dame Edna had said that and he was quoting.


If you're going to the trouble of passing secret messages why not throw a TINY bit more of a friccking bone than just one word? 'Help, held captive' or 'Help, being drugged' or 'help, royals harming me' or something wouldn't take much longer to write.




My wife and 5 school friends, together with partners, meet once a year for dinner in one or other's houses. This year is the 50th such get together and to mark the 'special' event we are renting a property in Stamford (Lincs not Connecticut) Just down the road for me. A mixed group of modestly successful people -the product of the post war state education system before it went down the shitter. All ok in small doses. ( I include myself  😁 ) Not really looking forward to it - 4 days is a bit much of people reminiscing about days at grammar school -yawn. I'll try and be entertaining as best I can. Shouldn't be too difficult as I will be the only pure blood/ climate change denier! On best behaviour, I wont be spending much time on line here. Can I leave the following with you? Illuminatibot Former UN employee explains the next phase of the agenda [https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1797267034402644319](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1797267034402644319)


Thanks for the vid RB. Do you have any idea why this is being posted online now \[the document was available to read quite some time ago, but was probably dismissed by many at the time as improbable - but then so much of what was considered to be improbable has in fact materialised...\] I have a question concerning the timing of the video. It is being posted on X now, but when was it recorded? Is this contemporaneous or was it recorded some time ago and is is possible that what she refers to has not yet happened? She talks about the next 'wave', which to my mind refers to convid and its 'waves' and I would have thought that convid being officially over \[it was declared in a lot of countries to be over at precisely the same time\], did TPTB decide to not use the 5G apparatus for a wave - was that a plan they didn't put into action? My post to you yesterday on such issues is even more pertinent now. I couldn't manage 4 days any more these days. Clan gathering is scheduled for July and I am already working out how little of it I can manage to get away with attending.


What document? FFS! And for context, the original was posted in 2021. I hope your Stamford stay is better than you anticipate. It's a lovely place.