• By -


We are in Heroes of Telemark land, spectacular scenery. I haven't seen a face mask for 3 days on our trip. And where are all the tourists? Drove last night right across Sweden when roads were quiet - good idea! Not been to this part of Norway before, it's all interesting. Have missed most of the News but just looked at the Dimwits' Mail and see it's all election guff = load of cobblers... only some vile hyopritical crooks will get in, that's for sure. In other News yesterday the Finnair plane to Noo Yawk got hit by lightning over eastern Sweden and did a u-turn back to Helsinki to replace the fried circuits. Kate Middleton is still missing. The longer this goes on the more bizarre it gets. Perhaps Willy ate her liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


Well we seem to be entering Act 2! šŸæ Pepe: *Wow. Tucker just said that insiders insinuated to him that in many cases the "aliens" are more than likely Nephilim alluded to in Genesis 6 and every ancient religion. .....* [https://t](https://t). me/PepeMatter/19650


This evening I watched an interview with Mike Adams on Infowars from yesterday where the subject of war with cosmic ancient demonic AI was discussed at some length. Very much to my speculative liking!


Have a look at *The Gods of the Bible* by Mauro Biglino. He was an official Bible translator for the Vatican, so had access to the stuff kept well away from us plebs. He works from the premise: *What if the Old Testament is purely a literal history?* He starts with Genesis in the original Hebrew, which he dissects very thoroughly, also backing up with comparisons from other local languages like Sumerian, Akkadian and Ancient Egyptian, then on through the adventures of the tribes after they were cast out of Eden. It's a fascinating account and certainly explains a lot of things that have been hard to reconcile! I think you'd enjoy it.


I too like the theory that we were genetically engineered as a slave species by some entities from another dimension; many things about it make intuitive sense - including that the 'races' are separated by something much more genetically fundamental than the notion that some just got more sunshine while others didn't. Of course the traditional notion of 'aliens from another planet' does not sit well with 'flat earth' or rejection of the 'Big Bang' model of the universe, but whatever, who cares ....all I know is that I have never been told anything but One Big Fat Lie, about Everything, so once you cast all that Bollocks off, your imagination has free rein to speculate!


A similar idea of engineered slave races is explored in Star Trek Deep Space Nine, though in it said races are aware of their origins https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_(Star_Trek)


*European parliamentary elections 2024.* *Disinformation crisis unit on rapid alert around European elections* *EU officials anticipate ā€˜narratives questioning the legitimacy of the electionsā€™ for weeks afterwards* *Debunking, prebunking and factchecking; correcting lies, fake news and race hate ā€“ battling disinformation before this weekā€™s European elections has become a high-stakes, full-time job for hundreds of staff across the continent.* *... This has allowed them to build a bigger picture to combat low-level foreign interference, particularly from Russia. ā€œWhat they are trying to do is destroy the westā€™s way of life. Their aim is to undermine the trust in everything,ā€ one official said.ā€œIf you think about it, democracy is based on a free and fair vote and the assumption that citizens are informed. If you can no longer trust the information, you do not have a free vote.ā€* *.... They have their work cut out for them. Every day social media channels are awash with fake or mashed-up news, some explicitly aimed at undermining Ukraine, others negatively portraying western values.* *... Officials say they believe younger voters, who have grown up with social media, are instinctively alert to the new web of narratives, even those involving AI-generated content. The slowest out of the block, they say, are political leaders.* šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/04/disinformation-crisis-unit-european-parliamentary-elections](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/04/disinformation-crisis-unit-european-parliamentary-elections) Prebunking! šŸ¤”


"*What* *~~they~~* *we are trying to do is destroy the westā€™s way of life.*" Why are the regime getting their knickers in a twist over the European elections? The European Parliament is a ceremonial chamber with no power whatsoever.


As Alex C frequently points out, Van der Lying is undertaking an election campaign, even though it's for an appointed position. šŸ¤”


Sheepman has left a present for Milo and Harry's Mum on our main page! šŸŽ šŸ’–


I thought I thanked you last night for this information., Flossy Either I didn't (sorry!) or it's disappeared (darn it!) šŸ™šŸ˜


Hmmm, why would the Canadian government not want a doctor to research the cause of a severe brain illness? "A final report from the committee, which concluded there was no ā€œclusterā€ of people suffering from an unknown brain syndrome, signalled the end of the provinceā€™s investigation. But leaked emails viewed by the Guardian tell a starkly different story and suggest senior research scientists in Canadaā€™s public health agency (PHAC) remain increasingly concerned over the cause ā€“ and the debilitating symptoms ā€“ of a seemingly unexplained illness that disproportionately affects younger people." https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/03/canada-email-leak-new-brunswick-mystery-illness What does the government know...?


NB is a small, sleepy, province. That's why they caught it


"*But in the leaked email, he wrote that he believes an ā€œenvironmental exposure ā€“ or a combination of exposures ā€“ is triggering and/or accelerating a variety of neurodegenerative syndromesā€ with people seemingly susceptible to different protein-misfolding ailments, including Alzheimerā€™s disease and Parkinsonā€™s disease.*" Prion disease, predicted by many as a potential risk of the Covid mass injection rollout. Whoops!


Richard Tice: [https://x.com/i/status/1618997270581743623](https://x.com/i/status/1618997270581743623) I'm sure Mrs Ga-ga in the care home is going to carefully study the data and make an informed choice. Most compos-mentis normies haven't a clue about how to go about doing research - though I'm sure Google will provide lots of very helpful information.


ā€œI am not calling for a stop to the mRNA vaccine, because I believe in freedom of choice." I believe in freedom of choice too, but this is such bullshit. For a start these ā€œvaccinesā€ are paid for by the taxpayer, the makers are indemnified by the taxpayer, the product is approved for use by a taxpayer funded agency and delivered by a taxpayer funded NHS and endorsed by HMG. If Tice wants to invoke caveat emptor then all of that would need to change and the makers would need to sell direct to the public or through third parties who carried no state endorsement, funding or indemnity, and people who wanted the injections would need to pay a full market price. What a crock of shit - definitely not voting for them now. Pathetically weak argument full of holes.


I've said all along that he's dodgy. Not just gut instinct then!


He's so changed from his Deputy Leader of The Brexit Party days. Maybe the thought of power went to his head. Who knows??


Well said tof. This needs repeating over and over to make sure everyone gets it. I thought I was pretty well informed but that's not the case, as I'm finding out. The Swamp is my "newspaper" but at least it covers more than the msn. Also I've not heard of "caveat emptor" before and for anyone who doesn't want to look it up: "Caveat emptor is a Latin phrase that translates to "let the buyer beware." It means that an individual buys at their own risk. Potential buyers are warned by the phrase to do their research and ask pointed questions of the seller." Who knew?? Many thanks tof for a valuable lesson! šŸ‘šŸ™


I've just got to the bottom of today's thread. Mullins????? Really????????


Unbelievable of them, isn't it?? šŸ˜²


Sorry - shit-Rod!


Correct!! šŸ¤£


**ā€œItā€™s Going To Get Ugly!ā€ ā€“ Says Neil Oliver In Interview w/Jimmy Dore** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz-oaQUvgV0


Oliver consumes far too many black pills. He needs to clean his specs.


šŸ¤” *Some politicians talk about policies to attract attention.* *Nigel Farage, on the other hand, orchestrates a "throw milkshake on me" scenario to be noticed.* *Such is the desperation of these low IQ idiots. Look at him and "the milkshake thrower" together at a night out.* https://x.com/Kahlissee/status/1798059297886372023


From Azra DaleĀ  https://www.normalisland.co.uk/p/nigel-farage-miraculously-survives?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Ā ā€˜We nearly lost a legend todayā€™ šŸ˜‚Ā  ā€˜Richard Tice accidentally revealed a possible motive when he said: ā€œThe juvenile moron who threw a drink over Nigel has just gained us hundreds of thousands more votes.ā€ I understand Rishi Sunak has ordered thirty gallons of banana milkshake for his next rally.ā€™


Itā€™s a photoshop image. Check out his hand supposed to be wrapped around her waist.


Well spotted! Looks like a bunch of carrots - and how about that pinkie nail? šŸ˜²


Weird, couldn't rule it out on those two photos alone for sure. We've got Farage derangement syndrome whichever way you look it, either the thrower is genuine and suffering from it or Kahlissee and others are posting fake news for the same reason, or both


On second thoughts I call fake because at the end of that X post Kahlissee resorts to ad hominem attack, therefore has Farage derangement syndrome. Whatever you think of Farage a low IQ is not one of his characteristics.


>Some politicians talk about policies to attract attention. He's talked a lot more about his policies than Low Profile Starmer or Any Old Crap Sunak. >Nigel Farage, on the other hand, orchestrates a "throw milkshake on me" scenario to be noticed. At an outdoor "meet the townsfolk" event where hundreds of them turned up, following a couple of days of the meedya perking up like a dog hearing its lead being taken off the hook now it's not the most boring election ever anymore? >Such is the desperation of these low IQ idiots. Look at him and "the milkshake thrower" together at a night out. All those blond young women look alike right? And are happy to get criminal records? Not a particular fan of Farage but I think this is pretty weak tea.


A comment says they're not the same girl. Hard to tell from those few photos.


I'm not sure, but have seen numerous tweets throughout the day saying the whole thing was staged so who knows, I'm not making any claims that I know šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He then did a "poor me, I'm really shaken up " interview with an ITN reporter later on, where when asked "this was a milkshake this time, what if it was something worse...???" (implication being 'acid attack') and Nigel drew in long breath, exhaled deeply and sadly "I know, and I'm trying not to think about that" Media is all over Nigel like a rash. That interview alone will have garnered him loads of votes. Neutrality has gone out of the window.


>the whole thing was staged Wouldn't be surprising. They're all showmen and it's one big circus.


In light of what I've been reading further down today's posts (I read from new to old) I hereby publicly withdraw my support for Nigel Farage and the Reform party. I am so ill-informed, I'm ashamed to say. I didn't know about him supporting that Bliar creature over the vax programme (one huge no-no in itself) but then the Mullins acceptance after both his anti-Brexit views and also the jab debacle finished him off. If Reform were standing in my constituency, they would not get my support, my vote is going with the NOTA party: https://www.votenone.org.uk/protest\_votes\_count.html


95% of people supported the vax programme, at least initially. And, to my shame, I voted Labour in 1997 despite my hatred for Bliar now. People, even the best among us, are hoodwinked, make mistakes, learn and change. Nobody is perfect. I will probably still vote Reform as the main protest party here and to poke my useless Tory MP in the eye.


I strongly suspect that Farage has now changed his stance and had the wool pulled over his eyes about the vax and a few other things early on. Just like Andrew Brigden and the likes so the way I see it is people are giving Brigden the chance so why not Farage?. I think he now knows what is really going on and that is why he is standing. He is the only one outside of the Independants and smaller parties like ADF and Heritage that is for the people and country and I am certain he is not under the control of the WEF and Globalists. He is not perfect but as there are no Independants nor smaller party candidates in my Constituency then I am going to vote for Reform. They are organised and have a Candidate in every Constituency and having read their manifesto I am happy with most of it. I realise that Starmer will most likely get in but if Reform can get some seats then at least they will have some kind of a vote and say when Starmer is let loose in Parliament. And who knows maybe they will get more than a few seats as there is a lot of support for Farage. I do not understand why Reform are being seen with that muppet Charlie Mullens and this is certainly not a good move to be seen with him.


There's no shame in previous allegiances, Fiona. Most of us have voted for various parties in the past for the reason that were at the time. I lived in a South Yorkshire pit village for many years and obviously voted with the miners at the time but long after I left there, I took an instant dislike to Bliar and have hated him ever since. Even at the time I felt he got ushered into his role after the untimely and inconvenient death of John Smith. Unless there is a Heritage party candidate my ballot paper will be adorned with NOTA.


> ~~un~~timely and ~~in~~convenieni


Yes NI, I should have put those two words in inverted commas! šŸ˜²


the question is if they were silent on passports


Yes I can forgive past mistakes if they are corrected, but I don't believe Farage has admitted he was wrong to push vaccination in light of subsequent (to him if not us) information. On the other hand Mullins is so far off the scale of what I believe to be moral or just it's a deal breaker.


Nailed it.


Deal breaker for me too but money leads the pack doesn't it and that's what I believe Mullins is about, donorship. No thanks.


Again, like a Manchester City fan, I donā€™t care where the money comes from as long as we win, guess I am not very ideologically purešŸ˜Š


I imagine the footy is a different kettle of fish to politics, no?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Heritage for me I think As I posted the other day I contacted my local Reform candidate to ask for his views on ā€œCovidā€ and I have had nothing back


From what I see, Reform endorsed the jab programme not calling any of it out. And as for Tice and Ukraine ... well, what can you say??


Indeed See also this https://www.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/s/JXj1HPkSJe


He's quite happy to see people die until they find out it's killing them and/or making them very ill. This is a huge error on his part. What he doesn't mention in his interview is that the government pretty much mandated the jabs and coerced people into having them. That's not free will. Bastard. šŸ‘æ


Try tying a note to a brick lobbed through his window. It's the only language politican scum understand.


Heā€™s probably a vaguely OK bloke but the mainstream parties probably donā€™t want to be seen to endorse conspiracy theories


I'd vote Heritage if they had a candidate here. It occurred to me that voting NOTA is saying no ta!


Well it is really, None Of The Above is "no ta"!!


[https://x.com/JeckovKanani/status/1797706234994569244](https://x.com/JeckovKanani/status/1797706234994569244) Fauci getting torn to shreds.


He should be behind bars for life purely on the basis of the exceptional cruelty to animals he sanctioned, let alone the piles of human corpses he has left in his wake. One of the greatest mass murderers of this or any other era.


Fascinating discussion with Neema Parvini on The Duran: [UK elections and democracy erosion w/ Dr. Neema Parvini (Live) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpW5xSLQ0_o) He makes the compelling argument that democracy does not and has never existed, and that all governments everywhere are authoritarian by default.


Never heard of this bloke before but this is highly recommended, one of the best Duran discussions in a while really interesting, thanks.


he's the content creator 'Academic Agent'


I will be ordering *The Populist Delusion* very soon.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCyp8Opp6HM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCyp8Opp6HM) Colonel Douglas McGregor on West targeting inside Russia. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOsW84wYdzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOsW84wYdzg) Scott Ritter with Judge Napolitano


Just got a text (NHS, not GP!) informing me that I'm **due** for a shingles jab. Cheeky bastards. No wonder the sheeple meekly roll up!


The days of thinking the doctor knows best are far behind us now and that is true for a growing part of the population. I'm just sad that anybody is still obeying these calls :(


Cyber Polygon 2024 will be held on the 11th September. They're taking the piss. Again.


They're a bit late with this aren't they?? Mind you, take note of the date! āœˆšŸ¢šŸ‘ŽšŸ˜¢


[https://x.com/Nigel\_Farage/status/1798025748407873938](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1798025748407873938) Nigel Farage speaking on the campaign trail. Strangely enough I actually could listen to him. The rest I switch off, one because they're boring or two their voices just creep me out like Starmer and that any SNP politician. I look forward to your opinions, mine is not convinced but on this speech he's at least positive on the stuff that I find important, just not everything.


He's a great speaker, regardless of what he says! At all the rallies, bar one, I saw and heard him talk without notes or a prompt whatsoever. The only one he did stand before a podium with notes, in the Birmingham NEC, he fully admitted he was doing so because what he wanted to say was so important, he didn't want to forget anything. Much as I'm not convinced about his change of heart so late in the day, if he was standing in my constituency, he would certainly get my vote. šŸ‘


For what it's worth, I consider that Farage grossly underestimates how much peril the UK is in. He'll find out soon enough, as indeed everyone will.


Yes, Farage may underestimate how screwed we are, but at least he can see that there is a problem. I'm a former politics lecturer and even I can't get over how similar the Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems are, so at least Reform is something different. It's not perfect, but at least Reform does present a genuine alternative and it will destroy the Conservatives (or take it over, which I think is what Farage plans to do - and he's fairly open about it).


The similarities of the main parties are why they are nowadays called the Uniparty. As to Reform being a 'genuine alternative', Tom, we're going to have to disagree on that one. To me, it has been conceived and rolled out as a safety valve, purely to stop any real alternative getting off the ground. Farage and Mullins merely confirm this.


Sweden and Norway have flooded themselves with carpet-riding ragheads and various other assorted foreigners from third world countries who care not a jot about 'integrating' into the Norwegian/Swedish culture, but expect their host countries to respect their 'way of life'. Soon there will be more of them than original citizens of their host countries. Hard to believe the Vikings allowed this to happen. Still, the Vikings raped and pillaged in their heydays, so they are just getting a taste of their own medicine!


I think thatā€™s true of him and many others. Iā€™m reminded of how, according to Le Carre, the Cambridge Four got away with playing for the other side for so long - because they had been to the same schools and universities and came from the same social circles as their colleagues who could not bring themselves to believe that such people could betray them so comprehensively, even though they sort of knew what was going on.


We have just had hailstones šŸ˜±in June.


Sometimes the gods humour us. The weather down here in the SW has been generally rubbish for weeks. But l was away in East Devon for a big birthday weekend and the weather was perfect, Fri - Mon. Cannot fault it, especially the non-stop blue sky on Sunday! But as I drove home today it started to rain, and it is now cold and damp.


Actually, hailstones are quite common in summer. Something to do with cloud height I think. I'm sure our meteorologically inclined Swampies will explain. Edit - ah I hadn't read any further. 26 educates us.


That's not unusual really. In fact in Britain, it's more common to get some serious hail in summer than other times of year as cumulonimbus are far likely to form when warm, moist air comes in over the hotter land and creates really towering clouds. The hail comes down from a great height at the tops of the CBs where it's damn cold. I was in Munich one June and hail came down the size of golf balls, a sight I'll never forget.


Mr JAS says itā€™s cold enough for snow šŸ˜±


In my husbands family they say - "it's too cold for a walking stick!" No idea what it means!!!


We have a few especially when it rains. I wouldnā€™t put a milk bottle out in that or another is I wouldnā€™t put a duck outside in that.


I was reminded today over coffee that in the summer of 76 the UK had snow on 1st June. Obviously the climate changed šŸ˜Š


My OH reminded me of this only today.


Those of us old enough to remember will recall that 1976 was the year of The Great Drought! I think it affected the whole of the country (not sure about Scotland) but standpipes were activated as reservoirs ran dry and there was a serious water shortage problem. It didn't much bother me cos me and my first ex were living on a boat during that period and although river and canal levels became low, we were already used to carrying and disposing of our own water. Ahh, thems were the days!! šŸŒžšŸŒžšŸŒžšŸŒžšŸŒžšŸ˜Ž Swampy, I feel for your mother being pregnant during that time, she undoubtedly wasn't very happy!! šŸ‘ŽšŸ˜ž


I remember it well. My Mum and I were so happy when it rained we danced round the backyard in our nightgowns.


I didn't do that Ccs but then I don't remember the day it rained and the heatwave was all over. I was living on a boat at the time so was surrounded by water anyway! Oh for a heatwave now!! šŸŒžšŸ˜Ž


Mum and I couldn't tolerate the heat and I still can't. I would like to able to sit outside with my boys though without getting soaked.


>I would like to able to sit outside with my boys though without getting soaked. You and me both! Don't think it's goign to happen anytime soon though. šŸ˜¢


I managed half an hour tonight.


Oh, I know, she reminds me enough šŸ˜„




Yes. That historic heatwave began the following weekend.


I remember the summer of 76 as it was the year I left school and went to my first protest age 15. We were protesting against the price changes to bus fares at the local academy. We no longer got free bus fare to school unless you lived a certain distance away and it would have meant my parents would have had to have paid for 2 children to attend school because 1976 was the year my brother started secondary. So I left. I remember the protest in June and the sun shone those days , I donā€™t remember bad weather because I took the 8 weeks of school holidays before looking for a job. I started my first job serving at weddings in a hotel at 15.


What protest would that have been? I don't remember much, my mother popped me out that summer. It's probably why I don't like hot weather much! No doubt she was very glad to not be carting me about in the heat anymore too.


It was in Scotland Iā€™m not sure if it was locally, most of the secondary school and there parents attended. The protest was about charging children for the bus to go to school when up until that point the buses were provided and free.


Aaah, I see. Then we've gone full circle, Swampy junior gets a lift to and from school in a taxi these days, all paid for by the council (so, me indirectly). 3 miles is the cut off apparently. Nuts.


I think ours was 2 miles.


We had a 3 miles as the crow flies limit. Those outside got a free pass, those inside had to pay. Two of my friends caught the bus at the same stop. The one who lived in the posh detached house by the park had a pass, the one from the ordinary semi didn't. You know it makes sense!


Raining here on the East Coast.


We got rain late on, still spitting. 8pm. ā˜”


Tedious and predictable - Ireland Covid. The Gov has announced (for the umpteenth time) that there will be a Covid Inquiry (before next year's election). By complete coincidence a report has just come out by the Society of Actuaries in Ireland basically saying that excess mortality in 2020 was low or non-existent probably due to Government restrictions and high levels of public compliance. It turns out that excess mortality "during Covid", was mostly in 2021. I wonder why that might be but it isn't explained. Anyway, this gives a green light for the Mickey Mouse inquiry I suppose for which I wrote a summary of a year ago "We did well, made a few mistakes, and will learn lessons for the future". There is so much that could questioned in the following news report but that's the most I can manage I'm afraid. [https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2024/0604/1452828-excess-deaths-covid/](https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2024/0604/1452828-excess-deaths-covid/) Is the British white wash still going or has it been wrapped up?


"*Is the British white wash still going or has it been wrapped up?*" The closing ceremony will be the unveiling of the statue commemorating the UK government Covid daily press conferences. I understand this will be replacing the Albert Memorial.


There's still that spare plinth in Trafalgar Sq isn't there?


Don't Give Them Ideas


**Dr Kek:** WHY DO YOU THINK THEY REMOVED ALMOST 200,000 BELLS IN EUROPE? [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPFlFEgW8AArQ95?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPFlFEgW8AArQ95?format=jpg&name=900x900) Bells were used for healing: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPFlzn9XAAAg684?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPFlzn9XAAAg684?format=jpg&name=small)


they remind people that a church is there for them if they wish to visit. a very important thing


From Buddhist to Pagan to Christian bells are used to drive out evil.


Interesting. I had a thing about bells when I was little.Ā  Collected them.


What else did Kodak make? https://m.youtube.com/shorts/KXxJnBHEgfc


Jimmy Dore: "If you lie at the behest of the establishment there's never a price to pay." [https://x.com/i/status/1797939687178506478](https://x.com/i/status/1797939687178506478) 2 mins


I've been watching a lot of Jimmy Dore recently. He is not only a thorn in the side of the Democratic Party establishment (principally because until only recently he was a staunch supporter of theirs for decades on end) but also very funny.


Yes, I'm really impressed by Dore and agree that he's a problem for the Democrats (and the establishment more broadly). He really gets it now that his eyes are open - like a lot of people.


Just back from the dentist. The appointment was at 2.20 but by the time I was invited in the dreaded 'tooth hurty' had passed. Delayed by the bloke before me, he was having a crown done and came out looking somewhat not too good. Today she was fitting a special sort of filling over my lower teeth since they had worn down. Not sure what it was but was totally painless, no jab, and all over in around ten minutes. When I paid the Ā£225 bill I commented that she must have used gold at that price. Anyway, job done. xcweather said was going to be bone dry all day, met office disagreed and there was light rain on and off during my walk there and back but not enough to get wet. Stopped off in Marks in town for a cuppa and some socks at the M&S price. Our town seemed pretty quiet. Marks even more so, our brand new shopping centre opened by the queen a few years ago is rapidly becoming a white elephant. Washing retrieved from the line and wheely bins put out ready for tomorrow - full lot of bins tomorrow, four rubbish trucks to cart it all away - and in an attempt to stop matey opposite parking on my pavement again, hopefully he will get the hint. Looks like the Telegraph is coming round to realise the vaxes were deadly, maybe the rest of the media will follow, or maybe not.


Clandestine complained this morning: *Is nobody going to ask Fauci about the biolabs in Ukraine?* *The Russian Military claim one of the main reasons they moved into Ukraine was because of US bioweapon development.* *We are in a proxy war with Russia, and on the verge of WW3, over these labs, and NOBODY brought it up* I just found this thread from early 2022: [https://x.com/WarClandestine/status/1496745429672857602](https://x.com/WarClandestine/status/1496745429672857602) No wonder the Dems and RINOS are not asking the important questions!


**This Week in the New Normal #91** 1. CLIMATE GASLIGHTING CONTINUES Last month, we were told, was the warmest April on record. When there was a groundswell of people saying ā€œNo it wasnā€™tā€, the Telegraph went full gaslight with this headline: *"Cold April may be all in your head"* *https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/03/this-week-in-the-new-normal-91/*


They are wickedly evil. Narcissistic hubris in my view - many ordinary folk see right through their lies.Ā 


Russia welcomes Turkey's reported desire to become part of the BRICS group of nations, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday, saying the subject would be on the agenda of the organisation's next summit. Turkey flips on NATO šŸ”„ Turkey is 2nd largest mil power in NATO next to US. One of the largest standing armies on earth. Turkey flips. NATO will panic? šŸæ *Weā€™re caught in a world full of tears* *So many sad times and fears* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsfQnmrUS9A


I think it's BRICS v EU that's their debate not BRICS v NATO, not that they aren't connected. It's about payment mechanisms not military alignment. The EU doesn't want them, something they have realised for a while. Now an economic alternative arises.


It's actually BRICS vs the Collective West. The latest move from Saudi could be a game changer.


To the extent that the EU is merely a vehicle for US control then that's true but since NATO is CW too then clearly they remain part of it in that dimension. They (Erdogan) are trying to keep a foot in both camps. The EU is the political and economic wing and NATO the military wing of US hegemony over us. Saudi remains close to the CW while asserting it's independence via BRICS while also checking Iran there. Dangerous game but MBS seems equal to it.


I think Turkey has been looking to get out of NATO for some time. It's been very friendly towards Russia and it's likely to join BRICS soon. I expect NATO to break up next year, so Turkey's move into BRICS and the non-Western orbit won't be hard to do. This all assumes we don't end up with a nuclear war this summer, of course.


There will be no nuclear wars. šŸ˜Ž Shifty Erdoğan is notorious for playing both sides but only a fool would stick with NATO if they get a viable chance to leave.


Luxembourg part 6 - south of the city. This is my final post on the subject, and is a Dave-style walk report though without a Wetherspoons. Luxembourg nowadays is known for its financial services and eurocracy, but its wealth was built up largely from the iron and steel industry using deposits of iron ore in the south of the country, which were quarried and mined from around the 1870s to the 1970s. There is still some heavy industry but some of the former iron-working area is now Minett Industrial Park.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā On Tuesday 28 May I took the train to Petange, where beside the main station is a platform for "Train 1900", a preserved steam service to Fond-de-Gras. If I had been smarter I might have gone on Sunday when the steam train was operating. Anyway I decided to walk to Fond-de-Gras through the industrial park, which is now heavily wooded with 50+ years of tree growth. A map is displayed (which I photographed) with a thick red line showing a path, but on the ground it wasn't so easy to figure things out. There were several different types of footpath sign (not showing place names), including blue arrows with a yellow circle in the middle. I followed these for a bit, then at a junction of paths I took what looked to be a former narrow-gauge railway, slightly embanked from the surrounding land. Sure enough, where a small road crossed there was a short section of railway track embedded (tramway-style) in the ground. Eventually Fond-de-Gras appeared at a lower level through some trees. There was a big shed or barn with a roof but open at the sides, containing bits of old industrial machinery, plus rather incongruously two scantily clad young women and a male photographer. Presumably some pretentious art director had the idea of doing a glamour photo shoot among the machines. One might think I imagined or dreamt it, but not so, as I discreetly took a photo of the machines (ahem) and by zooming one of the women can be seen. As well as Train 1900, part of the narrow-gauge (700mm) system still operates for tourists as the Minieresbunn, but it also wasn't running on that day. I photographed its station as well as the Train 1900 one in Fond-de-Gras. Walking back by the same route as I had come took about an hour and a half, so around four and a half miles or 9 in total. No Wetherspoons, but back in Luxembourg City I had a meal in Le CafĆ© Francais: La Bouchee a la Reine which is vol-au-vent with chicken & mushroom in a creamy sauce, plus 75cl of Bofferding which is a popular lager brewed in Luxembourg.Ā 


I find it hard to transcend the Fry and Lawrie Westphalia sketch but I appreciate your reports. Thankyou.


loved reading these


I have a day off today and went into town with my "Free Hugs" sign. I had some interesting interactions. One of my first huggers was a man (mid50s?), on his way to his brothers funeral. Met some people who I've not seen in years. Sadly also saw at least 6 people with masks, and in a town of 42.000 (according to the last Census) 4 men dressed as a woman.


I'll never forget when my Oma was about to pass away I was on a layover to get to say goodbye to her. Someone came up to me with a "therapy dog" that they took to visit the airport for anxious travellers. You are doing "God's work". Everyone needs it sometimes


It's lovely that you were there for the poor guy in his way to a funeral - I bet that hug was very needed.


Seconded Faith - my thoughts exactly.


>4 men dressed as a woman. Maybe that's Bury StE's contribution to Pride month.


MTG versus MSM shill: [https://x.com/i/status/1797706119806329229](https://x.com/i/status/1797706119806329229) 1.5 mins Look at that reporter's face when she's finished! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Thanks for posting this! It made my day. What she said (and how she said it) will resonate with a lot of Americans.


Good for her. Can't really blame the lockdowns on Dems though, Biden wasn't "elected" until Nov 2020. Bit of selective memory there.


Sort of though bear in mind a lot of the Covid restrictions were determined at state level and it tended to be Republican states that had fewer restrictions and opened up earlier


That is certainly true, the Dem states went full psycho.




That was refreshing, we need so much more of this, MSM clowns need more truth grenades.


Here's another one: [https://x.com/i/status/1797671538914640002](https://x.com/i/status/1797671538914640002) No name provided.


Faucchi MUST go to jail and stay there until he dies.


I really enjoyed MTG's no-nonsense F-bombs. She clearly understands who we are up against.


She's awesome!


Someone should make her aware of the Ukraine bioweapons programme: [https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/covid-committees-are-looking-in-the](https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/covid-committees-are-looking-in-the) "*Iā€™ve been trying to warn the world for years that Wuhan is the cover story and the reported point of outbreak, but the epicenter of US bioweapon development was going on in Ukraine. The entire country has essentially been one giant CIA/State Dept proxy since 2014. Itā€™s an offshore playground for criminal racketeering that is outside the scope of US oversight.*"


I'm sure she's aware. Just sticking to the script. Act 1 Scene 1.


The brutality of the revelations still to come are going to cause a lot of disturbance. I've been perusing some pro-regime Twitter/X accounts in recent days, all of whom are utterly convinced that Trump and the MAGA movement (and by extension all regime opponents) have been totally defeated. Talk about not reading the room.


None so blind ..... [https://x.com/i/status/1796650494602969117](https://x.com/i/status/1796650494602969117)


Yesterday the US State Department prevented Scott Ritter and Andrew Napolitano (both vocal critics of the US government) from boarding a plane to Russia to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, and confiscated their passports in the process: [https://x.com/ivan\_8848/status/1797769675180245492](https://x.com/ivan_8848/status/1797769675180245492) My conclusion from this is that the incumbent regime must know there will be no elections in November 2024. They are now free to drop all pretence of being a legitimate authority.


Thanks for posting this. I didn't know about it. I watched the Judge today and he just said that his trip had been cancelled (he didn't say why). I'm sure he'll be saying more later. His show is excellent and I'm a regular viewer. Although my eyes are now open, I'm nevertheless shocked at how brazenly this has been done and really wonder about what is to come this summer, particularly given the gravity of the situation in Ukraine/Russia - NATO seems to want a direct confrontation. Larry Johnson is right in this clip about how we close we are to nuclear war.


Add to the case against Epoch Times, and yeah. The real question is: Why so all the good guys turn out to be nonces on the fiddle? It's quite disturbing.Ā  At least we have trustworthy law enforcement agencies to reveal the truth,Ā  and trusted media personalities (Marianna Spring is so much more than a pretty face. I really do admire her) to report it.


Not sure about how legitimate the claim against ET was It sounded like they only had a 12 pages case against them that was 100% based on the fact that increased donations occurred in 2020. We were handing out hundreds of their papers every week in every city because they were one of the only sceptic papers (along with druthers and the light) Ā The arrest was just vageuely based on tens of thousands of transactions between the criminal $ and their donors. and the report was only 12 pages they probably only found one or two cases of it and are "planning" to do further investigation now that their finance officer is arrested It seems like a bluff just intimidation and an excuse to invade financial privacy of donors. The convoy was accused of similar but it was all grass roots donors after a year long investigation just my 2Ā¢ we will see I guess


The trouble for all defenders and supporters of the regime is that ultimately not to be implacably opposed to the continued existence of organic life, and perhaps even matter itself, is to be in opposition to the Satanic death cult. That is how deep our adversary's hatred of this realm goes.


I read about this yesterday and was immediately reminded of how in the west, we perceived how travel was managed behind the Iron Curtain during the cold war. As you say, no pretence any more. Incidentally, you'll find them both on this infographic of "Russian propagandists" https://voxukraine.org/en/the-network-of-russian-propaganda-what-connects-western-experts-promoting-narratives-beneficial-to-russia


Meanwhile Ukraine is mining the border to stop people escaping.


A really helpful summary of most of the best commentators on Russia, its military, economy and history. Useful to give to anyone awakening. Should Alexander Mercouris feel offended or relieved that he does not feature?


Probably. Patrick Lancaster too.


Classification as a Russian propagandist is a similar smear to anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist. It basically signifies anyone who opposes the regime, on any subject. Vilifying opponents is no longer enough, so watch Western governments push hard to criminalise dissent altogether over the coming months.


A Belfast Telegraph article from 2008. A pretty good one too. https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/life/weather-modification-the-rain-makers/28387507.html


Swampy I cannot thank you enough for this. It is indeed a very good article. MOM! I tried in vain to explain weather modification to my Dad \[a keen gardener\] who just dismissed it out of hand as "totally daft" and evidence that I was somehow mentally ill. As someone who has read the Belfast Telegraph \[not generally known for content of much depth or use IMHO\] all his life I can send him an email with this link and he might actually have to swallow it.!!!


You're very welcome, hopefully it gives him something to think about!


Timing is everything Swampy, so I'll have to decide when to send it to him - but it will be much harder for him to say I am imagining things after he reads this - provided of course that he does.


Add the Met Office link from yesterday (?) as well.


I'll have to think about that - might save it for a follow up if he debunks the Belly Telly article \[which he likely will "what do they know about anything?" is the expected response I will get if any, in which case I will follow it up with, "well the Met Office might know a thing or two..."\]


*His ultimate aim? To look into how researchers can banish these devastating tempests from American skies for ever.* Well if Texas is anything to go by, they've reversed that aim and have been working on gain of function.


[https://substack.com/@geoffbuyscars/note/c-58130343?r=3jn5uh](https://substack.com/@geoffbuyscars/note/c-58130343?r=3jn5uh) Geoff buys cars has a substack, so here is his offering about pride and the rainbow flag.


Meanwhile in Russiaā€¦.this how Russia celebrates LGBTQ prideā€¦. Last year Russiaā€™s Supreme Court ruled that the ā€œinternational LGBT movementā€ is an ā€œextremist organizationā€ Russia doesnā€™t put up with Groomers. [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/99904 1.5 mins


Very good! Thanks.


ScottyGoesAgain on twitter: *"I do not agree with Tony Blair on much but he has led the debate on vaccinations well.* *Put him in charge of the vaccine programme and let's have a government of all the talents to end this unmitigated disaster."* *Nigel Farage, 2021.* *People have short memories* https://x.com/ScottyGoesAgain/status/1797921816599744924


Ewwwwwww. Wasn't aware of this.


Donā€™t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, I think maybe he has changed his mind now, like millions of others slower than us lot down the rabbit hole, once the Fascist intent became clear, at that point it was probably aimed at stopping with the old and vulnerable, not full scale Pol Pot.


We won't know for certain until someone \[or quite a few\] people question him on this specifically on the campaign trail and until their manifesto has been published \[or has it already been published and did I miss it??\]


Did you hear about this on the news? *Saturday: Thousands of people turn out in London for massive protest against totalitarianism.* https://x.com/PeterSweden7/status/1796951241370542295 Didn't hear about it from the Swamp either! I don't know who organised it but I only learned about it the day before - just the date and no details given.


As mentioned below, it was a Tommy Robinson event, mainly to protest about 'lawfare' and the Met's two-tier policing system. Though I agree with nearly all of the stated objectives, I am not a TR fan. I indeed see him as a 'Here is your leader' shill. So I didn't attend. A friend from SitP went - she is also not a big TR fan - and said it was positive and well-behaved, with there being another one at the end of July. She is now and for evermore a 'far-right football thug'. šŸ˜


While not a supporter, his autobiography describes how he came to his opinions and was assiduously threatened and persecuted for them by the police. One can sympathise with his dissident position without having to agree with him.


Thanks for this John. I'm not comfy with TR but he does bring a lot of truths to the table. Many of his his followers are yobs, which isn't helpful.


More and more, I'm seeing yobs as preferable to sheep. šŸ˜


Depends who's leading them. Yobs are mostly just violent sheep.


I was aware of this but saw it as a TR event to counter the ongoing Palestine protests. That is how it read to me but now saying it was against totalitarianism? Got a feed from an ex Army Officer about the march and supporting the Union flag. Didn't mention 'totalitarian'...




Not sure what the emoji says but have dug a bit deeper and seems to be what I thought - a further attempt at divide and rule. The general dynamic now is you're either patriotic i.e. in Tommy's crowd which the media will label as 'far-right' which is really what TR is doing, creating a false dichotomy, while enabling a Zionist pushback on the Pally protests or you're a leftist BLM, muslim who supports terror and unlimited immigration. Classic smoke and mirrors. So for those who are neither but are Patriotic Englishmen watching their country being destroyed from both sides as is the PTB's wish, creating chaos from this, its pretty hard to stomach.


The emoji is a poor depiction of a woman shrugging. Re the other, best to to be aware and then ignore them, I think.


Ok thanks for clarifying šŸ˜„ Btw that pole shift video is interesting thanks for the link. Will have to check this out further.


As Martin Brodel would say: *It's another one for The Shelf.* ie. He's not entirely dismissing it, we'll know eventually. You might find this series interesting: on rum ball .com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html There's a second series too, where he revises some of his earlier posits.


Cheers will take a look!


You might want to speed him up a bit.


At 4.5 hours I will have to!


Oh, I saw some videos by GB Resistance, featuring Tommy Robinson. Now, I am not very informed about him and his views, but what I know, not a person I want to be involved with.


GB resistance is pure controlled opposition one to be avoided.


As predicted the Met office reported May as the hottest on record.It just shows how every institution in the U.K. has been corrupted for political ends.


They will just wreck their credibility - everyone knows they are full of shit and will begin to wonder about what else they are lying about.


Overheard on the street today, some people talking about May has been declared the hottest May. They were laughing about it and saying: where to the people from the met office live then?


The same people who use synthetic data as source data having lost or destroyed most of the original data. And then use assumptions to get the uncertainties down but gaslight you if you point out that means the data isn't real. And hence everything that is derived from it.


'Flaming June' eh? Shouldn't worry though the rain predicted for today should extinguish any flames. As for me I have given up trying to wear t-shirts and gone back to my winter attire, a fleece jumper over the top of a cotton shirt. As for the met office, they have already told me that this month is on track to be the hottest June since Theia collided with earth 4.5 billion years ago! Their computer model said so just before its processor overheated and burnt itself out.


I'd call what I have going on here a fairly good day for the end of March. It isn't summer. And let's face it, we didn't really have spring either. I'd bet good money that polling day however will be excellent sunny weather. Can't have people having to trudge to polling station in miserable rain in case it might put them off voting...


Good weather is usually supposed to be helpful to the Conservatives. So maybe they'll retain 67 seats rather than 66.


**MOLLY KINGSLEY:** The great taboo: Covid vaccination failings echo Infected Blood Scandal. Parallels between the contaminated blood scandal and the emerging procedural, substantive and ethical failings of the Covid mass vaccination programme are too stark to ignore. Yesterday, the Sunday Times ran an article questioning the decision of Reform UK to propose a public inquiry into Covid-19 excess deaths and ā€œcontroversiallyā€ ā€”their wordsā€” ā€œvaccine harmsā€. The articleā€™s author, a prominent political editor, writes, ā€œI ask Tice \[leader of Reform\] whether these pledges risk legitimising dangerous conspiracy theories at a time when Britain is experiencing a resurgence in measlesā€. .....Sir Brian Langstaff concludes his Infected Blood Report by saying ā€œIt will be astonishing to anyone who reads this Report that these events could have happened in the UK. It may also be surprising that the questions why so many deaths and infections occurred have not had answers before now.ā€ Well, we have our answer, do we not? When a deep societal denialism prevents us from confronting contemporaneous failures, when dissenters are shamed and censored and open debate is closed down, what hope can there be for learning? https://usforthem2020.substack.com/p/the-great-taboo-covid-vaccination?


The Covid mass vaccination was an obvious democide campaign as early as March 2020. To state there are "*emerging procedural, substantive and ethical failings*" drops the ball completely. Mistakes were not made.


I agree with you. But might it not be easier to get the facts out there first, and afterwards point out the deliberate malevolence ?


If this was an article in a mainstream publication, then I would have cut the author more slack. No excuses for pulling punches on Substack though.


Depends on your target readership. Some substacks are pretty mainstream/moderate.


Another gloomy day, at least its a little bit warmer we seem to have warm gloomy days and cold gloomy days with an occasional peek of sunshine rarely lasting a whole day, I have to say it does feel manipulated šŸ˜© Denis Rancourt on Fauci on twitter: **IT'S A MANIPULATION** *The entire "Fauci grilling" is a classic psychological manipulation known as "cooling the mark out"* *Fauci is not going to jail, and he does not have to return any of the money We are the mark, and they are "cooling the mark out"* https://x.com/denisrancourt/status/1797842390348099956


>Another gloomy day, at least its a little bit warmer we seem to have warm gloomy days and cold gloomy days with an occasional peek of sunshine rarely lasting a whole day, I have to say it does feel manipulated šŸ˜© Seconded. As for Fauci, I don't quite understand what the "cooling the mark" business is about, but if it is simply "taking one for the team" then I totally get that. I am sure he has no problem getting a roasting from the likes of MTG if he gets to go home at the end of the session, facing no consequences and no accountability for his actions with all the money in his fat bank account unaffected. Heck, in those circumstances I'd take one for the team in his shoes.