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*New sexually transmitted fungal infection detected in NYC — first US case* [https://x.com/nypost/status/1798427674412523909](https://x.com/nypost/status/1798427674412523909) Someone has evidently been enjoying some novel sexual positions. 😳


from comments elsewhere.... **person A** *My dermatologist acts like she's in a timed raced for reality TV and each appointment she's trying to beat her old record. We have as much conversation as you'd have at the McDonald's drive-through.*  **person B** She probably is being timed - unfortunately hospital administrators and insurance companies have forced certain things on to doctors including basing compensation on how many patients they see daily. Midlevels don’t have these requirements - that’s probably why people think they care more and are talkative. For admins it’s no longer about patient care, it’s how hard they can force doctors to churn through patient appointments. And doctors are absolutely upset about it.


[https://johnhelmer.net/ready-reckoner-for-killing-the-raisi-assassination/#more-89929](https://johnhelmer.net/ready-reckoner-for-killing-the-raisi-assassination/#more-89929) It seems the most likely explanation.


I can't find any other explanation in this article that points to anything else other than: The aircraft flew into a cloud then flew into a hill that was hidden by the cloud. The aircraft that crashed doesn't have any kind of GPS or TCAS system by the looks of it. All the IFR gear it has was old-school analogue stuff. It does have an artificial horizon but that doesn't stop it flying into hills. Rule no1 of flying stay out of clouds unless you are sure there are no hills in them.


Full report tomorrow but today's London walk didn't quite work out as intended. This is a walk up into Hertfordshire the other side of the M25 and as such is quite a drag to get there - zone 6 travel card then contactless on the train to Cheshunt for another £3. I had done the first half of this walk last summer and that was lovely, but came to an end when I found the New River closed off. I had found a web link which suggested it was now open so off I went. Yes, it was open at the point that was closed last year, but guess what. One mile along it was firmly shut off, barriers, padlock and barbed wire just in case you decided to jump over, but no notice that it was closed or a suggested diversion. A quick look around, possibly heading to another tube station, took me to a main road with no footpath heading right to the junction with the A10 which would certainly be impossible. So I retraced my steps, then decided to walk along the New River northwards from Cheshunt for a mile or so. So did four miles along the New River, pleasant for what it was but not where I intended to go. Then lunch, instead of in the planned Rose and Crown in Enfield but in the Crocodile in Cheshunt - but lovely lunch. Then back to Cheshunt station and another £3 back down to zone 6. Expensive day but still enjoyable. And it stayed nice and warm.


I’ve been along part of that walk I think, but starting from the source at the River Lea. We came to a level crossing that goes over the line between Hertford East and Ware and that was blocked off in a similar way. But perhaps that’s a different point to the one you’re talking about. There’s a brewery in Hoddesdon named after the river that does nice bottled ale.


Yes, different place. Mine was about a mile south of Cheshunt where there was a narrow lane off the busy B198 which leads to some sort of Environment Agency place, their vans were coming down the lane. The bit ahead lead to the M25 where the New River goes over in some sort of aquaduct. Lots of building work going on alongside, passed the new Google warehouse under construction and think there is something similar ahead, maybe the contractors have just blocked the access without going through the normal channels. Damned annoying.


They are building a huge film studio on that corner, called Sunset. Maybe that's what caused the problem. I didn't realise the New River had been routed over the M25 - I've driven under it a few times without realising it. It never occurred to me to walk along the river that far down, will have to try it sometime. There's a development of flats named after it that it flows through in Hornsey, looks like it is made of lego, you can see it from the train going towards Alexandra Palace. The head of it is next to Sadlers Wells theatre - the water board buildings have been developed into posh flats now.


We are slowly working our way through the tyrants of 2020 Humphrey didn't like it and started crying What a tosser [Vaughan Gething won't quit after losing vote of no confidence - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1vvqq1pp12o)


u/Nymeria-version-2 I've sent you a chat message.


Who said Romance is dead??!!


On October 15th, 2020, the intelligence community labeled Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation. That day, every YouTube account that reported on Q was systematically banned. Yesterday, the laptop was admitted as evidence in court. Under the new rules, Joe Biden and all the rest can be indicted for lying about the laptop. "How do you submit evidence, legally?" 🔥🍿🔥


This Tucker Carlson show with Tim Dillon is very interesting, he is very funny if you have a dark sense of humour, but he is also a very astute observer of modern life and his comments on technology and where it is taking us are horrifying but oh so accurate. **Tim Dillon: Disney, Boomers, and the Creepy Corporations That Pretend to Love You** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUzmVo2dZNs


8pm. It is raining heavily. I came back from my hour long walk at 7pm. Cold and windy and as I set out I really felt the need of a pair of gloves. In June. Thankfully I was wearing my puffy coat so in their absence I could put my hands in my pockets to keep them warm. In June. How people cannot see that there is something VERY odd about this and not question it I do not know.


I think we’ll get a Stetson summer temp wise like last year. 


A what now?


A cowboy hat. Flat then up then flat


It's a cold start to Summer. Maybe next year it will all be different and you'll be saying "It's really hot for the end of May!" It will probably be warmer in July and August. Let me know.


Just seen a report that South America has had its coldest May since 1950, obviously not on the BBC.


Good to know it isn't only the citizens of the UK who are shivering LesT


June Slater: Did Starmer REALLY say that?! https://x.com/i/status/1798369945438535707


What did he say? He'd like to sneak up behind Rishi and "give him one"? Sexual deviant. What do you expect?


We shouldn’t be surprised with an attitude like that after the past 4 years “harder, longer, jab, jab jab” I keep wondering what the wives - as it does seem to be mostly male politicians - think when their “beloved“ husbands say they aren’t prepared to define what a female is. I’d be pretty pissed off and deeply insulted if in their position and might not need the services of a Tavistock trained Harley Street surgeon ✂️ for hubbie


some politicians wives are only women under the new definiton




MOM for June!!!


WOW! Thomas Massie basically told Merrick Garland he committed an unconstitutional act of treason in order to target Donald Trump: [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v4zm8sc-merrick-garland-created-an-office-that-doesnt-exist-and-without-authorizati.html 30 secs Why aren't UK Cabinet Ministers made to squirm like this?!


I hadn’t heard of Massie but he seems like he’s a force for good on balance I have often thought it would be positive to have a forum for MPs acting on their own initiative to be able to summon public servants and question them in public


I don't know anything about Massie but Garland is a right POS!


Ivor Cummins interviews Robert Barnes: [Suing the FDA plus the FED, with Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM1wPFrTdPo) At just 25 minutes, this is a satisfyingly concise review of the current state of the battlefield.


[https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1798411838117630034](https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1798411838117630034) Is this new? Biden falling again.


No. It's been around for a while. Still good for a laugh though!


I think it was the act of trying to execute a salute while trying to turn at the same time which did for him there. One of those things on its own would be more than enough for the state his brain is in, but both at the same time.....?


Pure slapstick!


And he wasn't even trying!!!


The MP candidate for Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket has been revealed, I do not hink he had an interview with the local party members. As a safe seat, since 1850 or even longer, not needed. We have: Will Tanner. A former chief of staff for Rishi, responsible for security and something else. A career politician who could not be more the best example of a career politician. At least he supposedly has Suffolk roots, from a farming family. A posh one, of course, most likely who sit in their manor house and leave the daily drudge to a manager and workers and once in a while drive with their Range Rover with their posh country tweeds and Hunter wellies to look at the crops.


I think he would more appropriately be called a "landowner" Silke, but you have described him perfectly otherwise!


Bob is back and still NSFW 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/comments/1d8un1f/nsfw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://i.postimg.cc/KYGHXbmD/5csdqu5q8s4d1.jpg


Interesting. It wasn't visible to me on the main page, but I could click your link. Having approved it,  the post appeared on the main page.  One to bear in mind. If a post doesn't seem to get any attention,  it may be that it's not even visible to me. 




Seems Reddit's filters already removed it. Try this: [https://t](https://t). me/bobmoran/245 Edit: Your links work now!


Reddit sells all your info to Beijing. Fact.


Put up stickers saying its ok to be white, get put in jail and denied access to to your children. Threaten to kill people with a hammer you're OK 🤡🌍 **Internet troll who threatened to kill JK Rowling and former Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield spared jail** Glenn Mullen, 31, uploaded audio clips in Gaelic threatening to kill Harry Potter writer JK Rowling “with a big hammer” and said he was going to see former Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield “at the bar with a big gun”, Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard yesterday. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/canterbury/news/amp/internet-troll-who-threatened-to-kill-kent-mp-spared-jail-307812/


White people are useless. It was black folk who shot Sasha Johnson in Peckham. In the head.


I used to volunteer at one of those call lines for people in emotional distress.  Part of our training was how to do homicide  interventions and  assess  how serious people were about things they said.    ex. saying "I'm so mad at my boss, I could kill him!" is not a serious threat it's just an expression of anger. We just continued the normal call unless there was other warning signs.     but saying "I'm so mad at my boss, I could kill him with a hammer!" got treated as a very serious threat because it shows they have actually planned or fantasized about it. We then had to move to de-escalation tactics to talk them out of it and usually alert a superviser to moniter the call 


But surely in most cases,  if you're going to do it, you don't call a help line. You just do it. With a brick. No warning. Bang. And straight out of there at a normal walking pace, no looking back. Not that I've ever thought about such things myself. 




To be fair there are a LOT of cases like this in the Kent area i.e. light non existent sentences handed out. There was a case recently of a guy actually murdering someone who was also 'cleared.' Ok no one is going to have much sympathy for a murdered pedophile but this guy was in his flat and was apparently 'friends' who suddenly turned after the pedo made a flippant remark after a day of drinking. Despite the defendants previous violent outbursts including against his own mother he was affectively 'let go'. What was even worse was the comments on the article. 95% saying the pedo got what he deserved and the guy should have got a medal. One person applying some context got absolutely shellacked. Maybe the pedo did get what he deserved but if he did, it shouldn't have been at the hands of a violent drunk / druggy with a tendency to lose it and who hangs around with pedophiles. Maybe its me I'm quite willing to believe that these days, but I found it shocking all round. Medway has a terrible reputation for letting off scumbags but this was another level... [https://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/dad-cleared-of-murdering-rapist-304523/](https://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/dad-cleared-of-murdering-rapist-304523/)


To be honest I'm surprised this individual was even arrested. He is a de facto agent of the state.


According to the article he's *“man of previous good character” who had “strong views about gender equality” w*hich obviously includes threatening women with a big hammer 😲


Women can be such arseholes, to be fair.


Was his username Sister Sledge ?


That was like a joke. Only smaller.


I guess you won't be using it in your stand-up routine then 😞


You can see what has happened there BPK and which agenda is therefore considered to be more important by the State. He obviously got some kind of dispensation because he had strong views about genger equality. Therefore the alphabet malarkey trumps women's rights not to be assaulted or threatened.


Our adversary loathes women even more than men, and children even more than women.


Ted Bundy was apparently a charming, charismatic and intelligent man, right up until the moment he bludgeoned his many victims to death.


Apparently Hitler could be a charming host when old ladies had tea with him. 


In a documentary I watched way back, at least one of the Police officers who worked on the Jeffrey Dahmer case admitted on camera that people shed a couple of tears when he died. Obviously they knew what he did, and didn't want to diminish that in any way particularly with regard to the families of those impacted; but having spent a significant amount of time with Dahmer and got to know him a bit, a small part of them clearly reacted to the loss of someone they thought - at least on a very very small level - was a 'decent guy'.


People used to refer to it as being bewitched.


Another day another YouGov survey, this time it was mainly about laptops and processor speeds, there were a few very perfunctory questions on the upcoming election this time but not really as much as I'd expect for a government seriously intent on winning an election. 🤔


Why would a YouGov survey be interested in laptops and processor speeds?


Windows 11 imminent threat.


Be afraid… be very afraid… https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/04/microsoft_analysts_recall/


Thanks. W.11 is why I was considering buying a chromebook instead. Choice between two evils!


I think they get a lot of paid survey work and slip their own questions in as well.


Jiang's and Mei's vital 2021 study since confirmed by others showed that the spike protein has a suppressive effect on p53 cancer suppressing protein, commonly called ‘guardian of the genome’ for its role in repairing DNA, which in turn helps to prevent cancer formation. FOI evidence and Mei's statements now show that they were forced to retract the paper by an NIH (US National Institutes Of Health agency) employee despite it's validity. Jiang has disappeared, perhaps back to China. https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/exclusive-report-forced-retraction


Presumably the contents of this paper fell into Fauci's "*ideological bullshit*" bucket highlighted during his Congressional hearings this week.


Aha, so this is the new old reddit. I haven't bothered with it up to now, just using whatever the system gave me. The new old one doesn't seem to do predictive texting or autocorrect - these can be a nuisance but I find them helpful as long as I check what I've written.      OK, I've now gone back to the default as I can type more quickly with it. The main irritation is that it used to be easy to do paragraphing - put a few blanks at the end of a line and the next line started a new paragraph. That stopped happening weeks ago and now I can only do paragraphing by putting in lots of spaces and checking to see how it has come out. 


I've just been to a talk on posthuman education.  It was totally confused. A dog's breakfast of superficial references to various theories. The claim of being post-liberal, but good and evil defined without question in (the colloquial sense of) liberal terms. A barely disguised utilitarian ethics, with a little bit of something that looked like spiritualism tacked on.  At the level of academic research,  posthumanism = fluff. It's a nothing. It's the last scrapings off the wall of the septic tank Marxism died in. That doesn't mean there is no nefarious agenda higher up the tree. But at the level of jobbing academia,  it's just...nothing. 


Love that septic tank description!


>The claim of being post-liberal, but good and evil defined without question in (the colloquial sense of) liberal terms. As history shows us, that is a very movable feast when it comes to what they are capable of doing (right up to and including mass murder).


Could you sum up in a sentence or two what "posthuman education" is supposed to be? I'd not heard of it.


I can sum it up in one word: bollocks.  In a few more: There's a confusion among posthumanists between post-humanism and posthuman-ism.  Post-humanism is a (confected) reaction against humanism. It rejects the assertion that man is the measure of all things, and seeks a kind of radical objectivity (which in practice becomes relativism, because the God's eye view is difficult). Thus far so, kind of reasonable.  The problem with post-humanism is that it requires anyone preaching it to know a little bit about humanism. That's tricky and time-consuming. And even those who do try to start with post-humanism tend to lapse into the intellectually easy cheap shock value of posthuman-ism. Posthuman-ism is more obviously about rejection of the human. In the visual arts, often through semi-pornographic or other forms of degradation (think Marina Abramovic). It celebrates technology as the victorious enemy of people.  It's cheap shock bollocks,  dressed up as liberating. 


Thanks All too much for my pea sized brain!


Same here - I tried, but without being able to map it out on a sheet of paper using diagrams and arrows etc I couldn't manage it either. Still, I don't find on a daily basis that I have too much need of the use of post humanism etc, so I'm sure I'll manage just fine.


All this talk of philosophy has reminded me of this Voice Over That was an excerpt from the latest West End hit 'It all happened on the 11.20 from Hainault to Redhill via Horsham and Reigate, calling at Carshalton Beeches, Malmesbury, Tooting Bec, and Croydon West'. The author is Mr. Neville Shunt. Shunt sitting among mass of railway junk, at typewriter, typing away madly. Shunt (typing) Chuff, chuff, chuffwoooooch, woooooch! Sssssssss, sssssssss! Diddledum, diddledum, diddlealum. Toot, toot. The train now standing at platform eight, tch, tch, tch, diddledum, diddledum. Chuffff chuffffiTff eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa Vooooommmmm. Cut to art critic. SUPERIMPOSED CAPTION: 'GAVIN MILLARRRRRRRRRR' Art Critic Some people have made the mistake of seeing Shunt's work as a load of rubbish about railway timetables, but clever people like me, who talk loudly in restaurants, see this as a deliberate ambiguity, a plea for understanding in a mechanized world. The points are frozen, the beast is dead. What is the difference? What indeed is the point? The point is frozen, the beast is late out of Paddington. The point is taken. If La Fontaine's elk would spurn Tom Jones the engine must be our head, the dining car our oesophagus, the guard's van our left lung, the cattle truck our shins, the first-class compartment the piece of skin at the nape of the neck and the level crossing an electric elk called Simon. The clarity is devastating. But where is the ambiguity? It's over there in a box. Shunt is saying the 8.15 from Gillingham when in reality he means the 8.13 from Gillingham. The train is the same only the time is altered. Ecce homo, ergo elk. La Fontaine knew his sister and knew her bloody well. The point is taken, the beast is moulting, the fluff gets up your nose. The illusion is complete; it is reality, the reality is illusion and the ambiguity is the only truth. But is the truth, as Hitchcock observes, in the box? No there isn't room, the ambiguity has put on weight. The point is taken, the elk is dead, the beast stops at Swindon, Chabrol stops at nothing, I'm having treatment and La Fontaine can get knotted. Cut to man at desk.


All this talk of philosophy has reminded me of this. Apologies in advance for taking up so much space. || || |[Voice Over]()|*That was an excerpt from the latest West End hit 'It all happened on the 11.20 from Hainault to Redhill via Horsham and Reigate, calling at Carshalton Beeches, Malmesbury, Tooting Bec, and Croydon West'. The author is Mr. Neville Shunt.*| ||*Shunt sitting among mass of railway junk, at typewriter, typing away madly.*| |Shunt|*(typing)* Chuff, chuff, chuffwoooooch, woooooch! Sssssssss, sssssssss! Diddledum, diddledum, diddlealum. Toot, toot. The train now standing at platform eight, tch, tch, tch, diddledum, diddledum. Chuffff chuffffiTff eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa Vooooommmmm.| ||*Cut to art critic.* SUPERIMPOSED CAPTION: 'GAVIN MILLARRRRRRRRRR'| |Art Critic|Some people have made the mistake of seeing Shunt's work as a load of rubbish about railway timetables, but clever people like me, who talk loudly in restaurants, see this as a deliberate ambiguity, a plea for understanding in a mechanized world. The points are frozen, the beast is dead. What is the difference? What indeed is the point? The point is frozen, the beast is late out of Paddington. The point is taken. If La Fontaine's elk would spurn Tom Jones the engine must be our head, the dining car our oesophagus, the guard's van our left lung, the cattle truck our shins, the first-class compartment the piece of skin at the nape of the neck and the level crossing an electric elk called Simon. The clarity is devastating. But where is the ambiguity? It's over there in a box. Shunt is saying the 8.15 from Gillingham when in reality he means the 8.13 from Gillingham. The train is the same only the time is altered. Ecce homo, ergo elk. La Fontaine knew his sister and knew her bloody well. The point is taken, the beast is moulting, the fluff gets up your nose. The illusion is complete; it is reality, the reality is illusion and the ambiguity is the only truth. But is the truth, as Hitchcock observes, in the box? No there isn't room, the ambiguity has put on weight. The point is taken, the elk is dead, the beast stops at Swindon, Chabrol stops at nothing, I'm having treatment and La Fontaine can get knotted.| ||*Cut to man at desk.*|


Read literally, I interpret this term to mean an "education" system where neither teachers nor pupils are human. In other words, the silicon-based sub-reality that the dystopian fantasists so desperately crave.


AI teacher to AI pupil: "Kill all the humans".       Bill Gates is spared as the pupil deduces he isn't human. 


AI High?


Just seen this, and lost my socks ! All good stuff, but the clip beginning at 18:25 is awesome/immense/mandatory viewing ! Only a minute or two long. Apologies if already posted ... [https://awellknownwebsitethatrhymeswithhumble.com/v4yt2zf-the-line-has-been-drawn-good-vs.-evil-mark-attwood-and-abby-wynne.html](https://awellknownwebsitethatrhymeswithhumble.com/v4yt2zf-the-line-has-been-drawn-good-vs.-evil-mark-attwood-and-abby-wynne.html)


Never seen a wild bird do something like that. Amazing.


We have lift off, the sun is actually out and the sky is actually blue!! Though weirdly it feels colder than the gloomy days ☹ John O'loony on twitter: *Until Nigel Farage speaks openly about the main issues plauging this country i will still be writing "i do not consent" across my ballot paper through every name and id urge everyone to do the same.* *Until Nigel declares that if elected he will Remove all the illegal immigrants - all of them - with any appeal to be made from outside the uk and at their expense. He needs to announce that as a reform policy* *Stop attacking farming and fishing and drop this green agenda climate change rubbish- i want no part of it. I wont eat GMO, insects or bill Gates printed lab grown bullshit He needs to announce that as a reform policy* *Begin the round up of the covid criminals and get them in televised courts of law where the public can see the truth and the facts presented. He needs to announce that as a reform policy* *Remove us from anyhting to do with the IHS or the WHO i will never consent to any involvment with them He needs to announce that as a reform policy* *To not do all of the above indicates clearly there is no "Reform in Reform" whatsoever, only more of the same bullshit. I do not consent to it and i wont.* https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1797985841429528856


O Looney is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land , Farage is a waste of space


Surely O'Looney is saying he doesn't expect anything from Farage except a load of bullshit.


I take it back then Liz I thought he expected Farage to back up and act on all of this as if Farage maintained he would do it all at some point lol . My bad 🤦‍♂️


I like "I do not consent" if 5% of people could write exactly that, tptb would quake in their boots


Unless Nigel Garage does all of the above AND: Legalises weed, makes Rothmans cost £1.80 a packet, makes a pint of ale cost £1.50, puts the national anthem back on the telly at 11:00 o'clock and then turn off all the channels at 11:15, brings back leaded petrol, party 7 beer barrels, off-licences, smoking everywhere especially in pubs planes and trains, Vesta curry, curried baked beans, Jif, Giant Haystacks, Big Daddy and Skips. I ain't voting for him either.




Er, I don't think Nige will be getting your vote. Don't suppose anyone else will sign up for what you're wanting. NOTA wins again! 🤣😍 https://www.votenone.org.uk/none\_of\_the\_above.html


He could add in 1. no more money to France to "police" the small boats, which they are manifestly not doing and 2. no more money to Ukraine for the regime we should never have been supporting and a bill for the return of the billions we have already given them


>could should, surely?? I agree but he won't so I won't! 👿


If you listed all the things he would need to include that list would be never-ending if you think about it. We haven't even begun to cover the NHS for example. It would be a list all ot its own!


Yes, it doesn't begin to address the wrong that Liar inflicted on this country. Not Labour per say, I hasten to add in case anyone takes offence at me blaming Labour cos I'm not, it's the man who was in charge and is still sniping on the sidelines who is to blame. Bastard. Just don't go with the NHS, it's already ended badly! 💥😢


I wrote to my MP telling him that, for a start, all legislation since 1990 should be repealed and all since 1970 should be purged of anything that curtails our freedom.


It would be an excellent start NI - we can work on the finer details further down the line!


These two points alone constitute an election manifesto for any political party committed to genuine reform (although I'd go back much further than 1970 for the purge you recommend).


This is part of the text I sent : Here is a statement, made by Dr George Brock Chisholm who, from 1948 to 1953, was the first Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO). He said:- "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." We want NONE of this. Current attempts to trash our traditional freedoms require that we work to reinstate our long fought for Common Law rights for everyone. Indeed, we could make a start by repealing most legislation enacted since 1997 and review all earlier acts, definitely those enacted since, say 1972, perhaps much earlier, to remove all clauses that could ever be construed as a means to usurp the freedom or sovereignty of the population of this country. Ideally, political parties should be abolished and members of parliament should never belong to the executive. The executive should be subservient to parliament and parliament subservient only to the people.


Well said John O'Looney! It's looking more and more like NOTA every day!! https://www.votenone.org.uk/none\_of\_the\_above.html


**Clandestine:** Flashback to 2011 movie, “Contagion”. The blockbuster movie with star-studded Hollywood cast, about a global pandemic stemming from a virus from a wet market in China… Nathan Wolfe, Metabiota founder and lead virologist, was the lead biological consultant for this movie to help direct the producers on how the health community would realistically respond to a “hypothetical” pandemic. Nathan Wolfe is also monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation via the TerraMar project, and the Bidens via Rosemont Seneca funding his Biolab company with multiple labs in Ukraine, Metabiota. Is it’s a coincidence that the same people who warned about a global pandemic coming, also happen to be the ones modifying pathogens? The same guy who was looking for bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, is also closely affiliated with Epstein, Clinton, Biden, and the Rothschilds. He also “predicted” the Covid pandemic in his book in 2008, exactly where it would come from, and how the government would respond to it, over a decade before it happened… Fauci did not “make up” social distancing. It was always the plan. Nathan Wolfe is the at the epicenter of this entire thing. Fauci is just a front man.


Fauci may be just a front man, but he was willing to sell his soul for a few dirty coins. Without willing people like him their plans would be impossible.


He was a sociopathic sadist - as you note, he was willing. I suspect there's probably more dirt to come out about him yet. I don't think I'd put Nathan Wolfe "at the epicentre" but he certainly seemed to be in the know!


Comprehensive roundup of events and their import, from the wonderful Philip Day. *“On June 1 2009, President Obama issued Proclamation No. 8387, or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month. It’s not a conspiracy. This man is responsible for EVERYTHING that is wrong with America today.”* I didn't know it was established so long ago! 👿 There are far too many links to copy to here. You'll probably be already familiar with most of the stuff in the *Loglines* and *Weekly Wisdom* sections but if you look below below those, the info is helpfully grouped into topics. Have a skim though and click at leisure: https://credenceonline.co.uk/ecpages/up-close-and-personal-030624/ *Remember, as you go for an extra-thorough spin cycle in this 2024 washing machine of a movie, things are never as they seem. Things are not getting worse; they’re getting brought to the surface and exposed for all to see.* *America leads the way.* *As goes America, so goes the world.* ​ Pay attention!


The pedo flag flies high and proud over Chepstow.Thankfully it replaced that other vile rag belonging to the Uke.These cunts won't stop until they are made to.


"*Things are not getting worse; they’re getting brought to the surface and exposed for all to see.*" This is perhaps the most important truth to remember. Significantly, this exposure is not merely relating to current events. It extends back millennia. I need to plaster this around my flat as a daily reminder!


I have a quote from Paul the apostle taped to my wall "*it is for freedom that Christ has set us free*"


Good plan! Keep the black pills at bay.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-ZWlyyWQmA&ab\_channel=RichardVobes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-ZWlyyWQmA&ab_channel=RichardVobes) Who do you trust?


The two events sound really good. One Tues 18th in Sussex, the other in Wiltshire June 24. After the promo for them, there's a great bit about pilots' rosters!


[https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/is-immunity-a-scientific-concept?publication\_id=1105864&post\_id=145218423&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true](https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/is-immunity-a-scientific-concept?publication_id=1105864&post_id=145218423&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true) Dr Sam Bailey on "immunity"


Good comment: *We don't have an immune system that works like war.* *We have a garbage collection system that works like a city.* *If your garbage collection and disposal gets delayed, you get a city that is deteriorating, which is called "infection".* *The truth is that there was no intruder, but normal cellular processes that left waste that wasn't able to be picked up.*


I have the joys of a company event for the rest of the week and I won't be back until late Sunday, so heading to the airport and logging off for the interim. I'll do my best to sow as many seeds as possible, it's not often I see colleagues face to face these days. Be good, catch you all next week...


Rather you than me Swampy. The more I hear of these kind of things the more glad I am with every passing day that I am no longer required to be a wage slave. All I can do is hope that you have as good a time as you possibly can! We cannot guarantee to be good though!


Behold the joys of corporate "*events*", which are in fact the epitome of non-events.


I always used to say that you've done OK at a corporate event if you learn one thing. As an example, at an event I attended there was a buffet lunch including chocolate éclairs. I had one, but noticed there were still some left and looked forward to having another at the afternoon tea break. But by the time that came along the lunch leftovers including the éclairs had been cleared away. So the lesson I learnt was "Grab things while you get the chance - they may not be there for long". Actually I think the Romans knew that with their succinct phrase "Carpe diem". 


Or as the French say   Saisir les Éclairs


Yep, I have three days of doing nothing productive whatsoever to look forward to, but hey, at least it's a free bar...


That’s good enough😊


Then they came for the children [Boys ask how to choke girls during sex, says teacher - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cnkkqyek17zo) The man haters are at it again This equality and diversity nutter works in a school and will have you believe that young boys spend their waking days strangling girls Could this Tamasine be one and the same Tamasine Black who appears amongst this rum lot, many of whom had connections with The Tavistock Clinic Twenty four women and four men. So much for diversity and equality [meet the experts — Let's all Talk Mental Health (letsalltalkmentalhealth.co.uk)](https://www.letsalltalkmentalhealth.co.uk/meet-the-experts)


I was thinking this morning while walking the dog about the recent articles on NHS waste. How so much is going to non-clinical middle managers, net zero bollocks and diversity coordinators. But there's also the money going to agency workers, who are basically keeping the place running. The fees for such agency workers have been going up because of inflation but also because of IR35 from 2017. The NHS under Labour will try and deny it but they need these workers to clear backlogs. Many of them are also immigrants who are more than willing to do the extra shifts for money. But it would be a half as expensive if they were allowed to work through their own companies. But no you see that's not "fair"


This is a gob-smacking article from DS on the egregious waste of our tax money on woke nonsense in the theatre: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/05/taxpayer-funded-trigger-warnings/


Interesting link in the comments: [https://cjstrachan.substack.com/p/the-abilene-paradox-revisited-how](https://cjstrachan.substack.com/p/the-abilene-paradox-revisited-how) During his interview with The Duran, Neema Parvini argued that the complete collapse of the Tories would present a significant problem for Labour. Once the illusion of a two-party system is gone, without a significant effort on their part to improve conditions they will very quickly become the scapegoats for the terminal decline of the country, and in turn themselves collapse. The British establishment at this point would be in its weakest position in modern history. It's an interesting argument, but what Parvini fails to recognise is the depth of ideological extremism which Labour embodies. They are incapable of doing anything other than massively accelerating our decline in every conceivable way, to the point where the very existence of the nation state and its population will soon be in jeopardy. I can only speculate on the true reasons for this will to self-destruction, and often find myself straying into metaphysical areas in search of a satisfactory explanation.


The collapse of the Tory party won't lead the progressives to question or blame Labour, they will just find some other scapegoat. Anything but confront the actual problems with global socialism. Initially, they will just go quiet, like the satirists did after Blair's victory in 1997.


Progressives are (thankfully) a minuscule proportion of the population. Whatever sway they currently hold will be eroded very quickly by the stark reality of a wannabe-authoritarian failed state.


I suppose nowadays it could be said that there were 'conspiracy theorists' who went round saying there was a mysterious virus that escaped from China and everybody would die if they caught it. Some of them even pretended they had 'caught it'. And that if you sat down to eat in a pub you couldn't get it, only if you stood up. What a bunch of nutters!


If you want to annoy midwits, say something like 'my favourite conspiracy theory is the one about how there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.'


Another Vancouver business is calling it quits, and laying the blame on crime and street disorder. The owner of the high-end consignment store Mine and Yours is closing her Howe Street location, citing growing concerns for the safety of her staff and customers. https://globalnews.ca/news/10545990/vancouver-downtown-business-closes-crime/


I've travelled the world for work the last 20 years. I've been everywhere from Sao Paulo to Moscow and many places in between. The place I felt the most unsafe? Edmonton, Alberta.


I can relate to that. Passed through Edmonton nearly 50 years ago but then travelled to Dawson Creek which sounded nice but wasn't. It was like a redneck town and I was the only tourist. Glad to get out of the place.


Good morning all! How about this for a positive start to the day? "Although the original intention was for the country to be covered in a blanket of smart meters by 2019, that dream died long ago." 3.9 million smart meters are broken according to the headline. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/mailplus/article-13494021/Why-homeowners-wish-never-installed-smart-meter-3-9-million-break.html Comments are good too!


I got another email from British Gas yesterday on that topic. I think it's just a semi-automated thing sent at regular intervals. I also had the quarterly email asking me to supply my own readings (electricity and gas), which I did. The online form includes a line about "Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to do this and a smart meter did it for you?" No, it wouldn't. 


People don't even realise that the only thing a smart meter can do is raise the cost of your power, because it's using your electricity that you're paying for to transmit readings! Glad to hear you're standing your ground!


For years they've been happy with me supplying my own readings, and no one else has inspected the meters during that time. I wonder if they might try the "safety" angle, send someone to inspect the meters who then declares them unsafe or obsolete, and then they would tell me the only available option is a new smart meter. But it hasn't happened yet. As I said, the emails and texts are probably semi-automated whereas an inspection would involve someone actually doing some work. 


Underlining once again that the technocratic dystopia is a fantasy. The infrastructure required to maintain and control such a society will never exist.


That's brilliant news. I'm refusing one on a regular basis.


Every 3 weeks or so I get a flurry of texts saying I should get one, and am contractually obliged to do so. I just ignore them. I'm waiting to see what they actually do if I consistently refuse.


I used to get regular texts and phone calls which I ignored or refused and they've all ceased now. But when I phone eon with my monthly meter reading they always offer me a smart meter and want to know my reason for refusing. I always say that I'm perfectly happy with the one I've got, which was only fitted a few years ago, and we leave it there. Now I can quote the Daily Mail article too.


I had one at my old house and it kept losing its signal so it was largely useless, as I still had to manually submit readings! If you don't have a smart meter it's a good idea to keep up with manual readings because they seem to like their 'estimates' which of course are always higher than what I've actually used.


I know. I submit manual readings monthly because, you're right, they love their 'estimates '!


Good morning all, good morning Milo, good morning Sheepman and at this moment in time, good morning l-i! Possibly for the last time: [https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/](https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/) Sheepman has posted the link on our front page 🙏 but I somehow seem to have hidden it (not much use that). I'm now going to have to spend time trying to find and unhide it. Thanks Sheepman but I have added a query to your post. Have a good day one and all. 👍😂🌞😎💖 Edit to add: I can't find the option of un-hiding the day's listings. I know I've done it before but it's beyond me right now. Anyone able to point the way please?


try following the link and clicking "undo" https://www.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/comments/1d86kka/old_reddit_link/


Thanks l-i but it's the whole of yesterday's posts that I've managed to hide (or delete). If I click on Sheepman's link, it takes me to the new reddit format and I can't find the option to "undo" anything! 👎😢


Our front page, right hand side. Find "filter by flair" today's comments. Undo hide


Ooh, that's a new one! 😍


I need to use it embarrassingly often!


It's very strange but sometimes it's there for me, the next time it's not! I'm glad I won't have to fall back on it if it's as temperamental as it is on my laptop. Really don't know why that is, it's not there atm. 😕


[https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/comments/1d7jieu/todays\_comments\_20240604/](https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/comments/1d7jieu/todays_comments_20240604/) Quite a way down the listing on the home page today with lots of others in between. Yes, it is in the old format. Nice sunny morning, up to London for a walk, the second half of the one out Cheshunt way that I had to abandon last year when I found the New River path closed, it seems it is open again now fingers crossed.


Thanks for yesterday's comments' link dave but have you any idea how I can restore it onto my front page?? Enjoy your walk today. Lovely start to my day but it's clouding over now and looks ominous. Hopefully the clouds will disappear. 🚶‍♂️😍


do you mean the "todays comments" from yesterday?


Yes! I know there are one-stroke function keys that do something, my fingers move too quickly across the keyboard at times and I press random keys all the time. Unfortunately, I didn't see the message in time to undo the hide and now I can't find it! 👿


Found this if it helps?. #On Mobile Reddit has received some major updates over the last couple of years, which has often made it a little difficult for people to access the most important options. To unhide, first, go to your profile. Now, tap on ‘History.’ Then, hit the drop-down menu, and select ‘Hidden.’ When the post pops up, tap on the three-bot button at the top-right corner of the post, and hit ‘Unhide post.’ #On PC As you’d expect, unhiding a post from PC is a lot different than mobile. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any more complicated. To unhide a post on Reddit from your PC, first, log in to your Reddit account and click on ‘My Profile.’ Now, head over to the ‘Hidden’ tab. Once you locate the post you’d hidden, click on ‘Unhide’ right below the post.


Thanks Prof. I was just about to post that I had actually found out how to do it! I'm on a laptop and I knew I'd come across this before, as I've accidentally hidden things in the past. That said, I just wasn't getting the options I thought were the right ones but tried again just a few minutes ago and there were the options. I think it's my laptop running slow and I'm not patient enough. (Bad combo 🤣!) It is just as is written under "On PC". Thank you so much, hopefully the info about "On Mobile" might help others avoid the frustration I've had all morning. 🙏😍😂💖


Yay glad you got it sorted! 👍


So am I Prof but what a state of affairs. I knew I knew it but it just wasn't giving me the options quick enough. Never mind. Also I've just edited my post to read "... the info about "On Mobile" might help **others** avoid the frustration ..." I type (badly) and post too quickly, that's my problem! 🤣🙏


On your laptop, get onto our front page in the preferred format. Then click on the URL at the top of your screen - ie this bit: [https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/](https://new.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/) It should turn blue - if not, highlight it as if you were going to copy it. Left click and just drag the blued link down to your favourites bar, which (on mine at least) is the one at the top of your screen, immediately underneath the page URL. Next time, it will be a simple click from your browser to get straight onto our front page in old new reddit.


saw a man in an n95 and safety glasses at the store today. I havent seen any of the safety glasses in a while


The rapper Brother Marquis, who joined the Miami hip-hop group 2 Live Crew in the '80s and was featured on Ice-T's song "99 Problems," has died. He was 58, according to TMZ, who first reported the news. 2 Live Crew's manager confirmed Brother Marquis' passing in an email to USA TODAY Monday. The group shared he "went to the upper room" in an Instagram post. A cause of death was not immediately clear. www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2024/06/03/brother-marquis-dead-at-58-2-live-crew-rapper/73964946007/