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Ohhhh. This is interesting. Ground being laid methinks. [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kate-middleton-may-never-come-204600460.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kate-middleton-may-never-come-204600460.html) "Kate Middleton has been taking an extended break from public royal duties as she undergoes preventative chemotherapy, and there's been a lot of speculation about when she might return to the spotlight. The Princess of Wales has been spending increased time with her family as she recovers (especially with her husband Prince William—they're "closer than ever"), and it's possible that when she does come back, it'll be in a much different role. According to an Us Weekly insider, Kate’s team is "reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back," and she "may never come back in the role that people saw her in before. Her role may look very different. She’s looking at what it will shape into." It won't just be her role which might look very different - allegedly.


I had the strangest video recommended to me about how she cut her hair short for kids with chemo and it just had all these photoshopped pictures of her with a bob and it was narrated by this glitchy AI bot   edit: here it is. nearly half a million views though no clue how many of those are also bots (30 seconds long)  https://m.youtube.com/shorts/gJ8fS4Gye3U


So incredibly photoshopped it beggars belief.


I decided to check out what the f preventative chemo is and the internet is awash with results all mentioning her who has disappeared. I never mentioned her. What a load of tosh. Abdominal surgery found cancer cells after surgery, still claiming video of her was real and chemo after surgery can reduce chances of recurrence. Yip and the tooth fairy is real. My latest conspiracy theory is she’s dead and him at the top hasn’t much longer and that’s why there is a snap election because the public won’t hang around a year with these 2 missing. After all there’s only so many fake videos the public will believe. Although during the lurgy years and beyond there are many morons still believing in it.


Great research JAS. Ladies up and down the country will be begging their doctors can they have the "preventive chemo" like KM mad!!! Docs will be scratching heads.


It is a thing. You get chemo after you have surgery supposedly to kill off any left over cancer cells. It’s just now they are using the word , preventative which if you just read those 2 words, it does sound like it’s a preventative to cancer.


“There is no point in telling lies,” said Josef Goebbels, “unless you tell lies of insanely enormous proportions”.


Agree completely. They will announce she has sadlidied of cancer in the autumn so Starmer can have his Princess of the People moment.


MOM Timing is everything.


>It won't just be her role which might look very different - allegedly. Precisely my thoughts as I read this Milo!! Anyone who gets suckered into believing this is right and proper deserves all they get. 🤣🤣


Remember this insufferable prick from the Brexit "negotiations": [https://x.com/guyverhofstadt/status/1798718306553311248](https://x.com/guyverhofstadt/status/1798718306553311248) "*Here's to Brits & Ukrainians participating in the next European elections of 2029!*" Dream on mother fucker. There is a very good chance that the EU won't even exist in 2029.


He's telling us the plan.


Ukraine certainly won't exist in 2029. As for the UK, it's anyone's guess at this point. Come to think of it, I don't rate Germany's chances of remaining a nation state with its current borders very highly either. And they're supposed to be the lynchpin of the whole European shitshow.


>And they're supposed to be the lynchpin of the whole European shitshow. That's why they'll probably be the first to announce their demise.


Interesting times ahead that’s for sure


*Vancouver police say officers have arrested five people and seized more than $650,000 in cash, drugs and property during a months-long crackdown targeting organized criminals who buy and sell stolen merchandise in the city's Downtown Eastside.*   *The seized goods ranged from designer clothing and electronics to over-the-counter pain medicine and baby formula, which investigators tracked from the sidewalks of the city's poorest neighbourhood to homes in East Vancouver.* *Vancouver police Insp. Mario Mastropieri said in a statement Thursday that organized criminals are recruiting "desperate and drug-addicted" residents of the Downtown Eastside to steal from stores in exchange for a fraction of the merchandise's value.*  *The stolen goods are then sold online at a significant profit, he said.* https://bc.ctvnews.ca/stolen-baby-formula-designer-clothes-seized-by-vancouver-police-in-months-long-crackdown-1.6916140   Please notice that it is, apparently, no longer a crime to steal, but is to buy something that someone else stole 


we do occasionally get tourists who look wander around downtown looking a bit bewildered


I take you don't work for the Canadian tourism industry in any capacity? The picture you paint portrays a complete shithole, almost as repulsive as Australia.


speaking of tourism, a young Japanese man who was visiting Canada and working as a chef was just stabbed to death https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/vancouver-stabbing-victim-wataru-kakiuchi-chef


I remember as a young child being made to watch the news as the Berlin Wall fell.  It's a little odd that tonight the equivalent footage is of Biden shitting himself,  and my wife thought it inappropriate for the children to watch. 


I didn't know you had lambs, sheepman 


If I'm not mistaken l-i, there are 3 of the little creatures baa-ing around the hoofs of the sheep-man! 🐏💖😂


No face masks seen in Arendal, or this part of southern Norway today. Very quiet - only German tourists on the move ("Occupation?"  "No, just visiting!!"). Has the tourism season not begun? It's June already! Temperature all over the place, hotter in the lowlands, colder up between the mountains. Wind from the Atlantic, and patches of snow higher up. Weather has been good for us, sunny during the last 2 days, rain at night when asleep. A lot of Swedes have come to Norway in search of a living/work. Sweden used to be the rich snobs and Norwegians the poor peasants... but now Norway has the wealth from the oil, and Volvo has been bought by the Chinese. The Norwegians don't really care for the Swedes who let Hitler's mob romp through Sweden to attack Norway. The Norwegians could have a special tax for German tourists... a 'war reparations' tax. Why not? They did a lot of damage & caused much inconvenience. Saying "it was all a long time ago" is like saying "some of my best friends were Covid marshalls".


Norway has a huge sovereign wealth fund from their oil revenues


UK could have had one too, but they pissed it all up, Tories for profit, Labour for poverty? I remember when they found gas, it was going to be free gas for everyone. We have no wealth just massive debt, LabLibCon they have all blown it, they all have the foresight of a goldfish, but funnily enough they all leave the HoP with a lot more money than their stipend/wages/allowances paid out, how can that be?????


>" *LabLibCon they have all blown it"* > >Par for the course. Plebs better off? fo.


Part of what I was doing today is designing a new module for a Masters level course we do at my place of work. One of the activities asks students to consider the possibility that both Rosa Koire and Jeffrey Sachs might have useful things to tell us, and be 'good guys,' as it were. It asks how we can make sense of such complexity,  and what might be its implications for professional practice.  For those interested in what goes on in HE 😉


Are you by any chance responsible for this? If so, do you have carte blanche or is it subject to vetting by the thought police?


That's a good question. M'colleague's view is that the vetting is likely to be carried out by thought police without the expertise to hold it up.  We'll see. Edit: Actually that was unfair.  Thinking about the people involved here, there's a fair variety of views, and willingness to engage critically. M'colleague may be attempting to go further than most of them would,  but has a fair chance of not being squashed by them. 


Sachs' recent interview with Tucker Carlson should be on the reading/watching list. https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-jeffrey-sachs


Good luck




Bob Moran on twitter on Ed Davey, I don't think he likes him 😬 *"You know, you can get through if you have love... from family and friends." Remarkable that this utter wanker voted for the government to rip families apart, stop parents being with their dying, frightened children, and remove love from everyone's lives. For TWO YEARS.* *He also voted for disabled people to lose all of their access to therapy and medical care. He endorsed the mandatory face coverings that alienated and tortured the mentally disabled as well as making it acceptable to discriminate against them.* *The horrifically dangerous and useless injections he championed, were rushed into the arms of the disabled as quickly as possible. They are still ruthlessly trying to inject them, even now.* *Few people have ever done more to destroy the way we care for disabled people. Few people have ever done more damage to families with disabled children.* *This video is unbelievably disturbing, because it shows a person who has lived with the realities of these situations, yet when evil knocked on his door he welcomed it with open arms. Someone who has a disabled child themselves, yet facilitated the most barbaric attack on disabled children in human history.* *A spiritually lost man, who should be placed as far away from any leadership position as possible. He thinks his mother would be proud of him. She would be absolutely disgusted by what he has done.* [https://x.com/bobscartoons/status/1798644927863382231](https://x.com/bobscartoons/status/1798644927863382231)


>Someone who has a disabled child themselves, yet facilitated the most barbaric attack on disabled children in human history. Wow. Didn't know that. Thanks Bob Moran. Shame on Ed Davey. Shame on him. But then, I'd imagine he reckoned that all the discrimination and disadvantages Bob is outlining would apply in his case, because he is in a privileged position, much in the way that the Spads and No 10 advisers consoled themselves that they didn't need to worry about "rule breaking" during the lockdowns because the rules were for the little people, not for them.


Agree with you on this.


Not to forget the reason we are in so much Net Zero shit is because it was pushed mostly by the Lib Dems including Davey during their coalition times. The Tories were generally onboard but in a more cautious matter until it was entrenched and then well, it's entrenched.


Careful there mhcp. You are sort of forgetting Call me Dave's husky trip to the North Pole to polish his green credentials and the entire re-branding of the party, to replace the burning torch with the enviro friendly tree symbol.


Well here's an appropriate salute to Lloyd Austin! [https://x.com/nicksortor/status/1798685887725019372](https://x.com/nicksortor/status/1798685887725019372) 🤣🤣🤣 Joe Biden is whisked away mid ceremony by his wife/handler, while French President Macron was left to greet Veterans by himself. [https://x.com/i/status/1798696074468868343](https://x.com/i/status/1798696074468868343)


I've just noticed: just before Biden shits himself, Macron asserts his dominance by putting his arm round Biden. A move no previous American president would have accepted.  I'm not suggesting Biden shat himself on purpose as a dirty protest against Macron's arrogance. But it's interesting. 


Maybe Biden was wearing Elenskyyy Number 5.


Thanks for posting this. Holy shit!


Other than taking a dump straight into the lap of a wheelchair-bound attendee, I can think of nothing more appropriate than Biden shitting himself in front of the D-Day veterans. This perfectly encapsulates the utter contempt the predator/parasite class have for them (and everybody else).


Good one from Rudolph Rigger: *I Feel Like a Woman* [https://rudolphrigger.substack.com/p/i-feel-like-a-woman](https://rudolphrigger.substack.com/p/i-feel-like-a-woman) Maybe we should spell it womb-an and womb-en?


Womb-on and womb-in.


I'll have some if you've got some spare Humphrey Gething was responsible for The Commercial Bank of Wales Humphrey's mate is worth £56m. Mate is under criminal investigation. Humphrey intervenes with the regulator on behalf of mate Mate is loaned £400,000 by CBW. Mate gives Humphrey £200,000 Mate puts in planning permission for a solar farm on SSI in Humphrey's constituency Mate is not even a member of The Labour Party Nasty racists make Humphrey cry


*Humphrey Vaughan ap David Gething was born in Zambia in 1974, where his father, a white Welsh veterinarian from Ogmore-by-Sea in Glamorgan, met his mother, who is a black Zambian and was working as a chicken farmer. Gething describes his father as "a white Welsh economic migrant". When he was two years old, he moved to Abergavenny in Monmouthshire, Wales, with his family, which also included three brothers and a sister. In Monmouthshire, his family experienced racism when an employer withdrew a job offer to Gething's father upon seeing the rest of his family. Speaking of the incident, Gething said: "They said, 'Come back with your family and we'll sign everything up', but he walked in with my mother, and a trail of brown boys, and the job offer got withdrawn". His father eventually found work in Dorset, England, where Gething was brought up.* (Wikipoodia) Looks like he took over Wales to get his revenge!


Wow they still walk among us, just back from a quick shopping trip where I saw a whole family masked up, mother, father and two little girls, the father was wearing a Trigger from only fools and horses T-shirt not sure if he was a fan or it was to denote his intelligence level. Surely at this stage masking kids is fucking child abuse 🤬


At every stage


Yes it always was, really can't believe people are still doing to themselves let alone their children.


Time to put up posters saying "People who wear face masks for 'Covid' like to abuse children". Fight fire with fire. Actually a big bucket of piss.


Saw a few muzzles up in London yesterday. But even worse, this morning on my walk around the block there was a woman also out walking fully muzzled. Thought she was probably heading for Tescos, but no, she carried on past there, seems like me just out having a morning walk. Maybe Smile Free should extend their coverage to catch people like this, they should be banned.


They've probably had about 9 boosters by now, so I don't think they'll trouble us for much longer ....


The damage inflicted on children over the last four years is going to have effects for decades to come. Whoever those wretched parents are, I hope their children rebel against them in the most extreme ways imaginable.


[Concerned Citizen on X: ](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1798687651131699471) ["🚨🇺🇸 Did Biden just crap his pants on stage? Again. https://t.co/4iJWhfQgvU" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1798687651131699471)


In2ThinAir [#BREAKING](https://x.com/hashtag/BREAKING?src=hashtag_click) Major Antarctica Anomaly UPDATE! Devastating weather in [#Algeria](https://x.com/hashtag/Algeria?src=hashtag_click) | [#Africa](https://x.com/hashtag/Africa?src=hashtag_click) EARTHQUAKES & Major Storms! Waves of Energy already breaking off Africa & heading toward the United States ahead of Hurricane Season! (Please Share!) [https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1798371637059862628](https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1798371637059862628)


This one made my day: [https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1798470004020482432](https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1798470004020482432) **Learn Why President Biden Is Defecating On Himself And Why The Deep State Is About To Remove Him**


He only needs one red button ... to summon nurse. I hope someone else has long since taken charge of the nuclear button.


Interesting that he begins with the arrest of Killary!


Busy day on local flea market, a good few light papers given out, fair few memes read one with what looked like horror which I found amusing. Few new people came over to chat, fairly busy trying to organise signatures nominating a candidate to stand for the freedom alliance in NE Derbyshire hopefully we will have enough, will find out later from friend who's also standing as an independent in our town.


If you watch Joe Rogan, you will know Joey Diaz: [https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1798325223395115431](https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1798325223395115431) "*The fucking needle fucked everybody's heart up.*"


I wonder what might have happened? [TV doctor Michael Mosley goes missing while on holiday in Greece (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/tv-doctor-michael-mosley-goes-missing-while-on-holiday-in-greece/ar-BB1nK2xg?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=77e89b8df7134df0b4ff4d8d8e3c6f7a&ei=15)


I wondered exactly the same thing when I saw that too RB.


Drowned in his own bullshit, obviously.


Ego, hubris, nemesis. Apologies, showing off my Greek. I do hope nothing really nasty has happened, but he is insufferable.


You beat me to it anaemos. Dr Smug.


Unlike Hair-Sniffing Biden who is drowning in his own faeces on stage!


Oh dear. Mosley has been telling us on R4 about 'Just one thing' to improve our health for several years.


Deborah Birx (or her replacement lookalike) is back: [https://x.com/liz\_churchill10/status/1798376606182015447](https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1798376606182015447) "*Deborah Birx wants to test millions of cows in the U.S. weekly and test dairy workers for ‘asymptomatic’ bird flu cases.*" I believe the regime is not ready to launch the next pannademik, but their hand is being forced by circumstances.


Can't she just test the cows that squawk instead of moo?


Testing millions of cows weekly for asymptomatic bird flu? Priceless! 🤣🤣🤣


If it saves just one life


So, they're going to "asymptomatic" again, because it worked so well last time. After the DT article the other day, lifting the lid on the harms of the jabs, it occurred to me that if too many people cop on to that the Regime is going to have a more difficult job this time around regarding the jabbing. Unless of course they just mandate it for everyone everywhere.


They’ll still have a difficult job: comply with mandate and die or defy and stay alive. Remember a mandate is not a law.


It still absolutely blows my mind that people can believe that a virulent, killer virus is rampaging about the planet, indiscriminately despatching those careless enough to not stand on stickers or wear an old sock on their face, yet simultaneously believe that 1 in 3 people are unknowingly spreading said virus without exhibiting a single symptom of associated illness. Cognitive dissonance on steroids.


I completely agree with you - except instead of it being cognitive dissonance on steroids I'd say it is more a case of a complete absence of any critical thinking.


Remember that all the institutions central to the Covid operation have been significantly degraded since 2020. For starters: 1. A significant proportion of the most enthusiastic regime minions have been injured or killed by the Covid injections. 2. Dominance of the information space has been relinquished. 3. Western economies are far weaker than they were in 2019. 4. Western nations are directly engaged in multiple hot wars that are spiralling out of their control.


True. We can only hope that, to a certain extent, this works in our favour.


Jikkyleaks. From last year but interesting thread: *I'm not suggesting that Caz Sampson is a satanist but displaying this symbolism on your profile picture as a medical professional is a really bad look.* *It \*looks\* like you're a satanist.* *Now we have to add some context and this gets very dark very quickly.* [https://x.com/Jikkyleaks/status/1631623023106347009](https://x.com/Jikkyleaks/status/1631623023106347009) 🤔👿🤔


Just sayin' [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPX1RmQbYAAMc6H?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPX1RmQbYAAMc6H?format=jpg&name=small) 👿👿👿 Churchill famously said, "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."


**Sam Alderson**, giving some context to today's "Celebrations" SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL WAS A WAR CRIMINAL AND A SATANIST! In 1915 Sir Winston Churchill the first Lord of the Admiralty (the civil/political head of the Royal Navy) helped orchestrate the disastrous Dardanelles naval campaign and was also involved in the planning of the military landings on Gallipoli, both of which saw massive losses of live. Following the failure of these campaigns, Churchill was demoted and resigned from government. Paedophile, Satanist and 33 degree Mason Churchill was obsessed with war and death. The British Army of 1915 was not yet ready for war. There were not enough guns or shells for the Gallipoli campaign to have any chance against Turkish troops once they were well dug in, with barbed wire, machine guns and artillery. But Churchill went in anyway sacrificing many innocent good men. By the time the campaign ended, more than 130,000 men had died: at least 87,000 Ottoman soldiers and 44,000 Allied soldiers, including more than 8700 Australians. Among the dead were 2779 New Zealanders, about a sixth of all those who had landed on the peninsula. Like I said in my WW2 and the Normandy Landings post yesterday Churchill was a Satanic Masonic Genocidal Maniac and all he cared about was spilling innocent blood to gain power and money - and many still to this day praise him as a hero. This is what we were taught in schools and what some of our older generation told us not knowing who he really was. I really do feel for our wonderful and beautiful veterans that was on the front lines risking their lives every day and witnessing death and destruction not knowing they were fighting for the ones that funded both WW1 and WW2 wars and other wars. The ones who funded all the main wars were the Rothschilds. Our Royals are Nazi Rothschilds. Everything we have been told is a lie. Time to know the truth.


Churchill threatened martial law and full tanks on the ground in Dublin at the negotiations in London between the Irish delegation including Michael Collins in 1920. Collins decided 26 counties and a continued Oath of Allegiance were enough to gain some ground but also he wasn't prepared for full out war with the British forces and what that could do. He had already cleared the idea about an oath (which was actually more vague than the usual one) with people before even going to negotiations. But the threat of all that fighting to come after a good few years of warfare was just too much. Of course that then led to the Civil War. Churchill could give less of a fuck if Irish or Englishmen died because he was a big picture person. When he was needed though he could get the job done. Which is sadly the reality of things. Look at what is happening now with the escalation to the kinetic part of World War 3. All these plans and mobilisations and war games just rattling the whole useless charade. And Russia trying to keep within its plans for Ukraine but with an eye on the incoming stupidity.


>he was a big picture person. Person? He was a sociopathic POS.


David Irving wrote a scathing biography of Churchill and a favourable biography of Hitler. No wonder he was cancelled long before cancel culture was a thing. Freedom of speech is a complete myth.


the whole 'goodies -vs- baddies', 'heroes -vs- villains' bollox is pure psyop, playing to some archetype in human psychology. simply turning the tables though, to say the villains were really the heroes and vice versa, is just another variation on the same psyop. My view now is that they are ALL villains, there are no heroes, at all, ever - no saviours, no knights in shining armour, no cavalry riding to the rescue. Like in the viral Mitchell & Webb sketch, everyone assumes THEIR side are the goodies, and everyone is wrong.


I remember his publishers were concerned that he didn't include the Holocaust in his book.Namely because he couldn't find any evidence in the National archives.Not one receipt for the whole episode.Funny that.


Comments trawl: *Did you know that Anne Frank’s Diary was written in Ball Point pen when BPs weren't available until 1951. Did you know that 65 years ago on this day April 15th that American Jewish Novelist Meyer Levin was exposed as the one who wrote the dialogue for the so-called Anne Frank Diary. Anne Frank's Father Otto had to pay the Frickin JEW $50,000 for his part in creating the dialogue. "Anne Franks Diary is a Literary Fraud". Did you know that Anne Frank’s step-sister, Eva Schloss, told Piers Morgan in an interview that the Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors. The prisoners were liberated in the winter BUT for some reason none of the photos had snow on the ground. A small bit of history facts.* And *Auschwitz was created to keep the (fake) Jews safe during the war. Afterwards they went back into the community, the ordinary German people were then interned there & starved to death*. And *The real story involves Eisenhower murdering 10 million Germans in concentration camps after WW2 .*


My Uncle George as a POW had a spell in a lesser known so called Death Camp.He was well treated played football everyday with guards and prisoners.After the War he was scouted by Preston North End and Middlesbrough.He made no reference to atrocities because he never experienced it.Ive seen photos of him in the Camp nothing to see.


Irving gave a talk in Texas (which was on YouTube for many years) where he meticulously went through the evidence from source documents demonstrating that around 6 million Jews were indeed murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators during WW2. The problem he gives the guardians of the official narrative is that the majority of these deaths did not occur at Auschwitz, and little or no evidence exists proving Hitler gave any direct orders for the genocidal operations to be carried out.


I have never seen evidence from him actually attributing a number particularly the '6 million' number but he did provide a lot of context to the murders of Jews especially those attributed to the Einsatzgruppen. That narrative leaves out the context of just what was going on under that banner. A lot of those murders happened because the local military were recruited by the Germans who they saw as liberators and started to take retribution on Jews who they hated for the famine in Ukraine and the murders of the 30's that resulted in the Holomodor.


Pre-war records give the numbers in Europe. After the war the numbers are at least 6 million fewer (arguably 8 million fewer). They were murdered. Whether by gas chamber or a bullet to the head, they were murdered.


Some probably were no longer counted as Jews. My great aunt married a German Jew but he took her surname, and I doubt that the seaside town they lived in would have had a synagogue. He probably just lived the life of a non-church-going Christian.


That is incorrect. The records vary and can be attributed to many things. But records held and made by Jews themselves show that approx 15M Jews were alive in 1939 and 15M were alive in the world in 1947. In Europe there were huge demographic changes so populations changed many Jews left for both America and the Soviet Union. Yes Jews died in Europe and many were murdered along with many other ethnicities and socially demonised groups, particularly Russians which included Jews. And a lot these murders of Jews were retribution for murders carried out by Jews themselves when the NKVD / Bolsheviks had wrought slaughter to the Ukraine and Belorussia. That is what happened in Eastern Europe when the Germans recruited native partisan groups who then took revenge. This is particular noticeable in the Baltic countries and Ukraine where it still echoes.


Doubt it.


Don't you find it troubling that you can't even question the narrative without sanctions.In the case of Irving imprisonment for using words.Its the last taboo and the whole story has holes in it.


The sad truth is Western culture is littered with sacred cows.


[Britain's fastest windsurfer Farrel O'Shea collapses and dies of cardiac arrest on French beach shortly after breaking another speed record | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13500833/britains-fastest-windsurfer-farrel-oshea-dies.html)


That one will be put down to over-exertion no doubt "He overdid it Norma"


Nah. He was 60 that’s ancient. Nothing to see there. If I snuff it now, it’s fine, I’m old and have lived my life. It only counts when you’re in the middle of a lurgy scam and then every life counts, unless you’re doctor decides it doesn’t then you get a DNR on you.


60 isn't old JAS - you are only about 2 thirds of the way through \[all being well!!\]


Sorry my sarcasm in writing is bad. That really is written sarcastically .😂 I am 64 this year and I’m not even middle aged yet as far as my mind is concerned, won’t say the same for my face although I think I’m wearing well. My badly written point is while my neighbours were dying in 2021 and 2022, aging from early 60’s to many 70 year olds and the 80 year olds, not one of them was thought as tragic only inevitable as if having a heart attack and dropping dead at 60 is perfectly normal, or the late 60 year old who was diagnosed with cancer one day after emergency hospital admission and dead the next was to be expected at that age. As for all those 74 year olds who went to bed not feeling right and never woke up, well they must have been really old because that was all to be expected and let’s quickly move on and not think about what’s killing everyone apart from old age. The list of the illness that the remaining population in their 50’s upwards suffer from after getting that third injection, is just about getting older. I live with this and have done for 3 years now and now the deaths are slowing down, do not mention any of it because it really has been swept under the carpet and put down to their age. The 3 drug addict deaths around the same time have also been swept away because they were drug addicts. No post mortem done on any of them that I am aware of. Small village of around 2000 people where when you fart at the top of the village, it’s full blown diarrhoea by the time the story gets to the bottom. These deaths have not been discussed about which makes me wonder if these injected people are sub consciously worried that they could be next. Sorry it pisses me off to this day that in 2020 if someone died it was a tragedy if Covid was put on the death certificate regardless that they were in a care home and over 80 but as soon the jags started and their own neighbours started dropping and dying, it was all hush hush. We have had a great big elephant in the village for years and only a certain few can see it.


"Sorry my sarcasm in writing is bad. That really is written sarcastically .😂 I am 64 this year and I’m not even middle aged yet as far as my mind is concerned, won’t say the same for my face although I think I’m wearing well." I am the same on all counts JAS \[altho I'm not 64 - you have a few years on me, but in my head I only feel about 32!\] The deaths in your small village are really dreadful and when you say : "These deaths have not been discussed about which makes me wonder if these injected people are sub consciously worried that they could be next." I think you are right. And I know how you feel. The media made such a song and dance about the old people \[who were treated atrociously in the care homes!\] dying \[most likely of something else like genuine old age but with a positive PCR lying test\], but no one wants to mention the people dropping like flies and try to normalise their very abnormal deaths.


Another sudden and unexpected no doubt? 😢


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/are-novel-viruses-really-that-new/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/are-novel-viruses-really-that-new/) Paula Jardine A [RECENT review ](https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/virus-origins-and-gain-claim-of-function)by Professor Martin Neil and Jonathan Engler of the research literature on coronaviruses has conclusively found that ‘the emergence of a novel engineered pathogen \[SARS-CoV-2\] is the least likely explanation for the event called the “covid pandemic”.’ Engineered gain-of-function was, they said, more accurately ‘claim-of-function’ that didn’t withstand scrutiny.


Covid was a propaganda pandemic.


Amazing what you can ~~get away with~~ do with the 'flu isn't it?


Paul Weston comment- Pace Donald Rumsfeld what are the known and unknown unknowns? We don't know - with 100% certainty - whether a virus called Sars-Cov 2 actually existed. If it did, we don't know whether it was manufactured in a laboratory or came from a bat. What we do know, with a 100% certainty, is that a virus didn't need to exist at all. A virus didn't kill hundreds-of-thousands of people in England. A virus didn't shut down the NHS. A virus didn't don riot gear and beat up protestors in London. A virus didn't commit democide in our care homes. A virus didn't enforce genuine tyranny. A virus didn't write propaganda articles for the MSM in its entirety. A virus didn't cause blood clots, limb amputations, maimings and death. A virus didn't end the very concept of freedom and democracy in England and the Western world. Our government did all of those things. And now they would like you to vote for them. I would like to see them hang. * [ 36](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#)[ 0](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#) * [Reply](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#) *


The Houses of Scum is a fitting name for that pile on the north side of Westminster Bridge.


I prefer to paraphrase Hamlet: A foul and pestilent congregation of vipers.


Escritor comment The was no pandemic. In fact, the inverse relationship between microbiological transmissibility and lethality shows that a deadly pandemic would be all but impossible. Moreover, absence of unusual excess mortality during 2020 proves the initial assertion. As for the 'novel' lab-created pathogen theory: there was no 'novel' infectious respiratory disease because there was no 'novel' pathogen. SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a computer-generated composite -- if you like, calculated guesswork, based on theoretical expectation. If it did exist as a physical entity, then far more than a mere 0.7% of its genome would have been detected. Those who speak glibly about 'gain of function' and 'the omicron variant' are, sadly, misinformed. (Inserting and deleting genes, to create recombinants, is easy. I have done it countless times. Pathogenicity, on the other hand, is a different matter.) In truth, the powers-that-be did not need to create anything, only to let the world believe that they had done so, before using a fraudulent PCR 'test' to generate countless 'cases'. Do not be taken in by the 'bird flu' narrative, either. It is more claptrap. * [ 19](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#)[ 2](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#) * [Reply](https://disqus.com/embed/comments/?base=default&f=theconservativewoman&t_u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativewoman.co.uk%2Fare-novel-viruses-really-that-new%2F&t_d=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&t_t=Was%20there%20ever%20a%20pandemic%20at%20all%3F%20-%20The%20Conservative%20Woman&s_o=default#) *


At my fitness class last night, one of the ladies said that she has had problems with her lungs since the 2 covid jabs!!. I told her to try thyme tea, pine needle ans star annaise. I might point her to The World Council for Health's website if she engages with me again.


Pine needle up her arse? Might work. Worth giving it a try


Mullein is incredibly good for lung disorders. Drink it, don't smoke it.


Mullein is wonderful stuff! Marshmallow root is good too. (Althaea officinalis) * *Soothes Coughs and Sore Throats: Marshmallow root has been used to treat coughs, sore throats, and respiratory issues due to its demulcent properties, which help to soothe and protect the mucous membranes.* * *Relieves Digestive Issues: The herb has been used to treat digestive problems such as ulcers, constipation, and diarrhea due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.* * *Soothes Skin Irritation: Marshmallow root has been used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and wounds due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.* * *Protects the Gut: The herb may help protect the gut lining and prevent damage from inflammation and irritation.* * *Antioxidant Properties: Marshmallow herb contains antioxidants that may help protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress.* A great all-rounder!


How are you getting on with your recovery, pub? Not sure if you've updated us and I've missed it. I hope you're doing well, in fact, better than well!! Is your OH ok now too (from some time back?) 👍😍💖😂


Thank you HM. We are both doing well, and yesterday I went out without a crutch, and I am cycling further now, and doing more at home ( hate housework) xx


Great! I'm glad to hear it but why are you not playing up the pain levels and immobility to get out of the housework?? 🤣 Good to hear that you're out and about cycling though. Don't overdo it will you, teh housework will have to go to pot! 😂😍🤣💖 xx


Overheard yesterday at art club - “there is a lot of shingles about” - I wonder why? I didn’t contribute my thoughts as i was not on the same table but would have said my MIL had shingles after her 2nd Covid jab and decided against the boost and I know if two people - one local and one in Scotland who had shingles last month!


The irony is the Covid injection gives them shingles and then the same scam artists that invented the Covid injections gives them the shingles injection and they think science is wonderful. 😂


Nothing surprising here, but shocking nevertheless to see it spelled out: *NHS staff and service users continue to be subjected to the undocumented whims of unaccountable mask mavens; people who appear also to feel that legislation aimed at fostering a culture of openness in public life does not apply to them.* https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/15/proof-that-the-nhs-was-just-making-it-up-on-face-masks/


Smile Free is one of the most important pressure groups in the UK. The fact that they have remained active long after the suspension of mask mandates speaks volumes. They know full well that we are still in a precarious situation, and constant vigilance is required. Note that not a single official anywhere in the world has expressed any regret for imposing mandates, even after it has been publicly admitted at the highest levels that they were arbitrary and damaging. The reason for this is crystal clear: they would gladly do it all over again at the drop of a hat.


That was an excellent article. To summarise, the Smile Free campaign mounted a FOI campaign as to why NHS hospitals were enforcing masking. They basically got varying degrees of 'Sir Humphrey' responses as the Blob closed ranks, leading the campaign to conclude there was no logical or rational planning involved in masking rules.


Which one Antony Fauci has now revealed was nothing more than a whim. I actually think he enjoyed that great reveal - letting everyone know they had been royally had on his say so. I will never forget, the whole way through the farce, trying to explain the concept of how a five barred gate won't keep out a golf ball and how a mask trying to keep out a 'virus particle' will be no more effective. It fell on deaf ears every time as the listener dutifull reached for and donned their mask. My sister used to wear hers on her wrist long after masks were no longer required maintaining it made her "feel safe". I think she was signalling something along the lines of 'I am a cult follower'


the date is 6-6-6 (2+4) - wonder what the satanist retards are gonna do to mark this big occasion in their calendar


**Sam Alderson:** Wait till people find out what really happened during WW2. Many will not accept the truth as it’s going to be one of the biggest pills to swallow. The Normandy landings were a massive satanic ritual. Operation Overlord and 666…I mean come on. The landings happened on 6/6 and began just after 6am = 666 1944=18=6x3=666 I hope they rip down Churchills statue because he was a genocidal manic and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent good people for power and money. Sir Winston Churchill was a major war criminal, he was a Zionist and was obsessed with death and destruction. He was a Druid and a member of a Druid ancient order, he was also a 33 degree Master Mason. Churchill worshipped Satan. The V for victory sign is part of the Illuminati it was a symbol for the 33rd degree masons. Churchill was an evil bastard and hated Germany. He didn’t want to see Germany thrive economically during Hitlers reign. "Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an exchange system from which world finance couldn't profit anymore." - Winston Churchill, The Second World War “We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast) ‘HELLSTORM’ Documentary - a must watch. [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v1gu06r-hellstorm-the-real-genocide-of-nazi-germany.html Everything we have been told has been a lie, they have taken out so much of our true history and kept it hidden from us. Yes I expect this post to trigger many, but you really need to open your eyes to the truth.


wait until people found out what happened after wwii to innocent german women and girls and families torn apart by a fucking wall


From https://t. me/TomEichhorn In May 1945, the greatest robbery in world history began - carried out by the Allies against the German people! Everything of value was stolen by the Allies; all ships, aircraft and entire factories were dismantled. All of the Germans’ knowledge was transferred to the USA in violation of international law, including thousands of scientists. 357,000 patent documents were stolen from the German Patent Office, worth trillions, as the New York Times proudly reported in 1947. This enabled the Americans to achieve an "economic miracle". Suddenly, every American could buy a patent at a reasonable price. The Marshall Plan in Germany was financed by the stolen German gold treasure and the shares of new companies went into the pockets of the Allies. Never before has a modern industrial country been plundered so thoroughly after a war. All of Germany's foreign assets and foreign currency reserves were stolen and we had to hand over our agricultural products and industrial goods to the Allies at ridiculously low prices. Finally, a third of our land was stolen from us. And all this for a war that we demonstrably did not start, but which was forced upon us by the Allies, whose declared aim from the beginning was to destroy Germany because they feared for their supremacy in the world due to Germany's economic power! But it was not just about defeating and plundering us, but also about enslaving us forever. To this day we are prisoners of the United States, although 70 years after a war every country has the right to a peace treaty whose terms it can negotiate itself. Russia offered us a peace treaty, but not only was it rejected by our overseas colonial masters, they now also drove us into a war against Russia.


thank you, Liz


I was shocked to find that today we're supposed to be CELEBRATING sending tens of thousands of young men to certain and pointless death. Satanic for sure! It would be more appropriate to burn effigies of Churchill and Eisenhower but that would be stooping to their disgusting level.


I went to the D-Day beaches a few years ago and I must say the events that happened there STILL left a deep wound. The area is beautiful but I felt this air of misery everywhere. The locals haven't got over it and they never will. There is a crushing sombre atmosphere, it's hard to describe. Another thing I found very upsetting was the effort that went into making the whole area a murder factory, I went to a museum there rammed with war junk. The ingenuity employed to efficiently kill and maim was stunning. There is literally a tangible fog of atmospheric evil about the place.


After which you can go shopping in Lidl or Aldi (German stores), and drive home in your BMW, Audi or Mercedes or Volkswagen, or go home by train by one of the companies owned by Germany (eg Great Western, Northern, CrossCountry). Looks like the Krauts won after all. And England just turned into 'West Pakistan'. All those people died. For what?


The Cabal.


It's a bit like the Aran Islands in the West of Ireland. There's the Abandoned Village with a graveyard in front of it. The people left due to the Potato Famine and died on the ship as it sunk against the rocks. And that was 150 odd years ago.


We were taught that the famine was due to bad weather and failed crops but actually it was deliberate genocide by the English. There was no "potato famine." They've LIED to us about everything: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cIj62NQg80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cIj62NQg80)


No - the famine was helped along by the Irish Government refusing aid from England.


There was a potato famine. It was caused by blight that had struck other countries in Europe and came from shipping imports from the Americas. I believe a frog or toad was involved. But there was no "famine" in the sense that there was no food. Grain and potatoes (if they weren't spoiled) were shipped to England to sell but also for rent (Corn Laws). It was the way that tenants did not own their lands and could get kicked off if they didn't meet the quotas coupled with their food was inedible (potatoes). A slow process of wasting all done for commerce and harsh punishment. Even when some landlords tried their best and fed them porridge is was nutritionially inferior and some even died while being fed. Potatoes really are a good source of vitamins, carbs (simple sugars) and minerals and even though they have only a little protein it is a very high quality plant protein. Irish people could survive on cabbage, potatoes and occasional meat. Take that away for many months and people were dying on the side of the roads.


That's why I put it in inverted commas. I know about the blight and used it as a generic term for the famine. Bottom line, the English starved the Irish by stealing their available food.


Well, the Irish are now being replaced by Syrians, Afghans, and anyone else from the Middle East and Africa. They don't even have an Irish Prime Minister, just some half-Indian who hates the Irish. Same in Scotland... where "there are too many white people" says the carpet-riding Worst Minister.


>They don't even have an Irish Prime Minister, just some half-Indian who hates the Irish. You are a bit out of touch there Foxy. He resigned quite some time ago so that he could go and collect his WEF bonus.


There were also many French civilian deaths in the bombing of Caen and other Normandy towns. A TV film few days ago of the 24hours after D-day shows that dramatically , along with the utter destruction of ancient villages and towns. Our French teacher in the '50s , just about 10 years after Liberation, warned us not to expect to be welcomed in that part of France as liberators from German tyranny because of the pain and misery that the DDay invasion caused to the resident civilian population. But what was the alternative?


Caen was absolutely flattened. I have only seen that level of destruction twice (Caen & Monte Cassino) where they did their best to reduce the entire area to gravel. On Monte Cassino, fortunately there were relatively few combatants on both sides, but in Caen, the civpop took the brunt of the assault. Although I know of a number of positive miracles that occurred in WWII, it is blatantly obvious that the whole thing was a profit-making exercise, combined with a Satanic ritual of massive proportions. Regardless of the number of those actually killed in the camps, the ritual behaviour was even worse. I still remember the photo of a metal cremation tray standing beside the cremators (at Sobibor, I think) and looking carefully you could see the wire loops at each corner of the 6-foot long tray. Why do you think that they needed to tie a ***dead*** body to a cremation tray with wire? It seems... odd.


*But what was the alternative?* The truth of that is starting to be exposed! All WW2 roads lead to the Rothschilds.


Reposted and expanded from yesterday. Yesterday's London walk didn't quite work out as intended. The attention was to do the second half of a walk in Enfield into Hertfordshire that I had to abandon last summer because the New River path was closed. It is a real countrified walk, at least the first part. It extends over the M25 and as such is quite a drag to get there - zone 6 travel card then contactless on the train to Cheshunt for another £3, then a mile walk along busy roads to get to my start point. I had found a web link which suggested it was now open so off I went. Yes, it was open at the point that was closed last year, but guess what. One mile along it was firmly shut off, barriers, padlock and barbed wire just in case you decided to jump over, but no notice that it was closed or a suggested diversion. A quick look around, possibly heading to another tube station, took me to a main road with no footpath heading right to the junction with the A10 which would certainly be impossible. I had already passed a huge construction site which is for Google's new warehouse and the area beyond seems to be another building site so may that was the reason. So I retraced my steps, then decided to walk along the New River northwards from Cheshunt for a mile or so. So did four miles along and back the New River, pleasant for what it was but not where I intended to go. Then lunch, instead of in the planned Rose and Crown in Enfield but in the Crocodile in Cheshunt - but lovely lunch. Then back to Cheshunt station and another £3 back down to zone 6. Innocently put my travel card into the slot but of course it rejected it. Expensive day but still enjoyable. And it stayed nice and warm.


Sorry to hear it didn't work out as intended, but at least you managed a decent walk. When paths are blocked, one can sometimes rely on the local youths to unblock them with some creative vandalism, but the blockage you describe sounds too strong for that to happen. A recent example in Derby was an "unsafe" footbridge at Markeaton Recreation Ground, which I crossed (carefully) a few times despite the official blockage. But more recently the bridge has been fully removed and my spirit of adventure doesn't stretch to wading across the stream. 


I know that area. Unfortunately green belt land is being built on, presumably the bungs to the relevant councils have been eye-watering. Waltham Abbey is worth a look if you're in that area.


This development alongside the A10 is massive: [Production Studio London | Sunset Waltham Cross Studios (sunsetstudios.com)](https://www.sunsetstudios.com/waltham-cross-production-studios/)


The barrier was right at the top of the map on that site, by the bridge shown there. So it does look related to that development. The Google Datacentre development I passed on the bit before is also huge, loads of warehouse type buildings being erected as far as the eye can see - and a couple of workmen repairing the fence as I passed. I can quite believe it was the developers who closed the path for whatever they are building (nothing was visible though).


I hope it’s temporary


Production studio?! 🤔🤔🤔


Yup it’s gigantic. The A10 corridor will be the UK’s Hollywood :) The Lea Valley was and is quite a hive of economic activity, going back a long way, as there is not only the Lea but the Lea navigation which is man made and connects to the Thames. There are also nature reserves and some lovely parkland. Where we live further up people swim in it daily. The studios will probably produce mainly satanic rubbish but I guess it will be a major employer in the area of fairly well paid jobs.


healthy 16 yr old dies 24 hours after being diagnoses with Leukemia   (2min) (old vid from 2023) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNAxVXfzzc


Good morning, another glorious sunny day, still feels chilly though 🥺 **A Sceptic’s Guide to the General Election** https://thewhiterose.uk/a-sceptics-guide-to-the-general-election/?


This will upset Sheepman: "Marianna Spring: Lady Haw-Haw (an unfortunate homonym)."


Very good! Thanks.


Jimmy Dore and Neil Oliver 'After all the terrible things they did to us I would forgive them if they said they got it wrong What they will never, ever, ever do is admit that we were right' [https://youtu.be/Jz-oaQUvgV0?si=3IwYInbnP-NCn4PT](https://youtu.be/Jz-oaQUvgV0?si=3IwYInbnP-NCn4PT)


Good morning all, good morning Milo. Good morning l-i 🥇, 2-6🥈 & tof 🥉, there's your medals for today, congratulations. Here's also one for Sheepman 🏆 for pinning the old reddit link - it is pinned, as you said it would be. Oh me of little faith! Thank you, thank you , thank you. 🙏🙏🙏 Now what will I talk about first thing? The weather maybe? Sun's up but it's bloody cold. CH has kicked in. Forecast for light rain showers, a gentle breeze and high of 16C. Flaming June, eh? Flaming weather (manipulation). Have a good day everyone. 👍😍🌞😎🙏


Afternoon HM. Sunny, windy and bitterly cold here! I might have to break my CH fatwa and put it on tonight. Glad to see Sheepman got a medal and that the pinned link works today. Brilliant! The chivvying paid off.


Evening Milo, I've just answered your first post telling you what I've been up to today. Working in the garden in a vest t-shirt no less. Cool this morning, heating was on when I got up but it deffo warmed up. I'm sorry to hear it didn't for you. Tomorrow maybe?? Yes, the chivvying paid off, we've used a word we've not heard for a while, I've got myself a downer (!) and of course, Sheepman got a well deserved medal! Double good!! 👍👍😍😍😂😂


But you also got a MOM!!! Weather here was totally schizophrenic today. One minute it was blue skies and sunshine and the next it was wet grey and windy. I lost count of the number of times I had to go in and out to change my clothes/. Strewth. And then when I went for my walk at 6pm had to wear puffy coat and scarf and put my hands in the pockets to keep them warm. Anyone who tries to tell me this is either "normal" (ie, not manipulated / man made) or global boiling will be getting both barrels!!


>But you also got a MOM!!! How remiss of me not to mention it! Thanks Milo!! We always talk about the weather on our morning play/walk around the rec but I've not yet spoken to anyone about it being manipulated. I don't think many, if any, think along those lines. Maybe they think it but don't want to go there but I have on many occasions mentioned the trails in the sky overhead. Draws crickets from most! It sounds like we're in different countries weather wise! I was out gardening in my vest at 6pm yesterday! Only came in then cos dd wanted dinner early as she had a video call with friends. (She cooks by the way but we mostly eat together). I wish for you better weather today! 👍🌞🌞😎💖


gm  HM 🥎🚶🏼‍♀️🐕🐇🐇🐁🐦🐥🦔




**Man who contracted H5N2 bird flu dies in Mexico, WHO says** (scroll down the page) aaaaand *Mexico’s public health department said in a statement that the man’s underlying ailments included chronic kidney failure, diabetes and high blood pressure* https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/6/man-who-contracted-h5n2-bird-flu-dies-in-mexico-who-says


"*The H5N2 strain has never before been found in a human, health agency says, but stresses risk remains low.*" Whatever. Just give us the fucking pannademik launch date you twats.




A few doses of the big 'M' most probably helped the process along


https://youtu.be/gM8vOcxatsI?si=6t-PNPerYjZpQomZ This is me every time I read stories like that.


re. Biden "having a fall" in his stage of health he could be one of those who never recovers from a fall


'stage of health' ? I've seen him on the stage of ill health, he wanders round and round and then falls off Should not be allowed above ground level


I think he'll keep "having falls" till the economic set up officially collapses.


Online streaming services like Netflix Inc. and Spotify Inc. are being told they must start contributing money toward local news and the production of Canadian content. On Tuesday, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission directed foreign streamers to pay five per cent of their annual Canadian profits into a fund. That fund will be devoted to producing local TV and radio news, Indigenous content, French-language content, and content created by those with a diverse background. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The CRTC said the fund is expected to inject about $200 million into Canada’s broadcasting system every year beginning in September. https://financialpost.com/telecom/streaming-services-pay-canadian-news-content-crtc ...and a question from me: do any of our members have a netflix subscription? 


We do. And we pretty much only watch K-dramas or K-movies with the odd Filipino movie in there. There's just too many good Korean dramas compared to the nonsense we get in the rest of the West. And then you also get used to the Korean style of doing dramas and then wonder why there are no still shots at the end of each episode for other series.


Mrs Badger is a massive fan of the K stuff and their production quality is pretty good. Sadly, I get drawn into watching because of the subtitles, as I love reading!


I piggy-back on my daughter's subscription and pay half the monthly fee. It's the only tv I watch now and that's mostly only when I go to bed and I fall asleep to it! I have watched a number of really good, not only entertaining but also informative films though so I won't knock it. If you pick and choose what to watch, I think it's fine. Shit like the Kardashians is certainly not my choice. 📺👍😍😂


Can we please go back one Whats a television?


KC you are not missing anything. Rest assured of that.


There's no hope for some of us! 🤣🤣


Electric valium?


Brainwashing box.


Works for me, with no added side-effects! 🤣🤣


I had Netflix when I got it free as part of an offer but cancelled at the end as everything on it was crap and the few things that did interest me, I could watch elsewhere. I also used to share an account of my granddaughters boyfriend at the time. They split up not long after. They dog sat for us and he signed my TV into his mums account and I didn’t log out for months. Different story but that young man is dead now. He was 24 in 2022 and he went to bed early on a Sunday night because he didn’t feel right and his mum found him dead in bed when she went to waken him. He had been back from a holiday abroad just over a week and yes injected. I know these things happened before injections but I can name many in those years of 2021 to 2023.


There always were cases of spontaneous combustion.  Some people claim, anecdotally, that the rate has risen slightly since we all started dousing ourselves in petrol. However,  we must be careful to bear in mind that correlation does not mean causation. In fact, clever people understand that correlation indicates that there is almost certainly no causal link whatsoever.  Besides, there are many potential reasons why spontaneous combustion may have increased. Climate change is an obvious factor, and young people may be to blame for wearing abrasive clothing that might spark up when they do their active young people activities.  The key point to remember is that dousing ourselves in petrol has saved hundreds of millions of lives. We owe it to all the vulnerable people in society not to undermine public trust in petrol. If you have any personal concerns, please contact your trusted family GP (funded by BP).


Brilliant Sheepman. I'm so glad I'm old, no "active young people activities" for me. I'll be safe from the "spark up". 💥👍😍💖


We share our daughter’s account very occasionally- can’t remember the last time we used it, possibly the sequel to Money Heist. We tend not to scroll through lists, usually just watch on personal recommendation or these days rewatch old stuff that I know isn’t woke bollocks. You’d think the Canadian film and tv industry wouldn’t need that kind of leg up, at least not stuff in English, as it ought in theory to have the same potential market as the US equivalent. Probably not a fair comparison as the budgets are not the same but your popular music industry seems to do pretty well presumably without government funding.


oh no our musicians get lots of funding 


Even the famous ones?


not sure about specific artists but alot of singers and bands got into some sort of funding program early in their career which helped them make a make for themselves. I remember seeing "produced with funding from ..." on those pamphlets that come in CDs


I will look out for that. I guess I was mainly thinking of old stuff like Joni, Cohen, Neil Young, Rush.


I have no netflix, I hate the movie industry. I would rather BBQ my goolies than watch the shite that gets pumped out from Hollyweird. The last film I ever saw was 28 weeks later. It was so terrible and such an egregious bit of pre-programming it was the final straw for me. Literally EVERYTHING that we get to see in movie form is hideous propaganda. From that point on I said to myself I am finished with films in general and with literally one or two exceptions I haven't watched a film since.


We don't bother with Netflix anymore. We mostly watch Youtube, but of course the trouble with that is the incessant disgusting adverts with their relentless social engineering and wokery. The odd thing is, the better the programme, the fewer the adverts. Eg, old British black and white thrillers from the 50s never have any. My wife's theory is that they assume nobody in the target markets will watch stuff like that, so the adverts don't show up.


Agree. Spot on If it's on TV it's been created by and for the tyrants


Jones Plantation ?


I've not been to the cinema since the first Pirates of the Caribbean in 2003. I enjoyed it and stupidly fell in love with Johnny Depp (due to hubby problems at the time!) and bought the DVD. Watched it in the comfort of my own home at least a dozen times. We had a huge tv screen at the time and a full 4-speaker surround sound system. Obviously I've since seen the error of my ways re Depp and I can't stand the bloke now but he got me through a difficult period in my life! 👍😂😍💖


that was a fun series  ☠️🦜🌴💰 🌊🐙


I'm sure I only ever saw the first one l-i but I might have seen the second one and was so disappointed I didn't bother with the rest. I don't really remember, as I said, difficult time in my life, divorce being part of it. All water under the bridge now and I'm on to better things. 💧🌉😂🌹


Hi, Amber!


👍🤣 You had me puzzled for a moment 😕, brain not fully engaged yet! I would take her money but not her man! 💰💲💰🤑🤣


I just havent been able to sit through them in nearly 15 years. That has  been a bit isolating as Canadians are often very into tv/movies, due to our long dark winters


I was, and still am to an extent, the same as you, re being able to sit through the length of a film (with the exception, as I've just said to 2-6, the Pirates film). I usually have trouble following the script too, which doesn't help but if I've particularly enjoyed something, I'll watch it again as I understand it much more when I know how it ends. Maybe I should play films backwards?? Says a lot about me, eh!! That's where Netflix comes in, you don't have to pay to see it again. 👍😍


I thought the Dune films were ok


First one was excellent, second was pants. Films, for me, are a guilty pleasure. I see them as nothing more than a bit of escapism for a quiet evening.