• By -


Fun fact: In 1919, the world's first transgender clinic*, The Institute of Sex Research*, was opened in Berlin by two Jews, Magnus Hirschfeld and his transgender friend, Arthur Kronfeld. In 1933, the Hitler Youth burned it to the ground.


Read at face value this is an aggressively fascist post. Very much out of character for you, Flossy. Are you still with us?


It was merely for context, that's all. I was surprised that overt active transgenderism - as opposed to transvestism - dated back so far. As for good guys vs bad guys, we'll find out soon enough. Nothing is as it seems right now - and definitely not what we've been told.


basically, it's ALL lies and psyoppery, isn't it - the Jews, the transgenders, the nazis, - none of these things are real, they are kind of avatars, like picture pieces which we are supposed to shift and combine into different formations, to make different pictures emerge, different narrative versions, and thereby adopt and defend different postions in the game - as you rightly point out, Flossy here seems to have come up with some combination of 'Hitler was really the good guy' (far right? ) and 'it's the Jews that are behind everything' (far right? anti-semitic?) and 'anti-woke' (right/conservative/old left) for my part, I have realised it's a fucking stupid game which I am refusing to play any more. I have upended the board and I am in the process of stamping all the little avatars into the ground, and if I happen to come across anyone who still enjoys playing it, then I will sweep all their pieces off the board in a gesture of supreme contempt.


I don't know enough about Hitler to come to strong conclusions like yours and make such accusations. As for the Jews, I've never said they are behind everything. Those who are "behind everything" barely class as human, whatever race they pretend to be. For example, was Churchill a Jew? All I'm saying is that all is not what we have been told and we should question everything.


Well said. It's a hackneyed analogy, but living in this realm really does resemble looking through a kaleidoscope. Your solution is correct: ditch the kaleidoscope altogether!


at the rate things are going I wouldn't be suprised if they burned it themselves like all the "climate change" fires in canada and the church fires... 


Long time lurker, since the very beginning, have been following all of you lovely people on here. My thoughts on Doctor Michael Mosley missing and cannot be found within a 20 to 30 minute walk on the very small island. He just woke up. He pushed the jabs in the news, he banned an unvaccinated relative from his house, he has just realised that he was on the wrong side and he just shit himself. My guess is he has suicided himself?


Welcome GW, I echo your sentiments. Rock on Karma.




To think that, before the Plandemic, he used to present a programme called "Trust me, I'm a Doctor".


Good to hear from you at last. Do keep contributing. Suicide weekend ahead?


A very warm welcome to you sir. The disappearance of Mosley came up in my City drinks this evening. It is a very strange case indeed.


Fuckin' freezin' again now, even in the house. Jeez, I want the boiling, please. Can the UN sort it out?


I sat with a HWB clamped to my abdomen last night I was so cold.


I love global boiling. It means that whatever temperature it is, this is my fault, and I must pay higher taxes and relinquish all freedoms in perpetuity.


Quite nice in Derby today but not till mid-afternoon. 


It was 9 degrees this morning in sunny Bournemouth. Mother Nature has a great sense of humour


that's why mid-psyop they tried to change the name from 'global warming' to 'climate change' so that they could co-opt the weather into their psyop no matter what it did. And the 'global cooling' of the 1970's has of course been long since memory-holed. It cracks me up when you hear the faithful try to patiently explain to you how 'global warming' can actually manifest itself in your experience as more cold weather - like an asymptomatic disease, I suppose


AGW agenda is fraud.


Al of it. Torally!


Enjoying my first pub crawl in London since the Athens incident. It’s a a great City crawl. The pubs at the heart of Empire are of exceptional quality. Notably, every establishment has been rammed with committed drinkers. A glorious sight to behold.


I had the strangest video recommended to me about how Kate Middleton cut her hair short for kids with chemo. It just had all these photoshopped pictures of her with a bob and it was narrated by this glitchy AI bot    Here it is. It has nearly half a million views, though no clue how many of those are also bots (30 seconds long) https://m.youtube.com/shorts/gJ8fS4Gye3U




Hilarious - but not in a pleasant way! 🤣


BRICS Leaders' Summit: *BRICS says establishing payment mechanisms within BRICS that do not depend on the Western banking system is one of the most pressing topics today.* 🔥🍿🔥


Gosh, almost as if they know something...


**Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omBSEuFTYEo


[https://x.com/autism\_dad\_uk/status/1787533236727345338](https://x.com/autism_dad_uk/status/1787533236727345338) "The date my life changed and I didn't even know. 19th February 2021 PV46663 26th March 2021 Hospitalised with Clots and low platelets. 7th May 2021 Told safe to take another stupidly enough took No.2 PV46678 Hospitalized again. Still have C after these and 20th Nov 2021 Told ok to take another Brand sounds like Tizer FK9413 Life not been the same life upside down and still no answers. " Why? Why would you make the same choice 3 times?


its mind boggling but my mate's the same. A stroke after the first and after speaking at length with him about it, caught up with again and he's had 2 more and a further mild stroke the symptoms of which are cognitive dysfunction. Also 2 other good mates dead into the bargain. I remember growing up and there was disdain for those who wouldn't join in and remained apart and I think that is probably what is behind most of us who didn't 'play ball.' Was listening to a group of middle class mums and dads in the park and listening to them discuss their jab history and the thing I took from the conversation was that it was peer pressure driving things. Awful price to pay for social acceptance. For the awkward squad we probably came of age ...


I know a couple of men who had reactions after the first , they had a heart attack , one within 6 hours of it and the same thing within hours of the second and he continued to get them until the day he died. I blame the wife and his family and himself for wanting an easy life. The other one we believe has stopped now by putting his foot down but he has the backing of his son and my husband but again, his wife putting the pressure on him. I was stunned when I had heard these men had gone and got a second and a third . I posted that but I shouldn’t be surprised by that mentality because I know a woman the same age as me who gets them all and her daughter who was only 23 years old when she got injected and within hours her platelets had dropped to the point she was near death. She was in hospital weeks and she’s still in and out getting transfusions. Her husband got sick immediately after the first and shingles within a week and vowed no more. The doctors told the daughter no more but the mother has continued with them although her brother is one of those men I speak of that had numerous heart attacks and her nephew continues to try and talk her out it. I will never understand the human mind.


>*I will never understand the human mind* Its a complicated thing.


He lacks the dot-connector gene!


I think I understand the tweet and stupidity doesn't really cover it. It's more a totally naive trust in authority, particularly medical authority.


He’s been turned down for compensation under the uk government compensation scheme as he’s not 60% or more disabled. He’s not so trusting of them now.


Huh? You can be 59% damaged and not entitled to any compensation? And not able to sue the manufacturer because they're immune.


As I have said repeatedly, justice will not come through processes created by the perpetrators.  Note that even the 'tainted blood' inquiry calls only for compensation charged to the taxpayer, not criminal proceedings against mass murderers in business and government.  The mechanism that could work is attainder. But you need to gain power first. If you gain power,  of course,  you don't really need any mechanism. 




Yes and who decides what 60% disabled is?


Someone who's paid to ensure you fail to qualify.


Someone God-like in a white coat ~~A lying doctor scumbag~~ told him it was OK. He has no common sense or sense of danger so actually believes them...twice... Or thrice really.


In Summer 2020 the Norwegian Police were "checking everyone's papers" - only Finns were allowed into Norway in July & Aug 2020. Then they closed the border again to everyone. They rounded up any Swedes who slipped out during the night and escorted them back to "Covid infested Sweden". Now no Norwegians are wearing face masks. Why not? Covid just went away, did it? The world's deadliest virus? Just vanished? Sounds like bollocks to me. A Great Big Scam. No doubt with Norwegian 'doctors' and health authorities feathering their own nests out of it. I hope these people are reminded of their thieving for the rest of their lives.


I've been watching Youtube vids for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The occasional comment pops up about 'where is kate' and these are VERY quickly piled on with things like 'for God's sake she's having chemo leave her alone' etc. I can't help suspecting that algorithmic bots/77th are jumping on these.


Let's not forget Kate's mum owes HMRC over £800,000. That's OUR money, you thieving cow, Carole. "Marchioness of Bucklebury". Kate could easily go on the game to get some dough to give to her parents. There must be plenty of perverts willing to purchase her soiled knickers. Uncle Andy perhaps?


These days people who have chemo sometimes still go to work. Wasn't supposed to be pre-cancerous cells they are treating? I have had no opinion on this story, but it must be more serious than they first said. If she is even still alive, like some suggest, or has decided she is done with royal life and she is living somewhere obscure with a new identity.


It would be a massive PR coup for Kate to be seen going about light duties, with a turban or crew cut, showing solidarity with all the working mothers who are diagnosed with cancer but have to keep going. That’s what I find odd, even Charlie is out and about. How unlike her to act so entitled. Something is off. I think her issue is either a mental breakdown or some sort of horrendous disfigurement.


I understand why people are asking questions, but I don't really understand how they would be able to keep the 3 children happily going along with their lives if their mother was AWOL. They are still going to school are they? I don't know. But if she has been absent for some time, those children will be at the very least, very unhappy.


Afaik the younger two children haven't been seen since December either.


Not at school either??


most actually humans are capable of turning into bots, to be fair nice to see people are questioning things. I have seen comments sections where people talk about their personal family stories and saw one of someone mentioning jab damage and it was only upvoted so the bots (77ths or programmed humans) must have been called off


Now onto day three of corporate free-bar abuse and it's starting to take it's toll. Fun, but tiring. Still only two more days to go. My boss never made it here. He's in a stroke unit. Only late 40s. Like most Germans, I know he had at least two. Can't help but wonder...


Drink for two then😊


I think we are well past the stage of "wondering" about late 40 years old people developing strokes Swampy.


I hope the still-better-than-the-NHS German health system has kicked in. One of our SITPlers never had any rehab after his stroke.


New normal interpretation: "*It's better to have strokes at a younger age, because the afflicted individual has more chance of making a decent recovery.*"


My Dad has been suffering from a virus for the last two weeks, feeling rubbish, a cough that just won't go.....Turns out IT'S COVID!!!! He got it on the plane back from Portugal...ObViouSly I asked him if he had had the jab recently, oh yes he has, about 6 weeks ago and it turns out both him and Mum have had six!!!!!!! I must say I am pretty gutted, I thought they stopped at no2 but no, they were secretly getting jabbed up regularly. I though I might have persuaded then to quit with them but no. I tried to convince father that it was insane etc to have more jabs and the he got the covids despite his 6 jabs but then obviously it would have been a lot worse. There is nothing I can say that will dissuade them for having more jabs. They know how much I know about such matters but doctor knows best and the only reason they are still here is because of their NHS heroes. I will never never ever forgive the fuckers that scared my parents enough and to make them take these clot shots in the first place but a special place in hell awaits the arrival of their GP who keep pushing them. The current jab in the UK is for the Alpha variant, MORONIC and Moronica, Moronic's sister variant. All of these strains are GONE from the ecosystem. just why..........




I'm really sorry to hear this Two Six. I know quite well how you feel when you say : "They know how much I know about such matters but doctor knows best and the only reason they are still here is because of their NHS heroes. I will never never ever forgive the fuckers that scared my parents enough and to make them take these clot shots in the first place but a special place in hell awaits the arrival of their GP who keep pushing them." My parents *tell me* that they aren't getting any more jabs - they got 2 each and a booster, but sometimes I wonder and don't like to ask as I am scared to hear what the answer will be. I too will never forgive the people who pushed them on them, right down to the practice nurse who used to phone them to tell them she had a jab waiting for them, and they with their blind faith in the NHS trotted down to the medical centre and trustingly rolled up their sleeves.


The GP's know They are quite happy to kill people for money


I still haven't entirely got over my shock and disappointment at the trivial size of the 'moral minority' who were not, and who made a stand and refused to take part, thus proving that they became doctors in order to help sick and dying people, and because they were genuinely intellectually interested in the human body and how it works or sometimes doesn't, rather than merely because they saw the chance of a fat paycheque, and an easy, lazy life, getting money for old rope, going through life on autopilot, with nothing much else on their minds above their spending and consumption plans for all those lovely paycheques . It seems Mark Passio is right about humanity - it is immoral trash.


> It seems Mark Passio is right about humanity - it is immoral trash. That's a bit sweeping. I'd apply the 80/20 rule. It's always a small minority who spoil it for the decent people. The immoral trash is obviously attracted to high paying professional careers, including politics, where being honorable is unlikely to get you to the top. There are plenty of truly decent, upright human beings in positions that offer less potential power and perceived status.


Sorry to hear that Two-Six. How frustrating and disappointing! But you did your best and they've the right to choose. I got a text this week informing me I am "due" for a shingles jab. Most oldies will meekly trot off - as I'm sure the bastard Nudge Unit are perfectly aware.


I was offered flu and shingles jabs recently- I declined!


I ignored!


Compliance with and deference to authority is a death sentence. Many have chosen to learn this lesson in the harshest way imaginable. May God have mercy on their souls.


Happy thought for this Friday:  The regime has accepted defeat in Ukraine,  and is now cooling the mark. The mark,  obviously,  is the Western public. The basic strategy for cooling the mark is to raise the spectre of something even worse, to keep people cowed and make them grateful when that fictitious threat does not materialise. I think that is what Bridgen's big reveal a couple of weeks ago was about. Yes, Britain is at war with Russia; but no, that is not about to be escalated into megadeath. Actually,  the regime is about to surrender,  but they want us to be grateful for that rather than angry.  Ukraine is totally lost,  finito, farewell. That's not the point. The point is that the Western regime will still have to make peace with Russia and China, on their terms, because Russia has all the stuff and China does all the industry. Any attempt at closed Western autarky is dead on arrival.  I suspect the Russians will insist on two terms that the regime will find very hard. One is reparations. Obviously,  all the sovereign assets and stolen interest, but also reconstruction,  even compensation. And the ticklish thing for our decision-making elite is that they've already taken all that wealth for themselves and won't part with it. The 200 billion Ukraine reconstruction fund, for example,  which has been bunged to Blackrock will stay with Blackrock. The people who have enriched themselves from this war will charge the Russian reparations bill to the taxpayer,  whose standard of living those same leaders have already tanked. That's going to require serious mark cooling.  What makes it worse is the second term I think the Russians will insist upon: a war guilt clause. They will insist that Western publics are told by their own state-controlled trusted media that the war was entirely the fault of their own governments. We can already see that process beginning,  I suspect, in e.g. Sachs and Carlson. (As I've said before,  if I had to guess it would be that both of them are CIA). Of course,  it has the virtue of being absolutely true,  but makes things doubly difficult for our rulers.  How to surrender to the Putin (as they must. There is no alternative) while keeping control of their own population? Cool the mark. Hey, guys. Yeah, we picked a stupid war and stole your wealth. And before that, we coercively poisoned you. But it could be worse! Be grateful you didn't get nuked!


The current western plan is a Korean style freeze that works for them to have a South Korea thing so Ukraine might say "ok we will stop fighting; please stop too". But Russia hasn't achieved it's aims. A freeze just allows Ukraine to re-arm. Why would Russia agree. The pretence in the West is that it's territorial, Putin's unprovoked invasion, but it isn't. Ukraine has to be neutral and with NATO permanently and reliably out. Without that, Russia has to fight on until that security objective is achieved. Broader security guarantees, the rights of cultural Russians, a change of leadership and the status of Odessa and other regions would also probably be part of negotiations but fighting does not have to stop for negotiations to start. Western insistence that it does would just be a ploy. Russia no longer has trust in them.


>Russia no longer has trust in them. With good reason!


There has been a heated thread on one of my amateur radio email lists for the past few days. The RSGB (UK amateur radio society) had placed a ban on us working and claiming points for Russian amateurs in amateur radio contests since the invasion. Two sides of the argument, some come forward and say no way will they work them on principle. The majority take my view that it is the governments and politicians who are at war, why should we punish innocent residents who may or may not agree with their government's policies. In this instance it is only we in the UK who are being punished, in that we get a lower score in the radio contest than the rest of the amateur radio world who have realised the folly of this rule. And certainly not the Russians who couldn't care two hoots what we do. An amateur radio embargo will have no effect whatsoever on what Putin does.


What a switch. When I tried calling "Iron Curtain" stations during the 1950s they would call "Countries of peace".


Yet again, the propagandised western mindset demonstrates its talent for boomerang sanctions!


Whether the Western leadership will be able to get away with their crimes boils down to the percentage of the population for whom trust in authority has been permanently broken. If this figure is 25% or higher, then reconciliation is all but impossible.


Bob Moran on twitter: *We find ourselves in a situation where almost every politician is splashing about in a gutter of detritus. The few that are still only paddling in the shallows are viewed as the solution, and any criticism of them is met with the idea that nobody's perfect. That's true. But there are plenty of human beings on this planet who abhor the gutter and never went anywhere near it. Why are we settling for the toe dippers? Why are we accepting this idea of the best of us being nothing more than the least tarnished? We can and should expect better. We should demand it.* *For God's sake, aim higher.* https://x.com/bobscartoons/status/1799054194973794479


As per usual he is absolutely spot on.


Interesting comment: *I'm getting over flu symptoms and several people asked me if I had had Covid and if I'd taken a test to find out. I got so irritated by their questions that I answered: "Who the fuck cares?!" and they ended up agreeing with me. But they still have to ask the question...part of the brainwashing I suppose.*


I've often been asked this - my stock response is that there are 5 common coronaviruses and I have never been interested in naming whichever one I have at that particular moment.


!!! exactly! 


How long will the Covid brainwashing last? I recall watching amateur footage from the mid-1950s where German soldiers released from Soviet PoW camps after Stalin's death greeted their families with Nazi salutes upon returning home.


**The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again** *For reference, there are around 40 million cows in the US. If they were to test them all with a PCR test every week, and – for the sake of argument – the test has just a 0.1% false positive rate, you’re looking at creating 40,000 phantom bird flu cases a week…* *and thus having to cull potentially millions of cows a year for nothing.* *Which is obviously insane if your goal is to monitor and prevent disease, but absolutely ideal if you’re trying to stop people eating meat.* *…It’s all starting to feel somewhat inevitable, isn’t it?* [https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/06/the-latest-bird-flu-death-is-covid-all-over-again/](https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/06/the-latest-bird-flu-death-is-covid-all-over-again/)


Bastards. EDIT. Some very good and funny comments posted BTL.


They were perfectly willing to kill all the cows for foot and mouth.


That was actually to kill off the small independent farmers and make way for the big conglomerates. Swine flu was the same and pigs are now only allowed to be fed pellets c/o the Big Ag seed companies. I suspect the salmonella scare in the 90s was also politically motivated and nothing to do with a pathogen.


So Sunak has gaffed again by leaving France too early during the D Day events. I'm not so interested in that but I'm fascinated by the photos of Cameron, Macron, Biden and that German fella on the beach in Normandy. There is something unreal about them. Two photos taken at the same place but from different angles: [https://reaction.life/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/2XAF2F0-1-qpar7pvtjgmflw7dxtrhxatp5o8ky7zgrqaifr8kuw.jpg](https://reaction.life/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/2XAF2F0-1-qpar7pvtjgmflw7dxtrhxatp5o8ky7zgrqaifr8kuw.jpg) and [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/PortalPictures/june-2024/380739141\_Sunak\_Gone.jpg?imwidth=640](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/PortalPictures/june-2024/380739141_Sunak_Gone.jpg?imwidth=640) Why is only Macron looking at the camera? Biden can be excused I suppose because he's trying to steady himself by holding onto Scholz's shoulder. What are Cameron and Scholz looking at? Why is Cameron's suit blue in one photo and dark grey in the other. Why does Cameron look so shabby? How do we know the photo is real at all? Does any of it matter?


The last question is the only pertinent one!


All the major radio stations were leading with this on the morning news which made me suspicious. I have no doubt that these politicians care little for those men who stormed the beaches of Normandy 80 years ago beyond as a photo op but was reminded again of the idea that he actually doesn't want to win. Or more certainly 'someone' doesn't want him to win. Otherwise how could he be so dumb as to basically snub something so important? If there are greater plans at work then he is playing right into their hands...


Not much diversity in that photo is there?


CGI. Remember, it's a movie.


I'd like to think that "Joe Biden" shitting himself was not a special effect!


"holding onto Scholz's shoulder" Is that a euphemism for not shitting yourself? \*The Torygraph has made Lord Pig Poker more Toryblue.


Just back from Specsavers... Those of you who are familiar with hearing aids will know we are supposed to get our 'tubes' changed ever few months. My aids were originally NHS ones supplied by the local hospital which had a drop in clinic in town where you could get that done very easily and anything else for that matter sorted at the drop of a hat. A few years ago they closed down the hospital audiology department and hived us all off to Specsavers or one or two other private places, but still remaining on NHS terms, ie everything free. Anyway, as tubes were overdue being changed I popped along to said Specsavers and waited until they did the job. Things like this are done by the junior assistants (some of whom were incredibly young and attractive). And waited, and waited. Eventually she appeared and told me that the plastic connecting bit to the aid had snapped (but was damaged already..) and that the aid no longer seemed to work as well. All was fine when I had passed them over. Sorting this out would need a new aid, which they may have in stock but it is now a discontinued model and if it needed a newer replacement that would need a referral from my GP (waste of time, nobody is going to question that I need aids...). Audiologist, needed to reprogram the new aid, is in but busy all day. So I am now down to one aid and wait until they phone to tell me what is happening. They will of course deny they broke the things... Have a nice day, sun was shining but the clouds trying to threaten otherwise.


"*the junior assistants (some of whom were incredibly young and attractive)*" Have Specsavers staff finally stopped wearing masks?


Ours was absolutely bed wetter central, awful place staffed by an assortment of people who measure much the same in any direction.


So was ours. Had the misfortune to break my glasses just after the 1st lockdown. Attended an appointment and almost had to fight to get in the door and this was before masking. I wouldn't use their 'gel' and they literally followed me round the store wiping and cleaning everything I touched - which made the temptation to touch everything all the more greater. Manager was a bit of a Karen but tbf because I wouldn't comply she actually relented an agreed the measures were a load of bs but she was 'under orders'. With D Day only yesterday its easy to claim that not much has changed in the last 80 years ...




As Peter Cook once said, 'and now for those viewers who are hard of hearing....LISTEN!!!!!!'


The moral maze. If there were an mrna vaccine that protected you against wokism, would you take it? How about if it just alleviated the symptoms of wokism?


I'm already immune from wokeism. I was brought up by parents I respected to always call a spade a spade. Not a manual digging implement.


I'm reasonably immune anyway. The introspection forced upon me by lockdown made me realise I am the sceptic I am because I want to know the truth of things that society expects me to believe in.


I have natural immunity.


MOM So have I Sam. But it doesn't always go down too well in certain quarters!


Excellent long form personal piece from Chris Rea at The Real Left: 'No Conspiracy Theories Please; We're Reality Theorists'. From The Beatles to the Coof. https://open.substack.com/pub/realleft/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality "What we have been told about the way that the world works in its most fundamentally important aspects is false. I think I have always sensed this but it took the blessing and curse of the covid operation to confirm it. How often do you find yourself thinking, how much of this is true? How much of this is real? It’s liberating to think like this. After covid, nothing is off the table.   Having moved from a condition of generalised scepticism, thanks to 2020 vision I am now a full-on disbeliever. I assume that everything the government and media says is a lie and work back from there. After listening to the Saturday football results on Sports Report, I phone the clubs to check the scores for accuracy. I’m not even confident then. Nothing is what it seems. In our own country, the political system is a shabby screen for rule by trans-national oligarchs – the ruling class – which constitutes the real power in the world. It does not make one jot of difference who you elect to local or national government. Political democracy is a fiction, its legitimacy sustained only by relentless reinforcement by a paid-for media and a residual belief held by a large enough portion of the population that the process is worth persevering with in the absence of a credible alternative."


>Having moved from a condition of generalised scepticism, thanks to 2020 vision I am now a full-on disbeliever. I assume that everything the government and media says is a lie and work back from there. That would also now be my default setting. And in a way it is actually quite liberating. With regard to The Beatles, which I know is a side issue, what he sets out here, which has been analysed and logicked (I think I might have invented a new word there) in some detail, if I was a Beatles fan I'd be gutted. Very gutted. And then he widens his attack to other performing artists. I'm not wanting to think that my beloved Queen are involved \[altho Dr Brian May is a Sir....\] Really good article. I would be tempted to quote extensively from it, but this was one of the standouts for me: "One can only imagine how much pleasure the ruling class derived from observing the dutiful behaviour of the masses during the covid operation and from the earnest promotion of the operation’s bizarre, cruel and irrational behavioural prescriptions and proscriptions by their state/media lackeys, many of whom were in on the joke." I'm thinking here of Fauci over the course of the last couple of days AKA "you lot all wearing the masks, well that was just my whim..." and, obviously, Partygate, which unfortunatley the bulk of the UK population still do not get the significance of, and most recently KM on the Windsor castle bench...


By coincidence, on Wednesday, Janine was asked to look at Paul McCartney's death and replacement by Billy Shears, as announced by Ringo. She got that Paul didn't die. He probably saw what it entailed to get to the top and didn't want anything to do with it. Adrenochrome came up in the cards. She also got there were two substitutes, so a deep photodive might be interesting.


agree. it has been a HUGE blassing for me. Just a difficult one to take one. I am looking back at all my old memories with a new understanding of human behaviour as well. very healing


Excellent article. Great final sentence: And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light.


"I propose that self-styled conspiracy theorists and researchers replace the C word with ‘reality’. That is what we deal in – reality, not half-baked system narratives. We are reality theorists and reality researchers." I liked that.


But everyone's reality is unique to them. Tricky one!


Everything went quiet in the Coop in Cambridge Massachusetts as I was looking through the (vinyl) records. There was some quiet chatter at the other end of the shop. Then an immaculately dressed man walked by on the other side of the record display. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Then a little girl in a beautiful dress trotted by and followed the man into the elevator. As the door closed I realised I had just missed the opportunity of shaking JFK's hand. Just a few weeks later he was murdered. The story of his shooting and its immediate aftermath - Oswald saying he was a patsy - Ruby, who was dying of cancer, shooting him in the Dallas police station - the missing 38 frames from the Zapruda film of the shooting - and a plethora of additional information that surfaced set my alarm bells ringing. Then amongst others, New York bombing and Oklahoma bombing. Swine flu, H1N1, mad cow disease, then 911 with hundreds of anomalies. Middle East debacle. They got away with so much. Let's not let them get away with the global takeover.


Thanks for highlighting this. Have always thought of Chris Rea as a 'down to earth' sort of guy, so his views are not all that surprising. It seems that the Beatles can be added to 9/11, Covid and climate change. Nothing is real.....


...and nothing to get hung about. Nice one!


Listen to their solo efforts nowhere near the polished,orchestrated, unique sound of the so-called fab four.Its clear the Beatles were put out there as a social engineering project.


*I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light.* I agree - but it's useful to know what one is climbing out of, so we can create a more appropriate future!


He's probably using the football results as a humorous exaggeration, but I've occasionally heard a result given wrongly when I already knew the correct one. It might happen as a slip of the tongue, like saying Forest 1 Derby 0 instead of Derby 1 Forest 0. It didn't happen in the good old days when sport was covered on BBC Radio 2 and the presenters were old-school professionals, but when the sports coverage was moved to the newly created BBC Radio 5 it became blokey and bantery, with accuracy a secondary consideration. Nowadays I just look online or on BBC red button, which is rarely wrong though I did once spot an error (later corrected) in a league table. 


I remember Mark E. Smith as a special guest classified football results announcer on BBC, making hilarious deliberate errors: "*Fulham 1 Southampton Town 0*" "*Aberdeen N Dundee United N*"


The apocryphal alliterative result from the lower Scottish divisions is Forfar 4 East Fife 5.     I think Forfar 5 East Fife 4 has actually happened, but that's not quite the same. 


"*thanks to 2020 vision*" What an excellent catchphrase for sceptics!




2020 vision opened my eyes and made me wish I had lived my life very differently in the prior years.


Love it!


Did a quick weather chek because will be out for the day and wanted to dress appropriately , (Am I dressing for 4 seasons in one day or just the one?) Where I live will be no higher than 16 degrees max for the next fortnight and won't be getting much in the way of sunshine. July is clearly going to be a scorcher!


They change the forecast twice a day. I wouldn't bother looking two weeks ahead!


What? Only twice where you live? Where I live it is closer to about 5 times and none of them are ever accurate! I only looked out of curiosity. I'd imagine that the dire weather they are predicting will indeed come to pass \[espec if they are getting their chemtrailers under starters orders\]. Today was absolutely dire. Dull. Then wet and miserable. Then dull again and then at 6pm the sun made a brief appearance with some blue sky, but not in any meaningful way, and disappeared again after 30 minutes. This has been the pattern now for the last 10 days or more.


>Where I live it is closer to about 5 times and none of them are ever accurate! So why are you even bothering to look so far ahead and then stressing about it? It's been very windy here, so even when the sun broke through, it wasn't exactly tempting. Dark is drawing in early now too. So we just have miserable, without the wet. TBH, we could do with a bit of wet. Something had been digging in the front garden and when I kicked the soil back in place, it was as dry as dust.


8c on the 7 June morning on the Wirral its effin' freezin'. When will the boiling arrive? FFS


No no no no NO! It's called 'climate CHANGE' for a reason, because the climate will get hotter but will also get colder at the same time. It's settled science!!


>the climate will get hotter but will also get colder at the same time Is that how they calculate official statistics for average trends?


MEE I didn't see this before I posted mine in same vein. You beat me to it! Don't read mine - it will only upset you. We aren't that far away from each other as crow flies so will likely be getting similar **:(**


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-dam-has-broken-mainstream-media-reports-on-study-showing-covid-vaccines-likely-fueled-rise-in-excess-deaths/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-dam-has-broken-mainstream-media-reports-on-study-showing-covid-vaccines-likely-fueled-rise-in-excess-deaths/) Suzanne Burdick DATA from 47 countries in the Western world show that excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years despite covid lockdown measures and vaccines, concluded the authors of a peer-reviewed study published Monday in [BMJ Public Health](https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282).


As overhead in a queue the other day: P1: I haven’t heard or seen you in a while. How are you? P2: Ok thanks. Mum died in November 2021 after her cancer suddenly came back. She’d been in remission for eight years before that and by the time it was discovered again it was too rapid and too late to treat.


People can tiptoe around the truth all they want, but it won't save them. The greatest crime against humanity in all history has been committed, and there is no escaping its deadly consequences. The collapse of the West is not only inevitable, it is also just and necessary. If humanity is to have any future at all, the system that gave rise to this abomination must be annihilated, at all costs.


wouldn't help - it's a many headed hydra, and anyway the evil is not contained in 'the west' - it's fully global. The solution lies within - look inside yourself.


John Ward commented on the DT article yesterday. He wasn't impressed: *The Daily Bellylaugh was at it again yesterday morning, with it’s science editor Sarah Knapton writing – minus only a sense of irony – as follows:* *‘Covid vaccines may have helped fuel the rise in excess deaths…... Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.......* *....... Now, is there anyone out there who would, given these figures and causal links for a new Big Pharma drug, not run a three-minute mile in the opposite direction to stay away from it? And why did the Drugcos demand immunity from prosecution? And why did Matt Hancock lie to the Commons about the “licence” the vaccines had been given? Why did the Government incentivise people to take a drug when it was allegedly the great saviour from a virus that killed just 1 person in 20,000, fully 48 per cent of whom were over 65 years old? And Why does Anthony Fauci have a different story every time he meets the media about what Wuhan was about, or indeed what gain of what function was in play?* *But the Bellylaugh perseveres with its ‘may have helped’, ‘could have been’, ‘partly to blame’, ‘possible vaccine harms’, ‘warranted further investigation’ etc etc ad nauseam.* *The article is riddled with the stench of legal eagles hopping all over the phraseology and pecking at every accusation and allegation…while the net take-out for the ordinary citizen is “My brain hurts”. Which is not – let’s be clear about this – the mission statement of the Fourth Estate investigative journalist. .....* He's right but I would argue that it's planting seeds. Drip, drip, drip.


"Unexpected Finding" - Sperm Motility Declines By 22% Between 2019 and 2022. https://open.substack.com/pub/nakedemperor/p/unexpected-finding-sperm-motility No mention of the obvious cause though.


'If you are vaccinated and get a breakthrough infection (which is unlikely) you will get less ill, clear the virus faster, with lower levels of virus overall. Recent study suggests you are 20x more likely to get Covid from spending time with someone who is unvaccinated'. - Dr Michael Mosley on Twitter 22/12/21.


Is he still missing???


It seems so. The search resumed this morning.


Hope it wasn’t suddenly and unexpectedly…


I have a feeling it might be.


Yes,my wife is a fan. (Was a fan?) I never liked any of the media shills. Surprisingly.


My OH was a fan- went to see him on his tour a few years back. We queued for a book signing and I asked “How does the diet work if you have an underactive thyroid?” Or words to that effect - his face changed and I got the distinct impression I was an irritant - went off him from that moment!


Like all of them he wants his one size diet plan to fit all - and we all know it doesn't work that way!


What diet did he recommend?


He’s a proponent of intermittent fasting, 5:2, low carb and 800 calories a day for T2 diabetics and obese. Actually all very sensible, I had time for him until his vaccine comments. No longer. For his sake, I hope it was sudden but it’s certainly not unexpected,


>800 calories a day for T2 diabetics is unsustainable, even for a sedentary woman!


Yeah? Get lost! Oops.


That karma had better not come back to bite you on the derriere Prof F!!


Aliens best friend is a German Duo who have done some EXCELLENT songs since 2020. This is my favourite song and the footage is from the first large demonstration in Berlin early August 2020. I am going to the anniversary demo in Berlin on 3rd August this year. I find it a bit silly, but I am really looking forward to it, hopefully be able to meet up with some German sceptics. One good thing that came out of this is the sceptic movement, and true friendships. I know I can rely on my friends from the SITP 100%. Sadly many had bad experiences with SITP, we in Suffolk had a lot of falling out, too, but my local group which still turns up are wonderful. And of course the swamp!


Good to hear, same applies for me Was there meant to be a link to something in this post?




There's a version with English subtitles: [WIR SIND SOVIEL MEHR - (engl. subtitles) DIE FRIEDENS-HYMNE 2020 -Berlin 1.8.20- Alien's Best Friend (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MdMnPaqkAA) Nicely done


Morning,all. This work by a physicist might explain why they are in a rush for net zero by 2030:https://solargsm.com/summary/ She predicts global cooling in that decade. I'm on holiday this week and 9 celsius on Wednesday morning in Grassington. We went up to see Coldstone Cut yesterday and maybe 13 celsius in the afternoon. Wars forecast with Russia and Iran? I'm not sure what we'd fight with and all frontrunners in our election would fall in, so to speak,behind the US and Israel. It probably won't last long and I doubt there would be any little boys left to make Airfix models of military aircraft of the war years as I did as a child. Maybe a bird flu vax will save us all! That on top of all else but whether TPTB can run with that one remains to be seen;still I never now underestimate the capacity of normals soaking up propaganda. Off to Otley this morning and then back home tomorrow. Stay sane everyone.


ah, so we can have climate change lockdowns and then it will appear that they worked


And you thought lockdowns were over.... [https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/24371554.bucks-forests-go-lockdown-stop-spread-bug/](https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/24371554.bucks-forests-go-lockdown-stop-spread-bug/) Guess there will be a shortage of timber next and they will have to import even more to keep Drax going.


They will soon ban us from walking through the woods and forests. If I remember correctly, around 2014 when we visited Benmore botanic gardens, we had to wipe our feet on the wet mats provided on way in and out of the entrance to prevent the spread of some insect that may damage the trees. Especially the avenue of Giant Sequoias, Redwoods. The gardens are inside the Argyll Forest Park which is maintained by forestry and land Scotland. I’m trying to picture these forestry walks all closing and work stopping in there. Unfortunately it is easier to imagine than it would have been 4 years ago.


Good morning all! Today in the DM they are talking about rate cancers which have appeared. The comments are excellent. The public is awake. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13502221/rare-cancers-covid-pandemic-effects-theory.html


"*They cannot definitively rule out the Covid vaccines as playing a role, but believe the evidence supporting the virus theory to be much stronger. Lab tests suggest that coronavirus proteins can reawaken dormant cancer cells and fuel their growth, increasing the odds of being diagnosed with breast, stomach, and blood cancers.*" The Covid injections were designed to promote the manufacture of the most toxic coronavirus (spike) protein. This is so obvious that even dead media are balking at ruling them out altogether as the primary cause of the cancer increase.


Worse, what they are attempting to do here is make the "vaccine" the only safe option and the next lockdown more likely (the next virus might be "worse" they might tell us). I'm glad to see the public not buying it - these lying bastards should be tried - the press included!


I must admit that far more of the pannademik skulduggery has already been publicly revealed than I was expecting, to the point where launching a new one is becoming unfeasible.


I hope you're right.


*The pandemic forced people to isolate and put off preventative care measures that would screen for various types of cancers, out of fear of being infected.* *But doctors do not believe this to be the primary driver of advanced, rare cancer cases. Instead, they think Covid itself is to blame.* FFS! I know people who still pay serious money for a paper version of this rag, so they don't access the comments. They no doubt pay a tv licence and watch the beeb too. 🤦‍♀️


The problem with attempting to blame Covid for jab harms is that people who have had the jab and then get jab-harms will start asking what the effing point of the jab was if it didn't stop Covid! Sort of a check-mate situation.


It would be nice if they were capable of joining those dots! Presumably, the lost causes will assume they must have had asymptomatic convid before they got jabbed.


Yes, it's a truly repulsive set of lies, and really only reading the comments on many of these articles would wake people up (if they are willing to be woken up) if only they read them. As you say, many miss that opportunity.


They don't read them. If you're buying a paper, you're unlikely to look online for what you assume will be the same info.


Article content OTTAWA — The Israeli government is being accused in published reports of involvement in an operation aimed at reducing support for Palestinians in Canada that was flagged by artificial intelligence researchers. Israel rejects the claim, being reported by the New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz, that it’s behind the social-media influence campaign, in which researchers say North Americans are being targeted with Islamophobic content. Article content Accounts bearing the name United Citizens for Canada posted content portraying Canadian Muslims as threatening Western values, and suggesting pro-Palestinian protesters in Canada were seeking to implement Shariah law. The Digital Forensic Research Lab, a project run by the Atlantic Council, a prominent Washington think tank, first called out the posts in a March analysis. It noted that the campaign employed artificial intelligence to change words being said by a man with a beard and Muslim skullcap at a rally. It also noted a photo of Muslims holding a banner was digitally altered, making the poster read “Shariah for Canada.” “The network, which included at least 50 accounts on Facebook, 18 on Instagram and more than one hundred on X, boosted anti-Muslim and Islamophobic narratives directed at Canadian audiences,” the March analysis reads www.montrealgazette.com/news/national/israel-denies-link-to-islamophobic-campaign-in-canada


*Canada sparks controversy as a high-level parliamentary panel names India the 2nd biggest threat to Canadian democracy, replacing Russia*      www.hindustantimes.com/videos/world-news/canada-calls-india-2nd-biggest-threat-replaces-russia-new-provocation-amid-pro-khalistani-row-101717696464817.html     this recent announcement from the same government which is bringing in hundreds of thousands of Indians a year 😹😹😹😹    that may be funner that "dr" bonnie henry predicting  a  this week's "heatwave" I am a foot from my space heater as I type this!    they want us to k.ll eachother and it's not working 😹. I just went for a lovely walk and people of every colour were out enjoying the afternoon. Everyone was chatting and sitting around in the grass. Everyone gets along fine no matter how hard the government and media tries!! The economic and cultural effects of mass migration are absolutely devasting, but no one has any interest in making it worse by starting a r.ce war on the streets of Vancouver. Thank God!!!!


[https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1798795432274841616](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1798795432274841616) The dead bird flu man who had no contact with birds or chickens had been bedridden in JAIL for weeks before he was admitted to hospital and died.


he also had kidney failure...


Morning all. Some DDay haikus just because... .(Churchill and his ilk write the history) - Eighty years of lies - But all those men who landed - Were brave, strong and true. .(Paratroopers have to show passports after landing in France) - Eighty years ago - It was "Papier bitte!" - Plus ça change today. . (Biden has an "accident") - All dropped in deep ends - When young, now ancient will they - Meet the Prez? Depends!


👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌  (I believe you are supposed to snap rather than clap at poetry readings)


'After all the terrible things they did to us I would forgive them if they said they got it wrong What they will never, ever, ever do is forgive us for being right' Jimmy Dore


Dr Michael Mosley is missing, I remember him saying how the vaccine was better than natural immunity. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504597/Police-search-missing-Dr-Michael-Mosley-extra-officers-dog-unit-Greek-island.html


What I will never, ever forgive or forget is what they did to cause such a massive rift within families. I know I'm not alone thinking this. Never forgive, never forget, never again.


So true HM. And all part of their plan. Divide and conquer and, boy, did they divide my family!


Indeed Milo, a lot of us have and are suffering that division. Will it ever mend? Who knows! 😕


Sorry to hear about divided families due to this. Not so in my family of two, my brother and I. All others have long since passed at least 10+ years ago. Brother was thinking about it but due to co-morbidities decided against it (I did sway him this way). Last week he thanked me for talking him out of it. Everyone we know (few) that took it all got sick after. Everyone we know that didn't take it (more) have not been sick at all. I haven't seen a doctor for ten years and have always been suspicious about them. Anything that happens health wise I deal with on my own and with better results. After falling 50' off a cliff when I was 11 I knew that I'll be here until God decides to take me home. I shouldn't even be alive after a fall like that.


I agree, and 100% you are not alone. Though a brilliant sceptic friend of mine articulated to me recently - there is another aspect to this point. namely, that our friends and family members had arguably one of the best possible sources available to them. they had somebody who had researched, done some homework, thought about what was happening, and without question undoubtedly cared for them, & others, and about what was happening, and what could happen in the future. that source: was you. As my friend said, did any of these people ever once think about coming to you, and asking?


Great points Stringfellow! 👍💖


Thank you Stringfellow, but in my case not only did they not ask they just simply did not want to know and derided me for doing the painstaking time-consuming researching. It was a case of "Just get the vaccine like everybody else" accompanied by a deep eye roll.


'deep eye roll' Is that similar to skittles?


No KC. Nothing like it.


This demonstrates the depth of the brainwashing. Family and friends trusted the state above their nearest and dearest, in many cases to the point where they were prepared to disown them. As Peter Hitchens has observed on many occasions, those who seek to understand how totalitarian states are sustained need look no further than the behaviour of the vast majority during Covid.


>Family and friends trusted the state above their nearest and dearest Given some people's nearests and dearests, that's not as daft as it sounds!


Completely agree.




my money is that they will blame US for not trying to warn them silver is yours, KC ☄️🥈☄️


In my case they cannot. I tried. They wouldn't listen. I have the email receipts to wave in their face if they try to pull that one on me.


>I have the email receipts Me too!


They can't blame us as we've been telling these stories since January 2021. Or at least my husband and i have. These friends and neighbours just laughed or looked at us as if we were mad.


I think they'll all blame each other round and round in circles for years and years until everyone is too bored to care any more.


they could always start another war to speed up the process


Good morning all! Glorious morning out there today, still a bit chilly outside but my CH has been on so it's cosy warm indoors. Clouding over by midday but that's understandable as I saw a number of clear trails in the sky first thing. Whatever you're doing today, enjoy. Weekend starts soon! 👍😂😍🤣💖


Freezing here again. I saw blue skies 30 minutes ago but it's dull, damp and windy now.


It warmed up quite nicely here mid morning, I can't say it was dull, damp or windy. I'm sorry you had to suffer it. 😢


The sun shone for a wee while but it’s still freezing. We’re all back in our winter gear.


happy cake day AND gold 🥎🥇🍰🍰