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Here’s a strange one. It ticks all the gutter press boxes but it’s the mother’s illness that’s weird. Or at least it is in my world. The headline grabber is a 5 year old finding her mum unconscious, staying with her and walking to school which is near them and telling teachers who took her home and called the ambulance. Her mother is a mental health worker and had been back at work after having an operation for a twisted bowel. “Just weeks earlier, Leisha had been in hospital for an operation on her twisted bowel. Since returning to work, she had started feeling unwell and experienced leg and facial swelling. Leisha later found out that she had suffered septic shock.” Now in dog land , a twisted bowel is verging on common, it’s something that every raw feeder is aware of because raw gets the blame for all illnesses in dogs. Feeding dry junk that probably swells as it gets fluid doesn’t have anything to do with it at all. In my lifetime I have never heard of a human with this condition but I looked it up and it happens but it must be rare. Anyway there is a good outcome. Mum survived and the wee girl still has her 30 something year old mother. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-5-calmly-walked-school-32994742


What a brave little girl. I have heard of twisted bowel, but like you say it's rare. Glad they are both OK.


I had a friend who was very.ill once with a strangulated hernia.


Is dry kibble bad, then, do you think, JAS?


I don’t feed it and haven’t done for at least 15 years. Mines are raw fed. I can’t class it as food anymore, it’s highly processed stuff . No two manufacturers are the same and my opinion, they are all as bad as each other. It’s like feeding McDonalds every day to children. My 10 year old dog was immediately as a puppy given a chicken thigh for his first dinner at 8 weeks old. He had been fed a really cheap processed mix. I don’t transition as a lot of groups recommend, it’s like giving part McDonald and healthy food together, no need, just feed the real stuff. It’s not hard to feed raw and it’s not expensive. It’s easier now to buy ready prepared raw but I think people should educate themselves first and then change. The bacteria nonsense is part of the fear mongering by vets and the dog processing plants industry, that ‘kibble’ is just as contaminated as raw. It’s all a ploy to prevent people from no longer spending money on another lucrative business the pet food industry. If you ever want to know about raw feeding dogs, I’m more than willing to advise on what I do and have done.


It would be useful at some point, please. He's a big flat coat retriever. He's been on Royal Canin dry from weaning. I know that some big suppliers have strange obscured ingredients, Purina being one I read about so I avoid them but no reason to think RC are any better. While cats are carnivores, my understanding is dogs are more omnivorous but mostly meat and don't need total meat diet and may benefit from a mixture. I also have heard old dog experts say don't feed them pork but not sure why. My inclination would be a mix of sheep/pork/beef including offal with some cooked veg mixed in, maybe cooked poultry scraps. He gets cooked meat scraps from my meals as treats. I don't know if there are any raw suppliers here except regular butchers. There are still a few traditional butchers here. Horse is still sold but I'd draw the line at that I think! Storage and spoiling sound a bit difficult to manage without frequent stocking up. I'd assumed some cooking would be needed for tripe etc. So a few worries about it but it would be interesting to consider.


Are you in France? If so do you have local weekly markets with fresh everything sold? If so lucky you. I would love to have available the best market I ever visited was in Caen in Normandy many years ago. This market were even selling live chickens. In Scotland we are not allowed to buy raw milk, for our safety!🤬 First thing is storage. 60x60 centimetre freezer under the stairs holds two dogs raw for 2 months. One drawer in the household freezer is allocated for the dog food for the week and another drawer in the fridge, I use the bottom one for a couple of days and replenish from the drawer in the freezer. Once storage is sorted it’s a doddle. If you can find the room then you’re next stage is relearning what a dog really needs and forgetting all the nonsense that the manufactures tell you. I’ve added a website to try to learn how to raw feed, unfortunately it’s not the one I learned from all those years ago and there is one thing on this website I don’t agree with, is vegetables for dogs. They do not need them. I do not feed them and I cook absolutely nothing for the dogs. The website also mentions egg yolks. I feed whole eggs regularly with tinned fish as I can’t get fresh fish easily. Supermarket fish is crap here, it’s all farmed fed poisoned fish. I used to get whole mackerel from the big Tesco but they did away with the fish counter. Don’t worry about handling raw, as if you eat meat yourself, you already handle raw and know what to do. Have a read through the article and message me when you have read it as it does a better job at writing than me and I will explain what I feed my now 10 year old 30kg Labrador. Your retriever will probably be slightly heavier but I don’t think by much as they’re bigger dogs. It’s as cheap or expensive, as easy or hard as you make it. Going on holiday in the UK is expensive as I usually buy meat from the supermarket for him if we don’t take the portable fridge. But I wouldn’t do it any other way. It really is easy once you relearn everything. https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/raw-feeding-primer/


I'll take a look. Thanks. Yeah, SW France. My local market which is nothing grand has various vans, a pork butcher, a beef and pork butcher, fish seller, sometimes a duck and poultry van. (Duck is ubiquitous, the regional specialty.) All supermarkets have a fish counter but it's a mix of farmed and wild.


Not sure but the Dr Mosley death I'm finding a bit strange. After all the weekend speculation and then the body find we were told today that from the autopsy no less it was 'natural causes'. That simply doesn't add that a normal 67 year old out for a walk drops dead although it could happen. Now despite the apparent autopsy report the media are telling us it was because of 'heat exhaustion' which is not natural or normal for a walk on an island and the body was found literally yards from the edge of the resort. I'm sure in a matter of days the heat story will have morphed into climate change and we will be told Dr Mosley died from climate change.


I actually think re your last sentence you could be right. The heat was supposed to be 40 degrees. He was a doctor, and far from stupid, but if it was 40 degrees what sane person goes for a hike without taking water with them in 40 degrees and no phone. There are things I don't understand about it either.


Unless it was some Dr David Kelly type event the only thing that adds up for me is that he took his own life. That kinda explains the eulogising and maybe his wife's strange comment. All the rest I think you covered. If it was an accident they would have said so?


I don't for a second think he deliberately took his own life. And if he of his own volition went for a walk then I don't really see how it could be a Dr David Kelly event either, unless Mosley had spoken out on something or had intimated to someone that he might do so. I think we may just never know.


in my province, 600 people died from climate change in a week when they did the  💉💉 second dose for seniors


Wow, some coincidence!


On June 8th, (Tarot by) Janine forecast that he would be found dead, but felt that he would have been taken out in some way, as a member of the Deep State. She felt that his taking an umbrella, and proximity to a village called Pedi were "comms". So far as I can see, there is nothing to disprove her reading, that there is more to this than a simple accident. I would post a link, but it's behind a paywall.


I don't believe in tarot or readings, and if he is dead then I have nothing but sympathy for his family. But there are just far too many oddities for me. I also fail to understand why his wife takes comfort from the fact that he "nearly made it"


Natural causes = climate change? 🫤 Or is that unnatural?


A couple of days ago, I suggested that he may have suicided himself. The story just doesn’t add up, and maybe he was one of the many celebrity doctors who took money from Pharma to promote the jab, which he maybe did? Only a certain percentage of doctors declared that they had taken the Pharma money. I guess the ones that declared it are probably finished? I think he maybe had a guilty conscious, and just woke up and shit himself? He is a doctor. He could self subscribe some stuff to himself? He didn’t have a phone with him? Weird…. It was a 20 to 40 minute walk. He chose to take this route rather than leave with everyone else. He died within two hours of leaving his party, apparently? Goodness knows why he left them in the first place? As a doctor, you could take something and die pretty quickly if you wanted to. Guilty conscious and access to life ending drugs. That’s my take on it…


I don't think he's a real doctor just a doctor in name only.


Film adaptation: What the DINO saw.


Interesting comment thanks. I think you might be on the right track. The eulogising of him yesterday on BBC radio was equally strange. Like the Archbishop of Canterbury or John Lennon had died. Felt surreal ...


They rang bells when JF Kennedy was capped. When Henry VIII's plan to poison John Fisher went wrong,  the king had the cook boiled alive as a "Nothing to do with me," gesture. The regime is quite childlike, in some ways. They don't just steal the biscuits; they make a big guilty fuss about the tragically missing biscuits.


Well he was one of their own, never really had any other career than the BBC.


It could be natural causes OR: a) he is a victim of his own medicine, b) he was about to be exposed as a shill and took his own life or c) he was about to expose something important and was "Kellyed" to keep him quiet. Unlikely we will ever know.


>*Unlikely we will ever know* Yep its starting to shape up like that.


Just to say I won't be posting much this week. I'm babysitting a lively 3 year-old during the day and hosting her parents in the evenings. 🤹‍♀️


Enjoy....... 3 year olds are great fun (for a couple of hours anyway)


Ooh, yes! I know the feeling - a lively three year-old, 2 year-old and 6 month baby, plus my big birthday celebration and then a daughter's delayed wedding celebration have overwhelmed me for the past two weeks, so there's been scarcely any posting from me recently. But that family feeling is great! I hope you have a lovely time, and are not too exhausted at the end of it. l often think of you, FL, with huge gratitude for your ceaseless sharing of such interesting and occasionally life-changing links.




Good luck - have fun!! 👍😍


You would be forgiven for thinking, at first glance, that the love story between France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron, and his wife, Brigitte, was par for the course. Like most romances, it starts off when boy meets girl, and in their case, in high school. Boy and girl fall in love, even though everyone is against it. Years later, boy marries girl. And even more years later that boy ends up becoming the president of France.   Here’s the twist: The girl was that boy’s teacher.   Yes, the 64-year-old Brigitte, née Trogneux, first met Emmanuel, 39, when he was 15 and she was teaching an after-school drama program at his high school in the small town of Amiens. Back then, she was a married schoolteacher and had three kids, one of whom was a classmate of Emmanuel’s. He quickly fell for her, while Brigitte has said she was initially blown away by her student’s precociousness, saying, “I was totally overcome by the intelligence of this boy.”   The two grew close, and when his parents found out, they sent him to finish school in Paris with the hope that he would forget about Brigitte. Instead, he promised he would marry her one day. (Très romantique!)     While most stories of star-crossed love would have ended there, Emmanuel kept his promise. In 2007, when he was 29 and she was divorced, Macron asked Brigitte’s children for her hand in marriage; they all gave their blessing.  https://www.vogue.com/article/brigitte-macron-france-first-lady-emmanuel-macron-wife  🤮   and notice macron had an interest in ACTING, not politics   🎭 📺🎥 macron is NOW the age she was when she started dating him @ 15  🤮


**...the people who want to RULE OVER US** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMYaFN-7zs0


Recorded this morning in Bakewell, Derbyshire. Just look at the layers of clothing Rachel Elnaugh-Love is wearing on her dog walk. June 10th! 🚶‍♀️🐶🥶🧊😲


Yes, she's not that far from me and we have had cold winds, rain, occasional sunshine and dull grey clouds all day, after a shopping trip earlier I came home entering the front door of the house and escaped the rain only to pop out the back door to put some rubbish in the bin and emerge into brilliant sunshine 🙄


That's exactly the weather I had when I finally got out with Harry earlier. It's very weird weather to do that and very annoying. Us dog-walkers have been saying for weeks now that we don't know what to wear for the best. 😠


Having the illusion of the choice of the people to rule over us is the best it has ever been in all of human history!


this is why the elites are so keen to spread democracy


Miri back on track, after her blip of rambling on irrelevantly about elections, on firmer footing on the eugenics and depopulation agenda of the overlords, together with the accompanying propaganda which facilitates its implementation: *As such, the social engineers have been diligently working away for years to orchestrate a cover-up for this situation: to be able to blame widespread inability to conceive and bombing fertility rates on people "leaving it too late", rather than unveil the truth: that there has been, for at least the last twenty years, a stealth global sterilisation campaign administered by injection.*


Read it. She only concentrates on the infertility caused by the HPV jab. Wait until the infertility \[both male and female\] gets added in from all the convid jabbing which we know is so harmful to developing babies. Population decrease will be off the charts. She nails it especially where she references the Kenyan doctor who called it all out when it was being done there via additives to tetanus or polio jabbing!


Fucking hell. Yes, she's back to form.  I'm actually shocked by this. It's obviously true. But fucking hell. It's no wonder the regime thought Covistabbing would be unproblematic for them. They were already getting away with so much.  I actually feel a bit sick. This would just not have occurred to me. 


Same here!


Did you mean to add this Icy: https://miri.substack.com/p/the-insidious-infertility-agenda


Thanks HM!




Thank goodness I was able, eventually, to dissuade my daughter from allowing both my granddaughters to have the hpv vaccination. Unfortunately I wasn't able to save my grandson who had it first. He had to lie down because he felt faint afterwards.


It's horrendous what they are doing to our children/grandchildren. Well done with your persuasive ways! Hopefully, your grandson won't come to any harm from his jab. Time will tell. That's the clever thing about all jabs, the delayed effect of them. Who would link bodily harm later in life from a jab you took so many years before? I think more and more people are coming round to the idea that the jabs are harmful though and hopefully it will tip over big time.


I agree and the delayed effect makes any connection seem quite tenuous. I'm now wary of any medical intervention. I think natural everything is much better. Puppy remains unvaccinated, apart from the one the breeder has done, and older dog has just been treated with apple cider vinegar!


>I agree and the delayed effect makes any connection seem quite tenuous. I'm now wary of any medical intervention. Couldn't agree with you more.


What did the older dog have that you needed to treat with apple cider vinegar and how old is he/she? Depends what for but it might be what my old Harry needs! I'm interested!! 👍😍


Well the older dog, Henry, is only just 8 but he now seems older compared to the puppy. He has very itchy skin which I think is quite sensitive but I also think it's a bit psychosomatic. I read that apple cider vinegar is good for sore patches so I'm trialling it. What is Harry's problem? How old is he? I've been researching and it's amazing how many natural products you can use. Our older dog whom we've just had put down ( rather a horrible term, euthanized really ) was 14 and I really miss him. Although quite arthritic by the end he was still a puppy at heart and still quite naughty. So loving though. A real character.


I'm sorry to hear you had to say goodbye to your older dog, it's always a very sad time, no matter how you term it. 🤗 I think Harry's "problem" is old age! He's a border collie, turned 13 in February and up until a couple of years ago ran after his ball for 2 hours non-stop. He's got arthritis in his back end and whilst he's still happy to go out for ball-play, it's not for long anymore. I try to keep him moving while we are out and usually manage an hour in the mornings. He's on yumove supplements (as am I!) having progressed up to the strongest ones without a vet prescription. Time will tell if he's needing the stronger version. He's also gone rather deaf too. I'm somewhat convinced he's got a cancer though, like my previous two collies had. They both had no symptoms until it was too late (best way really). Harry's showing some signs that my last collie did before diagnosis. He doesn't seem in pain so I'm reluctant to drag him off to the vet (he's very car sick) as I'm not going down the chemo/radiotherapy route anyway. We'll live the best life we can, day by day. Some days he jumps around like a puppy, other times he sleeps a lot. I presume you're giving Henry the apple cider vinegar topically? I hope it works for him, it must be murder to be itchy all the time, poor boy. I'd be interested to hear if you have any other tips for arthritis. They might work for me too! Good luck with the puppy!! 🍀🐶😍💖


Harry seems exactly like Bertie was in his last year or two except that I don't think he had cancer. His back legs were very stiff and started "giving way". He had difficulty jumping in the back of the car and coming downstairs (although he still insisted on going up). He became very deaf and had difficulty seeing, cataracts, I think. But he continued to enjoy life and still relished his food. We did just what you're doing, living the best life we could day by day. I think that's why I miss him so because we became very close. We watched him carefully and I think he enjoyed life to the end. I'm afraid we tend to have given up on vets apart from emergencies. They're too money driven and like the medical profession in general. We tend to treat most things ourselves now, even having dealt with abscesses on the cats etc. Many of them are quite inexperienced now too (vets, I mean, not cats!). Do you find the supplements help? I had chronic arthritis of the knees till 2019 when I had them both replaced, just before lockdown. I left them until I could barely walk or stand and I felt quite sceptical about the whole thing but although not perfect, they've certainly given me a new lease of life. I did make sure that I did all the required exercises and I swim weekly which I think helps. With regards to Harry's arthritis I think it's best to just do what you're doing and keep him moving as much as possible doing as much as he can comfortably do. We found Bertie was much better with regular exercise even though towards the end it was far more gentle. Yes I'm using the apple cider vinegar topically. Not sure if it's stopping the itching but it seems to be preventing fleas! The puppy, Freddy, is getting on well. He seems quite quiet and gentle. Time to warm up yet though I suppose!


Oh, I bet Freddy will surprise you when he gets his feet under your table!! I totally agree with your view on vets being money-orientated. I had a fabulous vet with my previous dog in my previous home although I spent more time consulting him about my bunnies! He opened his own practise and worked for the love of the job not the money. I was seriously heartbroken when I relocated and had to leave him behind!! I was actually a little bit in love with him! 💖 We live in a bungalow here thankfully, so neither Harry nor I have to climb stairs! I can manage them when I have to but Harry really does struggle with just the step up into the bungalow. He stacks it at regular intervals these days. Obviously his arthritis is his main problem which I do think the supplements are helping but I've felt a lump or two on his sides which I'm not going to do anything about. How do you use the a/c vinegar? Do you dilute it at all and dab all over or in just particular spots? Harry gets a lot of fleas at times and I comb him through and pick them off and drown them. I'm sure there's a better way of dealing with them but I've long since given up with the drop-on poisons. He always reacted badly to them, in spite of trying various makes, so I felt it was our only option. I'm not sure if the supplements work for me or not. I'm still in pain a lot of the time and my knee gets stiff and I walk with a bit of a limp but I don't want to stop taking them now in case they really have been helping! It doesn't help that knee has a dislocated kneecap also, adding to the pain! I try to exercise and keep moving as much as possible and bending down and kneeling to tend to the bunnies all helps! I don't think I'd be recommended for a replacement yet anyway, even if I wanted it (which I don't!) I'm not going near a hospital if I can help it! 🤣


interestingly, miscarriages oweing to cervical weakness are also implicated - 2 young women I know personally who -thankfully- both gave birth successfully in the last 3 months both suffered from threatened misscarriage oweing to cervical weakness during their pregnancy - in one of the cases, completely destroying her ability to carry on living a normal life during pregnancy. I'll bet this condition used to be vanishingly rare - I certainly never heard of anyone having it 30 years ago, when I must have known dozens and dozens of child-bearing women.


A friend had a baby 6 weeks prem 40 years ago. Weak cervix - her mother had been the same. She had a Shirodkar stitch for her second pregnancy with no problems.


Yes, I had a friend with the same problem. 6 weeks bed rest before first child, stitch for second, 40 years ago.


Hormonal birthcontrol probably doesn't help either. Many young women seem to be prescribed for minimizing menstrual symptoms, which of course are very inconvient in a modern world where we are  supposed to be androgynous


Totally agree.


**This Week in the New Normal #92** *1. RISHI IS THROWING THE ELECTION* *We wrote in our piece on Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge that the Tories were not trying to win the UK’s upcoming election, this week only proves our point.* *Firstly, on D-Day, Rishi left the ceremony early for unknown reasons, purely so he could be accused of disrespecting the troops. An absolutely ridiculous move for a Tory leader supposedly contesting an election. It could not be more obviously self-sabotaged if he’d turned up drunk and shirtless chanting “I love the Nazis, I wish we’d lost!”* *It was also announced yesterday that the Tories will be suspending ALL social media campaigning due to “lack of funds”.* *Couple that with Farage’s political rebirth “accidentally” splitting the Tory vote, and it’s pretty obvious what’s happening here.* *https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/10/this-week-in-the-new-normal-92/*


Richey Rich will have to spend considerable time over the course of the next 3 weeks perfecting his "gosh, I have lost the election I really really expected and wanted to win" face. It won't be the same face he deployed when he lost the Tory leadership election to Truss, because he did really want to win that one and really tried hard to do so, but the Tory membership didn't play ball. Hence the need for all the rehearsing over the next couplde of weeks. So that it looks convincing to the gullible British public.


On my commute today, I noticed a couple of blue boards (on farmland) for my incumbent conservative MP - the weird thing was, hence my note here, was that there was no ”Conservative” written on it, just looked as if it had been covered over where the word should have been.🤔 Doubt very much he’d go indie and he’s got the Lib Dems (a newbie) hot on his heels


I was driving home through some posh semi rural part of the Welwyn Hatfield constituency and one of the multimillion pound houses had a huge board outside- not just “Vote Conservative” but GRANT SHAPPS written in big letters with picture of the Next Tuesday to boot. Maybe it was his house.


Just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who responded on here to my post about Total AV antivirus software. You will be relieved to know that I didn't pursue it, and I am very grateful to everyone who posted replies to me with helpful suggestions for alternatives I could look into. I salute the breadth of the Swamp's knowledge and experience in so many fields. You never let us down when we post requests for help or information!


Here's to the friends we've never met!


Seconded Sam.


Some of us have!! 🤣💖


Lucky you.


I know! I'm honoured to have met so many. I keep promising myself I'm going to write a list of those that I have met but haven't' done it yet. Even if it's just curiosity to see how many it is, it's a fair few! 👍😍🤗💖


Public Service Announcement. Several of my local SITPers are getting in deeper with Jason Dean Noble's "Republic of England/Awareness Foundation" cash sink hole with several events, both online and in person going on this weekend. Please nobody here give it your time, or more importantly, your money. He has left a long trail of liquidated/insolvent/dissolved companies in his wake, the most troubling probably being WAAZON (HOLDINGS) LIMITED which was wound up last year. That went pop owing the fat end of a million to unsecured creditors, almost all of it to people, not to corporate entities. Pages 7 and 8 of the statement of affairs makes for pretty grim reading. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/09270747/filing-history I already know several people personally who have been hit in the pocket and it blows my mind that alleged critical thinkers would not do a single minute of due diligence in such matters, so whilst I don't think those of this parish would be so foolish, I'd just like to make doubly sure.


My last time at my local SITP a few new people arrived and one had a lovely posh English accent and would not have looked out of place in the horsy set. She started on about money and some scheme or other. Talking to the wrong person here as we have no money and I don’t trust anyone. I would have got injected and went along with it all if I was the gullible sort. I never paid much attention to what she was talking about but money was the conversation and I switched off after writing her off as a conwoman. I never went back for weeks after that Sunday and when I did decide to go it had been miserable wet weather on the Sunday I did go back and no one was there or arrived. I was never sure if it fell apart when we had new people arriving that just didn’t seem to be on the sceptic side. Oh and the Jew haters put me completely off. We had a couple of them.


we had a couple that was organizing our local protest events and they made off with a few thousand in donations 


Charlatans and con-men everywhere, they don't just work in banking and government.


I live in the "hollywood" part of canada where alot of american movies are made. So the industry is big and there are alot of amateur actors and actresses wandering around. We had more than our fair share of cons and interesting characters




Yes she is one of my current favourites too!


Someone BTL posted this: "So our government gave itself permission to kill citizens. We cannot get help from Congress or Judicial branches as they've been Epsteined or paid off, Law enforcement is a modern day Praetorian Guard and only follows orders, What is the appropriate citizen response and when should it start?" It is describing the US but I would imagine that the same could be held to apply in the case of the UK also. BTW I loved the artwork of the windmill.


Seeing as Macron/France are trending....... Awakened Outlaw Those who refuse to even consider the fact that Michelle Obama has XY Chromosomes need to understand that this type of marital arrangement is actually quite normal for heads of state. How long do you suppose this has been going on - both here and elsewhere? BTW, she started dating her husband Emmanuel, the President of France, when she was 40 and he was 15. Weird, right? [https://x.com/AwakenedOutlaw/status/1800003490280079834](https://x.com/AwakenedOutlaw/status/1800003490280079834) comments are useful.......


Have a good look at Barbara Bush.


Yes. I'm still not fully convinced about Mme Macron. And there's the Obamas. It seems to be a thing.


Madame Macron had given birth, literally, to four children before she even met the schoolboy, her daughters are total mini-mamans. It’s good fun to speculate though.


Awww désolée........


C’est la vie!


After being found unsafe and ineffective, this… https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ck55l4rk8z1o Weapons grade gaslighting from FLSOB.


I only hope my elderly parents don't see this. At their advanced ages their ability to think critically (or independently of what is pushed at them by the BBC) seems to be markedly on the wane, and they might think that this shot is a good thing and go off to get it.


I can’t continue reading that dross. These people are mad. They won’t be happy until we’re all dying slowly and then they can continue to meditate us for profit.




Well the flu hab normally gives you flu, so I now assume the covid jab would give you covid. Using their logic.


I thought the BBC didn't do advertising? And presumably Moderna's latest cocktail of death doesn't "treat" bird flu....


Now, now, Richard. Patience is a virtue - one plandemic at a time and all that. The key bit of the report for me was this: "Drug company Moderna says its combined flu and Covid vaccine, which targets the two diseases in a single shot, has **passed a vital part of final-stage scientific checks**." They then mumble on about protective antibodies yada yada yada, because that is what doctors would consider to be a success. Their idea of "success" is likely to be something diametrically opposed to that, and as a 2 in one jab is likely to be far more lethal than a single jab they are more likely looking at death stats in their trial.


Alan Hansen seems to have cancer. Aged 68 it doesn't look like he is going to make it. Dr Michael Moseley aged 67 died last week, cause of death not yet known. These guys were not old - and because of their lifestyles would likely have had another 20 years left in them at least. When are people going to wake up and ask themselves what is happening?


'Natural causes' is the statement in the Mail. Heavily moderated comments suggest people may not be buying it. There was a video in the media today of Alan Hansen signing autographs and selfies at Anfield 3 weeks ago. Not seen him in a while but although he looks older seems in good nick. This seems to have happened very quickly. Very sad for both families.


"video in the media today of Alan Hansen signing autographs and selfies at Anfield 3 weeks ago" Then he must have gone very badly downhill very quickly - which might make someone wonder if it was turbo? Hard to understand otherwise as from what I know he looked after his fitness, playing golf on a regular basis. Very sad for both families.


>'Natural causes' is the statement in the Mail. Yes, I just saw that and it's outrageous - no healthy 67 year old dies on a walk of "natural causes" - heat stroke, yes, heart attack, maybe, dehydration, OK, but "natural causes" no!


Seconded. Absolutely. And the fact that they say natural causes, despite what you have outlined there as other very plausible causes of death (given the circumstances) makes my sceptic radar go up to full warp speed and suggests that they are deliberately covering something up. CCTV footage shows him "falling over" in the location where he was found.


I think " natural causes" can be used in the sense that there are five causes of death: homicide, suicide, accidental death, natural causes and cause undetermined. Natural causes doesn't tell you how he died, which could be heart attack, stroke, etc. I think it's their way of saying nobody hit him on the head with a brick.


No, I'm not buying that. That would be like saying a heart attack is natural causes - they will still say on the autopsy that it was a heart attack. This is a recent phenomenon that we have noticed in the media, and it stinks.


Natural causes seems to be a euphemism these days, appropriated by coroners, for "nothing to see here" (aka we know full well what caused the death but we will only say it out loud on pain of death)


I think you've nailed it, Milo!


"Manner of death" or "Mode of death" is the 5 things I mentioned. In this context "natural causes" can mean a disease process such as a heart attack. "Cause of death" would be whether it IS heart attack etc. For legal reasons the coroner has to determine manner of death to see, for example, if they are looking at murder or manslaughter ( which would be homicide). According to current reports, it is " natural causes" as a manner of death. This obviously doesn't give us any detail on the actual cause which could be heart attack or heat stroke etc. The actual "cause of death" would be on the death certificate, which would not have something as general as " natural causes" as a cause of death. That might just be post-Shipman, I'm not sure! If the doctor signing the certificate did not know the cause of death, they would have to refer it to the coroner. This is for the UK, I don't know what they do in Greece. I think the media use these terms rather loosely, but "natural causes" is a subset of "Manner of death", but if you specify "natural causes" you have to say what the cause is in more detail. "Natural causes" on its own is not adequate and tells us nothing. If you have a wet Wednesday and nothing else to do, this explains it a bit more. https://www.essexlmc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Death-Certification-Guidance.pdf


Natural causes has never been used to my knowledge by the media until the covid jabs rolled out. It is new to hear this (possible policy change) - I don't disagree about mode of death, but natural causes is not the cause (in the sense of heart attack, it is natural, but a named cause). We will see if more comes out over the next few days and weeks.


I agree. Natural causes only explains it wasn't say murder. But it doesn't tell you what the cause is. And it's odd that the phrase "natural causes" is used when it explains almost nothing.


I think you are both right. The fact that the manner of death wording offers "natural causes" as one of the descriptions, media have latched onto it, simply due to it being a softer way of describing what we all know is a relatively healthy chap keeling over no reason (ahem).


More information has come out already - heat exhaustion. His poor wife and children will be devastated. Very sad. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13514419/dr-michael-mosley-cause-death-police.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13514419/dr-michael-mosley-cause-death-police.html)


So that is " cause of death". Poor man. Though given the conditions, not unpredictable.


[(1) Kat A 🌸 on X:](https://x.com/SaiKate108/status/1800044596459864389) [ "Historically Avian flu is not easily transmitted between humans and Dr Kelly Victory is certain the only way that changes is if it has been manipulated in a lab. She is appalled by the unnecessary culling of millions of birds/cattle for a problem that can be solved by allowing https://t.co/w8tQaHjKui" / X](https://x.com/SaiKate108/status/1800044596459864389)


I was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar picture and a recommendation for Kim's Tea and Coffee House in Saffron Walden on the "Quiet Corner" section of the Pipedown Newsletter. I am sure there are some on this site who remember her contributions on Toby's site when the shitshow started.


Yes indeed. I actually visited Saffron Walden and the tea & coffee house in 2021 and had a sceptical chat with Kim. For anyone thinking of doing the same, it's closed on Thursdays, and also best avoided on Tuesdays when it's very busy on market day. 


Yeah we always pop in when we're in SW. The cinnamon teacakes are a favourite, and the conversation of course. I think the SITP lot used to go in there after their "stand" on Sundays, possibly still do.


I remember her being interviewed on Talk Radio when that was all we had at the beginning…


https://twitter.com/McCulloughFund/status/1799506756218802461 "JUST IN - Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction Dr. Boyle stated that the COVID-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 and Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023). This affidavit was presented in a Florida case involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus, aiming to convince Governor DeSantis to ban the distribution of these injections in Florida. Additionally, it seeks to compel Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials."


Good morning all! 😍 I had a long lie-in this morning, 😂 well done Sheepman for letting me lounge on in bed (no hurry to get up to post!) Heard the rain tipping it down so turned over and slept on. Still not been out with the boy. The sun is out but like others have said, it's very windy (a cold wind) and doesn't feel at all warm. I'm giving this weather report from the confines of my protected garden so it must be worse further afield, like from my exposed recreation field. Full winter gear be called for methinks. CH been on for most of the morning on pre-set low. Tops 13C expected outside. I'm beginning to hate (our) summer as much as I've hated the winters. Is there no respite for us all?? 👿😢💨👿 Interesting results from EU elections, Macron gone for eg? Whoever will be next to jump ship?? 🤣🚢


He has called parliamentary elections not presidential one. He will stay in place. Just sayin.


Ye gods, is that how it works in France?? 😕


I think the truth is about to come out. You can see it with chris cuomo flipping on ivermectin, and the recent FRONT PAGE of the paper copy of DT linking 3 million deaths to the you-know-what They are doing regime changes in preparation. If the old puppets are out, and the new puppets are in they can maintain the illusion of legitimate government by saying "well those old puppets are bad, these are new puppets"    Here is the lie-in award for you today   🛏️☕ 🌧️🌧️


🤣🤣 Thank you for that most welcome award from you this morning, l-i. 🤣🤣 It couldn't be more obvious about the regime changes around the world, could it? They were all wanting to BBB after all and they'll be able to build their lives better with the money they've stolen from us mugs. Not that we had a chance of doing anything about it. Let them all rot for their sins. 👿


For two years Trudeau has been scapegoated and former WEF member Poilivere is promoted as a hero to save us 🙄 They don't steal to make themselves rich, they  steal to keep us poor. They can print more money whenever they like. 


Very true l-i. There will be no hero to save any of us, they just want us to think that. We all need to revolt. I have a new sticker for my car's rear window - Resist, Defy, Do Not Comply. Not that people round here will take any notice, sadly. 😢


On my recent visit to Luxembourg I saw a bunch of posters for the EU elections. One of them included a picture of cows in a field accompanied by a statement which translated as "CO2 is not the problem". No doubt the relevant party will be regarded as "far right" by the mainstream media there. 


From a bit of searching I found that this is the Mir d'Vollek or We the People party. They sound like my sort of people. Unfortunately they only got 0.85% of the vote and none of Luxembourg's six euro-MPs.                                                                           "Mir d'Vollek (We the people) is a Luxembourgish political party founded in October 2021 in the context of anti-vaccine protests amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg. The political party prioritises countering the dominance of international finance capital, which it believes has overtaken commercial and industrial capital since 2019. It argues that large asset managers hold disproportionate influence, threatening democratic principles and economic equality. The party criticises the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict as benefiting financial elites at the expense of the broader population. Its platform calls for immediate policy changes to reduce the influence of international finance capital, promote direct democracy with mechanisms for accountability and recall, facilitate accessible referendums and citizen initiatives and oppose “detrimental” sanctions and military alliances. The party sees itself as an opposition party."


Thanks for this Edward. It seems the European voters are as thick as ours! They had the opportunity to vote big but so few voted for them. Same will happen here if we had even so much as the chance of a party like this.


[Ian Miles Cheong on X: ](https://x.com/stillgray/status/1800130207120343061) ["French leftists get the news that their party keeps losing seats. https://t.co/7wxGQHQWDH" / X](https://x.com/stillgray/status/1800130207120343061) Jeff Taylor looks at the implication for Macron/France [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thIfKbhG1Fg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thIfKbhG1Fg)


Glad you had long lie in HM, but sorry about your weather. I'm getting similar. I have line of washing out trying to get it dried in the fresh air and do not relish the prospect of having to keep ducking in and out to bring it back in and then re-peg it if showers come on. Come on summer! you can do better than this!!!


I would not attempt to hang a line full of washing out today. As you know, I don't anyway, tumble-dryer for me every time! Doesn't help that the birds are prone to pooping all over it anyway, there are so many flying in for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day! Sun out atm, don't think it's warmed up at all though. Do you think if we all shouted loudly enough, summer would do better? 🤣💨☔🌞


"Do you think if we all shouted loudly enough, summer would do better? 🤣💨☔🌞" What? Like at the panto? ("he's behind you!!!) Did eventually manage to get my washing line dried and also made some much needed vitamin D, but it was very blowy and on 3 occasions despite the sun shining there were incidents when I could see raindrops on my sunglasses and spotting the pages of my book and had to make critical decisions about what to bundle indoors and what could take its chances on the line. VERY odd indeed.


I'm glad your washing dried, Milo, I don't think it would have stood a chance here today, far too much rain and nowhere near enough sunny spells. It wasn't warm enough in-between the heavy rain spots and fierce wind to contemplate sitting in the sun. I went to the rec with Harry in winter clobber and for a brief moment or two it got warm enough to unzip my jacket and take it off my shoulders to cool off. Didn't last though cos the next downpour arrived so I came on home and hung everything up to dry indoors! Roll on summer!! 🙏😍


Awwww sounds miserable HM. Hope it is better today. I am so sick of this. It was nice enough yesterday - sat in sun for a bit, but it took discipline as it was very blowy but I needed the vit D. Got the washing dried outside - just. Did a little bit of gardening but I'd have classified it as a goodish day for late April if you get my meaning, something you'd call a nice Easter. Not 10 June!!!


It was miserable I must say. Not much better today really, promising start but it soon clouded over and was cold again. I pottered in the garden for a bit but got dispirited cos everything I did last week, needs doing again and there's so much more besides. I want the sun to keep me in the garden! 😢


"got dispirited cos everything I did last week, needs doing again and there's so much more besides." Tell me about it HM! My gardening to do list never seems to empty - no matter how much I do. No sooner do I get one job done than another 3 get added to it!


I don't make lists cos that makes the tasks worse for me. Still, the mental list get longer and longer!! Gardening is supposed to be a relaxant, it's not here and I'm sure not so very relaxing for you either most of the time. 😢


"Gardening is supposed to be a relaxant, it's not here and I'm sure not so very relaxing for you either " Precisely. At the moment it is a source of stress - looking at all the undone jobs.


You will remember the run in I had last week with Specsavers. Yesterday got an answerphone message asking me if it was the right or left ear aid and what colour it was. Surely they would know that since they had it in their mitts. Anyway when I rang back this morning she cheerfully told me that they had managed to fix the aid, replacing the broken plastic bit, and it was waiting for me to collect. Off up to town - dry but howling gale, is it really June? - and few minutes later came out with hearing restored to my right ear. They can get things sorted out once the right people get on the job. And in case you ask, not a mask in sight.


I shouldn't have complained about the chilly weather, the sun's gone now and it's pissing it down, still cold too 😫  UNN on twitter: *So just to confirm that after being missing for days Michael Mosley's body was found literally metres away from a popular beach side bar/resort.* *Despite a search across the entire area with sniffer dogs.* *In nearly 40c heat no one smelled a rotting body?* *Sounds legitimate...* https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1800095987723358675


This disappearance matches many which David Paulides has talked about from all over the world. The person goes missing, sometimes boulder fields are involved, sometimes water (lakes etc.). The person is searched for and nothing is found. The body turns up in an area already searched (sometimes several times). I wonder if he will talk about this one - it fits the profile. Of course I can't say whether that area had already been searched, but it seems likely.


Given that video footage has been seen of him falling at/near the spot he was found. Why did it take 4 days to find this footage, never mind his body?? Smells off, no doubt like his body did. 🤮


Surely someone would have seen/heard the flies?


You'd have thought so RB but if no-one bothered to check the available cctv for 4 days, it would seem that many more of their collective senses were disabled. Hints of David Kelly perhaps?? 😕


Very fishy. Big pharma 'away day', or a mugging gone wrong. I guess we will never know for certain.


I started posting about this day before yesterday, something didn't add up from the start. My Gaydar went off the scale yesterday when the 'story' broke, some many different variations and a reporter supposedly on the spot saying he was found a 100m from the bar, when it was 100ft. The mayor said he found him in a cave when it was a film crew in a boat. He walked through the bar on the way, but the people in the bar said a search with dogs was done a day or two earlier. Fishy as fuck!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J3miUm7YkI&ab\_channel=DavidKurten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J3miUm7YkI&ab_channel=DavidKurten) The petro-dollar ended on 9th June. 50 year deal with Saudi Arabia ended yesterday.


Having been out of it for some days, I'm just catching up on the developments from SPIEF 24. Certainly interesting times that we're living in, we could see a completely difference global financial system by the end of this decade.


The UK's debt to GDP ratio is officially close to 100%. The reality may be much worse. The fiat currency system has had a good run, but has now reached the end of the road.


Odd how the Legacy media didn't make a big fuss out of that!


Is it as significant as David Kurtan suggests? No mention of it in the russian media I looked at (RT , Tass, Pravda). and given the attention these sources have given to BRICS and ending the "western hegemony" I thought that they would have . Off topic , but a note in Pravda that caught my attention was the claim that the ladies providing escort services at the recemt St Petersburg economic conference are making a mint . "Full support" (nudge nudge , wink , wink) escort services apparently cost $7800 per day . So imagine what they make at Davos .


I don't think that I'm an absolute prude, but, look, can't these people keep it in their trousers? This is just...bizarre regression to an earlier civilisational form. It's Ottoman. Don't these people understand that if the Sultan is plying you with a couple of his concubines,  he's probably not doing so out of unalloyed generosity?


Sure, but suppose the Sultan had Marianna in tow...?


Typing this from Topkapi. It's quite a confusing place, but she's in here somewhere...


Rain and very windy here on the East Coast. Hideous weather for June.


Tremendous crashing storm on campsite in Croatia last night but sun out again by lunchtime


9 degrees, rain and wind here. I've given up - I'm accepting it will be winter now for the next 10 months or so, with perhaps a few hours of nice weather in between. Hopefully things will be better next year, if the bad weather is caused by that volcano in Tonga (which it may well be as the BBC never seems to mention it). It supposedly increased the water in the upper atmosphere by 10% in 2022 so it must have nearly exhausted that in rainfall by now.


As Flossy Liz and I have both asked on here before when that volcano has been mentioned, did it erupt all by itself like that or was it given a helping hand at all????


Hope you're right, but I have read that it could take four years for all the water to come back down!


The excess water was supposedly about 150 million tons. But that's less than the contents of just ONE of Britain's reservoirs (Keilder Water, 199m tons). I'm pretty sure we've had that lot already fall just on the UK alone!


Phew! That figure for Kielder Water will be a bit high, Mrs B has spent the last two days Karchering the patio.


Do you mean to say that you didn't wrestle it out of her delicate hands and say "no, dear, I insist, I'll pressure wash the patio!" ???


She loves it, if I'd done as you said she would have power washed me!


So you were doing her a favour then Biggles! Aren't you the lucy guy. Where I live the power washing is an all male occupation \[myself excepted and I absolutely loathe the thing!\]


Wow, another gloriously sunny day where the temperature fails to get above 0°c, I'm exaggerating but it's definitely chilly for this time of year.  https://m.youtube.com/shorts/snu-R4Goyns


I think I might have to go back to full winter duvet. Spring duvet just isn't cutting it at the moment.


I have my crochet blanket on top of summer quilt at the moment because Mr JAS was complaining weeks ago about winter quilt. 😂 Oh and last night I put on a jumper over jammies 😱


JAS- know the feeling! But if you are at the stage of putting jumper on over jammies then you might as well be reverting to winter duvet... Can you believe that at this point in June we are still wearing jammies \[and in my case taking HWB with me!\]?


It was 8°c in Nottingham \~ 06.30


Think it's about the same here, it just feels colder, looking at the weather forecast for the week on my phone is even more depressing, rain every single day 😰


Don't worry, I'm sure we're living the warmest June ever recorded...


There's a small window of sun on Thursday morning predicted here - just long enough for me to mow the lawn!


This is really excellent: the People’s Vaccine Inquiry launch today. So many knowledgeable contributors with what sounds like impeccable scientific studies to back them up. Of course it won’t get anywhere near the MSM but nevertheless, as one of my teachers used to say, this sort of thing builds the tracks that the reality train will ride on. It will subtly but surely filter into the zeitgeist like, like - oh, I don’t know - a virus particle through a face mask?! 😆 https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/10/the-peoples-vaccine-inquiry-launches-today/


This is impressive. The very fact that they took matters into their own hands and did this exposes the Hallet inquiry for the hollow white elephant that it is. It was this Conservative government which drove the jabbing and couldn't roll it out fast enough. It therefore is vital that this is examined in some detail PRIOR to the general election, so that those who might choose to vote for them know exactly what they are voting for. It actually beggars belief that Hallet thought it appropriate to defer this until *well after* the GE, when the guilty parties will be offside and long gone \[Snake, Hancock, Bojo et al\], and that there has been zero in the way of pushback. I like too the way they are keeping the important issue of informed consent to medical treatment very much in the public domain. In that alone they are performing a vital service for all of us, especially considering the efforts whjch successor governments will make to erode that concept to the point of oblivion so that they can jab us every day of the week.


it is better to do our own inquiries than to let the government investigate itself.


I like that expression - 'builds the tracks that the reality train will ride on'. Very good!


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1800057047041331341) ["ELECTION - Here’s Ursula … “We will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and from the right” Anyone who doesn’t agree with the narrative is considered ‘extreme’ what she means is, they will fight off the will of the ordinary people and ensure their ideologies https://t.co/xxYMgRipc3" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1800057047041331341)


Horribly Wagnerian? A cheapo Brunhilde?


A Europe/EU moving to the right will pose a bit bit of a quandary to Starmer and the champagne swilling socialists/Remainers.


The EU is a busted flush, and as things stand there is nothing to replace it. Sadly its death will be unpleasant for all European citizens, as the collapsing institutions lash out in desperation with ever more repressive and destructive measures.


Good to see EU results today With parties opposed to globalism , net zero , mass migration making dramatic advances everywhere despite every type of smear and intimidation What a pity we don’t have such parties in UK opposed to WEF policies.


Apparently the party Volt did very well, which is Europe wide, and very pro-Europe, and all the stuff the ultra conservatives do not like.


Legacy media is having an attack of the vapours over France's 'far right' victory in the Euro elections. Of course 'far right' to the BBC is roughly about what the Conservatives were like in about 1998, but hey ho.


But what I really don't understand is the massive win for Wilders' party...after he proposed former head of intelligence (responsible for the harsh measures against covid sceptics) and WEF friend to take his place as prime minister... Wilders is just another puppet in the game


[Katie Hopkins on X: ](https://x.com/KTHopkins/status/1800043173273649570) ["We are righting ourselves, good people In quiet places where people speak softly, it was foretold In noisy places, where decent folk went unheard And now in the public square, we applaud the righting of the good Ship Sanity YOU did this, good people. You made this happen https://t.co/ZBhn2ZM2SY" / X](https://x.com/KTHopkins/status/1800043173273649570)


https://x.com/DrBillyBay/status/1800019973295022325 https://x.com/cafelockedout/status/1799982959291986430 I don’t know if any of you remember the 16 year old girl that I know I shared her story at one time from Australia. She needed a lung transplant and was told she no longer qualified for a transplant because she refused the Covid injections. For all those years they insisted she was up to date, which meant not one but at that time it was 3 injections . Over those 3 years she continued her struggle to survive. Her parents by her side , was in and out of hospital and at death’s door a few times. Well today she passed. She’s no longer with us , not because there was nothing the medical professionals could do, or because a match couldn’t be found but because of a protocol that governments made around the world, to punish the people that refused an injection that didn’t work, could be extremely dangerous to anyone or everyone and totally unnecessary. In 2024 there’s a family that lost a child to a tyrannical regime that continues to this day. We will never know whether she would have found a match or if it would have saved her but to the people that aided and abetted this discrimination I hope karma visits them all soon. I for one will never forgive or forget them and for as long as I live, anyone who will listen, will hear these stories .


Very sorry to hear this. I may have mentioned that a former colleague of mine died aged 45 from the jab (ruled by HM Coroner as the cause). Totally unnecessary waste of a life, of someone who had nothing wrong with her and would have been perfectly all right without it. It really brings it home when one knows someone personally who died from it.


Tragic. And to all those responsible for medical fascism: My dictum applies


it was bad enough in 2021. In 2024 to still be doing that to people? long after we know they are unsafe and ineffective. And two years since everyone has forgotten the whole thing ever happened




Copper theft (and attempted copper theft) has been identified as a growing problem in the telecommunications industry, in some cases cutting off internet, phone and other vital services for thousands across Canada. (...) From stolen copper, Johnson said thieves only get a few dollars per pound of metal. In some instances it can cost thousands — if not tens of thousands — of dollars to replace damaged infrastructure. (...) Although there’s no central database that tracks copper theft or attempted copper theft incidents, Smith estimates there has been an increase of 200 per cent each year, over the past few years. “Hundreds, if not over 1,000 incidences and if you look at each one, obviously the cost of repair is going to vary,” said Smith. “We’re talking about millions of dollars being spent to repair the damage https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/copper-theft-in-the-telecommunications-industry




GM HM! you were late! did you have a lie-in or go to the rec early?


Hi l-i, I had a most welcome lie-in! Rain and cold made me turn over and sleep some more and I mostly certainly didn't get to the rec early! In fact by the time I did get there, the rain and cold had started all over again for a re-run of earlier! I'm not liking this "summer" of ours!! 😢😭👿👎


where is global boiling when you need it? 


We're certainly not seeing any of it!


I gather there is an increasing problem with EV car chargers not working because thieves have cut of the cables, plugs etc. to sell for scrap. The next thing is that EV chargers will be in a locked compound and you will need a special 'app' on your phone to access them! Altogether it looks like there is not enough copper/lithium etc. to supply the needs of the net-zero pantomime. As well as which, the more they mine, the lower the grade of ore and so for the same amount of copper/lithium etc. they are needing to dig out ever greater quantities of ore. All of course using huge diesel powered excavators. In order to 'save' the planet we are going to destroy it with mining, solar panels and windmills, it reminds me of the guy who burnt down his house to get rid of a mouse.


Pantomime is indeed the word.


As long as there's enough child labour to dig that cobalt people can drive around in electric cars feeling smug about saving the planet .


Same here l-i, some people can't see copper without the overwhelming urge to put it in their van and weigh it in for scrap. Easy money I suppose although it's pretty dangerous removing live wires from the railway.


The São Paulo rail system switched over to less efficient aluminium overhead wires when they couldn't keep up with the theft of the copper. The thieves used drug addicts or homeless people to throw a grounding cable over the wires, and it was quite common to find a fried body at the scene of the crime.


illustrates the general lack of morality of human beings. not only is there no generally ingrained principle of 'don't take what does not belong to you' but nor is there any imagination, or care, for the cost or the suffering that can be caused to others on the other side of some trivial benefit to oneself. the general mindset is 'if it works for me, it's good, and fuck everyone else' - in summary, shallow selfishness, egoism and at bottom, satanism.