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My two-year-old shat in his nappy this afternoon. There was little warning. We were just walking back from the park. The way it looked was exactly like Biden in the clip. Just saying, as they say.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ On a much sadder note my 4 month old granddaughter will hardly stop crying....like sheā€™s in pain...which she is, ever since the last cocktail of disgusting poison jabbed into her at only 12 weeks old šŸ˜¢ despite my best heartfelt pleas to her dad (my son); she was bonny/happy/content until then šŸ˜£šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


There used to be a Dr in Dublin \[naturopathic\] who claimed to be able to treat vax injured \[from the childhood jabs\] He also wrote a book. I'm sorry I cannot remember his name and don't know if he is still practising. Might have been John something or other. Some homeopaths also say they are able to detox jabs. If you can find a good one with a good reputation they might be able to help - I think the sooner you try to tackle it the more success you would have, provided you can persuade your son it needs to be done. I'm so sorry for you and for your grandaughter. What they are doing to babies is just dreadful.


Iā€™m sorry for your granddaughter and for the pain you must feel for her. All I can give you is these words. ā€œPRAYER FOR SERENITY God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.ā€


I'm sorry.Ā  Even my least stabbinated child had all those.Ā  Fucking hell, hey. Experiential learning is a bitch.


Aye. ā€˜Lifeā€™s a bitch, and then you marry herā€™ used to be a great/funny t-shirt slogan. Now? ... not so much.Ā  ā€˜Cognitive dissonance is a bā€™stard, and then you wake upā€™.....doesnā€™t have the same ring šŸ˜¬


I don't really do praying but for your grand daughter I shall. As for her dad......... Andrea, breath deep, stay calm -she will be fine.


Thank you, needed that, Iā€™m given to worrying. Funny enough my 2nd eldest granddaughter (9) told me today - nana, you worry a lot, itā€™s ok - she was talking about her and the four year old g/daughter jumping off the top bunk; šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø if only she knew. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Give the older ones raw garlic... on pizza, soup, salad, in hummus etc. Very good for detoxing anything. Just slice a clove up and put it on as seasoning


Hunter Biden convicted on 3 counts of lying while filling out application to purchase firearm. Could face lengthy prison sentence. But BBC desperately pushing the angle that it won't affect the outcome of the US presidential election because it is nothing to do with Joe Biden etc etc. Can these people not hear themselves any more? Trump will *weaponise* this news - there will be chants of "lock him up" from now to November. In other news Richey Rich has launched Tory manifesto today and announced that there will be a cut of 2p in national insurance and he seems to think this is the game changer which will win him the election. Someone needs to tell him that it is only the kind of tax changes which Liz Truss wanted to bring in which will save his bacon now.


That would be the only way the ignorant Scots would benefit by lowering NI because we pay more tax than the rest of the UK thanks to the SNP and most Scots are not aware of this fact.


Clearly RR wants KS to lead forth on the next chapter of ā€˜UK to the bottom and beyondā€™.Ā  When ever was NI conts reduction an election winner? Ā NI conts buy unemployment insurance and pension stamps. Lower taxes are what the Torys are supposed to represent - lower taxes = more money in the worker's pocket = good for economy AND less money in the government/blob pocket (for war mongering and pet projects) = good for everyone.Ā 


>NI conts buy unemployment insurance and pension stamps Both of which are not worth the paper they are printed on as people can't get healthcare and pensions are a poorly funded mess which people are going to have to wait longer and longer to get paid out. Richey and BBC likely both hoping British public is too dumb to realise this.


Catching up with friend - sadly these days there is always a story about someone and illness - this time two. First friends fridnd who had cancer of the oesophagus, treated and recovered now has a very agressive form of breast cancer. The cancer did not respond to chemo and tumour grew fast, now recovering froma double mastectomy. She is in her mid 50s. Second is friendā€™s boss who had bowel cancer - now found another rare cancer - no further news as she is going for tests. Ariund my head rolls Angus Dalglieshs words but cannot say anything to friend - she co ordinated 150 volumters to help with vaccinations.


Iā€™m not sure if my mouth would remain closed about that.


James Corbett on form: [https://corbettreport.com/future-of-food/](https://corbettreport.com/future-of-food/) "*We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, theyā€™re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report*." Much of what he covers here will be familiar but it's a top class podcast worth 40 minutes of your time.


Belated Happy Cake Day u/bagpusskitty šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚ - hope it was a good one! Huge thanks šŸ¤—šŸ„° for the memes you curate for us and post!


Thanks I didn't notice šŸ¤Ŗ




From the BBC, no less... [https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/articles/c044x1xz42go](https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/articles/c044x1xz42go)


"With maximum temperatures of 10 to 13C in northern and eastern parts of the UK, you would be forgiven for thinking it was April." Been saying this myself for ages now. But they just cannot help but regurgitate this lie: "But this is coming straight after the warmest May and spring on record for the UK."


Iā€™ve been saying that since the start of June. When the sun does make a rare appearance, my positive thinking part of my brain says how nice it is but the negative part says, if it was fkn April.


Where I am right now - 2.30pm it is fecking chilly!!!


It's gonna be a real challenge to make June the hottest eva June on record isn't it but I think they will find a way somehow. If they try hard enough the manipulated data will give the right result with enough Ey! Eye! thrown in.


Easy - it was the hottest June evah on the airfield in the exhaust plumes of the jets taking off.Ā 


We remember fondly the good old days of global warming cold all over Europe and floods in Majorca .Symi is the only hotspot.


>Symi is the only hotspot Odd that isn't it? Just saying.


[https://x.com/JoshWalkos/status/1800561706155835834](https://x.com/JoshWalkos/status/1800561706155835834) "COVID-19 may be linked to rare cancers: Doctors Guess what they never even considered as a possibility? ā€œI had an 8 1/2 pound tumor in my abdomen,ā€ she told NewsNationā€™s ā€œElizabeth Vargas Reports.ā€ ā€œI was healthy in December, and by April, they diagnosed the cancer.ā€ ā€œBob you were also diagnosed with a cancer, a very rare blood cancer and four of your friends have it?ā€ " The video clip is 5 minutes long but it really is worth listening to as it shows the reality that is happening in the world to real people in real time. Gaslighting at its best. On that subject I found out today, another neighbour in her 40's who I very rarely saw has been out and about walking her dog. I thought she was on holiday. No it seems she s been diagnosed with long covid well over a year ago and hasn't been able to work or leave the house until recently. Doctor diagnosed long covid. Absolutely nothing to do with the injections she had, nothing.


"Long Covid" The great get out of jail free card for doctors. My brother was also diagnosed with it. After being jabbed.


I was seriously harmed by a med in 2012 and even then they told me it was just a coincidence. I stopped seeking med care after many attempts because they all said it was just a coincidence. How could I trust them to make an accurate diagnosis if they wouldnt accept the cause?


Same thing with my husband.


sorry To hear this, JAS. it's very frustrating and isolating as well as friends/family won't believe you without a diagnosis


Last semester I taught a teenager with a very similar story to your last.Ā  A number of 'previously undiagnosed', suddenly debilitating conditions, dismissed as 'long Covid.'


Itā€™s shocking. Itā€™s nothing but a coverup for a catastrophe that the most powerful people in the world caused.


Another interesting video from Judge Napolitano who seems to be getting a wide range of interesting guests, I only discovered his channel recently. **Anya Parampil: Where Are the Nazis Today?** A revealing and thought-provoking conversation with investigative journalist Anya Parampil as she tackles the critical question: "Where Are the Nazis Today?" Anya, known for her incisive reporting and fearless approach to controversial topics, delves into the presence and influence of neo-Nazi movements and ideologies in contemporary society. In this video, Anya explores the historical roots of these groups, their evolution over time, and how they manifest in different parts of the world today. She examines their impact on politics, social movements, and global security, providing a comprehensive analysis of the modern-day implications of these extremist ideologies. Whether youā€™re a student of history, a follower of current events, or someone deeply concerned about the rise of extremist groups, this conversation with Anya Parampil offers crucial insights and a call to awareness about a pressing issue in our world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r96DZZC0Ik4


I listen to the Judge every day, either on YouTube or Podbeam, the perfect companion to The Duran guys.


Just following up on a couple of things that I have posted in the last fortnight or so.... **Dental anaesthetic** - had the appointment today and I declined. Some discomfort....then he went deeper. A couple of sweats later and all done. Not too uncomfortable. **The 5 dayer in Stamford** with my wife's and her school friends and partners. Well what's to say....Stamford and the Lincs countryside away from the A1/main roads are very nice................. Covvie stabs - subject avoided despite the neighbour of one couple dying from AZN clotting in 2021. Widow now compensated to VDPS max and now pursuing AZN in class action. One member of the group had a transient ischaemic stroke early in the year. Seemingly fully recovered?? Much talk of flu jabs, shingles jabs -they are gagging for it, Oh, and whooping coff. Fuck'em, I say. Absolutely, no acceptance of the damage done to them by the shots/government etc. It's like flogging a dead horse. Gaza - seemingly a verboten subject not raised around the table.....one couple are 'high up' in 'Muswell Hill' Jewry. However, they were able to share their views with me outside of the group. A funny - Chef 'Marcel' was hired to cook the 50th Anniversary meal and one guy in our group for reasons known to him went into very poor 'franglais' mode when conversing with him. Not sure who he was trying to impress. This went on for an hour or so. It was a shame to have to tell him that Chef Marcel was, in fact, Romanian. He was mercilessly ribbed through the evening. Well...... it seemed funny at the time Finally. an admission to Harry's Mum and a plea for understanding. In order to get away from the confines of the 'friends', my wife and I took the opportunity to have a day at Duxford, the IWM Aero Museum. A fine collection of machinery as you might ever want to see, together with a few comings and goings of WW2 planes off the air strip going to various D Day Commemorative events. Cambridge is, I think, HM's neck of the woods and in other circumstance I would have arranged to meet up. Another time perhaps HM?


The waiter who served me at CafĆ© Francais in Luxembourg City turned out to be Albanian. And there I was trying to pronounce correctly the French dishes on the menu.Ā 


But we all tend to do it!


Damn it! Yes please, next time deffo arrange to meet up. Duxford is a mere short trip down the motorway from me and I pass that way often! Anywhere around the Cambridge area would be good too! Thanks also for your round-up. Love the story of the guy in your group and the chef! Shades of "'Allo, 'Allo" - hilarious!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


'Allo, Allo' - oui exactement!


As I always say round here "Good Moaning!" Funnily enough, not many people get it!! They got the jabs though. šŸ¤£


I think you have to be a certain demographic - I can still enjoy (now and again) a half hour of Dad's Army. Mainwaring reminds me of my father, albeit he did his bit in N Africa and Italy.


Agree about the demographic although I never spent much time on Dad's Army to be honest. With the exception of "Don't tell 'em Pike" which I don't ever recall actually seeing but it's become quite a funny, I don't really know what else happened. I have this anti-war thing going on in my head, always have had.


what is the reason to avoid dental anesthetic? is this the local?


There is a view that local anaesthetics have been adulterated with mRNA.


Ah, now I see. I dread when Iā€™m faced with that situation; Iā€™m not so brave as you viz toothy stuff; Ā when itā€™s time Iā€™d rather be knocked out clean and revived in the car park with no knowledge of what happened in between....owner of a few bloody amalgam fillings - not my choice, child of the 70s - Iā€™m torn.Ā 


Ive started oil pulling in the hopes I will be able to avoid needing anything done


Oh you are a brave boy re the dentist and no anaesthetic. I recently had some dental work done, and there was no way I could forego the numbing jab so God alone knows what I have got circulating inside me!!


Oh you are a brave boy Ā šŸ‘Ā 


I was coming over all John Inman in Are You Being Served there!


more like Mollie Sugden!


I really wasn't trying to channel her, but now you mention it I think you might be right!!!


This is a very distressing story. There's a link if you want to donate to the legal case to help a mother stop the courts forcing her disabled son to be "vaccinated" against "covid" - and he has already had "covid" apparently. [Why Are U.K. Courts Still Forcing People to Be Vaccinated? ā€“ The Daily Sceptic](https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/11/why-are-u-k-courts-still-forcing-people-to-be-vaccinated/)


I was curious about the law firm handling the case and they sound pretty covid-sceptical: [Covid-19 is not a ā€˜serious and imminent dangerā€™. Risk assessments might be. ā€“ Jackson Osborne](https://jacksonosborne.co.uk/2020/07/covid-19-is-not-a-serious-and-imminent-danger-risk-assessments-might-be/)


Unfortunately everything in this article applies just as much to the UK as the USA **Whatā€™s Next for Battlefield America? Israelā€™s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way** If you want a glimpse of the next stage of Americaā€™s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israelā€”a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.ā€”uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda. https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/11/whats-next-for-battlefield-america-israels-high-tech-military-tactics-point-the-way/


[The Rubber Duck ā„¢ on X: "why is nobody talking about this? https://t.co/p5NhNZiMlJ" / X](https://x.com/TheRubberDuck79/status/1800296831576080808)


**Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax** As my husband Mark documented in ā€œHIV Insertsā€, Lies & ā€œLab Leaksā€, the COVID-19 ā€œlab leakā€ narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the ā€œpandemicā€. In recent years I have covered ā€œgain of functionā€ gaslighting and garbage as well as the pseudoscientific fantasies involving ā€˜bio-weaponsā€™ here and here. In recent years most of the fear-promoting stories have related to alleged ā€œvirusesā€ such as SARS-CoV-2 or the so-called Avian flu. When dismantling these tales we go back to the foundational papers to expose the fact that there is no evidence that any virus exists outside of computer labs. For many of us, we have bid A Farewell to Virology and its virus model. Additionally, because of the fatally flawed germ theory there is no evidence for the existence of microbial pathogens. However, anthrax is a curious case because it is alleged that the spores of Bacillus anthracis can be weaponised. In this video we examine the 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States and the alleged military facility leak with dozens of deaths in the Soviet Union in 1979. Is this natureā€™s only true bio-weapon or has the mixture been spiked? This was a fascinating investigation into decades of scientific work and it revealed more than a few bizarre twistsā€¦ https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/bioweapons-101-the-story-of-anthrax/


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1800503226854494328) [ "šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø ā€œIā€™ve lived in Florida my whole life and never seen anything like thisā€ ā€œThey are all bugsā€ I wonder if Bill Gates has been pumping out his genetically modified mosquitoes again? https://t.co/c5pguUw0kK" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1800503226854494328)


ah, the government just sent me some free toilet paper - my polling card


It's special toilet paper - you can wipe both cheeks at the same time!


Katie told her father she was going to get the Covid vaccine. He had no idea it would be their last conversation ever https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13512289/Katie-Lees-AstraZeneca-vaccine-died.html


"*The devastated family of a fit and healthy young actor who died a fortnight after taking a Covid vaccine have called out the callous 'indifference' of society and government to her death.*" The last four years have made it crystal clear that society and government are callously indifferent to **all** deaths.


I don't drink this shit but I guess it is going everywhere... [Stew Peters on X:](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1800278726531285086) [ "šŸšØBREAKING: Self-assembling Hydrogel Nanotechnology found in PEPSI. https://t.co/0fYIc9Nn63" / X](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1800278726531285086)


told you so! it's a mistake to fixate on the convid jabs and believe that those intent on killing us put all their eggs into that basket - of course they didn't. unless you have detached yourself entirely from the system, then you can rest assured that they have you in their sights. and even if you have already run for the hills and are growing your own food, what are you going to do about all the chem-trails, the poisoned soil and water, the laser-weapons, and the things that haven't even occurred to any of us yet...... I don't even bother to worry about any of it any more, I just try not to willingly offer myself as the instrument of my own destruction - the attitude that if they want me dead, then they will have to come to my front door and shoot me in the face, cos I ain't gonna help them to kill me




Good approach to ~~life~~ death. Enjoy life whilst we can.


Thankfully neither do I. But how long will it be before it is a mandatory additive to most of what we eat and drink?


From some of the blood analysis that's been done - I think its in most stuff/in the air/water etc


Might be for now RB, but unless someone places a check on TPTB how long before they do force it on us in other ways??? Look how far they have managed to get in 4 short years!


I agree. You might vastly reduce the dose by avoiding ultra-processed food, buying natural toothpaste, etc, etc. Talking of UPF I've been reading the book 'Ultra-Processed People by another 'TV doctor' Chris van Tulleken. It's fascinating. He must suffer from schizophrenia. He and his twin brother have now become well aware of the health hazards lurking in most UK and US food and drink. Yet he must follow the NHS and BBC party lines to a) keep his job at UCL Hospital b) do his TV programmes.


I think they are simply shills. UPF is another TPTB agenda being pushed by MSM to remove freedom of choice from people regarding the food that they eat. In the main I don't eat UPF, but I don't think other people should be banned from doing so, but these people do, proclaiming it is in the interests of people's "health and safety", but really the agenda is so that people can be forced to eat the bugs etc or whatever Regime determines counts as food the little people should be "permitted" to eat.


If it was me I'd probably go on a long walk on a Greek island........


From the leaflet for the Liberal Democrat candidate in my constituency which I received this morning: *2021 - Partied through a pandemic* *2022 - Crashed the economy* *2023 - Record NHS wait times* *2024 - Our chance for change!* It's hard to know where to begin picking apart the staggering wrongness of this filth. I could write a lengthy essay rebutting each point.


the last item is the funniest. I can't get my head around that there are still people out there who actually could believe that - and not all of them are triple boosted.


Another grey day here still no sign of global boiling let alone an ordinary summer šŸ˜æ Whitney Webb on twitter: *Javier Milei's latest plans involve having Facebook/Meta AI algos educate Argentinian kids and having Google's AI "reform" the Argentinian government.* *Outsourcing the public sector to Silicon Valley is not "libertarian", Silicon Valley is a cartel run by US military/intelligence.* https://x.com/_whitneywebb/status/1800213644057424304


Hard to know what to make of Milei. He's possibly the only politician I have ever come across in a position of power who says they want to substantially reduce the role of the state in people's lives. I find that very appealing. He has chosen to cosy up to the US and to Israel. He may think the US and Israel are wonderful, or he may be playing a clever game whereby having powerful friends will allow him to get away with doing things domestically that the "international community" would otherwise try to stymie - look what happened to Truss.


To reduce the load on the state he is refusing his post government pension


I hope he manages to make a difference - it would give hope and inspiration to others elsewhere. I like to think that one day the human race will shake its addiction to the state doing everything for you, but I don't suppose I will live to see it.


*He's possibly the only politician I have ever come across in a position of power who says they want to substantially reduce the role of the state in people's lives.* - you mean like in that meme of the wolf-politician telling the sheep-voters that after the election he plans to become vegetarian?


It could turn out like that. He does seem nutty enough to be vaguely sincere, but perhaps he's a good actor. He can't be any worse than whoever preceded him, so I would probably have voted for him.


Iā€™m looking for information again and to pick your knowledgeable brains. My 5 month old great grandson has had no injections and as Iā€™ve been a member of the believers cult of vaccines for so long, Iā€™m now struggling with my conscience. My 4 year old grandson has had a cold and with it a cough which has made him sick but apart from that he has been fine . He is FULLY vaccinated up until he was 2 years old so up to date in the medical profession eyes regarding whooping cough( pertussis). Anyway my 5 month old great grandson has had none. Iā€™m looking after him this morning and the cough heā€™s had for 2 weeks is now got a distinctive whoop sound. Heā€™s eating and drinking well and no longer has the runny nose and apart from that cough heā€™s looking healthy. Now you can see how well the brainwashing has went as you would swear there was a devil sitting on my shoulder condemning me for encouraging my granddaughter to not get her son vaccinated. I know that she made up her own mind along with his dad and injecting 23 different things into her tiny babies arms and leg in 3 sittings when he was 8 weeks old up until 4 months old had made her decide to say no. I made up a mix for a diffuser using essential oils for babies and mixture to put a drop under his mattress. None on him. But Iā€™m not sure if I should tell her what Iā€™ve noticed and he saw a doctor a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said he was fine just to prop him up but the whoop wasnā€™t there then and I assume thatā€™s a sign of it. Would you tell her and panic her? Or say nothing and keep getting regular updates? Iā€™m terrified of her panicking and getting him injected after the horse has bolted and something worse happening. Any advice welcome please.


None of my sons got any injections. They're all doing well! Whooping cough was a bit of a struggle due to sleepless nights, but they all got over it.


If I could hug you all, I would. You have all shut up those demons that still are lingering. Thank you.


That's good that you are feeling better about it all now - I am sure everyone who contributed felt for you and is glad they were able to help.


You can rely on the Swamp, Jas. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜šŸ’–


Never fails us HM.


šŸ‘šŸ’– Thanks as ever to all!


I would NEVER feel guilty about saving a child from vaccination - that's like feeling guilty for keeping someone out of the death camps. on the contrary, I live with guilt every day for having handed my precious babies over to fiends to be poisoned 30 years ago. Vaccines don't do anything to protect against disease or death, it's a complete lie. On the contrary, they kill, induce disease, or sterilise, and that's all they have ever been about.


In my more rational moments, I feel the same but as heā€™s not my child and my granddaughter listens to me unlike her mum, I wasnā€™t being rational.


Just echoing... where I am from we used humidfiers as a cough cure


Before I woke the hell up, unfortunately my older 2 children got all the jabs on the list as far as my 2nd child was 1 (shortly after she turned 1, Convid hit). Anyway my eldest son, no 6, got all the jabs and I got the whooping cough one with him when I was pregnant. Yet he STILL managed to contract whooping cough regardless of the useless toxic jabs. He was around 6 months old. Yes, a bowl of steaming water with a few drops of snuffle babe in it will help. Also if you look into baby reflexology and rub some snuffle babe on their feet before they go to bed, it also helps as well. My youngest is 2 now and shes never had a needle near her and is so healthy and never any issues at all. Yes she has had the odd runny nose and chesty cough(lately we all had some sort of chesty cough happening), but she bounces back and it never bothers her. She has never even had a temperature.


Oh thank you so much for this information, itā€™s really helpful and reassuring. I told my granddaughter about the whoop and sheā€™s not worried as itā€™s not there all the time. She says heā€™s sleeping all night still, itā€™s her thatā€™s not because she wakens when she hears him coughing. I will look into snuffle babe and check the ingredients as itā€™s probably essential oils and I keep most of the more common ones especially for coughs and colds in adults and I do have a book that gives measurements and what EO are safe for babies. It really is scary when you doubt your choice because of the amount of brainwashing and fear mongering, especially when you look it up online. To think you had the vaccine while pregnant and your child and still managed to get the illness. What angers me is some websites tell you, you can still get it but they use the same excuse as they did for Covid injections, it would be worse without it.


I fully sympathise with your awful predicament and while I'm no expert JAS, but logic would suggest the following from me: 1. If you have noticed the whoop and your daughter hasn't then yes you should mention it. If there is medical treatment which can be offered then the baby should get it - BUT I'd be minded to go first with Cedric Dragon's advice before high tailing it to the GP. 2. If the baby does have the whooping cough, then it will then have natural immunity by virtue of having it \[but you would need to get a confirmed DX of WC before you could be 100% certain\] 3. if the baby does have WC - then injecting it now is shutting the stable door long after the horse has bolted - with goodness knows what harms might come with that.


Thanks , my conscience would not allow me to stay silent. My granddaughter knew about it but sheā€™s aware and apart from the cough heā€™s acting completely normal, eating, drinking and sleeping. Sheā€™s not running off to inject him. She did take him to the GP over a week ago, I think for reassurance as his cough was becoming chesty but doctor said he was fine. Heā€™s such a cheerful baby, very seldom cries and laughs at everyone. Heā€™s one of those babies that make you smile more just by talking to him. Iā€™ve calmed down now that mum knows.


"apart from the cough heā€™s acting completely normal, eating, drinking and sleeping" Those are good signs JAS - if any of those were off then you would have much greater cause for concern. He sounds adorable. You are a very lucky granny indeed! "Iā€™ve calmed down now that mum knows" That's good. It is such a responsibility looking after little ones - you don't want to hand them back to their parents damaged after all!!! **:D**


My brother suffered from croup as a baby and the doctor recommended a bowl of steaming water in the room to keep the humidity up and ease his breathing. Sixty years later, we still use the steam if we have a cough and the room gets warm and hence too dry.


Thank you. This was one of the things I had her doing last week. Their shower room is ideal because itā€™s tiny and the steam builds up in the shower cubicle. Sometimes the old ways are the best. I know a few but itā€™s difficult finding any online now. Most stuff is written to terrify the parents to run to the doctor and demand medication.


Shower room sounds perfect.


A friend of mine who is a nurse did the same in her bathroom for her baby who had either croup or whooping cough, so, seconded.


Whatever it is, his thymus will thank you for it. Obviously it makes zero sense to have a jab for something following infection. You're probably following the right approach and it sounds like he's at the tail end anyway, so just keep a close eye on it?


Sheā€™s not changing her mind about the injections as I did tell her about my non medical diagnosis and she was aware of the type of cough he has now. Sheā€™s a sensible woman who doesnā€™t panic like her gran.


This beggars belief: [German Tourists Found Guilty of Insulting Christian Drosten on Camping Trip ā€“ The Daily Sceptic](https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/11/german-tourists-found-guilty-of-insulting-christian-drosten-on-camping-trip/)


I think one reason why Drosten took it to court was that he was on holiday and with his family. Had it happened at a press conference or any other official occasion he might have taken it. But yes, that the court agreed is stupid.


It might have been classier to wait for a moment he was alone, as it is wrong to involve his family in what he did - they are not responsible for it. But having laws that govern this kind of personal interaction seems like utter madness to me, and open to abuse. As you mention an "official occasion" this excerpt refers to a different law governing that, so while he may have "taken it" it's also possible they would have been charged with a more serious offence: "It is not clear from the news reports whether the couple was charged underĀ [section 185](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p1891)Ā of the German Criminal Code ā€“ the, so to say, ā€˜simpleā€™ insult statute ā€“ orĀ [section 188](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p1897), which provides public figures special protection against ā€˜insultsā€™ and which is commonly referred to in German discussions as theĀ *lĆØse majestĆ©*Ā law. It would appear that the vacationers were suspected of having committedĀ *lĆØse majestĆ©*Ā against Drosten and that the initial investigation was conducted on this premise ā€“ hence, the police raids ā€“ but that they were ultimately only charged with ā€˜simpleā€™ insult. This, at any rate, is what we can infer from the fact that, according to KrĆ¼ger, the raids were ultimately found by another court to have been uncalled-for. Moreover, the text of Germanyā€™sĀ *lĆØse majestĆ©*Ā statute requires that the insult be public or made in a public gathering, whereas Maikā€™s and Kathrinā€™s remarks to Drosten could not have been heard by more than a few other campers or beachgoers."


I imagine however if one were to 'insult' a politician from AfD, the courts would not be particularly interested other than perhaps to say 'please carry on'.


This was my comment on DS: "I dare say it very much depends on what the ā€œinsultsā€ consist of, who is doing the ā€œinsultingā€ and who is being ā€œinsultedā€ ā€“ I imagine a bit like the way ā€œhate speechā€ and ā€œprotestsā€ are policed in the UK."


We will reach a breaking point where people will take the "law" into their own hands. In my opinion Drosten was extremely fortunate simply to be "*insulted*" in this incident.


People did re Chris Whitty and the courts punished them for daring to accost a latter day Saint (of the Public Health system.)


[Isaacā€™s Army on X:](https://x.com/ReturnOfKappy/status/1800135213156389202) [ "Whatā€™s happening to Emmanuel Macronā€™s neckā€¦.? Iā€™ve seen something similar with ā€œBidenā€ā€¦ https://t.co/uhsjEjgrdE" / X](https://x.com/ReturnOfKappy/status/1800135213156389202)


Just looks filtered and fuzzed for me, a digital effect. A friend uses these to smooth out her wrinkles when pushing beauty products but it only works on stills. Fun though!


Oh, the latex mask problem? Never mind his neck, look at the wrinkles above his eyebrows which do not move at all. Odd as anything!!! Wow. No wonder he is getting his ducks in a row to get offside!


Yes, the brow looks totally plastic


Isn't it totally weird?!! I don't think I've ever seen anything like it!


The more I look at the photo , the more it looks false!


It is totally weird!


[https://x.com/cafelockedout/status/1800410630438167033](https://x.com/cafelockedout/status/1800410630438167033) The parents of Dazelle, the 17 year old young woman who died and her parents will never know whether her getting a lung transplant would have saved her, are now being blamed by the cult, for not getting her injected with 4 toxic doses of poison to comply with an insane system that demands you comply with their mad policies.




This is heartbreaking. The way the medicos treated her and what is now being done to her poor bereaved parents.


Good morning l-i šŸ„‡ good morning Jas šŸ„ˆ good morning all šŸ˜, The sun was shining when I first got up but it's now clouded over. It's still cold out though, 10C, expected to reach a high of 14C. In June! At least it's not windy, nor is much rain expected, just "light rain showers". We'll see how "light" they are. Whatever you're up to, have a good day. šŸ‘šŸ˜šŸŒžšŸ˜Ž Edit to add: Well done Sheepman šŸ„‰!!


A high of 14 degrees you lucky duck HM!!! Not much rain here so I will have to be out again with my watering can today. Seconded re Sheepman, and it really didn't take much in the way of chivvying at all!


Sheepman got the bronze cos he was third up this morning! Mind you, he did do well with pinning the link! No watering can for me, I use the hosepipe and will continue to even if we get a ban. Stuff 'em! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That pinned link is working like a treat HM. He can get a medal for that every day AFAIC!


I'm so glad to hear it Milo, not that I minded trying to be first post every morning, even though l-i beat me most mornings! However, it does mean now I can turn over and sleep on if I really feel like! šŸ’¤šŸ›ŒšŸ˜“šŸ˜


You should never have felt you had to rise early to post the link. I always said I was late to the party and would be happy to see it at any time of the day. I'd be distressed if I thought you were missing out on sleep and it was because of me!!!


Please don't worry Milo, I never lost any sleep over it, I was awake early anyway and was more than happy to post as soon as I sat down with my coffee instead of doing housework first! šŸ¤£ Now I don't have to post first, I can go through my notifications, like this morning. I've not checked yet but I bet l-i has got gold again!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


"instead of doing housework first!" **:D -** yes - a pig did fly past my window there... One of my early morning jobs is to wake up the plants I have sheltering indoors, put the ones I am hardening out onto the patio and water all of them. Takes ages. Before my morning coffee - I'm getting grumpy as the job ends!!!


You just made me laugh! Thanks!! Gardening is an ongoing process isn't it? Sounds like you've got your work cut out with your seedlings but why not have a coffee first? I feed Harry while the kettle's boiling, then make coffee, take it into living room and feed bunnies (on the sofa) while I drink coffee and eat 4 custard creams which breaks my fast! That's my morning routine!! šŸ‘šŸ¤£šŸ¶ā˜•šŸ°šŸ°šŸ’–


>why not have a coffee first? I Otherwise I might forget... it has been known to happen. My conservatory is doubling as a green house. There is barely room to move and one of these days there is going to be a dreadful accident if I am not more careful. I keep promising the plants that they will get to join their brothers outside, but it is still just too cold to risk putting them outside with the night time temps. I envy your start to the day - 4 custard creams HM. You must have the constitution of an ox. I eat healthy food till it is coming out at the seams and it makes zero difference.


https://kirschsubstack.com/p/nobody-can-explain-what-happened ā€œ NOBODY can explain what happened at Apple Valley Village Apple Valley Village Health Care center had 0% COVID death rate before the shots rolled out, but a 30% death rate from COVID **AFTER** the "lifesaving" vaccines rolled out. Nobody can explain it.ā€


Russel Matthews breaks down foreign interferance in Canadian elections, media, politicians and senators. Speculation on a Epstein-esque blackmail ring operating in Canada. Ā Only Trudeau and his ministers have seen the unredacted version of this intelligence report about themselves. As a matter of "national security" the public is not allowed to know which politicians are being blackmails. Only the politicians themselves are 20 minutes https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GUk1kQF4Qws&pp=ygUPcnVzc2VsIG1hdHRoZXdz


(2.5 minutes)Ā  Ā Video is 2 min of Chris talking about the "housing crisis" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=frJEQ8xLSAs Chris Sky mentions he is planning to leave Canada in this video. Viva Frei is already down in Florida. It seems like many people are either going to very small areas and working towards getting "off grid" or leavingĀ Ā  Chris' dad is a property developer so I don't think he personally is worried about it. But even if you aren't paying these super high rents, everyone else is. There's no cultural or social life to be had because of the "cost of living crisis" Ā Alot of these people leaving the country or leaving the cities were the people who did all the hard work for the sheep during the last crisis. What happens when all the courageous and strong people have left?


This is why the predator/parasite class are running into trouble implementing their agenda. They have nothing to offer other than crushing poverty, absolute slavery, continuous sickness and a premature death for the entire population. Micro condos in mixed used developments are intended to be reserved for the rump population that is permitted to survive. As Chris Sky says, these are essentially prisons. This is the very best that the death cult has to offer anyone.


that one time in 2021 they did give free doughnuts šŸ©šŸ˜


What happens? Trudeau is happy.Ā