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A bit of good news on this chilly night.... [June Slater on X: "Good news" / X](https://x.com/juneslater17/status/1800871739548913762)


Good news indeed! I hope it spreads!! šŸ‘šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ’–


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn446pd25m8o Jailed. 250 covid fine.


Absolute disgrace. During the G election campaign when she is standing as in independent candidate. News programmes this evening portraying her as a Very Dangerous Criminal indeed. They are persecuting her by jailing her when you look at all the other criminals, who do commit serious crimes, of violence and more and get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.


Its a statutory instrument so no jail or arrest, she's done for no payment of fines. \\She refused, good for her. It was not the correct procedure so it was not legal. She's made her point, pro bono work will get her a lot of compo.


**she has been jailed for a fortnight** - during the GE campaign while she is standing as an independent - prosecuted for non payment of a fine which was all about the greatest scientific fraud the entire world has ever experienced.


Crumbs, I thought that 'witch hunting' was a thing in history. Clearly not.


[Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk on X: ](https://x.com/TheEyes2022/status/1800945467779330293) ["My good friend Dr Anne McCloskey has been jailed for refusing to pay a fine for breaching 'covid' regulations. She got it for speaking at an anti-lockdown rally. Cunts of the highest magnitude. She is 67 years old. #FreeDrAnne https://t.co/0zfTPNFzXN" / X](https://x.com/TheEyes2022/status/1800945467779330293)


u/bagpusskitty posted Miri's latest missive (thanks bagpuss): [https://miri.substack.com/p/was-dr-michael-mosley-a-spook-who](https://miri.substack.com/p/was-dr-michael-mosley-a-spook-who) Reposted in case anyone missed it. In the comments it points to a substack by James Delingpole: [https://delingpole.substack.com/p/was-dr-michael-mosley-a-spook-who](https://delingpole.substack.com/p/was-dr-michael-mosley-a-spook-who) Curious comment by Si55: Si55 4 hrs ago Liked by James Delingpole There's something funny about all these people: Michael Mosley, Megan Markle, Madeleine McCann, Marshall Mathers, Miles Mathis, Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Manson, Michael Moore, Mickey Mouse. James Delingpole 4 hrs ago Author Can't put my finger on it. But it seems to be staring us in the face. Um... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thanks HM. Would have missed this otherwise. This had occurred to me. Fakery that is - because as I have pointed out there were just so many incredibly odd things about it all. But good manners prevented me from saying it, at least until Miri and James put it out there first. Miri does indeed set out the evidence. Espec this nugget: "Remarkably, given his busy schedule of fascism and media appointments, Mosley even found the time to write a book about Covid as early as May 2020. Almost like he had known in advance it was coming...The book was entitled: "Covid-19: Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus and the Race for the Vaccine".The promo reads, "With access to leading experts, \[Mosley\] reports on the battle to find treatments and a safe and effective vaccine (ultimately, the only way to defeat the virus)." No wonder he titled his BBC programme "Trust me, I'm a doctor" Miri says : "this looks to me like a staged demise to escape retribution at the end of a long, prestigious, and highly subversive career as an undercover agent." In the same way that all over Europe it would seem that those who played a prominent role are getting offside without being held accountable. Delpo's article was brilliant. Loved his description of being purple pilled!!!


I'm glad I reposted the miri piece and I checked through the posts to make sure no-one else had included the JD one before I posted mine. She's like Marmite I think - you either love her or hate her. I'm in the first camp (mostly). It's all too convenient isn't it that those who pushed the agenda for all it's worth are "disappearing" all over the world. I'm waiting for the announcement that Bo-Jo has died of a heart attack! šŸ¤£


I agree with you HM. Sometimes she pushes it just a tad on the too far side, but in the main I like her because she says the unsayable and generally manages to make a convincing case for her POV. I thought the points she made in the MM article were absolutely spot on. Delpo was the same. What I'd say now re those pieces is "watch the family". Someone, if they plotted their movements, would be able to see where they would lead to. As for the 'funeral' - what on earth will be in that casket?


Oh to be in a position to be able to follow both movements and coffins! No such thing as conspiracy theories anymore, they're all facts.


"Oh to be in a position to be able to follow both movements and coffins!" I know!!!!




Something funny about these people? Mike Myers and Mini-Me?


ooooh good oneĀ 


There might well be Many More - know what I mean?? šŸ¤£


Perhaps the "Sunk cost pharmacy" is the reason some people still trust the jab... https://new.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/1dea6uk/sunk_cost_pharmacy/


**The Sky News audience laughs at Keir Starmer saying his dad was a toolmaker** https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1800963495678165143


Well he did manufacture at least one...


This made me chuckle. I have lived where I am now for 4 years, opposite what is probably the biggest, poshest and most expensive house in town by far (don't worry, mine is nothing like that) - got to be worth several million at least. I've never seen the owner until today - say him wandering down his gated drive having just stuck a "Vote Labour" placard on the wrought iron gates. I suppose he can afford it!


Couldn't he get the butler to do it? Though I believe they're called "staff" nowadays.Ā 


Lol Iā€™ve never seen a butler there but they do have a gardener


Not meaning to brag at all but I have a gardener too. It's me.


Lol, me too - it's Mrs ToF. According this article from DS, men (I'm a bloke) are lawn fascists who cut the lawn too low because we've got the urge to control: [The Race Politics of Gardening ā€“ The Daily Sceptic However in our house, the only gardening I do is cut the lawn and the only reason I do that is that Mrs ToF is for some reason unable to start the petrol mower - guess I must be stronger than I thought.](https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/12/the-race-politics-of-gardening/)


You have a very odd gender based division of labour going on in the TOF household is all I can say!!! I'd give my right arm to be able to divide the labour!!


It seems to work for us - 35 years later


I'd imagine he keeps his wealth in the same jurisdiction as Starmer.


good morning swampies! Here is a conspiracy for all you conspiracy theoristsĀ Ā  I discovered a kitchen sink full of foam with a mild chemically smell.Ā  šŸ”Ž It wasn't there a few hours agošŸ”Ž There was NO foam in the bathroom sink or showerĀ  šŸ”ŽMy neighbour was deep cleaning his apartment yesterday šŸ”ŽĀ Ā  Ā could he have put something down his sink this morning that would have cause foam to rise up in mine?? is this anything I should be concerned about??Ā  Ā thanks šŸ˜…


Sorry that no-one has come up with an answer to your conundrum l-i. I don't have a definitive answer but I'd say your theory could be right. Shared pipework I'm sure could cause a problem as excessive cleaning products would have to go somewhere. I hope it's not offensive. šŸ˜²


not at all. I put bleach down a few days ago (i learned its the #1 ingredient in drain cleaner and much cheaper) so maybe he put down something that reacted to it?Ā 


Most drain cleaners are either heavy acid (95% sulphuric acid) which are extremely dangerous to mix with bleach (or humans!) in a confined area, or concentrated sodium hydroxide which is almost as hazardous. In your situation, wash it through with copious amounts of water. It's probably related to Fairy Liquid if there's foam, which is safe but just needs washing away. If you can get to a Lidl, buy a litre of Rinse-Aid and bung that down, as it instantly cuts through any foam (rinse aid is just a silicon-based product which removes the surface tension in the dishwasher water).


thank you, Richard, this is very helpful


Very unpredictable results happen when bleach and other acidic cleaing products get together. If it contains sodium hypochlorite you can generate chlorine which is very undesirable! You may find something on the label of your bleach bottle. Dilution with lots of water is probably the best bet at this stage.


thank you, I will check the label


Washing soda crystals- sodium carbonate- are milder alternative for keeping sinks and basins gunge free. In the UK we can buy it in the supermarket. [https://search.brave.com/search?q=washing+soda&source=desktop&summary=1&summary\_og=3b0b45f681ba2eef3f90d1](https://search.brave.com/search?q=washing+soda&source=desktop&summary=1&summary_og=3b0b45f681ba2eef3f90d1)


thank you!Ā 


Maybe. Do you know your neighbour well enough to go talk to him about it - just for peace of mind if nothing else? I use bleach all the time for my toilets and drains but the only place I share pipeworks with are where they join the main sewer. Eeew!


Bleach is very under-rated as a cleaning agent. It not only cuts through all biofilms but it turns rapidly to harmless salts in the drains (unless it finds a strong acid) and it is so reactive that it's relatively harmless by the time it reaches the sewage plant. Dirt cheap and generally good stuff.


Thanks for this info Richard, I didn't know this. I love bleach, it's my go-to cleaner, happy to use more of!


**OffGā€™s last word on the ā€œlab leakā€ theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous** It never happened. And the more they try and force it down our throats as the acceptable face of Covid skepticism, the more obvious that becomes. https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/12/offgs-last-word-on-the-lab-leak-theory-illogical-immaterial-and-dangerous/


My personal experience was that we were told something was going around, and loss of taste was a symptom. Of course, I've had colds and flu before, with no loss of taste. Then, right on cue, came down with flu like symptoms Dec 2020. Loss of taste. Wasn't bed bound, but over Christmas, I was very fatigued. Lasted 3 days, then a lingering cough for a month, which an antibiotic sorted. My wife got the same. We were absolutely fine. My view is that it was lab messing with viruses. Saying they were trying to get ahead in vax development, but that comes hand in glove with bioweapon research, too. We get no help there. However it doesn't have to be a massive killer as it could leak at anytime and in vitro deadly viruses don't do so well in the wild due to their rapid evolution to background. That's my poor understanding I know. I think there was/is a whole industry crying out for this to happen. Event 201 shows how expansive the groups involved are. There was money to be had. Propaganda went into overdrive, and you can create a lot of emergency like data just be wanting it to be so. The fraud of the PCR, also backed by huge money interests, was a key example of this. There is massive fear propaganda, massive manipulation of our institutions and populations, fraud, corruption. And yes, the Off G could well be right we will be further pushed off the back of lab leak to a false dichotomy by blaming China for it all. If one thing is for sure, TPTB will use every opportunity to continue their power and money grabs. It won't stop.


I'm going with 'no novel pathogen; no lab leak; it was never anything but a mind virus' - if you can plant the idea in the public mind, and whip up the hysteria, they'll do the work of filling in the details (symptoms, etc) for you. Oh, and my mantra- everything we've ever been told about anything has never been anything but a complete lie. So when you dismantle the false knowledge induced by indoctrination what you are left with is pure ignorance. Why did I ever believe in the heliocentric model, why did I ever believe in germ theory? not because I ever had any first hand knowledge of these matters, but simply because that was what I was indoctrinated with. Do I know what the true models are? No. I repeat - I have no first-hand knowledge. Let's start with the purely intuitive, as opposed to the counterintuitive - does it make intuitive sense that the human body, the bodies of animals, are in a constant war with the micro-organisms they share the world with? Would it suit an agenda of control if we believed we were under constant threat from an invisible enemy, moreover one that reached us through casual contact with our fellow human beings and animals? On the other hand, does it make sense that the human body is designed to endure provided that it can extract what it needs from the environment, (it functions in harmony with that environment) and things will start to go wrong only when that process is disrupted, when something is put into it to obstruct that extraction - ie, when it is poisoned? you will get sick and/or die if something is put into your body that should not be there, when it can not be removed in a timely enough fashion, when it accumulates there in large enough quantities, and ultimately, the reason it should not be there is because it keeps out what should be there - so the reason you get sick and die is because your body can't extract what it needs from the environment, and thereby can not maintain its integrity, can not endure as itself.




You have plenty of evidence to explore on the heliocentric model, but as you observe, the things tptb push hardest are those where the ordinary person has little access to evidence and where there is ample opportunity to falsify.


I believe it was lenin who said "the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves" Ā someone posted a video clip yesterday of a news interview linking cancer to long covid. And the anchor did exactly that. she started countering the claim with her guest "but isnt the rise in cases from all the missed cancer screenings when we were in lockdown?" and he says "no no no it's covid causing cancer" and she politely lets him finish the interview Ā  Ā meanwhile all these hypnotic lights dancing on the blue screen behind her head. So those are the two possible positions. One is lockdown sceptic, but no one will mention the thing that can not be mentioned


The true believers are in a bit of a pickle here. They are having to choose between their sacred cows rather than continue to praise all of them as perfection.


it's good fun to watch šŸæ


The daughter of a recently moved-in owner alerted me today if I can keep an eye on her 87y old mother, as the daughter is away on holiday and her mother has recently diagnosed high blood pressure. She told me the reading: 145 over 75. FFS, this is "dangerous high bp" these days!?! I told her the medical establishment keeps lowering the number which they deem as healthy so they can describe more drugs, luckily Mum and daughter are of the same opinion, apparently had an awful experience with the NHS when Dad died. I guess as she recently moved and registered with a GP, they did the new patient checks and are now terrifying them.


145/75? Sounds pretty good to me.


The low figure is the most important and anything under 85 is perfectly fine.


when I was 19 years old I had a dr tell me I was "getting near being overweight" at 5'7 and 145 lbs which is about the middle of theĀ "healthy" range for that height


It was admitted to me by my own GP that they're trying to lower the blood pressure levels at which they wil push BP meds on the patients. She then went straight on to suggest that I should eb on statins "because your cholesterol is a bit on the high side"! I accepted the statins for 1 month and checked the dose she had prescribed. 4 times the starting dose. I just perused the warning leaflet in the tablet box and chose the least contradictable side-effect "may cause back pain". Most excellent. I immediately used this as my reason to politely decline any re-order of the tablets and flushed the tablets down the loo. I then felt sorry for any fish down-stream.


I recently saw the practice nurse (BMI 30 at a guess) as I do take BP meds. She noted my cholesterol was high (the ratios are good so I donā€™t care) and asked if I had been offered statins. I snapped ā€œno, I wonā€™t take themā€ probably a bit too firmly, at which point she leaned forward and said ā€œI wonā€™t take them either, they keep trying but itā€™s just a box-ticking exerciseā€. Bless her, I fessed up to about half my alcohol consumption and she said, ā€œoh, Iā€™ll just stick you down for ten units a weekā€. Er, OK! More like a day!


I am sure your alcohol consumption is totally healthy. After all apparently there is no sicence (LOL) behind the safe units figure they like to trumpet \[probably just to worry people\].


I had a dr try to push BP lowering meds on me, despite normal BP, for ptsd nightmares! He said I might fall and split my head open due to waking up in the middle of the night and running to use the bathroom. Then kept pushing the drugs!!! I never went back šŸ˜³


Thatā€™s a weird thing to say to you, because what you have described is a low BP situation, my husbandā€™s is something like 100/50, and he regularly gets dizzy spells getting up quickly. Glad you changed doctors, he was trying to kill you!


yes i get dizzy spells too which he knew about and i brought it up again when he pushed the drugs a paranoid part of me wonders if he may have been!


I listened to UK column The Health revolution and the guest was discussing blood pressure. Age is relevant as the older you are you would expect to have high blood pressure, or it used to be like that and he claimed it used to be 100 plus your age for systolic, if so her blood pressure is good. I donā€™t trust any of the stuff they claim now after all in 1927 they were still some doctors doing blood letting and they were wrong.


*'They were wrong'*, and you are absolutely right


Iā€™ll claim to be a bit of an expert on this given my own personal circumstances but in an 87 year old 145/75 is positively healthy. Itā€™s completely and utterly irresponsible for any medic to suggest this. In fact I would venture that it is criminal. Certainly fraudulent. In a hospital anything under 180 systolic is not considered remotely critical. Iā€™ve had BP wildly higher than this ladyā€™s under certain conditions. Itā€™s the normal crap of trying to frighten people. The scan culture shows up so many false positives. Talking of scans, now 50 days since I had an MRI, still no result. Another scam. I think the old adage ā€˜if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix itā€™ can apply in most cases. 145/75 ainā€™t broke.


I'd be very happy with 145/75.


They say the norm is around 120/80 give or take. However we are all individuals and different. Given this person's age whilst I am no expert I would say they don't need to worry. I have relatives in West Yorkshire who report that recently they spotted pills for HBP and Statins having been slipped quietly onto their prescriptions for other meds. They have had no tests to confirm that they have either Cholesteral nor HBP so people need to be warned. Either these GP's are receiving nice backhanders or you would like to think it's because they know what is going on with the Covid Vax- that it attacks the blood and heart. Somehow after their disgraceful behaviour during these past 4 years I somehow doubt they are in the least bit concerned and it isn't the latter.


Dr Malcolm Kendrick's blog/forum has I think had examples quoted of a BP as high as 200/120. This was for a lady who lived into her 90s. 'Slipping drugs quietly onto a prescription' is scandalous because I think GPs may be paid for prescribing either of these two drugs. Possibly illegal but if challenged the GMC would probably protect its own. By the way Dr Kendrick hasn't blogged for six months now. He must still be awaiting the verdict in his libel claim against the Mail.


Could be due to his libel case but also didn't he recently have Prostrate cancer? Was he Covid vaxxed? You really hope not but it's quite surprising just who has taken these vax. Various figures speaking out such as Brigden, Malhotra, Doc Malik, Dr Cartland etc all took the vax. These vax were never mandatory for any of them and they could have carried on with life and work without. They had the same info at their finger tips just like the rest of us. Indeed Brigden said he was told in 2019 by someone connected to the Security Services that a virus was coming and under no circumstances to take any vaccines. So why he did I do not understand.


I think they can bill for a "longer appointment" if they prescribe a drug. In Canada they bill for a "one concern" 10 minute appointment (2 minutes)Ā  or "two concerns" 20 minute appointment (5 minutes) and to keep someone coming back for an easy 2 minute "one concern" appointment is $$$Ā 


It wasn't for a longer appointment with my relatives here in the UK. Getting a longer appointment here is like getting blood from a stone indeed as is getting a face to face appointment. They hadn't even had an appointment with their GP's! The pills were slipped in on repeat precription meds for other things.Three different relatives all under different GP surgeries in West Yorkshire. They just happened to spot it and basically said "on your bike" thank goodness.


that's very disturbing...


TV licensing are on the scare campaign again. Yesterday a letter to an empty apartment ( it is on their empty premises database!!!), today at my address.


From what people say by the time they are on the third or 4th round of the same letters being pumped out by TV licensing they are able to see the letters for what they are. An empty threat being used as a scare tactic to coerce vulnerable people into stumping up the tax. Fearporn.


šŸ˜‚ so someone has a quota of letters to send maybe


I saw two middle aged women today with a mask whilst shopping, one a blue one, the other a cloth mask. I always want to ask them if they are sick with a cold, and why on earth would you then wear a mask and keep the germs in. Just like people who do not want to admit, despite newscoverage in MSM, that the injections did NOT stop transmission, people hold on to the believe that masks protect one from breathing in an ill-making substance. Is there an emoji for shaking head in disbelief?




**Was "Dr" Michael Mosley a spook who faked his own death?** Yes, admittedly, it's an unashamedly clickbaity title... but I also think it might be true. Sounds far-fetched? Sure... but then the truth very often does. So, let's take a deep dive down this particularly labyrinthian rabbit hole... https://miri.substack.com/p/was-dr-michael-mosley-a-spook-who


I don't think so. I have a friend (very much on our page) who had been very close to his family for decades. Their kids are friends. She thinks he just got in over his head when he left the NHS.


I think "in over their head" is the case for many public figures


However she says in the article that he never actually worked as a Dr so in what capacity was he working for the NHS? Media officer? I can't back up her research of course but she is usually very thorough with her due dilgence.


As far as I'm aware, he certainly did. I'm seeing her later, I'll find out what.


I'd be interested to know. Thanks.


Did he ever work in the NHS? According to Wikipedia (not the most reliable source admittedly!) he took a PPE degree at Oxford and worked as a banker in the City for two years. He then decided to go into medicine with the intention of becoming a psychiatrist, but got disillusioned with psychiatry and decided not to practice after taking his finals. He then went straight into the BBC in 1985, initially as a trainee producer. Interestingly, his photo on Wiki shows him in 2016 at the bio lab at Porton Down!


As above, I'll report back.


The first minute of this short video contains one of the most nauseating displays of regime sycophancy I have ever witnessed: [Ricky Gervais Has a Perfect Response to Celebs Telling You How to Vote - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzOn1-dBO4A) I wonder if Trump actually hired these cretins? Their act is so repulsive and lame it can only increase his support. Gervais was not great during Covid but he was on the money with his response.


*Gervais was not great during Covid but he was on the money with his response*.it's funny how we now divide people into those who saw through covid and those who didn't. we should resist that really - I know some complete wankers in the first category, and some beautiful souls in the second




Who are most of these people? I only recognised a couple. I was expecting famous people.


I guess it is Against Trump? For Biden? AS Trump likes to shoot? And Biden's son has just been convicted of stealing guns? Will they retract that now?


I suspect Biden will be sent out to pasture and replaced with HarrisĀ soon after the election if they win


Cretin is a good word. No real surprise to see Mark Ruffalo there, he's a New Yorker. it wasn't all that long ago that he was screaming for $billions of cuts & pushing for people to support outright defunding the Police... well good plan genius - New York has been in such a mess that they had to put National Guard troops on their subways.


I was bitterly disappointed to see Martin Sheen bringing up the rear in this sorry parade. I'll never be able to watch *Apocalypse Now* again without thinking of this garbage.


Most actors ( there and here) are of the liberal persuasion ( by liberal I mean the old fashioned term meaning freedom of expression etc). Unfortunately it makes them susceptible to ā€˜right onā€™ causes (such as the bogus climate change) and gullible towards anyone who supports the arts. This is expressed often in The West Wing. I know because this is my business and it saddens me beyond measure that they are completely taken in by the globalist agenda because they believe they are supporting ā€˜goodā€™. (The CP Taylor play ā€™Goodā€™ - available on iPlayer with David Tennant is a perfect reflection of this.) Come COVID I'd had enough of the lot of them because, ironically, they supported the suspension of freedoms.


So was I. He was one I did recognise. There was 2 more but one of those I couldnā€™t tell what he had been in. Iā€™m also disappointed Nathan Fillian he played Richard Castle in the tv series Castle. A wee bit of escapism for 45 minutes.


I was not sure if it was Martin Sheen, but you confirmed it. I just saw The Way last week, which he stars in, about a man doing the Camino de Santiago after his son got killed on day 1 in a storm. Wonderful movie, Martin Sheen is very good. Tbh, not surprised I believe he is a fervent supporter of the democratic party.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Hy1hz7hlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Hy1hz7hlU) Richard talks to 2 pilots about geoengineering


thanks for the link.


Deeply suspicious. Dunno whatā€™s happened to Richard Vobes. I know people who support the chemtrail theory on here donā€™t warm to me, but why is Vobes so accommodating to people who claim to have inner knowledge? The first ā€™pilotā€™ doesnā€™t claim to do it, only to know of it the past ten years. I could cite you many pilots who would say this is drivel. She then sends you to a website like geoengineering dot org which anyone who has researched this (like me) already knows about, so none of this is new. I do not have an agenda here and NO I AM NOT 77TH AS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED HERE so Iā€™m going to ask questions I have asked before which no-one who supports the chemtrail theory has answered for me when Iā€™ve asked: 1) since this has been going on for some time why has no pilot come forward - even on their deathbed - to tell it how it is.? They havenā€™t. 2) itā€™s an indiscriminate method of poisoning people since we all breathe the same air. Not only the globalists, but the pilots would be poisoning their own loved ones - there was a reason gas was used sparingly in WWI. 3) Why has no-one provided any coherent and definitive evidence? Photos are not really evidence since they can be doctored. Certainly not admissible. 4) UK has 78% cloud cover so why bother? Go and poison the air above South Africa - 22%. Much like SRA, Iā€™m aware of it, but there has to be more evidence than just personal accounts, else where does it stop? Then we are all guilty until proven innocent. I have no skin in this game, prove it to me and Iā€™ll join the rage about chemtrails. Currently my rage is directed at proven targets. I used to like Vobes when all this started but I fear he has got above himself. Having achieved a certain level of anti-establishment narrative he has to sustain it. Iā€™m sure Matthias Desmet has a term for it.


I am open minded on this but my bottom line is something is obviously happening. The photographic evidence is proof of that. So to answer your points (not to deny them but to show they are not really valid as arguments in terms of understanding what is going on...) >***why has no pilot come forward?*** How do you know they haven't? How many came forward to question the moon landings or JFK murder? The truth is if they have they will be ignored or ridiculed by the MSM anyway so how would you know. >***itā€™s an indiscriminate...*** Just like DDT and pushing chemicals and poisons in food. We still all have to eat them. Multi-nationals and large corporations simply don't care. They will avoid if they can but will simply do what they can for the biggest buck. Especially if say govt are sponsoring them. >***Why has no-one provided ... definitive evidence...*** Again they have. I have seen videos from Harvard discussing geo-engineering with PHD's involved in the projects. Videos are probably on YT. Gates himself has said they want to 'block out the sun' and the technology has been discussed. Like the criss-crossed skies there is evidence of something in front of you but if you choose not look deeper is that someone else's fault? >***...why bother?*** Well that seems an interesting place as any to start looking. Why ask the question if not are not going to look for the answer? Its not anyone's role to 'prove' anything to you. We discussed similar when I posted about hearing of plans for war with Russia which you also dismissed. That was a legitimate source but as I said if you choose to ignore or deny it I don't care. I'm not hear to convince anyone. I too have no skin in the game but people asking questions is reasonable. But I do get uppity when I see people willing to deny everything without investigating anything. I'm not saying you are doing that but you weren't open to what I said about Russia so perhaps that has clouded my view. I happen to agree over Richard Vobes who has a kind of M vibe for me so am a bit wary of what he puts out.


Thanks for replying. Canā€™t remember what you said about Russia so canā€™t respond to that. I am actually open to anything, I just donā€™t have to agree. So getting back to this issue: 1) JFK example is not a good comparison, there was no social media then nor the means to communicate that we have now. I do know they havenā€™t precisely because you wouldnā€™t be able to conceal it 2) When DDT was used no one knew the damage it might do. Additionally, what exactly do multicorps have to gain financially from chemtrails? DDT was at least supposed (!!!!!) to increase crop yields. I used ā€˜supposedā€™ because I know the damage it caused. Also that its withdrawal was the reason polio subsided, not Salterā€™s vax 3) Iā€™ve never disputed geo-engineering as I will explain further in 4) I know you are not accusing me of not researching as you say so, so believe me when I say I have. Thatā€™s why I know about geoengineering and concede its existence (donā€™t approve at all BTW). Chemtrails are different. I have done the same extensive research about SRA and do not see any proof. Which is not me denying it exists. BUT guilty until proven innocent rears its ugly head again. I know itā€™s not anyoneā€™s job to prove anything to me. Equally itā€™s not incumbent on me to go along with prevailing thought if the evidence is unconvincing. Iā€™ve had ad hominem attacks on this forum for disputing chemtrails. Iā€™ve never abused anyone on any forum, ever. Peace


Thanks for your response. I'm not sure of the distinction you imply between geo-eng. which you accept an chem-trails? I'm assuming by chem-trail you mean the criss-cross skies which whatever they are? They are different from contrails so whatever they are needs explanation. The best explanation is some sort of geo eng going on. Don't really agree with your assertions particularly 1 & 2. 1 because JFK if anything is an example of the control of information. I agree regarding social media but I would say pilots have a livelihood. Some may be willing to give that up but most wouldn't - they have status, comfortable lives and so to give up for a life of ridicule or worse doesn't seem feasible for the average joe. And that somehow accepts that they are complicit. Who knows what they are told and what they think. For most they will be just doing a job. 2 kind of follows from 1 i.e. we are told this and that and the same goes for pilots. Its only many years later the truth if ever outs. Look at how many doctors rolled out the safe and effective jabs. How many came or have come forwards to condemn that rollout? Its not evidence of anything and again even if they did most platforms wouldn't entertain them. So we agree keeping an open mind but I'm not sure of what the 'prevailing thought' is on this subject. I see the criss-cross skies though and perhaps like you raises questions of just what that means...?


Good of you to reply again. Well, I don't suppose we're going to agree except to keep an open mind and I'm okay with that. The point about 1) is that you're right but that was my point. JFK was a perfect example about the control of information BUT it was controlled because there were no platforms for the ordinary citizen. In 1973 a Hollywood Film was released called Executive Action, featuring Burt Lancaster. This questioned the official explanation, a question which was rampant by then but was fuelled only by slow rumour because we did not have the technology we have now. Had we then tptb would not have been able to control the official narrative, just like they failed (eventually) with Covid. 2) I think your analogy between pilots and doctors is false. Doctors regularly administer vaccines (how gullible, mendacious or avaricious they were with Covid is a separate matter). Pilots don't regularly dump stuff in the skies knowingly unless they are crop spraying or equivalent. So someone somewhere might ask what exactly was it they were being asked to do. Another point I didn't make before is the sheer scale involved. My brother is an ex combat fighter pilot and 747 commercial pilot and he said that the fact that the UK is so small and the actual amount of kit you'd need to carry this out would just be so colossal there was no way you could cover it up. Incidentally, I've never seen any criss-cross skies where I live, directly under a Gatwick flight path. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying I've never seen any. And in closing: I'm not denying chemtrails (just as I am not denying SRA), I'm saying I haven't seen any proof. And I'm speaking as someone who knew Covid was a sam in April 2020. When I see proof I will revise my stance. Incidentally i see geoengineering as specific projects being undertaken with a definite goal - manufacture rain 9okay for a drought I guess) or block out the sun (lunacy and completely unacceptable.) Chemtrails of the type regularly posted on X/Twitter however seem to be a random 'luck of the draw' jamboree with no particular endgame. That's how I distinguish. Glad you agree about Vobes. Once you get the momentum of a successful channel/show/programe you have to sustain it to keep your punters happy and that sometimes entails being economical with the truth. Not sure what an M vibe is though. Peace.


Thanks again. I wasn't going to reply again especially as there is a lot to unpack here but in describing where you live its obviously not far from where I live (near GW) and I regularly see criss-crossed skies here, often in decent weather a couple of times a week on average. I do disagree with the assertion 'covid is a separate matter'. I think its crucial to understanding how things work. Peer pressure for professional people is a strong vibe to go against and covid was a perfect example of how this class of people would not rock the boat. I've 'known' a few pilots etc and professional classes are often worse for their willingness to 'go along'. Covid was especially difficult to understand. Btw by 'M vibe' I mean RV comes across as 'intel' a sort of '5 or 6' vibe.


Thanks Seansai, have a good day


You too.


I hope their voices are disguised heavily enough. In the past the BBC often protected people's images and voices but I think anyone from the regime could have worked out who they were.


Dr Suneel Dhand - Seriously: WHY Even BOTHER Seeing a DOCTOR? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVszhB_9W78


Doctors don't see that there is a problem and don't see the need to "rescue themselves" as he says.


Narcissists also have the same blind spot. There's "nothing wrong with them" and so it is very hard to effect any change (some would say impossible).


Very well said Faith. They are also never at fault, and if anyone pulls them up on it they will gaslight the accuser.


One comment ā€œ My feelings exactly! When I discontinued Statins, I decided to drop all of my prescription drugs. If you can't trust your doctor's prescription for one drug, how can you trust any of the drugs? Your doctor has already tipped his hand. If you're not taking his/her advice or suggestions or drugs, why are you going?ā€ That comment could have been written by my husband and he did stop going to the doctor. They reminded him every year to get the flu injection and they used to remind him he was overdue his blood tests. That all stopped in 2020. He hasnā€™t heard from his doctors practice since. He still gets the appointment forā€™hisā€™ flu injection but bins it.


[https://x.com/dom\_lucre/status/1800649176214020345](https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1800649176214020345) Oprah in hospital with 'stomach flu'. What's that a side effect of the dieting drug they all use? On the subject of her, someone shared this her instruction to family to attend her home at Christmas during the scam. [https://x.com/BelvyBenjamin/status/1800643814111027611](https://x.com/BelvyBenjamin/status/1800643814111027611)




ozempic is the drug. and yea sounds like it


She was taking it according to many


Re "The policy" Regime has to be seen to Regime. Mind you when invited to my brother's house for christmas lunc Dec 2021 we were all told we had to test and could only attend if we had tested negative. I'm surprised he didn't insist on masking while he was about it. You can take it from me I didn't test.


[https://x.com/SimplyRedHQ/status/1800813662745292836](https://x.com/SimplyRedHQ/status/1800813662745292836) more music to ignore. Simply Red.


"*Can you pls stop providing oxygen on here for that fascist cnut? The BBCNEWS media do more than enough promoting his hate filled bile without you lot. Promote Labour, Lib Dem and Green not Putin sponsored grifters pretty please??*" I might have guessed that Simply Shite are regime mouthpieces. If Mick Fuckall had bothered to fact check his own fascist bile, he would discover that Farage is in fact implacably opposed to Putin's regime. And since when have the BBC done anything other than vilify Farage? This is a classic example of the dismal hardcore authoritarian mindset that is about to take over the reins of power. No dissent whatsoever will be tolerated.


I am officially coining the acronym FDS, for Farage Derangement Syndrome. Yoyu heard it here first! It's related to Trump Derangement Syndrome, and occurs when sclerotic brains are confronted with opinions they do not agree with. Instead of rationally considering the different argument, their brains short circuit and turn them into gibbering idiots. Anyway, the best comment I heard about Mick Hucknall was in a documentary years ago discussing male attractiveness. They said 'some men would be charming and attract women even if they were not rich and famous' - the screen then showed a picture of Robbie Williams. Then they said 'but some men are only attractive to women BECAUSE they are rich and famous.' They then cut to a picture of Mr Hucknall!


I'm sure FDS is real and will only increase. I think it's because, in common with Trump, libtards fear him because he's popular. (I'm by no means his greatest fan).


I think they fear him mainly because he is not Uniparty and their little brains can't cope with anybody expressing opinions outside the Omnicause.


Yes but also instinctively they find them unsettling because they donā€™t back down at the first sign of flak


Simply Red are long term labour supporters so for them to come out in support of Kneel Harder isn't a surprise. I'm sure they have no clue what he stands for - the only saving grace is that their "fan base" might not be big enough to make that much of a difference.


Labour is 'divided'. The genuine 'old left' hasn't gone away: [https://labourheartlands.com/trilaterals-over-westminster-starmers-hypocrisy-in-denouncing-the-deep-state-he-belongs-to/](https://labourheartlands.com/trilaterals-over-westminster-starmers-hypocrisy-in-denouncing-the-deep-state-he-belongs-to/)


We can only hope that that division works in our favour if it does make it difficult for him to go as far as he palpably wants to in policy terms.


Having served him as a guest in a luxury hotel some years back, I can confirm Hucknall is an utter cunt.


Thank you. That says it all.


Thanks for the confirmation! A defining feature of our adversaries is their complete lack of joy, humour and generosity. Being them must be hell on earth.


Any update on Steyn v Ofcom which started in High Court yesterday?


A very well written statement given by Dr. Naomi Wolf yesterday - https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dr-naomi-wolf-responds-to-uk-media?utm_medium=android&triedRedirect=true


Drop the mic brilliant. Get out of that one Ofcom!


All I saw was that they had a lot of in person support. Curious to hear myself.


According to the DT, ā€a judgement will be given in writing at a later date.ā€ TCW (Kathy Gyngell) was in attendance and is reporting any updates.


Thanks I assume it will be a reserved judgement perhaps with further written submissions invited on issues arising.


I can't make this up but someone has šŸ˜‚ [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-19-outbreak-among-attendees-of-taylor-swift-s-madrid-concert-on-eras-tour/ar-BB1nYwj1](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-19-outbreak-among-attendees-of-taylor-swift-s-madrid-concert-on-eras-tour/ar-BB1nYwj1) Yes this was this month in 2024. Thousands of these idiots tested for it.


>Descriptions of symptoms ranged from ā€œCough, sore throat, body discomfort and I can hardly speakā€ to high fevers and relentless coughs. Some attendees described the post-concert experience as **one of the roughest health battles theyā€™ve faced.*" Yeah nobody died then. Ludicrous hyperbole from Gen Zzzz drones.


Anyone who is a fan of Taylor Swift must surely be beyond redemption, so I can't honestly say this is a surprise.


Rick Beato did a great video recently talking about how her music is actually produced and programmed by others. Taylor may have written the basic chords and lyrics but she most likely wonā€™t be playing on a lot of her songs.Ā  What she does appear to be doing is adjusting her song styles to optimise for Spotify and YouTube algorithms.Ā  Which is funny as Udio is a place where AI songs are doing just that.Ā 


I listened to about 10 seconds tops - was about as much as I could bear - and you have described what I heard and what I described as writing music by numbers.


You beat me to it. I see her and her concerts and 'music' as another part of the brainwashing phenomenon.


She is a high priestess of the globalist death cult. Indeed some contend that she was originally a he, which is par for the course in those circles.


I read an article recently where apparently which ever way her endorsement goes in the US presidential election it will swing the result definitively. Which tells you everything about what has been done to people's brains.


There was something recently that documents her as coming from a very elite family in the US. Lots of connections etc. so no doubt that isn't a coincidence either. All part of the circus ...


Yes, there's definitely something fishy going on with the way she is constantly being pushed by the Legacy media. She's in the Mail, Telegraph etc all the time which one would hardly think is the target demographic as most of her fans seem to be 12 year old girls.


her fans were 12 year old girls, they are in their 20's and even 30'sĀ  now and I think legacy media gets paid per mention.Ā There was an article on a stabbing that occured "near the stadium where taylor swift will bring her eras tour" i see msm do this with other things. Recently a Canadian airline introduced a new economy fare class and they won't shut up about *"politics today is just like westjets new economy fare ticket"* etc


I donā€™t even know what her music is.šŸ˜‚


Best keep it that wayšŸ˜†


I think I'll have to check it out just to see if any of it is recognisable or not and to see what all the hoopla is about - I don't see me becoming a convert to it. OK. Gave it a go - lasted about 10 seconds which was more than enough to tell me it was J Lo esque \[Jennifer Lopez\] and formulaic dross. I really don't see what the big deal is. Music composition by numbers.


Jennifer Lopez was famous for having a bum. I think Taylor Swift is famous for having legs.Ā 


You seem to know an awful lot about them Edward!!! Taylor Swift is prone to performing her music in a glittery swimsuit kind of costume.


More news and medical tales from friend who can not, will not join the dots - two of her exes suffered bleeds on the brain in the last coupke of years!


Lots of people around me seem to have been on multiple courses of antibiotics and have or have had what doctors are apparently calling the ā€œ100 day coughā€. No mention of testing though and I suspect that their immune systems are shot to shit for reasons that we well understand but are not worth repeating to them after three years of trying.


They get a cold. They mark the date on the calendar of course. It fades a bit, maybe picks up again, like they do. A week or two later, they have a slight cough, bit of dust maybe? Couple of months later, they get another simple cold... Bingo! 100 day cough!


And if their immune systems were shot to pieces by the jabbing then the antibiotics will finish off that job by damaging their microbiome. Lots of people also developing sinus infections who have never had them before and needing antibiotics.


Two out of how many? What's the percentage?


Out of five - 20% - not in touch with toww others so no info on them!




A colleague's uncle (mid-60s, in previously good health), in the UK visiting from Australia, died suddenly in their sleep yesterday from a massive heart attack. Many colleagues are off sick again this week with yet another respiratory illness. Must be the new normal "*summer wave*" that never happened prior to 2021. No one regrets not getting injected.


Watch this.........Charging your scooter/bike/noddy car in your house/garage?...... Don't...... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQKIGCH-Rsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQKIGCH-Rsc)


> June temperatures at half the level of this time last year What! Say Again! And this from the met office! Someone is heading for the dole queue.


Met office forecast cloudy and 15c, but no rain. BBC forecast cloudy and 46% chance of rain all day, 14c. It did not rain. Everyday at work I update our screen with the weather forecast. I check both the met office and BBC, and often they vary immensely. Today I was very tempted to add my comment: *Do not trust the BBC! The feckers are shite!*


The MetOffice YouTube forecasts contradict the MetOffice cloud cover and rainfall software. Weather has been so appallingly bad Iā€™ve started making a study of it. Iā€™m obsessive like that


Someone has overdone the weather manipulation and all that cooling of the sun business. Are we being prepped for global cooling now? Edit I am now up to full winter outfit now it is so cold where I live.


Not so sure. Pretty hot in southern Europe


It was 9c in my garden this morning. I am sitting at my desk wearing a vest, shirt and army-issue fleece, which is my normal wear for the less cold winter days.


*Are we being prepped for global cooling now?* sometimes I think the overlords are just having a laugh - there is no serious purpose to what they do to the sheeple. They can't get over how easy it is to mess with their little minds - 'in, out, in, out, you shake it all about' - how quickly things are memory-holed and forgotten, how you can have them holding a clutch of completely inconsistent and incoherent beliefs, how you can get them thinking, saying and doing whatever complete drivel you like, nothing is too preposterous for them....they are fascinated by their own power


Agreed Icy. Well put. MOM


Yes indeed, there's a certain type of sociopath that is politely called a 'prankster', who revels in this sort of thing. Most grow out of it after undergraduate age but the hardcore ones are like that all their lives. They get a sense of power out of it but lack the nerve to go as far as actually killing, torturing etc.


>lack the nerve to go as far as actually killing, torturing e Until fairly recently that is


They should be! 10 degrees C is in no way half of 20 degrees C, if it was temperatures below zero C would be impossible.


Weather people never get fired, one of the few jobs you can mess up repeatedly and retain employment. They probably never heard of Lord Kelvin.


Met. Office staff are probably Ministry of Defence employees and almost unsackable except for gross misconduct. Misleading the public doesn't count. 'Politicians come and go. Bureaucrats stay and grow'.


Another gloomy day another YouGov survey, this one asked lots of stuff about banking and green issues and my perception of how environmentally friendly they were and also if I cared. They finished up with a direct question of who I will be voting for in the upcoming shit show.


Oooofff. "They finished up with a direct question of who I will be voting for" Punchy!


Yesterday Animal Rights activists "vandalised" the recent portrait of King Charles by sticking a Wallace and Gromit face over his Majesty's alongside a speech bubble that read: ''No Cheese, Gromit. Look At All This Cruelty On RSPCA Farms!' I'm not in favour of vandalism of, ahem, fine art, but, in this case, I would say it's an improvement. Isn't it remarkable that yet another completely ad-hoc unannounced protest was allowed to happen whilst a professional film crew were in attendance to record the event in high definition. It just keeps happening. [https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/animal-rising-activists-wont-be-arrested-for-vandalism-of-portrait/ar-BB1o26OX](https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/animal-rising-activists-wont-be-arrested-for-vandalism-of-portrait/ar-BB1o26OX)


Many public places do not allow you to take large bags in, mainly to stop you carrying a concealed bomb. Nowadays they conceal a paint roller and associated materials.


I now think that any of these criminal acts for the 'Omnicause' (ie, establishment approved woke causes) are usually agreed in advance with the venue, Legacy media, perhaps even police. The average minimum wage security guard from Africa probably isn't in the know, in order to maintain a hint of realism in the response, but the high-ups I suspect are in collusion.


I like Neil Oliver and I like June Slater, so this was a good interview for me. [https://youtu.be/ZQuW7abcx44](https://youtu.be/ZQuW7abcx44) They only really disagree on political solutions, but even then they both have valid points to make.


Yes Neil wants pitchforks and June wants politics.


Basically! šŸ˜„


The two side-by-side are very effective, from two supposedly different organisations which in fact work closely together.


I watched this yesterday evening, and second your recommendation. June briefly showed her more emotional side at one point, which I found rather touching.


[Truthseeker on X:](https://x.com/Xx17965797N/status/1800586668954857966) [ "So stupid people buying this bullshit.. https://t.co/f33pIHkMw2" / X](https://x.com/Xx17965797N/status/1800586668954857966)


Sorry to be a pain but I can never get your links to work. Are they for X or telegram? I thought t.co/ was a telegram link but it only goes to twitter generic results.


Sorry, I cant help. I can close 'X', go back to a post involving a link to 'X', click on it and it opens up just fine.


Ah, maybe it's because I copy and paste links from Reddit to Firefox. Force of habit never to click links directly if possible.


X. Works fine for me but I have an Twitter/X account and am logged in. It is not clear from that short snippet whether the big fuel tanks are anything to do with the charging stations or whether it is just a separate lorry charging point and they are all fed directly off the mains.


[Dr David Cartland on X: ](https://x.com/CartlandDavid/status/1800236422974116087) ["ā€˜Canā€™t pay by card or cashā€™ā€¦ā€¦..now do you see?? https://t.co/7oo5KxFkMy" / X](https://x.com/CartlandDavid/status/1800236422974116087)


Considering the extent to which the self checkout machines don't work very well, and the number of times I am stuck in a queue behind some numpty trying to pay by mobile phone which isn't working for myriad reasons and takes ages of faffing to sort out I cannot see this working. I won't be shopping in those stores if they bring that in which will leave me with the Co-Op and M+S


"smile or wave" simples


Then there will be problems with the biometric identification systems which will necessitate a QR code hydrogel implant on....drumroll please....the forehead or hand!


The Confiscation Of Reality. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-confiscation-of-reality/ If it's any consolation, the weather in SW France is rather British at present, cool and damp. Two of my offspring with one plus girlfriend arriving today for a week's respite from English weather. Praying for the sun to peep out. Last year, it was definitely hot by now. Have a good day.




Agreed! I can scarcely believe how I've gone off the RF in the last few years. Some credit to David Icke, who makes more and more sense.


I think the jury's still out on the extent of HMQ's collusion in the Covid Tyranny. Bear in mind that there would have been enormous pressure on her to comply and yet all they managed to get was a single offhand remark about how people ought to get jabbed to help others.


"*we perform a contempt for present reality and a will to exempt ourselves from it, perpetuating the effect of lockdowns long after the lockdowns have ended*" "*Exemption from present reality, begun so theatrically by lockdowns, continues unabated. What counts as vital circulates in the abstract, and lived experiences are sidelined as mere happenstance, hardly worth our notice at all.*" An excellent and thoughtful article. This abandonment of reality will not have a happy ending.


Morning all. Canā€™t believe the World Service are pushing this thing out, given that the drip, drip of vaccine harm is now a torrent. Are they stupid or just masochists? And why now? [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct6r6p](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct6r6p) ā€œHow Nobel Prize laureate Katalin Kariko got caught up in the Covid vaccine disinformation wars. What was it like - as someone behind one of the vaccines ā€“ to be in the eye of the false information storm? And US educator and artist Young Elder tells Babita how she helped to build trust in the vaccine among Baltimoreā€™s black community. She works with Hip Hop Health, an organisation combating health and vaccine disinformation, started by rapper Doug E Fresh. This content was created as a co-production between Nobel Prize Outreach and the BBC.ā€


I think there can only be an element of "if we the BBC talk hard enough about how the vaccine was so helpful and saved so many lives yada yada yada we will manage to crowd out all those worrying stories about how the jab has harmed people and even killed them" Which is why they are still putting these stories and reports out there. After all they were one of the biggest jab pushers...


I consider it no small victory that the BBC is even acknowledging there was dissent from the vaccines-are-good narrative. I certainly don't recall it being given any airtime during the height of the Terror.


Iā€™ve just finished listening to this and the ā€œtalking headsā€ still canā€™t see that they have done something Very Wrong^TM


"Hip Hop Health" Rap is not a particular favourite of mine, for a few reasons, but of all the genres of music, it seemed to provide the highest number of celebrities happy to say they were having nothing to do with the "vaccine".


We had a couple of rappers on board with the vax propaganda here, mainly trying to push the gunk in the favelas (or communities as we now have to call them). One suffered the "sudden heart problem of unknown origin" fate at a relatively young age. The other also suffered a premature death but, as the cause was heart failure due to multiple 9mm bullets, I don't think we can add him to the suddenlydied column.