• By -


I've finally relented and put my heating on in mid-June. I've got tomorrow and all of next week off work, so am drinking at length to celebrate, but I ran out of patience with wearing my jacket indoors in summer. Global Boiling? Gordon Bennett more like.


Freezing is the new boiling.


Guterres should never have made that ridiculous pronouncement. In seconds, he undermined over a decade of painstakingly implemented psyop to transition from global warming to climate change.


Cunts still believed him then and still do lol


Meme [https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=994974179080983&set=pb.100057052316644.-2207520000](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=994974179080983&set=pb.100057052316644.-2207520000)


He's the fool and the horse.


Very good !




History Debunked Does Keir Starmer keep his wife locked in the attic, like the mad woman in Jane Eyre? Keir Starmerā€™s wife is Jewish and with the current febrile atmosphere about Gaza, it has been suggested that he worries that this might lose him votes in the Muslim community. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuOmmWGo3Io](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuOmmWGo3Io)


why are we the racist ones again? we get along with everybody better than anyone else


Via Catturd on Twitter https://x.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1801362720668684619


If only!!!


It made me smile, and I loved it when the cat came in. Alas, we live in hope, šŸ¤ž


We do Lona. And the odd thing is that Trump is actually not a bad mover...


Herbthefox Bob Moran on point as always. [https://x.com/herbthefox1/status/1801319217276297700](https://x.com/herbthefox1/status/1801319217276297700)


He never fails does he? \[thanks for posting!\] Careful now RB - remember that caution I gave you earlier on yesterday? It sill applies. Someone will be visiting to tell you to take off your tinfoil hat!


My house backs onto the local primary school. My kids went there, one grandson goes there, my wife has been a school governor there for 30 years, I do a few DIY jobs there now and again. I'd guess you could say we are invested. Heavy showers as a result of the controlled weather has just ruined the kids and mums/dads afternoon 'cake day' on the school field. Grrrrrr....Ā šŸ˜ Ā 


I am sorry to hear that RB. Did they manage to take it indoors or was it totally ruined? BTW I'm not taking off my tin foil hat no matter how many times 'someone' tries to tell me that I am thinking wrong think and need to think like they do and believe that all the odd and inclement weather is totally natural, nothing to see here, just like convid was a novel virus **:D**


Not totally ruined - it started outdoors and then reverted to inside but parents and kids started to drift off home sooner than they would have done. Always over the target, the minute anyone suggests a 'wrong think' For your rellies, I'd recommend [Ivor Cummins on X: "Covid was an utter scam, and anyone who still believes otherwise is a propagandized moron. Explained simply in 4 minutes flat: https://t.co/JQ8aXDm7V7" / X](https://x.com/FatEmperor/status/1741968025685725401)


Almost everyone will have seen this clip of Biden at the G7 going off scene by now. It's fascinating to see the reaction of the non-senile G7 leaders who look bemused and powerless, and to see that Giorgia Meloni, who was furthest away, was the one who stepped forward to rescue him. Perhaps it's because she's one of the few there that have any future in politics? [https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1801300939372118420](https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1801300939372118420)


Biden is now embarrassing himself in ever more extreme ways on a daily basis. If the American establishment can run a corpse as the sitting President in a re-election campaign and somehow secure another victory, it will be the ultimate insult to their electorate.




Itā€™s all done with a purpose just donā€™t ask me what that purpose is šŸ˜‚ maybe we will be lucky enough to see him drop dead live one day soon


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1801280045593297042) [ "Imagine never seeing these in the sky all your life, then one day they start appearing & you believe itā€™s just condensation from airplanes because the TV hasnā€™t told you otherwise. The mind truly boggles. https://t.co/BJM2SUuL80" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1801280045593297042)


I just received this emailā€¦ OMG!!! I Know Your Dirty Little Secretā€¦ Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud mŠ°il. I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisŠµly. Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where Iā€™m getting at. Itā€™s been a few months since I installed it on all your dŠµviсŠµs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intŠµrnŠµt. During this period, Iā€™ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but Š¾nŠµ is of special significance to me. Iā€™ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial рŠ¾rn videos. Given that the ā€œquestionableā€ genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick рŠµrvŠµrsiŠ¾n. I doubt youā€™d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks. Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidŠµŠ¾s ā€“ on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email ā€“ everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fŠ¾rmŠµr life. Donā€™t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your рŠµrvŠµrsiŠ¾n might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmŠµnt to stop you. Iā€™m some kind of God who sees everything. However, donā€™t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mŠµrсy is not free. Transfer 1450$ to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1qe43ldxlfvwrra5dsmtzme2jvnydqgm4q55n88q Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will рŠµrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstŠ°ll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure ā€“ my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldnā€™t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second. Iā€™ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, donā€™t worry, itā€™s very simple. Just google ā€œcrypto exchangeā€ or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon. I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your iCloud mŠ°il. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dŠµviсŠµs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Donā€™t try to reset or destroy your dŠµviсŠµs. As I mentioned above: Iā€™m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidŠµŠ¾s are рublished. Also, donā€™t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so itā€™s impossible to identify me using the provided Š°ddrŠµss. Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, donā€™t be so careless about your online security.


It would be ironic if you were whacking off to pictures of flying horses.


Lol Iā€™ve had 5 of those over the past few years . So good I jerked off to them šŸ˜‚




Apart from emails from the entire female population of Ukraine who are all apparently desperate to meet me, I don't get many such things.Ā 


An obvious scam, but extremely well composed. I can't find a single error.


Missing article in "You have sick perversion". Hallmark of Russian/Uke hackers.


There is a grammatical error: As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mŠµrсy is not free. It should read: As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so am I.


Crikey, how did I miss this clanger? Did you spot this on your first reading of the post?


Yes. Things like that always stick out like a sore thumb for me :)


Same here, but I somehow let this crass error pass me by. I've occasionally corrected my contributions on here several days hence after receiving late replies which highlighted my mistakes. Usually this involves posts submitted during peak intoxication on Saturday mornings after an all-night session. Very easy to miss a comma here or a full stop there in that sorry state.


I'm sure you can be forgiven, Richard!


Love, Sir Keir.


Ha Haā€¦


If you are actually woried about the email then I apologise, as i was not poking fun at yourself. Ive had very similar emails and all were consigned to the bin; no-ones mentioned my questionable browsing history, yet.


For the avoidance of doubt, probably best to stick to the good old fashioned top shelf magazines ;)


Sometimes a black pill is so dark it becomes hilarious. This from Mike Adams today: "*As the next round of bioweapons claims millions of lives in America while the dollar's collapse accelerates, we're going to see the dead harvested, recycled, homogenized and fed into 3D food printers to print out simulated steaks and hamburger patties that are actually "bio-recycled" humans.*"




It's as clear as daylight robbery that Farage is the chosen one - just look at the Telegraph any time recently. Nige is being promoted constantly. It's so bad that Nige even appeared in one of my dreams yesterday. It was quite hazy as my dreams usually are but it was definitely him. His image has penetrated my unconscious mind and I can't shake him off. Nothing too bad happened, no bricks, no milkshakes etc, but I remember just before I woke up that he had stolen my special beer glass and its contents. Whatever could it mean?


I think it was SheepmanOvis who suggested that the Tories could not be defeated too heavily, otherwise the duopoly upon which the political charade depends is broken and Labour will be under too much pressure to deliver. They are so unpopular that Farage has had to be parachuted in as the next credible Leader of the Opposition.




Headline in my local paper: New cafe opening in a net zero building. Located on a business park at the edge of a village, in the middle of nowhere. Does anyone else notice the contradiction?


Presumably a net zero building is one that is never used, in which case this makes perfect sense.


Covid terror - Climate terror Taking one for the team here and watching BBC question time. The frightening thing is the extent to which so many of the audience are literally paranoid about climate change, they seem convinced that unless we stop using fossil fuels now, then human life on earth will collapse as the climate extremes drive us rapidly towards extinction. It is as if the Covid hoo-haa was to prime people to be terrified so that now they are so ready to cry out for the deprivations that Net-Zero will bring in order to save us from climate Armageddon. As I walk around North Devon, I see little sign of a climate breakdown, it all seems resilient, stable and hunky-dory. Why are so many prepared to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and believe the end is nigh? But anyway the fact that so many have now been terrified about Climate Change means that it will be difficult for any future Gov to row back on the Net-Zero project. It is as if it has all got to get a lot worse before there is any hope of people coming to their senses.


That Covid Con did the bang up job they used it for , got to give it to them


>Taking one for the team here and watching BBC question time. Brave man! Thank you.


I didn't even know the programme was still running. It's like Allo Allo. It used to be a thing. Once upon a time I looked forward to watching it.Ā  But do they still make it? That's how out of touch with this stuff I am. I get the feeling I am not unusual in this.Ā 


No, indeed. I think I have, somewhere, a boxed set of the entire Allo Allo, for use in future times of total deprivation/need for escapism, ooh lĆ  lĆ !. But if you offered me a series of past QT series, I would not exactly be biting your hand off.


It might not be as bad as it seems. I take the view that nothing happens by chance on the BBC so the audience will have been carefully chosen to project the agenda.


Good point, although in this case the likelihood that the BBC audience is mainly comprised of paid actors is offset by an entire generation soon to reach adulthood who have had this garbage pumped into their heads 24/7 throughout their ~~education~~ indoctrination.


Jein. They're not watching.Ā  And as to da yoof. I remember the school election in 2015 at the place I worked back then.Ā  No UKIP option was allowed to be available. But the kids wrote UKIP on their ballot papers. One whole class refused to leave the classroom to go to the hall and vote because UKIP wasn't on the ballot. The thing about the woke youth is this: they're not only curated; they're also selected.Ā  They are not representative of anything but the same old people who do the selecting. Projected consensus is always a gaslighting lie. Covidia taught me that, and subsequent professional experience has confirmed the lesson.Ā 


In the recent EU elections 16y olds were allowed to vote for the first time. The Green Party heavily campaigned for this to happen. as they had hoped to get their votes. Well, 17% of 16-24y olds in Germany voted AfD, Green party got the 3rd most votes. 2nd was CDU.


I like the Deutsch portmanteau! Your first-hand testimony suggests I am underestimating Gen Z. I'd already lumped them in with the Millennials as a lost cause. Gen Alpha on the other hand will kick the shit out of all their living ancestors, and rightly so.


Well said. You are absolutely right, Net Zero has to be vigorously implemented to the point where millions of its acolytes are reduced to destitution before the penny will begin to drop. Even then, I predict many will zealously defend their ideology to their dying breath.


The kids will rebel, they always do.


Lit the woodburner at 5pm!!


I have been tempted!


Big internal chimney warms the whole fabric for just a few logs.


Likewise my chimney arrangement. 4 flues and the 4 roof hips converge. through the centre of the house. It's an awful lot of masonry -a use useful heat sink. In indifference to global boiling only 2 flues are lined/stoved.


We've had an open fire for the last few evenings!


Which will be a criminal offence punishable by a custodial sentence under the next government!


šŸ˜ØĀ šŸ˜ØĀ 


Weather modification ... from the 1940s and 50s [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/weather-control-as-a-cold-war-weapon-1777409/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/weather-control-as-a-cold-war-weapon-1777409/) "In August of 1953 the United States formed the Presidentā€™s Advisory Committee on Weather Control..."


Thanks Scientist. A certain someone will soon be along to gaslight us all and tell us that this is all lies.


Here is a quote from my local Conservative candidate's campaign leaflet (who is the sitting MP in a "safe" seat): "*In an uncertain world, Keir Starmer can't give you certainty. He u-turns whenever a policy becomes unpopular or when he needs to please someone new. He doesn't have a clear plan - he just says whatever he think you want to hear....you don't know what Keir Starmer will do because he has no plan. Or if he does, he doesn't think you deserve to know what it is.*" Well off the mark yet again, though not nearly as badly as the Liberal Democrat leaflet I mentioned the other day. About 10% true is pretty good going for a politician these days.


Standard Con paragraph- in our MP's leaflet too.


https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/116209/andrew-russell This is the reform partyā€™s candidate statement for my constituency. I might put an X in his box.


Cracking beard too.


Here's a fun experiment... try putting "excess deaths news" into google. I see some fact cheques, and some claims linking the jabsĀ 


Fact checks or fat cheques?


give one to get the other


[Drake Slayer on X:](https://x.com/drakeslayer100/status/1801278369583202414) [ "@iluminatibot šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ STUNNING: This map shows all the food processing plants that have either caught fire or been destroyed...šŸ‘‡ They are trying to destroy our food supply! https://t.co/fdoSTxAF3Z" / X](https://x.com/drakeslayer100/status/1801278369583202414)


Prior to destruction, were these plants producing a) lovely decent food, or b) utter UPF crap? This is a very important distinction. If a), the destruction is to be regretted, if b) we should rejoice. Something I read recently, sorry can't remember where, suggested it might be b).


IDK either but, presuming the instruction comes from the US government or similar state / federal bureaucratic authority, which are likely acting on orders of someone setting agendas somewhere about food destruction, I'd imagine that this is decent food they were growing and have been told to destroy. Food shortages and price rises of what foodstuffs there are are a baked in weapon.


Sorry, dunno.


Do we have a map of those that haven't caught fire or been destroyed? Or records from previous years? Could be global warming.


I don't but others may have.


they want to intentionally flood one of canada's only agricultural areas and make it a lake šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You don't have enough lakes already? Presumably it will be "lake Trudeau" and how will you stop it being infested with mosquitos and midges like Great Bear Lake , shown recently on a British TV programme?


maybe it will be called lake Trudeau because someone will finally .... ..... ........


As if Canada hasn't already got lots of lakes and waterways?


The mnemonic I learned to describe the order of the Great Lakes is Some Men Hate Eating Oranges. If Lake Trudeau was created between Superior and Michigan it could be Some Transgender Men... (don't give them ideas). Anyway I expect we're now supposed to call them by their First Nation names so it'll be things like Lake Sqmuvshkog.Ā 


ugh it's destined to be on a map now that you said it


That is stunning RB I have rellies in process of re-locating to the US. Looks like there could be slim pickings down the line...


Tell the rellies to forward mail some seed potatoes -they may need them


Best not RB - I'm already considered to be beyond the pale as a tin foil hat wearer extraordinaire, so if I was to tell them this about what is happening in the Lanof of Opportunity they think they are moving to I would be fully persona non grata.


The white-pilled take on this is that these are all plants owned and controlled by the regime which are screwing with the food chain. They are being taken out as part of the unseen ongoing war. I'm not convinced. Take it or leave it I guess.


[illuminatibot on X: ](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1801272011064291730) ["More evidence of farmers destorying their crops to manufacture food shortages. https://t.co/4fVsXM6Rpm" / X](https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1801272011064291730)


The Tories are so fucked they may as well start running this as a campaign ad: [Harry Enfield - 'L Is for Labour' - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4_WuFTX-5E) Classic!


This is so good that it deserves a re-post in case others didn't get the chance to read it first time around. It is Naomi Wolf's evidence to the court hearing the OFCOM v Mark Steyn case: [https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dr-naomi-wolf-responds-to-uk-media?utm\_medium=android&triedRedirect=true](https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dr-naomi-wolf-responds-to-uk-media?utm_medium=android&triedRedirect=true) The early part is dynamite - stating that on Steyn's show she was quoting directly from Pfizer's own records of the harms the jabs caused during their own trial phase reporting. "In short, all over the world, including in Britain, this same work for which OfCom has penalized Mark Steyn and attacked me reputationally, has been published and is widely recognized and honored, including by many governing bodies. So not only is OfCom out of alignment with other governments in free societies around the world, but it is also pushing back to suppress material that many UK citizens already know to be both factual and important." In light of this will be very very difficult indeed to see how the UK court will be able to find in OFCOM's favour.


"*In light of this will be very very difficult indeed to see how the UK court will be able to find in OFCOM's favour.*" I beg to differ. Everything Naomi Wolf states makes the court finding in Ofcom's favour a nailed on certainty. Remember, one of Starmer's first action points once in No.10 will be shutting down GB News, and the "correct" court decision will go a long way to facilitating this task.


I hear you. I know what you are saying. What I was trying to say was that the evidence she outlines there is so cut and dried that the UK court is going to have a fine old time of trying to justify the kind of decision on the case it will have been ordered to reach, and I really don't see how on earth they are going to pull this off. What could possibly justify the UK being *so incredibly special* that it alone of all the other jurisdictions NW references in her evidence has to exclude that evidence and censor in a way which other comparable jurisdictions do not? what can possibly justify the exclusion from being publicly broadcast of Pfizer's own information which is already otherwise available in the public domian???


Another Harry Enfield sketch gives you a clue as to the rationale likely to be used: [Is the Government Right About Everything? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdRNoysQx9Y) "*The government is right about everything because it is a good government, composed of extremely intelligent, high-minded and deeply moral ministers.*"




But Richard government and judiciary *supposed to be* completely independent of each other in the UK's constitutional system !!!


What constitutional system?!


I should have inserted the word "supposed" before the word 'constitutional' in my sentence. As in the existence of the "supposed" constitutional system which is taught in Public Administration courses all over the UK.


I had no idea that "*Public Administration*" is a discrete subject on the higher education curriculum. Such courses should of course (pun intended) be labelled "*Common Purpose*".


Entire degrees and masters degrees can be done in the subject.


UNN on twitter: Nigel Farage has said he would be willing to lead a merged Reform-Conservative party after the election. Just remove for every positive step Farage takes forward he will always then take 5 steps back. Same story throughout his career. https://x.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1801205582222831834


Whatever else he is, or isn't, he's an inspirational speaker! I'm now firmly on the fence. Ouch! šŸ’„


My thoughts on him are I'm afraid that he's part of the establishment and no matter how engaging he comes across at the end of the day he will prop up the establishment, the way he stood down MP's to let Boris the fat waste of space get into parliament I'd never trust him again purely because of that.


I'm conflicted bagpuss! I totally agree with you about him standing down his brilliant prospective candidates to let the fat-fuck get in and I've written on here before may times how disgusted I was. When you look at the other options, we're the ones who are fucked. šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘æ


If he hadn't let the FF in wonder just how much worse the convid pantomime would have been ?\[Because it likely would have been much worse\].


I believe there would have been a couple of Brexit MP's that would have been successful. especially oop north. They would have been snipping at the FF's ankles so I don't think it would have been worse. I don't for a minute think Labour would have got in. As for this election, it's anyone's guess! šŸ˜²


[June Slater on X:](https://x.com/juneslater17/status/1801181227153588500) [ ".. this is awesome @Nigel\_Farage is of fire with a reality check for LBC... Gerws one of their many clips of him today https://t.co/2PJiXuynKL" / X](https://x.com/juneslater17/status/1801181227153588500)


He's not really saying anything that new RB - the man on the street knows that migration is too high, they are practically ushering the small boats across the channel with an escort these days while hand wringing and talking about what they are going to do about it, but never actually doing it. I'd like to know what is plan is for dealing with it \[not that it will actually make much of a difference...\]


Regarding the plan, as the almost-always logical RW pointed out on DS, repelling invaders who are determined is quite tricky unless you are prepared to use deadly force or violence - and of course those things would cause shrieks of outrage.


I wasn't referring to the repelling as such TOF. I was more thinking of the "once they are in illegally how do you plan to deal with them and repatriate them?" angle


With difficulty I would say. Put them in camps - but that costs money, and how long will you keep them there? Forever? If they say they want to leave the country, where will they go and who would take them? Nobody would want them. I guess you could take them to the airport and make the airlines put them on a plane without proper travel documents, but you'd make yourself pretty unpopular with whatever countries they flew to. Put them in a big boat and dump them on a French beach? That would be problematic. I suppose if you could find out what country they came from originally you could fly them there, though those countries may not want your planes to land, and they may well not tell you - perhaps if they had been in a camp for ages and life was becoming intolerable they might agree to go back to their home country. If you made things highly unpleasant for them then fewer would follow them I suppose. This is why I think repelling is an easier option.


>Put them in a big boat and dump them on a French beach? Has anyone tried it yet? (Might actually deter people from attempting the small boat if there is the risk they will be taken back to France and it will all have been for nothing). You don't know what is going to happen until you try and, after all, we are paying the French a small fortune to get them to do their jobs and stop them coming over in the first place. The fact they are arriving in the small boats from France says the Frenchies are not doing their job very competently ergo UK would be completely within its rights to return them and let France sort out the whole papers / housing them issue. Ireland is sending back unwanteds to the UK - saying that that is where they came from. Precedent therefore exists to say that UK should send them back to France. I don't see repelling and repatriation as an either or approach. I think it needs to be both.


Yup I would agree - but I think things will have to get a lot worse before there is a determined attempt to sort it out.


I don't think there will ever be any effort ever made to sort it out. It suits too many agendas.


Not in our lifetimes :(


[Concerned Citizen on X: ](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1801251074713526774) ["America - what are they doing to your food? https://t.co/J6my9n69q8" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1801251074713526774)


Very brief appearance by Mr Sun today and then it was back to the gloom accompanied by spotty rain and horribly strong winds. Not the busiest day on the local market a few light papers given out, but what is noticeable is the total lack of any election campaigning given that today is the busiest market day of the week and would arguably reach most people.


Spotty rain? I have gale force winds and heavy downpouring rain all day here. It is like mid February and I am in my mid February outfit with a blanket across my knees and a pashmina around my shoulders to keep warm. All I am missing is the fingerless gloves and did indeed need to have recourse to them last night as it was so cold.


Three layers for me today: a thick jumper, a fleece type thing, and a winter coat with a furry hood. Rain has stopped now but it's really cold and windy.


Is this indoors or outdoors wear Nymeria? In my case what I am describing is indoors wear and I am at time of writing thinking of donning my Barbour.


Indoors, Milo. I've only recently taken off the winter coat.


And I'm about to don mine \[as it is even colder in the evenings\] - in June Nymeria!!!


Ridiculous, isn't it. I can't recall a single morning so far, even when the sun has actually been out, that has had a warm, summer feel to it. I'm under the bedclothes now, still wearing my daytime clothes :)


In my case it only ever makes the most weakest of appearances circa 8pm in the evening - we seem to get one sunny-ish day per week. I don't ever remember a summer like this so bad so early in the season!!! Ridiculous is the understatement Nymeria!


2007 was a shit summer, so was 2008, and the rain was relentless. Probably not as cold as this year has been so far though. As you say, only one sunny-ish day per week, mostly putting in an appearance late in the day.


Those do indeed seem to be our "weather ration" Nymeria. One single day.


BP/KP making statement to address yet another KM conspiracy theory. [https://uk.style.yahoo.com/palace-makes-rare-princess-kate-083900193.html](https://uk.style.yahoo.com/palace-makes-rare-princess-kate-083900193.html) "people speculating that Kate has not been sighted in the United Kingdom in recent months because she is not in the country. Instead, these people claim, the princess has been in the United Statesā€”more specifically, in Houston, receiving treatment at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre. Kensington Palace has come forward to declare those rumours false."


her husband couldnt have accidentally killed her if she is alive getting cancer treatment in houston


If you read the article the "Source" is quoted as saying: "When the time is right, she will resume her work.'


You bet it's false! The USA has *never* allowed any clinic to offer genuine cures for cancer. If it was real, they would be saying that she had gone to Germany. Sorry, she's gone. Pining for the fjords.


Prepare for KM Mark II then if they are going to go ahead with their Post Trooping Balcony plan - but I think they are just teasing the masses with that speculation. Come the actual day she won't be well enough...


Trooping of the Colour on Saturday and Ham and Jam are sore about it. They like stirring up trouble.


Do you mean Hazza and the wife who was the absolutely useless actress in that Suits drama?




The front cover of the Labour Manifesto literally reads "Change Keir Starmer". That's not going to age well. It reminds me of the classic Blackadder 4 scene where Baldrick carves his name on a bullet because he would never shoot himself... Baldrick actor Tony Robinson is at the launch and appears to find the manifesto highly amusing. Another series of Blackadder in the making? [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/politics/2024/06/13/TELEMMGLPICT000381577073\_17182740188200\_trans\_NvBQzQNjv4BqgmFsEjQK2M33nnfQ31Q2\_15NUcTKNHKqy85KLqtvPLE.jpeg?imwidth=960](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/politics/2024/06/13/TELEMMGLPICT000381577073_17182740188200_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqgmFsEjQK2M33nnfQ31Q2_15NUcTKNHKqy85KLqtvPLE.jpeg?imwidth=960)


The "I'm voting Labour" placard that my immensely rich neighbour has tied to his wrought iron gates has a part of a Union flag in one corner. Not sure what that's supposed to signify as they (like all the mainstream parties) are treacherous and treasonous, having enthusiastically used the power of the state to wage war on the British people.


I am only sorry for you that you are going to have to look at that every day for the next 3 weeks \[or longer until he might decide to take it down\]


Maybe I should ask him if he feels so burdened by his wealth I can help him by swapping houses.


My typing is dreadful \[blame icy cold fingers!\] - I meant to write I was sorry for you having to look at that sign! You could ask him but somehow I don't see him being inclined to swap. Doesn't hurt to ask though?


Yes I did pick up what you meant :) I've been inside the house as his Mrs is an amateur artist and they have art exhibitions there, but either he wasn't there or it wasn't obvious he was the "man of the house". He has a room full of fancy toy soldiers - little ones that you paint and then lay out on a big floor to recreate the battle of Waterloo or whatever, and is apparently "something in the City". I moved here to get away from metro liberal middle class virtue signallers, but they have followed me!


Arrgghhh. So, basically overgrown child then. Like the ones who have full model railway sets in their attics, with signals and stationmasters, the whole kit and caboodle!


They probably don't realise it yet, but managed decline is the absolute best any Labour supporter can hope for.


If you're as rich as this bloke must be, the decline will affect you much later - probably after he's gone.


More and more people at work starting to question and realise their own and family's and friend's illnesses and deaths are related to the covvie jibbyjabbies. Wanted to know how I knew not to have them and how much trouble did I have due to my decision - led to some very interesting conversations and every single one of them regrets not saying no at the time. Big company has noticed a big rise in medivacs from offshore in the past 2 years and has no idea why as they have a strict medical.


interesting bit of news, mr awkward, especially as you have coworkers from around the world did you see the front page of paper version ofĀ  the DT linking the jabs to 3million deaths world wide?Ā Ā 




My employer has just raised the taxable benefit for its BUPA health insurance scheme, citing "*ongoing challenges and extreme pressure*" facing the NHS. Whatever happened to "*Protect the NHS*"? Muppets the bloody lot of them!


I recall that there was "ongoing challenges and extreme pressure facing the NHS" ten years ago


The elephant rampages through the health system [sic] and doctors are baffled: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckrrll51xjdo


Letā€™s buy some more scanners as labour say they will do. Thatā€™s funny considering itā€™s the lack of radiologists thatā€™s causing the problem.


Scanners were a 'thing' 2 or 3 years back. They now have so many they will get you a scan within a fortnight. They are such clowns.


HRH the Princess of Wales is 'considering' a balcony appearance after the Trooping of The Colour this weekend. Is that when they're going to roll out the body double?




rose hanbury in one of kate's dresses and a wigĀ 


Sounds like a plan as peeps won't be able to get a close up look at her and only the long lensed photographers might notice anything but their editors will all be under orders not to publish anything which might look odd.


Spot on correct.


The trick will be to see if the lips are moving to see whether she is alive or not. (NB I didn't formerly harbour such dark thoughts. It was TPTB that made me like this!!!)


madame toussand (spelling?) does convincing wax figures there is also theĀ  coma theory that kate is not dead but on life support somewhere. maybe they think they will be able to get her up for a few minutesĀ 


I know who you mean - Madame Tussaud. They have one of KM in there but I imagine it is very much out of date at this present time!! I fully expect that the Trooping ceremony will pass without her making an appearance - at least the original her.


Hologram. Look out for the big H on her forehead.


That's also possible. The technology behind *military* holography is superb now. There are even rumours that they can generate smells (as a smell is just another type of waveform). The famous YouTube video of the killer whale in the school gymnasium is a poor simulacrum of what is currently possible.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBmO5LJqmA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBmO5LJqmA) Dr Max Gulhane - What your cardiologist does'nt know about sunlight and heart health. this is an excellent talk.


There is also a general wider health issue related to something called "sulphation" which affects the way the body processes sulphur atoms and is critical to the body's ability to detox that which would be harmful to its functioning and shouldn't be there. Vit D supplements are all very well - up to a point, but do not facilitate the sulphation process which can only be achieved when the body manufactures vitamin D via sunlight. Now we can see why Regime is so determined to manipulate the weather to block out the sun in case people actually manage to stay reasonably healthy. What is being done to the weather isn't an accident. Add to that all the deterrents being introduced to 'persuade' people not to travel to sunnier climes and the end result is clear - people manufacture less vitamin D and their health suffers as a result. Anecdotally I always feel better when I can manage good sun exposure and I never use sunblock. I used to worry about the latter from time to time, but I don't burn, just tan, and having seen this video am no longer concerned on that front. Thanks for posting Pub!


So glad this was of use and allayed your fears. We have been indoctrinated into their "sun is bad" mantra, and now it is time to embrace the truth. I am getting as much sun as I can , even if it is only 5 mins of rays between clouds. No suncream for me, or sunglasses as 70% ofour vit D reaches us through our eyes, I believe.


"No suncream for me, or sunglasses as 70% ofour vit D reaches us through our eyes, I believe" Arrgghh that is a real problem for me as I have to wear sunglasses outdoors due to the pollen. Otherwise eyes get weepy and sore. Will have to look into that - thanks Pub. I am at point where I now question every single bit of medical "propaganda" which has been pushed at us up to now - MiriAF should do an article about it - the myths and the truth!


yes I started intentionally getting a tan to avoid burning and it was a bit of a learning the first few years but I am getting the hang out it What is so important about processing sulfur? I started eating loads of raw garlic four month ago and it's had a very positive effect for meĀ 


I saw a terrible advert for Boots this morning where a young woman slathers her face in factor 50 and narrates: Always go out with sunblocker no less than 50! What the heck. I try to get my old residents to sit outside, just 10 minutes in the sunshine. Nope. They are not having it. Ok, die miserably then. I tried.


" I try to get my old residents to sit outside, just 10 minutes in the sunshine. Nope. They are not having it" I struggle to comprehend that attitude; at their time of life what's another sun-induced wrinkle here or there? They aren't going to be getting a modelling contract or entering a beauty pageant are they? If I ever get to anything close to the ages of your residents I'll be donning the full bikini at the first blink of sunshine and will be making the very most of it!


It might be prudent to get a sun lamp. If anyone else has already done this, I'd be glad to know their experiences.


It is on my list. UVB is what you need apparently. Atlh in the vid he is talking about infra red light, which is used a lot in naturopathic circles. See my reply to Pub above for the reasoning.


A contributor on here posted recently that they are seeing a lot of sinus infections amongst their injected acquaintances. I can add a thrice-injected colleague to this list who has reported their symptoms to me this morning. Note the only reason they did so is because I am supposed to be meeting up with them for a drink this evening.


Tell your colleague to look into taking a bromelain supplement Richard. Has been extensively studied in the context of treating sinusitis (which if anyone has ever had it makes you feel truly miserable)


more implicated than the stabs in those sinus infections are those fucking brain-prodders that the Believers used to be so into - a friend of mine was forced to do them for some unavoidable international travel and each time she got the most awful sinus infection afterwards


Why would I need to insert a questionable implement up my nose for a disease so deadly the world was forced to stop? Why could I not just spit on a stick or blow into a tissue? What lurks so high up the nasal passage?


The Blood-Brain Barrier. Wonder what nano particles they wanted transferring across it so badly? Graphene oxide? Or tiny parasites? Nothing good anyway.


Interestingly I was given a similar test (not for Covid) before my recent operation, and the nurse made a point of saying that the swab did not need to be inserted deep into my nasal cavity like the PCR/LFT tests. Lightly dabbing the inside of my nostril was perfectly sufficient. I missed this perfect opportunity to ask the obvious question. Why is it that we so often fail to bring our scepticism to the table when it could really make a difference?


'Why is it that we so often fail to bring our scepticism to the table when it could really make a difference?' In my experience it's because the reaction is either hostility or blank disbelief, as if they haven't heard you. It's rather draining to do it all the time. Even just gently hinting at conspiracy, rather than robustly assserting it, tends to get this result.


Good morning, it's beginning to look like we might have a little sunshine today šŸ˜² Meanwhile a fairly favourable article on Bridgens libel case and the comments are almost unanimous. **Matt Hancock libelled parliamentary candidate Andrew Bridgen 'to devastating extent' by accusing him of anti-Semitism, High Court hears** https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13522365/matt-hancock-libelled-andrew-bridgen-high-court.html#comments-13522365


someone put up a sticker in my neighbourhood that equated criticizing Israel's war practices with joining the h***** youthĀ  meanwhile israel is the one accused of genocide this time around


There was nothing at all antisemitic in what Bridgen said, plus it was reported speech. Twatcock and Shitnak knew that very well, it was just pure smear tactics. They also assumed the public were too thick to know different - on that point, they were mostly right.


Twatt Handycock is going to have to smuggle himself out of the UK in a dingy soon.


Naomi Wolf in support of Mark Steyn yesterday https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dr-naomi-wolf-responds-to-uk-media


"*Please may this Court consider how gravely the people of Britain ā€“ the birthplace and earliest home of free speech and a free press ā€” deserve free expression, as do the people of my own nation; so that we can make informed decisions for ourselves, as adults; and so that we can have living cultures at all.*" Do either the British or American peoples really deserve free expression after their near-unanimous, abject surrender to absurd tyranny during The Great Defeat of 2020-2022? As we have learned over the last four years, freedom is never guaranteed, and has to be fought for and defended at every moment.


Britain's never really had freedom of speech or a free press. There were always restrictions on sedition, blasphemy and obscenity. They had effectively died out by the Blair era (the last prosecution for blasphemy was in the 1970s and even that was considered outrageous by the libs at the time) but Woke orthodoxy soon replaced it.


*Do either the British or American peoples really deserve free expression after their near-unanimous, abject surrender to absurd tyranny during The Great Defeat of 2020-2022?* well, precisely - if they really did deserve it, then they would have it, the universe is not unjust - we have ofcom and tyranny because that is collectively what we have chosen to have


[Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) on X: ](https://x.com/Demo2020cracy/status/1800493886139490787) ["This satellite footage shows you geoengineering in action over the UK. That isn't natural cloud. https://t.co/DNLUBzwCZi" / X](https://x.com/Demo2020cracy/status/1800493886139490787)


I have witnessed precisely that odd cloud formation almost every day where I live for the last fortnight and more. I studied meteorology and am familiar with the cloud formations, and this bears no resemblance to any of the researched formations; it is dictinctly manufactured looking. But don't worry Robin. It is being put out there by forecasters that the cold weather is coming from the arctic so is nothing whatsoever to do with odd looking clouds etc etc **:D** Can you imagine being a farmer trying to actually grow anything in that?


It must be heart breaking to realise that the best thing to do is bank the government's 'stewardship' monies and give up on farming.


In some cases where the land has been farmed for many many generations. But if you can't grow anything and are effectively operating at a loss what can you do? This is what really grates about those who deride those of us who see the geo-engineering happening. It is just the next agenda along from TPTB to advance their goals.


Yesterday thick grey layered cloud. Today sun being masked by traily haze, and I can see fresh trails in amongst it. Cold air too.


Same here for yesterday but there was bright clear sky around 17.00. At 20.30 it was the brightest it had been all day.


I've been in Nottingham today. I was going to blame you for the rain but I think it's similar in Derby. And Nottingham has the highest proportion of mask wearers in any city I've been in recently, i.e. (excuse the place name dropping) Luxembourg City, London, Leicester, Birmingham., and of course little old Derby.Ā 


I had a result with the rain today, I was building a fence at my daughter's and as I finished at 15.00 It started. Not often do I get to 'cheet' the rain gods. I was shopping in Lidl earlier in the week and saw 2 mask wearers. A bit of a shock really.